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'Show Traffic',10809: 'Hide Traffic',11089: '\x3ca href\x3d\x22javascript:void(0);\x22\x3eZoom In\x3c/a\x3e to see traffic for this region',12150: '%1$s on %2$s',12151: '%1$s on %2$s at %3$s',12152: '%1$s on %2$s between %3$s and %4$s',11967: 'Live traffic',11968: 'Traffic at day and time:',11969: 'Day:',11970: 'Time:',11971: '(Data is predicted based on past conditions)',11972: 'change',11973: 'done',11974: 'kph',11975: 'mph',2153: 'Monday',2154: 'Tuesday',2155: 'Wednesday',2156: 'Thursday',2157: 'Friday',2158: 'Saturday',2159: 'Sunday',10293: 'Add',10294: 'Save',10295: 'Cancel',10296: 'Delete',10296: 'Delete',10297: 'New Location:',10298: 'Enable auto-saving of locations',11275: 'My Saved Locations',11276: 'Edit saved locations',11338: 'You have no saved locations.',12024: 'Save locations automatically',12025: 'Select saved location',10299: 'Select:',10299: 'Select:',10300: 'All',10300: 'All',10301: 'None',10301: 'None',10302: 'Edit',10303: 'Default',10304: 'Label',10304: 'Label',10304: 'Label',10305: 'Location',10305: 'Location',10305: 'Location',10307: 'There are no saved locations.',10308: 'Use this location as the initial map view',10309: 'Don\x27t use this location as the initial map view',11298: 'Street View',11303: 'Street View Help',11300: 'Hide Street View',540: 'New!',11274: 'To use street view, you need Adobe Flash Player version %1$d or newer.',11299: 'Show Street View',11302: 'Drag me onto a blue outlined street.\x3cbr\x3eYou can also just click on a blue outlined street.',11382: 'Get the latest Flash Player.',11304: 'Back to street view',11305: 'Using Street View',11306: 'In certain locations, you can view and navigate within street-level imagery. Here\x27s how:',11307: 'Blue outlines show roads where street view is available.',11308: 'This icon shows where you are on the map. The green arrow points in the direction you\x27re looking. You can drag the icon to navigate to a different location. You can also just click on a blue outlined road to go there.',11309: 'Drag the street view to look around 360\x26deg;. Use the arrow buttons to navigate down the street. You can also use the arrow keys on the keyboard.',11314: 'We\x27re sorry, street view is currently unavailable due to high demand.\x3cbr\x3ePlease try again later!',11315: 'Address is approximate',1559: 'N',1560: 'S',1561: 'W',1562: 'E',1608: 'NW',1591: 'NE',1605: 'SW',1606: 'SE',11298: 'Street View',11301: '\x3ca href\x3d\x22javascript:void(0);\x22\x3eZoom In\x3c/a\x3e to select a street view location',11302: 'Drag me onto a blue outlined street.\x3cbr\x3eYou can also just click on a blue outlined street.',11304: 'Back to street view',11305: 'Using Street View',11306: 'In certain locations, you can view and navigate within street-level imagery. Here\x27s how:',11307: 'Blue outlines show roads where street view is available.',11308: 'This icon shows where you are on the map. The green arrow points in the direction you\x27re looking. You can drag the icon to navigate to a different location. You can also just click on a blue outlined road to go there.',11309: 'Drag the street view to look around 360\x26deg;. Use the arrow buttons to navigate down the street. You can also use the arrow keys on the keyboard.',11310: 'Report Inappropriate Image',11311: 'Google takes concerns about its services very seriously. Please use the link below to report concerns about an inappropriate street view.',11312: 'Current Street View:',11313: 'Report inappropriate image',10041: 'Help',11907: 'This image is no longer available',12051: 'No street view