Concordancia De La Biblia Strong (hebreo Y Griego)

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 36
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Hebrew Concordance

1 ('ab) to 10 ('abaddoh) 11 ('abaddown) to 20 ('abattiyach) 21 ('Abiy) to 30 ('Abiyhuw') 31 ('Abiyhuwd) to 40 ('Abiymelek) 41 ('Abiynadab) to 50 ('Abiyshuwae) 51 ('Abiyshuwr) to 60 ('ebel) 61 ('abal) to 70 ('oben) 71 ('Abanah) to 80 ('abaq) 81 ('abaqah) to 90 ('Agag) 91 ('Agagiy) to 100 ('agmown) 101 ('aggan) to 110 ('Adb'el) 111 ('Adad) to 120 ('adam) 121 ('Adam) to 130 ('Edomiy) 131 ('Adummiym) to 140 ('Adoniyqam) 141 ('Adoniyram) to 150

Greek Concordance ΑΒΓ∆ΕΖΗΘΙΚ ΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥ ΦΧΨΩ 1 (a) to 10 (Abioud) 11 (Abraam) to 20 (agalliasis) 21 (agalliao) to 30 (aggeion) 31 (aggelia) to 40 (hagios) 41 (hagiotes) to 50 (agnoeo) 51 (agnoema) to 60 (agoraios) 61 (agra) to 70 (agrupnia) 71 (ago) to 80 (adephos) 81 (adelphotes) to 90 (adiaphthoria) 91 (adikeo) to 100 (hadrotes) 101 (adunateo) to 110 (athanasia) 111 (athemitos) to 120 (athumeo) 121 (athoos) to 130 (haimatekchusia) 131 (haimorrheo) to 140 (hairetizo)


('adarkon) 151 ('Adoram) to 160 ('ahabah) 161 ('Ohad) to 170 ('Oholah) 171 ('Oholiy'ab) to 180 ('uwbal) 181 ('uwd) to 190 ('owyah) 191 ('eviyl) to 200 ('ivveleth) 201 ('Owmar) to 210 ('Uwphaz) 211 ('Owphiyr) to 220 ('averah) 221 ('Uwriy) to 230 ('azad) 231 ('ezowb) to 240 ('azen) 241 ('ozen) to 250 ('Ezrachiy) 251 ('ach) to 260 ('achuw) 261 ('Echuwd) to 270 ('achaz) 271 ('Achaz) to 280 ('achiydah) 281 ('Achiyah) to 290 ('Achiyma`ats) 291 ('Achyan) to 300 ('Achiyshachar) 301 ('Achiyshar) to 310 ('achar) 311 ('achar) to 320 ('achariyth) 321 ('ochoran) to 330 ('etuwn) 331 ('atam) to 340 ('ayab) 341 ('oyeb) to 350 ('Iykabowd) 351 ('eykoh) to 360 ('eyaluwth) 361 ('eylam) to 370 ('aiyn) 371 ('iyn) to 380 ('iyshown) 391 ('akzab) to 400 ('okel) 401 ('Ukal) to 410 ('el) 411 ('el) to 420 ('Elda`ah) 421 ('alah) to 430 ('elohiym) 431 ('aluw) to 440 ('Elowniy) 441 ('alluwph) to 450 ('Elyada`) 451 ('alyah) to 460 ('Elyacaph) 461 ('Eliy`ezer) to 470 ('Eliyqa') 471 ('Elyaqiym') to 480 ('allay) 481 ('alam) to 490 ('almanah) 491 ('almanuwth) to 500 ('El`ale') 501 ('El`asah) to 510 ('alquwm) 511 ('Elqanah) to 520 ('ammah) 521 ('ammah) to 530 ('emuwnah) 531 ('Amowts) to 540 ('aman)

141 (hairetikos) to 150 (aischros) 151 (aischrotes) to 160 (aiphnidios) 161 (aichmalosia) to 170 (akaireomai) 171 (akairos) to 180 (akatapaustos) 181 (akatastasia) to 190 (akoloutheo) 191 (akouo) to 200 (akris) 201 (akroaterion) to 210 (akon) 211 (alabastron) to 220 (alektor) 221 (Alexandreus) to 230 (alethos) 231 (halieus) to 240 (allelon) 241 (allogenes) to 250 (aloe) 261 (amathes) to 270 (amao) 271 (amethustos) to 280 (ametros) 281 (amen) to 290 (ampelon) 291 (Amplias) to 300 (Amon) 301 (Amos) to 310 (anaboao) 311 (anabole) to 320 (angnosis) 321 (anago) to 330 (anathallo) 331 (anathema) to 340 (anakainizo) 341 (anakainoo) to 350 (anakrino) 351 (anakrisis) to 360 (analuo) 361 (anamartetos) to 370 (anaxios) 371 (anaxios) to 380 (anaptusso) 381 (anapto) to 390 (anastrepho) 391 (anastrophe) to 400 (anaphoneo) 401 (anachusis) to 410 (anegkletos) 411 (anekdiegetos) to 420 (anexikakos) 421 (anexichniastos) to 430 (anechomai) 431 (anepsios) to 440 (anthrax) 441 (anthropareskos) to 450


541 ('aman) to 550 ('Amnown) 551 ('omnam) to 560 ('amar) 561 ('emer) to 570 ('emesh) 571 ('emeth) to 580 ('anuw) 581 ('innuwn) to 590 ('oniy) 591 ('oniyah) to 600 ('anaph) 601 ('anaphah) to 610 ('acuwk) 611 ('acown) to 620 ('Ocnappar) 621 ('Acnath) to 630 ('Acpatha') 631 ('acar) to 640 ('aphad) 641 ('Ephod) to 650 ('aphiyq) 651 ('aphel) to 660 ('eph`eh) 661 ('aphaph) to 670 ('Apharcay) 671 ('Apharckay) to 680 ('atsal) 681 ('etsel) to 690 ('ara') 691 ('er'el) to 700 ('Arubbowth) 701 ('Arbiy) to 710 ('argvan) 711 ('argvan) to 720 ('Arowd) 721 ('Arvadiy) to 730 ('erez) 731 ('arzah) to 740 ('Ari'el) 741 ('ari'eyl) to 750 ('arek) 751 ('Erek) to 760 ('Aram Tsobah) 761 ('Arammiy) to 770 ('Arnan) 771 ('Ornan) to 780 ('Ararat) 781 ('aras) to 790 ('Eshban) 791 ('Ashbea`) to 800 ('eshshah) 801 ('ishshah) to 810 ('eshek) 811 ('eshkowl) to 820 ('ashman) 821 ('ashmurah) to 830 ('ashpoth) 831 ('Ashqlown) to 840 ('Asar'el) 841 ('Asar'elah) to 850 ('Eshtown) 851 ('Eshtmoa`) to 860 ('athown) 861 ('attuwn) to 870 ('athar) 871 ('Athariym) to 880 (B'erah) 881 (B'erowth) to 890 (bo'shah) 891 (b'ushiym) to 900 (bogdowth) 901 (bagowd) to 910 (badad) 911 (Bdad) to 920 (Bidqar) 921 (bdar) to 930 (bhemowth) 931 (bohen) to 940 (Buwziy) 941 (Buwziy) to 950 (buwqah)

(anistemi) 451 (Anna) to 460 (anomos) 461 (anorthoo) to 470 (antapokrinomai) 471 (antepo) to 480 (antikeimai) 481 (antikru) to 490 (Antiocheia) 491 (Antiocheus) to 500 (antichristos) 501 (antleo) to 510 (anoterikos) 511 (anoteros) to 520 (apago) 521 (apaideutos) to 530 (hapax) 531 (aparabatos) to 540 (apator) 541 (apaugasma) to 550 (apeipomen) 551 (apeirastos) to 560 (apelpizo) 561 (apenanti) to 570 (apaistia) 571 (apistos) to 580 (apobole) 581 (apogenomenos) to 590 (apodemos) 591 (apodidomi) to 600 (apokathistemi) 601 (apokalupto) to 610 (apokrima) 611 (apokrinomai) to 620 (apoleipo) 621 (apoleicho) to 630 (apoluo) 631 (apomassomai) to 640 (aporia) 641 (aporrhipto) to 650 (apostereo) 651 (apostole) to 660 (apotinasso) 661 (apotino) to 670 (apophortizomai) 671 (apochresis) to 680 (haptomai) 681 (hapto) to 690 (Araps) 691 (argeo) to 700 (aresko) 701 (arestos) to 710 (aristeros) 711 (Aristoboulos) to 720 (arneomai) 721 (arnion) to 730 (arrhen)


951 (bowker) to 960 (bazoh) 961 (bizzah) to 970 (bachuwr) 971 (bachiyn) to 980 (Bachuriym) 981 (bata') to 990 (beten) 991 (Beten) to 1000 (beytsah) 1001 (biyra') to 1010 (Beyth Ba`al M`own) 1011 (Beyth Bir`iy) to 1020 (Beyth haYshiymowth) 1021 (Beyth hakKerem) to 1030 (Beyth hashShimshiy) 1031 (Beyth Choglah) to 1040 (Beyth `Eden) 1041 (Beyth `Azmaveth) to 1050 (Beyth Rchowb) 1051 (Beyth Rapha') to 1060 (bkowr) 1061 (bikkuwr) to 1070 (beker) 1071 (Beker) to 1080 (bla') 1081 (Bal'adan) to 1090 (Bilhah) 1091 (ballahah) to 1100 (bliya`al) 1101 (balal) to 1110 (balaq) 1111 (Balaq) to 1120 (Bamowth) 1121 (ben) to 1130 (BenHadad) 1131 (Binnuwy) to 1140 (binyah) 1141 (Bnayah) to 1150 (Bin`a') 1151 (Ben`Ammiy) to 1160 (B`owr) 1161 (bi`uwthiym) to 1170 (Ba`al Briyth) 1171 (Ba`al Gad) to 1180 (Ba`aliy) 1191 (Ba`alath) to 1200 (b`erah) 1201 (Ba`sha') to 1210 (batsiyr) 1211 (btsel) to 1220 (betser) 1221 (Betser) to 1230 (Baqbaqqar) 1231 (Buqqiy) to 1240 (bqar) 1241 (baqar) to 1250 (bar) 1251 (bar) to 1260 (Bered) 1261 (barod) to 1270 (barzel)

