Countable And Noncount Nouns.pdf

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 521
  • Pages: 3
COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS A. PENGERTIAN COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS 1. Pengertian Countable Noun Countable Noun adalah kata benda yang dapat dihitung. Kata benda ini terbagi menjadi dua macam, yaitu : kata benda dapat dihitung tunggal (singular countable), dan kata benda dihitung jamak (plural countable). a. Singular Countable Noun Sebelum menggunakan singular countable noun, harus menggunakan a/an, or one. For example : - A Cat is an animal - Umar is a very nice person b. Plural Countable Noun Pada bentuk jamak, perubahan bentu kata bendanya mengikuti pola beraturan (regular) atau pola tidak beraturan (irregular). Plural countable harus ditambahkan s/es, atau dapat juga menggunakan some, many, several, a few, a lot of, any, etc. For example : - Some children learn very quickly (irregular) - I love bananas (regular)

2. Pengertian Uncountable Noun Uncountable Noun adalah kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung dan tidak memiliki bentuk plural. Uncountable noun juga tidak menggunakan a/an, dan juga tidak ada penambahan s/es. Contohnya : Gold, Blood, Coffee, Tea, Water, Money, Furniture, Sugar, Fruits, Music, etc. - Blood is red - I put some sugar in my coffee - Sunshine is warm and cheerful Beberapa kata benda dapat menjadi countable dan juga uncountable, tergantung pada posisi, letak dan penggunaannya. Uncountable : I like tea Countable : I’ll have two teas, please.

Exercises A. Lengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan bentuk yang tepat, tunggal atau jamak dari nomina yang diberikan. 1. Furniture I bought some 2. Fruit There is a lot of on the table 3. Clothing I have a lot of in my closet 4. Information There is a lot of in an encyclopedia 5. Fact There is a lot of in an encyclopedia 6. Chair I bought some 7. Vegetable There are a lot of on the table 8. Dress Mery has a lot of in her closet 9. Slang I want to learn some American 10. Grammar I know a lot of 11. Letter Did you get any today? 12. Literature I like to read good 13. Money He has some in his pocket 14. Coin I need some for the vending machine 15. Novel I like to read good 16. Mail Did you get any today? 17. Homework I have a lot of to do tonight 18. Dust There is a lot of under the bed 19. River The Mississipi, The Amazon are well-known in the world B. Lengkapi kalimat di bawah ini dengan nomina yang diberikan Glass Change Hair Iron

Lamp Work Cup Pound

Glass Piece Bar Sheet

Spoonful Loaf Paper

20. I have some in my pocket 21. The painting is of art 22. There is on my jacket 23. I pressed my shirt with 24. I wrote for prof. Lee 25. Please turn off the 26. I drank a of coffee 27. I bought two of cheese 28. I drank a of orange juice 29. I had a of toast and an egg for breakfast 30. I need a of chalk 31. There are 200 of lined paper in my notebook 32. I used two of bread to make a sandwich 33. I bought one of bread at store

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