available.',12116: 'Jump to',12117: 'Prev Step',12118: 'Next Step',12468: '%1$s',10001: 'Google Maps',10018: 'Loading...',10317: 'The content overlaid onto this map is provided by a third party, and Google is not responsible for it.',11068: 'Create new map',11112: '%1$s has been removed.',11113: 'Undo',11154: 'Reload',11166: 'Close',11169: 'There was a problem contacting the server, try again in a minute.',11170: 'Retry',11210: 'Browse the directory',11230: 'Unable to load...',11242: 'Edit settings',11251: 'Featured content',11255: 'By: \x3cspan class\x3d\x22mmauthor\x22\x3e%1$s\x3c/span\x3e',11265: 'Some content has been hidden',11266: 'Zoom to see more',11341: 'Created by me',11342: 'Created by others',11365: 'Personalize %1$s',11366: '\x3cb\x3eBrowse\x3c/b\x3e a directory of interactive content that you can add to Google Maps.',11367:
'\x3cb\x3eCreate\x3c/b\x3e personalized, annotated maps and share them with friends \x26 family or the world.',11368: '',11369: '',11370: 'Learn more \x26raquo;',11684: 'This feature was not created by Google. Information you enter below may become available to the feature\x27s provider.',10018: 'Loading...',160: '\x3cH1\x3eServer Error\x3c/H1\x3eThe server encountered a temporary error and could not complete your request.\x3cp\x3ePlease try again in a minute or so.\x3c/p\x3e',10691: '/',10692: 'mdy',10693: '0',461: 'Jan',462: 'Feb',463: 'Mar',464: 'Apr',465: 'May',466: 'Jun',467: 'Jul',468: 'Aug',469: 'Sep',470: 'Oct',471: 'Nov',472: 'Dec',10684: 'M',10685: 'T',10686: 'W',10687: 'T',10688: 'F',10689: 'S',10690: 'S',11198: 'Upcoming departures at this station:',11655: '...',12211: 'More information:',12212: 'Buy ticket:',12400: 'More information:',12420: 'Stop ID',12469: 'Key:',10623: 'Depart at',10624: 'Arrive by',10845: 'Last available',10626: 'at',11165: 'Sort by:',10482: 'Time',10483: 'Cost',10484: 'Transfers',10485: 'no express',10486: 'no airplane',10846: 'Update',10917: 'Click to place me on the map',10918: 'Click to start drawing a line',10919: 'Click to start drawing a shape',10920: 'Converting to plain text will lose some formatting. Continue?',10295: 'Cancel',10921: 'OK',10922: 'Title',10785: 'Description',10923: 'Rich text',10926: 'Line color',10927: 'Width (pixels)',10928: 'Line opacity',10929: 'Delete this point',10930: 'Continue this line',10931: 'Add a point',10933: 'Fill color',10934: 'Fill opacity',10940: 'Error creating map',10941: 'Saved to %1$s',10942: 'Error saving placemark',10943: 'Saving...',10908: 'Untitled',10944: 'Select/edit map features',10945: 'Add a placemark',10946: 'Draw a line',10947: 'Draw a shape',10948: 'Add an image',10949: 'Save',10950: 'Saved',10952: 'Please enter the URL to an image',11761: 'Please enter the URL of the image you want to overlay on the map.\n\ne.g. %1$s',10959: 'Edit',10960: 'Delete',10961: 'Drag to reposition this line',10962: 'Drag to reposition this shape',10963: 'Drag to move this point',10964: 'Drag to move this point',10965: 'Double-click to end this shape.',10966: 'Click to continue drawing a shape',10967: 'Double-click to end this line',10968: 'Click to continue drawing a line',11054: 'Drag to move this placemark',10969: 'Plain text',10970: 'Edit HTML',10868: 'First select the text that you want to make into a link.',10869: 'Enter a URL',10870: 'Huge',10871: 'Large',10872: 'Normal',10873: 'Small',10874: 'Bold',10875: 'Italic',10876: 'Underline',10877: 'Font',10878: 'Size',10879: 'Text Color',10880: 'Highlight Color',10881: 'Remove Formatting',10882: 'Link',10883: 'Numbered List',10884: 'Bulleted List',10885: 'Indent Less',10886: 'Indent More',10887: 'Align Left',10888: 