731 (arrhetos) to 740 (artos) 741 (artuo) to 750 (archipoimen) 751 (Archippos) to 760 (Asa) 761 (asaleutos) to 770 (astheneo) 771 (asthenema) to 780 (asmenos) 781 (asophos) to 790 (astateo) 791 (asteios) to 800 (asumphonos) 801 (asunetos) to 810 (asotia) 811 (asotos) to 820 (atimos) 821 (atimoo) to 830 (authairetos) 831 (authenteo) to 840 (austeros) 841 (autarkeia) to 850 (auchmeros) 851 (aphaireo) to 860 (haphe) 861 (aphthrsia) to 870 (aphobos) 871 (aphomoioo) to 880 (aphonos) 881 (Achaz) to 890 (achrestos) 891 (achri) to 900 (bathuno) 901 (bathus) to 910 (Baptistes) 911 (bapto) to 920 (Barionas) 921 (Barnabas) to 930 (basanistes) 931 (basanos) to 940 (baskaino) 941 (bastazo) to 950 (bebaioo) 951 (bebaiosis) to 960 (Beroia) 961 (Beroiaios) to 970 (bia) 971 (biazo) to 980 (bioo) 981 (biosis) to 990 (blemma) 991 (blepo) to 1000 (bole) 1001 (bolizo) to 1010 (bouleutes) 1011 (bouleuo) to 1020 (braduploeo) 1021 (bradus) to 1030 (brugmos) 1031 (brucho) to 1040 (bussos) 1041 (bomos) to 1050 (Gaios) 1051 (gala) to 1060 (gameo) 1071 (gelos) to 1080 (gennao) 1081 (gennema) to 1090 (georgeo) 1091 (georgion) to 1100 (glossa) 1101 (glossokomon) to 1110 (gnostos)


1271 (Barzillay) to 1280 (briyach) 1281 (bariyach) to 1290 (berek) 1291 (berek) to 1300 (baraq) 1301 (Baraq) to 1310 (bashal) 1311 (bashel) to 1320 (basar) 1321 (bsar) to 1330 (bthuwlah) 1331 (bthuwliym) to 1340 (BathShuwa`) 1341 (ge') to 1350 (ga'al) 1351 (ga'al) to 1360 (gebe) 1361 (gabahh) to 1370 (gbuwrah) 1371 (gibbeach) to 1380 (Gbal) 1381 (Gbal) to 1390 (Gib`ah) 1391 (Gib`own) to 1400 (gbar) 1401 (gibbar) to 1410 (Gad) 1411 (gdabar) to 1420 (gduwlah) 1421 (gidduwph) to 1430 (gadiysh) 1431 (gadal) to 1440 (Gid`om) 1441 (Gid`oniy) to 1450 (Gderowth) 1451 (Gderiy) to 1460 (gev) 1461 (guwb) to 1470 (Gowzan) 1471 (gowy) to 1480 (guwphah) 1481 (guwr) to 1490 (gizbar) 1491 (gazah) to 1500 (gzelah) 1501 (gazam) to 1510 (gzerah) 1511 (Gizriy) to 1520 (Giyach) 1521 (Giychown) to 1530 (gal) 1531 (gol) to 1540 (galah) 1541 (glah) to 1550 (galiyl) 1551 (Galiyl) to 1560 (glal) 1561 (gelel) to 1570 (galash) 1571 (gam) to 1580 (gamal) 1581 (gamal) to 1590 (gannab) 1591 (gnebah) to 1600 (ga`ah) 1601 (Go`ah) to 1610 (gaph) 1611 (gaph) to 1620 (gargar) 1621 (gargrowth) to 1630 (Griziym)

1111 (gogguzo) to 1120 (gonupeteo) 1121 (gramma) to 1130 (gumneteuo) 1131 (gumnos) to 1140 (daimonion) 1141 (daimoniodes) to 1150 (damazo) 1151 (damalis) to 1160 (dapane) 1161 (de) to 1170 (deina) 1171 (deinos) to 1180 (dekatessares) 1181 (dekate) to 1190 (Derbaios) 1191 (Derbe) to 1200 (desmophulax) 1201 (desmoterion) to 1210 (deo) 1211 (de) to 1220 (denarion) 1221 (depote) to 1230 (diaginomai) 1231 (diaginosko) to 1240 (diadochos) 1241 (diazonnumi) to 1250 (diakosioi) 1251 (diakouomai) to 1260 (dialogizomai) 1261 (dialogismos) to 1270 (dianoema) 1271 (dianoia) to 1280 (diaporeo) 1281 (diapragmateuomai) to 1290 (diaspora) 1291 (diastellomai) to 1300 (diateleo) 1301 (diatereo) to 1310 (diaphemizo) 1311 (diaphtheiro) to 1320 (didaskalos) 1321 (didasko) to 1330 (dierchomai) 1331 (dierotao) to 1340 (diischurizomai) 1341 (dikaiokrisia) to 1350


1631 (garzen) to 1640 (garaph) 1641 (garar) to 1650 (Gshuwr) 1651 (Gshuwriy) to 1660 (gath) 1661 (Gath) to 1670 (d'abah) 1671 (d'abown) to 1680 (dabab) 1681 (dibbah) to 1690 (dbelah) 1691 (Diblayim) to 1700 (dibrah) 1701 (dibrah) to 1710 (dagah) 1711 (dagah) to 1720 (Ddaniym) 1721 (Dodaniym) to 1730 (dowd) 1731 (duwd) to 1740 (duwach) 1741 (dvay) to 1750 (duwts) 1751 (duwq) to 1760 (dachah) 1761 (dachavah) to 1770 (diyg) 1771 (dayag) to 1780 (diyn) 1781 (dayan) to 1790 (dak) 1791 (dek) to 1800 (dal) 1801 (dalag) to 1810 (Dil`an) 1811 (dalaph) to 1820 (damah) 1821 (dmah) to 1830 (dama`) 1831 (dema`) to 1840 (Daniye'l) 1841 (Daniye'l) to 1850 (Dophqah) 1851 (daq) to 1860 (dra'own) 1861 (dorbown) to 1870 (derek) 1871 (darkmown) to 1880 (deshen) 1881 (dath) to 1890 (habhab) 1891 (habal) to 1900 (haguwth) 1901 (hagiyg) to 1910 (Hadadrimmown) 1911 (hadah) to 1920 (Hadaph) 1921 (hadar) to 1930 (how) 1931 (huw') to 1940 (Howdiyah) 1941 (Howdiyah) to 1950 (Howmam) 1951 (huwn) to 1960 (huydah) 1961 (hayah) to 1970 (hakar) 1971 (hakkarah) to 1980 (halak) 1981 (halak) to 1990 (Ham) 1991 (hem) to 2000 (hamam)

(diktuon) 1351 (dilogos) to 1360 (dioti) 1361 (Diotrephes) to 1370 (dichostasia) 1371 (dichotomeo) to 1380 (dokeo) 1381 (dokimazo) to 1390 (doma) 1391 (doxa) to 1400 (doulon) 1401 (doulos) to 1410 (dunamai) 1411 (dunamis) to 1420 (dusenteria) 1421 (dusermeneutos) to 1430 (doma) 1431 (dorea) to 1440 (hebdomekonta) 1441 (hebdomekontakis) to 1450 (egguos) 1451 (eggus) to 1460 (egkatoikeo) 1461 (egkentrizo) to 1470 (ekgrupto) 1471 (egkuos) to 1480 (ethizo) 1481 (ethnarches) to 1490 (ei de me(ge)) 1491 (eidos) to 1500 (eike) 1501 (eikosi) to 1510 (eimi) 1511 (einai) to 1520 (heis*) 1521 (eisago) to 1530 (eispedao) 1531 (eisporeuomai) to 1540 (hekaton) 1541 (hekatontaetes) to 1550 (ekdapanao) 1551 (ekdechomai) to 1560 (ekdotos) 1561 (ekdoche) to 1570 (ekthetos) 1571 (ekkathairo) to 1580 (ekkomizo) 1581 (ekkopto) to 1590 (ekluo) 1591 (ekmasso) to 1600 (ekpetannumi) 1601 (ekpipto) to 1610 (ekrizoo) 1611 (ekstasis) to 1620


2001 (Haman) to 2010 (hanachah) 2011 (Hinnom) to 2020 (hatstsalah) 2021 (hotsen) to 2030 (hareh) 2031 (harhor) to 2040 (harac) 2041 (herec) to 2050 (hathath') 2051 (Vdan) to 2060 (Vashtiy) 2061 (z'eb) to 2070 (zbuwb) 2071 (Zabuwd) to 2080 (Zbiydah) 2081 (Zbiyna') to 2090 (zoh) 2091 (zahab) to 2100 (zuwb) 2101 (zowb) to 2110 (zuwn) 2111 (zuwa`) to 2120 (Zocheleth) 2121 (zeydown) to 2130 (Ziyphiy) 2131 (ziyqah) to 2140 (Zakkay) 2141 (zakak) to 2150 (zalzal) 2151 (zalal) to 2160 (Zmiyrah) 2161 (zamam) to 2170 (zmar) 2171 (zammar) to 2180 (zanab) 2181 (zanah) to 2190 (Za`avan) 2191 (ze`eyr) to 2200 (z`iq) 2201 (za`aq) to 2210 (zaqaph) 2211 (zqaph) to 2220 (zrowa`) 2221 (zeruwa`) to 2230 (zerem) 2231 (zirmah) to 2240 (Zattuw') 2241 (Zetham) to 2250 (chabbuwrah) 2251 (chabat) to 2260 (chibbel) 2261 (chabatstseleth) to 2270 (chaber) 2271 (chabbar) to 2280 (chabash) 2281 (chabeth) to 2290 (chagowr) 2291 (Chaggiy) to 2300 (chadad) 2301 (Chadad) to 2310 (chadel) 2311 (Chadlay) to 2320 (chodesh) 2321 (Chodesh) to 2330 (chuwd) 2331 (chavah) to 2340 (Chivviy) 2341 (Chaviylah) to 2350 (Chuwphamiy)

