Coreldraw Tutorial

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PENDANT 1. Open Corel DRAW. 2. Draw the out line of the basic shape using Bazier Tool.

3. Edit the basic shape using Shape Tool with Node Edit Options.

4. Create the offset shape inside the original shape using Interactive Contour Tool. 5. Fill it with Golden shade using Fountain Fill > Preset

6. Make different shapes according to requirement.

7. Use Shift + Pick Tool and Right click to get the smaller copies. You can try Interactive Contour Tool.

8. Try the combination of the shapes.


9. After filling the golden shade, change the direction of the fill by shifting the arrow using Interactive Fill Tool. 10. Place the shapes in a proper symmetry

MAKING RINGS 1. Open Corel DRAW. Draw perfect circle with the help of Ellipse Tool and CTRL key. 2. With Shift and Drag method, make a copy of the circle inside the main circle and right click to get the copy.


3. Select both the circles Arrange > Combine

4. Select Interactive Fill Tool. Drag the pointer on the object. Select Radial Fountain Fill from property bar. 5. With the proper combination of two colors create the ring effect. White is chosen as a mid color in the following ring.

6. How to entangle the rings? Make another copy of the ring. Place is over other.

7. Draw the shape which you want to remove to get entangled effect on the top cross section of the rings.

8. Select the newly drawn shape. Arrange > Shaping > Trim


9. Click on the top circle to trim. Delete the shape after trimming.

EXPLODE 1. Open Corel DRAW. Select Graph Paper Tool from Tool Box. Add the number of rows and column using Property Bar. Input the same values for rows and cols. 2. Press CTRL and draw square shaped graph paper. 3. Select Ellipse Tool and draw perfect circle by pressing CTRL. 4. Place the circle above the graph paper in the middle. Select the circle.

5. Effects > Lens Select Fish Eye from drop down menu. Check Frozen. Click Apply.


6. Select the graph paper and delete it.

Select the ball. Arrange > Ungroup Select the outside circle and delete. 7. Select any portion of the ball and keep on pressing Tab till one more circle behind the ball get selected. Delete that circle also.

8. Select the ball and fill the color. 9. Move the parts of the ball to create Explode effect.


CREATING YAHOO! STYLE BUTTONS WITH COREL DRAW! This tutorial will show you how to create Yahoo! style buttons. Many people have written asking how these are done and I'll be demonstrating the technique with all of the programs I write tutorials for. I used Corel DRAW! 7.0 for Windows for this technique. Some things may be done differently with other versions. Sometimes it's harder to create a certain look in a drawing program versus a paint program. This is not the case with these buttons, however. In fact, since these are done with a drawing program you can easily add certain features such as text that wraps around the button. Begin by drawing a circle. Holding down the CTRL key while dragging the cursor will assure you of a circular rather than an elliptical (oval) shape. Repeat the process drawing a smaller circle this time. Use the Pick tool to marquee select both circles. Choose Arrange, Align and Distribute and, in the Align and Distribute dialog box click on the "Center of Page" option. Click OK. You should have something like figure 6.1.

Select the Pick tool and click on the outer circle to select it. Place the mouse over the Fill tool and hold down the left button until the flyout menu appears. Select the Fountain Fill Dialog icon. This will bring up the Fountain fill dialog box. Set the Type to Linear and the Angle to -45%. Leave the Color Blend as Two color (the From: color should be black and the To: color should be white). Click OK and your image should resemble figiure 6.2.


Use the Pick tool to select the inner circle. Bring up the Fountain Fill Dialog box again. This time set the Type to Radial, set the Horizontal Offset to -20 and the Vertical Offset to 20. Left-click on the From: color. This will bring up a small menu of colors. Choose the color you want the button to be: I chose a dark blue. Click OK and you'll have something like figure 6.3.

That's it for the button. You can add text or clip-art images. I added a Yippee! icon I've been working on, placed some text in a circle over the top of the button, shrank it down, and saved it as the web-ready JPG you see in figure 6.4.

Make sure you keep a copy of the vector drawing i.e. save the image as a CDR file so you can go back and make changes easily later on.


