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BAB I PENDAHULUAN Critical jurnal review ini berisi tentang kesimpulan dari perbandingan yang akan saya lakukan pada tiga jurnal yang sudah ditentuksn dengan judul biotechnology and molecuar biology research, dan pada critical jurnal review ini saya juga akan menyertakan ringkasan masing masing jurnal, dimana masing masing jurnal memiliki judul yang berbeda. Dalam critical jurnal review ini saya memaparkan masalah tersebut lewat pembahasan berikut: a. Rumusan masalah Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penulisan critical jurnal review ini adalah: 1. bagaimana review atau ringkasan jurnal tersebut? 2. bagaimana kekurangan dan kelebihan jurnal tersebut? b. Tujuan dan manfaat penulisan Tujuan dan manfaat yang dicapai penyusun dalam penyusunan critical jurnal review ini adalah untuk mengajak pembaca untuk memahami lebih mendalam mengenai ketiga jurnal tersebut.


BAB II PEMBAHASAN A. IDENTITAS JURNAL Identitas jurnal yang akan di review adalah sebagai berikut: Jurnal 1 Judul jurnal


Volume penerbitan

: 6 Number 1

Tahun terbit

: januari 2015




: Prof. Hatagana harrison


:academic journal


: Bobi mulyadi hasibuan

Jurnal 2 Judul jurnal

: stem cell research and transplantation

Volume penerbitan


Tahun terbit

: 2013




: will w. minuth




: Bobi mulyadi hasibuan


Judul jurnal


Volume penerbitan


Tahun terbit

: 2013








: Bobi mulyadi hasibuan


Medical Biotechnology & Genetics The rate of branching and diversification of life forms in evolution is a fundamental controversy between neo-Darwinian scientists and paleontologists. Neo-Darwinians claim that there are no fundamental differences between relative short time scale evolution (micro evolution) and speciation (macroevolution) [12, 14,16, 17]. Roughly speaking, the neo-Darwinian model is a strictly continuous paradigm which states that both branching and diversification can be explained by gradual accumulation of small independent genetic changes through natural selection [5, 6]. In contrast, paleontologists, on the basis of fossil data, demonstrate long period of stasis (no speciation) followed by speciation burst, which suggest that different mechanisms are responsible for speciation. The latter model, also known as “Punctuated Equilibrium” [4], suggests that speciation cannot be explained solely on the basis of small independent mutation. Punctuated equilibrium is a theory that can be also explained by the mechanism of genetic robustness defined herein as the ability of an organism to remain a distinct species despite environmental or genetic perturbation. Genetic robustness accounts are scarce with the majority including models of mutational connectivity as modular networks [1, 7, 15, 18], however those studies are generally focus on intrinsic molecularconstraints which results in RNA misfolding anddoes not account for epistatic interaction between molecules on genomic scales. Moreover those models are based on theoretical computer simulation and lack the ability to verify them with empirical biological evidence. As opposed to past traditional sequencing, new deep sequencing technologies allow to cover the pattern of point mutations across the entire genome (coding and non-coding regions) and therefore enables the use of novel holistic approaches to extrapolate the pattern of genetic divergence within and between different species underscoring the role of single genes during the process. To illustrate such pattern, it is essential to examine the distribution of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) between and within species and the physical co-localization of genetic loci (synteny), thus undermining the role of duplication, translocation or aneuploidy in the process. We use a recently published SNP dataset of 17 mouse strains including Mus musculus and M. spretus. Being the most studied mammalian model species, the mouse offers several advantages to study evolution. The species M. musculus has a unique population structure which includes three wild subspecies (with estimated time divergence of 1 million years [2, 3, 11] and a collection of several laboratory inbred strains all of which were fully sequenced. In contrast to M. musculus population, M. spretus is a different mouse species which lives sympatrically to M. m. domesticus. The absence of any spretus-musculus hybrids in the wild suggests that the two species might have post zygotic barrier [8]. Nevertheless both species share similar synteny. These peculiar genomic and population qualities allow to make inference of the correlation structure of the genome by using genomic segmentation approach and to identify hierarchical feature of divergence in a single step analysis. Identification of strong and invariant correlation may support the existence of genetic robustness within and between genetic loci with biological evidence Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a well suited technique to model divergence pattern using distance data matrix. Being a descriptive non-inferential approach, PCA allows inferring trajectory of divergence according to the genetic variance of millions of genetic loci simultaneously without the need to consider false positives or correct for familywise error rates when using confidence interval to estimate significance for each locus individually. Moreover, the reliance on the ortogonality of correlation flux assigned to each principal component in term of biological meaning (when it exists) allows us to identify features of divergence with association to different evolutionary scenario and quantitatively measure the amount of genomic correlation assigned to each principal component. Using permutation of genomic segmentation it is possible to examine a posteriori (i.e. without any effect on the extracted components) whether the observed correlation is resistant to perturbation and thus to assess if the original co-localization of genetic segments is imprinted or whether the observed correlation is due to pure chance. Our analysis unravel that approximately 90% of the genome variation entity is highly correlated along different DNA segments. We further demonstrate that this correlation is coherent at different magnification scales correspondent to different choices of DNA segments length, suggesting strong robustness of correlation structure. In addition, we identify two principal components which capture the genetic variability of interspecific and intersubspecific origin and demonstrate that each one of them illustrates different behavior. Moreover, we illustrate that the projection of the genetic distance of wild-derived autosomes results in heterogeneous,


non-stochastic distribution which collapses only after simulation of 99% of the total number of segments, suggesting that it is inherited feature of ordered co-localization DNA patches across the genome. We argue that those features indicate on strong genetic robustness which is imposed by the existence of strong regulatory machinery which in turn has a major effecton evolutionary trajectory and suggest that micro and macro evolution are distinct evolutionary process.

