Constitution Of Brac University Alumni Association

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  • Words: 2,152
  • Pages: 7
Constitution of BRAC University Alumni Association 1. THE ASSOCIATION 1.1. The official name of the Association shall be “BRAC University Alumni Association / BRACU Alumni Association” (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”). 1.2. The Association’s mission and objectives shall be to: 1.2.1. promote the interests and support the needs of BRAC University alumni so that: a.

the Association and its members (the alumni) enjoy extensive visibility;


the quality and quantity of programs and services meet the changing needs of alumni;

c. guide and mentor students for their career development d.

build fund-raising support


the Association is an effective organization


establish and strengthen bonds between alumni and BRAC University (faculty, students, administration and friends) so that: a.

a substantive number of alumni participate in activities and events;


the Association and alumni are an integral part of the campus community;


promote and support BRAC University as a bilingual centre of academic excellence with an international perspective so that: a.

the University enjoys an excellent profile and image;


the pursuit of higher education and research is encouraged and supported

2. MEMBERS 2.1. The word “alumnus” shall mean any person who: 2.1.1. has obtained an honorary or regular degree (undergraduate or post graduate), certificate or diploma from BRAC University; 2.1.2. was formally enrolled at BRAC University as a full-time student for a period of not less than two semesters, or the equivalent thereof; or 2.1.3. was formally enrolled at BRAC University as a part-time student for a period of not less than two semesters 2.2. All alumni shall be automatically be members of the Association

3. GENERAL MEETING OF MEMBERS 3.1. An Annual General Meeting of members shall be held every year for the purposes of: 3.1.1. appointing members to the Executive Committee according to the procedure established by Bylaw; 3.1.2. considering, upon such notice established by Bylaw, substantive motions, including those to amend the Constitution or the Bylaws; 3.1.3. receiving reports from the Executive Committee or Sub committees; and 3.1.4. presenting awards, prizes and certificates of recognition.

3.2. A quorum of twenty members shall be present for the disposition of substantive motions.

4. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 4.1. The Executive Committee shall consist of: (a) a President (b) Two Vice Presidents (c) A Secretary (d) A Treasurer (e) the immediate Past-President 4.2. Unless otherwise provided, the term of office of members appointed to the Executive Committee shall be exactly one year from the day of appointment or at the adjournment of the Annual General Meeting of members, whichever shall come first. 4.3. Members of the Executive Committee shall also act as members of BRAC University Alumni Association. 4.4. Without restriction to the generality of the foregoing, the Executive Committee (a) shall meet not less than four times a year (b) shall be convened within 2 weeks at the request of the other members (c) shall, between General Meetings of the members, have full power and authority to manage the affairs of the Association. (d) may exercise such powers and take such steps as are not, under the Constitution, reserved to the membership of the Association at General Meetings of members;

(e) may fill vacancy within the Executive Committee; (f) may appoint committees and delegate to them such powers as it may deem advisable; and (g) may approve such strategic, action or financial plans, policies or resolutions as it may deem advisable. 4.5. The quorum for meetings shall be the majority of its members of the Executive Committee and the Sub Committees.

5. SUBCOMMITTEES Each subcommittee will be headed by a Secretary. 5.1. Finance Committee The Finance Committee shall have oversight and approval of the frame work governing BRACU Alumni finances with the authority to review, advise and make decisions on matters relating to the financial status of the Association. 5.2. Events Committee The Events Committee shall be responsible for arranging and organizing BRACU Alumni events such as Induction Ceremony of new graduates to the Association, annual picnics, annual dinners, bankers night and other similar activities. 5.3. Member Services Committee The Member Services Committee shall be responsible for admitting every undergraduate or post graduate into the Association.

5.4. Website / Group Email Committee The Website / Group Email Committee shall be responsible for preserving the sanctity for the Association’s website and the Association’s email 5.5. Election Committee The Election Committee shall be responsible for identifying and nominating potential candidates for the Executive and Subcommittees. The Committee will also regularly review the structure, size and composition (including skills, knowledge and experience) of the board and make recommendations to the board with regard to any changes.

6. AMENDMENTS 6.1. The Constitution may be amended: (a) at a General Meeting of members, upon such notice as may be established by Bylaw, by a twothirds majority of the members present and voting; or (b) by a resolution of two-thirds of the members of the Board of Directors, provided that such amendment shall be deemed to have been rescinded if within 18 months of its adoption, it is not confirmed at a General Meeting of members by a majority of the members present and voting. 6.2. The Bylaws may be amended: (a) at a General Meeting of members, upon such notice as may be established by Bylaw, by a majority of the members present and voting; or (b) by a resolution of the majority of the members of the Executive Committee present and voting

7. GENERAL PROVISIONS 7.1. The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on June 1 and shall end on May 31 of each year. 7.2. The official languages of Bangladesh shall be the languages used by the Association 7.3. The Association’s logo shall be circular in form with the grey circles representing that of the logo of BRAC University. The green shades depicts BRAC University graduates as creators or horizon and the continuous flow of the green shades resembles their unity, ambitions and success. The name “BRACU Alumni” will appear at the bottom of the logo. 7.4. The Association shall adhere to the principles of equal opportunity for men and women and nondiscrimination in all matters related to gender, race, creed or age. 7.5. With the exception of General Meetings of members, all Association meetings may be held other than in person. 7.6. Unless otherwise provided, the use in the Constitution and the Bylaws of the masculine or neutral form shall apply to men and women. 7.7. Where new appointments are required to fill vacancies on the Executive Committee or Subcommittees, those appointments shall be in accordance with this Constitution.