CREATING ANIMATED LOGOS WITH COREL DRAW! Animated GIFs This tutorial will demonstrate how you can create an Animated GIF logo. I used Corel DRAW! 7.0 for Windows for this technique. Some things may be done differently with other versions. Putting a New Spin on Your Logo I'll be the first to admit that I'm probably the last person to jump on the "Animated GIF" bandwagon. To be honest, I didn't really see the potential for animated GIFs. Most of the early images I saw were kind of cheesy. On top of that, I prefer keeping my images' download time to a minimum, and animated GIFs can get rather large very quickly. Recently, though, I've seen the light. Done right, animated GIFs can be pretty cool. And, with today's GIF animation software, animated image file size can be kept quite reasonable. Animated GIFs can be real attention-getters on banner ads, can really add to the appeal of a static logo, and they can certainly add some pizzazz to a web page. Animated 3D text has become so popular on the web, in fact, that there are now several dedicated programs available for you to choose from. These programs, produced by software companies such as Xara and Ulead, make the creation of animated 3D text as simple as point-and-click. What if you need to do more than animate simple text? Normally you might think of resorting to a dedicated 3D-rendering program. These programs can be expensive, though, and they often have pretty steep learning curves. So what can you do? Well, you can use Corel DRAW! to create the frames for your animated masterpiece. That's right! Corel DRAW! has all the features necessary to help you create a 3D animated logo. Here's how you can use the extrusion features to give depth to, light, and spin your creation... Open a new graphic in Corel DRAW! (I'm using version 7, but the method should translate well to other versions). I'll be creating a simple logo using the first letters of GrafX Design, my design company. First I entered the text using the Text tool. I then selected the text by clicking on the Pick tool. This enabled me to change the font and the size of the text. I chose Braggadocio at 72 points. Because I didn't want to create just simple text, but rather I wanted a logo, I decided to cut the text out of a simple oval shape. To do that, I selected the Ellipse tool and dragged an oval shape around the text. To line these elements up, marquee-select them all with the Pick tool and choose Arrange, Align and Distribute. In the Align and distribute dialog box, check Center of Page and click OK. With the elements still selected, click the Combine button on the property bar. This will combine, or cutout, the text from the oval.


You can change the color of the oval logo by left-clicking a color on the color palette. I choose a light blue color (see figure 9.1).

Now that the logo design is complete (as simple as it is), it's time to extrude the image, light it, and start creating the separate frames you'll need in order to complete the animation. Choose Effects, Extrude to bring up the Extrude dialog box (see figure 9.2). This is where you'll do most of the work needed to create the frames of your spinning animation. In this dialog box you'll see 5 tabs. The first three, Extrude, Rotate, and Lighting are the ones you'll need to use to create the frames for your animation. The first thing you should do is extrude the logo. This process gives your logo some depth, i.e. it adds the 3rd dimension to your image. Click on the first tab if it's not already active. You can now set the basic shape, viewpoint, and depth of your image. I set the shape to "Small Back," the viewpoint to "VP Locked To Object," and the depth to 2.0. You can play around with the various choices until you get the look you're after. When you're done, click Apply. The next thing you will do is create the lighting. Click the third tab. Turn on the first light by clicking the first lightbulb icon (or Light switch 1). You can now position the light by dragging the small black icon around the 3D grid. You must place the icon on an intersection. I chose the upper-right corner. Once you've chosen the position for your light, click Apply. At this point you won't really see much difference in your image. It's coming, though. figure 9.2 Click on the 2nd tab. This option enables you to rotate the logo in 3D space. You'll notice the Corel symbol that's visible in the middle of the dialog box (see figure 9.3).


This symbol can be dragged around with the mouse, and its position will correspond to the position of your image in 3D space once you click Apply. Changing the position in this manner is a lot of fun. However, you'll need to be more exacting when creating your frames. Below and to the right of the Corel symbol is a small, bent-cornered, rectangular icon. Clicking on this icon will replace the Corel symbol with a set of coordinates, or rotation values. The first controls the rotation about the xaxis, the second about the y-axis and the third about the z-axis. Because I'll be spinning my logo around the y-axis, I'll only need to change the values for number 2. Before you start to apply the rotation values you should save the first frame. Obviously the first frame doesn't need to be rotated.