(ektithemi) 1621 (ektinasso) to 1630 (ekphobos) 1631 (ekphuo) to 1640 (elasson) 1641 (elattoneo) to 1650 (elegchos) 1651 (elegcho) to 1660 (eleusis) 1661 (elephantinos) to 1670 (helkuo) 1671 (Hellas) to 1680 (elpis) 1681 (Elumas) to 1690 (embrimaomai) 1691 (eme) to 1700 (emou) 1701 (empaigmos) to 1710 (emporeuomai) 1711 (emporia) to 1720 (emphusao) 1721 (emphutos) to 1730 (endeigma) 1731 (endeiknumi) to 1740 (edoxazo) 1741 (endoxos) to 1750 (eneileo) 1751 (eneimi) to 1760 (enthumeomai) 1761 (enthumesis) to 1770 (enneuo) 1771 (ennoia) to 1780 (entaphiasmos) 1781 (entellomai) to 1790 (entromos) 1791 (entrope) to 1800 (Enos) 1801 (enotizomai) to 1810 (exaiphnes) 1811 (exakoloutheo) to 1820 (exaporeomai) 1821 (exapostello) to 1830 (exereunao) 1831 (exerchomai) to 1840 (exischuo) 1841 (exodos) to 1850 (exousiazo)


2351 (chuwts) to 2360 (Chuwray) 2361 (Chuwram) to 2370 (chaza') 2371 (Chaza'el) to 2380 (chazuwth) 2381 (Chaziy'el) to 2390 (chazeq) 2391 (chezeq) to 2400 (chatta') 2401 (chata'ah) to 2410 (Chatiyta') 2411 (Chattiyl) to 2420 (chiydah) 2421 (chayah) to 2430 (cheylah) 2431 (Cheylam) to 2440 (chiysh) 2441 (chek) to 2450 (chakam) 2451 (chokmah) to 2460 (Cheleb) 2461 (chalab) to 2470 (chalah) 2471 (challah) to 2480 (chalat) 2481 (chaliy) to 2490 (chalal) 2491 (chalal) to 2500 (cheleph) 2501 (Cheleph) to 2510 (Chalaq) 2511 (challaq) to 2520 (Chelqath) 2521 (Chelqath hatsTsuriym) to 2530 (chamad) 2531 (chemed) to 2540 (Chammown) 2541 (chamowts) to 2550 (chamal) 2551 (chemlah) to 2560 (chamar) 2561 (chemer) to 2570 (chomesh) 2571 (chamush) to 2580 (chen) 2581 (Chen) to 2590 (chanat) 2591 (chinta') to 2600 (chinnam) 2601 (Chanam'el) to 2610 (chaneph) 2611 (chaneph) to 2620 (chacah) 2621 (Chocah) to 2630 (chacan) 2631 (chacan) to 2640 (chocer) 2641 (Chacrah) to 2650 (Chuppiym) 2651 (chophen) to 2660 (Chepher) 2661 (chaphor) to 2670 (chophshiy)

1851 (exoche) to 1860 (epaggelia) 1861 (epaggello) to 1870 (epaischunomai) 1871 (epaiteo) to 1880 (epanerchomai) 1891 (Epaphroditos) to 1900 (epekeina) 1901 (epekteinomai) to 1910 (epibaino) 1911 (epiballo) to 1920 (epiginomai) 1921 (epiginosko) to 1930 (epidiorthoo) 1931 (epiduo) to 1940 (epikathizo) 1941 (epikaleomai) to 1950 (epilanthanomai) 1951 (epilegomai) to 1960 (epimelos) 1961 (epimeno) to 1970 (epipnigo) 1971 (epipotheo) to 1980 (episkeptomai) 1981 (episkenoo) to 1990 (epistemon) 1991 (episterizo) to 2000 (episphales) 2001 (episucho) to 2010 (epitrepo) 2011 (epitrope) to 2020 (epiphosko) 2021 (epicheireo) to 2030 (epoptes) 2031 (epos) to 2040 (ergates) 2041 (ergon) to 2050 (eremosis) 2051 (erizo) to 2060 (Hermes) 2061 (Hermogenes) to 2070 (esmen) 2071 (esomai) to 2080 (eso) 2081 (esothen) to 2090 (hetoimazo)


2671 (chets) to 2680 (Chatsiy hamMnachti) 2681 (chatsiyr) to 2690 (chatsar) 2691 (chatser) to 2700 (Chatsarmaveth) 2701 (Chatsar Cuwcah) to 2710 (chaqaq) 2711 (cheqeq) to 2720 (chareb) 2721 (choreb) to 2730 (chared) 2731 (charadah) to 2740 (charown) 2741 (Charuwphiy) to 2750 (choriy) 2751 (choriy) to 2760 (charak) 2761 (charak) to 2770 (chermesh) 2771 (Charan) to 2780 (Chareph) 2781 (cherpah) to 2790 (charash) 2791 (cheresh) to 2800 (Charosheth) 2801 (charath) to 2810 (chishshabown) 2811 (Chashabyah) to 2820 (chasak) 2821 (chashak) to 2830 (chashmal) 2831 (chashman) to 2840 (chishshur) 2841 (chashrah) to 2850 (Chittiy) 2851 (chittiyth) to 2860 (chathan) 2861 (chathunnah) to 2870 (tab'el) 2871 (tabuwl) to 2880 (Tibchath) 2881 (tabal) to 2890 (thowr) 2891 (taher) to 2900 (Towbiyah) 2901 (tavah) to 2910 (tuwchah) 2911 (tchown) to 2920 (tal) 2921 (tala') to 2930 (tame') 2931 (tame') to 2940 (ta`am) 2941 (ta`am) to 2950 (taphal) 2951 (tiphcar) to 2960 (torach) 2961 (tariy) to 2970 (Ya'azanyah)

2091 (hetoimasia) to 2100 (euaresteo) 2101 (euarestos) to 2110 (euergetes) 2111 (euthetos) to 2120 (eukairia) 2121 (eukairos) to 2130 (eumetadotos) 2131 (Eunike) to 2140 (eupoiia) 2141 (euporeo) to 2150 (eusebeia) 2151 (eusebeo) to 2160 (eutrapelia) 2161 (Eutuchos) to 2170 (eucharistos) 2171 (euche) to 2180 (Ephesios) 2181 (Ephesos) to 2190 (echthros) 2191 (echidna) to 2200 (zestos) 2201 (zeugos) to 2210 (zemioo) 2211 (Zenas) to 2220 (zumoo) 2221 (zogreo) to 2230 (hegemoneuo) 2231 (hegemonia) to 2240 (heko) 2241 (eli) to 2250 (hemera) 2251 (hemeteros) to 2260 (eper) 2261 (epios) to 2270 (hesuchazo) 2271 (hesuchia) to 2280 (Thaddaios) 2281 (thalassa) to 2290 (thapto) 2291 (Thara) to 2300 (theaomai) 2301 (theatrizo) to 2310 (themelios) 2311 (themelioo) to 2320 (theotes) 2321 (Theophilos) to 2330 (theros) 2331 (Thessalonikeus) to 2340 (thereuo) 2341 (theriomacheo) to 2350 (thorubeo) 2351 (thorubos) to 2360 (throeo) 2361 (thrombos) to 2370 (thumiao) 2371 (thumomacheo) to 2380


2971 (Ya'iyr) to 2980 (yabab) 2981 (ybuwl) to 2990 (yabbel) 2991 (Yibl`am) to 3000 (Yberekyahuw) 3001 (yabesh) to 3010 (yageb) 3011 (Yogbhah) to 3020 (Yogliy) 3021 (yaga`) to 3030 (Yidalah) 3031 (Yidbash) to 3040 (Ydiydah) 3041 (Ydiydyah) to 3050 (Yahh) 3051 (yahab) to 3060 (Yhow'ash) 3061 (Yhuwd) to 3070 (Yhovah yireh) 3071 (Yhovah nicciy) to 3080 (Yhowyariyb) 3081 (Yhuwkal) to 3090 (Yhowshab`ath) 3091 (Yhowshuwa`) to 3100 (Yow'el) 3101 (Yow'ash) to 3110 (Yowchanan) 3111 (Yowyada`) to 3120 (Yavan) 3121 (yaven) to 3130 (Yowceph) 3131 (Yowciphyah) to 3140 (Yowray) 3141 (Yowram) to 3150 (Yizziyah) 3151 (Yaziyz) to 3160 (Ychubbah) 3161 (yachad) to 3170 (Yachzerah) 3171 (Ychiy'el) to 3180 (yachmuwr) 3181 (Yachmay) to 3190 (yatab) 3191 (ytab) to 3200 (Yakiyniy) 3201 (yakol) to 3210 (Yalown) 3211 (yaliyd) to 3220 (yam) 3221 (yam) to 3230 (Yamlek) 3231 (yaman) to 3240 (yanach) 3241 (Yaniym) to 3250 (yiccowr) 3251 (yacak) to 3260 (Y`diy)

(thuo) 2381 (Thomas) to 2390 (iaomai) 2391 (Iared) to 2400 (idou) 2401 (Idoumaia) to 2410 (Hiericho) 2411 (hieron) to 2420 (hierosune) 2421 (Iessai) to 2430 (Ikonion) 2431 (hilaros) to 2440 (himation) 2441 (himatismos) to 2450 (Ioudaizo) 2451 (Ioudaikos) to 2460 (hippeus) 2461 (hippikon) to 2470 (isos) 2471 (isotes) to 2480 (ischuo) 2481 (isos) to 2490 (Ioannas) 2491 (Ioannes) to 2500 (Ioses) 2501 (Ioseph) to 2510 (kathapto) 2511 (katharizo) to 2520 (katheko) 2521 (kathemai) to 2530 (kathoti) 2531 (kathos) to 2540 (kairos) 2541 (Kaisar) to 2550 (kakoetheia) 2551 (kakologeo) to 2560 (kakos) 2561 (kakosis) to 2570 (kalos) 2571 (kaluma) to 2580 (Kana) 2581 (Kananites) to 2590 (karpos) 2591 (Karpos) to 2600 (katabasis) 2601 (katabibazo) to 2610 (katagonizomai) 2611 (katadeo) to 2620 (katakauchaomai) 2621 (katakeimai) to 2630 (katakremnizo) 2631 (katakrima) to 2640 (kataleimma) 2641 (kataleipo) to 2650 (katameno) 2651 (katamonas) to 2660 (katanusso) 2661 (kataxioo) to 2670


