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3BL 24819 ADAA DSZZA Edition 02


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ABSTRACT 13/10/2003 New edition to take into account “REQSNA Light” functionnality

01 02

04/12/2003 : Review report: NM&S/CC/03.339.002/FBR FR correction : 3BLA70FAG144460 (review : VND/E10/R&D/NM&S/CC/05.136.002/IBR )

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CONTENTS REFERENCED DOCUMENTS...........................................................................................................................7 INTERNAL REFERENCED DOCUMENTS .......................................................................................................7 RELATED DOCUMENTS...................................................................................................................................7 PREFACE...........................................................................................................................................................7 1

INTRODUCTION ..........................................................................................................................................8


RECALL OF REQUIREMENTS...................................................................................................................8


FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION.....................................................................................................................9 3.1 3.2 3.3


ARCHITECTURAL PRINCIPLES ..............................................................................................................14 4.1 4.2

4.3 4.4



Recall on counters .....................................................................................................................10 3.1.1 Counters configuration..................................................................................................10 3.1.2 Counters description.....................................................................................................10 Impact on COLL_IM ...................................................................................................................12 3.2.1 initialization ...................................................................................................................12 3.2.2 data collection and storage...........................................................................................12 IMPACT on Q3ESMED ...............................................................................................................13 PM_A83XX building blocks .......................................................................................................14 Communication principles ........................................................................................................14 4.2.1 Into the main thread......................................................................................................14 4.2.2 With the COMM_SERVER ...........................................................................................15 4.2.3 With the EML_IM ..........................................................................................................15 4.2.4 With the database.........................................................................................................15 Data Extraction ...........................................................................................................................15 Data storage organization .........................................................................................................15 4.4.1 Choice of the database.................................................................................................15 4.4.2 Database structure .......................................................................................................16 4.4.3 Tables description.........................................................................................................16 Snapshot Request script...........................................................................................................18 4.5.1 Definition .......................................................................................................................18 4.5.2 Counters selection ........................................................................................................18 4.5.3 Input ..............................................................................................................................19 4.5.4 Output ...........................................................................................................................20 4.5.5 Error cases....................................................................................................................21 4.5.6 Error file format .............................................................................................................21

PLATFORM INTEGRATION......................................................................................................................22 5.1 5.2

5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7

Installation ..................................................................................................................................22 Defense .......................................................................................................................................22 5.2.1 COLL_IM startup ..........................................................................................................22 5.2.2 COLL_IM crash.............................................................................................................22 5.2.3 MySQL crash ................................................................................................................22 5.2.4 INSERT problem...........................................................................................................22 5.2.5 Incomplete dispatch......................................................................................................22 5.2.6 Overload .......................................................................................................................23 5.2.7 Maximum table size exceeded .....................................................................................23 Access Rights Management .....................................................................................................23 Backup/Restore ..........................................................................................................................23 Report files..................................................................................................................................23 Error files ....................................................................................................................................23 Client/Server Architecture.........................................................................................................23

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DIMENSIONING .........................................................................................................................................25 7.1 7.2

Dimensioning objectives...........................................................................................................25 Performance objectives.............................................................................................................25 7.2.1 Performance statistics ..................................................................................................26 7.2.2 Performance measures ................................................................................................26

APPENDIX A....................................................................................................................................................27 APPENDIX B

INFORMATION MODEL EVOLUTIONS............................................................................28

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .............................................................................................................................29

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FIGURES PM_A83XX Functional Overview .......................................................................................................................9 PM_A83XX general architecture ......................................................................................................................14

TABLES Table 1 TICKET HEADER ............................................................................................................................... 10 Table 2 TICKET BODY.................................................................................................................................... 11 Table 3 Integrity constraints on tables............................................................................................................. 17 Table 4 Possible combination of ranks............................................................................................................ 18 Table 5 tables dimensionning .......................................................................................................................... 25 Table 6 database dimensionning..................................................................................................................... 25

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A1300 NMC2 – Performance Management – Feature Description 3BL 24819 ADAA DTAGA


Activating Unix Services ftp, login, telnet 3BL 24806 ADAA PCAGA ed.2




MySql web site :


Fiche Devis NM&S DEP03136/FEB2610






PREFACE This documents describes the functional specification for the Performance Management relative to the A83xx network equipments.