Stem Cell Research and Transplantation Numerous papers published in the course of the last years demonstrate that a stem/progenitor cell-basedtherapy appears as an attractive option to cure acute and chronic renal failure in future [1,2]. However, critical reading of literature also elucidates that this innovative therapeutic approach is still in an early phase of research and clinical trials [3]. In consequence, until a reliable therapeutic application is available, a series of biomedical problems such as an effective implantation of stem/progenitor cells, compensation of harmful influences derived from interstitial fluid of diseased parenchyma and controlled repair of nephron-specific structures has to be elaborated [4]. Beside the infusion via the blood vessel system [5,6] (Fig. 1a) or punctual implantation into the diseased parenchyma [7] (Fig. 1b) an alternative project is to implant stem/progenitor cells between the organ capsule and the outer parenchyma at the earlier site of nephron formation [8] (Fig. 1c). However, independent from the kind of surgical application a crucial problem is that up to harvest stem/progenitor cells are contained in the beneficial atmosphere of a culture medium, while after implantation exposure to the harmful environment of degenerating nephrons, altered extracellular matrix, unbalanced growth factors, interleukins and hormones takes place [9,10,11]. Moreover, the interstitial fluid within diseased parenchyma shows lack of oxygen due to damage of peritubular capillaries and contains a series of harmful metabolites causing inflammation and accelerating further the process of degeneration [12-15]. In such a harmful atmosphere stem/progenitor cells have to stand and must turn the situation into an environment supporting repair of parenchyma. In consequence, the strategy for implantation is to absorb harmful fluctuations of the interstitial fluid by co implantation of a suitable buffering fluid [16,17]. A technical solution might be to mount in a first step stem/progenitor cells together with a potent buffering culture medium within an artificial polyester interstitium [18]. In a second step the construct can be implanted under the kidney capsule. In this scenario a mechanical protection of stem/progenitor cells will be maintained by the fleece fibers, while the space between the fibers acts as an extended reservoir of fluid so that at least for the initial period of repair contained stem/progenitor cells are protected from harmful interstitial fluid of diseased parenchyma. When implantation by the help of an artificial interstitium is considered, a pivotal role in the process of regeneration plays the co-implanted culture medium. It is contained in the space between the fleece fibers, compensates environment and provides stem/progenitor cells with nutrition and respiratory gas [19]. In this special case the volume of contained fluid must be big enough to support survival, multiplication, potency and development of stem/progenitor cells. Moreover, the available culture medium has to equilibrate the instability of pH and the influences of unbalanced metabolites of surrounding interstitial fluid in diseased parenchyma. It is well known that commercially available culture media exhibit a wide range of electrolyte compositions and buffer systems. However, regarding implantation of stem/progenitor cells in combination with initial repair of parenchyma, it is not known which special sort of medium appears as the most suitable one [20-23]. Thus, for gathering more experiences regarding renal tubule regeneration and for finding appropriate candidates the



From one-day old anesthesized and sacrificed New Zealand rabbits (Seidl, Oberndorf, Germany) both kidneys were removed under sterile conditions and cut into a ventral and dorsal half as earlier described [18,19]. By stripping off the capsula fibrosa with fine forceps, a thin layer of stem/progenitor cell niches is adherent to the explant. When this simple isolation method is performed, an embryonic tissue layer of up to 1 cm2 in square can be harvested. Perfusionculture Renal embryonic tissue containing numerous renal stem/progenitor niches was mounted within a polyester interstitium and cultured for 13 days in chemicalldefined culture media to evaluate their influence on tubule development. Briefly, the isolated tissue layer was placed between two punched out pieces of polyester fleece resulting in a sandwich set-up (I7, Walraf, Grevenbroich, Germany) [18]. For mounting a polyester fleece measuring 13 mm in diameter was placed inside a Minusheet® tissue carrier (Minucells and Minutissue, Bad Abbach, Germany). Then the sandwich set-up containing renal stem/progenitor cells was inserted. Finally, another fleece was placed on top. Then the tissue carrier was transferred to a perfusion culture container with horizontal flow characteristics. For a period of 13 days always fresh medium was continuously transported at a rate of 1.25 ml/h with an IPC N8 peristaltic pump (Ismatec, Wertheim, Germany). Biotechnology and molecular biology research A technical solution might be to mount in a first step stem/progenitor cells together with a potent buffering culture medium within an artificial polyester interstitium [18]. In a second step the construct can be implanted under the kidney capsule. In this scenario a mechanical protection of stem/progenitor cells will be maintained by the fleece fibers, while the space between the fibers acts as an extended reservoir of fluid so that at least for the initial period of repair contained stem/progenitor cells are protected from harmful interstitial fluid of diseased parenchyma. When implantation by the help of an artificial interstitium is considered, a pivotal role in the process ofregeneration plays the co-implanted culture medium. It is contained in the space between the fleece fibers, compensates environment and provides stem/progenitor cells with nutrition and respiratory gas [19]. In this special case the volume of contained fluid must be big enough to support survival, multiplication, potency and development of stem/progenitor cells. Moreover, the available culture medium has to equilibrate the instability of pH and the influences of unbalanced metabolites of surrounding interstitial fluid in diseased parenchyma It is well known that commercially available culture media exhibit a wide range of electrolyte compositions and buffer systems. However, regarding implantation of stem/progenitor cells in combination with initial repair of parenchyma, it is not known which special sort of medium appears as the most suitable one [20- 23].