3261 (ya`ah) to 3270 (Ya`azeyr) 3271 (ya`at) to 3280 (ya`alah) 3281 (Ya`lam) to 3290 (Ya`aqob) 3291 (Ya`aqobah) to 3300 (Ya`asiy'el) 3301 (Yiphdyah) to 3310 (Yaphlet) 3311 (Yaphletiy) to 3320 (yatsab) 3321 (ytseb) to 3330 (yatstsiyb) 3331 (yatsa`) to 3340 (Yitsriy) 3341 (yatsath) to 3350 (yqowd) 3351 (yquwm) to 3360 (Yqam`am) 3361 (Yoqm`am) to 3370 (Yoqshan) 3371 (Yoqth'el) to 3380 (Yrubbesheth) 3381 (yarad) to 3390 (Yruwshalem) 3391 (yerach) to 3400 (Yriy'el) 3401 (yariyb) to 3410 (yarka') 3411 (yrekah) to 3420 (yeraqown) 3421 (Yorq`am) to 3430 (Yishbow bNob) 3431 (Yishbach) to 3440 (Yishviy) 3441 (Yishviy) to 3450 (Ysiyma'el) 3451 (yshiymah) to 3460 (Yishma`yah) 3461 (Yishmray) to 3470 (Ysha`yah) 3471 (yashpheh) to 3480 (Ysar'elah) 3481 (Yisr'eliy) to 3490 (yathowm) 3491 (yathuwr) to 3500 (Yether) 3501 (Yithra') to 3510 (ka'ab) 3511 (k'eb) to 3520 (kbuwddah) 3521 (Kabuwl) to 3530 (kibrah) 3531 (kbarah) to 3540

(katapontizo) 2671 (katara) to 2680 (kataskeuazo) 2681 (kataskenoo) to 2690 (katastrepho) 2691 (katastreniao) to 2700 (katatoxeuo) 2701 (katatrecho) to 2710 (katachraomai) 2711 (katapsucho) to 2720 (kateuthuno) 2721 (katephistemi) to 2730 (katoikeo) 2731 (katoikesis) to 2740 (kausis) 2741 (kausoo) to 2750 (keiria) 2751 (keiro) to 2760 (kenturion) 2761 (kenos) to 2770 (kerdaino) 2771 (kerdos) to 2780 (kepouros) 2781 (kerion) to 2790 (kitharoidos) 2791 (Kilikia) to 2800 (klasis) 2801 (klasma) to 2810 (Kleopas) 2811 (kleos) to 2820 (kleroo) 2821 (klesis) to 2830 (kludon) 2831 (kludonizomai) to 2840 (koinoo) 2841 (koinoneo) to 2850 (kolakeia) 2851 (kolasis) to 2860 (kolumbao) 2861 (kolumbethra) to 2870 (kopetos) 2871 (kope) to 2880 (korennumi) 2881 (Korinthios) to 2890 (Kouartos) 2891 (koumi) to 2900 (krataios) 2901 (krataioo) to 2910 (kremannumi) 2911 (kremnos) to 2920 (krisis) 2921 (Krispos) to 2930 (krustallos) 2931 (kruphe) to 2940 (kubeia)


(Kdorla`omer) 3541 (koh) to 3550 (khunnah) 3551 (kav) to 3560 (Kuwn) 3561 (kavvan) to 3570 (Kuwshiy) 3581 (koach) to 3590 (kiydowd) 3591 (kiydown) to 3600 (kiyr) 3601 (kiyshowr) to 3610 (kil'ayim) 3611 (keleb) to 3620 (Kluwb) 3621 (Kluwbay) to 3630 (Kilyown) 3631 (killayown) to 3640 (klimmuwth) 3641 (Kalneh) to 3650 (kimriyr) 3651 (ken) to 3660 (knema') 3661 (kanan) to 3670 (kanaph) 3671 (kanaph) to 3680 (kacah) 3681 (kacuwy) to 3690 (kiclah) 3691 (Kiclev) to 3700 (kacaph) 3701 (keceph) to 3710 (keph) 3711 (kaphah) to 3720 (kaphan) 3721 (kaphaph) to 3730 (kaphtor) 3731 (Kaphtor) to 3740 (kerah) 3741 (karah) to 3750 (karkom) 3751 (Karkmiysh) to 3760 (Karmel) 3761 (Karmliy) to 3770 (kres) 3771 (Karshna') to 3780 (kasah) 3781 (kashshiyl) to 3790 (kthab) 3791 (kathab) to 3800 (kethem) 3801 (kthoneth) to 3810 (Lo' Dbar) 3811 (la'ah) to 3820 (leb) 3821 (leb) to 3830 (lbuwsh) 3831 (lbuwsh) to 3840 (libnah) 3841 (Libnah) to 3850 (Lod) 3851 (lahab) to 3860 (lahen) 3861 (lawhen) to 3870 (Luwz) 3871 (luwach) to 3880 (livyah) 3881 (Leviyiy) to 3890 (lvath) 3891 (lzuwth) to 3900 (lchem)

2941 (kubernesis) to 2950 (kumbalon) 2951 (kuminon) to 2960 (kuriakos) 2961 (kurieuo) to 2970 (komos) 2971 (konops) to 2980 (laleo) 2981 (lalia) to 2990 (lanthano) 2991 (laxeutos) to 3000 (latreuo) 3001 (lachanon) to 3010 (leitourgikos) 3011 (leitourgos) to 3020 (Leuitikos) 3021 (leukaino) to 3030 (libanos) 3031 (libanotos) to 3040 (limen) 3041 (limne) to 3050 (logikos) 3051 (logion) to 3060 (loidoros) 3061 (loimos) to 3070 (Ludia) 3071 (Lukaonia) to 3080 (lusis) 3081 (lusitelei) to 3090 (Lois) 3091 (Lot) to 3100 (matheteuo) 3101 (mathetes) to 3110 (Makedon) 3111 (makellon) to 3120 (malakos) 3121 (Maleleel) to 3130 (mania) 3131 (manna) to 3140 (martureo) 3141 (marturia) to 3150 (mataiologia) 3151 (mataiologos) to 3160 (Mattatha) 3161 (Mattathias) to 3170 (megaluno) 3171 (megalos) to 3180 (methodeia) 3181 (methorios) to 3190 (Meleas) 3191 (meletao) to 3200 (membrana) 3201 (memphomai) to 3210 (Not Used) 3211 (Not Used) to 3220 (Not


3901 (lachem) to 3910 (lot) 3911 (lta'ah) to 3920 (lakad) 3921 (leked) to 3930 (loa`) 3931 (la`ab) to 3940 (lappiyd) 3941 (Lappiydowth) to 3950 (laqat) 3951 (leqet) to 3960 (lashan) 3961 (lishshan) to 3970 (ma'avay) 3971 (m'uwm) to 3980 (ma'akoleth) 3981 (ma'amats) to 3990 (ma'aphel) 3991 (ma'phelyah) to 4000 (mabown) 4001 (mbuwcah) to 4010 (mabliygiyth) 4011 (mibneh) to 4020 (migbalah) 4021 (migba`ah) to 4030 (migdanah) 4031 (Magowg) to 4040 (mgillah) 4041 (mgammah) to 4050 (mgerah) 4051 (Migrown) to 4060 (middah) 4061 (middah) to 4070 (mdowr) 4071 (mduwrah) to 4080 (Midyan) 4081 (Middiyn) to 4090 (mdan) 4091 (Mdan) to 4100 (mah) 4101 (mah) to 4110 (mahalal) 4111 (Mahalal'el) to 4120 (mherah) 4121 (Maharay) to 4130 (mowda`ath) 4131 (mowt) to 4140 (Mowliyd) 4141 (muwcab) to 4150 (mow`ed) 4151 (mow`ad) to 4160 (muwts) 4161 (mowtsa') to 4170 (mowqesh)

Used) 3221 (Not Used) to 3230 (Not Used) 3231 (Not Used) to 3240 (Not Used) 3241 (Not Used) to 3250 (Not Used) 3251 (Not Used) to 3260 (Not Used) 3261 (Not Used) to 3270 (Not Used) 3271 (Not Used) to 3280 (Not Used) 3281 (Not Used) to 3290 (Not Used) 3291 (Not Used) to 3300 (Not Used) 3301 (Not Used) to 3310 (meris) 3311 (merismos) to 3320 (mesotoichon) 3321 (mesouranema) to 3330 (metadidomi) 3331 (metathesis) to 3340 (metanoeo) 3341 (metanoia) to 3350 (metoikesia) 3351 (metoikizo) to 3360 (mechri) 3361 (me) to 3370 (Medos) 3371 (meketi) to 3380 (mepo) 3381 (mepos) to 3390 (metropolis) 3391 (mia) to 3400 (milion) 3401 (mimeomai) to 3410 (misthoma) 3411 (misthotos) to 3420 (mneme) 3421 (mnemoneuo) to 3430 (moicheia) 3431 (moicheuo) to 3440 (monon) 3441 (monos) to 3450 (mou) 3451 (mousikos) to 3460 (Mura) 3461 (murias) to 3470 (momos)


4171 (muwr) to 4180 (mowrash) 4181 (mowrashah) to 4190 (mowsha`ah) 4191 (muwth) to 4200 (mezev) 4201 (mzuwzah) to 4210 (mizmowr) 4211 (mazmerah) to 4220 (meach) 4221 (moach) to 4230 (mchuwgah) 4231 (machowz) to 4240 (Mchiyda') 4241 (michyah) to 4250 (Machliy) 4251 (machluy) to 4260 (machama'ah) 4261 (machmad) to 4270 (machcowr) 4271 (Machceyah) to 4280 (machara'ah) 4281 (machareshah) to 4290 (machtereth) 4291 (mta') to 4300 (mtiyl) 4301 (matmown) to 4310 (miy) 4311 (Meydba') to 4320 (Miykayah) 4321 (Miykayhuw) to 4330 (miyts) 4331 (Meysha') to 4340 (meythar) 4341 (mak'ob) to 4350 (mkownah) 4351 (mkuwrah) to 4360 (miklul) 4361 (makkoleth) to 4370 (miknac) 4371 (mekec) to 4380 (mkerah) 4381 (Mikriy) to 4390 (male') 4391 (mla') to 4400 (mal'akuwth) 4401 (Mal`akiy) to 4410 (mluwkah) 4411 (malown) to 4420 (mlechah) 4421 (milchamah) to 4430