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The PM_A83XX is the Performance Management application for all A83xx based NEs until R8. Its scope is the OMC_CS project. No control on NE release will be made in the code. This document will be organized as follow : −

Chapter 1 : the present introduction

Chapter 2 : Recall of the requirements

Chapter 3 : Functional description

Chapter 4 : Architectural principles

Chapter 5 : Platform integration

Chapter 6 : Limitations

Chapter 7 : Dimensioning



The aim of the present application is to provide facilities to store in “real-time” mode RCP, HLR and COMB counters in a local OMC-CS database. The Database structure is open and documented for operator needs. The final user interface is based on SQL scripts that retrieve counters data from the database. This scripts should be available from the operator workplace: −

Using simple SQL SELECT commands and predefined SQL scripts, the user should be able to visualize the value of any counter in the database one by one or using multiple selection criteria.

SQL scripts can be posted to the “crontab” (unix calendar) to be run periodically every day over a given period of time - results being stored in files.

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As mentioned in the previous chapter, the PM_A83XX application is in charge of storing RCP, HLR and COMB counters in a database. As the COLL_IM component already processes bulk data in order to put it in files and send it to the Q3ES component, PM_A83XX application will be integrated to the COLL_IM. Another advantage of using COLL_IM is that this component is already scalable, there is no need to create a new multi-instanciable component. The counters are obtained through Observation Messages provided by the NEs. They are then extracted by the COLL_IM and put in a MySql database. An operator has then the possibility to use SQL based scripts in order to visualize the value of counters. The next picture sums up the general processing of the application and introduces its main building blocks :

NE NE NE (A83xx) OMC_CS / NMC2 PM_A83xx






SQL scripts PM_A83XX Functional Overview 1. The Observation Messages containing the counter data are sent by the NEs to the OMC_CS. These messages are first processed by the Communication Server component of NMC2. Then the counters are processed by the COLL_IM component.. 2. The counters are stored by the COLL_IM component in a database. Just the last received value for each counter is stored, no history is kept 3. SQL scripts provide a raw display of counters where information is displayed in a formatted way. Each of the components of the PM_A83XX will now be detailed in a dedicated chapter but prior to this, a recall on counters will be provided.

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3.1 Recall on counters 3.1.1

Counters configuration

Prior to the processing in the PM_A83XX application, some configuration must be done on the concerned NEs. Indeed, there are two categories of counters : −

the counters which are automatically raised by the NEs without any configuration

the counters which must be configured on the NEs to raise information to the OMC_CS. This configuration is done through MMC (Man Machine Command) mechanism and requires the intervention of an authorized operator.


The counter configuration is out of the scope of the PM_A83XX application and is mentioned here only for clarity purpose.

The different types of services offered in A83xx NEs are listed here: −

For RCF observations in RCP (family numbers between 30000 and 39999): •

fast report: type/service=”OBRC”

slow report: type/service=”OBR2”

For VLR observations in RCP (family numbers between 20000 and 29999): •

fast report: type/service=”OBVL”

slow report: type/service=”OBV2”

For AK obs in RCP: type/service=”OBAK” (family numbers between 0 and 9999)

For HLR observations: type/service=”OBHL” (family numbers between 10000 and 19999)

For AK obs in HLR: type/service=”OBAK” (family numbers between 0 and 9999)


Counters description

Observation counters emitted by the observation application of the A83XX are sent in a dispatch format. The observation dispatch may be split in several tickets sent one after the other. A dispatch is composed of many tickets. The order in which families of a dispatch, or counters of a family, are sent is not guaranteed. A ticket format is presented in the following two tables: Table 1 TICKET HEADER Parameter




6 byte divided in


(note 1)

– year – month in the year – day in the month – hour in the day – minute in the hour – second in the minute

1 byte ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’

binary ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’ ’’

integer 0 – 99 integer 1 – 12 integer 1 – 31 integer 0 – 23 integer 0 – 59 integer 0 – 59

Dispatch number

1 byte


integer 0 – 255

Number of tickets in the dispatch

1 byte


integer 1 – 255 (note 2)

Ticket number in the dispatch

1 byte


integer 1 – 255

Date and Time of scanning

N.B. (1) The time is the same for all tickets pertaining to the same dispatch

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N.B. (2) There are two possible numbering ways: •

the parameter is set to an undefined value ’FF’, except for the last ticket of the dispatch (example of ticket counting: 1/FF, 2/FF, 3/FF, 4/4)

the exact value is given in each ticket (example of ticket counting: 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4)

TICKET BODY is composed of a succession of counters with the following format (note 2): Table 2 TICKET BODY Parameter Counter family identifier (note 3) Type of counter

Rank in the fam. Identifier rank in the fam. long id.