Bylaw No.1 - Notices 1. GENERAL MEETING OF MEMBERS 1.1. Notice of a General Meeting shall be posted on the internet at least: (a) 30 days in advance for an Annual General Meeting of members scheduled in May; or (b) 60 days in advance in all other cases. 1.2. Due notice for the consideration of a substantive motion at a General Meeting of members shall be deemed to have given if: (a) the text if the motion: i. has been received by the Secretary, along with at least 50 alumni names and signatures, at least 60 days in advance; or ii. has been recommended for submission to a General Meeting of members by the Executive Committee; and (b) the text of the motion is posted on the internet at least 30 days prior to the General Meeting of members.

2. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 2.1. Notices of meetings of the Executive Committee shall be issued by mail, email or fax at least 30 days in advance unless waived by two-thirds of the directors

3. SUBCOMMITTEES 3.1. Notices of meetings of any subcommittee shall be issued by mail, email or fax at least two weeks in advance unless waived by two-thirds of the Officers.

Bylaw No.2 – Appointment of members to the Executive Committee 1. ELECTIONS COMMITTEE 1.1. The Elections Committee: (a) shall be comprised of: i.

the President;


the two Vice Presidents;


the Immediate Past-President; and


two other persons appointed by the Executive Committee for a one-year term;

(b) shall be responsible for the application of this Bylaw; and (c) will search, screen, interview and propose to the General Meeting of members candidates for appointment to the Executive Committee (d) all submissions will be contacted with regard to their placement on the Executive Committee and/or the Alumni Association.

2. CALL FOR NOMINATIONS 2.1. A call for nomination: (a) shall be posted on the internet of mailed to members at least four weeks before the close of nominations; and (b) shall provide the description of the various Executive Committee positions for which nominations are sought, the applicable deadlines, and an explanation of the appointment process or a reference as to where that information may be obtained. 2.2. Nominations shall be accompanied by a cover letter indicating the position sought and any such other document or information which may be of interest to the Elections Committee, 2.3. The Elections Committee shall consider all nominations received and may, notwithstanding the nominations received, give consideration to any other candidate it may deem desirable. 2.4. Nominations shall remain open for five weeks for the day of posting or mailing of the call for nominations

3. ELIGIBILITY FOR APPOINTMENT 3.1. Any person who is an alumnus of BRAC University may be considered for appointment to the Executive Committee 3.2. In proposing candidates for appointment to the Executive Committee, the Elections Committee should be guided by the following considerations: (a) matching a candidate’s skills and competencies to the requirements of the position; (b) maintaining continuity while renewing the membership; (c) encouraging demographic diversity (gender, age, ethnicity)

(d) no person should occupy the same position for more than two consecutive years and (e) no person should be a member of the Executive Committee for more than five consecutive years. 3.3. Questions of eligibility shall be referred to and decided by the Elections Committee

4. REPORT OF THE ELECTIONS COMMITTEE 4.1. The report of the Elections Committee shall: (a) include the names of candidates proposed for appointment to the Executive Committee and the number of nominations received but not retained; (b) be forwarded to the members of the Executive Committee and posted on the internet site at least twenty-one calendar days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting of members. 4.2. Notwithstanding Section 4.1 of this Bylaw, if a proposed candidate declines to accept the position of Executive Committee member prior to the Annual General Meeting of members, the Elections Committee may propose another candidate in his stead without notice. 4.3. The President shall report the Elections Committee’s recommendations at the Annual General Meeting of members. 4.4. A motion to concur in the Election Committee’s Report: (a) may be moved without notice; (b) may be subject to debate for a period not exceeding one hour; (c) may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting if a notice of amendment was filed with the Secretary at least seven days in advance; (d) shall, if carried by a majority of the members present and voting, constitute a resolution for the appointment of the proposed candidates to the Board of Directors, and (e) shall, if defeated, constitute an order for the re-appointment for an additional term of those appointed Executive Committee members whose term was due to expire.

Bylaw No. 3 – Responsibilities of the members of the Executive Committee 1. SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES 1.1. The President shall: (a) be responsible for: i.

convening, setting agendas and chairing General Meetings of members, meetings of the Executive Committee and meetings of the Subcommittees;


managing the affairs of the Association between General Meetings of members, meetings of the Executive Committee and meetings of the Subcommittees;

(b) represent the Association and act as its spokesman. 1.2. The Vice President (a) shall be responsible for the strategic and action plans, including


organizing a major review of the strategic plan every two years;


producing a triennial action plan and updating it annually


compiling performance data; and


reporting on targeted and attained results; and

(b) shall exercise the duties and functions of the President in the absence of the President 1.3. The Treasurer shall be responsible for: (a) producing and tabling financial statements; (b) maintaining the accounts of the Association; and (c) developing, communicating and applying financial policies and plans, including financial assistance programs. 1.4. The Secretary: (a) shall be responsible for: i.

ensuring that notices are sent on a timely basis;


finalizing the contents of minutes of meetings prior to their distribution;


maintaining a log of follow-up action or pending business;


liasing with directors and committee chairs for matters which need to be reported back to the Executive Committee of the Subcommittees; and


communicating information relating to Association meetings;

2. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1. The Executive Committee or Subcommittees may, from time to time, assign such other responsibilities to directors as it may deem desirable.

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