Coulomb Blochade Report

  • June 2020
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Coulomb blockade Report Submitted by : Hussein Ayedh 27/11/2009

Introduction In this lab exercise, we studied the characteristics of the single electron transistor and the motion of electrons in nanostructure where the electron only free to move in one dimension in a quantum wire rather than three dimensions for the electrons in large system, the transport of electron in the SET via tunneling through the barriers if there is an available empty energy level on the dot in the transport window , but the blocking states occur when all the energy levels on the dot below the transport window are occupied .the SET works at very low temperature (liquid helium temperature in our lab exercise ) because the thermal energy is dominate at high temperature .

Experimental setup computer Current multimeter Voltage He sample Measurment can source Figure (1) : diagram of the amplifier stick V Vsd experimental setup g


Nanowire It is nanostructure where its dimensions are in nanometer and the properties of the material at this scales are interesting where the electrons motion is reduced from three dimensions at large scale to one dimension at nano scale then the electron motion will be confined in this case to a discrete energy levels therefore the characteristic of the material is different. At nano scale the rules of quantum mechanics must be applied,

Capacitance It is one of the important principles in the electrostatics where it is measure the capability of the material to store electric charge, the common shape of the capacitance is represented by two parallel plates, if there is an applied voltage on the two plates then a positive charge stays at one plate and a negative charge at the other plate ,the capacitance is C=QV…………(1)

Where Q is the charge stored in the plates due to the applied voltage between them. In this case the capacitance is proportional to the area of the plate surface directly but inversely to the distance between the plates c=εs*Ad…………….(2)

In our case if the capacitance between the dot (the central InAs island) and one of the leads is considered as a parallel plate capacitor, and one of the InP barriers as the insulating dielectric with thickness is 7 nm and dielectric constant is 12.5 then the capacitance of this capacitor will be measured By using formula (2) Where d is the barrier thickness and A is the area of the plate

The quantum wire has cylindrical shape with diameter ( R=50nm) Then the area of the plate is circular and can be measured as the following A=πr2……………(3)

Where r is the radius of the quantum wire r=R2=50*10-72=25*10-7cm

Then the area is A=πr2=1.96*10-11cm2

Finally the capacitance is c=εs*Ad=εo*εr*Ad=3.1*10-2fF=31 aF

And the electrostatic energy stored in the capacitor is defined by U=Q22C………………(4)

And for our system the energy stored on the quantum dot is determined by the previous equation with replacing Q2 by Ne2 where N refer to the number of the electrons on the dot U=Ne22C………………(5)

Single electron transistor (SET) CsdgFigure V VDot C∑ schematic illustrate the 2): gsd Dra arrangement of the single electron Sour in ga transistor ce


The device in which we can observe the effect of coulomb blockade is called single electron transistor which consists of

semiconductor nanowire with two barriers were formed by another semiconductor has band gap larger than that for the nanowire ,both barriers create an island between them .the two terminals of the nanowire joined to metal contacts as source and drain ,and the wire is placed on a substrate which refer to the gate with thin layer of oxide separate between them . The design of the single electron transistor is illustrative in the fig ( 2) where the quantum dot (central region of InAs ) with self capacitance C∑ coupled to the source and drain via two tunnel barriers of InP

The next figures illustrate the energy diagram for a quantum dot where in the fig(3a) blocking state where the transport of electron from the source to the dot via barrier tunnel is not allowed because all the energy levels in the island region with energies lower than μs are filled .in fig (3b) to align the energy levels in the island by applying positive voltage to the gate contact and these energy levels are lowered then the electron in the source can tunnel into the dot and it can tunnel into the drain contact as in fig(3c) .in this case only one electron can tunnel through the barrier to the island at time because the size of the island is small and the repulsion interaction between the electrons . e2/C+Δ μ μ a c b Figure N S D +1 N N+1 (3) : (a) the propagate of electron is not allowed -1 (b) the electron tunnels from the source to the island (c) the transport of the electron to the drain through the tunnel

In the previous figure if positive bias voltage is applied, then μs will move up and μd will move down Vsd=μs-μde………………(6a) If an energy level in the island region is in the transport window which is lower than μs and upper than μd then the current will flow .but if the gate voltage which governs the position of energy level is increased then the energy level will be lower than μd and the accessible electron from the source to the dot cannot tunnel to the drain because there is no free state in the drain and it will be confined in the island region then the number of states will increase by one therefore there is no current flow .