3471 (moraino) to 3480 (Nazoraios) 3481 (Nathan) to 3490 (naukleros) 3491 (naus) to 3500 (nekrosis) 3501 (neos) to 3510 (nephros) 3511 (neokoros) to 3520 (nesos) 3521 (nesteia) to 3530 (Nikodemos) 3531 (Nikolaites) to 3540 (noema) 3541 (nothos) to 3550 (nomothetes) 3551 (nomos) to 3560 (noutheteo) 3561 (noumenia) to 3570 (nuni) 3571 (nux) to 3580 (xenodocheo) 3581 (xenos) to 3590 (ogdoos) 3591 (ogkos) to 3600 (odunao) 3601 (odune) to 3610 (oiketes) 3611 (oikeo) to 3620 (oikodomia) 3621 (oikonomeo) to 3630 (oinopotes) 3631 (oinos) to 3640 (oligopistos) 3641 (oligos) to 3650 (holos) 3661 (homothumadon) to 3670 (homologeo) 3671 (homologia) to 3680 (oneidismos) 3681 (oneidos) to 3690 (oxos) 3691 (oxus) to 3700 (optanomai) 3701 (optasia) to 3710 (orgizo) 3711 (orgilos) to 3720 (orthrinos) 3721 (orthrios) to 3730 (horme) 3731 (hormema) to 3740 (hosakis) 3741 (hosios) to 3750 (osphresis) 3751 (osphus) to 3760 (oudamos) 3761 (oude) to 3770 (ouranios) 3771 (ouranothen) to 3780 (ouchi) 3781 (opheiletes) to 3790 (ophrus) 3791 (ochleo) to 3800 (opsonion) 3811 (paideuo) to 3820 (palaios) 3821 (palaiotes) to 3830 (pandocheus)


(melek) 4431 (mlak) to 4440 (Malkiy'eliy) 4441 (Malkiyah) to 4450 (Milalay) 4451 (malmad) to 4460 (mammgurah) 4461 (memad) to 4470 (memer) 4471 (Mamre') to 4480 (min) 4481 (min) to 4490 (manah) 4491 (minhag) to 4500 (manowr) 4501 (mnowrah) to 4510 (minyan) 4511 (Minniyth) to 4520 (Mnashshiy) 4521 (mnath) to 4530 (miccah) 4531 (maccah) to 4540 (mcukkah) 4541 (maccekah) to 4550 (macca`) 4551 (macca`) to 4560 (macar) 4561 (mocar) to 4570 (ma`gal) 4571 (ma`ad) to 4580 (ma`owg) 4581 (ma`owz) to 4590 (Ma`azyah) 4591 (ma`at) to 4600 (ma`ak) 4601 (Ma`akah) to 4610 (Ma`aleh `Aqrabbiym) 4611 (ma`alal) to 4620 (ma`atsebah) 4621 (ma`atsad) to 4630 (ma`arah) 4631 (m`arah) to 4640 (Ma`say) 4641 (Ma`aseyah) to 4650 (mephiyts) 4651 (mappal) to 4660 (mappats) 4661 (mappets) to 4670 (miphtan) 4671 (mots) to 4680 (matsah) 4681 (Motsah) to 4690 (matsuwq) 4691 (mtsuwqah) to 4700 (mtseleth) 4701 (mitsnepheth) to 4710

3831 (paneguris) to 3840 (pantothen) 3841 (pantokrator) to 3850 (parabole) 3851 (parabouleuomai) to 3860 (paradidomi) 3861 (paradoxos) to 3870 (parakaleo) 3871 (parakalupto) to 3880 (paralambano) 3881 (paralegomai) to 3890 (paramuthion) 3891 (paranomeo) to 3900 (paraptoma) 3901 (pararrhueo) to 3910 (parautika) 3911 (paraphero) to 3920 (pareisaktos) 3921 (pareisduno) to 3930 (parecho) 3931 (paregoria) to 3940 (paroikia) 3941 (paroikos) to 3950 (parorgismos) 3951 (parotruno) to 3960 (patasso) 3961 (pateo) to 3970 (patroparadotos) 3971 (patroios) to 3980 (peitharcheo) 3981 (peithos) to 3990 (pelekizo) 3991 (pemptos) to 4000 (pentakischilioi) 4001 (pentakosioi) to 4010 (Pergamos) 4011 (Perge) to 4020 (periergazomai) 4021 (periergos) to 4030 (perikephalaia) 4031 (perikrates) to 4040 (perioikos)


(mitspun) 4711 (matsats) to 4720 (miqdash) 4721 (maqhel) to 4730 (miqtereth) 4731 (maqqel) to 4740 (maqtsowa`) 4741 (maqtsu`ah) to 4750 (miqshah) 4751 (mar) to 4760 (mur'ah) 4761 (mar'ashah) to 4770 (marbeq) 4771 (margowa`) to 4780 (marduwth) 4781 (Mrodak) to 4790 (mrowach) 4791 (marowm) to 4800 (merchab) 4801 (merchaq) to 4810 (Mriy Ba`al) 4811 (Mrayah) to 4820 (mirmah) 4821 (Mirmah) to 4830 (mir`iyth) 4831 (Mar`alah) to 4840 (merqach) 4841 (merqachah) to 4850 (Mrathayim) 4851 (Mash) to 4860 (mashsha'own) 4861 (Mish'al) to 4870 (mishgeh) 4871 (mashah) to 4880 (mashowt) 4881 (msuwkah) to 4890 (mischaq) 4891 (mishchar) to 4900 (mashak) 4901 (meshek) to 4910 (mashal) 4911 (mashal) to 4920 (Mshelemyah) 4921 (Mshillemiyth) to 4930 (masmrah) 4931 (mishmereth) to 4940 (mishpachah)

4041 (periousios) to 4050 (perisseia) 4051 (perisseuma) to 4060 (peritithemi) 4061 (peritome) to 4070 (perusi) 4071 (peteinon) to 4080 (pelikos) 4081 (pelos) to 4090 (pikros) 4091 (Pilatos) to 4100 (pisteuo) 4101 (pistikos) to 4110 (plasma) 4111 (plasso) to 4120 (pleko) 4121 (pleonazo) to 4130 (pletho) 4131 (plektes) to 4140 (plesmone) 4141 (plesso) to 4150 (pluno) 4151 (pneuma) to 4160 (poieo) 4161 (poiema) to 4170 (polemeo) 4171 (polemos) to 4180 (polulogia) 4181 (polumeros) to 4190 (poneros) 4191 (poneroteros) to 4200 (porismos) 4201 (Porkios) to 4210 (porphurous) 4211 (porphuropolis) to 4220 (poteron) 4221 (poterion) to 4230 (pragmateia) 4231 (pragmateuomai) to 4240 (prautes) 4241 (prepo) to 4250 (prin) 4251 (Priska) to 4260 (probaino) 4261 (proballo) to 4270 (prographo) 4271 (prodelos) to 4280 (proereo) 4281 (proerchomai) to 4290 (prothumos) 4291 (proistemi) to 4300 (prokuroo) 4301 (prolambano) to 4310 (propascho) 4311 (propempo) to 4320


4941 (mishpat) to 4950 (mishqa`) 4951 (misrah) to 4960 (mishteh) 4961 (mishteh) to 4970 (mathay) 4971 (mathkoneth) to 4980 (Mattanah) 4981 (Mithniy) to 4990 (Mithrdath) 4991 (mattath) to 5000 (na'veh) 5001 (na'am) to 5010 (na'ar) 5011 (Nob) to 5020 (Nbuwkadnetstsar) 5021 (Nbuwshazban) to 5030 (nabiy') 5031 (nbiy'ah) to 5040 (nabluwth) 5041 (Nballat) to 5050 (nagahh) 5051 (nogahh) to 5060 (naga`) 5061 (nega`) to 5070 (Nadab) 5071 (ndabah) to 5080 (nadach) 5081 (nadiyb) to 5090 (nahag) 5091 (nahah) to 5100 (nhamah) 5101 (nahaq) to 5110 (nuwd) 5111 (nuwd) to 5120 (nuwt) 5121 (Naviyth) to 5130 (nuwph) 5131 (nowph) to 5140 (nazal) 5141 (nexem) to 5150 (nichuwm) 5151 (Nachuwm) to 5160 (Nachaliy'el) 5161 (Nechelamiy) to 5170 (nachar) 5171 (Nacharay) to 5180 (Nchushtan) 5181 (nachath) to 5190 (natal) 5191 (ntal) to 5200 (Ntophathiy) 5201 (natar) to 5210 (Niynveh) 5211 (niyc) to 5220 (neked) 5221 (nakah) to 5230 (nakal) 5231 (nekel) to 5240 (nmibzeh) 5241 (Nmuw'el) to 5250 (Nimshiy) 5251 (nec) to 5260 (ncak) 5261 (ncak) to 5270 (No`ah)

(prosanabaino) 4321 (prosanalisko) to 4330 (proseao) 4331 (proseggizo) to 4340 (proskairos) 4341 (proskaleomai) to 4350 (proskopto) 4351 (proskulio) to 4360 (prosochthizo) 4361 (prospeinos) to 4370 (prostrecho) 4371 (prosphagion) to 4380 (prosopolepteo) 4381 (prosopoleptes) to 4390 (protrecho) 4391 (prouparcho) to 4400 (procheirizomai) 4401 (procheirotoneo) to 4410 (protokathedria) 4411 (protoklisia) to 4420 (pterux) 4421 (ptenon) to 4430 (ptoma) 4431 (ptosis) to 4440 (pulon) 4441 (punthanomai) to 4450 (purrhos) 4451 (purosis) to 4460 (Rhaab) 4461 (rhabbi) to 4470 (rhakos) 4471 (Rhama) to 4480 (rheda) 4481 (Rhemphan) to 4490 (rhetos) 4491 (rhiza) to 4500 (rhoizedon) 4501 (rhomphaia) to 4510 (rhupoo) 4511 (rhusis) to 4520 (sabbatismos) 4521 (sabbaton) to 4530 (Saleim) 4531 (saleuo) to 4540 (Samareia) 4541 (Samareites) to 4550 (sapros) 4551 (Sappheire) to 4560 (sarkinos) 4561 (sarx) to 4570 (sbennumi) 4571 (se) to 4580 (Sekoundos)