2 bytes


integer 0–65535

1 byte


8 bytes or 16 bytes


cumulative (“peg”) or load counter : 1 = peg counter 2 = load counter 3 = peg counter with long identifier (double rank counter) 4 = load counter with long identifier (double rank counter) Used when a counter is a array of values


Used when a counter is a bi-dimensional array of values


8 spaces if not used. Counter value

4 bytes



Counter validity

1 byte


integer 0–255 (note 4)

N.B. (2) All Counters of the same family are grouped together in a dispatch (not true for RTOS counters). N.B. (3) A family is a set of counters having the same meaning. N.B. (4) A global validity information, common to all application and RTOS observation counters, is increased by one on each switchover. Load type counters have no validity information. The higher admissible frequency for receiving any counter is 5 minutes.

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3.2 Impact on COLL_IM A global environment variable COLLIM_PM_AVAILABILITY will be added during OMC-CS installation in order to define whether the operator wants to have the Performance Management functionality or not. This variable should be read by the COLL_IM process at startup. All functions related to: −

sending EFD at startup

extracting bulk data

storing counters in the database

should be enabled/disabled in the code according to COLLIM_PM_AVAILABILITY value. 3.2.1


The start-up sequence of COLL_IM should be modified in order to add the subscription to COMM_SERVER to receive bulk data by means of an EFD. Each COLL_IM process has to make this subscription for all NEs according to the NEgroup used in the different EML IM instances. The maximum number of NEs one COLL_IM instance can manage is 8. Coll_IM should create at startup 5 tables for each managed RCP, 2 tables for each managed HLR and 6 tables for each managed COMB to store their data:

RCP counters tables

One table for RCF fast report

One table for RCF slow report

One table for VLR fast report

One table for VLR slow report

One table for AK obs in RCP

HLR counters tables

One table for HLR observations

One table for AK obs in HLR

COMB counters tables

One table for RCF fast report

One table for RCF slow report

One table for VLR fast report

One table for VLR slow report

One table for HLR observations

One table for AK obs


data collection and storage

When subscribed data arrive in message format, the COLL_IM should make the following operations : 1)

connect to the database to record counters data


infinite loop on incoming events : a)

decode incoming messages by sorting them according to their type/service


extract counter data,

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when all counters of a given dispatch have been extracted, they should be stored in their corresponding table by means of a global INSERT, after making a TRUNCATE of the table, the table should be locked during this operation.

There is no resynchronization mechanism in the COLL_IM new functionality : •

the process does not maintain any internal data which requires resynchronization

if a counter data is lost, it will be automatically recovered at the next update coming from the NE

there is no history management for counters in the database, if a counter is missing, it will be inserted in the following period

All error messages related to this new functionnality should be logged in the SMF log. The architecture aspects will be discussed in a next chapter (< See 4>).

3.3 IMPACT on Q3ESMED If the environment variable COLLIM_PM_AVAILABILITY is set to true, Q3ESMED should always receive bulk data coming from NEs, even if there is no external OS or other applications needing this bulk data, this to acknowledge all messages received from NEs to prevent them from sending continuously the same messages. To resume, subscription and acknowledgment of bulk data shouls be made in the Q3ESMED if the Performance Monitoring is activated on the OMC-CS.

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The PM_A83XX application will be integrated in the NMC2/OMC_CS environment in the NMC2 COLL_IM component.






SQL SQL script

PM_A83XX general architecture

4.1 PM_A83XX building blocks As detailed above, the application is composed of 2 blocks interfacing with a database : −

the COLL_IM component, which is a permanent process, makes the following treatments, in addation to the ones it already makes: •

data extraction from bulk data received from NEs,

data storage in the MySql database

the MySQL database (< See 4.4.1>)

4.2 Communication principles 4.2.1 −

Into the main thread when a bulk data arrives from the NE, the information is extracted in order to store the counters in the database. The structure composed by a list of counters for a given NE, it concerns a whole dispatch.

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when a COLL_NE delete ACTION is received, table containing data on that NE should be deleted from the database.



As indicated on the general architecture picture, the COLL_IM component interfaces with the Communication Server of the NMC2. Communication principles used will be: −

Q3 protocol

EFD mechanism : at start-up of the process, if the COLLIM_PM_AVAILABILITY variable is set to true, an EFD will be set by the COLL_IM process in order to receive all the Observation messages notifications.

