Cost Weights

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Introductory Notes to Cost Weights These notes provide assistance in interpreting the cost weight tables that follow. For further information, see Glossary of the National Hospital Cost Data Collection Cost Report Round 10 (2005-06) for detailed definitions of NHCDC terms or the National Hospital Cost Data Collection Hospital Reference Manual Round 10 (2005-06) for a detailed explanation of each of the ‘cost buckets’ described below. Additional notes The sample separations submitted to the NHCDC have been population adjusted in all tables and cost weights except where noted. Hospitals with less than 200 acute separations or classed as same day facilities were excluded from both sample and population hospitals. Care should be taken when comparing average costs between the public and private sectors as cost components differ between sectors. Slight differences may occur between figures in the tables displayed in the Round 10 Cost Report and figures displayed in the attached. Cost Weight reports due to rounding. Cost Weight Table Columns The following is a brief explanation of each of the ‘cost bucket’ columns displayed in the Cost Weight Report. AR-DRG AR-DRGs or Australian Refined Diagnosis Related Groups is a patient classification scheme that provides a clinically meaningful way of relating the number and types of patients treated in a hospital to the resources required by the hospital. AR-DRG Description Descriptive text for the AR-DRG code. Cost Weight A measure of the average cost of an DRG, compared with the average cost of all DRGs. The average cost of all DRGs is given a cost weight of 1.0. Standard Error Standard errors indicate the reliability of cost weights in terms of variation in costs and variation from the sample design. Number of Seps This column displays the number of separations. A separation is termed to be one complete episode of care for a given patient. Number of Days Number of Days is the sum of lengths of stay of the separations for a given DRG. Date Printed: 21/11/2007

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Page 1

ALOS The ALOS is calculated by dividing the number of days by the number of separations for each DRG. There may be minor variations at decimal place level for some DRGs with low volumes.

Average Cost per DRG ($) The following gives a break down of the average cost for each DRG. Total The Total column displays the total average cost for each DRG. Direct The Direct column displays the total direct average cost for each DRG. Ohead The Ohead column displays the total overhead average cost for each DRG. Average Component Cost per DRG ($) The following are the average component (or bucket) costs for each DRG. Ward Medical Also known as Medical Clinical Services, this bucket includes the salaries and wages of all medical officers including sessional payments. Ward Nursing Also known as Nursing Clinical Services, this bucket includes all costs associated with nursing care in general ward areas.

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* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Page 2

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Cont…. Non Clinical Salaries This bucket was renamed ‘Other’ from ‘Non-clinical Salaries’ in Round 4. This bucket contains all other costs of service provision for each inpatient separation during the Round. These costs are primarily other salaries and wages such as patient care assistants. Pathology This column reports costs recorded from diagnostic clinical laboratory tests for the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Imaging This bucket contains costs for diagnostic and therapeutic images produced under the direction of a qualified radiographer or suitably qualified technician and reported by a medical practitioner (radiologist). Allied ‘Allied’ is an abbreviation for the Allied Health cost bucket. The Allied Health cost bucket reports costs delivered to clinical services by qualified health professionals (exclusive of medical and nurse trained personnel) who have direct patient contact and provide services in Audiology, Dietetics/Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Optometry, Orthotics, Physiotherapy, Podiatry, Social Work, Psychology, Speech Pathology and other Allied Health. Pharmacy This column reports costs associated with the provision of pharmaceuticals including purchasing, production, distribution, supply and storage of drug products and clinical pharmacy services. Critical Care The Critical Care cost bucket is the combination of intensive care and coronary care costs. Oper Rooms ‘Oper Rooms’ is an abbreviation for the Operating Rooms cost bucket and reports costs for a health care facility under sterile conditions, where significant surgical procedures are carried out under the direction of suitably qualified medical practitioners. Emerg Depts This column displays costs reported for health care facilities designed and equipped specifically to provide an environment where patients presenting in an unscheduled manner can be triaged, assessed and treated. Date Printed: 21/11/2007

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Page 3

Supplies ‘Supplies’ is an abbreviation for the Supplies and Ward Overheads cost bucket. It includes costs for goods and services, medical and surgical supplies, ward overheads and clinical department overheads. Spec Proc Suites (or SPS) ‘Spec Proc Suites’ is an abbreviation for the Specialist Procedure Suites cost bucket. This includes costs equipped specifically to provide an environment where diagnostic and therapeutic procedures can be performed under the direction of suitably qualified medical practitioners. Does not include Operating Room costs. Prostheses This column displays costs of prostheses and includes prostheses appearing on hospital accounts as well as a best estimate of the prostheses whose costs where missed because of acquisition by the patient or doctor. On-Costs The On-Costs cost bucket includes indirect salary costs like superannuation, termination payments, lump sum payments, fringe benefits tax, long service leave, worker’s compensation and recruitment costs. Hotel The Hotel cost bucket reports costs of hotel services and is a grouping of the following overhead costs: cleaning, linen and laundry, food services, general hotel, porters and orderlies. Deprec The ‘Deprec’ bucket reports depreciation costs. Note that depreciation is not reported consistently between jurisdictions. No. of Hosps This column displays the number of sample hospitals which reported data for a particular AR-DRG. Additional information Any additional information can be accessed at the Casemix website:

Date Printed: 21/11/2007

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Page 4

Public Sector - Sample Round 10 (2005-06) AR-DRG 5.0 Cost Report

Date Printed: 21/11/2007

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

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V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG A01Z A03Z A05Z A06Z A07Z A08A A08B A09A A09B A40Z A41A A41B B01Z B02A B02B B02C B03A B03B B04A B04B B05Z B06A B06B B07A B07B B40Z B41Z B60A B60B B61A B61B B62Z B63Z

Liver Transplant Lung Or Heart/Lung Transplant Heart Transplant Tracheostomy Or Ventilation>95 Allog Bone Marrow Transplant Auto Bone Marrow Transplnt+Ccc Auto Bone Marrow Transplnt-Ccc Renal Transplant+Pancreas/+Ccc Renal Transplant -Pancreas-Ccc Ecmo - Cardiac Surgery Intubation Age<16+Cc Intubation Age<16-Cc Ventricular Shunt Revision Craniotomy + Ccc Craniotomy + Smcc Craniotomy - Cc Spinal Procedures + Cscc Spinal Procedures - Cscc Extracranial Vascular Pr +Cscc Extracranial Vascular Pr -Cscc Carpal Tunnel Release Cbl Psy,Mus Dysy,Npthy Pr+Cscc Cbl Psy,Mus Dysy,Npthy Pr-Cscc Prphl & Cranl Nerv & Oth Pr+Cc Prphl & Cranl Nerv & Oth Pr-Cc Plasmapheresis + Neurolgcl Dis Telemetric Eeg Monitoring Estab Para/Quad+/-Or Pr+Ccc Estab Para/Quad+/-Or Pr-Ccc Spinal Cord Cond+/-Or Pr +Cscc Spinal Cord Cond+/-Or Pr -Cscc Admit For Apheresis Dmntia&Chrnic Disturb Crbrl Fn

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



28.29 21.47 28.67 21.84 16.94 10.57 4.48 13.23 7.51 25.40 3.67 1.47 2.82 8.20 4.91 3.88 6.51 3.00 3.50 2.05 0.49 4.88 1.07 2.55 1.15 0.81 1.48 7.48 2.16 7.30 2.32 0.31 2.26

120 82 60 7,218 269 317 286 177 364 52 220 168 196 1,662 1,936 2,487 162 579 489 1,001 4,573 154 1,213 381 2,250 577 613 769 2,859 339 478 2,702 3,223

3,696 2,026 2,182 223,221 8,394 7,747 3,448 2,741 3,072 1,237 1,289 494 1,364 30,164 19,986 17,674 2,526 2,710 3,490 3,290 5,085 2,452 2,232 2,627 4,058 1,948 3,330 20,422 21,414 6,809 2,625 2,779 39,642

30.8 24.71 36.37 30.93 31.2 24.44 12.06 15.49 8.44 23.79 5.86 2.94 6.96 18.15 10.32 7.11 15.59 4.68 7.14 3.29 1.11 15.92 1.84 6.9 1.8 3.38 5.43 26.56 7.49 20.09 5.49 1.03 12.3

108,308 82,200 109,766 83,623 64,835 40,470 17,136 50,658 28,731 97,243 14,065 5,620 10,792 31,393 18,797 14,869 24,918 11,469 13,409 7,847 1,869 18,669 4,100 9,777 4,406 3,094 5,648 28,648 8,263 27,963 8,892 1,198 8,670


92,465 71,693 95,319 68,140 54,214 32,246 13,532 43,542 24,813 79,779 10,702 4,444 8,818 25,416 15,315 12,228 20,616 9,422 10,779 6,389 1,453 14,599 3,151 7,691 3,413 2,483 4,355 21,878 6,330 22,161 7,096 970 6,665


15,843 10,507 14,447 15,483 10,621 8,224 3,604 7,117 3,918 17,464 3,363 1,176 1,974 5,977 3,482 2,641 4,301 2,047 2,630 1,459 416 4,070 950 2,086 994 610 1,292 6,770 1,933 5,801 1,796 227 2,006

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



17,477 7,523 12,495 4,122 3,513 2,925 1,013 2,359 2,141 4,073 740 313 1,042 2,844 1,772 1,333 2,399 975 1,636 805 192 2,034 387 946 376 361 1,246 2,637 738 2,025 697 59 963


1,845 1,362 3,224 748 1,391 866 283 508 350 928 95 33 108 414 198 142 297 105 201 121 34 321 53 169 59 65 309 601 177 497 117 29 162

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

9,302 8,476 9,398 5,254 11,167 7,928 3,488 6,452 3,875 2,723 1,625 591 1,945 5,457 2,906 1,905 4,826 1,406 1,937 802 124 4,493 450 1,775 427 862 1,685 8,628 2,356 7,389 1,818 270 2,846


1,608 1,228 1,184 1,103 1,969 1,463 532 855 547 443 308 88 400 1,109 595 426 886 258 372 168 36 884 94 368 93 178 536 1,974 561 1,829 395 80 633

Non Clinical Salaries 5,574 1,584 1,999 1,658 2,038 1,551 974 1,374 994 1,105 253 95 431 955 673 452 1,430 491 438 211 43 921 143 364 129 142 234 1,449 493 1,328 386 43 578

Pathology Direct


DRG 4,674 1,591 A01Z 5,802 1,138 A03Z 6,123 923 A05Z 3,329 560 A06Z 9,847 1,578 A07Z 4,233 849 A08A 1,640 366 A08B 3,195 328 A09A 1,262 159 A09B 4,859 928 A40Z 468 52 A41A 153 17 A41B 215 25 B01Z 1,148 188 B02A 596 87 B02B 389 58 B02C 631 134 B03A 159 27 B03B 350 52 B04A 134 19 B04B 7 1 B05Z 652 121 B06A 94 16 B06B 222 40 B07A 42 8 B07B 112 31 B40Z 64 20 B41Z 861 204 B60A 184 43 B60B 644 133 B61A 178 39 B61B 200 54 B62Z 213 38 B63Z

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V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG A01Z A03Z A05Z A06Z A07Z A08A A08B A09A A09B A40Z A41A A41B B01Z B02A B02B B02C B03A B03B B04A B04B B05Z B06A B06B B07A B07B B40Z B41Z B60A B60B B61A B61B B62Z B63Z

1,902 1,749 1,815 2,423 1,117 801 276 1,831 753 2,893 403 204 363 1,835 1,049 940 724 239 439 158 5 728 35 343 53 71 247 706 186 1,023 515 10 205



283 402 372 449 249 140 43 381 142 551 61 34 60 319 189 179 111 36 72 25 1 120 6 64 10 13 43 144 38 185 89 2 35


3,151 2,288 2,095 2,054 1,235 700 249 596 315 1,373 764 180 181 895 418 221 580 181 182 42 7 1,091 85 214 45 168 107 834 225 1,490 514 6 406

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



623 369 326 457 225 167 82 178 77 301 187 41 58 193 98 56 152 41 44 11 2 244 24 64 12 35 37 207 57 357 131 1 114


16,013 9,344 13,505 3,559 16,839 8,684 4,183 17,967 9,725 8,978 554 126 212 1,225 509 365 657 271 321 155 32 697 116 299 77 164 152 1,751 292 721 165 243 265


1,181 181 318 354 833 816 277 863 535 1,962 270 16 19 234 47 34 47 60 26 12 2 56 45 24 7 8 10 390 22 49 14 8 31

Critical Care Direct

13,800 17,677 23,606 35,459 2,579 1,650 315 1,854 93 32,394 3,648 1,253 248 3,893 1,643 1,070 811 155 1,124 571 4 580 17 307 22 284 68 1,125 160 1,513 374 1 19


1,787 2,241 3,542 6,677 282 217 31 203 10 5,059 809 375 39 695 290 185 122 25 221 104 0 115 3 74 4 56 9 231 40 252 66 0 4

Oper Rooms Direct

10,735 11,598 15,393 3,549 332 296 151 5,035 3,513 14,357 775 550 2,267 3,851 3,483 3,433 4,157 3,046 3,194 2,662 889 1,653 1,439 2,091 1,710 36 15 1,136 606 2,028 879 7 17


1,479 2,054 2,506 753 68 89 34 1,019 688 2,356 171 101 392 730 654 631 736 601 660 573 246 366 356 495 467 8 4 270 169 394 189 2 5

Emerg Depts Direct

138 154 170 289 27 14 4 35 34 189 431 523 196 272 174 116 144 41 102 40 4 445 21 344 202 39 36 403 286 317 352 1 475


18 28 32 64 6 3 1 4 6 27 119 120 43 64 40 26 32 10 24 9 1 106 5 84 50 9 9 96 69 69 82 0 117

Supplies Direct

3,442 2,412 2,897 898 1,498 1,152 580 995 646 340 184 90 313 598 389 272 605 184 181 96 19 396 56 146 51 89 76 761 235 657 167 91 243

Spec Proc Suites


732 204 284 421 431 548 322 409 202 182 257 67 210 323 214 146 407 148 132 60 16 268 48 142 47 52 36 621 194 411 114 16 244


21 90 688 340 2,145 937 298 12 2 1,075 66 6 59 466 244 209 31 105 88 14 5 242 18 80 9 16 304 204 32 249 107 0 9


2 17 240 78 1,026 454 151 2 0 171 12 1 15 106 55 50 7 21 18 2 2 55 4 25 2 5 75 52 9 51 15 0 3

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 1,802 647 2,385 1,050 64 220 63 373 382 4,056 108 38 857 730 613 765 2,888 1,823 350 307 38 456 162 127 55 1 1 339 185 1,871 642 2 11

OnCosts 4,865 2,201 2,411 4,149 2,222 1,687 823 1,756 1,110 2,302 773 296 486 1,295 864 661 994 469 592 353 76 738 181 447 209 137 142 1,292 415 1,156 407 34 450


1,970 704 836 1,763 1,208 1,290 582 1,017 602 1,788 559 165 350 828 512 399 633 317 343 208 43 510 140 310 131 87 100 1,125 316 780 248 18 399

Deprec No. of Hosps 2,294 724 1,001 2,065 945 788 378 1,057 568 1,832 372 142 258 726 486 407 476 277 310 184 39 378 101 211 111 64 82 608 175 544 191 20 184

6 4 5 61 14 29 28 15 16 16 46 43 26 30 34 40 32 38 45 51 62 47 61 55 61 29 22 60 62 51 57 25 62

DRG A01Z A03Z A05Z A06Z A07Z A08A A08B A09A A09B A40Z A41A A41B B01Z B02A B02B B02C B03A B03B B04A B04B B05Z B06A B06B B07A B07B B40Z B41Z B60A B60B B61A B61B B62Z B63Z

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V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG B64A B64B B65Z B66A B66B B67A B67B B67C B68A B68B B69A B69B B70A B70B B70C B70D B71A B71B B72A B72B B73Z B74Z B75Z B76A B76B B77Z B78A B78B B79Z B80Z B81A B81B C01Z

Delirium+Ccc Delirium-Ccc Cerebral Palsy Nervous System Neoplasm+Cscc Nervous System Neoplasm-Cscc Degnrtv Nerv Sys Dis+Cscc Degnrtv Nerv Sys Dis A>59-Cscc Degnrtv Nerv Sys Dis A<60-Cscc Mlt Sclrosis&Cerebel Ataxia+Cc Mlt Sclrosis&Cerebel Ataxia-Cc Tia & Precerebral Occlusn+Cscc Tia & Precerebral Occlusn-Cscc Stroke +Ccc Stroke +Scc Stroke -Cscc Stroke Died/Transferred<5 Days Cranial & Periphl Nerv Dsrd+Cc Cranial & Periphl Nerv Dsrd-Cc Nrvs Sys Inf Ex Vrl Mngts+Cscc Nrvs Sys Inf Ex Vrl Mngts-Cscc Viral Meningitis Nontraumatic Stupor & Coma Febrile Convulsions Seizure + Cscc Seizure - Cscc Headache Intracranial Injury+Cscc Intracranial Injury-Cscc Skull Fractures Other Head Injury Other Dsrd Of Nervous Sys+Cscc Other Dsrd Of Nervous Sys-Cscc Proc For Penetratng Eye Injury

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



2.73 1.22 0.60 2.29 1.03 2.93 1.12 0.51 2.18 0.40 1.44 0.66 3.94 2.20 1.46 0.71 1.75 0.34 4.53 1.58 0.92 0.80 0.42 1.72 0.57 0.44 3.19 1.21 1.07 0.43 2.06 0.76 2.36

780 2,670 306 1,367 1,443 1,166 1,700 2,855 437 2,943 1,439 4,508 4,294 4,806 5,055 3,158 1,544 8,543 323 982 906 695 1,235 2,696 12,462 10,567 810 1,975 1,397 7,079 2,061 5,041 270

9,972 15,142 585 12,963 5,803 14,637 9,100 6,876 3,956 5,856 8,564 11,688 72,126 44,448 28,503 5,155 11,043 13,482 5,357 5,499 3,095 2,098 1,767 16,727 25,825 17,669 9,495 7,867 4,611 10,150 19,406 15,813 1,628

12.78 5.67 1.91 9.48 4.02 12.55 5.35 2.41 9.05 1.99 5.95 2.59 16.8 9.25 5.64 1.63 7.15 1.58 16.59 5.6 3.42 3.02 1.43 6.2 2.07 1.67 11.72 3.98 3.3 1.43 9.42 3.14 6.03

10,437 4,666 2,283 8,747 3,957 11,203 4,300 1,956 8,326 1,540 5,518 2,510 15,090 8,440 5,574 2,734 6,682 1,296 17,327 6,045 3,508 3,074 1,591 6,592 2,170 1,667 12,208 4,638 4,094 1,650 7,886 2,926 9,030


8,074 3,605 1,706 6,786 3,066 8,741 3,334 1,499 6,533 1,204 4,218 1,961 11,722 6,541 4,346 2,192 5,152 1,007 13,741 4,662 2,680 2,445 1,193 5,158 1,685 1,314 9,598 3,643 3,198 1,316 6,121 2,281 6,888


2,363 1,061 577 1,961 891 2,462 965 457 1,793 336 1,300 548 3,368 1,898 1,228 542 1,531 289 3,586 1,383 828 629 397 1,435 485 353 2,611 994 896 334 1,764 645 2,142

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



1,099 457 169 987 427 1,309 589 258 1,096 227 571 231 1,618 878 562 158 836 184 1,970 694 420 260 212 701 221 147 1,239 421 367 112 877 320 1,288


200 86 23 201 85 207 88 56 188 36 124 39 303 150 90 24 169 38 302 117 66 50 23 126 37 26 212 64 53 17 160 51 345

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

3,349 1,300 368 2,574 928 3,345 1,165 456 2,474 387 1,435 481 4,649 2,362 1,326 310 1,765 267 4,234 1,409 800 659 368 1,593 393 241 3,243 983 768 170 2,372 647 1,341


713 289 105 519 173 642 260 123 514 101 262 95 905 458 272 63 372 67 956 292 142 151 71 320 91 63 656 200 140 41 560 157 313

Non Clinical Salaries 614 265 114 566 263 655 260 122 485 78 330 127 909 532 309 71 395 66 967 331 217 125 103 336 104 60 735 256 218 45 413 151 509

Pathology Direct

448 178 40 219 118 324 112 54 274 54 186 97 454 239 162 123 253 31 813 257 228 131 63 256 84 74 430 123 99 42 297 116 104


73 30 12 44 20 53 21 11 47 11 31 16 76 42 29 21 51 6 141 45 42 21 10 43 13 13 72 19 15 6 51 23 13

DRG B64A B64B B65Z B66A B66B B67A B67B B67C B68A B68B B69A B69B B70A B70B B70C B70D B71A B71B B72A B72B B73Z B74Z B75Z B76A B76B B77Z B78A B78B B79Z B80Z B81A B81B C01Z

Page 8


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG B64A B64B B65Z B66A B66B B67A B67B B67C B68A B68B B69A B69B B70A B70B B70C B70D B71A B71B B72A B72B B73Z B74Z B75Z B76A B76B B77Z B78A B78B B79Z B80Z B81A B81B C01Z

375 217 76 408 300 347 150 85 311 64 345 284 631 474 564 285 271 52 713 251 158 149 35 260 125 157 671 408 383 257 336 249 117



64 35 12 70 53 59 25 15 55 11 60 46 110 82 112 49 47 10 117 48 29 24 5 45 21 26 120 75 64 45 61 44 23


562 203 408 389 143 613 246 89 506 60 268 84 1,258 650 298 81 295 31 488 120 33 84 18 236 47 27 628 169 123 32 420 105 64

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127 49 103 99 39 157 62 22 112 15 65 20 297 163 72 18 74 8 131 38 23 24 12 61 14 7 152 38 33 8 106 26 20


420 154 50 522 190 410 181 91 316 123 192 71 455 262 157 53 311 57 1,396 335 181 131 29 261 72 46 331 121 86 24 288 85 173


68 18 7 40 18 37 16 7 26 12 28 8 48 29 16 5 26 4 115 23 14 12 3 26 9 5 31 24 17 2 28 10 20

Critical Care Direct

146 34 4 93 57 429 55 32 71 2 115 13 348 143 151 394 120 17 1,399 480 33 252 4 558 64 9 856 282 277 54 144 21 54


34 8 1 21 12 77 11 6 15 0 27 3 69 29 31 83 29 3 313 95 8 53 1 114 14 2 169 54 59 11 31 4 14

Oper Rooms Direct

22 12 177 26 61 55 34 38 54 31 15 16 40 17 44 70 101 119 181 72 15 5 12 21 19 23 40 27 51 7 32 36 1,991


6 4 54 7 20 13 9 10 20 7 4 3 9 4 12 20 30 35 37 18 3 1 4 5 6 6 10 6 14 2 8 11 515

Emerg Depts Direct

572 529 67 301 264 431 239 120 389 87 455 402 454 419 350 491 315 85 383 355 463 439 299 511 423 433 488 474 512 471 490 349 215


130 121 14 70 63 106 53 29 93 20 109 95 109 99 83 116 77 21 100 90 108 97 74 137 102 98 112 108 120 108 113 80 57

Supplies Direct

219 97 103 276 110 316 109 46 205 37 117 41 354 199 116 31 167 36 374 131 62 46 26 134 37 23 308 121 91 18 171 58 316

Spec Proc Suites


174 86 37 201 98 292 100 36 173 30 112 40 297 175 102 18 185 23 256 153 68 42 41 123 36 18 225 88 72 13 146 52 185


9 12 5 90 34 45 32 26 42 7 26 27 62 49 52 10 95 7 175 24 15 32 2 37 8 6 127 22 41 4 14 22 17


2 4 1 33 14 12 12 9 11 2 9 5 16 12 12 2 27 3 41 6 5 6 0 9 2 2 28 5 11 1 3 6 6

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 16 5 11 17 12 14 8 2 12 7 11 7 25 14 27 8 8 3 31 11 5 6 1 9 3 3 12 4 5 2 12 7 82

OnCosts 454 221 140 423 195 597 207 98 386 62 280 118 719 438 279 111 311 57 787 306 174 132 86 319 108 73 633 258 228 75 358 136 681


348 158 116 327 142 415 157 66 283 42 203 76 533 317 192 56 212 36 529 205 113 80 53 207 66 41 413 166 132 38 246 90 293

Deprec No. of Hosps 195 93 63 225 118 243 99 47 170 28 137 66 338 204 155 63 139 30 377 138 83 59 34 145 50 37 269 124 116 42 145 71 271

60 62 41 62 61 62 62 62 56 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 60 62 62 62 50 62 62 62 59 61 61 61 62 62 39

DRG B64A B64B B65Z B66A B66B B67A B67B B67C B68A B68B B69A B69B B70A B70B B70C B70D B71A B71B B72A B72B B73Z B74Z B75Z B76A B76B B77Z B78A B78B B79Z B80Z B81A B81B C01Z

Page 9


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG C02Z C03Z C04Z C05Z C10Z C11Z C12Z C13Z C14Z C15A C15B C16A C16B C60A C60B C61Z C62Z C63A C63B D01Z D02A D02B D02C D03Z D04A D04B D05Z D06Z D09Z D10Z D11Z D12Z D13Z