figure 9.3

Before saving the first frame, though, create a white (or some other color, if you prefer) bounding box around your logo image. You'll need to do this because of the way Corel DRAW! saves an image. When Corel DRAW! saves an image it doesn't keep all of the white space you see around the onscreen representation. Instead, all of that white space is cropped off. It's best to have all of the frames of your animation the same size, and adding the bounding box will assure that this is the

case. Select the Rectangle tool and draw a box around your image. It doesn't have to be much bigger than the image but it should give you a little extra elbowroom. On the color palette, left-click the color that you want the box to be. This hides your logo, of course. Press CTRL-Page Down until the box moves to the back and your logo is again visible. To center everything again, marquee-select all of the objects and then select Arrange, Align and Distribute. Place a check mark in the Center of Page box and click OK. To save the first frame of your animation, choose File, Export. In the Export dialog box, choose a folder in which to store the image, give your file a name, and choose a file type. I like to use the BMP file format, (because it's 24-bit and it's a format most animation programs recognize) and let the animation program handle the palette. I also like to name the frames in sequence. I started this sequence as GD00.BMP. Click Export to bring up the Bitmap Export dialog box. Set the colors to 16 Million Colors. Set the Size to Custom and place a checkmark in the Maintain Aspect Ratio box. You can leave the Resolution at anywhere from 72 dpi to 96 dpi because the animation is intended for screen viewing. I always like to set Anti-aliasing to Super-sampling. Once you have entered all of the settings, click OK to save the image. Now you're ready to rotate the logo. By adding the bounding box you de-selected the logo. Simply use the Pick tool to reselect the logo.


Back at the Extrude dialog box, click Edit and enter 10 in the 2nd spin control. Click Apply to apply the rotation. You could rotate the logo by a value of 1 rather than 10 each time, and this would result in an extremely smooth animation. However, it would also result in an unacceptably large final file size. The 2nd frame (see figure 9.4) is ready to be saved. Not so bad, eh?

the second frame. I named mine the Maintain Aspect Ratio and figure 9.4 click








Choose File, Export and name GD01.BMP. You'll need to select Super-sampling boxes again. That completes the 2nd frame. Back at the Export dialog box, spin control. Export this frame.

Continue on until you hit the value 70. You'll notice that the image is now at 90 degrees (see figure 9.5).

uses the values -100 to 100 for you might expect, 0-360 degrees.

This occurs because Corel DRAW the rotation values and not, as

After saving the frame with the figure 9.5 value at 70, start back down using negative values. Start with -60, then -50, etc, until you hit -10. Although, technically, using these values won't spin the logo so that you see the back of it, using these numbers will give your animation the appearance of spinning 360 degrees around the y-axis. You should now have 14 frames numbering 00 through 13. You're ready to animate your logo! It's time to fire up your animation program. I'm currently using Ulead's GIF Animator. I like it because it's relatively easy to use-it offers animation and optimization wizards, has good palette control, and accepts a fairly wide range of file formats. After opening GIF Animator, I created the final animation, which can be seen below. Because the wizards work so well, I simply chose to use all of the defaults. When the animation program opens, it offers you a chance to use the Animation Wizard. This wizard enables you to Add Images/Videos. From this first dialog box, you can add the images, or frames of your animation. Simply point to the folder where you stored the separate frames. There's a small quirk, though. The frames will not be in sequence unless you follow this simple rule: Choose the last file in the sequence and then, while holding down the shift key, click on the first filename in the sequence. Click OPEN. You can click through the remaining choices by choosing Next each time. The one place you might want to stray from the default is the Frame Duration. I like my animations to run more quickly than the default and usually choose 10/100's of a second rather than the 25/100's. In the last dialog box, choose Finish to close the wizard. To see how your animation will appear, click on the Start Preview button. You'll see your animation for the first time. Pretty cool, eh? If everything looks okay, you can choose File, Optimization Wizard. Again, you should be


able to just let the wizard do its thing. My final, optimized, spinning logo weighs in at a pretty good 11K. If you're not happy with the final result, re-run the wizard and tweak some of the settings. Some of the biggest savings can be achieved by lowering the color depth. I saved the logo with 64 colors, but I probably could have gone lower without sacrificing too much of the image's quality. You should spend a little time getting to know the animation software. Most of the packages I've tried are fairly easy to use and come with pretty extensive online help. That's it. I invite you to play around with some text and some different shapes in Corel DRAW!. Try adding a bevel (use the last tab in the Extrude dialog box), or adding a second and third light, etc. Extrude your images to different depths and try filling them with textures as well as solid colors. Pretty soon you'll be wowing the visitors at your web site with all manner of spinning and moving logos and buttons.