If a NE is not supervised, its data is not received in the COMM_SERVER and nothing should be made in the database, If a NE starts being supervised, it starts sending its bulk data which is received by the COMM_SERVER and sent then to the COLL_IM to store it in the database 4.2.3

With the EML_IM

COLL_IM already receives a COLL_NE objects creation/deletion ACTION. When a COLL_NE create ACTION is received, COLL_IM should store the NE_Label and NE_Type, create its corresponding tables and then subscribe to the corresponding data in COMM_SERVER by means of an EFD. When a COLL_NE delete ACTION is received, COLL_IM should unsubscribe from to the corresponding data in COMM_SERVER, the database should then be updated in order to delete all tables related to that NE. 4.2.4

With the database

COLL_IM should be connected to the MySql database and should use the MySql API to store/read records (< See Ref [2]> for details).

4.3 Data Extraction The following information should be extracted for each received counter: •

Family ID




Validity number

Time stamp

4.4 Data storage organization 4.4.1

Choice of the database

The management of counters in the database, as made in the PM_A83XX, does not require advanced features – it needs just an efficient storage and simple access to the data. All the databases propose such basic services and as the OMC_CS already uses MySql for other features. A new MySQL database will be created for PM needs, the database name will be PM_DATABASE. Another important reason is the license cost : MySql is an open source database and therefore is an interesting economical choice.

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Database structure

MySql proposes several data organization. For the counters storage,as the amount of data to be stored is very important, the most appropriate table type to use is HEAP tables, this because it uses hashed indexes and tables are stored in memory, so they are very fast. To store all necessary information on counters, and knowing that global INSERTs are much more faster than individual INSERTs or UPDATEs, knowing also that all counters of a given type/service is sent in a single dispatch, 5 tables per RCP, 2 tables for HLR and 6 tables for COMB will be created (see 3.2.1):

RCP tables names

NENAME_RCF_FAST : for tables concerning the fast report of type/service OBRC NENAME_RCF_SLOW : for tables concerning the slow report of type/service OBRC NENAME_VLR_FAST : for tables concerning the fast report of type/service OBVL NENAME_VLR_SLOW : for tables concerning the slow report of type/service OBVL NENAME_RTOS : for tables concerning the AK observations of the RCP

HLR tables names

NENAME_HLR: for tables concerning the report of type/service OBHL NENAME_RTOS : for tables concerning the AK observations of the HLR

COMB tables names

NENAME_RCF_FAST : for tables concerning the fast report of type/service OBRC NENAME_RCF_SLOW : for tables concerning the slow report of type/service OBRC NENAME_VLR_FAST : for tables concerning the fast report of type/service OBVL NENAME_VLR_SLOW : for tables concerning the slow report of type/service OBVL NENAME_HLR: for tables concerning the report of type/service OBHL NENAME_RTOS : for tables concerning the AK observations 4.4.3

Tables description

This table will contain all counter values received for a given NE, no historical data is kept in this table. New received values of counters will overwrite the old ones. NENAME used in 4.4.2 should be replaced by the real name of the NE.

Table options

AUTO_INCREMENT: columns shouldn’t use this parameter as the table type is HEAP AVG_ROW_LENGTH: it is not necessary set this as rows length has fixed size CHECKSUM: should be set to 0 as it is not necessary to maintain a checksum for all rows MAX_ROWS: should be set to maximum number of counters in this table (example: 3500 for HLR tables, see Table 6 database dimensionning) PACK_KEYS: should be set to 0 as we don’t need to have a smaller index. This usually makes updates faster and reads slower DELAY_KEY_WRITE: should be set to 0 as we don’t need to delay key table updates until the table is closed.

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ROW_FORMAT: Static (Fixed-length). This format should be used as it is the simplest and most secure format. When looking up something with an index and static format it is very simple: Just multiply the row number by the row length.