Enucleations & Orbital Procs Retinal Procedures Major Corn, Scleral&Conjnct Pr Dacryocystorhinostomy Strabismus Procedures Eyelid Procedures Other Corn, Scleral&Conjnct Pr Lacrimal Procedures Other Eye Procedures Glaucoma/Cx Cataract Procs Glaucoma/Cx Cataract Procs,Sd Lens Procedures Lens Procedures,Sd Ac & Mjr Eye Infectn A>54/Cscc Ac & Mjr Eye Infectn A<55-Cscc Neurological & Vasclr Eye Dsrd Hyphema &Med Managd Eye Trauma Other Disorders Of The Eye +Cc Other Disorders Of The Eye -Cc Cochlear Implant Head & Neck Pr +Cscc Head & Neck Pr+Malignancy/+Mcc Head & Neck Pr -Malignancy -Cc Surgcl Rpr Cleft Lip/Palate Dx Maxillo Surgery + Cc Maxillo Surgery - Cc Parotid Gland Procedures Sinus, Mastd&Cmplx Mddl Ear Pr Misc Ear,Nose,Mouth&Throat Pr Nasal Procedures Tonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy Oth Ear,Nose,Mouth & Throat Pr Myringotomy +Tube Insertion

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



2.02 1.15 1.56 1.00 0.79 0.74 0.75 0.53 0.63 1.31 0.74 0.98 0.60 1.91 1.05 0.70 0.50 1.01 0.45 6.46 5.40 2.88 1.68 1.66 2.29 1.44 1.89 1.42 0.97 0.88 0.68 0.99 0.42

260 1,925 251 388 442 1,940 992 170 1,309 296 658 932 17,919 269 244 805 1,761 414 1,522 59 283 282 274 105 839 2,520 464 2,416 3,194 2,845 6,802 1,468 2,287

1,043 3,520 724 514 450 2,525 1,389 214 2,287 782 658 1,500 17,919 1,823 897 2,195 3,126 1,681 2,633 95 3,329 1,681 738 281 3,028 4,873 1,161 3,902 4,313 3,244 8,102 2,760 2,460

4.01 1.83 2.88 1.32 1.02 1.3 1.4 1.26 1.75 2.64 1 1.61 1 6.78 3.68 2.73 1.78 4.06 1.73 1.61 11.76 5.96 2.69 2.68 3.61 1.93 2.5 1.62 1.35 1.14 1.19 1.88 1.08

7,733 4,418 5,980 3,830 3,031 2,831 2,881 2,029 2,426 5,004 2,823 3,752 2,298 7,312 4,035 2,664 1,898 3,868 1,715 24,711 20,659 11,034 6,426 6,351 8,748 5,509 7,248 5,425 3,703 3,357 2,598 3,796 1,603


6,109 3,421 4,580 2,988 2,248 2,225 2,220 1,466 1,819 3,753 2,165 2,987 1,845 5,598 3,004 2,080 1,472 3,001 1,294 22,250 16,431 8,780 5,021 4,920 6,948 4,419 5,787 4,262 2,902 2,615 2,005 2,980 1,214


1,624 997 1,400 842 783 606 661 563 607 1,251 658 765 453 1,714 1,032 583 426 867 420 2,461 4,228 2,254 1,405 1,431 1,800 1,091 1,461 1,163 801 741 593 816 389

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



1,104 587 937 413 397 343 453 341 369 836 416 673 321 1,324 772 367 216 534 306 550 2,495 1,275 790 764 756 545 910 642 416 411 328 418 185


242 176 304 113 78 78 99 64 110 286 59 151 51 321 269 59 50 92 76 50 492 194 152 106 121 90 167 109 71 69 60 78 32

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

1,045 367 688 248 138 198 231 161 277 632 91 482 83 1,627 918 529 275 956 250 599 3,309 1,784 767 873 897 492 766 443 308 340 439 429 145


219 103 192 51 35 57 58 38 75 135 26 105 23 355 232 129 60 207 63 60 680 336 150 202 194 120 151 86 61 64 88 90 34

Non Clinical Salaries 443 182 309 128 80 84 125 79 118 241 77 183 63 505 289 167 89 243 94 713 714 414 223 161 254 149 218 171 113 122 120 110 52

Pathology Direct

207 32 79 13 5 46 29 21 56 37 3 22 2 176 82 123 32 134 40 32 652 296 122 41 105 25 185 69 41 17 27 72 7


34 5 19 2 3 8 7 5 11 11 2 4 1 30 16 25 5 18 7 5 117 43 24 4 15 3 33 11 8 4 5 11 2

DRG C02Z C03Z C04Z C05Z C10Z C11Z C12Z C13Z C14Z C15A C15B C16A C16B C60A C60B C61Z C62Z C63A C63B D01Z D02A D02B D02C D03Z D04A D04B D05Z D06Z D09Z D10Z D11Z D12Z D13Z

Page 10


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG C02Z C03Z C04Z C05Z C10Z C11Z C12Z C13Z C14Z C15A C15B C16A C16B C60A C60B C61Z C62Z C63A C63B D01Z D02A D02B D02C D03Z D04A D04B D05Z D06Z D09Z D10Z D11Z D12Z D13Z

84 12 10 6 3 24 8 6 8 19 1 10 1 82 40 204 132 129 44 28 270 95 74 9 295 107 19 28 15 7 9 92 4



16 2 2 1 1 4 2 1 1 5 0 2 0 18 7 37 23 24 10 4 49 21 18 2 56 23 3 5 3 1 2 19 1


45 23 33 11 11 12 20 22 16 27 7 30 7 121 42 56 34 110 14 13 482 264 57 41 111 32 28 16 27 9 19 34 12

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



11 4 4 6 4 3 4 7 3 14 7 6 4 71 11 12 10 28 5 4 124 71 22 15 30 10 15 8 11 7 11 11 4


198 108 113 63 39 47 56 35 70 138 43 68 44 487 164 116 43 165 40 159 495 223 108 50 139 93 125 106 62 58 52 81 41

Critical Care


12 9 8 4 3 3 4 3 5 10 3 6 4 39 15 12 4 13 4 15 30 17 8 5 13 10 9 9 5 5 4 6 6


75 12 17 17 2 3 0 0 5 15 0 5 0 9 0 7 12 49 13 48 1,476 431 230 61 466 50 29 20 38 26 11 76 0


8 2 5 5 1 1 0 0 1 6 0 1 0 2 0 1 2 9 1 19 311 89 49 15 96 10 6 5 7 4 2 14 0

Oper Rooms Direct

1,869 1,419 1,420 1,623 1,221 1,127 975 570 636 1,153 982 956 806 14 35 55 33 98 120 1,641 4,763 3,089 2,079 2,565 2,371 1,890 2,960 2,317 1,562 1,417 795 1,272 596


476 379 397 399 364 273 259 186 184 354 264 238 198 3 34 14 8 24 34 442 1,110 703 558 574 663 503 696 595 396 344 202 317 181

Emerg Depts Direct

62 17 26 19 0 66 16 21 21 51 2 12 0 314 259 225 456 271 209 8 30 17 21 1 208 132 3 13 11 6 47 132 4


12 4 6 4 0 16 4 7 5 13 0 4 0 75 73 54 110 69 52 1 7 4 7 0 66 41 1 3 3 1 12 34 1

Supplies Direct

228 173 204 60 40 46 87 38 73 165 76 108 59 275 185 70 44 115 55 162 419 203 97 94 127 69 101 82 50 47 54 50 26

Spec Proc Suites


123 67 86 52 22 28 35 34 41 111 38 55 25 187 90 47 29 88 41 125 248 145 72 154 100 45 52 50 36 35 33 43 17


20 89 86 76 130 23 37 75 32 13 109 6 22 2 1 43 3 24 14 105 26 15 23 3 16 6 11 16 19 11 11 16 14


8 46 45 16 85 13 18 54 20 6 68 3 13 0 0 9 1 5 8 8 4 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 2 1 5 1

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 337 103 349 52 9 13 15 7 11 148 184 265 333 15 5 3 2 6 6 18,655 266 145 140 30 775 586 85 61 61 20 13 38 85

OnCosts 379 228 311 205 178 147 166 129 135 292 181 177 121 824 281 145 118 226 108 514 1,013 558 315 263 418 227 331 265 181 159 124 158 70


242 122 168 120 66 83 77 53 69 152 74 92 51 241 124 82 55 129 50 315 591 337 165 189 234 129 175 153 102 85 72 99 43

Deprec No. of Hosps 235 147 161 124 115 84 97 72 74 132 111 87 64 196 89 69 51 103 49 436 486 261 151 131 221 120 167 141 95 84 56 90 38

45 36 29 39 41 62 51 38 59 36 44 43 47 55 52 60 61 60 62 7 42 43 51 17 47 49 56 58 61 60 60 60 57

DRG C02Z C03Z C04Z C05Z C10Z C11Z C12Z C13Z C14Z C15A C15B C16A C16B C60A C60B C61Z C62Z C63A C63B D01Z D02A D02B D02C D03Z D04A D04B D05Z D06Z D09Z D10Z D11Z D12Z D13Z

Page 11


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG D14Z D40Z D60A D60B D61Z D62Z D63A D63B D64Z D65Z D66A D66B D67A D67B E01A E01B E02A E02B E02C E40Z E41Z E60A E60B E61A E61B E62A E62B E62C E63Z E64Z E65A E65B E66A

Mouth & Salivary Gland Procs Dental Extract & Restorations Ear Nose Mouth&Throat Mal+Cscc Ear Nose Mouth&Throat Mal-Cscc Dysequilibrium Epistaxis Otitis Media & Uri + Cc Otitis Media & Uri - Cc Laryngotracheitis&Epiglottitis Nasal Trauma & Deformity Oth Ear,Nose,Mouth&Thrt Dx +Cc Oth Ear,Nose,Mouth&Thrt Dx -Cc Oral&Dntal Dis-Extrct&Restn Oral&Dntal Dis-Extrct&Restn,Sd Major Chest Procedure + Ccc Major Chest Procedure - Ccc Other Respiratry Sys Or Pr+Ccc Other Respiratry Sys Or Pr+Scc Other Respiraty Sys Or Pr-Cscc Resp Sys Dx + Ventilator Suppt Resp Sys Dx +Non-Invas Ventiln Cystic Fibrosis +Cscc Cystic Fibrosis -Cscc Pulmonary Embolism + Cscc Pulmonary Embolism - Cscc Respiratry Infectn/Inflamm+Ccc Respiratry Infectn/Inflam+Smcc Respiratory Infectn/Inflamm-Cc Sleep Apnoea Pulmonry Oedema & Resp Failure Chrnic Obstrct Airway Dis+Cscc Chrnic Obstrct Airway Dis-Cscc Major Chest Trauma A >69 + Cc

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



0.88 0.53 2.65 0.80 0.51 0.46 0.79 0.43 0.37 0.42 1.00 0.39 0.87 0.22 6.05 3.34 5.11 2.41 1.15 5.46 4.41 3.89 2.84 2.23 1.24 2.46 1.44 0.80 0.33 1.54 1.74 1.01 1.98

2,437 8,531 572 1,886 6,354 2,505 2,753 10,784 2,707 2,493 986 5,675 2,848 5,012 1,269 1,968 496 344 1,734 798 1,501 763 1,074 1,465 2,419 7,727 10,515 11,604 4,872 1,239 11,985 11,128 523

4,241 9,829 5,429 4,469 13,944 4,460 7,977 17,592 3,495 3,172 3,538 8,332 8,424 5,012 19,306 15,194 7,865 2,274 3,723 8,602 18,385 9,292 10,806 13,270 13,096 79,951 63,310 39,172 7,860 7,116 90,475 50,281 4,400

1.74 1.15 9.49 2.37 2.19 1.78 2.9 1.63 1.29 1.27 3.59 1.47 2.96 1 15.21 7.72 15.86 6.61 2.15 10.78 12.25 12.18 10.06 9.06 5.41 10.35 6.02 3.38 1.61 5.74 7.55 4.52 8.41

3,369 2,035 10,139 3,046 1,937 1,755 3,038 1,628 1,410 1,601 3,820 1,505 3,331 836 23,178 12,799 19,579 9,225 4,421 20,918 16,884 14,875 10,858 8,554 4,763 9,418 5,509 3,080 1,263 5,889 6,651 3,882 7,576


2,651 1,591 7,809 2,355 1,511 1,372 2,365 1,247 1,071 1,225 2,948 1,172 2,595 638 18,428 10,311 15,556 7,316 3,467 17,020 13,339 12,650 8,604 6,711 3,693 7,354 4,253 2,355 1,069 4,644 5,205 3,006 5,825


718 444 2,329 691 426 383 673 381 338 376 872 333 735 198 4,750 2,487 4,022 1,908 954 3,898 3,545 2,224 2,255 1,843 1,070 2,064 1,256 725 195 1,244 1,445 876 1,751

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



380 205 1,143 335 172 209 384 209 186 147 478 207 410 52 2,753 1,418 2,297 1,050 505 1,239 1,748 2,238 1,330 932 496 995 602 353 242 534 857 479 903


67 49 308 80 29 41 61 26 20 28 109 36 68 8 528 254 480 193 92 230 381 428 210 171 90 196 104 53 41 88 149 80 157

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

341 136 2,570 542 352 299 716 324 281 166 782 254 679 45 4,536 2,210 4,428 1,766 684 1,815 2,888 3,772 2,465 2,037 997 2,631 1,434 747 385 1,278 1,746 917 1,967


74 34 575 134 83 69 147 66 59 38 166 65 148 16 810 381 837 316 134 318 597 606 433 395 206 537 292 152 59 196 353 189 321

Non Clinical Salaries 109 52 669 193 87 77 166 90 71 49 206 73 180 28 988 625 890 459 176 483 837 788 631 470 248 495 309 180 33 333 363 237 481

Pathology Direct

92 9 287 107 70 83 150 61 21 20 122 27 89 9 912 477 1,057 446 156 1,110 681 460 277 446 241 483 273 153 12 279 270 151 228


16 2 50 16 11 13 25 10 4 3 22 5 15 2 167 75 232 122 52 191 137 41 30 78 40 84 44 25 2 42 43 23 47

DRG D14Z D40Z D60A D60B D61Z D62Z D63A D63B D64Z D65Z D66A D66B D67A D67B E01A E01B E02A E02B E02C E40Z E41Z E60A E60B E61A E61B E62A E62B E62C E63Z E64Z E65A E65B E66A

Page 12


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG D14Z D40Z D60A D60B D61Z D62Z D63A D63B D64Z D65Z D66A D66B D67A D67B E01A E01B E02A E02B E02C E40Z E41Z E60A E60B E61A E61B E62A E62B E62C E63Z E64Z E65A E65B E66A

38 10 262 79 131 23 82 40 20 87 129 36 143 30 972 480 1,107 402 77 659 374 252 140 634 476 337 198 120 13 177 177 109 501



7 2 68 15 21 4 14 7 3 15 22 6 25 5 181 92 182 67 15 117 74 50 29 108 84 60 34 20 2 32 31 19 85


25 8 493 134 62 19 64 15 17 18 77 13 74 5 475 182 558 163 35 509 606 882 726 221 64 394 174 62 13 187 238 124 372

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



7 2 128 33 15 6 19 8 8 5 20 4 20 1 104 41 126 39 15 107 155 159 198 63 22 100 47 21 2 43 64 33 109


69 42 756 190 53 54 149 44 27 28 179 36 144 10 1,066 341 961 279 96 808 708 2,385 1,849 462 225 494 293 125 101 261 363 215 233


6 4 67 26 6 5 13 5 3 5 17 3 14 1 255 39 69 34 8 52 50 79 236 39 27 47 32 14 2 24 41 22 24

Critical Care Direct

140 55 91 11 16 19 52 7 84 12 120 16 67 1 1,585 427 1,069 317 178 8,669 3,918 44 9 446 162 437 143 40 15 676 251 72 261


30 8 16 3 5 4 12 1 18 3 24 4 14 0 298 81 200 54 35 1,740 808 6 2 99 43 96 32 10 4 149 56 17 62

Oper Rooms Direct

1,122 922 151 412 3 66 42 29 9 413 260 243 170 116 3,114 2,763 1,378 1,477 1,177 87 32 187 91 25 17 42 24 16 14 22 17 22 17


296 242 41 128 1 17 10 7 2 124 65 69 43 38 574 513 254 276 281 19 7 22 16 5 5 10 6 4 3 4 5 4 3

Emerg Depts Direct

72 19 119 33 464 400 362 346 300 195 287 132 384 131 185 85 310 112 25 303 379 76 67 430 423 478 450 388 9 412 456 404 456


19 5 32 7 108 95 90 83 75 46 71 34 100 32 42 21 74 31 6 74 92 15 16 107 105 117 119 98 2 101 112 99 110

Supplies Direct

56 25 410 97 30 45 80 34 21 21 107 43 91 9 623 387 533 233 86 191 353 898 481 224 107 207 138 67 14 144 191 115 180

Spec Proc Suites


35 12 264 63 25 28 67 35 30 18 78 20 61 4 272 169 337 165 51 159 185 209 240 162 89 183 132 71 9 134 139 84 174


10 3 255 34 7 1 11 4 1 7 34 20 9 144 95 39 152 80 41 39 67 89 45 54 46 37 24 16 159 40 30 24 22


1 1 106 12 2 0 3 1 0 1 12 8 3 58 18 8 39 19 6 9 24 11 5 11 10 11 7 5 44 7 7 6 6

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 20 7 38 15 4 6 4 2 1 3 8 6 11 2 490 397 295 206 80 40 22 65 48 18 19 19 9 5 0 8 10 6 19

OnCosts 160 87 529 163 85 85 154 86 74 72 208 72 179 38 920 596 802 417 185 1,006 833 562 524 410 234 428 271 159 36 335 315 202 388


91 47 401 109 53 52 99 51 43 41 127 37 108 16 686 359 507 282 122 448 512 304 467 291 152 311 198 109 22 232 228 141 258

Deprec No. of Hosps 83 48 310 79 42 36 63 36 31 37 89 36 81 36 529 338 405 217 103 495 416 246 293 216 135 187 119 69 25 148 138 89 191

61 61 55 61 62 62 62 62 59 61 62 62 62 62 56 55 58 52 62 61 61 35 47 62 62 62 62 62 60 62 62 62 61

DRG D14Z D40Z D60A D60B D61Z D62Z D63A D63B D64Z D65Z D66A D66B D67A D67B E01A E01B E02A E02B E02C E40Z E41Z E60A E60B E61A E61B E62A E62B E62C E63Z E64Z E65A E65B E66A

Page 13


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG E66B E66C E67A E67B E68Z E69A E69B E69C E70A E70B E71A E71B E71C E72Z E73A E73B E73C E74A E74B E74C E75A E75B E75C F01A F01B F02Z F03Z F04A F04B F05A F05B F06A F06B

Mjr Chest Trma A>69/+Cc Major Chest Trauma A<70 - Cc Respiratry Signs & Symptm+Cscc Respirtry Signs & Symptm -Cscc Pneumothorax Bronchitis & Asthma A>49 + Cc Brnchts&Asthma A>49/+Cc Bronchitis & Asthma A<50 -Cc Whoopng Cgh &Acte Brnchio+Cc Whoopng Cgh &Acte Brnchio-Cc Respiratory Neoplasms +Ccc Respiratory Neoplasms +Smcc Respiratory Neoplasms -Cc Resp Probs From Neonatl Period Pleural Effusion + Ccc Pleural Effusn + Scc Pleural Effusion - Cscc Interstital Lung Dis +Ccc Interstitial Lung Dis +Scc Interstitial Lung Dis -Cscc Other Resp Sys Dx A>64+Cc Ot Resp Sys Dx A>64/+Cc Other Resp Sys Dx A<65 - Cc Implntn/Replcmnt Aicd Ttl+Cscc Implntn/Replcmnt Aicd Ttl-Cscc Aicd Cmpnt Implntn/Replcmnt Crdc Valv Pr+Pmp+Inv Inves Crd Vlv Pr+Pmp-Inv Inves+Ccc Crd Vlv Pr+Pmp-Inv Inves-Ccc Coronary Bypass+Inv Inves+Ccc Coronary Bypass+Inv Inves-Ccc Coronary Bypass-Inv Inves+Cscc Coronary Bypass-Inv Inves-Cscc

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



1.24 0.67 1.01 0.48 1.18 1.15 0.75 0.48 1.28 0.69 2.77 1.29 0.67 1.33 2.58 1.48 0.84 2.63 1.66 0.94 1.31 0.94 0.53 9.39 6.19 4.49 13.19 9.64 6.53 9.68 7.09 6.34 4.94

931 750 1,230 6,170 2,078 1,602 3,689 11,832 624 4,313 2,018 3,942 2,364 164 558 685 1,076 293 353 805 3,083 3,553 3,198 976 792 115 365 1,475 749 978 886 3,548 1,405

4,057 1,726 4,718 9,109 8,850 7,561 10,476 19,794 2,699 10,206 20,520 20,000 5,174 1,001 6,065 4,158 3,593 3,176 2,428 2,637 17,588 12,177 5,755 8,680 2,119 701 8,452 20,081 6,504 17,664 11,835 34,674 10,519

4.36 2.3 3.84 1.48 4.26 4.72 2.84 1.67 4.33 2.37 10.17 5.07 2.19 6.1 10.87 6.07 3.34 10.84 6.88 3.28 5.7 3.43 1.8 8.89 2.68 6.1 23.16 13.61 8.68 18.06 13.36 9.77 7.49

4,751 2,583 3,862 1,836 4,517 4,411 2,883 1,821 4,895 2,642 10,609 4,935 2,583 5,095 9,861 5,681 3,213 10,058 6,371 3,606 5,012 3,611 2,035 35,944 23,692 17,174 50,482 36,888 24,985 37,038 27,139 24,262 18,902


3,721 2,019 3,025 1,447 3,543 3,498 2,265 1,393 3,545 1,942 7,378 3,863 2,046 4,055 7,708 4,384 2,504 7,994 4,971 2,829 3,913 2,838 1,583 32,145 21,678 14,965 42,053 31,365 21,037 30,419 22,098 20,077 15,509


1,030 564 837 389 974 914 618 428 1,350 700 3,231 1,071 537 1,039 2,153 1,297 709 2,064 1,400 777 1,099 774 452 3,799 2,014 2,209 8,429 5,523 3,948 6,618 5,041 4,185 3,393

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



493 234 395 165 536 563 337 229 626 369 1,108 580 274 947 1,171 632 386 1,350 836 475 544 369 213 1,141 396 753 4,086 3,543 1,761 3,481 2,249 2,657 1,508


85 37 63 30 117 89 56 30 71 44 221 118 57 127 212 108 64 257 145 107 104 76 33 240 70 79 845 756 332 595 393 435 251

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

868 415 773 200 1,042 1,013 608 423 1,476 814 2,530 1,170 418 1,769 2,644 1,438 682 2,725 1,620 664 1,299 735 343 1,417 493 1,016 4,751 3,298 1,910 3,419 2,452 2,368 1,549


163 89 149 45 214 209 122 90 255 147 576 247 97 374 496 267 157 563 298 164 277 148 78 207 82 92 789 603 315 651 418 460 232

Non Clinical Salaries 246 116 202 56 226 231 143 95 334 194 536 300 118 292 601 348 169 490 366 155 287 179 86 1,043 444 732 2,003 1,001 773 1,591 1,174 772 670

Pathology Direct

124 56 227 139 108 189 112 38 153 71 404 231 194 52 574 336 230 501 314 285 242 194 100 413 74 445 1,827 1,162 741 1,348 896 798 583


19 8 42 34 17 30 16 7 19 12 77 47 46 8 113 71 49 94 59 65 40 32 20 64 13 71 279 191 128 227 149 142 96

DRG E66B E66C E67A E67B E68Z E69A E69B E69C E70A E70B E71A E71B E71C E72Z E73A E73B E73C E74A E74B E74C E75A E75B E75C F01A F01B F02Z F03Z F04A F04B F05A F05B F06A F06B

Page 14


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG E66B E66C E67A E67B E68Z E69A E69B E69C E70A E70B E71A E71B E71C E72Z E73A E73B E73C E74A E74B E74C E75A E75B E75C F01A F01B F02Z F03Z F04A F04B F05A F05B F06A F06B

489 404 249 103 401 135 87 41 68 35 540 319 179 48 556 358 270 407 239 168 208 176 126 369 121 470 980 611 389 813 492 481 379



85 66 42 18 76 24 15 7 10 6 97 60 33 9 93 64 44 72 43 31 36 32 22 72 22 67 190 125 84 148 99 89 77


149 56 89 21 96 134 61 21 77 29 346 125 43 137 289 104 44 433 187 107 187 92 31 155 28 109 681 516 277 553 368 328 245

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



36 15 20 5 26 34 17 10 34 23 86 34 10 34 83 28 11 98 52 26 48 23 10 33 5 24 125 78 43 112 65 64 43


132 61 164 38 121 225 134 66 118 46 596 342 211 76 454 297 122 634 367 146 239 239 84 487 154 296 1,524 831 377 1,147 619 541 303

Critical Care


15 6 14 4 11 22 13 8 7 5 43 25 13 9 41 34 13 44 44 12 22 17 7 37 11 25 87 50 28 61 43 40 29