figure 9.6

CREATING A PAGE CURL EFFECT WITH COREL DRAW! This tutorial will demonstrate how you can create a page curl effect. Many people have written asking how this is done and I'll be demonstrating the technique with all of the programs I write tutorials for. I used Corel DRAW! 7.0 for Windows for this technique. Some things may be done differently with other versions. Sometimes it's harder to see how a certain effect can be created in a drawing (vector or object oriented) program versus a paint program. It may not be immediately obvious how to create the effect using a collection of objects rather than just being able to paint the pixels in. I think this may be the case with an effect like a page curl. For this tutorial I'll create a yellow sticky note and curl one corner of it up. Begin by drawing a rectangle. Once you've drawn the rectangular shape, fill it with a bright yellow (see figure 7.1).

Draw another rectangle that's long and narrow. Place this rectangle along the bottom of the first and turn it so that it covers the two corners of the yellow rectangle and so that it's on an angle as in figure 7.2.


Use the Pick tool to draw a marquee around both of the shapes. Along the toolbar (the second line below the menu choices) you should see the trim icon (see figure 7.3). Click this icon to trim the top rectangle (the last rectangle shape you created) from the bottom rectangle (the yellow one that you created first).

Click away from the two shapes to de-select them. Select the long rectangle and press the delete key to discard it. You should now have just the bottom portion of the sticky note (a rectangle shape with an angled bottom).

Double click the Polygon tool and, in the Options dialog box, choose the Toolbox tab. Under Polygon Tool Defaults set the Polygon option and set the number of Points/Sides to 3. This will enable you to draw a triangle. Draw a long narrow triangle shape beside the yellow rectangle (see figure 7.4).

Choose Layout, Snap to Objects. Select the Pick tool and click twice on the triangle to set the rotation points (see figure 7.5). Move the center of rotation point (see figure 7.5) to the top point of the triangle. Click the triangle again to set the sizing points. Move the triangle so that the top point is aligned with the bottom-left corner of the sticky note. Click the triangle again to change to the


rotation points. Click on one of the corner rotation points and drag the triangle until it aligns with the bottom of the sticky note (see figure 7.5).

With the triangle still selected, choose Arrange, Convert to Curves. Select the Shape tool. Select the node in the middle of the right side of the triangle and press the delete key to discard it. With the Shape tool, marquee select the two right corners of the triangle and click on the To Curve icon on the toolbar. Place the cursor in the middle of the line along the right side of the triangle and drag it to the left until you get a nice rounded curve (see figure 7.6).

If you need to, you can stretch the triangle shape so that it fits along the bottom of the rectangle. Just select the Pick tool and click on the triangle, then stretch it to fit. With the "Snap to Objects" still on this should be relatively easy.


Now you should have both shapes of the sticky note. The yellow note, itself, and the triangle that'll become the page curl. All that's left to do is use a fountain fill to blend some shadows and highlights onto the triangle to give the appearance of a 3-dimensional curve. Use the Pick tool to select the triangle shape. Click-and-hold the Fill tool icon. This will bring out the Fill tool flyout. Select the Fountain Fill Dialog icon. In the Fountain Fill dialog set the Type to Linear and click the Custom button. You're going to have to play around with the Angle, the Edge Pad and the placement of the colors to come up with a fill that fits your particular triangle. To start, set the left-most color to a bright yellow. Click on the Current option and then select Others. Set the color to a darker yellow. I chose 0, 0, 75, 24. Click along the top of the gradient about a quarter of the way out from the left end and click the bright yellow color square in the colors swatch. Click a little ways over to the right and choose white. Click a little over again and select the bright yellow again. Finally, set the color at the far right to a dark yellow. Set the Angle to about -45% and the Edge Pad to 20. You should have similar settings to those shown in figure 7.7.

Click OK. You may find, like I did, that the fill doesn't give you the effect you expected. If this is the case, bring up the Fountain Fill dialog box again. If the white line wasn't visible move the two yellows and the white over and click OK.

Once the white and yellow lines are visible you can adjust the angle, as well. You may find that you'll need to add another color such as another dark yellow close to the left edge of the bright yellow/white lines.