Structure of the table:

Columns of the table should be declared to be NOT NULL. It makes everything faster and it saves one bit per column. < RANKID2> with : •

FAMID : Family identifier: UNSIGNED SMALLINT (2)

TYPE: Type of the counter: UNSIGNED TINYINT (1) (< See 3.1.2> for details)

RANKID1: First rank in the family: CHAR (8)

RANKID2: Second rank in the family: CHAR (8)

VALID: Validity number: UNSIGNED TINYINT (1)

VALUE: counter value: UNSIGNED INT (4)

TSTAMP: Time stamp: TIMESTAMP (12) So 36 bytes per row

Integrity constraints :

Key name

Key type

Attributes of the key




Table 3 Integrity constraints on tables

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4.5 Snapshot Request script 4.5.1


This function gives the possibility for an operator to get the last received value of a counter in a raw display mode. The Snapshot Request function is called through a script where the operator can define the counters he wants to read. The results can be stored in a file. As there are many tables per NE (according to its type: 5 for RCP, 2 for HLR and 6 for COMB), the script should search for counters in the corresponding table according to the family number, see 3.1.1 to have family mapping according to observation type (RCF, VLR, …). If a counter is present in both fast and slow tables, only values found in fast tables should be displayed, so the script should first search in fast tables, if the counter is found no searching is made in the slow tables. 4.5.2

Counters selection

The configuration of counters on the NEs make the configured counters available for the PM_A83XX application. Nevertheless, whatever the processing mode is, the operator must also define (among the configured ones), the counter(s) he wants to read. As mentioned before, a counter can be a single value (family identifier) or a composed value whose family identifier is completed with one or two additional fields called rank identifiers. The naming of the family and rank identifiers can be done explicitly (by the name or the numerical value of the id) or by using the two following special characters: −

the asterisk character “*” : that means the display of sum of all ranks for a family. This only makes sense for peg counters

the sharp character “#” : that means the display of all ranks for a family. This makes sense for peg and load counters

Here are the possible combinations and their meanings :

Rank 1





global report, sum of all the values for all the ranks



global report for each rank2



report for each (rank1,rank2)



global report for each rank1



global report for rank1=val1



report for each rank2 with rank1=val1



global report for rank2=val2



report for each rank1 with rank2 = val2



value for rank1=val1 and rank2=val2

Table 4 Possible combination of ranks

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The operator will have to enter the list of counters he wants to get. For each counter, the following arguments are required (parameters are separated with “,” character):

Case1: Reading input parameters from the commande line

Parameter reading method (mandatory) : boolean = “0”

Export option (mandatory) : boolean

Report file (optional/mandatory): string

the NE name (mandatory) : string

the Family id (mandatory) : numerical

the first rank id (optional) : string

the second rank id (optional) : string

Check option (mandatory) : string

Case2: Reading input parameters from a file

Parameter reading method (mandatory) : boolean = “1”

Export option (mandatory) : boolean

Report file (optional/mandatory ): string

File to read (mandatory) : string

Check option (mandatory) : string

Meaning of parameters

“Parameter reading method” indicates whether the user will give the list of parameters in the command line (case1), in this case value should be 0, or if the list of counters will be read from a file (case2), in this case value should be 1 The “export option” indicates if the user wants to export the result to a file (the entered value is 1) or if the results will be displayed in the current Unix terminal (the entered value is 0). “Report file” indicates the name of the result file. It is mandatory if the “export option” is set to 1. The user may enter just a space character, in this case the default naming rules for result files will be applied, see 5.5. The “file to read” argument means that the list of counters is specified in a file, this is interesting if the user requests for two many counters, the file would contain lines each one having the information: ,,,. A space character should be given for this parameter if the user gives directly the counter name in the command line (case2). The “check option” is a mandatory argument. Its possible values are check or nocheck: checking errors for entered parameters can take too much time, especially if the input parameters are read from a file, that’s why it is necessary to always check the coherence of the input parameters before calling the script to generate a result: −

If entered value is “check”, the script checks the coherence of input parameters given in the command line or present in the « file to read ». It displays then in the terminal all encountered problems (if they exist). The check option doesn’t generate the result file neither displays the result in the terminal.

If entered value is “nocheck”, the script generates a result without checking the coherence of the input parameters, if errors are encountered they are ignored: no result is generated for the concerned line or command line.

Concerning the rank ids, you may use the “*” and “#” special characters as explained in < See 4.5.2>. If the request concerns a rank id containing space characters, and the input parameters are read from the command line, this rank id should be delimited by a double quote character “.