363 42 155 26 187 163 150 43 104 20 139 24 6 544 253 102 58 290 114 39 117 107 29 2,331 339 1,679 8,196 5,493 2,783 7,007 4,527 3,736 2,494


77 9 36 7 42 34 31 9 21 5 32 6 1 87 57 29 14 71 27 9 28 24 7 545 101 367 1,533 933 511 1,364 940 673 462

Oper Rooms Direct

21 10 119 172 29 52 24 7 19 4 69 114 202 9 76 48 67 68 99 238 33 67 67 1,124 710 1,193 7,573 7,569 5,935 6,630 5,810 6,407 5,813


6 2 22 37 8 7 5 1 4 1 15 23 41 3 16 10 16 11 19 59 8 14 14 254 262 167 1,158 1,238 1,133 1,049 922 1,119 1,023

Emerg Depts Direct

502 471 328 221 443 465 427 351 278 261 317 199 68 54 379 300 252 391 297 168 403 375 356 98 26 86 211 36 12 182 116 32 17


120 117 81 51 107 113 101 85 88 67 75 48 16 12 90 73 59 93 71 42 93 93 89 23 6 18 44 8 2 39 22 7 3

Supplies Direct

105 44 100 26 126 130 64 31 154 60 313 166 67 53 300 188 73 305 189 96 132 94 39 410 156 356 1,752 907 605 1,106 860 496 473


74 34 73 19 76 72 49 37 268 94 1,339 109 38 59 199 144 48 150 140 46 94 73 36 138 51 138 375 195 201 283 247 154 182

Spec Proc Suites Direct

43 13 70 181 28 39 20 4 3 2 76 60 130 1 68 38 47 79 80 121 24 42 26 3,563 3,504 758 632 158 70 1,054 662 85 63


12 4 19 49 5 9 5 1 0 0 27 21 44 0 14 13 17 15 23 44 6 13 7 417 379 110 119 38 21 177 92 15 9

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 11 3 12 24 15 8 4 2 3 2 22 16 9 1 28 13 8 12 16 11 8 11 3 19,718 15,494 6,965 6,193 5,007 4,282 863 561 559 361

OnCosts 238 124 200 75 213 200 136 93 311 159 461 246 117 227 479 279 144 419 317 149 246 183 101 727 305 572 2,228 1,261 1,091 1,536 1,441 871 980


147 69 117 43 138 133 86 55 268 114 343 179 79 86 337 210 88 292 249 102 174 120 60 368 156 262 1,058 596 553 747 703 437 490

Deprec No. of Hosps 127 76 98 49 107 91 60 37 125 61 220 125 70 74 236 149 80 196 161 80 110 84 47 550 289 326 1,243 687 628 856 821 496 566

62 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 57 55 62 62 62 39 59 62 62 54 60 62 62 62 62 29 33 32 24 24 24 24 25 24 24

DRG E66B E66C E67A E67B E68Z E69A E69B E69C E70A E70B E71A E71B E71C E72Z E73A E73B E73C E74A E74B E74C E75A E75B E75C F01A F01B F02Z F03Z F04A F04B F05A F05B F06A F06B

Page 15


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG F07A F07B F08A F08B F09A F09B F10Z F11A F11B F12Z F13Z F14A F14B F14C F15Z F16Z F17Z F18Z F19Z F20Z F21A F21B F40Z F41A F41B F42A F42B F60A F60B F60C F61Z F62A F62B

Other Cardthor/Vasc Pr+Pmp+Ccc Other Cardthor/Vasc Pr+Pmp-Ccc Mjr Reconstrc Vasc Pr-Pump+Ccc Mjr Reconstrc Vasc Pr-Pump-Ccc Oth Cardiothor Pr-Pmp+Ccc Oth Cardiothor Pr-Pmp -Ccc Perc Corony Intervent+Ami Amputn Circ Sys-Up Lmb&Toe+Ccc Amputn Circ Sys-Up Lmb&Toe-Ccc Cardiac Pacemaker Implantation Up Limb&Toe Amp Circ Dis Vasc Pr-Mjr Reconstrc-Pump+Ccc Vasc Pr-Mjr Reconstrc-Pump+Scc Vasc Pr-Mjr Reconstr-Pump-Cscc Perc Crny Intervent-Ami+Stent Perc Crny Intervent-Ami-Stent Cardiac Pacemaker Replacement Crdc Pcmkr Revsn -Dvc Rplcmnt Oth Trns-Vsclr Perc Crdc Intrv Vein Ligation & Stripping Oth Circ Sys Or Pr+Ccc Oth Circ Sys Or Pr -Ccc Circ Sys Dx+Ventilator Support Crc Dsrd+Ami+Inva Inve Pr+Cscc Crc Dsrd+Ami+Inva Inve Pr-Cscc Crc Dsrd-Ami+Ic In Pr+Cmpdx/Pr Crc Dsrd-Ami+Ic In Pr-Cmpdx/Pr Crc Dsrd+Ami-Inva Inve Pr+Cscc Crc Dsrd+Ami-Inva Inve Pr-Cscc Crc Dsrd+Ami-Inva Inve Pr Died Infective Endocarditis Heart Failure & Shock + Ccc Heart Failure & Shock - Ccc

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



10.16 6.18 7.86 4.16 6.34 3.30 2.52 8.25 4.80 2.93 4.07 4.40 2.03 1.52 1.83 1.87 1.73 1.61 2.26 0.94 4.98 1.81 4.98 2.33 1.44 1.52 0.86 1.96 0.91 1.19 4.32 2.44 1.12

319 238 1,485 2,512 401 258 7,975 309 221 4,464 319 1,056 1,431 2,985 8,579 412 1,449 284 331 2,257 366 741 567 2,231 3,353 7,817 18,173 4,400 5,649 1,202 486 5,215 11,944

4,303 1,886 26,879 18,872 4,127 1,470 33,458 8,820 3,938 21,281 4,995 12,544 6,537 7,287 19,752 1,178 3,403 1,156 749 3,024 5,735 3,389 4,890 15,458 13,109 34,054 34,336 33,280 17,811 4,869 8,811 54,797 57,663

13.49 7.92 18.1 7.51 10.29 5.7 4.2 28.54 17.82 4.77 15.66 11.88 4.57 2.44 2.3 2.86 2.35 4.07 2.26 1.34 15.67 4.57 8.62 6.93 3.91 4.36 1.89 7.56 3.15 4.05 18.13 10.51 4.83

38,904 23,643 30,086 15,939 24,251 12,635 9,631 31,600 18,362 11,226 15,593 16,838 7,788 5,808 6,990 7,172 6,615 6,149 8,639 3,588 19,075 6,937 19,060 8,923 5,517 5,810 3,296 7,513 3,488 4,544 16,532 9,357 4,271


33,743 20,359 24,224 13,071 20,126 10,448 7,936 24,003 14,030 9,606 12,055 13,343 6,226 4,849 5,894 5,832 5,731 4,792 7,777 2,813 15,147 5,379 15,696 7,155 4,459 4,656 2,687 5,951 2,782 3,540 12,910 7,333 3,327


5,161 3,284 5,862 2,867 4,125 2,187 1,696 7,597 4,332 1,620 3,538 3,494 1,562 960 1,096 1,341 884 1,357 862 775 3,928 1,558 3,364 1,768 1,058 1,154 609 1,562 707 1,004 3,622 2,025 944

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



3,378 1,828 2,988 1,399 1,699 1,117 563 3,423 1,870 636 1,772 1,664 701 389 295 334 267 575 805 404 2,108 768 984 892 484 515 228 808 351 402 1,881 1,029 458


719 407 607 235 655 217 147 937 379 122 292 350 117 59 70 106 49 143 81 70 536 130 163 196 83 119 56 150 54 79 310 205 77

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

3,375 2,008 4,586 1,853 1,788 1,284 524 7,380 4,484 871 4,280 3,064 1,194 577 392 444 378 804 683 348 4,057 1,104 1,294 981 481 703 297 1,472 409 779 4,146 2,404 951


485 251 982 379 361 220 84 1,620 907 159 703 572 221 119 72 69 76 161 82 66 838 202 250 189 91 143 56 320 93 178 733 487 196

Non Clinical Salaries 1,123 705 986 451 807 475 341 1,548 1,006 428 888 691 292 140 177 227 165 382 232 99 979 311 446 524 279 290 136 413 140 196 1,066 544 253

Pathology Direct

1,159 653 1,026 328 878 403 258 1,297 522 179 497 648 198 75 118 134 74 158 93 15 869 169 905 359 178 183 52 351 145 250 878 452 195


194 86 168 50 186 76 42 215 82 30 76 104 34 12 19 22 12 29 7 2 125 25 151 57 25 31 10 49 17 43 153 71 29

DRG F07A F07B F08A F08B F09A F09B F10Z F11A F11B F12Z F13Z F14A F14B F14C F15Z F16Z F17Z F18Z F19Z F20Z F21A F21B F40Z F41A F41B F42A F42B F60A F60B F60C F61Z F62A F62B

Page 16


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG F07A F07B F08A F08B F09A F09B F10Z F11A F11B F12Z F13Z F14A F14B F14C F15Z F16Z F17Z F18Z F19Z F20Z F21A F21B F40Z F41A F41B F42A F42B F60A F60B F60C F61Z F62A F62B

692 383 1,012 522 612 288 148 1,217 641 177 637 1,261 988 1,164 85 185 52 147 97 34 532 180 623 317 184 188 109 223 92 191 729 273 144



137 80 179 89 139 52 28 248 147 32 117 241 175 190 14 36 9 31 13 12 106 30 106 56 31 35 21 41 15 35 136 47 25


614 380 430 137 318 128 77 737 481 82 287 275 61 28 49 68 33 41 42 13 366 64 366 114 59 60 24 223 55 124 274 312 103

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



80 51 128 47 59 24 12 265 151 18 122 65 22 10 7 13 7 9 8 6 93 33 75 25 13 13 4 57 15 31 97 74 26


772 267 1,069 367 705 397 486 1,596 766 151 834 860 291 126 216 266 57 155 109 62 1,316 296 460 342 202 161 69 344 178 150 1,034 390 171


43 13 80 29 38 62 34 131 67 12 61 58 23 10 15 39 5 17 7 5 84 25 40 31 15 13 5 32 17 13 76 37 19

Critical Care Direct

7,310 3,794 3,709 1,011 5,693 1,688 1,602 1,240 345 799 333 1,159 191 91 705 832 220 537 375 12 1,121 178 8,984 1,954 1,103 714 154 1,114 757 718 1,220 769 273


869 457 721 195 1,178 335 470 282 71 223 66 227 38 18 212 267 65 155 92 2 204 29 1,616 511 301 200 47 283 207 182 275 189 77

Oper Rooms Direct

8,971 6,538 4,517 3,564 1,653 1,681 230 2,739 2,152 461 1,396 1,824 1,258 736 305 185 310 700 1,309 1,606 1,869 1,584 114 125 138 298 181 23 9 30 132 31 9


1,061 892 1,051 840 328 296 67 754 532 154 327 434 296 182 92 34 124 189 131 387 413 409 17 21 27 47 27 6 2 6 29 8 3

Emerg Depts Direct

45 22 127 59 191 109 162 272 174 144 174 187 91 36 77 74 40 59 3 7 241 62 312 260 199 182 66 454 373 426 352 487 442


9 5 29 13 47 26 38 69 43 34 42 45 20 8 18 18 8 16 1 2 63 17 72 69 53 46 17 108 88 100 82 114 106

Supplies Direct

1,334 913 633 268 700 373 184 991 577 195 393 435 159 66 111 153 96 161 245 39 685 180 137 224 135 159 79 165 55 72 571 251 119

Spec Proc Suites


190 130 315 146 97 123 67 607 385 82 341 220 98 42 43 53 38 95 48 35 277 129 83 78 47 65 32 100 36 52 296 163 83


197 107 81 43 1,216 785 1,282 103 31 1,228 57 263 165 592 1,233 1,771 1,153 462 1,492 3 127 65 167 654 663 818 914 62 61 35 184 54 38


44 24 19 10 286 160 274 39 6 226 18 43 24 44 232 287 184 93 153 1 30 16 33 122 122 148 180 15 10 11 38 16 10

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 3,228 1,412 1,949 2,435 2,777 1,178 1,742 262 190 4,066 169 442 355 594 1,899 800 2,815 432 2,008 43 289 179 63 86 110 127 207 17 11 9 66 22 9

OnCosts 1,534 1,145 1,273 681 896 531 314 1,647 1,103 295 770 773 355 218 202 290 152 257 247 152 825 346 807 330 208 238 121 316 150 203 797 432 210


598 475 762 423 422 294 224 1,209 780 220 564 505 215 121 154 210 115 159 108 86 540 228 352 200 123 143 67 211 80 125 562 301 146

Deprec No. of Hosps 739 619 657 362 520 313 230 771 471 201 378 429 207 162 179 256 114 178 168 75 383 180 440 209 163 171 137 153 69 103 415 194 100

24 24 51 53 42 36 44 51 46 44 56 51 53 55 39 35 43 42 20 62 56 56 59 48 48 48 47 62 62 62 59 62 62

DRG F07A F07B F08A F08B F09A F09B F10Z F11A F11B F12Z F13Z F14A F14B F14C F15Z F16Z F17Z F18Z F19Z F20Z F21A F21B F40Z F41A F41B F42A F42B F60A F60B F60C F61Z F62A F62B

Page 17


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG F63A F63B F64Z F65A F65B F66A F66B F67A F67B F68Z F69A F69B F70A F70B F71A F71B F72A F72B F73A F73B F74Z F75A F75B F75C G01A G01B G02A G02B G03A G03B G03C G04A G04B

Venous Thrombosis + Cscc Venous Thrombosis - Cscc Skin Ulcers Circulatory Disord Peripheral Vascular Dsrd +Cscc Peripheral Vascular Dsrd -Cscc Coronary Atherosclerosis + Cc Coronary Atherosclerosis - Cc Hypertension + Cc Hypertension - Cc Congenital Heart Disease Valvular Disorders + Cscc Valvular Disorders - Cscc Mjr Arrhythmia&Crdc Arrst+Cscc Mjr Arrhythmia&Crdc Arrst-Cscc N-Mjr Arythm&Condctn Dsrd+Cscc N-Mjr Arythm&Condctn Dsrd-Cscc Unstable Angina + Cscc Unstable Angina - Cscc Syncope & Collapse + Cscc Syncope & Collapse - Cscc Chest Pain Other Circulatry System Dx+Ccc Other Circulatry System Dx+Scc Other Circulaty System Dx-Cscc Rectal Resection +Ccc Rectal Resection -Ccc Mjr Small & Large Bowel Pr+Ccc Mjr Small & Large Bowel Pr-Ccc Stomch,Oeshpgl & Duodnl Pr+Mal Stmch,Oeshpgl&Ddnl Pr-Mal+Cscc Stmch,Oeshpgl&Ddnl Pr-Mal-Cscc Peritoneal Adhesolysis A>49+Cc Prtnl Adhly A>49/+Cc

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



1.87 0.79 1.38 1.77 0.72 0.75 0.44 1.13 0.52 0.60 1.58 0.41 1.48 0.64 1.37 0.55 1.19 0.61 1.17 0.47 0.42 2.99 1.54 0.80 7.12 4.07 6.72 3.16 7.13 5.59 2.13 4.80 2.59

807 3,158 356 1,876 5,181 3,182 4,628 635 1,249 401 574 2,991 743 1,893 4,301 15,563 2,556 10,721 3,509 11,513 45,408 1,128 1,880 5,007 1,409 1,672 3,449 3,472 611 683 970 883 903

6,950 17,157 2,716 13,841 12,695 9,088 7,207 2,895 2,621 832 3,690 4,633 3,422 4,083 24,836 34,235 12,222 23,325 18,458 21,589 66,698 11,291 10,119 12,974 26,426 16,567 63,152 29,730 9,446 9,486 4,328 11,550 6,466

8.61 5.43 7.63 7.38 2.45 2.86 1.56 4.56 2.1 2.07 6.43 1.55 4.61 2.16 5.77 2.2 4.78 2.18 5.26 1.88 1.47 10.01 5.38 2.59 18.76 9.91 18.31 8.56 15.46 13.89 4.46 13.08 7.16

7,167 3,013 5,292 6,765 2,743 2,860 1,673 4,328 2,000 2,296 6,053 1,576 5,682 2,459 5,237 2,088 4,539 2,332 4,488 1,782 1,595 11,434 5,893 3,043 27,250 15,567 25,723 12,088 27,282 21,417 8,161 18,357 9,920


5,546 2,350 3,876 5,258 2,201 2,276 1,329 3,365 1,588 1,894 4,706 1,248 4,452 1,916 4,100 1,625 3,611 1,861 3,516 1,408 1,265 9,054 4,557 2,418 21,597 12,369 20,406 9,512 22,279 17,087 6,507 14,530 7,825


1,621 663 1,416 1,507 542 585 344 963 412 402 1,347 328 1,230 543 1,137 463 928 472 972 375 329 2,380 1,337 625 5,653 3,198 5,317 2,576 5,003 4,330 1,654 3,826 2,096

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



765 358 661 733 263 282 133 409 159 339 700 130 530 217 583 207 491 228 460 145 108 1,239 626 295 2,843 1,810 2,466 1,335 3,040 1,997 849 2,165 1,107


214 64 291 144 46 47 23 70 23 54 141 22 118 35 104 34 90 36 76 23 15 276 122 59 505 262 469 222 395 353 128 356 191

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

1,931 802 1,431 1,606 451 470 173 946 308 463 1,373 170 739 238 1,096 282 886 289 1,129 247 151 2,521 1,173 480 4,921 2,529 4,812 2,221 4,186 3,786 1,294 3,370 1,913


403 194 417 304 105 94 41 188 72 100 258 41 134 48 227 60 203 66 239 60 34 518 234 97 1,010 481 1,007 443 759 748 239 689 381

Non Clinical Salaries 416 135 322 392 112 147 61 240 110 129 356 61 309 109 295 105 243 106 234 73 57 567 329 145 1,010 635 993 516 889 721 313 795 404

Pathology Direct

382 145 172 311 81 139 76 234 161 63 286 79 248 106 256 97 221 109 197 83 86 605 281 153 1,111 500 1,114 405 1,044 839 148 663 249


65 27 40 51 13 18 11 34 20 7 43 12 42 17 40 14 28 13 29 13 12 98 45 25 188 73 191 67 179 146 25 103 36

DRG F63A F63B F64Z F65A F65B F66A F66B F67A F67B F68Z F69A F69B F70A F70B F71A F71B F72A F72B F73A F73B F74Z F75A F75B F75C G01A G01B G02A G02B G03A G03B G03C G04A G04B

Page 18


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG F63A F63B F64Z F65A F65B F66A F66B F67A F67B F68Z F69A F69B F70A F70B F71A F71B F72A F72B F73A F73B F74Z F75A F75B F75C G01A G01B G02A G02B G03A G03B G03C G04A G04B

406 164 87 426 552 111 85 243 142 131 197 66 178 81 171 67 156 93 211 119 138 433 260 178 690 145 810 206 708 644 100 557 209



69 26 19 79 100 20 14 41 23 21 36 11 33 14 29 11 27 15 36 20 23 87 51 34 126 23 147 35 123 120 18 102 35


176 37 95 156 27 59 21 96 26 52 174 19 145 38 142 29 103 37 180 44 17 240 96 44 555 176 538 160 665 532 110 318 101

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



49 10 28 48 7 15 5 25 7 12 54 5 35 9 38 8 27 11 46 11 4 68 29 11 163 62 151 58 163 133 33 102 41


461 186 406 372 87 110 51 212 53 31 186 36 167 59 197 68 221 92 153 43 47 984 501 235 971 393 1,136 338 1,008 1,043 189 776 289

Critical Care


43 18 38 28 8 11 6 20 6 3 22 4 13 6 22 8 28 11 19 5 5 65 90 22 76 34 87 29 70 86 15 68 32


110 14 19 375 23 193 110 275 71 72 408 71 1,310 464 538 213 424 271 143 58 73 1,010 369 163 2,798 492 2,830 406 2,936 2,872 257 1,534 281


27 3 6 87 6 55 34 63 19 17 105 23 339 140 146 65 115 76 38 18 22 220 94 44 558 97 558 84 530 598 42 339 65

Oper Rooms Direct

34 6 18 60 91 16 12 39 6 73 43 32 16 13 19 26 18 6 17 9 6 131 121 90 4,429 4,025 3,416 2,705 5,189 2,922 2,496 2,768 2,241


8 2 4 13 26 5 5 14 2 17 13 8 3 3 5 8 4 2 4 2 1 27 30 19 968 855 779 597 1,009 635 525 604 491

Emerg Depts Direct

385 364 176 291 134 397 394 388 351 72 357 328 397 381 443 339 445 425 502 430 450 374 282 280 138 54 241 131 63 232 90 252 200


96 83 43 69 32 94 91 95 80 15 88 77 98 89 103 80 105 101 118 100 106 92 70 69 32 13 56 31 13 54 21 58 44

Supplies Direct

187 57 167 192 57 80 33 106 38 89 264 32 120 48 118 44 123 49 94 30 26 379 204 89 538 313 558 268 573 433 140 406 224

Spec Proc Suites


148 59 107 138 41 42 16 80 26 28 161 17 61 28 79 30 66 27 81 21 18 192 113 49 371 229 328 184 268 253 100 242 141


37 8 122 77 118 91 81 32 65 221 68 123 69 53 49 55 39 45 18 26 23 108 66 97 21 8 44 20 32 44 13 22 5


17 3 46 22 24 20 16 4 6 36 19 26 16 11 13 16 9 10 6 9 7 32 17 19 4 2 11 6 7 11 3 4 1

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 12 5 8 28 56 29 21 12 24 7 11 29 15 20 11 10 10 5 9 23 6 51 31 39 682 721 480 341 874 215 186 207 206

OnCosts 340 121 282 343 114 144 75 219 98 101 311 72 262 111 241 100 217 102 212 82 78 532 286 141 1,215 801 1,202 616 1,268 960 401 885 493


232 72 188 241 71 88 40 139 56 53 220 37 153 61 157 58 141 60 145 48 38 336 223 85 768 487 757 392 701 604 246 553 323

Deprec No. of Hosps 151 50 98 177 96 82 45 104 50 91 160 46 133 59 115 54 96 49 95 43 45 247 151 80 558 347 544 273 590 435 181 420 215

61 62 54 62 62 62 62 62 62 50 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 61 62 62 60 61 61 61 57 61 60 60 60

DRG F63A F63B F64Z F65A F65B F66A F66B F67A F67B F68Z F69A F69B F70A F70B F71A F71B F72A F72B F73A F73B F74Z F75A F75B F75C G01A G01B G02A G02B G03A G03B G03C G04A G04B

Page 19


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG G04C G05A G05B G06Z G07A G07B G08A G08B G09Z G10Z G11A G11B G12A G12B G42A G42B G43Z G44A G44B G44C G45A G45B G46A G46B G46C G60A G60B G61A G61B G62Z G63Z G64Z G65A

Peritoneal Adhesolysis A<50-Cc Mnr Small & Large Bowel Pr +Cc Mnr Small & Large Bowel Pr -Cc Pyloromyotomy Procedure Appendicectomy + Cscc Appendicectomy - Cscc Abdom & Oth Hern Pr A>59/+Cscc Abdom & Oth Hrn Pr 00 Hernia Procedures A<1 Anal & Stomal Procedures +Cscc Anal & Stomal Procedures -Cscc Oth Digest Sys Or Pr+Cscc Oth Digest Sys Or Pr-Cscc Oth Gastroscopy+Mjr Digest Dis Oth Gastroscopy+Mjr Dig Dis,Sd Complex Colonoscopy Other Colonoscopy+Cscc Other Colonoscopy-Cscc Other Colonoscopy, Sameday Other Gastrpy+N-Mjr Digest Dis Other Gastrpy+N-Mjr Dig Dis,Sd Complex Gastroscopy+Cscc Complex Gastroscopy-Cscc Complex Gastroscopy,Sd Digestive Malignancy + Cscc Digestive Malignancy - Cscc Gi Haemorrhage A>64/+Cscc Gi Haemorrhage A<65 - Cscc Complicated Peptic Ulcer Uncomplicated Peptic Ulcer Inflammatory Bowel Disease Gi Obstruction + Cc

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



1.76 2.83 1.68 1.66 2.51 1.28 1.73 0.95 0.93 1.03 1.78 0.66 4.02 1.46 1.46 0.31 0.58 2.37 1.01 0.30 1.18 0.28 2.71 1.36 0.34 1.49 0.71 0.83 0.41 1.30 0.40 0.94 1.42

815 393 556 63 1,008 9,807 2,731 2,983 6,904 386 729 8,577 905 1,186 4,476 2,676 354 1,287 4,872 21,676 4,725 19,587 2,238 3,121 9,804 2,503 2,596 3,319 1,660 127 379 3,104 2,503

3,465 3,746 2,731 250 6,885 27,029 11,920 5,319 10,494 487 3,973 14,394 11,547 4,766 23,709 2,676 693 12,427 16,747 21,710 19,718 19,610 22,003 14,057 9,814 16,002 8,043 11,419 2,749 630 676 7,837 15,101