Biotechnology and molecular biology research A technical solution might be to mount in a first step stem/progenitor cells together with a potent buffering culture medium within an artificial polyester interstitium [18]. In a second step the construct can be implanted under the kidney capsule. In this scenario a mechanical protection of stem/progenitor cells will be maintained by the fleece fibers, while the space between the fibers acts as an extended reservoir of fluid so that at least for the initial period of repair contained stem/progenitor cells are protected from harmful interstitial fluid of diseased parenchyma. When implantation by the help of an artificial interstitium is considered, a pivotal role in the process of regeneration plays the co-implanted culture medium. It is contained in the space between the fleece fibers, compensates environment and provides stem/progenitor cells with nutrition and respiratory gas [19]. In this special case the volume of contained fluid must be big enough to support survival, multiplication, potency and development of stem/progenitor cells. Moreover, the available culture medium has to equilibrate the instability of pH and the influences of unbalanced metabolites of surrounding interstitial fluid in diseased parenchyma. It is well known that commercially available culture media exhibit a wide range of electrolytecompositions and buffer systems. However, regarding implantation of stem/progenitor cells in combination with initial repair of parenchyma, it is not known which special sort of medium appears as the most suitable one [20- 23]. Thus, for gathering more experiences regarding renal tubule regeneration and for finding appropriate candidates the present.



KELEBIHAN JURNAL JURNAL 1 (BIOTECHNOLOGY AND MOLECULAR RESEARCH) Kelebihan dalam setiap karya tulis pastinya tersebar di berbagai tulisanya, namun pastilah ada beberapa kelebihan yang menonjol yang terdapat pada jurnal pertama yaitu terdapat pada materi yang cukup lengkap pada setiap sub sub materi dalam jurnal tersebut yang lengkap dan mendetail, kemudian kelebihan jurnal tersebut adalah penulis dapat mengembangkan beberapa point dalam jurnal tersebut, selanjutnya adalah dalam jurnal itu memuat daftar pustaka atau sember referensi sehingga membuat jurnal semakin menarik.

JURNAL 2 (stem cell research and transplantation) Dalam jurnal tersebut tiap tiap kalimat sangat menarik dan tersusun dengan rapi sehingga menarik minat pembaca untuk membaca jurnal tersebut kemudian jurnal memuat referensi atau daftar pustaka sehingga pembaca mendapat referensi lain

JURNAL 3 (MEDICAL BIOTECHNOLOGY & GENETICS) Penulisanya sudah cukup baik dan tidak bertele tele sehingga tidak membuat pembaca bingung, dan selanjutnya pada jurnal ini juga dicantumkan banyak referensi yang membuat pembaca bisa memuat referensi lainya. KEKURANGAN JURNAL Dikarenakan ketiga jurnal ini merupakan jurnal internasional maka dalam penulisanya pun di tulis dalam bahasa inggris dimana dalam hal ini penulis berpendapat bahwa penulisan ini akan membuat sebagian orang akan merasa bingung ataupun bahkan tidak mengerti karena bahasa di dunia ini berbeda beda begitu pula dengan strukturnya.


BAB IV PENUTUP KESIMPULAN Setiap karya tulis tentunya memiliki ciri ciri yang berbeda antara satu dengan yang lainya, baik itu dari segi bahasanya, kelebihanya, kekuranganya. Jurnal pasti mengandung informasi yang dipaparkan dengan jelas oleh penulisnya terlapas dari kekurangan yang terdapat pada jurnal, namun dapat dipastikan setiap jurnal akan membawa keuntungan bagi pembaca dalam hal mendapatkan ilmu atau informasi lebih karena dalam ketiga jurnal ini terkandung ilmu yang melimpah.

SARAN Dalam kelebihan ketiga jurnal tersebut agar dipertahankan dan diperkuat lagi, dan dalam kekurangan jurnal agar lebih teliti lagi untuk mencapai hasil yang maksimal.


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