In the other hand if small negative bias voltage is applied on the SET then μs will move down and μd will move up ,

Vsd=-(μs-μd)e……………(6b) μFigure μN a b (4) : (a) the propagate of electron from the drain to the Sc D N -1 dot is not allowed (b) the electron tunnels from the drain to the island (c) the transport of the electron to the source through the tunnel

In this case the electron will tunnel from the drain to the island and to the source as in fig (4) and negative current will flow with process similar that in for positive applied bias voltage

If the applied bias voltage is very small then there is no an energy level in the transport window therefore there is no current as in the figures (3a) and (4a) but if we increase the bias voltage to shift the transport window to the next energy level in the island then the current in this case will start to flow and the relation between the current through the device and the applied bias voltage is the I-V characteristics which is shown in the measurement part. to lower the next energy level to the opened transport window then the chemical potential in the island must be changed μislandN+1-μislandN=e2C∑=Ec………………(7a)

Where Ec is the charging energy which will added to the island .Now if one electron is added to the central InAs island on the quantum wire discussed above when the capacitance of the capacitors is equal (C1=C2=Cg ) and C∑ is the sum of all those capacitances which is C∑=3c=93 aF Then the charging energy is ECh=e2C∑=2.75*10-22=1.7meV…………(7b)

But it is not good approximation to consider the capacitance of the all capacitors is equal where Cg is smaller than the others because the thickness of the oxide layer over the substrate is much larger than the barrier thickness and we observed that the gate voltage is larger than the bias voltage .then the best approximation is to neglect Cg because it’s very small with comparing to C1 and C2 then C∑≈2c It is necessary to do the measurement at low temperature i.e. the thermal energy of an electron must be lower than the charging energy because at high temperature the thermal energy will be dominated therefore we put our sample inside a can of helium

liquid. The thermal energy of an electron at liquid helium temperature (4.2 K) is Eth=kBT=0.36 meV………………(8a)

Where kB=0.86*10-4eV/K the Boltzmann’s constant Whereas the thermal energy at room temperature (300 K) is Eth=kBT=0.0259 eV………………(8b)

With comparing the equations (8a) and (8b) to (7b) we observe that At liquid helium temperature Eth≪ECh But at room temperature Eth≫ECh by increasing Vg then the next energy level will be in the transport window and the electron will tunnel to the island and to the drain and the current will flow again , by iterate this processes the current through the SET will flow if an energy level in the transport window unless there is no current will flow this is called coulomb oscillations.

In our measurements we swept bias and gate voltages and the smallest bias voltage step size when the sample at liquid helium temperature is Vbias=kB Te=0.36 mV

Measurements The coulomb oscillations is shown in the figure (5) where the periodicity is observed and the line width of the oscillations increases by increasing of the bias voltage Vsd due to the growth of the regions where flowing the current is allowed whereas the coulomb blockade region be constant without growth, the different in line width of the oscillations is clear by compare fig (5) at Vsd=1mV to fig (6) at Vsd =0-1mV then if we reduce Vsd the peaks will be narrower and weaker . From figure (5) one can deduces the periodicity of the gate oscillations where the distance between two peaks or two buttons is the period periodicity=∆Vgnumber of periods=100 mV2.5=40mV

The periodicity is 40mV per period.

Figure (5) :coulomb oscillations in the current through the SET at Vsd=1mV

And the gate capacitance can be calculated when the gate voltage is 40mV (the voltage per one period) as Cg=e∆Vg=1.6*10-194*10-2=0.4*10-17F=4 aF

Figure (6) :coulomb oscillations in the current through the SET at Vsd=0.1Mv where the peaks is narrow and weak. Figure (7) :the shape of I-V characteristic if Isdsd (A) V (mV) only one state in one energy level According of the

operation of the single electron transistor one can expect the I-V characteristic if the energy levels in the dot are discrete with energy interval ∆E as the fig (7) where there is only one allowed electron at time and the current will flow through the device and stay constant even with

increasing the bias voltage until the next energy level is in the transport window then the current will increase abruptly and stay constant again at the new value and so on. But virtually the I-V characteristic is as that in the fig (8) because there are many states in one energy level where the energy intervals between them are negligible and the energy levels seem as they are continuous levels then the current will increase linearly with the bias voltage