4.25 9.53 4.91 3.97 6.83 2.76 4.36 1.78 1.52 1.26 5.45 1.68 12.76 4.02 5.3 1 1.96 9.66 3.44 1 4.17 1 9.83 4.5 1 6.39 3.1 3.44 1.66 4.96 1.78 2.52 6.03

6,753 10,843 6,417 6,359 9,606 4,901 6,612 3,654 3,578 3,944 6,831 2,509 15,402 5,583 5,598 1,172 2,235 9,085 3,856 1,161 4,528 1,069 10,372 5,220 1,290 5,713 2,706 3,169 1,585 4,960 1,535 3,602 5,453


5,311 8,496 4,956 4,795 7,450 3,829 5,196 2,855 2,801 3,057 5,286 1,918 12,153 4,355 4,386 905 1,693 7,118 3,012 893 3,531 813 8,088 4,080 987 4,431 2,136 2,477 1,234 3,948 1,203 3,023 4,215


1,442 2,346 1,462 1,564 2,157 1,073 1,416 799 777 887 1,545 592 3,249 1,228 1,213 266 542 1,967 844 268 997 256 2,284 1,140 303 1,282 570 692 351 1,012 332 579 1,238

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



716 1,375 802 611 1,027 548 730 382 387 628 861 282 1,641 694 662 139 258 1,135 586 166 541 118 1,201 723 172 615 313 370 155 541 121 302 629


113 253 162 87 204 86 127 62 60 41 212 51 302 99 106 31 60 227 104 35 95 27 242 102 30 146 77 55 24 80 27 57 121

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

1,063 2,445 1,200 1,312 1,864 747 1,137 423 391 379 1,332 342 3,249 977 1,295 89 283 2,480 865 96 1,026 84 2,494 1,153 90 1,597 672 749 271 1,187 250 545 1,509


235 534 280 341 417 164 238 93 85 97 291 79 646 196 269 22 66 534 198 22 226 20 524 228 18 311 161 160 64 238 60 129 309

Non Clinical Salaries 246 554 282 205 415 174 244 111 112 115 267 88 715 241 280 33 92 463 178 35 223 34 529 277 44 322 129 150 68 235 60 115 295

Pathology Direct

152 315 126 112 368 135 128 27 23 12 241 43 709 169 313 55 84 477 176 42 197 50 569 254 62 197 74 186 98 171 78 120 202


25 45 22 15 68 27 23 4 4 2 40 8 119 28 50 18 22 76 52 8 35 15 97 38 13 36 14 28 13 31 13 20 32

DRG G04C G05A G05B G06Z G07A G07B G08A G08B G09Z G10Z G11A G11B G12A G12B G42A G42B G43Z G44A G44B G44C G45A G45B G46A G46B G46C G60A G60B G61A G61B G62Z G63Z G64Z G65A

Page 20


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG G04C G05A G05B G06Z G07A G07B G08A G08B G09Z G10Z G11A G11B G12A G12B G42A G42B G43Z G44A G44B G44C G45A G45B G46A G46B G46C G60A G60B G61A G61B G62Z G63Z G64Z G65A

103 181 35 58 297 72 95 20 15 17 107 12 709 179 177 15 24 338 117 7 182 7 320 146 8 221 97 115 65 341 119 100 325



18 31 8 11 52 11 18 3 2 2 18 2 122 35 31 3 8 62 20 1 33 2 65 26 2 39 17 19 10 56 22 19 56


58 132 58 53 96 24 73 17 14 23 70 10 305 44 104 3 14 196 32 2 80 3 248 78 3 209 59 54 16 120 12 36 112

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



26 39 24 33 51 16 23 7 6 13 22 4 106 19 33 1 7 60 15 1 28 1 71 25 1 39 14 18 4 33 3 12 41


138 351 156 55 228 91 170 67 62 34 265 63 721 189 274 27 80 546 166 24 224 21 573 218 22 484 370 120 52 218 62 1,340 237

Critical Care


13 28 14 8 20 8 15 6 6 4 24 6 55 27 29 2 4 49 13 2 21 1 43 16 2 53 29 12 4 25 4 61 25


105 341 41 503 398 10 272 30 13 419 159 3 1,021 64 217 17 63 172 18 0 58 0 505 103 2 51 8 132 12 286 5 15 131


37 69 10 147 93 2 54 5 3 106 35 0 218 13 47 2 11 39 4 0 15 0 101 20 0 11 2 28 3 47 1 4 28

Oper Rooms Direct

1,933 1,946 1,668 1,293 1,809 1,408 1,682 1,382 1,439 1,106 1,330 806 1,672 1,208 289 264 292 318 463 290 366 254 491 509 338 56 100 28 21 132 11 59 20


456 440 420 323 434 328 400 361 365 275 320 231 377 292 67 66 63 71 82 74 81 66 116 107 87 13 26 5 11 36 1 18 4

Emerg Depts Direct

239 51 16 162 375 327 103 55 12 33 175 84 256 175 344 19 34 314 144 2 302 8 300 200 3 196 81 401 383 381 394 160 424


55 11 4 44 96 80 26 14 3 9 44 21 59 43 87 5 10 77 35 0 74 2 75 50 1 47 19 95 96 83 92 37 103

Supplies Direct

124 296 143 103 176 76 122 52 47 39 145 49 397 111 143 39 66 266 92 38 115 35 301 147 40 174 71 66 30 126 23 69 143

Spec Proc Suites


86 173 109 123 137 60 88 41 38 56 100 34 230 83 112 14 40 174 64 15 77 15 201 101 18 142 53 58 23 86 22 36 115


5 4 8 4 7 3 9 6 6 7 22 15 45 48 67 142 277 55 55 132 40 151 105 71 125 63 42 6 7 21 4 70 13


1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 11 6 12 13 17 54 100 16 18 50 13 57 35 20 51 26 12 2 3 5 1 22 5

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 92 171 160 2 42 28 197 125 145 87 68 32 151 55 15 7 23 32 16 6 17 6 93 62 30 19 17 6 3 19 4 6 11

OnCosts 353 517 325 381 456 234 300 169 162 222 323 116 735 280 260 44 103 410 159 47 211 40 491 249 56 273 113 143 74 208 71 118 256


211 325 209 235 280 138 199 106 99 107 206 68 477 171 190 26 74 315 111 30 148 25 345 170 33 215 79 98 41 157 38 75 189

Deprec No. of Hosps 151 215 132 139 197 107 137 82 79 113 142 56 355 131 122 33 76 185 73 35 99 29 237 127 40 159 56 65 34 97 35 60 119

61 58 61 16 61 62 62 61 61 33 61 62 61 61 62 61 50 61 62 62 62 61 62 61 62 62 62 62 62 44 60 61 62

DRG G04C G05A G05B G06Z G07A G07B G08A G08B G09Z G10Z G11A G11B G12A G12B G42A G42B G43Z G44A G44B G44C G45A G45B G46A G46B G46C G60A G60B G61A G61B G62Z G63Z G64Z G65A

Page 21


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG G65B G66A G66B G67A G67B G68A G68B G69Z G70A G70B H01A H01B H02A H02B H02C H05A H05B H06Z H07A H07B H08A H08B H40Z H41A H41B H42A H42B H42C H60A H60B H60C H61A H61B

Gi Obstruction - Cc Abdmnl Pain/Mesentrc Adents+Cc Abdmnl Pain/Mesentrc Adents-Cc Oesphs, Gastr&Mis Dig A>9+Cscc Oesphs, Gastr&Mis Dig A>9-Cscc Gastroenteritis A<10 + Cc Gastroenteritis A<10 - Cc Oesphs & Misc Dig Sys Dis A<10 Other Digestive System Diag+Cc Other Digestive System Diag-Cc Pancreas, Liver & Shunt Pr+Ccc Pancreas, Liver &Shunt Pr-Ccc Mjr Biliary Tract Pr+(Mal/Ccc) Mjr Biliary Tract Pr-Mal+Smcc Mjr Biliary Tract Pr-Mal-Cc Hepatobiliary Diagntic Pr+Cscc Hepatobiliary Diagntic Pr-Cscc Oth Heptobilry & Pancrs Or Pr Open Cholecystectomy+Cde/+Ccc Open Cholecystectomy-Cde-Ccc Lap Cholecystectmy+Cde/+Cscc Lap Cholecystectmy-Cde-Cscc Endospic Pr Bleed Oes Varices Ercp Cx Theraputic Pr + Cscc Ercp Cx Theraputic Pr - Cscc Ercp Oth Theraputic Pr +Cscc Ercp Oth Theraputic Pr +Mcc Ercp Oth Theraputic Pr -Cc Cirrhosis & Alc Hepatitis +Ccc Cirrhosis & Alc Hepatitis+Scc Cirrhosis & Alc Hepatitis-Cscc Mal Hept Sys (A>69+Cscc)/+Ccc Mal Hept Sys (A>69-Cscc)/-Ccc

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



0.74 0.72 0.37 1.27 0.43 1.11 0.47 0.54 1.20 0.41 7.36 3.70 5.64 2.94 1.35 4.08 1.48 2.92 4.51 2.48 2.58 1.33 2.39 2.96 1.20 2.67 1.32 0.74 2.94 1.18 0.61 1.96 1.05

3,392 4,149 20,550 7,240 30,511 1,204 8,510 2,042 2,953 6,538 741 933 382 288 432 288 275 428 378 797 2,271 9,517 480 694 1,544 853 789 3,120 1,310 1,372 1,499 1,216 2,158

10,374 11,234 29,786 37,966 55,696 4,890 13,939 3,977 14,752 11,323 14,010 8,456 6,165 2,349 1,438 2,742 1,000 3,250 4,858 5,275 14,743 19,906 2,985 6,859 5,547 8,695 3,712 7,460 14,451 6,430 3,288 10,199 7,826

3.06 2.71 1.45 5.24 1.83 4.06 1.64 1.95 5 1.73 18.91 9.06 16.14 8.16 3.33 9.52 3.64 7.59 12.85 6.62 6.49 2.09 6.22 9.88 3.59 10.19 4.7 2.39 11.03 4.69 2.19 8.39 3.63

2,816 2,739 1,401 4,847 1,631 4,255 1,803 2,070 4,600 1,566 28,185 14,165 21,601 11,245 5,185 15,616 5,678 11,184 17,264 9,509 9,873 5,101 9,133 11,345 4,585 10,227 5,062 2,817 11,239 4,522 2,323 7,519 4,023


2,185 2,148 1,105 3,792 1,278 2,871 1,338 1,551 3,597 1,218 22,628 11,371 17,190 8,909 4,082 12,613 4,548 8,994 13,700 7,406 7,824 4,045 7,298 8,955 3,589 8,000 3,917 2,179 8,881 3,539 1,783 5,776 3,123


631 591 296 1,055 352 1,385 465 519 1,003 348 5,557 2,794 4,411 2,336 1,103 3,003 1,130 2,190 3,564 2,103 2,049 1,056 1,834 2,390 996 2,227 1,145 638 2,357 983 539 1,744 901

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



365 271 118 526 153 607 254 304 521 205 2,602 1,299 2,402 1,369 526 2,533 565 1,188 1,828 1,038 1,086 556 964 1,175 452 1,125 610 304 1,457 620 268 859 382


56 44 17 110 24 45 27 39 90 29 452 189 464 214 86 238 85 216 343 155 196 85 163 215 81 227 101 54 228 82 42 162 69

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

680 545 190 1,249 269 1,100 468 554 1,147 264 4,927 2,260 4,360 2,125 760 2,595 895 2,369 3,126 1,774 1,732 585 1,518 2,589 778 2,576 1,155 498 2,742 1,012 398 2,155 810


149 126 49 270 64 180 90 131 233 64 1,028 399 889 444 146 533 174 489 717 359 381 127 312 510 157 489 243 105 604 219 102 411 162

Non Clinical Salaries 141 121 46 247 67 297 122 122 261 81 1,043 639 792 489 198 568 244 380 561 366 345 153 367 551 210 476 231 123 599 269 92 445 208

Pathology Direct

88 138 62 254 85 152 78 54 212 42 1,339 581 931 384 150 672 228 520 707 255 355 109 593 574 173 541 197 83 735 301 136 332 169


14 22 9 42 14 14 15 10 37 7 256 102 200 66 23 126 29 92 119 48 63 21 93 98 27 93 31 13 127 54 35 71 32

DRG G65B G66A G66B G67A G67B G68A G68B G69Z G70A G70B H01A H01B H02A H02B H02C H05A H05B H06Z H07A H07B H08A H08B H40Z H41A H41B H42A H42B H42C H60A H60B H60C H61A H61B

Page 22


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG G65B G66A G66B G67A G67B G68A G68B G69Z G70A G70B H01A H01B H02A H02B H02C H05A H05B H06Z H07A H07B H08A H08B H40Z H41A H41B H42A H42B H42C H60A H60B H60C H61A H61B

217 224 137 196 96 38 19 47 209 72 1,344 615 859 435 273 512 376 1,219 635 224 368 109 198 659 316 642 354 224 347 153 87 449 398



39 36 21 34 16 5 3 7 37 13 220 108 153 84 64 77 57 285 122 37 75 20 35 142 90 122 73 59 64 25 17 80 89


28 47 12 140 21 40 17 52 91 15 489 167 375 104 33 194 52 170 257 80 79 18 133 198 35 173 45 16 329 109 37 212 304

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



13 12 4 38 6 16 11 19 29 5 124 51 110 41 15 53 13 44 76 29 25 8 42 51 12 54 22 6 87 29 9 69 54


74 108 32 278 55 76 26 60 251 50 1,760 484 866 374 165 645 142 714 485 235 248 88 723 611 126 498 205 87 784 209 68 497 339


8 12 3 27 5 4 3 5 20 5 123 40 60 28 11 50 13 44 39 21 20 8 51 40 9 34 27 6 51 15 8 33 28

Critical Care Direct

6 22 2 105 7 14 1 14 179 5 2,634 861 1,747 195 70 961 69 452 1,824 263 340 28 1,147 476 20 528 64 6 654 42 24 66 10


1 5 1 23 2 3 0 4 35 1 524 145 330 50 12 214 13 67 384 61 68 5 229 94 4 106 11 1 125 9 7 15 2

Oper Rooms Direct

22 21 9 17 12 9 2 18 106 136 3,978 2,936 2,982 2,312 1,327 2,672 1,379 819 2,865 2,380 2,339 1,938 631 605 517 465 440 389 115 162 246 61 81


4 4 3 4 3 3 0 5 25 40 888 620 681 504 291 577 322 190 677 559 534 442 147 160 158 114 112 100 27 39 61 13 20

Emerg Depts Direct

392 483 422 459 412 246 293 249 303 232 133 69 184 188 58 147 48 144 272 181 241 83 279 266 93 295 196 88 376 198 121 283 132


94 114 98 109 95 89 72 60 71 57 31 16 44 46 14 36 11 35 69 47 59 20 74 65 23 71 49 21 92 51 32 68 32

Supplies Direct

70 54 20 124 30 125 34 41 124 34 675 307 506 294 119 345 135 219 337 183 180 68 217 357 134 258 134 81 305 146 50 181 87

Spec Proc Suites


57 42 16 85 22 461 57 51 88 26 311 180 277 142 66 192 75 121 185 185 113 49 136 211 66 192 87 41 235 105 40 184 77


2 15 3 17 9 1 1 1 21 14 58 31 84 103 138 45 38 215 12 12 14 5 85 122 163 66 113 154 46 130 174 47 39


1 3 1 7 4 0 0 0 7 5 12 6 19 23 42 10 9 58 3 2 3 1 31 26 49 17 31 50 13 42 63 17 12

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 4 6 2 8 3 1 1 2 15 8 754 534 346 150 56 139 83 183 118 76 114 89 64 338 397 29 19 12 20 12 13 21 16

OnCosts 135 127 60 221 76 284 100 106 224 74 1,184 731 906 523 247 754 290 437 714 428 426 230 445 557 207 465 220 127 497 220 87 345 199


92 74 32 159 45 326 68 71 158 44 710 433 592 298 155 368 180 265 444 309 264 135 259 376 147 331 164 83 350 158 60 270 124

Deprec No. of Hosps 63 61 31 96 36 118 40 44 106 38 585 361 441 259 142 359 154 249 343 201 206 120 198 278 140 238 132 84 232 107 48 175 148

61 62 62 62 62 47 50 51 62 62 58 57 51 56 57 57 53 46 60 61 62 62 58 50 52 55 55 59 62 62 62 62 61

DRG G65B G66A G66B G67A G67B G68A G68B G69Z G70A G70B H01A H01B H02A H02B H02C H05A H05B H06Z H07A H07B H08A H08B H40Z H41A H41B H42A H42B H42C H60A H60B H60C H61A H61B

Page 23


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG H62A H62B H63A H63B H64A H64B I01Z I02A I02B I03A I03B I03C I04Z I05Z I06Z I07Z I08A I08B I09A I09B I10A I10B I11Z I12A I12B I12C I13A I13B I13C I14Z I15Z I16Z I17Z

Disorders Pancreas-Malig+Cscc Disorders Pancreas-Malig-Cscc Dsrd Lvr-Mal,Cirr,Alc Hep+Cscc Dsrd Lvr-Mal,Cirr,Alc Hep-Cscc Disorders Of Biliary Tract +Cc Disorders Of Biliary Tract -Cc Bil/Mlti Mjr Jt Pr Lwr Extrmty Mcrvas Tt/Skin Graft+Cscc-Hand Skin Graft -Cscc -Hand Hip Revision + Cscc Hip Replac+Cscc/Hip Revsn-Cscc Hip Replacement - Cscc Knee Replacemt & Reattach Oth Mjr Jnt Replace&Limb Reatt Spinal Fusion + Deformity Amputation Other Hip & Femur Proc + Cscc Other Hip & Femur Pr -Cscc Spinal Fusion + Cscc Spinal Fusion - Cscc Other Back & Neck Procs + Cscc Other Back & Neck Procs - Cscc Limb Lengthening Procedures Infc/Infm Bone/Jnt+Misc Pr+Ccc Infc/Infm Bone/Jnt+Misc Pr+Scc Infc/Infm Bne/Jnt+Misc Pr-Cscc Humer,Tibia,Fibul,Ankl Pr+Cscc Humer,Tib,Fib,Ank Pr A>59-Cscc Humer,Tib,Fib,Ank Pr A<60-Cscc Stump Revision Cranio-Facial Surgery Other Shoulder Procedures Maxillo-Facial Surgery

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



2.15 0.89 2.20 0.57 1.38 0.52 8.40 10.32 3.91 8.11 5.01 4.02 4.52 3.91 9.30 6.54 4.63 2.97 8.52 4.73 4.19 2.18 3.56 6.79 3.63 1.95 4.54 2.55 1.97 2.77 2.71 1.36 1.79

1,328 4,341 1,579 3,984 2,152 5,477 364 491 433 415 3,925 4,598 6,084 774 75 193 5,094 4,368 586 1,091 723 2,993 53 597 503 2,096 1,179 1,508 8,155 47 193 2,649 604

10,672 15,843 12,084 7,792 11,953 12,133 5,377 13,963 4,759 8,371 51,130 35,279 49,148 4,803 865 4,370 78,763 36,566 8,560 7,069 7,781 13,822 475 15,066 7,288 13,976 16,094 10,833 33,093 458 901 4,780 1,682

8.04 3.65 7.65 1.96 5.55 2.22 14.77 28.44 10.99 20.17 13.03 7.67 8.08 6.21 11.53 22.64 15.46 8.37 14.61 6.48 10.76 4.62 8.96 25.24 14.49 6.67 13.65 7.18 4.06 9.74 4.67 1.8 2.78

8,237 3,411 8,435 2,199 5,294 2,002 32,174 39,495 14,958 31,045 19,172 15,405 17,317 14,964 35,600 25,047 17,741 11,371 32,633 18,094 16,058 8,336 13,625 26,001 13,911 7,464 17,396 9,758 7,554 10,615 10,368 5,206 6,870


6,419 2,640 6,725 1,712 4,132 1,563 26,605 31,730 11,683 25,841 15,629 12,872 14,538 12,629 29,520 19,546 13,986 9,011 27,634 15,439 12,943 6,693 11,469 20,308 10,839 5,712 13,686 7,718 6,000 7,992 8,598 4,096 5,455


1,817 771 1,710 487 1,162 439 5,569 7,765 3,275 5,204 3,543 2,533 2,778 2,335 6,081 5,501 3,755 2,360 4,999 2,655 3,115 1,643 2,156 5,693 3,072 1,752 3,710 2,040 1,554 2,623 1,770 1,110 1,415

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



922 430 1,267 298 716 243 2,353 4,389 1,321 2,779 1,643 1,174 1,302 1,047 3,197 2,487 1,705 1,040 2,380 1,226 1,767 919 1,259 3,302 1,697 826 1,580 962 654 1,501 1,008 540 584


175 68 160 38 108 35 402 871 232 539 330 227 253 172 508 548 338 183 368 163 215 105 237 707 280 155 344 185 129 463 120 95 91

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

1,900 792 1,931 366 1,312 367 3,727 8,639 2,872 5,341 3,424 2,078 2,099 1,558 3,569 5,706 4,040 2,076 4,518 1,793 3,102 1,294 1,874 6,607 3,251 1,501 3,411 1,719 1,041 1,936 1,446 535 666


419 179 370 84 282 83 755 1,898 622 1,140 742 478 495 349 823 1,433 842 443 929 422 598 256 545 1,448 752 347 795 383 256 650 265 144 145

Non Clinical Salaries 375 179 456 120 288 96 881 1,380 628 957 640 371 453 365 556 1,170 745 439 788 404 693 350 245 1,181 752 334 684 349 240 378 305 138 222

Pathology Direct

448 150 542 226 277 94 465 992 203 804 456 163 169 140 392 846 510 209 610 144 316 86 98 1,026 408 162 330 111 49 167 193 19 69


83 21 97 44 46 15 84 175 30 115 75 26 25 30 68 142 84 34 130 24 48 14 10 158 55 27 57 19 9 46 26 4 10

DRG H62A H62B H63A H63B H64A H64B I01Z I02A I02B I03A I03B I03C I04Z I05Z I06Z I07Z I08A I08B I09A I09B I10A I10B I11Z I12A I12B I12C I13A I13B I13C I14Z I15Z I16Z I17Z

Page 24


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG H62A H62B H63A H63B H64A H64B I01Z I02A I02B I03A I03B I03C I04Z I05Z I06Z I07Z I08A I08B I09A I09B I10A I10B I11Z I12A I12B I12C I13A I13B I13C I14Z I15Z I16Z I17Z

495 232 340 162 311 137 402 1,011 371 624 443 220 137 218 347 601 657 459 1,076 396 510 183 273 987 397 152 741 331 268 253 135 27 157



86 38 54 30 56 23 71 177 71 109 80 38 24 40 79 129 122 84 177 75 82 29 51 174 71 33 152 65 55 68 23 6 32


175 35 192 20 98 17 646 772 297 588 480 303 319 237 526 710 525 302 691 249 408 170 351 535 258 114 466 252 130 270 137 66 70

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



63 18 45 6 32 9 212 197 69 130 121 77 86 63 87 206 134 84 207 62 107 46 92 170 80 38 115 70 33 168 31 19 25


379 112 574 68 240 64 818 1,567 385 708 411 215 251 198 365 1,263 487 229 708 231 415 159 320 2,107 779 318 407 186 121 464 158 83 125


31 11 39 5 22 6 66 117 29 60 44 21 24 19 30 92 46 24 52 25 36 16 22 166 55 38 46 19 12 28 14 9 14

Critical Care Direct

700 40 479 25 126 9 750 798 65 730 381 97 159 131 1,602 820 342 30 968 208 430 45 0 431 50 16 247 17 11 324 161 17 170


156 10 81 5 30 3 125 154 14 126 79 16 25 26 501 217 75 7 163 37 79 8 0 85 8 4 50 4 3 58 24 4 35

Oper Rooms Direct

62 42 112 99 68 35 4,843 7,669 3,630 4,397 2,715 2,609 2,708 2,791 5,888 3,284 2,275 2,095 5,441 4,018 3,358 2,641 3,443 2,046 1,851 1,478 2,959 2,085 2,069 1,801 3,214 1,991 2,200


15 9 30 22 15 8 1,292 1,753 931 901 625 665 697 652 1,850 866 524 495 1,059 861 681 525 764 488 462 401 709 483 506 437 598 563 595

Emerg Depts Direct

428 402 307 112 397 379 218 321 245 238 268 110 17 148 33 154 385 326 196 93 132 49 30 403 222 155 431 266 244 73 17 10 115


120 111 76 28 100 89 55 80 58 54 65 26 4 34 7 37 95 80 44 21 29 11 8 100 59 43 109 67 61 22 3 3 30

Supplies Direct

188 87 238 69 127 43 459 835 296 657 381 233 273 169 306 814 380 196 404 193 368 154 140 606 384 154 338 156 98 262 173 64 105

Spec Proc Suites


160 67 162 42 94 33 310 464 249 390 256 143 164 123 171 394 308 165 261 121 232 120 57 467 298 153 238 137 79 230 109 41 86


12 17 28 67 12 8 10 292 60 27 29 5 7 10 2,376 43 31 16 354 231 124 47 13 108 23 20 75 13 17 12 171 7 18


