Conspiracy: Theory?

  • June 2020
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The question was recently put to me in the course of an internet dialog regarding conspiracy theories, "Ian, can you give examples of conspiracy theories which have been proven true?" Toward the satisfaction of this question I offered the following: IAN: If we define "proven true" as "that which is accepted by the GovtMedia," and thus by the majority of people, I'd be hard-pressed to point to a conspiracy "proven true." If we define "proven true" as "consistent with facts," then there are many conspiracy theories proven true, such as: CONSPIRACY THEORY 1: Attica prison guards killed all the prisoners and hostages during the 1971 Attica prison riot. FACT: The GovtMedia reported that the prisoners cut the hostage's throats. Headlines even read "I Saw The Slit Throats." Recently, 25 years later, the man who did the autopsies, Dr. Baden, said on the HBO series "Autopsy" that the guards shot everyone and the stories to the contrary were a Big Lie. Yet the media line is still the govt line. It becomes clear after a little research that the media serves the State. CONSPIRACY THEORY 2: Many people who died during the final assault on the Branch Davidian community in Waco, TX, were killed by the FBI, not at the hands of Davidian members as reported. The GovtMedia conspires to cover-up and censor facts proving this. FACT 1: In November of '93, pathologist Dr. Rodney Crowe, who did autopsies on surviving bodies from the Waco fire, said on the Murry Povich Show that the children who died of blunt-force trauma were in fact * crushed to death after a tank collapsed a concrete wall on them. * The children and their mothers -- over 40 women and children -- were this concrete room ( which the govt called "the bunker" ) trying to survive, not to kill themselves as the GovtMedia would have us think. They were all killed. The GovtMedia told us that these children were "beaten to death by their parent in the final moments." Dr. Crowe was irate about this gross example of GovtMedia disinformation.

FACT 2: Medical examiner Nizaam Peerwani testified at the Davidian's trial that three women and six children in that concrete room died of suffocation *before* the fire. He suspects it was due to CS gas (Trial transcripts: 5979, 6029). Did you hear about that on the news? Nope. Ms. Reno said she does not think CS can be lethal to children, yet the label on all CS canisters says that CS used indoors can be fatal to children. Before the fire, a tank shot several * exploding * CS rounds pointblank into that small room filled with women and children. Mt Carmel was heavily bugged, so they had to know where the women and children were. Notice how these *facts* are censored from all news coverage. That is itself proof of conspiracy to cover-up mass murder. More: FACT 3: According to former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark, infra-red (FLIR) video taken from the FBI's own helicopter proves that the FBI fired heavily with full-auto-machine-guns into the Mt Carmel center just as the fire started, which was when people would most likely try to exit. The FLIR video also proves that Davidians did NOT fire out at the tanks on that day as reported by the GovtMedia. That bit of disinformation was a key pretext to speeding up the demolition of the building. Ramsey Clark will be using this FLIR video in upcoming wrongful death suits against the so-called "Department of Justice." Ramsey Clark spoke about this FLIR video footage at the April 19, 1996 memorial gathering in Waco, TX. FACT 4: Toxicologist Dr. William Marcus, testified at the Congressional Hearings on Waco that the CS molecule contains a "cyanide radical" that could have been transdermally absorbed by the children due to their thin skin. CS also converts to hydrogen cyanide upon heating. In fact, surviving bodies where found to contain very high levels of cyanide. Dr. Marcus also observed that CS is a heavy particle that is suspended in the air like a gas only for a brief period when carried by the flammable and toxic agent methyl chloride, thus CS particles fall quickly to the ground. The FBI calculated that if spread evenly over the known sq. feet of indoor space, the tons of CS pumped in should not have exceeded safe levels. But this is a deception because, as CS quickly falls, very high concentrations would be found toward the floor along with the children and fallen adults, in fact, 10 to 100x higher than if uniformly distributed. I believe that these facts prove the conspiracy theory that the govt killed many or most of the people who died on April 19, 1993 at Waco, Waco, TX. The facts also strongly suggest, to as the least, that the govt killed with intent. They also prove that the media censors all those facts that indicate govt culpability in favor of false claims that demonize the victims of govt abuse, thereby rendering the media a willing accessory to mass murder and to the obstruction of justice. CONSPIRACY THEORY 3: The FBI facilitated and allowed the World Trade Center bombing to happen when they could have stopped it. FACTS: As reported by The New York Times (10/28/93) and CNN, Mr. Salem, a 43-year-old former Egyptian Army officer, was used by the