'Align Center',10889: 'Align Right',10890: 'Insert Image',11098: 'Normal',11099: 'Times New Roman',11117: 'Arial',11101: 'Courier New',11102: 'Georgia',11103: 'Trebuchet',11104: 'Verdana',10913: 'Are you sure you want to delete this map?',10971: 'Are you sure you want to delete this placemark?',10972: 'Are you sure you want to delete this line?',10973: 'Are you sure you want to delete this shape?',10976: 'Are you sure you want to abandon unsaved changes to your map?',10977: 'Color',10978: 'Opacity',10979: 'Filled?',10980: 'Advanced',10981: 'Basic',10982: 'Line width (pixels)',11018: 'Properties',10914: 'This map does not exist.',11134: 'Edit title/settings',11068: 'Create new map',10529: 'My Maps',11055: 'Unable to contact server.',11056: 'Last saved at %1$s',11057: 'Edit line style',11059: 'Convert to filled shape',11058: 'Edit shape style',11072: 'Photo',11110: 'Maximum character length exceeded.',11124: 'You are no longer signed in to your Google Account.',11125: 'Please sign in',11126: 'To save your map, please sign in as %1$s',11127: 'Sorry, we\x27re having technical difficulties.\x3cbr /\x3e(Error code %1$d)',11128: 'Unable to save.',11129: 'View only',11130: 'Public',11131: 'Unlisted',11178: 'Public maps are included in search results.',11179: 'Learn more',11133: '',11371: 'Saved from \x3ca href\x3d\x22%1$s\x22\x3e%2$s\x3c/a\x3e',12259: 'Internal only',11551: 'Default icons',11552: 'My icons',11553: 'Add an icon',11554: 'You can link to a
JPG, GIF, BMP or PNG file on the web.',11555: 'Icons larger than 64x64 pixels will be scaled down on the map.',11556: 'Enter the URL for the new icon.',11535: 'Total distance:',11585: 'Import KML',11586: 'Add map data from a KML, KMZ, or GeoRSS file to this map. This may take a few minutes depending on the speed of your internet connection.',11587: 'Maximum size: 10MB',11588: 'Browse your computer to select map data to upload',11589: 'Clear',11590: 'Or enter the url of map data on the web',11591: 'Replace everything on this map with the uploaded file',11592: 'All existing features will be deleted!',11593: 'Upload',11594: 'Upload from File',11595: 'Upload from URL',11596: 'Import KML...',11597: 'Try again',11598: 'Cancel',11599: 'Uploading file...',11600: 'Please wait \x26mdash; this may take a few minutes depending on the speed of your internet connection.',11601: 'Don\x27t worry \x26mdash; your file is still uploading. Please wait a little longer!',11602: 'We could not finish uploading your file.',11603: 'No changes have been made to the map.',11649: 'Enter the url of map data on the web',11714: 'Done',11745: 'Privacy settings',11746: 'Allow others to find this map in search results and on your profile.',11755: 'Are you sure you want to delete this placemark?',11771: 'Import',11615: '%1$s views',11651: 'Write a comment',3077: 'Rated %1$\x27.1f out of %2$\x27.1f',11903: 'Rate this map',11886: '%1$s ratings',11652: '%1$s comments',11911: 'Drop here to move to the previous page',11912: 'Drop here to move to the next page',12157: 'Drag to resize image',12158: 'Drag to move image',12422: 'Your change will erase some hidden details that you created when you were more zoomed in. Continue and discard the details?',12423: 'Your change will erase some hidden details you created when you were more zoomed in. Continue and discard %1$s of the details?',10985: 'Zoom in',10986: 'Zoom out',11047: 'Center map here',10983: 'Clear search results',10935: 'Save to My Maps',11208: 'Add a destination',11209: 'Remove this destination',11271: 'Directions from here',11272: 'Directions to here',11494: 'Share this map',11495: 'Send invitations',11496: 