3 5 8 27 3 2 2 62 14 8 10 1 2 4 1,170 20 8 5 79 56 30 12 2 25 6 7 17 3 4 2 43 2 3

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 22 6 14 8 10 3 10,561 1,644 707 7,398 3,881 5,040 6,448 5,405 9,284 355 1,376 1,214 9,019 5,810 743 256 3,127 319 217 211 1,461 937 775 78 1,089 388 547

OnCosts 391 164 397 100 249 95 1,259 1,561 741 1,023 737 485 546 474 939 1,257 791 527 938 567 713 380 355 1,084 714 356 766 436 329 422 403 214 361


248 107 246 68 160 59 785 1,011 489 736 519 349 367 324 535 883 560 360 575 343 460 250 171 789 479 261 517 298 204 314 273 121 210

Deprec No. of Hosps 183 78 189 59 115 46 622 662 331 464 335 233 264 235 394 572 357 249 499 320 381 215 137 480 302 162 351 203 158 189 227 100 186

62 62 62 62 62 62 53 53 57 59 62 62 61 58 13 48 62 62 34 40 44 52 19 58 60 62 61 62 62 28 31 62 51

DRG H62A H62B H63A H63B H64A H64B I01Z I02A I02B I03A I03B I03C I04Z I05Z I06Z I07Z I08A I08B I09A I09B I10A I10B I11Z I12A I12B I12C I13A I13B I13C I14Z I15Z I16Z I17Z

Page 25


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG I18Z I19Z I20Z I21Z I23Z I24Z I25Z I27A I27B I28A I28B I29Z I30Z I60Z I61Z I63Z I64A I64B I65A I65B I66A I66B I67A I67B I68A I68B I68C I69A I69B I69C I70Z I71A I71B

Other Knee Procedures Other Elbow, Forearm Procs Other Foot Procedures Loc Ex, Rem Int Fix Dev Hp&Fmr Loc Ex,Rem Int Fix-Hp&Fmr Arthroscopy Bone,Joint Dxtic Pr Inc Biopsy Soft Tissue Procedures +Cscc Soft Tissue Procedures -Cscc Other Connect Tissue Procs +Cc Other Connect Tissue Procs -Cc Knee Reconstruction/Revision Hand Procedures Femoral Shaft Fractures Distal Femoral Fractures Spr,Str&Dsloc Hip,Pelvis&Thigh Osteomyelitis +Cc Osteomyelitis -Cc Con Tis Mal,Inc Path Fx +Cscc Con Tis Mal,Inc Path Fx -Cscc Inflm Muscl Dsr +Cscc Inflm Musculsktl Dsr -Cscc Septic Arthritis + Cscc Septic Arthritis - Cscc Non-Surg Spinal Disorders +Cc Non-Surg Spinal Disorders -Cc Non-Surg Spinal Disorders, Sd Bne Dis&Spcfc Arthro A>74+Cscc Bne Dis&Sp Arth A>74/+Cscc Bne Dis&Spcfc Arthro A<75-Cscc Non-Specific Arthropathies Oth Musctendin Disrd A>69 +Cc Oth Musctendin Disrd A>69/+Cc

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



0.84 1.59 1.35 1.23 0.64 0.72 2.41 3.83 1.14 3.27 1.18 1.60 0.92 3.28 1.81 0.80 2.17 1.05 2.34 1.21 2.94 0.59 3.83 1.37 2.04 0.95 0.36 2.18 0.75 0.40 0.93 1.15 0.60

7,794 7,429 3,559 537 7,521 1,302 370 524 3,791 711 2,285 1,382 15,679 270 322 1,093 979 723 1,738 1,639 707 6,042 147 373 4,071 6,976 10,831 819 3,296 4,582 526 994 2,252

12,567 20,811 10,408 1,504 9,701 1,818 3,041 6,773 9,705 7,713 5,520 2,667 22,792 3,188 2,566 3,258 11,766 4,988 16,881 7,615 7,474 12,223 2,415 3,330 34,606 26,995 10,831 8,627 11,905 8,751 1,945 5,335 5,419

1.61 2.8 2.92 2.8 1.29 1.4 8.22 12.93 2.56 10.85 2.42 1.93 1.45 11.81 7.97 2.98 12.02 6.9 9.71 4.65 10.57 2.02 16.43 8.93 8.5 3.87 1 10.53 3.61 1.91 3.7 5.37 2.41

3,208 6,083 5,177 4,703 2,466 2,773 9,231 14,670 4,381 12,524 4,533 6,120 3,504 12,555 6,931 3,068 8,303 4,014 8,959 4,617 11,256 2,242 14,668 5,246 7,812 3,643 1,389 8,362 2,889 1,548 3,553 4,407 2,308


2,481 4,859 4,067 3,629 1,898 2,158 7,072 11,369 3,395 9,800 3,569 4,894 2,723 9,001 5,254 2,388 6,353 3,095 6,933 3,584 8,758 1,803 11,032 3,910 5,983 2,826 1,121 6,386 2,226 1,212 2,763 3,421 1,801


727 1,224 1,110 1,075 568 615 2,159 3,301 986 2,723 964 1,225 781 3,554 1,677 680 1,950 919 2,026 1,033 2,498 438 3,636 1,336 1,829 817 268 1,976 663 336 790 986 507

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



344 494 519 420 211 283 883 1,591 417 1,212 408 639 301 1,363 857 285 1,168 647 938 403 1,277 253 1,685 593 832 393 92 942 330 177 393 465 231


68 91 98 78 40 58 136 343 71 246 70 106 55 159 141 55 215 93 200 77 388 47 489 92 145 56 15 175 62 38 65 82 38

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

309 713 786 745 216 265 2,308 3,445 634 2,639 561 611 312 4,017 2,018 589 2,391 1,046 2,627 1,211 2,672 394 3,998 1,413 2,116 835 217 2,507 715 316 746 1,123 434


83 159 183 178 65 70 423 776 139 559 122 158 74 553 379 140 529 244 507 243 535 94 718 295 440 183 42 515 158 76 152 247 103

Non Clinical Salaries 79 171 180 196 67 82 584 702 162 627 167 146 96 1,127 444 132 487 268 564 325 620 109 865 311 469 202 52 477 162 74 195 298 115

Pathology Direct

18 44 32 43 17 20 465 579 88 374 40 15 19 102 139 61 236 139 256 119 801 118 651 185 219 62 14 322 105 61 228 158 79


3 8 6 7 3 6 69 106 15 61 7 4 4 25 26 12 41 20 46 18 125 20 101 24 39 11 2 59 19 12 46 26 12

DRG I18Z I19Z I20Z I21Z I23Z I24Z I25Z I27A I27B I28A I28B I29Z I30Z I60Z I61Z I63Z I64A I64B I65A I65B I66A I66B I67A I67B I68A I68B I68C I69A I69B I69C I70Z I71A I71B

Page 26


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG I18Z I19Z I20Z I21Z I23Z I24Z I25Z I27A I27B I28A I28B I29Z I30Z I60Z I61Z I63Z I64A I64B I65A I65B I66A I66B I67A I67B I68A I68B I68C I69A I69B I69C I70Z I71A I71B

29 242 103 64 29 23 773 503 78 617 148 52 67 457 378 276 375 259 480 244 485 76 794 220 524 291 132 410 148 88 234 290 157



6 50 21 12 5 5 153 85 14 119 36 11 12 58 65 49 75 52 81 46 90 15 153 38 96 52 24 76 27 18 43 49 28


42 73 105 85 25 25 183 335 68 374 63 91 32 372 323 115 193 62 307 114 278 29 286 83 333 127 27 406 133 39 55 162 122

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



11 22 29 21 7 7 54 105 20 113 18 23 10 184 95 29 53 26 83 30 67 8 105 34 101 33 2 110 33 10 19 41 26


46 95 88 80 38 41 460 663 87 483 82 79 58 195 172 73 697 225 711 622 984 537 900 367 280 97 30 287 155 154 116 144 69


4 9 9 7 3 3 52 45 8 35 8 8 5 19 16 10 114 15 66 63 59 32 57 71 29 12 2 29 13 8 10 17 10

Critical Care Direct

5 21 26 23 6 5 9 415 15 228 8 7 4 5 45 17 67 8 61 4 380 13 298 11 139 10 1 39 19 4 21 41 3


1 4 5 6 1 1 2 78 3 37 2 2 1 1 8 5 16 1 14 1 76 3 80 3 34 2 0 8 5 1 6 10 1

Oper Rooms Direct

1,247 1,731 1,562 1,555 1,043 1,164 542 1,727 1,322 1,509 1,300 2,323 1,343 471 162 202 65 72 53 42 134 75 282 126 66 71 192 33 22 56 61 23 78


360 426 379 447 314 298 190 453 352 358 342 601 377 103 32 47 18 17 12 12 30 20 56 28 17 14 81 6 6 17 16 5 21

Emerg Depts Direct

33 209 105 24 7 21 118 296 185 343 136 22 124 339 382 418 178 141 262 178 260 61 376 346 478 488 193 474 253 135 346 387 340


9 54 26 6 2 6 26 88 47 87 35 6 32 82 97 101 46 37 58 42 72 16 106 102 112 109 45 116 62 33 84 89 82

Supplies Direct

35 67 71 63 28 30 266 364 66 323 62 68 36 370 172 57 181 90 274 136 352 55 489 118 212 90 49 197 66 37 86 119 49

Spec Proc Suites


28 62 60 58 17 29 220 284 57 201 49 45 32 536 169 52 183 90 214 106 259 49 333 141 177 75 12 189 60 28 64 83 42


8 12 12 8 7 13 75 80 8 57 17 8 9 4 2 3 110 27 88 27 81 13 124 25 33 12 6 22 19 11 29 3 20


2 2 2 2 1 4 34 18 2 12 4 1 2 1 0 1 30 9 39 15 33 10 85 8 8 4 1 10 6 3 18 1 6

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 169 775 303 130 93 67 89 148 85 568 415 603 168 43 38 22 11 19 24 10 21 3 29 15 17 11 2 20 8 8 146 14 5

OnCosts 129 257 224 225 107 118 476 678 212 626 206 249 156 839 346 145 350 196 428 228 527 87 724 261 404 188 70 412 137 69 169 243 116


74 159 140 124 58 71 370 454 128 414 127 132 94 752 262 99 284 113 335 178 383 55 522 205 301 126 49 336 99 43 118 173 69

Deprec No. of Hosps 63 133 101 98 54 57 272 312 97 304 101 112 81 378 162 74 189 98 233 124 265 50 361 131 191 89 38 187 64 33 87 114 57

62 62 62 60 62 62 55 59 62 61 62 61 62 57 59 62 61 59 61 62 62 62 50 60 62 62 62 61 62 62 59 59 62

DRG I18Z I19Z I20Z I21Z I23Z I24Z I25Z I27A I27B I28A I28B I29Z I30Z I60Z I61Z I63Z I64A I64B I65A I65B I66A I66B I67A I67B I68A I68B I68C I69A I69B I69C I70Z I71A I71B

Page 27


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG I71C I72A I72B I73A I73B I73C I74A I74B I74C I75A I75B I75C I76A I76B I76C I77A I77B I78A I78B J01Z J06A J06B J07A J07B J08A J08B J09Z J10Z J11Z J12A J12B J12C J13A

Oth Musctendin Disrd A<70 -Cc Spec Musctend Disrd A>79/+Cscc Spec Musctend Disrd A<80-Cscc Aftcare Muscsk Impl A>59+Cscc Aftcare Muscsk Impl A>59/+Cscc Aftcare Muscsk Impl A<60-Cscc Inj Frarm,Wr,Hnd,Foot A>74+Cc Inj Frarm,Wr,Hnd,Foot A>74/+Cc Inj Frarm,Wr,Hand,Foot A<75-Cc Inj Sh,Arm,Elb,Kn,Leg A>64+Cc Inj Sh,Arm,Elb,Kn,Leg A>64/+Cc Inj Sh,Arm,Elb,Kn,Leg A<65-Cc Oth Musculoskeletl Dsr A>69+Cc Oth Musctl Dsr A>69/+Cc Oth Musculoskeletl Dsr A<70-Cc Fracture Of Pelvis+Cscc Fracture Of Pelvis -Cscc Fracture Neck Femur+Cscc Fracture Of Neck Femur-Cscc Microvasc Tiss Transf Skn/Brst Major Pr Malig Breast Condtns Major Pr Non-Malig Breast Cnds Minor Pr Malig Breast Condns Minor Pr Non-Malig Breast Cnds Oth Skn Grf&/Dbrdmnt Pr+Cscc Oth Skn Grf&/Dbrdmnt Pr-Cscc Perianal & Pilonidal Pr Skn,Subc Tis & Brst Plastic Pr Other Skin, Subc Tis & Brst Pr L Lmb Pr +Ulcr/Cels+Ccc L Lmb Pr+Ulcr/Cels-Ccc+Graft L Lmb Pr+Ulcr/Cels-Ccc-Graft L Lmb Pr-Ulcr/Cels+Graft+Cscc

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



0.40 1.55 0.50 2.75 0.93 0.56 1.40 0.69 0.48 1.87 0.88 0.49 1.61 0.88 0.40 2.74 1.24 2.14 0.74 6.70 1.59 1.39 0.86 0.61 3.09 1.00 0.82 0.72 0.48 7.03 4.23 2.69 3.23

3,425 590 2,736 226 1,228 1,216 587 1,680 12,746 1,897 3,495 8,062 429 1,146 2,165 978 1,336 477 909 257 3,938 1,133 1,399 2,826 1,007 4,740 1,266 3,386 15,635 270 300 420 233

5,167 3,876 6,366 3,126 6,444 3,567 3,743 4,163 15,234 17,338 12,733 13,350 3,082 4,029 3,219 12,605 7,991 4,507 2,986 3,222 12,618 2,415 1,906 2,974 9,853 11,498 2,888 4,974 21,028 8,229 5,298 5,282 2,964

1.51 6.57 2.33 13.83 5.25 2.93 6.38 2.48 1.2 9.14 3.64 1.66 7.18 3.52 1.49 12.89 5.98 9.45 3.28 12.54 3.2 2.13 1.36 1.05 9.78 2.43 2.28 1.47 1.34 30.48 17.66 12.58 12.72

1,537 5,933 1,914 10,533 3,564 2,157 5,355 2,649 1,837 7,147 3,364 1,883 6,178 3,377 1,525 10,476 4,734 8,195 2,819 25,630 6,093 5,303 3,287 2,352 11,833 3,811 3,134 2,740 1,846 26,895 16,182 10,308 12,363


1,203 4,617 1,485 8,117 2,756 1,666 4,079 2,033 1,410 5,464 2,576 1,454 4,753 2,606 1,177 7,942 3,635 6,338 2,174 20,382 4,835 4,229 2,581 1,776 9,177 2,955 2,424 2,148 1,418 20,989 12,213 8,016 9,443


334 1,316 430 2,416 808 491 1,276 616 427 1,682 788 429 1,425 770 347 2,533 1,099 1,857 645 5,248 1,258 1,074 706 576 2,656 855 710 592 428 5,906 3,969 2,292 2,919

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



182 610 280 1,497 522 252 552 243 154 771 317 160 690 377 151 1,118 505 997 269 2,785 742 540 306 224 1,539 429 426 297 227 3,390 2,290 1,283 1,779


29 109 48 207 108 44 95 36 22 133 65 25 128 65 20 199 83 152 46 367 123 72 51 41 298 70 79 50 44 564 325 228 415

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

228 1,595 391 2,651 851 423 1,437 449 217 2,082 767 286 1,645 701 223 3,207 1,234 2,338 614 3,560 788 588 275 133 2,691 531 457 242 177 7,871 4,828 2,878 3,452


74 310 96 526 217 112 310 96 49 454 187 66 380 173 52 630 278 471 122 788 168 111 62 37 597 112 110 53 44 1,391 797 575 714

Non Clinical Salaries 60 322 93 711 148 97 299 104 58 413 152 72 328 191 66 700 302 459 147 899 197 174 88 48 551 144 96 82 55 1,657 998 634 688

Pathology Direct

47 228 56 433 72 30 145 49 8 213 66 16 245 86 40 299 102 265 85 502 334 91 226 113 354 101 60 74 67 894 299 291 392


8 39 11 65 14 5 24 9 2 34 12 3 49 13 7 53 18 44 13 88 61 20 40 24 54 18 11 15 15 114 60 44 79

DRG I71C I72A I72B I73A I73B I73C I74A I74B I74C I75A I75B I75C I76A I76B I76C I77A I77B I78A I78B J01Z J06A J06B J07A J07B J08A J08B J09Z J10Z J11Z J12A J12B J12C J13A

Page 28


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG I71C I72A I72B I73A I73B I73C I74A I74B I74C I75A I75B I75C I76A I76B I76C I77A I77B I78A I78B J01Z J06A J06B J07A J07B J08A J08B J09Z J10Z J11Z J12A J12B J12C J13A

119 323 100 449 163 77 295 227 157 375 250 179 338 225 116 556 331 405 234 188 192 8 101 52 144 18 8 12 18 617 130 171 121



21 58 18 84 30 14 57 41 30 64 44 31 62 42 20 96 56 64 40 36 39 2 21 11 25 3 1 2 3 95 19 29 22


59 225 35 386 117 76 250 94 17 361 183 53 275 117 37 447 235 304 87 262 53 12 10 3 165 30 8 11 11 806 309 175 272

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



8 61 10 87 31 20 66 22 6 92 46 14 77 31 9 135 64 96 26 70 18 3 4 2 40 10 4 3 2 196 111 47 72


31 278 59 577 166 118 133 57 29 212 79 35 249 116 39 331 144 211 66 901 115 85 48 31 405 87 64 41 40 1,608 605 604 428


3 23 6 44 14 10 18 6 2 24 9 4 23 10 4 48 17 22 7 45 10 6 5 3 32 12 6 3 3 100 67 66 40

Critical Care Direct

9 181 8 188 1 1 26 17 1 92 26 1 106 94 10 72 19 178 2 2,318 25 3 43 2 233 8 4 13 5 286 91 39 75


2 39 2 43 0 0 8 5 0 22 5 0 28 21 2 15 3 38 0 396 4 1 5 0 62 2 0 3 1 54 32 8 18

Oper Rooms Direct

89 39 105 214 238 320 165 207 398 69 65 180 60 68 165 39 18 79 40 6,938 1,866 2,077 1,207 997 2,052 1,275 1,064 1,155 667 1,783 1,573 973 1,393


21 9 31 42 59 98 40 53 110 18 21 48 14 15 50 14 4 19 8 1,585 441 479 333 331 494 333 286 299 201 387 385 218 325

Emerg Depts Direct

280 432 233 310 237 114 436 439 274 497 471 362 394 367 223 510 438 458 463 14 2 2 2 3 144 49 60 2 16 346 102 263 34


65 105 58 73 57 28 104 110 69 122 117 88 90 89 55 124 100 110 109 3 1 0 0 1 47 14 15 1 5 81 25 66 7

Supplies Direct

27 154 50 388 85 42 117 41 18 153 59 26 179 90 28 288 122 275 59 378 80 68 40 22 317 63 48 36 27 972 520 299 384

Spec Proc Suites


22 129 31 238 65 33 121 46 21 153 57 28 136 60 26 282 100 195 53 302 75 68 30 19 286 62 37 32 24 646 617 213 286


8 20 6 10 16 12 8 4 2 12 7 2 10 28 9 25 6 16 8 37 53 10 45 30 13 5 5 4 3 55 116 27 6


3 7 2 1 5 4 3 1 0 3 2 0 3 9 3 6 4 4 3 23 6 2 4 3 4 1 2 1 1 20 29 6 1

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 5 10 8 50 25 28 35 15 14 28 19 15 13 7 10 23 9 70 11 781 130 341 25 11 84 37 18 25 16 122 43 81 77

OnCosts 66 281 87 595 150 95 274 132 84 334 157 92 296 177 77 559 252 422 143 1,113 266 251 150 102 580 189 128 136 83 1,347 834 537 636


36 212 53 406 106 62 211 80 46 254 104 52 226 118 44 448 178 316 97 713 160 159 82 53 383 117 77 79 47 934 656 352 424

Deprec No. of Hosps 34 132 39 257 66 42 130 68 46 163 74 46 136 87 39 253 111 187 64 544 144 128 83 57 239 90 59 70 41 560 324 199 224

62 61 62 56 62 62 62 62 61 61 62 62 61 62 62 61 62 62 62 34 60 60 59 60 62 62 61 62 62 55 55 62 53

DRG I71C I72A I72B I73A I73B I73C I74A I74B I74C I75A I75B I75C I76A I76B I76C I77A I77B I78A I78B J01Z J06A J06B J07A J07B J08A J08B J09Z J10Z J11Z J12A J12B J12C J13A

Page 29


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG J13B J14Z J60A J60B J62A J62B J63Z J64A J64B J65A J65B J67A J67B J68A J68B K01Z K02Z K03Z K04Z K05Z K06Z K07Z K08Z K09Z K40Z K60A K60B K61Z K62A K62B K62C K63Z K64A

L Lmb Pr-Ulcr/Cels-(Grft&Cscc) Major Breast Reconstructions Skin Ulcers Skin Ulcers, Sameday Mal Breast Dis (A>69+Cc)/+Cscc Mal Breast Dis (A>69-Cc)/-Cscc Non-Malignant Breast Disorders Cellulitis A>59 + Cscc Cellulitis A>59 -Cscc / A<60 Trauma To Skn,Sub Tis&Bst A>69 Trauma To Skn,Sub Tis&Bst A<70 Minor Skin Disorders Minor Skin Disorders, Sameday Major Skin Disorders Major Skin Disorders, Sameday Diabetic Foot Procedures Pituitary Procedures Adrenal Procedures Major Procedures For Obesity Parathyroid Procedures Thyroid Procedures Obesity Procedures Thyroglossal Procedures Other Endcrn, Nutr& Meta Or Pr Endosc/Invest Pr Metab Dsdr-Cc Diabetes + Cscc Diabetes - Cscc Severe Nutritional Disturbance Misc Metabolic Disrd + Ccc Misc Metabolic Disrd A>74/+Scc Misc Metabolic Disrd A<75-Cscc Inborn Errors Of Metabolism Endocrine Disorders + Cscc

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



1.46 3.80 1.93 0.20 1.24 0.43 0.41 2.00 0.85 0.79 0.42 0.93 0.23 1.49 0.15 6.20 4.04 3.76 2.27 1.76 1.70 1.84 1.10 3.49 0.54 2.23 0.88 3.47 2.32 1.02 0.56 0.68 2.09

1,244 160 1,198 1,066 698 822 1,678 2,243 17,931 2,313 5,899 2,355 4,773 2,277 2,898 2,043 285 183 412 782 2,752 202 147 574 768 3,301 9,390 301 1,400 3,368 4,380 568 742

6,200 1,146 13,130 1,066 3,805 1,325 3,152 21,912 71,480 8,045 8,247 8,806 4,815 14,181 2,898 46,911 2,272 1,238 1,182 2,504 6,879 948 227 5,956 1,254 28,890 31,820 4,506 13,830 14,706 9,914 1,525 5,668

4.98 7.16 10.96 1 5.45 1.61 1.88 9.77 3.99 3.48 1.4 3.74 1.01 6.23 1 22.96 7.97 6.77 2.87 3.2 2.5 4.69 1.54 10.38 1.63 8.75 3.39 14.97 9.88 4.37 2.26 2.68 7.64

5,593 14,546 7,388 755 4,751 1,642 1,578 7,642 3,248 3,009 1,618 3,575 893 5,723 586 23,733 15,464 14,385 8,683 6,729 6,508 7,033 4,210 13,373 2,084 8,548 3,350 13,266 8,891 3,895 2,161 2,606 7,983


4,327 10,893 5,653 624 3,677 1,398 1,221 5,868 2,483 2,326 1,268 2,735 692 4,336 418 18,272 12,676 11,566 7,519 5,335 5,215 5,462 3,269 10,453 1,614 6,699 2,596 9,705 6,927 3,013 1,667 2,037 6,320


1,267 3,653 1,735 131 1,074 244 357 1,775 765 683 350 840 201 1,387 168 5,461 2,788 2,819 1,164 1,394 1,293 1,571 941 2,920 470 1,849 753 3,561 1,964 883 494 569 1,662

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



769 1,368 896 106 520 146 221 832 391 269 107 469 98 813 99 3,000 1,515 1,417 697 652 684 830 541 1,605 242 1,076 452 1,498 973 408 247 323 1,020


123 376 182 3 89 39 35 151 66 41 14 115 18 218 13 714 155 203 122 96 108 90 94 522 57 208 81 236 163 70 47 53 189

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

1,267 1,868 2,206 91 1,298 258 271 2,263 787 641 165 890 75 1,533 107 6,096 2,281 2,029 759 925 720 1,187 472 2,703 317 2,063 706 4,119 2,496 1,005 512 610 1,975


258 538 409 24 216 66 70 436 171 123 41 190 26 318 26 1,408 458 356 114 166 142 173 91 639 65 461 157 765 490 202 116 131 400

Non Clinical Salaries 289 439 496 87 343 59 85 481 187 177 48 206 36 362 42 1,162 469 465 115 294 212 294 149 470 79 480 180 968 501 228 124 117 460