FBI to infiltrate the terrorists later charged in the Trade Center bombing. The original plan told to Mr. Salem was that his job was to see to it that fake explosives were used, then the bombers would be busted for planting what they thought was a real bomb with no possibility of anybody getting hurt. A good plan. Mr. Salem secretly tape-recorded hundreds of hours of his telephonic communications with authorities without their knowledge. The recordings reveal that the FBI changed the original plan and told Mr. Salem NOT to use the fake explosives but to use REAL explosives. The FBI agent who told him to use real explosives was adamant about this. I saw and heard this on CNN in '93 and could not believe my eyes and ears, I thought, "We'll never hear the end of this." Boy was I wrong, it totally disappeared. Alas, there is an excerpt of some of this that was printed in The New York Times (10/28/93) available at: While these recordings were played in preliminary court hearings, they were barred from the actual trial because Mr. Salem made them without the permission of the FBI agents. The govt can bug you without your permission, but the opposite is not also true -- that's tyranny. The tapes exist, and they prove that the FBI de facto orchestrated the bombing of the World Trade Center, an act that would result in massive new police powers for the FBI. However, because the tapes were barred from court, the media simply pretends they don't exist and the truth is forever nullified from the official GovtMedia story, exiled to the dark allies of seedy conspiracy theory. They say that tens of thousands would have died if the truck-bomb had been able to park in the spot the bombers had reserved, right next to a key column, but when they got there a car had taken their spot. I'd like to think someone knew about this and parked the car there to saves the lives of thousands of people. CONSPIRACY THEORY 4: The FBI fabricated evidence in the Oklahoma bombing investigation. FACT: Associated Press 04/10/96 reports that (emphasis added): Prosecutors agreed to turn over letters from FBI agent Frederic Whitehurts, who tested Mr. McVeigh's cloths for traces of explosives. Mr. Whitehurst has claimed that investigators FAKED evidence in the bombing case. ^^^^^ CONSPIRACY THEORY 5: The Govt was both involved in the April 19, 1993 Oklahoma City bombing and had foreknowledge of it, and both the govt and the media are covering this up. FACT 1: Former Grand Juror Hoppy Heidelberg, in charge of evidence in the Oklahoma City bombing case, told the press that, "No one who saw McVeigh

with other suspects [ such as John Doe #2 ], was ever allowed to testify before the Federal Grand Jury." Mr. Heidelberg was eventually thrown off the jury after he refused to stop asking questions about John Doe 2. His review of the best available evidence lead him to conclude, as was reported in both the USA Today (10/19/95) and the AP: "I think they [the govt] know who John Doe 2 is, and they are protecting him. This is because John Doe 2 was either a government agent or a government informant. Either way they [the govt] had... prior knowledge to the bombing and that's what they can't afford to come out." After this single report in the media, Mr. Heidelburg's story is for all intents and purposes gone with the wind -- no long part of the picture. FACT 2: The Portland newspaper the OREGONIAN (4/20/95), states that Judge Wayne Alley, whose office sits across from the Murrah building, was warned several days prior to the blast by "security specialists" to take "special precautions." This story never resurfaced. FACT 3: The USA Today (4/20/95) reported that Harvy Weathers, of the Oklahoma City Fire Department, said that the fire dept. had received a call from the FBI prior to the bombing stating that there would be "some people entering the city over the weekend." Weathers did not explain what this meant, but obviously an army of FBI were to enter the city after the bombing later the next week. "Over the weekend" would have been a few days before the bombing. Then consider that: FACT 4: Oklahoma State Representative Charles Key says that he knows of two witnesses who overheard ATF employees state that they were warned not to come to work that day, indeed, even as the ATF was the supposed target of the bombing, no ATF agents were killed, and few if any showed up for work that day. Representative Key also points out that bomb squad employees were seen in front of the building at 7:15 am, about two hours prior to the blast. Rep. Key has conducted his own investigation and was so shocked with the evidence he uncovered, he compiled it into a video presentation, to be found at a site also promoting the bible: FACT 5: As reported by the Associated Press, the McVeigh defense team is in possession of a tape of a call made by the FBI to Oklahoma City officials warning of a possible terrorist event in the next few days made several days prior to the blast. FACT 6: As reported widely on CNN and TV stations across the nation, up to four primed bombs were found and defused inside what remained of the Murrah Center Federal Building on April 19, 1995. I have much of this on tape. How could bombs have been placed inside a large govt building without inside govt connections ? FACT 7: According to CNN, the bombs were found by bomb sniffing dogs. The ATF later said they were dummy bombs used for bomb training in the