'Separate email addresses with commas',11497: 'Allow anyone to edit this map',11498: 'Collaborators',11499: 'Collaborators may invite others',11500: 'Remove',11501: 'Are you sure you want to remove %1$s as a collaborator?',11502: 'Invite people as collaborators',11503: 'Message:',11504: 'I\x27ve shared a map with you called %1$s:',11505: 'Add your message (optional)',11506: 'Send me a copy of this invitation',11507: 'Advanced Permissions',11509: 'remove all',11510: 'owner',11511: 'Collaborators may edit the map and invite others.',11512: 'Collaborators may edit the map.',11513: 'Me',11514: 'Are you sure you want to remove all collaborators?',11515: '1 Collaborator',11516: '%1$d Collaborators',11517: 'Open Collaboration',11533: 'Sending Message...',11534: 'Collaborators have been invited.',11694: 'Add Collaborators',11717: 'Invite collaborators',11718: 'Manage collaborators',11719: 'Only the owner may change these settings',11770: 'Collaborate',12215: 'Help improve this feature:',11550: 'Take our survey!',10706: 'e.g. %1$s',1557: 'Google Maps',11023: 'Send',11024: 'Send to:',11025: 'Email',11026: 'Car',11027: 'Include:',11028: 'Info:',11029: 'Notes:',11030: 'Cancel',11060: '\x3ca href\x3d\x22%1$s\x22\x3eLearn more\x3c/a\x3e.',11066: 'Required field',11031: 'Google Maps can send information to cars with \x3ca href\x3d\x22%1$s\x22\x3eBMW Assist\x3c/a\x3e.',11032: 'BMW Assist account name:',11033: 'Remember my account name',11034: 'Send \x26raquo;',11062: 'Sending to car ...',11035: 'Message was successfully sent to car!',11036: 'Sorry, we were unable to send this message. Please visit \x3ca href\x3d\x22%1$s\x22\x3eBMW Assist\x3c/a\x3e and try again.',11879: 'Phone',11878: 'All search results',11932: 'To:',11933: 'Carrier:',11934: 'Remember this information',11935: 'If you encounter any problems receiving messages from us, please see the \x3ca target\x3d_blank href\x3d\x22%1$s\x22\x3eFAQ\x3c/a\x3e.',11936: 'This information may be logged. See \x3ca target\x3d_blank href\x3d\x22%1$s\x22\x3ePrivacy Policy\x3c/a\x3e.',11937: 'Message sent!',11964: '(Characters are not casesensitive)',11965: 'To protect you from unsolicited messages, please type in the characters you see in the image.',12023: 'We are sorry, our phone service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.',12035: 'Data error.',12036:
'Please try another item.',11039: 'To:',11040: 'From:',11041: 'Separate emails with ,',11042: 'Send a copy to my email.',11043: 'Message:',11044: 'Include business info.',11045: 'Send \x26raquo;',11061: 'Sending email ...',11063: 'Email was successfully sent!',11064: 'Sorry, we were unable to send this message. Please try again later.',11074: 'Link: %1$s',11067: 'This email was sent to you by a user on %1$s (%2$s)',11075: 'Please select a result...',11076: 'Search results',10032: 'Directions',11077: 'Search results for \x22%1$s\x22',1601: 'Driving Directions',11079: 'Start address: %1$s',11080: 'End address: %1$s',11081: 'Travel: %1$s',11082: 'Start at: %1$s',10118: 'Arrive at: %1$s',11083: 'A %1$s link',11084: 'Hi, I\x27d like to share a %1$s link with you.',11085: 'Driving directions to %1$s',12361: 'Directions to %1$s',11086: '',11087: '\x3d61175',11364: 'Invalid email address',11396: 'Data by %1$s',11393: 'Google Maps can send information to your navigation system.',11633: 'Google Maps can send information to cars with \x3ca href\x3d\x22%1$s\x22\x3eMercedes-Benz Search\x26amp;Send powered by Tele Aid\x3c/a\x3e.',12009: 'Phone number:',11417: '\x3d12387',11459: '',11383: 'BMW Assist country:',11395: 'BMW Austria',11385: 'BMW Germany',11386: 'BMW UK',11387: 'BMW