Pathology Direct

131 327 257 63 197 42 52 338 106 101 38 154 26 238 14 692 970 645 92 411 243 55 94 460 102 345 132 355 421 192 110 130 385


25 122 34 7 28 8 7 54 16 17 6 28 6 42 3 113 113 102 18 74 38 15 20 85 26 59 22 54 65 29 18 24 55

DRG J13B J14Z J60A J60B J62A J62B J63Z J64A J64B J65A J65B J67A J67B J68A J68B K01Z K02Z K03Z K04Z K05Z K06Z K07Z K08Z K09Z K40Z K60A K60B K61Z K62A K62B K62C K63Z K64A

Page 30


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG J13B J14Z J60A J60B J62A J62B J63Z J64A J64B J65A J65B J67A J67B J68A J68B K01Z K02Z K03Z K04Z K05Z K06Z K07Z K08Z K09Z K40Z K60A K60B K61Z K62A K62B K62C K63Z K64A

45 79 206 43 262 48 51 244 76 238 225 83 14 102 4 726 460 311 77 67 30 15 9 1,081 30 273 79 313 302 132 56 82 465



8 18 35 10 50 9 7 43 13 44 40 13 2 18 1 131 71 58 13 11 5 2 1 209 5 51 14 51 49 21 10 14 90


73 99 219 10 140 30 11 258 42 118 31 59 6 105 1 437 163 156 84 41 24 31 10 234 21 247 95 680 398 131 68 109 185

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



28 28 57 2 33 3 3 82 15 31 9 20 1 30 1 141 44 51 31 19 8 12 6 65 5 71 30 174 96 36 19 24 48


139 272 454 5 383 628 68 424 151 79 27 198 44 388 43 1,333 421 468 139 216 123 151 62 584 81 409 126 488 405 175 90 189 367


14 11 35 1 33 32 6 39 15 9 3 16 2 37 2 107 34 35 15 18 10 12 6 43 4 49 14 39 38 19 8 16 34

Critical Care Direct

11 83 44 0 8 1 6 102 12 8 12 14 0 73 0 527 1,438 1,376 329 137 200 156 27 353 10 564 157 134 378 87 60 149 475


4 21 11 0 2 0 1 22 3 3 3 4 0 19 0 113 204 250 66 25 39 29 5 71 3 117 35 23 81 20 15 27 94

Oper Rooms Direct

1,163 4,805 43 15 26 64 233 44 164 23 69 77 228 44 18 2,083 3,356 3,452 2,485 2,056 2,479 2,290 1,688 1,600 316 39 18 78 36 23 37 41 37


303 1,655 10 3 6 15 82 10 44 5 21 21 69 10 4 570 615 757 496 434 529 495 397 399 72 10 4 18 9 5 9 11 7

Emerg Depts Direct

28 1 374 39 161 23 113 451 380 465 441 331 85 300 44 319 38 27 2 4 3 6 3 107 21 419 319 346 449 370 218 83 272


7 0 96 10 40 5 33 112 105 109 103 79 19 81 11 81 9 4 0 1 1 1 1 27 5 102 77 96 103 86 52 19 63

Supplies Direct

127 272 229 20 138 32 35 196 74 67 19 103 16 164 13 753 227 250 91 111 74 134 46 324 85 198 76 403 213 101 56 60 196

Spec Proc Suites


114 158 219 39 172 15 26 177 74 58 18 90 15 150 62 511 151 214 71 88 60 177 58 151 43 154 62 675 208 95 45 57 147


3 34 14 65 27 5 2 27 9 7 3 24 18 23 1 118 278 50 1 61 41 2 23 124 210 254 119 12 35 25 20 70 161


1 3 6 17 12 4 0 10 3 2 1 12 5 11 0 27 57 9 1 7 5 2 3 45 73 47 40 2 7 8 5 9 36

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 64 492 11 0 6 5 5 16 7 5 3 6 5 7 0 174 461 250 2,324 120 136 67 19 242 9 17 5 18 12 6 4 5 7

OnCosts 297 648 391 42 252 43 76 390 164 169 85 175 41 292 28 1,113 688 683 232 336 283 356 183 582 88 386 163 766 445 193 103 123 365


185 500 291 9 181 29 44 279 104 118 39 124 21 217 26 791 399 411 175 206 168 276 106 378 65 264 104 673 330 144 68 71 248

Deprec No. of Hosps 117 330 165 44 127 31 36 163 68 82 45 76 19 127 22 493 389 356 134 153 144 178 96 272 49 187 83 283 188 83 46 61 202

62 32 62 49 60 54 61 62 62 62 61 62 62 62 60 59 23 43 19 56 60 31 54 58 60 62 62 57 62 62 62 57 62

DRG J13B J14Z J60A J60B J62A J62B J63Z J64A J64B J65A J65B J67A J67B J68A J68B K01Z K02Z K03Z K04Z K05Z K06Z K07Z K08Z K09Z K40Z K60A K60B K61Z K62A K62B K62C K63Z K64A

Page 31


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG K64B L02A L02B L03A L03B L04A L04B L04C L05A L05B L06A L06B L07A L07B L08A L08B L09A L09B L09C L40Z L41Z L42Z L60A L60B L60C L61Z L62A L62B L63A L63B L63C L64Z L65A

Endocrine Disorders - Cscc Op Ins Peri Cath Dialysis+Cscc Op Ins Peri Cath Dialysis-Cscc Kdny,Urt&Mjr Bldr Pr Npsm+Cscc Kdny,Urt&Mjr Bldr Pr Npsm-Cscc Kdy,Urt&Mjr Bldr Pr N-Npm+Ccc Kdy,Urt&Mjr Bldr Pr N-Npm+Smcc Kdy,Urt&Mjr Bldr Pr N-Npm-Cc Tranureth Prostatectomy +Cscc Tranureth Prostatectomy -Cscc Minor Bladder Procedures+Cscc Minor Bladder Procedures -Cscc Transurethral Procs + Cscc Transurethral Procs - Cscc Urethral Procedures + Cc Urethral Procedures - Cc Oth Kidny & Urnry Tract Pr+Ccc Oth Kidny & Urnry Tract Pr+Scc Oth Kidny & Urnry Trct Pr-Cscc Ureteroscopy Cystourethroscopy, Sameday Esw Lithotripsy+Urinary Stones Renal Failure +Ccc Renal Failure +Scc Renal Failure -Cscc Admit For Renal Dialysis Kdny&Unry Trct Neoplasms +Cscc Kdny&Unry Trct Neoplasms -Cscc Kdny & Unry Trct Inf +Ccc Kdny & Unry Trct Inf A>69/+Scc Kdny & Unry Trct Inf A<70-Cscc Urinary Stones & Obstruction Kdny & Unry Tr Sgns&Symps+Cscc

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



0.73 4.95 1.67 5.86 3.13 5.17 2.59 1.85 3.29 1.35 2.46 0.95 2.17 0.78 1.19 0.82 7.18 2.87 1.45 0.96 0.32 0.56 3.65 1.86 0.97 0.12 1.83 0.73 2.33 1.06 0.61 0.54 1.42

3,480 223 297 671 653 547 962 1,766 119 331 407 912 628 4,746 245 628 394 205 540 320 10,346 1,784 1,266 1,331 2,476 541,897 546 734 2,052 8,500 9,278 12,931 1,324

8,290 3,710 1,133 9,287 3,868 8,116 6,167 6,221 1,648 1,228 3,329 2,373 4,487 7,719 809 1,142 7,986 1,536 1,578 589 10,367 1,956 17,290 9,884 9,450 542,107 4,311 1,787 21,966 41,205 22,660 21,623 7,399

2.38 16.64 3.81 13.84 5.92 14.84 6.41 3.52 13.85 3.71 8.18 2.6 7.14 1.63 3.3 1.82 20.27 7.49 2.92 1.84 1 1.1 13.66 7.43 3.82 1 7.9 2.43 10.7 4.85 2.44 1.67 5.59

2,813 18,959 6,380 22,429 11,975 19,784 9,931 7,091 12,580 5,185 9,413 3,628 8,318 2,975 4,571 3,131 27,494 10,967 5,562 3,670 1,214 2,147 13,984 7,131 3,712 474 6,992 2,806 8,932 4,048 2,337 2,050 5,446


2,135 14,688 4,959 17,812 9,561 15,574 7,762 5,565 9,821 4,001 7,362 2,813 6,493 2,287 3,525 2,366 22,071 8,636 4,355 2,864 889 1,737 11,056 5,568 2,883 361 5,397 2,074 6,953 3,141 1,809 1,623 4,118


678 4,270 1,421 4,618 2,414 4,210 2,170 1,526 2,759 1,184 2,051 815 1,825 688 1,046 765 5,423 2,331 1,207 806 325 409 2,928 1,563 829 113 1,595 732 1,979 907 528 427 1,328

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



286 1,631 589 2,684 1,368 1,935 989 729 1,694 776 1,116 429 963 281 549 374 2,266 978 481 281 110 283 1,256 687 358 32 818 271 947 414 238 164 539


76 322 86 564 237 413 192 136 311 134 293 81 182 52 136 83 512 205 89 45 28 16 237 143 69 5 150 56 173 74 38 29 114

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

555 4,153 1,133 4,038 1,655 4,182 1,836 1,024 3,711 1,017 2,234 641 1,870 332 842 404 6,231 2,384 796 345 75 40 3,530 1,831 894 147 2,018 561 2,667 1,072 513 231 1,459


122 790 206 886 314 875 370 206 634 228 476 143 372 74 219 122 1,172 510 155 75 21 20 619 351 176 41 374 116 560 223 112 51 286

Non Clinical Salaries 145 1,204 406 848 470 890 425 276 661 204 356 157 385 95 155 94 1,317 549 223 137 32 27 793 412 216 32 433 131 480 226 125 66 315

Pathology Direct

124 1,103 172 886 421 934 315 116 515 155 380 68 371 125 140 28 1,542 499 152 50 10 8 890 461 268 10 282 112 424 183 114 67 269


19 137 22 187 72 152 60 20 77 36 64 13 78 30 42 5 222 83 30 7 2 1 133 76 49 2 61 18 68 28 18 11 38

DRG K64B L02A L02B L03A L03B L04A L04B L04C L05A L05B L06A L06B L07A L07B L08A L08B L09A L09B L09C L40Z L41Z L42Z L60A L60B L60C L61Z L62A L62B L63A L63B L63C L64Z L65A

Page 32


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG K64B L02A L02B L03A L03B L04A L04B L04C L05A L05B L06A L06B L07A L07B L08A L08B L09A L09B L09C L40Z L41Z L42Z L60A L60B L60C L61Z L62A L62B L63A L63B L63C L64Z L65A

368 528 97 586 164 1,401 507 266 327 49 237 40 291 68 59 16 1,077 318 157 221 34 65 496 255 144 2 398 163 294 167 121 229 166



149 83 24 124 31 265 97 46 54 7 48 8 49 13 12 3 190 51 25 38 7 19 85 46 26 0 71 29 53 29 20 36 28


29 376 62 284 89 315 82 33 212 33 129 27 120 9 19 11 605 151 45 10 3 68 478 228 96 5 203 36 365 132 23 10 129

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



8 100 21 76 37 94 30 17 61 21 49 14 38 4 9 4 140 40 14 6 1 2 134 62 32 2 55 14 94 36 10 4 34


141 1,843 491 669 225 1,078 317 135 452 133 484 85 270 56 129 65 2,444 691 251 55 23 38 828 453 249 59 345 259 416 166 89 45 302


9 224 29 54 19 80 25 11 50 15 26 8 23 5 10 5 128 38 19 6 2 1 64 33 18 3 24 108 38 18 9 5 22

Critical Care Direct

23 413 19 1,462 325 1,083 150 22 45 24 349 16 260 4 39 1 1,495 104 72 18 0 4 1,340 345 115 0 65 9 317 44 8 8 82


6 97 5 282 65 200 27 4 9 5 66 3 46 1 8 0 281 22 11 4 0 1 278 71 27 0 12 2 73 11 2 2 18

Oper Rooms Direct

26 1,756 1,350 4,386 3,578 1,933 2,053 2,146 1,469 1,343 1,050 958 1,232 1,024 1,133 1,097 2,106 1,855 1,596 1,176 453 602 82 59 46 2 103 224 45 25 22 236 67


6 390 325 1,021 795 478 540 543 340 328 277 238 334 308 305 369 486 424 397 318 186 162 19 15 12 0 32 69 10 7 6 64 18

Emerg Depts Direct

91 102 26 49 14 246 84 40 187 39 254 88 133 31 76 25 302 122 39 78 2 5 429 367 278 0 227 84 495 474 433 407 395


21 23 5 11 3 57 21 9 46 10 63 22 33 7 20 7 83 31 14 17 1 1 96 87 69 0 55 18 122 111 101 94 113

Supplies Direct

68 800 224 515 298 552 273 198 288 83 255 75 204 93 130 70 1,455 401 126 226 62 78 399 203 108 66 210 71 188 89 47 37 204

Spec Proc Suites


41 366 113 262 128 322 152 83 268 67 153 52 142 30 83 32 501 202 81 52 10 12 262 145 73 18 195 70 176 79 43 21 227


151 71 10 44 9 47 10 8 11 4 60 18 12 3 2 3 87 46 31 11 12 457 23 20 10 0 31 7 24 6 5 4 19


27 13 4 13 2 12 2 1 2 1 28 5 3 1 0 1 17 10 4 3 4 102 7 7 3 0 19 5 6 2 1 1 5

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 5 314 228 478 417 252 342 280 64 42 74 76 62 32 35 44 259 140 189 69 21 3 35 19 11 1 21 16 17 8 5 25 11

OnCosts 137 972 344 975 611 912 485 348 486 210 417 175 396 136 183 128 1,207 530 262 191 52 38 682 348 168 20 354 128 406 195 113 94 277


78 691 211 588 338 605 303 210 368 122 283 108 261 83 131 76 815 342 160 113 26 16 479 253 117 14 260 146 302 140 72 54 190

Deprec No. of Hosps 102 455 179 458 289 468 247 183 239 96 190 80 189 77 106 64 552 242 142 120 35 79 312 152 83 12 174 84 172 87 49 56 115

DRG 62 K64B 39 L02A 42 L02B 52 L03A 53 L03B 54 L04A 57 L04B 58 L04C 43 L05A 54 L05B 55 L06A 61 L06B 55 L07A 59 L07B 50 L08A 59 L08B 46 L09A 44 L09B 55 L09C 49 L40Z 60 L41Z 28 L42Z 62 L60A 62 L60B 62 L60C 52 L61Z 61 L62A 58 L62B 62 L63A 62 L63B 61 L63C 62 L64Z 62 L65A

Page 33


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG L65B L66Z L67A L67B L67C M01Z M02A M02B M03A M03B M04A M04B M05Z M06A M06B M40Z M60A M60B M61A M61B M62A M62B M63Z M64Z N01Z N02A N02B N03A N03B N04Z N05A N05B N06Z

Kdny & Unry Tr Sgns&Symps-Cscc Urethral Stricture Oth Kidny & Urnry Tract Dx+Ccc Oth Kidny & Urnry Tract Dx+Scc Oth Kidny & Urnry Trct Dx-Cscc Major Male Pelvic Procedures Transurethral Prostectomy+Cscc Transurethral Prostectomy-Cscc Penis Procedures + Cc Penis Procedures - Cc Testes Procedures + Cc Testes Procedures - Cc Circumcision Oth Male Reprod Sys Or Pr +Mal Oth Male Reprod Sys Or Pr -Mal Cystourethroscopy - Cc Malignancy, Male Repr Sys+Cscc Malignancy, Male Repr Sys-Cscc Benign Prostatic Hypertry+Cscc Benign Prostatic Hypertry-Cscc Inflammation Male Reprd Sys+Cc Inflammation Male Reprd Sys-Cc Sterilisation, Male Other Male Reproductive Sys Dx Pelvic Evscrtn & Radcl Vlvctmy Utrn,Adnx Pr+Ovrn/Adnxl Mal+Cc Utrn,Adnx Pr+Ovrn/Adnxl Mal-Cc Utrn,Adnx Pr-Ovrn/Adnxl Mal+Cc Utrn,Adnx Pr-Ovrn/Adnxl Mal-Cc Hysterectomy For Non-Malignanc Ooph&Com Fal Tube Pr Nmal+Cscc Ooph&Com Fal Tube Pr Nmal-Cscc Fem Repr Sys Reconstructive Pr

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



0.48 0.56 3.08 1.33 0.47 3.35 2.41 1.32 1.96 0.90 1.99 0.73 0.52 1.69 1.10 0.30 1.65 0.54 1.28 0.36 1.13 0.52 0.44 0.42 3.96 4.15 2.16 3.29 2.00 1.80 2.82 1.45 1.31

4,636 372 1,118 2,284 14,992 970 874 3,322 86 584 227 2,658 2,288 416 164 980 704 1,695 204 1,270 556 1,559 1,018 1,224 83 245 206 299 391 5,046 208 1,254 2,730

9,068 677 12,815 11,867 25,497 6,615 7,202 10,757 438 1,022 1,259 3,149 2,451 1,296 485 1,041 4,903 2,973 1,249 1,887 2,513 3,384 1,023 1,855 917 2,566 1,037 2,541 1,730 20,545 1,504 3,505 7,738

1.96 1.82 11.46 5.2 1.7 6.82 8.24 3.24 5.09 1.75 5.55 1.18 1.07 3.12 2.96 1.06 6.96 1.75 6.12 1.49 4.52 2.17 1 1.52 11.05 10.47 5.03 8.5 4.42 4.07 7.23 2.8 2.83

1,823 2,130 11,775 5,104 1,792 12,810 9,237 5,065 7,497 3,441 7,608 2,781 1,996 6,481 4,192 1,155 6,327 2,050 4,882 1,378 4,344 1,983 1,699 1,621 15,154 15,891 8,284 12,612 7,643 6,885 10,787 5,548 5,019


1,404 1,635 9,186 3,950 1,430 10,067 7,171 3,946 5,815 2,638 5,735 2,154 1,494 5,417 3,241 836 4,907 1,628 3,755 1,059 3,403 1,523 1,269 1,266 11,654 12,656 6,516 9,940 6,039 5,347 8,457 4,333 3,929


419 495 2,589 1,154 362 2,743 2,065 1,119 1,682 803 1,873 627 503 1,065 952 320 1,420 422 1,128 319 941 460 430 355 3,499 3,235 1,768 2,672 1,605 1,539 2,330 1,215 1,090

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



179 233 1,122 510 167 1,415 1,178 636 888 399 731 294 212 367 457 91 724 200 569 159 586 245 196 196 1,098 1,386 817 1,209 784 861 1,197 597 587


32 50 265 113 35 254 224 106 160 72 121 51 44 57 82 28 133 41 80 27 105 46 40 28 119 186 121 155 114 118 183 87 82

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

351 403 3,042 1,287 399 2,008 2,118 871 1,508 491 1,414 254 178 813 736 93 1,701 291 1,251 199 1,088 380 85 232 2,864 3,272 1,443 2,376 1,193 1,130 2,050 776 783


77 114 615 269 119 416 420 175 302 108 245 60 42 109 153 25 345 79 266 52 229 91 27 56 248 347 182 276 167 202 336 137 140

Non Clinical Salaries 80 82 636 283 78 503 414 208 389 109 303 80 52 250 143 34 434 82 336 57 235 91 25 67 909 830 446 676 369 295 426 219 207

Pathology Direct

117 40 696 305 91 419 375 156 203 27 253 49 12 108 150 16 269 117 208 81 212 86 32 46 548 916 448 650 348 148 405 165 36


22 7 129 53 18 84 68 33 36 5 30 10 4 19 38 6 44 31 28 18 34 19 4 11 54 83 40 49 27 16 59 18 5

DRG L65B L66Z L67A L67B L67C M01Z M02A M02B M03A M03B M04A M04B M05Z M06A M06B M40Z M60A M60B M61A M61B M62A M62B M63Z M64Z N01Z N02A N02B N03A N03B N04Z N05A N05B N06Z

Page 34


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG L65B L66Z L67A L67B L67C M01Z M02A M02B M03A M03B M04A M04B M05Z M06A M06B M40Z M60A M60B M61A M61B M62A M62B M63Z M64Z N01Z N02A N02B N03A N03B N04Z N05A N05B N06Z

77 40 420 166 55 140 159 19 125 25 163 20 11 268 55 11 251 61 130 34 162 80 3 67 192 380 88 171 42 35 253 38 19



13 8 82 34 11 26 24 4 31 2 25 5 0 45 13 2 41 11 25 6 28 13 0 12 35 57 16 30 6 5 36 6 3


19 12 335 111 23 72 97 17 111 20 77 10 7 30 108 3 141 19 105 8 82 12 3 15 404 465 160 245 124 46 141 34 27

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



7 4 97 42 8 32 38 14 40 9 19 5 3 9 38 1 38 5 27 3 28 6 1 4 91 100 26 54 25 24 53 16 16


67 97 832 372 247 242 294 104 203 53 464 46 33 205 87 19 647 248 176 27 224 64 21 43 515 780 213 336 168 133 294 104 108


6 19 53 25 7 20 28 11 9 5 211 4 2 10 6 2 57 14 15 3 19 6 3 4 48 75 22 34 16 14 27 11 11

Critical Care Direct

12 0 880 191 17 324 197 13 103 2 166 1 0 34 0 0 20 1 111 0 42 3 0 6 227 505 78 302 21 47 354 5 19


4 0 200 42 4 66 41 3 20 1 32 0 0 8 0 0 5 0 27 0 11 1 0 1 47 69 10 54 2 10 68 1 4

Oper Rooms Direct

71 441 101 100 71 3,784 1,627 1,548 1,448 1,158 1,500 1,129 896 1,460 1,013 339 94 380 201 276 83 111 775 224 3,774 2,893 2,218 3,002 2,398 2,176 2,445 1,948 1,634


20 127 24 25 20 867 384 365 354 316 362 305 274 273 262 176 23 125 51 90 26 33 284 55 830 617 500 665 543 514 576 466 381

Emerg Depts Direct

314 113 389 276 86 5 88 16 149 62 131 71 5 27 51 4 224 27 255 88 416 337 0 266 2 44 35 10 2 7 113 52 1


81 26 94 68 21 1 21 4 44 14 36 18 1 7 12 1 53 6 61 22 105 85 0 64 0 8 8 2 0 2 31 11 0

Supplies Direct

45 59 324 159 113 330 212 104 243 69 168 42 20 190 89 145 179 72 146 50 112 45 15 32 298 301 116 226 108 102 186 68 72

Spec Proc Suites


37 28 227 111 26 150 181 81 114 53 154 23 18 44 52 9 171 21 127 18 78 32 16 24 488 318 136 323 152 125 216 80 84


4 1 30 15 17 14 21 3 3 11 64 7 4 525 3 11 21 8 29 5 8 4 4 3 32 57 19 35 10 7 7 8 3


1 0 11 4 4 2 7 1 0 2 16 1 1 96 0 9 15 8 10 2 2 2 2 1 5 8 4 6 2 1 1 2 1

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 6 12 32 14 8 303 70 66 145 100 39 31 6 846 131 18 19 18 14 11 10 8 35 6 172 269 141 88 89 87 136 82 245

OnCosts 84 96 513 242 73 665 428 232 395 157 358 127 82 280 246 48 313 88 290 65 195 89 59 77 957 901 480 739 433 377 594 298 262


54 72 373 173 43 374 317 153 287 99 338 72 43 221 172 28 221 50 220 43 133 54 36 42 676 572 287 499 276 230 352 177 170

Deprec No. of Hosps 43 47 252 113 34 292 207 122 186 73 188 63 45 182 92 34 147 46 125 33 90 40 32 38 521 455 229 400 224 171 248 142 116

62 54 60 62 61 49 55 55 43 59 59 61 61 42 48 56 62 61 59 59 61 61 55 61 16 37 41 36 44 55 49 53 58

DRG L65B L66Z L67A L67B L67C M01Z M02A M02B M03A M03B M04A M04B M05Z M06A M06B M40Z M60A M60B M61A M61B M62A M62B M63Z M64Z N01Z N02A N02B N03A N03B N04Z N05A N05B N06Z

Page 35


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG N07Z N08Z N09Z N10Z N11A N11B N60A N60B N61Z N62A N62B O01A O01B O01C O02A O02B O03Z O04Z O05Z O60A O60B O60C O61Z O63Z O64A O64B O66A O66B P01Z P02Z P03Z P04Z P05Z

Oth Utern & Adnexa Pr For Nmal Endos & Lapar Pr, Fem Repr Sys Conistn,Vagina,Cervix&Vulva Pr Dxc Curettge, Dxc Hysteroscopy Oth Fem Rep S Pr A>64/+Mal/+Cc Oth Fem Rep Sys Pr A<65-Mal-Cc Malignancy Fem Reprod Sys+Cscc Malignancy Fem Reprod Sys-Cscc Infections, Female Reprod Syst Mnstrl&Oth Fem Repr Sys Dis+Cc Mnstrl&Oth Fem Repr Sys Dis-Cc Caesarean Delivery +Ccc Caesarean Delivery +Scc Caesarean Delivery -Cscc Vaginal Delivery +Or Pr +Cscc Vaginal Delivery +Or Pr -Cscc Ectopic Pregnancy Postpartum & Post Abortn+Or Pr Abortion+ Or Proc Vaginal Delivery +Cscc Vaginal Delivery -Cscc Vaginal Del Single Uncompl Postpartum & Post Abortn-Or Pr Abortion-Or Proc False Labour <37 Wk/+Ccc False Labour >=37 Wk -Ccc Antenatal&Oth Obstetric Adm Antenatal&Oth Obstetric Adm,Sd Neonate,D/T<5Day Adm+Sig Or Pr Neo,Cardiothoracic/Vascular Pr Neo,Admwt 1000-1499G+Sig Or Pr Neo,Admwt 1500-1999G+Sig Or Pr Neo,Admwt 2000-2499G+Sig Or Pr

