Cons Umer Beha Viour Mot Ivati On & Values

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 402
  • Pages: 16
Cons umer Beha viour Mot ivati on & Week 3 Values With Duane Weaver IS…..perception = reality?

OU TL INE      

Motivation Process Motivational Strength Motivational Direction Classifying Needs Involvement Values

Is Perceptio n Reali ty?  Watch each of these two ads and take notes: 1. What behaviour do you think they are trying to motivate? 2. What is your overall perception…i.e.: what is the message to you? 3. What is the target market segment each is going after?

 

Mo tiva tion Pro cess Motivation  the processes that cause people to behave as they do, involving needs, goals and drives.

Mo tiva tional Str ength  Biological vs. Learned Needs (innate instinct vs. learned behaviour)

 Drive Theory (achieving homeostasis by satiating tension caused by the arousal of unpleasant states)

 Expectancy Theory pulled by positive incentives (goals) rather than pushed from within

Mo tiva tional Directio n  MOTIVES tend to be directional  Needs vs. Wants  Need = unsatisfied requirement (hunger)  Want = the way a person satisfies a need which ultimately is dependent on “their historical reality” (cheeseburger vs. trail mix)

 Types of Needs  Biogenic or psychogenic

 Motivational Conflicts (see next slide)

Mo tiva tional Directio n  Motivational Conflicts (cont’d) “theory of cognitive dissonance”

Cla ssifyin g Ne eds  Biogenic vs. Psychogenic  Needs and Buying Behaviour  Maslow

Cla ssifyin g Ne eds Bi o vs. Psycho Biogenic



Cla ssifyin g Ne eds

Needs & Bu yer B ehaviour  Needs and Buying Behaviour  AFFILIATION – I belong!!  POWER – “MASTER of my DOMAIN!”  UNIQUENESS – “I am different!!”

Cla ssifyin g Ne eds Ma slow

Invo lve me nt -

Ways to M easure it  Type of Involvement Matrix

Invo lve me nt Ways t o Meas ure it  Likert Scale Important…Unimportant Exciting...Unexciting

Va lu es  VALUE A belief that one condition is preferable to its opposite

 VALUE SYSTEM Rankings of importance of values in a culture

 ENCULTURATION Learning beliefs and values endorsed by one’s own culture

 ACCULTURATION Learning the beliefs and values endorsed by another culture

Me asu ring Value  Rokeach Value Survey  (notates cultural value differences) Pairs Instrumental Values with Terminal Values Ambitious…..A comfortable life Broadminded….An exciting life



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