Italy',11388: 'Mercedes Tele Aid e-mail address:',11389: 'Make:',11390: 'BMW',11391: 'MercedesBenz',11384: 'Select one...',11613: 'Sorry, we were unable to send this message at this time. Please visit the \x3ca href\x3d\x22%1$s\x22\x3ehelp page\x3c/a\x3e.',11394: '',11455: 'Google Maps can send information to \x3ca href\x3d\x22%1$s\x22\x3e%2$s\x3c/a\x3e.',11540: 'Type the characters you see in the picture below.',11541: 'Letters are not casesensitive.',11456: 'GPS',12146: 'Brand:',11457: 'Sending to gps ...',12008: 'Name:',12144: 'Remember this account',12379: 'Use as default',12476: 'Total price: %1$s',12475: 'Direction: %1$s',12474: 'Walk to %1$s',10788: 'Transit',1935: 'View Larger Map',11014: 'Today',11151: 'Please do not use inappropriate words such as: %1$s',11929: 'Nickname unavailable',10953: 'If you continue, you will lose unsaved changes.',11250: '\x3ca href\x3d\x22%1$s\x22\x3eSign in\x3c/a\x3e to view my existing bookmarks',11245: 'Drag to change route',12470: 'Use caution \x26ndash; This route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths.',12216: 'Walking directions are in beta.',12217: 'Use caution when walking in unfamiliar areas.',12131: 'By car',12132: 'By public transit',12133: 'Walking',1537: 'miles',1616: 'km',11207: 'Avoid highways',12446: 'Avoid tolls',11653: 'By %1$s',11877: 'From %1$s - %2$s views',11886: '%1$s ratings',12344: 'Panoramio',10206: 'from',10207: 'to',10208: '^(?:(?:.*?)\\s+)(?:(?:in|near| around|close to):?\\s+)(.+)$',11206: 'Please wait...',11324: 'Editing',11927: 'Apply',11928: 'Reject',11204: 'Edit details',11277: 'Place name',11278: 'Address',11280: 'Remove place',11281: 'Save',11282: 'Cancel',11536: 'View history',11680: 'Edit',11681: 'Edit',11682: 'Claim your business',11712: 'Type of place',11720: 'Phone',11721: 'Website',11722: 'Add another type',11727: 'Search',11731: 'Marker moved %1$s.',11734: 'Revert',11735: 'Address found.',11740: 'Changes saved.',11753: 'Are you the owner?',11760: 'Move marker',11763: 'Move to original location',11773: 'Drag the marker to the primary entrance of this place.',11774: 'Use \x3cspan transclude\x3d\x22sssatellitelink\x22\x3e\x26nbsp;\x3c/span\x3e view to help you position the marker.',11782: 'Edit details',11788: 'You\x27ve moved the marker over 200 meters. This change will not appear immediately.',11793: 'Connection error: please check your internet connection and try again',11795: 'At original location',11796: 'Note: If you move the marker more than 200 meters, your change will not appear immediately.',11844: 'Server error. Please try again later.',11854: 'Because of technical restrictions, you cannot edit this location at this time.',11861: 'This change will not appear immediately.',11896: 'Moderation',11897: 'Approve info',11898: 'Canceled approval',11899: 'Info
approved',11900: 'Failed to approve this place\x27s info',11901: 'Only places with saved edits can be approved',11902: 'Approve the information on this place?',11908: 'Moderate Suggestions',11916: 'Step 1 of 2',11917: 'Step 2 of 2',11977: 'You made too many edits recently, please try again later.',12375: 'Your edit will be reviewed before becoming publicly visible.',12481: 'Notice: If you make an edit, your IP address will be saved and displayed.',12279: 'Changed by %2$s at %1$s:',11695: 'Remove this place',11696: 'Why should this be removed?',11697: 'It is a duplicate of another place',11698: 'It is permanently closed',11700: 'It doesn\x27t exist',11701: 'It is private, or not relevant to the general public',11704: 'Comments',11705: 'Remove',11707: 'Added by %2$s at %1$s:',11708: 'Deleted by %2$s at %1$s:',11709: 