5271 (na`uwr) to 5280 (Na`amiy) 5281 (No`omiy) to 5290 (no`ar) 5291 (na`arah) to 5300 (Nphuwshciym) 5301 (naphach) to 5310 (naphats) 5311 (nephets) to 5320 (Naphtuchiym) 5321 (Naphtaliy) to 5330 (ntsach) 5331 (netsach) to 5340 (natsats) 5341 (natsar) to 5350 (niqqud) 5351 (nquddah) to 5360 (nqamah) 5361 (naqa`) to 5370 (Nergal) 5371 (Nergal Shar'etser) to 5380 (nashab) 5381 (nasag) to 5390 (nshiyqah) 5391 (nashak) to 5400 (nasaq) 5401 (nashaq) to 5410 (nathiyb) 5411 (Nathiyn) to 5420 (nathac) 5421 (natha`) to 5430 (c'own) 5431 (ca'an) to 5440 (cabak) 5441 (cobek) to 5450 (cbalah) 5451 (cibboleth) to 5460 (cgan) 5461 (cagan) to 5470 (cohar) 5471 (Cow') to 5480 (cuwk) 5481 (cuwmpownyah) to 5490 (cowph) 5491 (cowph) to 5500 (cachah) 5501 (cchiy) to 5510 (Ciyvan) 5511 (Ciychown) to 5520 (cok) 5521 (cukkah) to 5530 (cakal) 5531 (cikluwth) to 5540 (Celed) 5541 (calah) to 5550 (collah) 5551 (cullam) to 5560 (coleth) 5561 (cam) to 5570 (Cna'ah) 5571 (Canballat) to 5580 (cac) 5581 (Cicmay) to 5590 (ca`ar) 5591 (ca`ar) to 5600 (cphiynah) 5601 (cappiyr) to 5610 (cphar) 5611 (Cphar) to 5620 (car) 5621 (carab) to 5630 (ciyron) 5631 (cariyc) to 5640 (catham)

4581 (Seleukeia) to 4590 (Sem) 4591 (semaino) to 4600 (siagon) 4601 (sigao) to 4610 (Silouanos) 4611 (Siloam) to 4620 (sitometron) 4621 (sitos) to 4630 (Skeuas) 4631 (skeue) to 4640 (skirtao) 4641 (sklerokardia) to 4650 (skorpizo) 4651 (skorpios) to 4660 (skullo) 4661 (skulon) to 4670 (Sodoma) 4671 (soi) to 4680 (sophos) 4681 (Spania) to 4690 (sperma) 4691 (spermologos) to 4700 (spodos) 4701 (spora) to 4710 (spoude) 4711 (spuris) to 4720 (Stachus) 4721 (stege) to 4730 (stenochoria) 4731 (stereos) to 4740 (sterigmos) 4741 (sterizo) to 4750 (stoma) 4751 (stomachos) to 4760 (stratopedon) 4761 (strebloo) to 4770 (Stoikos) 4771 (su) to 4780 (sugkalupto) 4781 (sugkampto) to 4790 (sugkoinoneo) 4791 (sugkoinonos) to 4800 (suzao) 4801 (suzeugnumi) to 4810 (sukon) 4811 (sukophanteo) to 4820 (sumballo) 4821 (sumbasileuo) to 4830 (summetochos) 4831 (summimetes) to 4840 (sumpareimi) 4841 (sumpascho) to 4850 (sumpresbuteros) 4851 (sumphero) to 4860 (sumpsephizo) 4861 (sumpsuchos) to 4870


5641 (cathar) to 5650 (`ebed) 5651 (`Ebed) to 5660 (`Abdiy) 5661 (`Abdiy'el) to 5670 (`abat) 5671 (`abtiyt) to 5680 (`Ibriy) 5681 (`Ibriy) to 5690 (`egeb) 5691 (`agabah) to 5700 (`Eglown) 5701 (`agam) to 5710 (`adah) 5711 (`Adah) to 5720 (`Adiyn) 5721 (`Adiyna') to 5730 (`eden) 5731 (`Eden) to 5740 (`Eder) 5741 (`Adriy'el) to 5750 (`owd) 5751 (`owd) to 5760 (`aviyl) 5761 (`Avviym) to 5770 (`avan) 5771 (`avon) to 5780 (`Uwts) 5781 (`uwq) to 5790 (`uwth) 5791 (`avath) to 5800 (`azab) 5801 (`izzabown) to 5810 (`azaz) 5811 (`Azaz) to 5820 (`Azmaveth) 5821 (`Azzan) to 5830 (`Ezra') 5831 (`Ezra') to 5840 (`Azriyqam) 5841 (`Azzathiy) to 5850 (`atarah) 5851 (`Atarah) to 5860 (`iyt) 5861 (`ayit) to 5870 (`ayin) 5871 (`Ayin) to 5880 (`Eyn Mishpat) 5881 (`Eynan) to 5890 (`eyphah) 5891 (`Eyphah) to 5900 (`Iyruw) 5901 (`Iyriy) to 5910 (`Akkow) 5911 (`Alowr) to 5920 (`al) 5921 (`al) to 5930 (`olah) 5931 (`illah) to 5940 (`eliy) 5941 (`Eliy) to 5950 (`aliyliyah) 5951 (`aliytsuwth) to 5960 (`Almown) 5961 (`Alamowth) to 5970 (`alats) 5971 (`am) to 5980 (`ummah) 5981 (`Ummah) to 5990

(sunakoloutheo) 4871 (sunalizo) to 4880 (sunapothnesko) 4881 (sunapollumi) to 4890 (sundrome) 4891 (sunegeiro) to 4900 (sunelauno) 4901 (sunepimartureo) to 4910 (suneuocheo) 4911 (sunephistemi) to 4920 (suniemi) 4921 (sunistao) to 4930 (sunteleia) 4931 (sunteleo) to 4940 (suntugchano) 4941 (Suntuche) to 4950 (surtis) 4951 (suro) to 4960 (sustoicheo) 4961 (sustratiotes) to 4970 (sphodra) 4971 (sphodros) to 4980 (scholazo) 4981 (schole) to 4990 (soter) 4991 (soteria) to 5000 (Tabitha) 5001 (tagma) to 5010 (taxis) 5011 (tapeinos) to 5020 (tartaroo) 5021 (tasso) to 5030 (tacheos) 5031 (tachinos) to 5040 (teknion) 5041 (teknogoneo) to 5050 (teleiosis) 5051 (teleiotes) to 5060 (Tertios) 5061 (Tertullos) to 5070 (tetrakischilioi) 5071 (tetrakosioi) to 5080 (teko) 5081 (telaugos) to 5090 (Timaios) 5091 (timao) to 5100 (tis) 5101 (tis) to 5110 (tokos) 5111 (tolmao) to 5120 (tou) 5121 (tounantion) to 5130 (touton) 5131 (tragos) to 5140 (treis) 5141 (tremo) to 5150 (trimenon)


(`Ammiyzabad) 5991 (`Ammiychuwr) to 6000 (`Amal) 6001 (`amel) to 6010 (`emeq) 6011 (`omeq) to 6020 (`Amramiy) 6021 (`Amasa') to 6030 (`anah) 6031 (`anah) to 6040 (`oniy) 6041 (`aniy) to 6050 (`anan) 6051 (`anan) to 6060 (`anaq) 6061 (`Anaq) to 6070 (`Anthothiyah) 6071 (`aciyc) to 6080 (`aphar) 6081 (`Epher) to 6090 (`otseb) 6091 (`atsab) to 6100 (`Etsyown) 6101 (`atsal) to 6110 (`atstsumah) 6111 (`Atsmown) to 6120 (`aqeb) 6121 (`aqob) to 6130 (`Aqan) 6131 (`aqar) to 6140 (`aqash) 6141 (`iqqesh) to 6150 (`arab) 6151 (`arab) to 6160 (`arabah) 6161 (`arubbah) to 6170 (`aruwgah) 6171 (`arowd) to 6180 (`Eriy) 6181 (`eryah) to 6190 (`orlah) 6191 (`aram) to 6200 (`Aro`eriy) 6201 (`araph) to 6210 (`eres) 6211 (`ash) to 6220 (`Ashvath) 6221 (`Asiy'el,) to 6230 (`eseq) 6231 (`ashaq) to 6240 (`asar) 6241 (`issarown) to 6250 (`eshtonah) 6251 (`ashtrah) to 6260 (`attuwd) 6261 (`ittiy) to 6270 (`Athlay) 6271 (`Athalyah) to 6280 (`athar) 6281 (`Ether) to 6290 (Pa'ran) 6291 (pag) to 6300 (Pdah'el) 6301 (Pdahtsuwr) to 6310 (peh) 6311 (poh) to 6320 (puwk) 6321 (powl) to 6330 (puwqah) 6331 (puwr) to 6340 (pazar)

5151 (tris) to 5160 (trophe) 5161 (Trophimos) to 5170 (Truphaina) 5171 (truphao) to 5180 (tupto) 5181 (Turannos) to 5190 (Tuchikos) 5191 (huakinthinos) to 5200 (hugros) 5201 (hudria) to 5210 (humeis) 5211 (Humenaios) to 5220 (hupandros) 5221 (hupantao) to 5230 (huperakmos) 5231 (huperano) to 5240 (huperekchuno) 5241 (huperentugchano) to 5250 (huperpleonazo) 5251 (huperupsoo) to 5260 (hupoballo) 5261 (hupogrammos) to 5270 (hupokato) 5271 (hupokrinomai) to 5280 (hupomnesis) 5281 (hupomone) to 5290 (hupostrepho) 5291 (hupostronnumi) to 5300 (hus) 5301 (hussopos) to 5310 (hupsistos) 5311 (hupsos) to 5320 (phaneros) 5321 (phanerosis) to 5330 (Pharisaios) 5331 (pharmakeia) to 5340 (pheidomenos) 5341 (phelones) to 5350 (phtheggomai) 5351 (phtheiro) to 5360 (philadelphia) 5361 (philadelphos) to 5370 (philema) 5371 (Philemon) to 5380


6341 (pach) to 6350 (pachazuwth) 6351 (pachach) to 6360 (pattiysh) 6361 (pattiysh) to 6370 (piylegesh) 6371 (piymah) to 6380 (Pokereth Tsbayiym) 6381 (pala') to 6390 (plaggah) 6391 (pluggah) to 6400 (pelach) 6401 (Pilcha') to 6410 (Platyah) 6411 (Playah) to 6420 (Palal) 6421 (Plalyah) to 6430 (Plishtiy) 6431 (Peleth) to 6440 (paniym) 6441 (pniymah) to 6450 (Pac Dammiym) 6451 (piccah) to 6460 (pcanteriyn) 6461 (pacac) to 6470 (pa`am) 6471 (pa`am) to 6480 (patsam) 6481 (patsa`) to 6490 (piqquwd) 6491 (paqach) to 6500 (para') 6501 (pere') to 6510 (parah) 6511 (Parah) to 6520 (prazown) 6521 (praziy) to 6530 (priyts) 6531 (perek) to 6540 (Parac) 6541 (parcah) to 6550 (par`osh) 6551 (Par`osh) to 6560 (Perets `Uzza') 6561 (paraq) to 6570 (Peresh) 6571 (parash) to 6580 (pash) 6581 (pasah) to 6590 (pshar) 6591 (pshar) to 6600 (pithgam) 6601 (pathah) to 6610 (pithchown) 6611 (Pthachyah) to 6620 (pethen) 6621 (petha`) to 6630 (Tsa'anan) 6631 (tse'etsa') to 6640 (tsbuw) 6641 (tsabuwa`) to 6650 (Tsbo`iym) 6651 (tsabar) to 6660 (tsdiyah)