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These informations are the input parameters of the SQL script realizing the snapshot request, the access to the MySql database is done with « operator » profile. Example for case1: snapshot 0,0,HLR01,18803,”999 66”,#,nocheck (result will be displayed in the terminal) or Snapshot 0,1, ,NE01,30785,nocheck (result will be stored in a file using default report file naming rules) or Snapshot 0,1,/tmp/perso_report.csv,NE01,30747,#,#,nocheck (result will be stored in /tmp/perso_report.csv) Example for case2: Snapshot 1,0,/home/user1/list_cnt_1.txt,nocheck (result will be displayed in the terminal) Snapshot 1,1, ,/home/user1/list_cnt_1.txt,nocheck (result will be stored in a file using default report file naming rules) Snapshot 1,1,/tmp/report.csv,/home/user1/list_cnt_1.txt,nocheck (result will be stored in /tmp/report.csv) 4.5.4


The result will be displayed in the current terminal or saved in a file in CSV format. The first line should contain the field names: < RANKID2> <TIMESTAMP>. All text fields should be enclosed in quotation marks, and all numeric fields should not, each field should be separated by a comma. If the user uses '*' for rank fields, this character is re-displayed. This means that the result is a SUM of values. If the user uses ‘#’, all ranks found should be displayed. The returned values correspond to the last stored values of counters in the database, it may be different from the current values in the NE. The returned value for a counter can be: •

a simple value

many lines of values if the counter has 1 rank or 2 ranks

Example : Only columns < RANKID2> from the counters table will be given NEID FAMID RANKID1 RANKID2 VALUE NE01 30747 BSC1 LAC1 1 NE01 30747 BSC1 LAC2 10 NE01 30747 BSC3 LAC2 100 NE01 30747 BSC3 LAC3 4 NE01 30747 BSC4 LAC8 11 *, *

(BSC1, LAC1) + (BSC1, LAC2) + (BSC3, LAC2) + (BSC3, LAC3) + (BSC4, LAC8) = 126

*, #

(BSC1, LAC1) = 1 (BSC1,LAC2) + (BSC3,LAC2) = 110 (BSC3,LAC3) = 4 (BSC4,LAC8) = 11

#, #

(BSC1, LAC1) = 1 (BSC1, LAC2) = 10 (BSC3, LAC2) = 100 (BSC3, LAC3) = 4 (BSC4, LAC8) = 11

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#, *

(BSC1, LAC1) + (BSC1, LAC2) = 11 (BSC3, LAC2) + (BSC3, LAC3) = 104 (BSC4, LAC8) = 11


(BSC3, LAC2) + (BSC3, LAC3) = 104


(BSC3, LAC2) = 100 (BSC3, LAC3) = 4

*, LAC2

(LAC2, BSC1) + (LAC2, BSC3) = 110

#, LAC2

(LAC2, BSC1) = 10 (LAC2, BSC3) = 100


(BSC3, LAC3) = 4


Error cases

If the script execution encounters errors when using the « check » option, these errors should be stored in a file having the same name as the report file but with the extension .err and under the directory /home_dir/PM/logs. If there is no report file, default naming rules should be applied for the error file, but using extension .err. −

Unknow NE : No table is found for the requested NE

Counter not received: •

no value is found in the database for the selected counter

when ‘*’ or ‘#’ characters are used in the request and no record is found

incorrect rank: •

‘*’ character should not be used for load counters

the number of ranks doesn’t correspond to the expected one for this counter

Incorrect parameters: the keying of parameters is incorrect

SQL error: the connection to the database fails


Error file format

Error files should respect the following format : −

First field : date of error, which corresponds to the moment when the error occured

Second field : type of error, this can be one of the following error cases described above (Unknow NE, Counter not received,…)

Third field: details on the error

Fields should be separated by a TAB character

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5.1 Installation As said in 3.2, a global environment variable is set at installation time. This variable specifies whether the Performance Management functionality will be used by the operator or not. A new database called ‘PM_DATABASE’ is created for PM needs. The snapshot request script is placed under directory /alcatel/nmc/omccs/PM/script. This directory is added in the PATH. Configuration files are placed under /alcatel/nmc/omccs/PM/conf and log data is located under /alcatel/nmc/omccs/PM/conf/logs

5.2 Defense COLL_IM process is already supervised by DSM. 5.2.1

COLL_IM startup

A new EFD is created to receive COLLIM_PM_AVAILABILITY is set to true)








COLL_IM also connects to MySQL server and create the corresponding tables for each NE it manages. 5.2.2

COLL_IM crash

Subscription to receive bulk data from each NE is made when the process restarts. At COLL_IM restart, if some NEs have been deleted from the network, their corresponding tables are not deleted from the database, a cleanup is made at mysql restart. New tables are created if some new NEs have been introduced in the network during the crash. 5.2.3

