Connecting Dots

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 798
  • Pages: 2





in the months before 9/11 did FBI headquarters consistently obstruct field agent investigations of potential terrorists, blocking efforts to warn of impending attacks?

were many detailed warnings from the intelligence services of Britain, Germany, Egypt, Russia, India, Italy and other foreign governments ignored?

in the wake of the most cataclysmic intelligence failure in American history, with 40 billion per year spent across a dozen agencies, has not a single intelligence official been held accountable?

haven’t the sources of the highly unusual options traded on United and American Airlines, indicating someone knew of the attacks, ever been made public?

WHY did George Bush enter a Florida school at 9am when a plane had been hijacked at 8:31 and the first tower was hit at 8:46, then continue reading about a goat after the second tower was hit at 9:03?

America has waited long enough for answers. The government, the media, and the 9/11 Commission has not honored the victims by providing the truth. It obscures the truth. You’ll have to learn on your own. See the big picture. Ask real questions. Discover the hidden agenda. See how the real conspiracy theory is the government’s official story. Learn about the blatant omissions to the 9/11 Commission Report. Consider that if any part of the official story fails the test of truth, the whole thing falls apart. View the web sites below and come to your own conclusion.

WHY did the head of Pakistani intelligence, who was in Washington, DC on 9/11, approve more than $100,000 in wire transfers to lead hijacker Mohammed Atta?





in the 1 hour and 20 minutes after the onset of a multiple hijacking, with the Twin Towers hit, and a third jet targeting our nation’s capital, was the Pentagon not defended from attack?

were we told our government had no idea these attacks could take place, yet within hours Bin Laden was blamed and within 24 hours pictures of 19 Arab hijackers were all over TV?

did the Bush Administration stonewall victims’ family members demands for a full independent investigation, give only $3 million in funding, then withhold important information?

was Bin Laden visited in a hospital in Dubai where he was receiving dialysis in July of 2001 by a CIA agent when he was on the FBI’s most wanted list? www.





were some prominent travelers such as San Francisco mayor Willie Brown and top Pentagon officials warned not to fly on 9/11?

were the Bin Laden family along with other prominent Saudis flown out of the country after 9/11 when all other planes were grounded?

were the hijackers able to easily enter our country, train on our bases and take flight lessons while using their own identities, getting credit cards and drivers licenses?

has the media refused to fully investigate and ask these probing questions of our government that will expose how the horrific attacks could have happened?

Why are many Americans falling for the “ bureaucratic incompetence” ruse as an explanation for why 9/11 happened? Now if you really want to understand what’s going on, you need to know that the CIA created Arab insurgents back in 1981 as “intelligence assets” and continue to monitor them with Echelon, PROMIS and other software. You also need to know that the neocon think tank, Project For A New American Century, outlined an aggressive imperial agenda which would require a “new Pearl Harbor” event in order to rally public opinion to support a grand geopolitical strategy launching wars for natural resources lasting generations. These same neocons have been placed in the highest levels of our government. Their stated goal is “full spectrum dominance”. Even many conservatives within government recognize the radical nature and dangerous agenda of these ideologues. The questions you’ve read here point to high level complicity in the attacks of 9/11. This indicates treason at the top. Do you really think a commission appointed by this administration has fully investigated its negligence? Do you think Congress will?

The future of our democracy depends on the vigilance of its citizens. Help expose the deception. Demand the truth. Spread the word. What can you do about exposing this crucial issue? Send people to the research web sites. Purchase videos like “The Great Conspiracy” by Barry Zwicker or Truth & Lies of 9/11 by Mike Ruppert. Have 9/11 Investigation Parties to show them and share info. Read “The New Pearl Harbor” by David Ray Griffin. Download flyers like this and pass them out.

Don’t delay. Time is not on our side. Let’s take our country back before it’s too late!

Support Ellen Mariani’s RICO lawsuit against the Bush Administration. Sign the petition at

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