(philoneikos) 5381 (philonexia) to 5390 (philophronos) 5391 (philophron) to 5400 (phobetron) 5401 (phobos) to 5410 (Phoron) 5411 (phoros) to 5420 (phrasso) 5421 (phrear) to 5430 (phronimos) 5441 (phulax) to 5450 (phusiosis) 5451 (phuteia) to 5460 (photeinos) 5461 (photizo) to 5470 (chalkeos) 5471 (chalkeus) to 5480 (charagma) 5481 (charakter) to 5490 (chasma) 5491 (cheilos) to 5500 (cheirotoneo) 5501 (cheiron) to 5510 (chion) 5511 (chlamus) to 5520 (cholao) 5521 (chole) to 5530 (chraomai) 5531 (chrao) to 5540 (chresis) 5541 (chresteuomai) to 5550 (chronos) 5551 (chronotribeo) to 5560 (cholos) 5561 (chora) to 5570 (pseudapostolos) 5571 (pseudes) to 5580 (pseudochristos) 5581 (pseudonumos) to 5590 (psuche) 5591 (psuchikos) to 5600 (o) 5601 (Obed) to 5610 (hora) 5611 (horaios) to 5620 (hoste) 5621 (otion) to 5624 (ophelimos)


6661 (Tsiddiym) to 6670 (tsahal) 6671 (tsahar) to 6680 (tsavah) 6681 (tsavach) to 6690 (Tsowphach) 6691 (Tsowphar) to 6700 (Tsuwriy'el) 6701 (Tsuwriyshadday) to 6710 (tsachtsachah) 6711 (tsachaq) to 6720 (tseydah) 6721 (Tsiydown) to 6730 (Tsiy`or) 6731 (tsiyts) to 6740 (tsalah) 6741 (Tsillah) to 6750 (tsalal) 6751 (tsalal) to 6760 (tsala`) 6761 (tsela`) to 6770 (tsame') 6771 (tsame') to 6780 (tsemach) 6781 (tsamiyd) to 6790 (Tsin) 6791 (tsen) to 6800 (tsana`) 6801 (tsanaph) to 6810 (tsa`iyr) 6811 (Tsa`iyr) to 6820 (Tso`ar) 6821 (tsaphad) to 6830 (tsphowniy) 6831 (Tsphowniy) to 6840 (tsaphiyn) 6841 (tsphiyr) to 6850 (tsaphaph) 6851 (tsaphtsaphah) to 6860 (Tsiqlag) 6861 (tsiqlon) to 6870 (Tsruwyah) 6871 (Tsruw`ah) to 6880 (tsir`ah) 6881 (Tsor`ah) to 6890 (Tsereth hashShachar) 6891 (Tsarthan) to 6900 (qbuwrah) 6901 (qabal) to 6910 (qbutsah) 6911 (Qibtsayim) to 6920 (qaddachath) 6921 (qadiym) to 6930 (qadmown) 6931 (qadmowniy) to 6940 (qadruwth)


6941 (qdoranniyth) to 6950 (qahal) 6951 (qahal) to 6960 (qavah) 6961 (qaveh) to 6970 (Qowa`) 6971 (qowph) to 6980 (quwr) 6981 (Qowre') to 6990 (qatat) 6991 (qatal) to 7000 (qatar) 7001 (qtar) to 7010 (qyam) 7011 (qayam) to 7020 (qiytsown) 7021 (qiyqayown) to 7030 (qiytharoc) 7031 (qal) to 7040 (Qallay) 7041 (Qelayah) to 7050 (qela`) 7051 (qalla`) to 7060 (qamal) 7061 (qamats) to 7070 (qaneh) 7071 (Qanah) to 7080 (qacam) 7081 (qecem) to 7090 (qippowd) 7091 (qippowz) to 7100 (qetsach) 7101 (qatsiyn) to 7110 (qetseph) 7111 (qtsaphah) to 7120 (qor) 7121 (qara') to 7130 (qereb) 7131 (qareb) to 7140 (qerach) 7141 (Qorach) to 7150 (qriy'ah) 7151 (qiryah) to 7160 (qaran) 7161 (qeren) to 7170 (qrats) 7171 (qerets) to 7180 (qishshu') 7181 (qashab) to 7190 (qshiy) 7191 (Qishyown) to 7200 (ra'ah) 7201 (ra'ah) to 7210 (ro'iy) 7211 (R'ayah) to 7220 (Ro'sh) 7221 (ri'shah) to 7230 (rob) 7231 (rabab) to 7240 (ribbow) 7241 (rabiyb) to 7250 (raba`) 7251 (raba`) to 7260 (rabrab) 7261 (rabrban) to 7270 (ragal) 7271 (rgal) to 7280 (raga`) 7281 (rega`) to 7290 (radam) 7291 (radaph) to 7300 (ruwd) 7301 (ravah) to 7310 (rvayah) 7311 (ruwm) to 7320 (Rowmamtiy `Ezer)


7321 (ruwa`) to 7330 (razeh) 7331 (Rzown) to 7340 (Rchob) 7341 (rochab) to 7350 (rachowq) 7351 (rchiyt) to 7360 (racham) 7361 (rachamah) to 7370 (rachash) 7371 (rachath) to 7380 (Riybay) 7381 (reyach) to 7390 (rak) 7391 (rok) to 7400 (rakiyl) 7401 (rakak) to 7410 (Ram) 7411 (ramah) to 7420 (romach) 7421 (rammiy) to 7430 (ramas) 7431 (remes) to 7440 (rinnah) 7441 (Rinnah) to 7450 (racac) 7451 (ra`) to 7460 (ra`ad) 7461 (ra`ad) to 7470 (ruwth) 7471 (r`iy) to 7480 (R`elayah) 7481 (ra`am) to 7490 (r`a`) 7491 (ra`aph) to 7500 (riph'uwth) 7501 (Rpha'el) to 7510 (riphyown) 7511 (raphac) to 7520 (ratsad) 7521 (ratsah) to 7530 (Retseph) 7531 (ritspah) to 7540 (raqad) 7541 (raqqah) to 7550 (raqiyq) 7551 (raqam) to 7560 (rsham) 7561 (rasha`) to 7570 (rathach) 7571 (rethach) to 7580 (sha'ag) 7581 (shagah) to 7590 (sha't) 7591 (sh'iyah) to 7600 (sha'anan) 7601 (sha'ac) to 7610 (Sh'ar Yashuwb) 7611 (sh'eriyth) to 7620 (shabuwa`) 7621 (shbuw`ah) to 7630 (Shobay) 7631 (sbiyb) to 7640 (shebel) 7641 (shibbol) to 7650 (shaba`) 7651 (sheba`) to 7660 (shabats) 7661 (shabats) to 7670 (shibrown)


7671 (Shbariym) to 7680 (sga') 7681 (Shage') to 7690 (saggiy') 7691 (shgiy'ah) to 7700 (shed) 7701 (shod) to 7710 (shadaph) 7711 (shdephah) to 7720 (saharon) 7721 (sow') to 7730 (sowbek) 7731 (Showbak) to 7740 (Shaveh) 7741 (Shaveh Qiryathayim) to 7750 (suwt) 7751 (shuwt) to 7760 (suwm) 7761 (suwm) to 7770 (Shuwa`) 7771 (showa`) to 7780 (Showphak) 7781 (Shuwphamiy) to 7790 (shuwr) 7791 (shuwr) to 7800 (Shuwshan) 7801 (Shuwshankiy) to 7810 (shachad) 7811 (sachah) to 7820 (shachat) 7821 (shchiytah) to 7830 (shachats) 7831 (Shachatsowm) to 7840 (shcharchoreth) 7841 (Shcharyah) to 7850 (shotet) 7851 (Shittiym) to 7860 (shoter) 7861 (Shitray) to 7870 (shiybah) 7871 (shiybah) to 7880 (siyach) 7881 (siychah) to 7890 (shayin) 7891 (shiyr) to 7900 (sok) 7901 (shakab) to 7910 (shikkowr) 7911 (shakach) to 7920 (skal) 7921 (shakol) to 7930 (Shikmiy) 7931 (shakan) to 7940 (Sakar) 7941 (shekar) to 7950 (sheleg) 7951 (shalah) to 7960 (shaluw) 7961 (shalev) to 7970 (shlowshiym) 7971 (shalach) to 7980 (shalat) 7981 (shlet) to 7990 (shalliyt)


7991 (shaliysh) to 8000 (shlam) 8001 (shlam) to 8010 (Shlomoh) 8011 (shillumah) to 8020 (Shalman) 8021 (shalmon) to 8030 (Shilshah) 8031 (Shalishah) to 8040 (smo'wl) 8041 (sama'l) to 8050 (Shmuw'el) 8051 (Shammuwa`) to 8060 (Shammay) 8061 (Shmiyda`) to 8070 (Shmiyramowth) 8071 (simlah) to 8080 (shaman) 8081 (shemen) to 8090 (Shma`) 8091 (Shama`) to 8100 (Shim`ath) 8101 (Shim`athiy) to 8110 (Shimrown) 8111 (Shomrown) to 8120 (shmash) 8121 (shemesh) to 8130 (sane') 8131 (sne') to 8140 (shnah) 8141 (shaneh) to 8150 (shanan) 8151 (shanac) to 8160 (sha`ah) 8161 (sha`atah) to 8170 (Sha`alboniy) 8171 (Sha`aliym) to 8180 (sha`ar) 8181 (se`ar) to 8190 (Sha`ashgaz) 8191 (sha`shua`) to 8200 (shphat) 8201 (shephet) to 8210 (shaphak) 8211 (shephek) to 8220 (shiphluwth) 8221 (Shpham) to 8230 (Shiph`iy) 8231 (shaphar) to 8240 (shaphath) 8241 (shetseph) to 8250 (shiqquwy) 8251 (shiqquwts) to 8260 (sheqeph)


