Contans Qa Cocoaq0909 Final

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,180
  • Pages: 3
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1. Application 1. Do I have to apply Contans every year or can I apply in the year that field is in a susceptible crop? Typically Contans is applied in the spring or prior fall to a field that will have the susceptible crop for that year. However Contans may be applied during the year of a non-host crop (i.e. Corn) to continue to reduce the amount of sclerotia in the soil. 2. I am only going to make one application - should it be fall or spring? A fall application is better due to the fact that Contans has more time to degrade the sclerotia. It takes Contans two - three months to break down the sclerotia in the soil. Since Contans is a fungal product, it enjoys an environment of cool and moist weather. 3. If I am only going to make one application should I increase the rate? Contans reduces the amount of sclerotia by 80-85% each year it is used. The more beneficial fungus (Contans) applied the greater the reduction in the populations of sclerotia. Tillage and soil movement will bring deeper, less active sclerotia to the surface where it will become more active. More than one application is recommended to help reduce the amount of sclerotia in the soil. 4. What is the best way to apply Contans in a no-till or minimum till situation? Apply Contans early in the spring or in the fall before a rain event. 5. After application of Contans how much soil disturbance can take place and not affect the product? We would like to see the product stay in the top 1-2 inches of the soil profile so that it comes into contact with the active sclerotia populations that form apothecia which then form the ascospores. 6. If I do not incorporate Contans, how much rainfall do I need to move it into the soil? A half inch to one inch rainfall will help incorporate the product. 7. The Contans label says to incorporate 2 inches deep. This is impossible to do with corn stalk residue. When and how should I incorporate Contans on corn stalks going to beans? The label states that the product should be incorporated in the top two inches of the soil. This is because the sclerotia that form apothecia that cause infection are in the top two inches of soil. If you are unable to mechanically incorporate Contans in the first two inches of soil, spray Contans on the soil before a rain event to help incorporate the product. 8. Which is better - spring or fall application? A fall application is better due to the fact that Contans has more time to degrade the sclerotia. It takes Contans two - three months to break down the sclerotia in the soil. Since Contans is a fungal product, it enjoys an environment of cool and moist weather.

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9. I conduct deep tillage before planting beans in the spring. Can I apply Contans either at planting or after planting, without incorporation? There are many growers who apply the product without incorporating. Keep in mind that Contans is a living fungus and it needs to be in contact with the sclerotia in cool moist conditions. If incorporation cannot be done, it would be advantageous for you to apply Contans before a rain event or irrigate into the top 2 inches of soil. Do not apply Contans during a week of hot weather (80 degrees Fahrenheit) on dry soil. 10. Do I need to rinse my application equipment after using Contans? It is recommended that you rinse your booms out after a Contans application. 2. Crop Rotation 1. I am going to corn next year, what is the benefit of a Contans application in that cropping rotation? The benefit of Contans being applied on the soybean stubble in the fall before corn is that the product is working on the sclerotia during a non-host crop. The non-susceptible crop will not produce more sclerotia therefore Contans has more time to break down the sclerotia in the soil. 3. Water 1. You say not to tank mix Contans with chlorinated products, such as metolachlor and alachlor. I use chlorine-treated municipal water for my carrier. Can I still use Contans with this water? You can use Contans with chlorine treated water because the amount of chlorine in chlorinated water falls below the level that would cause an issue with Contans. 2. Will using city water affect the performance of Contans? No. See question 1 above. 4. Tank Mixing 1. Can I tank mix Contans with liquid fertilizer? Do not mix Contans with liquid fertilizer. The high concentration of fertilizer will kill the spores in solution 2. What products can Contans be tank mixed with? Contans can be tank mixed with Treflan, Prowl, Sonalan, Roundup and many other preemerge herbicides. See your CONTANS distributor for specific tank mix compatibility. 3. What products are DO NOT tank mix with? Remember Contans is a naturally occurring fungus. Do not mix Contans with fertilizer or other fungicides. 4. When tank mixing with other products, should Contans go in the tank first or last? Since Contans is a wettable granular, it can go into


© 2009 Sipcam Agro USA, Inc. Contans is a registered trademark of PROPHYTA Biologischer Pflanzenschutz GmbH. Always read and follow label instructions.


the tank first followed by a liquid. The sooner the spores can be sprayed onto the field, the greater the performance. 5. Storage 1. I have some Contans left over from spring. How should I store it until fall or next spring? In order to ensure viability of the product, store left over Contans in a freezer. 2. Can Contans be left in warehouse over winter in the Midwest as opposed to being in refrigerator? Due to the varying temperature changes in the spring, we would prefer that the product stays in a controlled environment in order to ensure viability of the product. 3. How should I store Contans till time of use? In order to ensure viability of the product, it is always best to store Contans in a freezer. 4. Can Contans freeze and thaw? Contans is kept frozen and can be thawed out before application. When Contans is kept frozen, it puts the organism to sleep. Unused, unmixed product can be re-frozen to ensure viability. 5. At what soil temperature does Contans not work? Above 80 degrees Fahrenheit is when Contans does not work as well in the soil. 6. How long does Contans last in a refrigerator? The manufacturer states that at 50 degrees Fahrenheit, the shelf-life of the product is 30 days. If you store the product at 40 degrees, the shelf-life is 6 months. Below freezing the shelf-life is over one year. 7. My dealer delivered Contans last week. I won’t be applying Contans for another three weeks. How should I store Contans to ensure product integrity? The cooler the product stays, the better the product integrity. Store below 40 degrees Fahrenheit or freeze until ready to use.

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