It should only take a couple of minutes of fine tuning to get the effect just right. Marquee select both shapes and select the Outline tool. Hold down the mouse button until the flyout appears. Select the No Outline option. You'll now have a yellow sticky note with a curled-up corner (see figure 7.8).

Now, because this is a vector image, you can easily resize it, and add some text as I've done. The final image can then be saved as a web-ready JPG (see figure 7.9).

Note that you can use similar techniques to add a curled effect to any image you want. You would, of course, choose different colors. Make sure you keep a copy of the vector drawing i.e. save the image as a CDR file so you can go back and make changes easily later on.

ADDING TEXTURE 1. Open Corel DRAW. Select text tool and type the text preferably using thick font. We have used Impact. Note: It is expected that you have finished with the beginners projects when you start with intermediate, as we do not repeat the small instructions.


2. Select Interactive Extrude Tool from the flyout menu from the tool box. Its 10th from the top.

3. Create the 3D effect using Interactive Extrude Tool. Keep the text selected.

4. From the Property Bar at the top select Lighting.

5. Try out different options for lighting and create following effect.

6. From the Fountain Fill flyout menu select the Texture Fill Dialog.

7. Apply the desired texture to the text.



Dalam Tutorial Kali ini saya mencoba menjelaskan kepada anda bagaimana cara membuat suatu bercak noda, baik itu noda tinta, darah, noda bersejarah, kendaraan bernoda empat, halah! :D walaupun sebetulnya internet menyediakan secara gratis font symbol bercak-bercak tersebut, seperti WC Rhesus A, WC Rhesus B, etc. Silahkan anda mengawalinya dengan membuat new file, kemudian buatlah sebuah lingkaran ( F7 ), untuk membuat suatu lingkaran anda cukup me-klik ctrl kemudian drag. Untuk contoh, disini saya memakai diameter 831 pixel

setelah itu klik kanan object tersebut, pilih convert to curve, ini perlu dilakukan untuk mempermudah smudge brush nanti.


kemudian silahkan anda atur object lingkaran tersebut sedemikian rupa , sehingga terlihat seperti sebuah bercak yang jatuh dari atas saya membuatnya seperti ini :

kemudian pilih smudge brush dan isi enter a fixed value for tilt setting dengan nilai 90

setelah itu anda bisa merubah bentuk object tersebut sedemikian rupa dengan shape tool


dan inilah hasil akhir dari penjelasan tutorial ini.

SUNSET 1. Open Corel DRAW. 2. Draw the rectangle with Rectangle Tool to create the cloud effect. Remove outline. 3. Select Interactive Fill Tool. Drag from Top to Bottom. 4. Fill Black, Red And Yellow color from top to bottom and adjust the proportion properly.

5. Select the rectangle. Drag it down with Top Center point to get the mirror image of the original. Without leaving left button, click right mouse button to get the copy of the mirror image which will be used as a lake.


6. Draw mountains with Bazier Tool and fill it with black color.

7. Follow the step 5 to get the mirror image of the mountains

8. Send the mountains behind the lake. 9. Select lake. Select Interactive Transparency Tool. Drag over the lake. You will get the reflection of the mountains.

10. You will get the reflection of the mountains.


11. Draw Land with Bazier Tool

12. Draw Coconut tree with Bazier Tool.

13. Group the branches and copy them to create two more trees.

14. The output will look like this.


15. Draw the Boat with Bazier tool and group it. Make the reflection of it using previous mountain steps and send the reflection behind the Lake.

16. The output will look like this.

17. Create Circle with Ellipse Tool fill it with Interactive fill tool using Radial Fountain Fill. This will make Sun. Use the combination of red and yellow color. 18. Send the Sun behind mountains.

19. Duplicate and get the copy of sun. Stretch it horizontally and make it thin vertically. 20. Keep on duplicating and place it one below other. 21. Make the size of the copy small as you go downwards. 22. This will create the reflection of the Sun in the lake.


Terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang turut membantu saya dalam pembuatan tutorial singkat ini. Semoga dapat membantu teman-teman sesame bidang untuk hal-hal yang lebih kreatif. Tutorial yang ada disini merupakan hasil karya teman-teman kita yang sudah mendalami CorelDRAW terlebih dahulu. For the last, thank’s anything…good luck guy’s…selamat berkarya… Napsterdesign..


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