8261 (shaquph) to 8270 (shor) 8271 (shre') to 8280 (sarah) 8281 (sharah) to 8290 (Sharowniy) 8291 (saruwq) to 8300 (sariyd) 8301 (Sariyd) to 8310 (Sarckiym) 8311 (sara`) to 8320 (saruq) 8321 (soreq) to 8330 (shoresh) 8331 (sharshah) to 8340 (Sheshbatstsar) 8341 (shashah) to 8350 (shashar) 8351 (sheth) to 8360 (shthiyah) 8361 (shittiyn) to 8370 (Shthar Bowznay) 8371 (shathath) to 8380 (ta'owm) 8381 (ta'alah) to 8390 (Ta'area`) 8391 (t'ashshuwr) to 8400 (tballul) 8401 (teben) to 8410 (tidhar) 8411 (tdiyra') to 8420 (tav) 8421 (tuwb) to 8430 (Towach) 8431 (towcheleth) to 8440 (Towla`iy) 8441 (tow`ebah) to 8450 (towr) 8451 (towrah) to 8460 (tchowth) 8461 (Tachkmoniy) to 8470 (Tachaniy) 8471 (Tachpanchec) to 8480 (Tachath) 8481 (tachtown) to 8490 (tiymarah) 8491 (Tiytsiy) to 8500 (tukkiy) 8501 (takak) to 8510 (tel) 8511 (tala') to 8520 (Telach) 8521 (Tel Charsha') to 8530 (talpiyah) 8531 (tlath) to 8540 (tmahh) 8541 (timmahown) to 8550 (Tummiym) 8551 (tamak) to 8560 (tomer) 8561 (timmor) to 8570 (tnuwbah)


8571 (tnuwk) to 8580 (tanshemeth) 8581 (ta`ab) to 8590 (Ta`anak) 8591 (ta`a`) to 8600 (tphowtsah) 8601 (tuphiyn) to 8610 (taphas) 8611 (topheth) to 8620 (Tqowa`) 8621 (Tqow`iy) to 8630 (taqaph) 8631 (tqeph) to 8640 (Tirhaqah) 8641 (truwmah) to 8650 (toren) 8651 (tra`) to 8660 (Tirshatha') 8661 (Tartan) to 8670 (tshuwrah) 8671 (tshiy`iy) to 8674 (Tattnay)

Easton's Bible Dictionary A N

















Nave's Bible Dictionary A N











Torrey's Bible Dictionary A N











King James Bible Index





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Deuteronomy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Joshua

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21



1st Samuel

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

2nd Samuel

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

1st Kings

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

2nd Kings

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1st Chronicles 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2nd Chronicles

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Song of Solomon



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1st Corinthians

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2nd Corinthians

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1st Thessalonians


2nd Thessalonians


1st Timothy


2nd Timothy



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1st Peter


2nd Peter


1st John


2nd John


3rd John





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Strong's Dictionary to the King James Bible

Hebrew Dictionary

1 ('ab) to 100 ('agmown) 101 ('aggan) to 200 ('ivveleth) 201 ('Owmar) to 300 ('Achiyshachar) 301 ('Achiyshar) to 400 ('okel) 401 ('Ukal) to 500 ('El`ale') 501 ('El`asah) to 600 ('anaph) 601 ('anaphah) to 700 ('Arubbowth) 701 ('Arbiy) to 800 ('eshshah) 801 ('ishshah) to 900 (bogdowth) 901 (bagowd) to 1000 (beytsah)

Greek Dictionary ΑΒΓ∆ΕΖΗΘΙΚ ΛΜΝΞΟΠΡΣΤΥ ΦΧΨΩ 1 (a) to 100 (hadrotes) 101 (adunateo) to 200 (akris) 201 (akroaterion) to 300 (Amon) 301 (Amos) to 400 (anaphoneo) 401 (anachusis) to 500 (antichristos) 501 (antleo) to 600 (apokathistemi) 601 (apokalupto) to 700 (aresko) 701 (arestos) to 800 (asumphonos)


1001 (biyra') to 1100 (bliya`al) 1101 (balal) to 1200 (b`erah) 1201 (Ba`sha') to 1300 (baraq) 1301 (Baraq) to 1400 (gbar) 1401 (gibbar) to 1500 (gzelah) 1501 (gazam) to 1600 (ga`ah) 1601 (Go`ah) to 1700 (dibrah) 1701 (dibrah) to 1800 (dal) 1801 (dalag) to 1900 (haguwth) 1901 (hagiyg) to 2000 (hamam) 2001 (Haman) to 2100 (zuwb) 2101 (zowb) to 2200 (z`iq) 2201 (za`aq) to 2300 (chadad) 2301 (Chadad) to 2400 (chatta') 2401 (chata'ah) to 2500 (cheleph) 2501 (Cheleph) to 2600 (chinnam) 2601 (Chanam'el) to 2700 (Chatsarmaveth) 2701 (Chatsar Cuwcah) to 2800 (Charosheth) 2801 (charath) to 2900 (Towbiyah) 2901 (tavah) to 3000 (Yberekyahuw) 3001 (yabesh) to 3100 (Yow'el) 3101 (Yow'ash) to 3200 (Yakiyniy) 3201 (yakol) to 3300 (Ya`asiy'el) 3301 (Yiphdyah) to 3400 (Yriy'el) 3401 (yariyb) to 3500 (Yether) 3501 (Yithra') to 3600 (kiyr) 3601 (kiyshowr) to 3700 (kacaph) 3701 (keceph) to 3800 (kethem) 3801 (kthoneth) to 3900 (lchem) 3901 (lachem) to 4000 (mabown) 4001 (mbuwcah) to 4100 (mah) 4101 (mah) to 4200 (mezev) 4201 (mzuwzah) to 4300 (mtiyl) 4301 (matmown) to 4400

801 (asunetos) to 900 (bathuno) 901 (bathus) to 1000 (bole) 1001 (bolizo) to 1100 (glossa) 1101 (glossokomon) to 1200 (desmophulax) 1201 (desmoterion) to 1300 (diateleo) 1301 (diatereo) to 1400 (doulon) 1401 (doulos) to 1500 (eike) 1501 (eikosi) to 1600 (ekpetannumi) 1601 (ekpipto) to 1700 (emou) 1701 (empaigmos) to 1800 (Enos) 1801 (enotizomai) to 1900 (epekeina) 1901 (epekteinomai) to 2000 (episphales) 2001 (episucho) to 2100 (euaresteo) 2101 (euarestos) to 2200 (zestos) 2201 (zeugos) to 2300 (theaomai) 2301 (theatrizo) to 2400 (idou) 2401 (Idoumaia) to 2500 (Ioses) 2501 (Ioseph) to 2600 (katabasis) 2601 (katabibazo) to 2700 (katatoxeuo) 2701 (katatrecho) to 2800 (klasis) 2801 (klasma) to 2900 (krataios) 2901 (krataioo) to 3000 (latreuo) 3001 (lachanon) to 3100 (matheteuo) 3101 (mathetes) to 3200 (membrana) 3201 (memphomai) to 3300 (Not Used) 3301 (Not Used) to 3400 (milion) 3401 (mimeomai) to 3500 (nekrosis) 3501 (neos) to 3600 (odunao) 3601 (odune) to 3700 (optanomai)


(mal'akuwth) 4401 (Mal`akiy) to 4500 (manowr) 4501 (mnowrah) to 4600 (ma`ak) 4601 (Ma`akah) to 4700 (mtseleth) 4701 (mitsnepheth) to 4800 (merchab) 4801 (merchaq) to 4900 (mashak) 4901 (meshek) to 5000 (na'veh) 5001 (na'am) to 5100 (nhamah) 5101 (nahaq) to 5200 (Ntophathiy) 5201 (natar) to 5300 (Nphuwshciym) 5301 (naphach) to 5400 (nasaq) 5401 (nashaq) to 5500 (cachah) 5501 (cchiy) to 5600 (cphiynah) 5601 (cappiyr) to 5700 (`Eglown) 5701 (`agam) to 5800 (`azab) 5801 (`izzabown) to 5900 (`Iyruw) 5901 (`Iyriy) to 6000 (`Amal) 6001 (`amel) to 6100 (`Etsyown) 6101 (`atsal) to 6200 (`Aro`eriy) 6201 (`araph) to 6300 (Pdah'el) 6301 (Pdahtsuwr) to 6400 (pelach) 6401 (Pilcha') to 6500 (para') 6501 (pere') to 6600 (pithgam) 6601 (pathah) to 6700 (Tsuwriy'el) 6701 (Tsuwriyshadday) to 6800 (tsana`) 6801 (tsanaph) to 6900 (qbuwrah)

3701 (optasia) to 3800 (opsonion) 3801 (ho on) to 3900 (paraptoma) 3901 (pararrhueo) to 4000 (pentakischilioi) 4001 (pentakosioi) to 4100 (pisteuo) 4101 (pistikos) to 4200 (porismos) 4201 (Porkios) to 4300 (prokuroo) 4301 (prolambano) to 4400 (procheirizomai) 4401 (procheirotoneo) to 4500 (rhoizedon) 4501 (rhomphaia) to 4600 (siagon) 4601 (sigao) to 4700 (spodos) 4701 (spora) to 4800 (suzao) 4801 (suzeugnumi) to 4900 (sunelauno) 4901 (sunepimartureo) to 5000 (Tabitha) 5001 (tagma) to 5100 (tis) 5101 (tis) to 5200 (hugros) 5201 (hudria) to 5300 (hus) 5301 (hussopos) to 5400 (phobetron) 5401 (phobos) to 5500 (cheirotoneo) 5501 (cheiron) to 5600 (o) 5601 (Obed) to 5624 ()

6901 (qabal) to 7000 (qatar) 7001 (qtar) to 7100 (qetsach) 7101 (qatsiyn) to 7200 (ra'ah) 7201 (ra'ah) to 7300 (ruwd)


7301 (ravah) to 7400 (rakiyl) 7401 (rakak) to 7500 (riph'uwth) 7501 (Rpha'el) to 7600 (sha'anan) 7601 (sha'ac) to 7700 (shed) 7701 (shod) to 7800 (Shuwshan) 7801 (Shuwshankiy) to 7900 (sok) 7901 (shakab) to 8000 (shlam) 8001 (shlam) to 8100 (Shim`ath) 8101 (Shim`athiy) to 8200 (shphat) 8201 (shephet) to 8300 (sariyd) 8301 (Sariyd) to 8400 (tballul) 8401 (teben) to 8500 (tukkiy) 8501 (takak) to 8600 (tphowtsah) 8601 (tuphiyn) to 8674 ()

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