Congress Of Vienna

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  • Words: 319
  • Pages: 10
Congress of Vienna

Europe Before 1814 Napoleon conquered most part of Europe in early 1810’s. Some enemies, included Austria, Russia and Prussia, were forced to become his allies. Only Britain ,Ottoman Empire and some small states remained independent.

Congress of Vienna Representatives of various states met in Vienna, to settle the problems left by the Napoleonic War. Important States: Russia, Austria, Britain, Prussia, France

Problems should be settled To establish status quo before the war To divide the disputed territories left by Napoleon To insure French aggression in the future To maintain the peace of Europe through an alliance system To suppress revolutionary activities

Guiding principles To prevent French aggression in the future To maintain peace To achieve balance of power To uphold the principle of legitimacy To compensate state with territorial loss according to the above principles

Agreements at the Congress The Second Treaty of Paris France had to pay a ₤40 million indemnity Territories settlement Russia- Grand Duchy of Warsaw and Finland Prussia- Part of Poland, Sweden and Rhine Provinces Austria- North Italy and territorial at Adriatic Coast Britain- Mainly Overseas territories Sweden took Norway from Denmark

Agreements at the Congress Restoration of former rulers A German Confederation was formed by 39 German States included Austria Formation of Quadruple Alliance

The Quadruple Alliance Included : Austria, Russia, Prussia and Britain The four powers agreed: 4. To uphold, by military force , the territorial settlement for 20 years 5. To meet at fixed intervals to discuss European affairs

The Quadruple Alliance The Alliance tried to establish permanent co-operation among the European Powers Austria and Russia wanted to make use of the Alliance to suppress Nationalism and Liberalism, which was disagreed by the British The Alliance fated out after 1820’s

How the settlement affected Europe Italy was under Austrian influence The German states were bound by the German Confederation under Austria Holland and Belgium formed the Kingdom of Netherlands

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