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



0.84 0.75 0.55 0.52 3.37 0.58 1.65 0.74 0.57 0.67 0.29 2.97 2.11 1.71 1.73 1.25 1.21 0.90 0.51 1.39 0.97 0.76 0.49 0.35 0.45 0.15 0.55 0.12 1.99 -----16.29 16.19 12.46

6,771 5,084 8,550 6,915 110 882 513 489 1,218 805 5,686 1,981 4,917 18,818 908 1,316 1,238 796 11,110 7,310 48,172 12,794 6,370 2,691 4,452 3,095 16,313 25,691 23 -----110 54 61

9,898 6,595 10,745 7,769 1,107 1,134 3,569 1,307 2,753 2,073 7,315 19,827 30,230 79,604 4,335 4,423 2,834 1,823 12,174 33,248 134,453 26,240 15,663 3,270 9,400 3,237 40,887 25,691 67 -----5,866 2,225 1,781

1.46 1.3 1.26 1.12 10.06 1.29 6.96 2.67 2.26 2.58 1.29 10.01 6.15 4.23 4.77 3.36 2.29 2.29 1.1 4.55 2.79 2.05 2.46 1.22 2.11 1.05 2.51 1 2.91 -----53.33 41.2 29.2

3,210 2,869 2,102 1,974 12,897 2,217 6,322 2,848 2,184 2,559 1,102 11,361 8,090 6,564 6,613 4,786 4,631 3,450 1,945 5,312 3,712 2,916 1,890 1,349 1,719 567 2,098 464 7,606 -----62,353 61,963 47,690


2,397 2,186 1,529 1,421 10,140 1,717 4,812 2,230 1,688 1,950 859 8,676 6,126 4,998 5,000 3,576 3,674 2,691 1,428 3,952 2,749 2,145 1,403 1,047 1,265 413 1,578 343 6,356 -----47,682 42,381 37,554


813 683 573 553 2,757 500 1,511 618 496 609 243 2,685 1,964 1,566 1,614 1,210 957 759 516 1,361 963 771 487 303 455 153 521 121 1,250 -----14,671 19,582 10,135

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



334 269 190 162 1,422 187 590 307 275 299 114 1,259 960 821 725 555 490 338 179 648 468 374 254 114 217 78 285 47 303 -----2,224 1,685 1,655


50 37 30 23 385 28 133 55 31 65 15 195 144 127 105 79 65 45 20 96 73 51 35 13 26 9 37 6 27 -----173 171 193

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

273 188 160 114 2,668 146 1,778 611 435 529 148 3,323 2,389 1,868 2,223 1,682 540 545 150 2,076 1,572 1,192 580 233 652 227 689 147 320 -----1,537 2,465 1,817


49 39 35 26 555 30 338 125 95 106 36 653 473 366 417 290 116 106 32 398 293 216 115 46 119 51 137 29 23 -----208 421 342

Non Clinical Salaries 102 69 59 51 526 56 400 171 112 130 41 633 465 363 382 347 143 137 52 385 289 257 128 57 144 44 153 35 86 -----1,082 704 675

Pathology Direct

88 52 74 64 463 129 247 96 116 130 46 398 190 88 181 73 178 177 90 155 51 28 47 117 57 9 74 19 850 -----1,708 1,386 1,378


11 7 9 7 64 22 35 15 17 19 6 48 24 13 24 10 20 20 10 20 7 3 7 13 6 1 9 3 71 -----218 160 167

DRG N07Z N08Z N09Z N10Z N11A N11B N60A N60B N61Z N62A N62B O01A O01B O01C O02A O02B O03Z O04Z O05Z O60A O60B O60C O61Z O63Z O64A O64B O66A O66B P01Z P02Z P03Z P04Z P05Z

Page 36


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG N07Z N08Z N09Z N10Z N11A N11B N60A N60B N61Z N62A N62B O01A O01B O01C O02A O02B O03Z O04Z O05Z O60A O60B O60C O61Z O63Z O64A O64B O66A O66B P01Z P02Z P03Z P04Z P05Z

16 14 13 5 504 13 240 107 95 96 50 121 37 17 27 11 41 75 12 25 10 5 31 36 25 2 44 7 266 -----1,278 1,043 1,028


2 2 2 1 84 2 44 15 15 15 8 18 5 2 3 1 6 11 2 3 1 1 5 5 4 0 6 1 47 -----219 183 214

Allied Direct

9 7 11 5 364 6 165 55 20 44 7 109 74 56 99 59 21 36 11 66 44 36 23 26 19 4 24 8 137 -----578 759 995

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



4 3 3 2 91 2 43 14 6 12 3 50 40 35 50 40 10 13 3 36 26 20 9 7 11 3 12 2 26 -----114 207 171


55 49 41 34 523 217 621 405 77 104 26 296 159 111 143 93 92 71 27 104 64 47 44 32 35 16 48 17 241 -----1,509 6,363 747


6 4 4 3 48 24 99 27 7 23 3 26 15 11 15 10 8 6 2 11 7 5 5 3 4 1 5 2 20 -----479 4,439 68

Critical Care Direct

10 4 3 2 233 0 76 1 2 14 0 337 61 24 109 31 37 98 2 42 21 20 56 7 0 0 11 0 2,736 -----33,535 23,176 24,127


2 1 1 1 47 0 12 0 0 2 0 57 11 6 22 7 7 17 0 9 6 8 10 2 0 0 2 0 575 -----8,686 6,282 5,374

Oper Rooms Direct

1,264 1,256 800 834 2,066 696 61 151 29 106 97 1,517 1,348 1,299 751 488 1,512 801 647 190 81 39 29 26 21 6 50 7 800 -----393 1,131 1,512


419 387 339 353 488 221 18 59 10 26 30 353 320 301 176 117 356 215 265 46 20 10 8 8 7 2 13 4 99 -----97 255 305

Emerg Depts Direct

30 37 30 10 234 22 148 87 384 318 260 8 4 3 6 5 282 193 140 5 3 5 103 332 5 3 94 44 1 -----9 1 9


7 9 7 2 60 5 36 21 107 82 61 2 1 0 2 1 67 45 34 1 1 1 25 81 1 1 22 10 0 -----3 0 3

Supplies Direct

35 28 24 19 309 19 185 75 48 61 20 250 171 132 155 129 55 60 20 154 107 99 48 20 59 20 54 12 74 -----480 409 461


46 25 21 18 193 22 171 60 57 63 17 292 215 146 182 132 52 52 22 180 112 95 89 21 72 21 66 13 57 -----338 516 115

Spec Proc Suites Direct

11 8 12 6 148 0 60 47 2 13 3 9 9 3 3 2 4 5 5 2 2 1 4 1 1 0 3 0 13 -----11 10 34


2 2 3 2 61 0 40 23 0 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 -----1 1 4

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 44 73 15 27 132 151 14 10 3 4 4 83 51 44 44 26 68 16 12 16 9 2 2 2 1 1 4 1 130 -----82 64 51

OnCosts 163 144 105 98 605 101 323 143 125 139 54 647 452 360 377 296 239 174 106 312 221 208 107 76 115 34 124 28 376 -----3,661 3,464 3,318


90 80 55 51 367 53 270 94 69 93 29 397 277 218 245 184 119 107 51 205 141 122 81 38 72 19 77 13 156 -----1,816 4,343 1,483

Deprec No. of Hosps 90 74 55 54 258 64 174 73 47 59 25 280 195 149 148 118 104 85 50 124 84 72 43 31 46 14 52 11 170 -----1,913 2,324 1,445

60 61 60 55 44 50 60 56 61 62 62 47 49 48 47 47 53 57 54 48 47 48 62 58 48 47 61 61 11 -----16 17 13

DRG N07Z N08Z N09Z N10Z N11A N11B N60A N60B N61Z N62A N62B O01A O01B O01C O02A O02B O03Z O04Z O05Z O60A O60B O60C O61Z O63Z O64A O64B O66A O66B P01Z P02Z P03Z P04Z P05Z

Page 37


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG P06A P06B P60A P60B P61Z P62Z P63Z P64Z P65A P65B P65C P65D P66A P66B P66C P66D P67A P67B P67C P67D Q01Z Q02A Q02B Q60A Q60B Q60C Q61A Q61B Q61C Q62Z R01A R01B R02A

Neo,Admwt >2499G+Sig Or Pr+Mmp Neo,Admwt >2499G+Sig Or Pr-Mmp Neo,D/Tr<5D Adm-Sig Pr+Newborn Neo,D/Tr<5D Adm-Sig Pr-Newborn Neonate, Admission Wt <750 G Neonate, Admission Wt 750-999G Neo,Admwt 1000-1249G-Sig Or Pr Neo,Admwt 1250-1499G-Sig Or Pr Neo,Admwt 1500-1999G-Sg Op+Mmp Neo,Admwt 1500-1999G-Sg Op+Mjp Neo,Admwt 1500-1999G-Sg Op+Otp Neo,Admwt 1500-1999G-Sg Op-Prb Neo,Admwt 2000-2499G-Sg Op+Mmp Neo,Admwt 2000-2499G-Sg Op+Mjp Neo,Admwt 2000-2499G-Sg Op+Otp Neo,Admwt 2000-2499G-Sg Op-Prb Neo,Admwt >2499G-Sig Or Pr+Mmp Neo,Admwt >2499G-Sig Or Pr+Mjp Neo,Admwt >2499G-Sig Or Pr+Otp Neo,Admwt >2499G-Sig Or Pr-Prb Splenectomy Oth Or Pr Bld&Bld Frm Org+Cscc Oth Or Pr Bld&Bld Frm Org-Cscc Reticlendo&Imnty Dis+Cscc Reticlendo&Imnty Dis-Cscc+Mal Reticlendo&Imnty Dis-Cscc-Mal Red Blood Cell Disders + Ccc Red Blood Cell Disders + Scc Red Blood Cell Disders - Cscc Coagulation Disorders Lymphma&Leukma+Mjr Or Pr +Cscc Lymphma&Leukma+Mjr Or Pr -Cscc Oth Nplstc Dsrd+Mjr Or Pr+Cscc

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



12.34 4.15 0.29 0.70 28.37 22.07 9.30 7.53 7.63 5.72 4.08 4.22 4.36 3.70 2.56 1.08 3.71 2.10 1.14 0.49 3.42 4.71 0.94 2.51 1.05 0.30 2.12 0.95 0.31 0.61 9.18 2.83 4.60

110 98 2,237 592 125 275 418 657 170 685 724 681 153 769 2,148 1,207 456 2,557 6,763 8,566 242 336 924 2,203 971 9,224 1,097 2,214 21,623 5,259 244 263 323

3,000 1,033 3,470 1,187 8,960 16,219 14,138 19,003 4,816 14,992 13,904 11,824 2,666 11,335 23,890 6,722 5,620 20,147 35,112 25,715 1,794 4,574 1,893 16,770 3,606 12,520 9,680 8,472 29,228 14,437 5,784 1,729 3,861

27.27 10.54 1.55 2.01 71.68 58.98 33.82 28.92 28.33 21.89 19.2 17.36 17.42 14.74 11.12 5.57 12.32 7.88 5.19 3 7.41 13.61 2.05 7.61 3.71 1.36 8.82 3.83 1.35 2.75 23.7 6.57 11.95

47,236 15,886 1,105 2,669 108,616 84,477 35,589 28,816 29,195 21,905 15,625 16,137 16,698 14,172 9,795 4,116 14,189 8,046 4,352 1,886 13,109 18,026 3,587 9,599 4,028 1,130 8,122 3,649 1,174 2,343 35,150 10,823 17,614


37,565 12,905 854 2,125 83,828 63,034 26,849 22,232 22,554 16,894 12,171 12,315 12,945 11,055 7,700 3,190 11,266 6,300 3,461 1,438 10,527 14,323 2,807 7,664 3,149 846 6,393 2,845 917 1,830 28,475 8,717 13,850


9,671 2,981 251 544 24,788 21,443 8,739 6,583 6,641 5,011 3,453 3,822 3,753 3,117 2,094 926 2,923 1,746 891 448 2,583 3,704 779 1,935 879 284 1,729 804 257 513 6,675 2,106 3,764

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



1,874 918 106 155 2,002 2,609 2,151 2,084 1,826 1,987 1,763 2,107 1,509 1,320 1,185 560 849 792 530 295 1,106 1,715 362 739 337 160 952 397 159 257 3,161 878 2,014


153 148 18 16 185 161 215 258 223 225 238 319 174 177 171 86 96 108 72 44 235 357 65 178 71 88 182 80 34 52 663 112 382

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

3,464 1,130 158 216 736 2,755 2,919 4,048 3,525 4,196 3,528 5,231 2,531 2,843 2,583 1,119 1,654 1,711 1,098 576 1,926 3,893 461 2,228 931 214 2,140 875 213 573 7,220 1,789 3,222


393 253 25 36 148 220 395 620 622 639 614 941 411 478 473 210 260 320 210 124 421 797 105 450 196 58 467 198 65 132 1,490 334 624

Non Clinical Salaries 911 234 37 61 856 1,317 993 922 696 825 628 752 498 481 355 185 358 296 162 107 357 803 122 438 219 79 415 186 44 123 1,533 443 775

Pathology Direct

1,274 423 60 137 2,522 1,741 599 487 680 318 203 118 388 246 111 56 403 169 98 30 720 979 289 905 314 72 571 298 83 179 2,505 1,027 731


141 45 8 17 283 221 86 64 84 44 32 22 49 33 16 8 48 22 12 5 113 176 54 167 52 12 102 57 16 35 503 143 132

DRG P06A P06B P60A P60B P61Z P62Z P63Z P64Z P65A P65B P65C P65D P66A P66B P66C P66D P67A P67B P67C P67D Q01Z Q02A Q02B Q60A Q60B Q60C Q61A Q61B Q61C Q62Z R01A R01B R02A

Page 38


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG P06A P06B P60A P60B P61Z P62Z P63Z P64Z P65A P65B P65C P65D P66A P66B P66C P66D P67A P67B P67C P67D Q01Z Q02A Q02B Q60A Q60B Q60C Q61A Q61B Q61C Q62Z R01A R01B R02A

1,156 325 45 87 2,168 1,333 425 290 435 212 70 35 302 133 26 14 325 100 25 10 355 608 79 265 87 26 259 93 16 54 1,431 571 391



205 54 8 15 402 219 69 48 74 36 12 6 50 24 4 2 53 17 4 2 61 121 14 47 14 5 45 16 3 10 236 99 70


746 188 7 73 886 509 216 286 370 160 102 104 217 174 82 61 174 120 57 31 183 373 27 161 60 10 223 65 11 44 755 130 314

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



153 31 8 19 190 106 50 71 88 41 38 83 48 51 35 22 42 36 21 12 51 101 7 40 18 3 63 19 3 13 196 35 87


916 193 18 39 1,424 2,407 1,019 609 600 422 211 210 256 221 120 48 216 103 55 30 533 1,767 88 1,810 658 123 560 257 138 181 4,220 550 589


183 17 2 4 152 927 267 94 56 45 26 28 26 27 16 5 20 12 7 3 40 183 7 163 77 6 45 20 12 11 383 32 46

Critical Care Direct


22,186 6,792 371 1,069 66,669 44,707 16,470 11,825 12,660 7,663 4,806 3,069 6,158 4,810 2,673 928 6,367 2,511 1,152 236 1,274 906 39 181 10 16 259 58 5 52 1,399 135 706

4,676 1,403 85 236 16,519 11,551 4,111 2,755 3,126 1,700 1,125 723 1,405 1,061 554 188 1,295 490 200 46 284 158 6 32 2 4 56 14 1 12 221 23 145

Oper Rooms Direct

1,843 1,457 4 20 369 322 57 26 68 14 15 15 15 17 13 10 54 15 13 5 2,686 1,392 1,010 40 17 32 117 91 84 20 2,957 2,016 3,617


305 274 2 4 76 85 15 6 17 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 12 4 3 2 595 324 279 10 4 9 25 22 20 5 596 431 912

Emerg Depts Direct

5 36 1 109 7 6 21 3 3 2 1 3 9 9 3 16 23 46 16 37 126 263 46 284 219 45 425 266 66 176 211 98 57


1 9 0 26 2 2 6 1 1 0 0 1 3 2 1 4 8 11 4 9 31 60 13 67 52 12 101 65 16 42 43 22 14

Supplies Direct

616 161 11 21 241 696 416 418 358 329 227 258 262 213 152 58 173 109 64 35 190 532 61 210 124 33 187 97 29 65 993 254 396

Spec Proc Suites


375 68 12 20 147 654 374 361 298 380 238 305 284 231 175 77 200 134 78 49 118 317 39 160 74 21 138 70 18 49 446 168 243


24 10 0 1 12 10 4 5 4 4 3 6 5 4 2 2 4 3 1 1 40 74 40 68 24 5 32 38 34 9 147 55 42


3 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 15 18 13 28 14 1 10 13 13 4 30 13 8

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 211 95 1 4 35 50 12 8 26 10 5 3 6 8 3 2 8 5 3 1 452 332 43 17 8 3 19 7 3 5 610 322 398

OnCosts 2,782 879 60 153 6,138 5,723 2,396 1,910 1,734 1,409 979 982 1,120 867 576 245 813 501 257 107 573 780 152 402 194 48 340 160 42 115 1,456 517 831


1,344 379 26 59 2,931 3,100 1,158 809 816 645 385 420 470 387 249 109 379 217 117 52 336 612 86 307 153 26 240 115 26 75 1,036 341 487

Deprec No. of Hosps 1,294 363 30 68 3,515 3,043 1,147 807 806 594 375 393 498 353 211 99 354 195 93 39 286 384 77 203 98 21 149 72 21 48 707 288 380

15 23 46 48 13 19 41 45 30 45 45 47 39 46 47 47 46 50 48 54 55 58 62 62 60 62 62 62 62 62 50 54 54

DRG P06A P06B P60A P60B P61Z P62Z P63Z P64Z P65A P65B P65C P65D P66A P66B P66C P66D P67A P67B P67C P67D Q01Z Q02A Q02B Q60A Q60B Q60C Q61A Q61B Q61C Q62Z R01A R01B R02A

Page 39


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG R02B R03A R03B R04A R04B R60A R60B R60C R61A R61B R61C R62A R62B R63Z R64Z S60Z S65A S65B S65C T01A T01B T01C T60A T60B T61A T61B T62A T62B T63A T63B T64A T64B U40Z

Oth Nplstc Dsrd+Mjr Or Pr-Cscc Lymphma Leukma+Oth Or Pr +Cscc Lymphma Leukma+Oth Or Pr -Cscc Oth Nplstc Dsrd+Oth Or Pr+Cscc Oth Nplstc Dsrd+Oth Or Pr-Cscc Acute Leukaemia + Ccc Acute Leukaemia + Scc Acute Leukaemia - Cscc Lymphma &N-Acute Leukaemia+Ccc Lymphma &N-Acute Leukaemia-Ccc Lymphoma/N-A Leukaemia,Sameday Other Neoplastic Disorders +Cc Other Neoplastic Disorders -Cc Chemotherapy Radiotherapy Hiv, Sameday Hiv-Related Diseases +Ccc Hiv-Related Diseases +Scc Hiv-Related Diseases -Cscc Or Proc Infect& Paras Dis+Ccc Or Proc Infect& Paras Dis+Smcc Or Proc Infect & Paras Dis-Cc Septicaemia + Cscc Septicaemia - Cscc Pstop&Psttr Inf A>54/+Cscc Postop&Posttr Infect A<55-Cscc Fever Of Unknown Origin + Cc Fever Of Unknown Origin - Cc Viral Illness A>59/+Cc Viral Illness A<60 -Cc Oth Infectous&Parstic Dis+Cscc Oth Infectous&Parstic Dis-Cscc Mental Health Treat,Samedy+Ect

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



2.31 7.09 1.52 2.62 1.19 7.71 1.37 0.86 4.76 1.80 0.21 1.75 0.76 0.23 0.30 0.38 7.77 3.80 2.61 8.97 3.70 2.09 2.83 1.32 1.48 0.82 1.37 0.58 0.93 0.44 3.28 0.86 0.18

689 456 890 333 491 1,048 1,352 2,709 1,310 5,359 12,870 877 569 93,468 80 933 325 319 472 1,029 799 847 5,086 1,437 2,605 2,047 1,787 2,289 1,766 6,421 681 1,137 7,912

3,431 9,157 3,118 2,680 1,256 20,799 6,061 6,657 19,210 27,670 12,877 6,140 1,557 93,584 99 933 6,577 3,145 3,091 28,134 10,994 6,746 49,570 7,740 18,092 8,146 8,849 4,885 6,061 10,364 7,492 3,943 7,912

4.98 20.08 3.5 8.05 2.56 19.85 4.48 2.46 14.66 5.16 1 7 2.74 1 1.24 1 20.24 9.86 6.55 27.34 13.76 7.96 9.75 5.39 6.95 3.98 4.95 2.13 3.43 1.61 11 3.47 1

8,859 27,151 5,815 10,027 4,572 29,505 5,249 3,294 18,215 6,886 815 6,710 2,915 896 1,153 1,446 29,738 14,560 9,999 34,337 14,168 7,995 10,825 5,062 5,674 3,136 5,236 2,209 3,570 1,674 12,561 3,310 672


7,023 21,548 4,589 7,875 3,609 23,402 4,092 2,569 14,465 5,482 664 5,172 2,312 762 896 1,266 24,777 11,698 7,887 26,812 10,947 6,269 8,455 3,914 4,418 2,414 4,117 1,684 2,781 1,272 9,948 2,538 547


1,836 5,603 1,226 2,152 963 6,102 1,157 726 3,751 1,404 152 1,538 603 133 257 180 4,961 2,862 2,113 7,526 3,221 1,725 2,370 1,149 1,257 722 1,118 525 790 403 2,614 772 125

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



1,057 1,983 426 1,170 402 1,820 343 190 1,441 460 67 737 269 67 74 206 4,929 2,960 1,903 3,528 1,763 1,045 1,019 565 860 457 547 238 393 198 1,189 453 55


178 520 83 215 87 733 99 52 410 116 23 178 55 35 20 73 1,151 934 723 735 338 200 198 81 139 81 100 33 85 25 272 82 9

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

1,234 5,877 862 2,086 530 6,051 1,220 648 4,261 1,391 133 1,765 583 114 164 102 5,740 2,804 1,819 7,191 3,346 1,827 2,391 1,295 1,510 795 1,290 446 828 322 2,817 703 215


234 1,131 172 414 149 1,297 202 128 886 287 56 336 137 43 49 19 1,140 495 301 1,412 685 399 478 261 317 178 266 91 179 71 655 170 65

Non Clinical Salaries 380 1,332 240 523 149 1,092 298 162 810 316 31 420 143 26 58 46 1,280 1,052 745 1,520 719 429 496 290 329 186 274 108 177 88 577 181 21

Pathology Direct

344 2,474 755 558 167 3,494 700 477 1,630 586 130 238 99 17 12 58 1,800 792 579 1,511 414 231 626 265 200 92 387 160 278 96 667 196 21


61 442 125 128 34 797 144 88 331 121 20 46 17 4 4 10 293 93 81 266 72 34 111 44 33 14 73 26 54 17 123 32 2

DRG R02B R03A R03B R04A R04B R60A R60B R60C R61A R61B R61C R62A R62B R63Z R64Z S60Z S65A S65B S65C T01A T01B T01C T60A T60B T61A T61B T62A T62B T63A T63B T64A T64B U40Z

Page 40


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG R02B R03A R03B R04A R04B R60A R60B R60C R61A R61B R61C R62A R62B R63Z R64Z S60Z S65A S65B S65C T01A T01B T01C T60A T60B T61A T61B T62A T62B T63A T63B T64A T64B U40Z

88 1,473 272 494 157 885 128 66 654 223 16 312 163 11 57 7 736 248 199 1,216 327 144 421 239 166 86 251 106 123 56 467 104 1



18 257 46 91 39 172 24 15 124 39 3 68 29 2 10 1 133 47 36 220 63 25 77 40 31 16 41 18 22 9 81 23 0


77 588 52 196 26 484 77 44 405 98 6 206 35 5 24 5 1,092 324 227 754 174 79 271 80 90 35 98 23 63 14 202 34 5

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



23 141 14 52 7 124 33 13 107 24 1 50 8 1 5 1 198 61 40 209 51 26 86 31 29 14 28 11 22 10 56 14 1


195 3,550 464 415 121 6,540 886 718 3,214 1,797 198 553 479 480 117 704 4,824 2,199 1,307 3,382 957 308 889 290 361 144 441 112 238 50 2,123 227 14