The figure (8) illustrates I-V characteristics when the gate voltage is 1.91 mV where there is no current through the device for small bias voltage lower than 1mV where there is no energy level in the transport window ,after that the current will start to flow

Fig(7): I-V characteristics at gate voltage 1.91 mV

To observe the coulomb blockade, the resistance of the tunneling junction must be greater than the quantum resistance which is he2

We have the charging energy is ΔE=e2C and the life time Δt=RC then the tunneling resistance according to the uncertainty principle ΔE.Δt≻h is ΔE.Δt≻h=e2C.RC≻h=R≻he2

Fig(9): I-V characteristics at gate voltage 1.93 mV

From fig (9) we deduce the resistance which is the reciprocal of the slope whereas the slope correspond to the conductance G G=1R=∂Isd∂Vsd=dydx=1.146*10-6Ω-1

Then the SET resistance in the conductance state is R=1slope=11.146*10-6=87.26kΩ

Then it is clear that the SET resistance is larger than the quantum resistance R≻(he2=25.8kΩ)

This value of the SET resistance is large then the flowing current through the SET is very small because there is only one allowed electron tunnel through the SET, so there is an amplifier of the current in the experimental setup fig (1).

if the typical measured currents in order of pA then the tunneling frequency

� is defined by v=Γℏ

where � is the energy of state is defined by Γ=ℏIe1TPK=ℏτ=ℏv

Where TPK is transmission coefficients which is equal one and τ is the life time . v=Ie1TPK=6.3MHz

Then the corresponding frequency in order of MHz if the current in order of pA And the life time is τ=160 ns In the non conductive state which correspond to the horizontal line at small bias voltage in fig (8) , the resistance is infinity where the slope for this region is zero

In figure (10) the differential stability diagram for differential conductance as a function of the applied bias voltage .The applied bias voltage shifts up μs the source chemical potential and shifts down μd the drain chemical potential by the same value where Vsd=μs-μde

Then the value of μs , μd will change from their steady value μ0 without bias voltage according to the previous equation to μs=μ0+eVsd2 , μd=μ0-eVsd2

For N electrons on the island region we get μN≺μ0-eVsd2 , μN+1≻μ0+eVsd2

And ∆VG=1eα(μN+1-μN) ∆VG=∆Vsd α

Where α is the lever arm α=∆Vsd ∆VG

And we have


Then the charging energy and the lever arm can be calculated by using figure (9) where ∆Vsdand ∆Vg can be taken from the figure directly because it is the differential diagram of the coulomb diamond. By using one light region which is not conductance region i.e (I = 0) where ∆Vg corresponds to the height of this region whereas ∆Vsd corresponds to half width of the same region, then ∆Vg=1.91-1.872=0.038 V ∆Vsd=4-0*10-3=4 mV


Ec=∆Vsd*e=4 meV

and the charging energy also relate to the total capacitance of the island C∑ by the following equation Ec=e2C∑

Then the C∑

can be calculated by the previous relation

C∑=e2Ec=40 aF

The gate capacitance was calculated previously by calculating ∆Vg from the periodicity in fig (2) where ∆Vg=40mV We got the same value approximately for ∆Vg from the stability figure then Cg=e∆Vg=4 aF

And one can deduce the value of C1 and C2 where C1 = C2 And C∑-Cg=C1+C2=36aF Then C1 = C2 = 18aF α can be calculated by the relation α=∆Vsd∆Vg=0.105

Where ∆Vg=Ece*α The lever arm of gate on the dot α is also defined by the ratio of the gate capacitance to the total capacitance of the dot α=CgC∑=0.1

α Value changes by large changing in the gate voltage

In figure (10) the white region is non conductance whereas the black one is conductance region and the maximum current at the meeting of two regions on Vg axis. Figure (10): differential stability diagram

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