Consolidated List Of Issues_wiremasterv0.46

  • May 2020
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Consolidated list of Issues: Application: Wiremaster v0.46 Download Link: Date: Aug 15th 2009 Start Time: 09.30 PM IST End Time: 10.30 PM IST Testers: Karthikeyan, Bhargavi, Parimala Shankaraiah, Jassi, Shruti, Pradeep Soundararajan, Manoj Nair, Ajay Balamurugadas, Rajesh,

Menu 1. Help > Feedback submission takes atleast 12 seconds to submit feedback. The response time is directly proportional to the number of characters keyed in.

2. Help contains feedback form instead of Help related information which is misleading.

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3. Generate Wireframe option points to saving the file as HTML while Save option points to saving the file as XML. What big deal? Why confuse the user with Generate and Save? It could be Save as HTML or XML to make it more simple. 4. Generate Wireframe name is confusing as the wireframe is already created and viewed in HTML. 5. There is no Help file in Help menu. 6. Few items like ‘Add Container ‘in the toolbar menu does not work as intended until the toolbar is taken as a separate window. 7. When the application is closed using the close window option, in the confirmation dialog there is no option to Cancel the close option. Although there is a option of Saving -> 'Yes' or ‘No’, still application closes. Even closing the confirmation dialog window closes the application.

8. Saving a file with same name which already existed did not give any message to overwrite the file. 9. On keeping the Control + Shift + J pressed for a minute, I was able to generate as many as 633 checkboxes, one over another. This is a potential problem that might irk the users because they might think that by pressing the shortcut once they might get only one of its components and might slip their hands for a few seconds on it to discover they have to delete about hundreds of them. 10.Calendar component doesn't have a selection color around it when it is selected For more details, email: [email protected]

a. When calendar is selected there is no selection (color) around calendar. b. No way of knowing whether the component is selected or not.

11.The calendar component does not have any label value by default, while other components have a default value. Also cannot change the size of the calendar component by changing the width and height parameters.

12.The default size of the checkbox component cannot be changed by changing the width and height parameters. 13.Font sizes can be given in 100’s and 1000’s which goes beyond the screen border or cannot be seen. What is the purpose of providing the Font Sizes which may not be of use to the user but can affect the credibility of the application? 14.Label field does not have maximum length limit and accepts more than 641 characters. 15.Able to enter upto 1000000000000000000000 in font size, width & height fields. 16.The Toolbar cannot be recovered again once lost.

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17.Upon mouse over to the Hyperlink there is no change in the mouse icon. 18.After pulling the image icon it did not prompt for a file or an image to be inserted.

19.The Button component does not resemble a button when pulled on the frame.

20.Not able to expand the Calendar, when pulled on the frame.

21.Font Style/color missing for all fields containing labels.

Toolbar 1. Snap to Grid does not seem to do anything.

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2. Components on toolbar cannot be selected by clicking on the components. 3. Remove selected Component icon on toolbar does not work. 4. The icons of the toolbar appear to be an image copy that fools the user to wonder what it does. For instance, 9th from the left has a checkbox ticked symbol. Unless the user gets familiar to it, it is hard to understand if that is a real checkbox ticked or an image of that. Why confuse the designers who are trying to design things in a way to not confuse others? 5. Floating Component Properties box that appears blank has an editable interface when components are added. While it’s a cool idea to allow the users to edit it, the lack of data constrainment appears to cause meaningless components for the web page. Risk: A user might make a mistake of entering an invalid data onto the editable field and might discover that the whole page looks something different than what he expected and might not know what he did. Added to that, the X and Y or the H and W takes in large sets of numbers that are beyond the scope of a display screen. 6. Text Area and Text field icons look exactly the same 7. Toolbar looks like an action toolbar a. The toolbar looks like an action bar. b. It should show an info text somewhere that the icons are supposed to be dragged and not clicked on. Usability 1. Select any Component on the wireframe creation page > right click > delete component function should be present. 2. Tab/shift-tab keys are not working on the application. 3. Some options that are required while designing drawings are missing. 4. The options - Copy, Paste, Undo, Save as and Exit are not available here. 5. Dropdown: ALT + DOWN works. Not sure if CTRL + DOWN must work. 6. RMB options like Cut, paste, copy , delete not available in Submit Feedback dialog. 7. Tooltip of Add dropdown is "DropDown' and should be changed to ‘Add Dropdown’. 8. Tools > ADD new component list and buttons order are not matching. 9. Components can be sent outside the viewable area by typing negative co-ordinates. 10. No confirmation asked on delete operation. For more details, email: [email protected]

Preview 1. Font size for Label component is 12 while for the rest, the length is 9 (Inconsistency in font sizes :-)) 2. Rows and Columns are missing for Table component. 3. The Preview page does not have well defined borders. 4. On clicking a Component, the properties of the components are enabled in the

Component Properties window. Now if I click anywhere on the component window except the textboxes or labels, the Component Selection is disabled.

5. In Component Properties, the border drop-down looks as if it is disabled. 6. Component properties UI > The selected option in Border cannot be seen. 7. Component properties UI > The value that is being entered cannot be seen. 1. Select any component. 2. Component properties UI > Click on any of the following fields to edit values:- Font size, X, y, Width, Height 3. Enter some values. 4. We cannot see the values that we have entered. This will lead to the problem that users would not be able to see the values that they have entered and it will also be difficult if not impossible for them to edit the values. Doing this for one component is ok, but it making would be really cumbersome doing this for the entire layout. 8. Component Properties UI > The UI looks blank. a. Select a component 1. Click in the component properties UI. 2. Do not click on any of the edit fields but on the blank space within the UI. 3. The UI looks corrupted or it doesn't look right. Also, the component gets deselected on its own. 9. Component properties > UI corrupted if cursor moved within edit field. 1. Select a component. 2. Properties > Click on the label text field to edit the name of the component. 3. Move the cursor left and right within the field. 4. The cursor moves but it leaves a cursor mark where it had been making the text field look full of lines.