MySQL crash

As COLL_IM has no way to detect MySQL crash (except polling it which is not the most suitable solution), the connection to the database is made when trying to insert a new entry in a table (a complete dispatch), this operation can fail until the database is available. Nothing is made to reactivate the MySQL daemon. The administrator should make the necessary operations to investigate why MySQL crashed and to restart it correctly. 5.2.4

INSERT problem

If a problem is encountered when trying to insert counters in the database, COLLIM_IM traces it in SMF LOGS. 5.2.5

Incomplete dispatch

There are two possible cases: −

The number of received tickets in the dispatch is not the one expected,

The last ticket expected is not received

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In both cases, counter data correctly received in the dispatch is stored in the database. A timer controls whether all the tickets have been received or not at the end of a certain time, the timer value is defined in a configuration file. 5.2.6


Overload is managed whithin COMET. 5.2.7

Maximum table size exceeded

Tables sizes given in Table 5 should not be exceeded, if the total number of received counters exceeds this maximum value (which should be defined in a configuration file), an error message should be logged in SMF LOGS, only the maximum authorised number of counters should be stored, all other counters should be ignored.

5.3 Access Rights Management The access to the MySQL Database will be limited to two profiles: root and mysql_operator. root profile will be used in order to create database, tables and store counters values Mysql_operator account will be used in the scripts in order to access the database to read counters values. All users logged to OMC CS should have read-only access to the database via the mysql_operator profile.

5.4 Backup/Restore No backup/restore is offered for the Performance Management tables, as they contain always the last received values. Tables are created and filled according to the last received counters from NEs.

5.5 Report files At operator request, report files should be stored in the home directory of the operator and under PM directory in CSV format, this PM directory should be created at report file saving by the script, see 0 for file contents. The naming convention for report files is : Snapshot request : snapshotYYMMDDHHMM_pid.csv With : YY : year MM : month DD : day HH : hour MM : minutes Pid : process id of the script No purge on report files will be made, each user should delete his own report and error files.

5.6 Error files Error files should be stored in the home directory of the operator and under PM/logs directory. The same naming rule as report files will be used, expect the extension which should be .err.

5.7 Client/Server Architecture In a distributed configuration, scripts should be accessible from the HMS and ENMS. The database is always installed on the ENMS server.

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It should be possible to visualize result files on the OMC disk directly from the operator’s workplace. It should also be possible to ftp them back to the operator’s PC. There is already a ftp server installed on servers, actions to make to provide the ftp are described in [2]

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To speed up the duration of counters storage in the database, HEAP tables are used. Tables of this type are stored in memory and not on disk, they are much faster then ordinary tables stored on disk but if the COLL_IM process crashes or the server is rebooted, all data contained in those tables is lost. As counter data is updated periodically, this is not very weighty.



7.1 Dimensioning objectives 3BLA70FAG144460 NE type

Table name

Max number of rows
















Table 5 tables dimensionning The following database estimation is made taking into account an OMC CS configuration with : •

90 RCP, each RCP receiving 30000 counters

60 HLR, each HLR receiving 3000 counters

As it is not possible to have RCP, HLR and COMB in the same network, estimations is made taking into account only RCPs and HLRs. COMB Nes are a mixture of RCP and HLR.



Nb of bytes

RCP Received Counters

RCP : 26200*90*36b

84 888 000 b

HLR Received Counters

HLR : 4700*60*36b

10 152 000 b

Total database size for counters storage

95 040 00 b 100 Mb Table 6 database dimensionning

7.2 Performance objectives −

The CPU load overflow brought by PM collection processing should not exceed 30%.

Through User Interface (scripting), the display of results should begin less than 1 minute after the launching of the request by the user.

