Crear Disco Duro Virtual

  • Uploaded by: axel
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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 127
  • Pages: 1
@echo off :menu cls color b title bienvenido al creador de disco virtual echo. echo BIENVENIDO %AXEL% ECHO. ECHO ELIJE UNA OPCION... ECHO. ECHO ============================================ ECHO = 1. CREAR UN DISCO DURO VIRTUAL == ECHO = 2. BORRAR EL DISCO DURO VIRTUAL == ECHO = 3. SALIR == ECHO ============================================ ECHO. set /p ver= que desea hacer? if %ver%==1 goto crear if %ver%==2 goto bo if %ver%==3 goto salir :crear md"c:\disco duro extra" attrib +h "c:\disco duro extra" subst I: "c:\disco duro extra" msg * EL DISCO DURO VIRTUAL SE CREO SATISFACTORIAMENTE goto menu :bo attrib -h "c:\disco duro extra" rd "c:\disco duro extra" subst I: /d msg * EL DISCO DURO VIRTUAL SE BORRO SATISFACTORIAMENTE goto menu :salir msg * grasias por utilisar mi programa... exit

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