17 189 34 30 8 418 64 88 213 161 8 57 31 22 10 17 167 85 58 390 179 27 123 27 33 13 37 29 18 10 211 17 1

Critical Care Direct

177 698 13 164 12 466 13 2 361 26 0 94 9 0 0 1 2,491 150 127 2,769 313 58 1,225 170 140 11 98 5 73 7 588 33 0


36 128 2 31 3 78 2 1 69 6 0 24 1 0 0 0 446 31 29 565 58 14 243 37 29 2 21 1 17 1 131 8 0

Oper Rooms Direct

2,653 1,159 1,084 1,345 1,094 259 40 68 104 53 21 121 226 3 78 38 190 124 88 2,262 1,597 1,285 59 30 115 90 18 9 18 3 101 47 153


606 261 285 316 290 63 9 16 23 13 6 31 56 1 25 12 41 30 18 527 375 281 13 6 26 23 4 2 3 1 22 14 33

Emerg Depts Direct

5 241 42 115 17 144 57 27 296 132 6 173 61 0 0 17 287 221 233 375 262 222 437 407 271 309 398 379 373 374 311 295 2


1 52 9 27 4 32 13 7 63 29 2 40 13 0 0 4 60 49 55 94 68 54 112 103 66 82 95 93 91 89 91 90 0

Supplies Direct

165 754 99 229 89 611 147 65 482 158 25 213 84 16 26 36 592 296 271 900 413 222 223 113 175 88 113 36 79 26 300 100 19

Spec Proc Suites


111 456 81 164 41 337 104 54 307 116 9 169 42 11 7 10 217 238 143 562 254 137 168 110 133 77 88 42 61 30 251 77 5


32 249 18 65 235 679 42 24 173 34 4 71 74 3 263 21 169 256 165 173 51 41 34 26 21 6 44 10 18 2 60 36 0


5 103 3 15 37 335 21 12 80 16 2 34 25 0 45 6 67 100 88 45 13 10 11 7 6 1 12 3 5 1 23 15 0

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 247 446 56 153 494 96 18 10 57 19 2 18 9 1 1 1 68 14 9 385 234 98 28 9 14 7 8 4 6 3 76 4 0

OnCosts 444 1,202 261 470 176 1,159 259 138 789 290 24 335 120 17 44 33 876 508 432 1,499 633 383 489 245 274 160 240 99 165 83 540 166 26


259 821 168 332 111 779 182 114 558 227 11 254 79 8 23 9 417 268 196 1,099 499 253 357 175 189 105 155 75 107 52 389 105 15

Deprec No. of Hosps 215 624 150 231 92 558 122 73 366 150 11 170 68 8 37 8 334 183 125 750 309 165 240 114 118 65 108 49 77 38 236 85 9

57 54 62 60 60 55 58 58 62 62 62 61 60 55 16 37 36 39 48 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 61 62 39

DRG R02B R03A R03B R04A R04B R60A R60B R60C R61A R61B R61C R62A R62B R63Z R64Z S60Z S65A S65B S65C T01A T01B T01C T60A T60B T61A T61B T62A T62B T63A T63B T64A T64B U40Z

Page 41


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG U60Z U61A U61B U62A U62B U63A U63B U64Z U65Z U66Z U67Z U68Z V60A V60B V61Z V62A V62B V63A V63B V64Z W01Z W02Z W03Z W04Z W60Z W61Z X02Z X04A X04B X05Z X06A X06B X07A

Mental Health Treat,Samedy-Ect Schizophrenia Disorders+Mhls Schizophrenia Disorders-Mhls Par&Acute Psych Dsrd+Cscc/Mhls Par&Acute Psych Dsrd-Cscc-Mhls Mjr Affect Dsrd A>69/+Cscc Major Affective Dsrd A<70-Cscc Oth Affect & Somatoform Dsrd Anxiety Disorders Eating & Obsessv-Compulsv Dsrd Personlty Dsrd&Acute Reactions Childhood Mental Disorders Alcohol Intoxicatn&Withdrwl+Cc Alcohol Intoxicatn&Withdrwl-Cc Drug Intoxictn & Withdrawal Alcohol Use Dsrd & Dependence Alcohol Use Dsrd & Dependnc+Sd Opioid Use Dsrd & Dependence Opioid Use Dsrd&Depend-Advice Other Drug Use Disord & Depend Ventiln/Cranio Mult Sig Trauma Hip,Femr&Limb Pr Mult Sig Trma Abdominal Pr Mult Sig Trauma Othr Or Pr For Mult Sig Trauma Multiple Trauma, Died/Transf<5 Multiple Trauma - Signif Procs Mic Tt/Skin Grafts Inj To Hand Other Pr Inj Lwr Lmb A>59/+Cc Other Pr Inj Lowr Limb A<60-Cc Other Pr For Injuries To Hand Other Pr Other Injuries + Cscc Other Pr Other Injuries - Cscc Sk Graft Inj-Hand+Mic Tt/+Cscc

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



0.21 3.60 1.73 2.51 1.22 3.87 2.28 1.44 0.94 4.51 1.02 2.69 0.88 0.37 1.08 1.27 0.26 1.25 0.70 0.81 20.11 8.07 5.33 7.38 1.90 3.08 1.25 2.86 1.15 0.93 3.30 1.05 5.17

7,469 6,562 5,513 919 1,423 938 6,720 3,347 2,131 799 7,410 223 1,975 6,308 2,431 2,222 639 651 207 1,510 1,030 495 183 458 464 796 1,749 346 954 3,867 1,290 4,454 465

7,478 149,445 69,492 13,142 10,027 20,618 91,074 23,339 8,828 18,439 36,619 1,893 7,210 9,865 13,927 10,958 636 2,903 659 5,009 32,349 9,145 2,159 7,908 684 8,411 4,092 3,157 2,485 6,968 12,764 11,405 7,322

1 22.77 12.61 14.3 7.05 21.98 13.55 6.97 4.14 23.08 4.94 8.49 3.65 1.56 5.73 4.93 1 4.46 3.18 3.32 31.41 18.47 11.8 17.27 1.47 10.57 2.34 9.12 2.6 1.8 9.89 2.56 15.75

816 13,774 6,615 9,626 4,657 14,806 8,733 5,493 3,590 17,259 3,909 10,293 3,383 1,403 4,147 4,862 981 4,800 2,662 3,101 76,967 30,883 20,396 28,244 7,292 11,808 4,802 10,946 4,383 3,548 12,621 4,025 19,800


646 11,111 5,371 7,687 3,755 11,956 7,066 4,467 2,826 13,256 3,133 7,951 2,642 1,117 3,330 3,959 885 3,778 1,985 2,440 62,954 24,569 16,310 22,471 5,902 9,144 3,795 8,405 3,396 2,752 10,008 3,133 15,024


169 2,663 1,244 1,938 902 2,849 1,667 1,027 764 4,003 776 2,342 740 286 817 904 96 1,022 677 661 14,014 6,314 4,087 5,773 1,390 2,664 1,007 2,541 987 796 2,612 893 4,777

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



37 1,768 741 1,178 466 1,825 1,051 600 429 2,427 439 820 315 99 479 486 153 469 348 343 3,501 2,157 1,503 1,913 301 968 513 1,110 407 336 1,388 409 2,469


7 186 58 130 44 237 104 59 73 244 43 69 59 12 61 25 38 65 13 24 737 481 306 439 41 245 94 239 80 64 269 74 460

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

85 5,147 2,183 3,454 1,146 4,880 2,976 1,617 984 6,374 1,209 2,179 731 207 1,243 1,712 237 1,430 819 870 6,165 4,762 3,075 4,915 162 2,683 606 2,117 642 411 2,513 582 4,550


29 1,883 683 1,278 323 1,451 974 499 268 1,919 387 637 184 64 453 331 11 202 180 179 1,310 1,006 655 1,056 36 678 151 519 154 97 516 128 973

Non Clinical Salaries 19 1,556 878 1,079 756 1,223 1,125 1,081 299 1,627 437 4,889 209 61 367 593 130 819 471 432 1,365 901 608 956 52 573 107 455 155 114 510 160 702

Pathology Direct

20 145 102 142 93 302 120 81 84 244 66 55 136 48 89 155 18 112 116 90 3,083 783 827 645 291 348 34 233 37 26 428 62 371


3 13 11 17 13 37 12 11 17 46 8 13 20 7 11 17 2 19 24 14 466 121 122 107 52 52 7 35 6 6 68 11 71

DRG U60Z U61A U61B U62A U62B U63A U63B U64Z U65Z U66Z U67Z U68Z V60A V60B V61Z V62A V62B V63A V63B V64Z W01Z W02Z W03Z W04Z W60Z W61Z X02Z X04A X04B X05Z X06A X06B X07A

Page 42


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG U60Z U61A U61B U62A U62B U63A U63B U64Z U65Z U66Z U67Z U68Z V60A V60B V61Z V62A V62B V63A V63B V64Z W01Z W02Z W03Z W04Z W60Z W61Z X02Z X04A X04B X05Z X06A X06B X07A

20 38 37 85 72 173 45 47 93 72 23 34 115 37 38 45 9 31 6 23 3,505 1,658 1,206 1,450 1,239 952 52 306 107 54 424 87 235



3 7 6 16 10 32 8 8 18 12 5 5 20 6 6 7 1 5 1 4 668 330 212 297 251 183 10 62 19 11 76 18 41


8 205 102 126 65 406 139 93 91 867 65 217 94 24 61 90 25 63 71 49 2,315 777 436 796 125 568 49 313 60 34 194 42 389

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



1 12 9 14 12 72 16 18 24 199 10 67 23 5 7 13 0 5 1 5 477 184 92 171 54 146 11 72 20 10 53 13 96


12 608 275 370 136 462 274 129 99 353 93 109 106 37 148 142 18 468 74 109 2,178 709 516 581 141 280 93 373 90 73 542 92 1,273


1 65 24 32 15 45 26 17 9 45 10 15 9 3 11 9 2 10 3 7 226 105 46 60 9 25 7 54 9 6 41 11 588

Critical Care Direct

1 11 10 37 7 132 14 9 80 172 22 0 131 11 20 11 0 0 0 12 25,210 1,718 2,332 1,993 1,117 1,080 18 283 1 18 1,118 51 269


0 1 2 10 2 21 3 2 19 43 5 0 25 2 4 3 0 0 0 3 4,881 361 444 441 226 225 4 57 0 6 211 10 58

Oper Rooms Direct

15 73 34 41 4 341 103 33 9 30 15 10 13 2 9 11 4 8 0 4 6,935 5,979 3,552 4,429 1,417 89 1,851 1,883 1,267 1,206 1,693 1,081 3,111


4 18 9 11 2 79 25 9 2 8 3 2 3 0 2 2 1 2 0 1 1,611 1,539 868 1,136 357 21 436 492 307 319 384 267 710

Emerg Depts Direct

382 249 427 340 735 349 362 426 362 173 381 327 539 488 455 339 143 170 80 314 752 622 422 533 435 536 211 342 306 242 258 265 273


91 49 98 74 162 74 80 95 84 39 87 73 135 114 104 59 30 35 12 67 177 163 99 136 97 121 53 93 76 59 67 69 62

Supplies Direct

6 380 174 242 111 640 277 129 83 326 114 116 78 24 118 191 84 199 52 109 860 518 287 477 21 276 40 218 61 42 287 65 432

Spec Proc Suites


2 185 136 95 91 214 139 95 58 350 75 143 58 13 40 89 1 108 88 65 499 344 235 417 9 217 40 208 52 37 166 55 363


1 2 2 2 1 13 1 2 54 4 4 2 11 1 2 3 0 9 0 1 560 222 111 139 50 134 8 4 4 6 20 10 17


0 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 14 1 2 0 4 0 1 1 0 5 0 0 129 49 25 29 11 30 1 1 1 1 4 3 6

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 4 0 1 1 3 16 1 3 2 7 1 2 5 1 1 2 0 1 0 2 2,775 2,642 604 2,445 256 28 43 344 83 40 194 55 167

OnCosts 36 697 302 483 180 948 457 219 168 848 213 237 171 71 231 280 62 282 161 192 3,365 1,300 868 1,243 258 631 170 540 215 161 566 197 821


16 384 209 287 138 585 287 148 108 613 135 191 114 37 129 157 6 140 98 107 1,538 815 488 838 103 420 109 364 128 94 353 117 879

Deprec No. of Hosps 14 93 100 80 70 247 113 63 60 215 58 79 72 28 54 89 7 142 44 78 1,681 636 458 601 182 302 86 227 97 77 276 93 416

59 41 58 52 59 59 59 59 59 55 59 47 62 62 59 60 51 53 11 61 46 55 45 51 57 60 59 59 61 60 62 62 47

DRG U60Z U61A U61B U62A U62B U63A U63B U64Z U65Z U66Z U67Z U68Z V60A V60B V61Z V62A V62B V63A V63B V64Z W01Z W02Z W03Z W04Z W60Z W61Z X02Z X04A X04B X05Z X06A X06B X07A

Page 43


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG X07B X60A X60B X60C X61Z X62A X62B X63A X63B X64A X64B Y01Z Y02A Y02B Y03Z Y60Z Y61Z Y62A Y62B Z01A Z01B Z40Z Z60A Z60B Z60C Z61Z Z62Z Z63A Z63B Z64A Z64B Z65Z 901Z

Sk Graft Inj-Hand-Mic Tt-Cscc Injuries A>64 + Cc Injuries A>64 - Cc Injuries A<65 Allergic Reactions Poisng/Toxc Eff Drugs A>59/+Cc Poisng/Toxc Eff Drugs A<60 -Cc Sequelae Of Treatmnt+Cscc Sequelae Of Treatmnt-Cscc Ot Inj,Pois&Tox Ef Dx A>59/+Cc Ot Inj,Pois&Tox Eff Dx A<60-Cc Severe Full Thick Burns Oth Burn+Skn G A>64/+Cscc/Comp Oth Burn+Skn Gr A<65-Cscc-Comp Other Or Procs For Other Burns Burns,Trans Oth Acut Care <5 D Severe Burns Other Burns A>64/+Cscc/Comp Other Burns A<65 -Cscc -Comp Or Pr+Dx Oth Cnt Hlth Srv+Cscc Or Pr+Dx Oth Cnt Hlth Srv-Cscc Follow Up +Endoscopy Rehabilitation + Cscc Rehabilitation - Cscc Rehabilitation, Sameday Signs & Symptoms Follow Up -Endoscopy Other Aftercare + Cscc Other Aftercare - Cscc Oth Fctr Infl Health Status Oth Fctr Infl Health Status,Sd Mult,Oth&Unspcfd Congntl Anmls Ext Or Pr Unrel To Pdx

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



2.48 1.16 0.41 0.39 0.37 1.00 0.39 1.50 0.59 0.96 0.34 28.68 7.10 3.05 1.92 0.43 1.60 1.74 0.74 1.42 0.80 0.29 4.11 1.94 ****** 0.62 0.32 1.66 0.55 0.80 0.20 0.75 4.30

594 3,243 3,953 17,807 2,357 7,625 13,700 1,695 5,756 759 1,651 106 332 543 235 364 273 226 1,413 1,416 2,562 15,412 46 34 ****** 5,297 6,130 1,005 1,615 3,096 21,873 68 2,968

5,417 17,563 7,056 25,036 3,132 27,915 20,118 10,155 13,935 2,421 2,005 4,505 6,418 4,472 1,652 414 1,470 1,498 3,738 4,068 3,459 15,884 882 274 ****** 13,818 7,554 7,968 4,880 11,318 21,873 221 37,472

9.12 5.42 1.78 1.41 1.33 3.66 1.47 5.99 2.42 3.19 1.21 42.5 19.33 8.24 7.03 1.14 5.38 6.63 2.65 2.87 1.35 1.03 19.17 8.06 ****** 2.61 1.23 7.93 3.02 3.66 1 3.25 12.63

9,487 4,449 1,583 1,507 1,413 3,831 1,493 5,757 2,251 3,657 1,299 109,783 27,169 11,681 7,355 1,664 6,113 6,644 2,843 5,424 3,056 1,094 15,736 7,425 ****** 2,371 1,212 6,344 2,120 3,060 751 2,886 16,442


7,278 3,444 1,244 1,181 1,112 3,052 1,192 4,472 1,733 2,900 1,005 86,986 20,924 8,802 5,532 1,302 4,468 4,989 2,120 4,288 2,388 829 11,086 5,488 ****** 1,835 970 4,746 1,607 2,370 592 2,177 13,001


2,208 1,005 339 326 301 779 301 1,285 518 758 294 22,798 6,244 2,879 1,823 362 1,645 1,655 723 1,136 667 264 4,650 1,937 ****** 536 242 1,598 512 690 159 709 3,441

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



1,292 414 104 106 113 301 104 709 318 246 93 5,016 2,095 881 796 92 525 679 320 516 273 133 1,331 648 ****** 288 150 832 328 538 76 426 1,586


260 67 15 15 16 57 16 125 51 37 10 651 362 128 124 12 54 125 36 95 50 31 133 63 ****** 53 66 134 51 91 25 52 339

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

2,461 1,150 216 151 151 605 166 1,363 479 528 193 13,710 6,472 2,512 1,857 172 1,375 1,645 629 760 271 103 5,294 3,167 ****** 547 157 1,731 527 725 89 761 3,375


562 251 50 37 43 156 51 262 105 114 43 1,382 957 363 268 24 255 313 112 157 62 26 728 441 ****** 144 46 396 141 165 35 174 686

Non Clinical Salaries 484 235 54 45 49 182 58 322 113 139 62 3,847 1,221 554 328 29 356 370 157 176 82 34 1,205 746 ****** 95 47 375 121 172 25 161 710

Pathology Direct


DRG 103 22 X07B 146 24 X60A 41 7 X60B 28 4 X60C 52 8 X61Z 172 27 X62A 68 10 X62B 248 37 X63A 67 11 X63B 171 27 X64A 30 4 X64B 4,070 581 Y01Z 769 131 Y02A 153 34 Y02B 145 17 Y03Z 44 7 Y60Z 124 24 Y61Z 195 34 Y62A 49 11 Y62B 118 18 Z01A 50 10 Z01B 23 7 Z40Z 280 27 Z60A 132 36 Z60B ****** ****** Z60C 145 32 Z61Z 57 10 Z62Z 187 36 Z63A 43 9 Z63B 70 13 Z64A 20 4 Z64B 69 10 Z65Z 592 107 901Z

Page 44


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG X07B X60A X60B X60C X61Z X62A X62B X63A X63B X64A X64B Y01Z Y02A Y02B Y03Z Y60Z Y61Z Y62A Y62B Z01A Z01B Z40Z Z60A Z60B Z60C Z61Z Z62Z Z63A Z63B Z64A Z64B Z65Z 901Z

80 291 183 158 30 93 23 197 66 192 60 1,529 238 27 40 44 57 85 16 121 59 6 159 81 ****** 107 117 118 40 70 33 92 864


16 48 30 25 5 16 4 37 12 39 11 308 47 5 7 6 13 16 3 25 14 1 21 11 ****** 18 27 22 7 13 8 17 188

Allied Direct

163 219 54 19 13 76 17 131 28 101 18 4,813 858 341 176 22 177 223 74 84 17 3 978 432 ****** 81 7 266 88 112 5 114 376

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



46 56 12 5 4 18 4 39 9 24 5 1,071 193 82 39 6 45 64 21 21 5 1 174 47 ****** 19 2 92 20 25 1 25 100


287 138 33 29 48 119 33 363 69 98 23 5,317 815 195 184 47 120 230 54 234 72 22 466 179 ****** 100 162 287 66 121 126 57 733


23 20 4 3 6 12 3 40 7 10 2 429 61 12 23 5 17 27 5 18 5 1 59 24 ****** 10 6 32 8 11 4 5 57

Critical Care Direct

17 51 5 10 132 678 108 257 34 717 71 26,395 2,571 935 312 234 919 699 275 111 28 1 438 0 ****** 37 2 441 128 50 0 0 1,174


3 12 2 2 33 143 24 57 9 151 15 6,216 1,145 516 121 44 437 250 133 19 4 0 88 0 ****** 8 1 134 49 14 0 0 240

Oper Rooms Direct

1,553 25 32 107 7 16 5 151 130 41 5 11,057 2,818 1,781 908 73 66 34 15 1,556 1,051 293 43 85 ****** 59 91 46 77 145 102 135 1,413


365 6 8 29 2 4 2 37 38 10 2 2,445 771 471 262 33 19 11 5 403 315 101 15 15 ****** 23 26 14 28 30 27 57 350

Emerg Depts Direct

239 522 447 436 431 552 516 291 250 353 284 153 250 147 231 457 287 342 342 12 3 1 141 78 ****** 246 7 20 20 166 12 93 233


55 120 104 110 99 123 114 74 61 85 71 36 63 41 80 114 84 98 91 3 1 0 36 26 ****** 59 2 6 5 38 3 19 59

Supplies Direct

233 94 20 16 17 53 17 175 53 54 24 4,328 1,227 466 206 23 221 221 84 118 61 57 362 121 ****** 47 51 206 50 69 19 94 422


204 70 16 16 13 46 13 129 41 66 18 2,239 834 446 356 7 176 189 84 72 25 13 1,227 334 ****** 37 9 207 52 79 6 112 280

Spec Proc Suites Direct

13 12 1 2 7 6 3 52 42 40 77 30 8 7 9 2 8 3 2 22 90 94 6 2 ****** 14 38 21 49 33 49 40 245


6 3 0 1 2 1 1 12 18 10 23 10 2 2 2 0 1 1 0 8 28 34 1 0 ****** 4 12 4 11 8 19 17 52

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 52 7 3 4 1 5 2 24 11 4 2 2,007 378 167 8 2 2 4 1 223 202 9 22 2 ****** 7 21 26 16 16 10 9 617

OnCosts 456 210 66 75 63 187 69 291 107 193 77 6,265 1,239 566 356 88 332 362 150 253 131 45 961 323 ****** 91 43 323 88 142 25 160 756


320 153 41 36 37 106 35 199 70 109 33 3,016 1,002 512 318 34 278 275 111 149 72 25 1,135 321 ****** 55 21 257 56 92 12 117 502

Deprec No. of Hosps 172 104 37 38 32 78 28 135 52 99 41 2,863 642 337 182 41 141 150 63 129 74 29 407 110 ****** 45 33 132 40 53 15 70 387

58 62 61 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 13 38 38 46 57 56 55 61 59 61 62 19 13 -----62 62 59 62 62 62 31 62

DRG X07B X60A X60B X60C X61Z X62A X62B X63A X63B X64A X64B Y01Z Y02A Y02B Y03Z Y60Z Y61Z Y62A Y62B Z01A Z01B Z40Z Z60A Z60B Z60C Z61Z Z62Z Z63A Z63B Z64A Z64B Z65Z 901Z

Page 45


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 DRG Description

DRG 902Z 903Z 960Z 961Z 963Z Total

Non-Ext Or Pr Unrel To Pdx Prostatic Or Pr Unrel To Pdx Ungroupable Unacceptable Principal Dx Neonatal Dx Not Consnt Age/Wgt Total

Date Printed: 21/11/2007





Average Cost per DRG ($)


of Seps

of Days



2.44 5.29 1.75 0.32 2.59 1.00

533 32 560 55 50 2,516,779

4,469 832 3,440 80 460 8,031,558

8.38 26 6.14 1.45 9.2 3.19

9,358 20,252 6,693 1,229 9,927 3,828


7,243 15,638 5,186 800 7,081 3,024


2,115 4,614 1,507 429 2,846 804

Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Ward Medical

Ward Nursing



932 2,459 747 147 1,177 374


152 447 11 7 273 67

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

2,127 5,994 859 56 3,771 718


395 1,188 73 24 496 158

Non Clinical Salaries 507 1,055 240 146 810 175

Pathology Direct

433 829 500 31 152 128


DRG 80 902Z 125 903Z 68 960Z 18 961Z 31 963Z 22 Total

Page 46


V5.0 Public Sector

COST WEIGHTS FOR AR-DRG VERSION 5.0, Round 10 (2005-06) AIHW Peer Group A1 Average Component Cost per DRG ($) Imaging Direct

DRG 902Z 903Z 960Z 961Z 963Z Total

355 683 562 10 68 118



66 117 86 1 15 21


197 460 391 34 130 74

Date Printed: 21/11/2007



45 104 92 7 77 20


326 938 312 12 182 184

Critical Care


27 72 38 1 13 16


435 169 307 0 199 282


85 32 71 0 48 59

Oper Rooms Direct

945 1,258 715 249 4 387


267 291 165 56 1 95

Emerg Depts Direct

183 399 99 127 130 166


51 106 28 49 32 40

Supplies Direct

227 681 118 13 498 94

Spec Proc Suites


261 626 222 42 320 61


96 53 17 4 3 51


18 9 3 6 0 12

* NB: These data should be reviewed in conjunction with the 'Introductory Notes to Cost Weights'

Prostheses 100 155 114 0 3 137

OnCosts 480 849 391 100 755 177


346 704 347 56 402 110

Deprec No. of Hosps 224 447 116 33 337 87

60 19 21 14 17 62

DRG 902Z 903Z 960Z 961Z 963Z Total

Page 47

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