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10.Component properties > If Length of label goes beyond the text field width, it cannot be seen. a. 1. Select any component. 2. Properties > Click on label > Enter text that would go beyond the edit field width. 3. The text that goes beyond the width cannot be seen. 4. The cursor view should move alongwith the cursor. 5. This will make it extra difficult to edit such a label. it would be like editing it blindly. 11.Component Properties: Selecting any field highlights the box which makes the text unclear. 12.Font size -9000 allowed in the component properties window. 13.Component Properties: Minimum “width” can be zero or negative. 14.Component Properties: Container can be for size: width=0 and height=0 15.Component Properties: No minimum and maximum limit defined for all the properties. 16. Only 14 characters are displayed in the Component properties for a hyperlink by default.

17. 210 characters displayed in the hyperlink on maximize. 18. Component Properties window: Label width must be increased or scrollbar must be present. 19. No scrollbar present if the components are placed outside of the viewable area.

20.There is no option to stretch the container component towards the top or towards the left; they can only be stretched to right side or bottom side. (Note: this also seems to be the behavior of all other components which can be stretched). Feature specific 1. Able to submit blank feedback without any typing any data.

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2. EMAIL field enabled when feedback category is not selected. 3. Preferences > render style > able to submit by selecting empty value from the dropdown.

4. Submit button should be save button. 5. Add Annotation/Edit Annotation page - create should be Create. edit should be Edit. Title case missing for most labels. 6. Preferences dropdown containing blank items as well. 7. Annotation is created with no content in it : Adding an annotation to a component .

8. I keyed in about 50000 (of course using my sweetie Perl clip) characters on each field of Add annotation window and saved it. I attempted to edit that annotation after the save operation and it appeared to hang for a while. While I spent time trying to make some notes, I discovered that it recovered. I tend to think that the time to come up depends on the text in each of those fields. This might kill the system to death. Risk: A user might have a need for For more details, email: [email protected]

a long explanation of a specific component and might discover that it isn't worth doing it on this application. He may not want to proceed using this app if he discovers during his first few tests. Risk: A user by mistake might click on the create after initiating Add Annotate and might end up wondering why the application accepted a blank annotation. A blank annotation is as good as no annotation. 9. I copy pasted 500000 characters onto the submit feedback window. While the text was in the process of being pasted, I moved the window and this is what I saw.

10. In Add Annotation, • The Text box is touching the right corner. • For User Action, System Response and Notes, pressing tab indents the text box, hence there is no way one can switch between fields using the keyboard. Also there is no option to Tab back i.e. Shift+Tab does not work.

11.Annotation > The scroll bar is cropped a lot and not shown completely a. Select add annotation. For more details, email: [email protected]

b. User Action:- Enter text till a scroll bar appears. c. 75% of the scrollbar is hidden, making it difficult for the user to click on it. 12.Submit Feedback: Alignment of drop box and Submit button is not proper. Unable to view button completely. 13.Clicking on Submit gives a message box “Thanks for your feedback “. This message box takes a while to appear on screen. It would be better if it there is an hour glass during the process or the message box could appear immediately after Submit is processed. 14.Clicking on Submit button without entering any message pops up a message box “Thanks for the feedback”. Instead there could be a proper message asking using to enter the description. 15.Add annotation: Able to add without entering any text in any of the fields in the window 16.Edit Annotation: Adding a blank annotation has a button “Create” 17.Remove Annotation: No warning expected giving a choice to the user whether he wants to remove or not. 18.Remove Annotation: does remove the number of annotation but does not disable the button. 19. CTRL + N. change/add/modify. CTRL + N. don't save. CTRL + N. save request pops up which should not as nothing is modified. First time after launch , the save confirm doesn't pop up if Wiremaster is closed.

20.In ‘Hand Drawn’ mode Check box Icon shakes upon maneuvering the mouse anywhere in the screen. While for other components this activity is observed only when mouse is maneuvered over the component. Seems to be an inconsistent behavior. (Screenshot attached).

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General 1. Desktop Shortcut not placed on the desktop after installation 2. Able to initiate multiple installations in parallel and able to install on existing installation. Does not directly check if it is uninstalled 3. Send Feedback page displayed immediately after install when run Wiremaster is launched. 4. Wiremaster product absent in Add/Remove programs. 5. There appears to be no Undo option available to the users. Risk: The target users of this application are designers and are likely to experiment with ideas. On the course of experimentation they might want to perform an Undo after not liking a new change they did. I can think of designers who wouldn't want to use this again because of this vital component missing. 6. Most dialog boxes / error messages I encountered so far has a title same as the text in it. As per Windows Logo certification standards it is supposed to be the application name. 7. Uninstalling the application doesn't prompt for the risk of losing all files stored in its default folders of storage. The cool thing about uninstall is - it is just a two click process but without prompting me of my loss. That makes it hot. For more details, email: [email protected]

8. Multiple installation instances can be launched. 9. Multiple instances of the same application can be launched.

10. When Installing the required size shows 160 MB. I had 4 GB available, then before pressing install, I added a file which made the available size 65 MB. I get the error. Here the error message is not proper for a normal user. After that nothing happens. And if I click Cancel, the other files are not copied.

11.When run Wiremaster for the first time, unable to view the User Interface screen completely. (Screen Resolution of the machine used: 1280 x 800 ) 12. Start > Programs: Order of Uninstall and launch needs to be exchanged. This might accidently uninstall the program.

For more details, email: [email protected]

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