busy downtown office building. If true, then, containing no explosives, explosives detecting dogs would not had tracked them down as they did, nor would munitions technicians have spent so much time defusing them as they did, for, training bombs are always clearly labeled as such. The ATF's "dummy bomb" story, is at odds with the facts. FACT 8: KFOR-TV in Oklahoma City reported on the 19th that two or more of the bombs found inside were "far larger in magnitude than the fist that went off INSIDE the building" (seismic recorders at two locations both recorded TWO blasts). A terrorist expert, Dr. Randall Heather, on KFOR-TV said, "We have both of the bombs that were defused at the site and they are being taken apart." The news coverage went on to say that another bomb was found strapped to a column next to the day-care center. Up to four unexploded bombs where found inside by the end of the day. FACT 9: Brigadier General Partin (USAF, Air Force Armament Technology Laboratory, ret.), one of the top munitions experts in the world, says that blast damage patterns are NOT consistent with an ANFO truck bomb. He says that demolition charges had to be placed on the columns, and sure enough, one was found attached to a column that failed to go off. Important excerpts of Partin's report along with many photographs may be found at (very large page, select no graphics for speed): FACT 10: According to the publication Veritas (5/9/95), bomb technicians inside the building on the 19th who were finding the unexploded bombs inside the building were heard to say over police radio: First voice: Boy your not going to believe this! Second voice: Believe what? First voice: I can't believe it... this is a military bomb! At you can find an order form for a book written by Michele Marie Moore, an investigator in Oklahoma City who recorded hundreds of hours of local TV, Police, Fire and EMT broadcasts that reveal the shocking untold truth about what really happened in OK City. The result of the bombing was that the police forces of the federal govt were given massive new powers granted by the "Anti-terrorist Bill" signed at a large White House ceremony exactly one year after the OK bombing. You can also purchase the book "OKBOMB, Conspiracy and Cover-up," from A-albionic Research, P.O. Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220, for $18.80. Recommended Waco fact reference: "The Davidian Massacre." $9.00 book rate, or $11.00 first class. Mail to: Carol Moore, Box 65518, Washington, D.C. 20035. Disclaimer: I'm not making any money off the sale of these books. The above listing of facts is but a drop in the bucket of all facts that support and/or prove conspiracy on the part of the govt in only the few cases cited above. Needless to say there are many other cases with significant evidence to suggest govt conspiracy, such as the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and civil rights leader Martin Luther King, the Jonestown atrocity, the running of drugs,...

All largely or entirely censored by the major media, except as the stories are breaking, prior to an organized effort to suppress. A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their govt and their media will routinely lie to them and fabricate a reality contrary to verifiable facts, is a society that chooses and deserves the Police State Dictatorship it's going to get. ********************************************************************* *** IAN GODDARD

The term "conspiracy theory" may be a neutral descriptor for any legitimate or illegitimate claim of civil, criminal or political conspiracy. To conspire means "to join in a secret agreement to do an unlawful or wrongful act or to use such means to accomplish a lawful end."[6] However, conspiracy theory is also used to indicate a narrative genre that includes a broad selection of (not necessarily related) arguments for the existence of grand conspiracies Freemasonry is a fraternal organisation that arose from obscure origins in the late 16th to early 17th century. Freemasonry now exists in various forms all over the world, with a membership estimated at around 5 million, including just under two million in the United States and around 480,000 in England, Scotland and Ireland.[1][2] The various forms all share moral and metaphysical ideals, which include, in most cases, a constitutional declaration of belief in a Supreme Being.[3 Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, "enlightened") is a name that refers to several groups, both historical and modern, and both real and fictitious. Historically, it refers specifically to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776. In modern times it is also used to refer to a purported conspiratorial organization which acts as a shadowy "power behind the throne", allegedly controlling world affairs through present day governments and corporations, usually as a modern incarnation or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati. In this context, Illuminati is often used in reference to a New World Order (NWO). Many conspiracy theorists believe the Illuminati are the masterminds behind events that will lead to the establishment of such a New World Order. Confusing the issue further is the fact that there are also several modern fraternal groups which include the word "Illuminati" in their names. The Mafia (also known as Cosa Nostra) is a Sicilian criminal society which is believed to have emerged in late 19th century Sicily, and the first such society to be referred to as a mafia (although it is not the first organized criminal society to appear in Italy). It is a loose association of criminal groups that share a common organizational structure and code of conduct. Each group, known as a "family", "clan" or "cosca", claims sovereignty over a territory in which it operates its rackets – usually a town or village or a neighborhood of a larger city. Offshoots of the Mafia emerged in the United States, Canada, and in Australia[1] during the late 19th century following waves of Southern Italian emigration.

The Carbonari ("charcoal burners"[1]) were groups of secret revolutionary societies founded in early 19th-century Italy. Their goals were patriotic and liberal and they played an important role in the Risorgimento and the early years of Italian nationalism. Prominent members of the Carbonari included: • Silvio Pellico (1788–1854) and Pietro Maroncelli (1795–1846) both were imprisoned by the Austrians for years, many of which they spent in Spielberg fortress in Brno, Southern Moravia. After his release, Pellico wrote a book Le mie prigioni, describing in detail his ten-year ordeal. Maroncelli lost one leg in prison and was instrumental in translating and editing of Pellico's book in Paris (1833). • • • • •

Giuseppe Mazzini, Marquis de Lafayette (hero of the American and French Revolutions), Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte (the future French emperor Napoleon III) French revolutionary Blanqui. Lord Byron

Grand Master Guiseppi Mazzini 33° Founder of Italian Freemasonry Revolutionary Terrorist Leader Sicilian Gangster Mafia Founder

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