Some performance measures have been made in a C3000 server to estimate the expected time of treatment of some SQL queries in the database, here are some statments :

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Performance statistics

The speed of Insert queries is much more greater than the speed of update queries

Multiple value lists INSERT statements is much faster than using separate INSERT statements

There is no way to use Multiple value lists UPDATE statements, this functionnality is not offered by SQL language

The speed of Update queries is greater when the query is done in many table than if it is made in the same table

The use of INDEX on the table doesn’t make UPDATE requests faster, results obtained are the same with or without indexes


Performance measures

It takes 32s to update 256 rows of 8 different tables containing 256 rows It takes 56s to update 256 rows of 8 different tables containing 15000 rows It takes 71s to update 2048 rows of 8 different tables containing 2048 rows It takes 76s to update 2048 rows of one table containing 2048 rows It takes 2s to insert 15000 rows in the same table See Annexe A for more details

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APPENDIX A Mail exchanged on Thu, 20 Nov 2003 15:26:41 after performing some tests on a B180 server : Suite aux différents tests effectués depuis lundi afin de définir quelles seraient les performances de l'application suite à l'ajout de la fonctionnalité Performance Management, voici un résumé de l'analyse effectuée: Environnement de test: serveur B180 Base de données: MySQL version 3.23.39 tables créées de type HEAP (en mémoire) Moyen de test: Script en C réalisant une connexion à la BD afin de faire des INSERT ou UPDATE et affichant la durée d'execution des opérations dans la BD Rappels sur les flux de données et leur stockage un RCP peut générer jusqu'à 15000 compteurs en 5 minutes un HLR peut générer jusqu'à 3000 compteurs en 5 minutes les flux de données sont envoyés sous forme de dispatch, l'un après l'autre, chaque dispatch peut contenir jusqu'à 255 compteurs les données seront stockées dans des tables en mémoire (type HEAP pour MySQL), une table par NE sera créée le COLL_IM qui intégrera l'extraction et stockage des données et multi-instanciable, chaque instance peut gérer jusqu'à 8 NE Elements mesurés: la première campagne de test simulait la mise en base des données correspondant à 1 RCP et 1 HLR, une seule table est mise à jour Résultats INSERT global de 18000 compteurs: 2s INSERT de 18000 compteurs un par un: 12s UPDATE de 18000 compteurs un par un: 11min (on ne peut pas faire de UPDATE groupés avec le language SQL) Ces résultats confirment le fait que les INSERT globaux sont beaucoup plus rapides que les INSERT unitaires ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------la deuxième campagne simule la mise en base de 2048 compteurs dans une même table, càd 8 dispatch de 256 compteurs provenant de 8 differents NE gérés par le même COLL_IM Résultats INSERT global de 2048 compteurs: 1s UPDATE de 2048 compteurs un par un: 76s ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------la troisième campagne simule la mise en base de 256 compteurs dans 8 différentes tables, ce qui correspond au stockage d'1 dispatch par NE et ce pour 8 différents NE d'un COLL_IM Résultats INSERT global de 256 compteurs dans 8 tables: 2s UPDATE de 256 compteurs un par un dans 8 tables contenant 256 lignes: 32s UPDATE de 256 compteurs un par un dans 8 tables contenant 15000 lignes: 56s Conclusion La mise en base des compteurs tel qu'il avait été prévu de faire en utilisant des update compteur par compteur risque de poser des problèmes dans la mesure ou il faut traiter (au pire des cas) 58 dispatch par NE en 5 minutes, sachant qu'un COLL_IM peut gérer jusqu'à 8 NE, ce qui correspond au traitement de 464 dispatch en 5 minutes, donc on doit mettre en moyenne 1.54 secondes pour traiter un dispatch d'un NE dans le COLL_IM, chose qui n'est pas réalisable vu les essais effectués

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B.1 COLL mib collNe SUPPORTED OBJECT CLASS PACKAGES allomorphicPackage, collNePkg, csBulkDataPackage, packagesPackage, topPackage, neUserLabelPackage, neCharacteristicsPackage ; ATTRIBUTES allomorphs GET, nameBinding GET, networkElementId GET, objectClass GET, packages GET, type GET, userLabel GET REPLACE;; NOTIFICATIONS perfBulkData10, perfBulkData11, perfBulkData12, perfBulkData13, perfBulkData14, perfBulkData15, perfBulkData16, perfBulkData20, perfBulkData21; REGISTERED AS {1 3 12 2 1006 64 0 7 3 2};

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Application Programmer Interface


American Standard Code for Information Interchange


Circuit Part Core Network


Comma Separated Values


Distributed System Management


Distributed Server System


Event Forwarding Discriminator


Element and Network Management Server hosting EML layer and CS


File Transfer Protocol


Graphical User Interface


Home Location Register


Human Machine Interface


Information Manager


Network Element


Network Management Center


Network Management Server hosting applications


Performance Management


Radio Control Point


Signaling Channel Control Point


Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol


Telecommunications Management Network


User Service Manager

End of document

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