'Undeleted by %2$s at %1$s:',11710: 'Approved by %2$s at %1$s:',11711: 'Reverted by %2$s at %1$s:',11765: 'Removal requested',12308: 'Thank you for your suggestion. We will investigate the place you have flagged. We appreciate your patience.',11849: 'Edits to this location will not appear immediately.',11858: 'Thank you for your suggestion.',11871: 'Restore place',11874: 'Restored place.',11914: 'This link may be harmful and will not appear immediately.',11980: 'Restore this place',11981: 'Reason for restoring this place',11982: 'Restore',12003: 'Comments by %1$s',12004: 'This place was removed by %1$s because there is no such place.',12005: 'This place was removed by %1$s because it is permanently closed.',12006: 'This place was removed by %1$s because it is a duplicate of another place.',12007: 'This place was removed by %1$s because it is private or not relevant to the general public.',12014: 'Preview edits',12015: 'Verify that your edits are accurate. If the address is in the wrong physical location, move the marker.',12016: 'Preview \x26raquo;',12017: 'Provide location',12018: 'Add places that physically exist, such as a monument or pizza shop.',12019: 'Enter an address',12020: 'Or drag the marker to the primary entrance of this place.',12021: 'Enter an address or drag the marker.',12022: 'We could not find this address. Please try again or drag the marker.',12027: 'Add details',12028: 'Add a place that physically exists, such as a monument or pizza shop.',12029: 'Address or marker is incorrect',12030: 'If the address is incorrect, ',12031: 'edit the address.',12032: 'If the address is correct but in the wrong location, drag the marker.',12041: 'You have saved a new place. Google Maps will display this place to all users in a few minutes.',12042: 'Add a place to the map',12043: 'Provide location and details using the info window on the map.',12044: 'Once you save your place, the whole world can find your addition by searching for it within a few minutes.',12045: 'Once you save your place, you can find it by searching for it within a few minutes.',12054: 'Required field',12055: 'Examples: Dentist, Park',12097: 'Use \x3cspan transclude\x3d\x22ssplsatellitelink\x22\x3e\x26nbsp;\x3c/span\x3e view to help you position the marker.',12106: 'We could not save your change because it appears to contain inappropriate language.',12107: 'We could not save your changes because editing is currently not allowed in this country.',12108: 'We could not save your change because the \x22Place name\x22 is invalid.',12109: 'We could not save your change because the \x22Website\x22 link is invalid.',12110: 'This change will not appear immediately because the website may be inappropriate.',12115: 'We do not support adding a place here yet.',12173: 'Rollback edits',12193: 'Your addition has been saved and will be searchable in a few minutes.',12366: 'Google Maps has found places with similar names and addresses. Would you like to edit one of the following:',12367: 'Show more similar places \x26raquo;',12368: 'See more details for each similar place \x26raquo;',12380: 'Google Maps has found places with similar names nearby.',12381: 'Show all similar places in new window',12384: 'No, I want to add a new place.',12385: 'Would you like to edit one of these instead?',12099: 'More...',12100: 'Show/Hide Layers',12101: 'Hide all',12102: 'Photos',12103: 'Videos',12210: 'Wikipedia',12336: '[^0-9.,-]?(-?[09.,]+)\\s*(.*?)',12337: 'Please enter a number.',12196: 'By \x3ca href\x3d\x22%1$s\x22 target\x3d\x22panoramio\x22\x3e%2$s\x3c/a\x3e',12197: 'By %1$s',12198: '\x3ca href\x3d\x22%1$s\x22