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  • Pages: 7
International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)

International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI) 1401-1402


D.Ravikumar 1*, K.Durga2, 1 Research Scholar, Department Of Mechanical Engineering, Vikas college of Engineering and Technology,Vijayawada rural,India 2 Assistant professor , Department Of Mechanical Engineering, Vikas college of Engineering and Technology,Vijayawada rural,India

Abstract Ships and underwater vehicles like submarine and torpedoes use propeller for propulsion. In general, propellers are used to develop significant thrust to propel the vehicle at its operational speed and RPM. The blade geometry and design are complex involving many controlling parameters. Propeller with conventional isotropic materials creates more vibration and noise in their operation. It is undesirable in stealth point of view. In the recent years the increased need for light weight structural element with acoustic insulation has led to the use of fiber reinforced multi layered composite propeller. The present work is aimed at the static and dynamic analysis of alluminium as well as composite propeller which is a combination of GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastics) and CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics) materials. Modeling and analyzing the propeller blade of a underwater vehicle for their strength are carried out in the present work. A propeller is a complex geometry and requires high end modeling in its software. The solid model of propeller is developed in CATIA V5 R17. HEXA mesh is generated for the model using HYPERMESH. Static, Eigen and frequency responses analysis of both alluminium and composite propeller are carried out in ANSYS. Inter laminar shear stresses are calculated for composite propeller by varying the number of layers. The stresses obtained are well within the limit of elastic property of the materials. The natural frequencies of composite propeller are found to be higher than that of alluminium propeller and the harmonic analysis of composite propeller are also better than that of alluminium propeller. *Corresponding Author: D.Ravikumar , Research Scholar, Department Of Mechanical Engineering, Vikas college of Engineering and Technology, Vijayawada rural,India Published: January 22, 2015 Review Type: peer reviewed Volume: II, Issue : I


INTRODUCTION Motivation for the Project Ships and under water vehicles like submarines, torpedoes and submersibles etc., Uses propeller for propulsion. The blade geometry and its design is more complex involving many controlling parameters. The strength analysis of such complex 3d blades with conventional formulas will give less accurate values. In such cases numerical analysis (finite element analysis) gives comparable results with experimental values. In the present project the propeller blade material is converted from aluminum metal to fiber reinforced composite material for underwater vehicle propeller. Such complex analysis can be easily solved by finite element method techniques.




International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)

(iii) Contra rotating Propeller (iv) Nozzle propeller (v) Jet propeller. Elastic Properties of a Lamina UNIDIRECTIONAL CONTINUOUS FIBER 0º LAMINA Longitudinal modulus = E11 = Ef Vf + Em Vm Major Poisson’s ratio = μ12 = μf Vf +μm Vm Transverse Modulus

= E22 =

E f Em E f VM + EM VF

5-Bladed Minor Poisson’s ratio = μ12 =

Shear Modulus = G12 =

E2 µ12 E1

G f Gm G f µ m + Gm µ f

Composite propeller. Composite propeller employed for marine application The structural analysis is done for the six bladed solid alluminium as well as composite propeller. The structural analysis includes the evaluation of static and dynamic analysis for the propeller blades, eigen value analysis and harmonic analysis are performed to compare the results. The goal of this trident project is to design, and evaluate the performance of the composite propeller with that of the alluminium propeller. Advantages and Disadvantages of Propeller: Propellers will be used as a propulsors where the speed is slow and the propeller has to be immersed completely in the water into a depth of minimum 2D. The efficiency of the propeller will be reduced and noise will increase and start cavitations as the speed increases. At high speeds the pump jet and water jet propellers will be used.

stress –strain diagram for a hypothetical composite Unidirectional Continuous Fiber Angle-Ply Lamina

OVERVIEW OF PROPELLER PROPELLER TYPES Depending on the type of application different propellers are to be used (i) Super cavitating Propeller (ii) Voith Schneider Propeller 94

International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)

Failure Criteria As the material properties of the laminated composite plate are completely contained in the matrices of elastic module, standard data recovery methods may be used to calculate stresses in individual lamina and the forces sustained by the laminate. Finite Element Method Introduction to finite element method With the rapid advancement of technology, the complexity of the problem to be dealt by a design engineer is also increasing. This scenario demand speedy, efficient and optimal design from an engineer. To keep pace with the development and ensure better output, the engineer to day resorting to numerical methods. For problems involving complex shapes, material properties and complicated boundary conditions, it is difficult and in many cases intractable to obtain analytical solutions. Numerical methods provide approximate but acceptable solutions to such problems. Mechanical properties of EPOXY+GFRP: E1=22925 N/mm2 E2=22925N/mm2 E3=12400 N/mm2 υ1=0.12 υ2=0.30 υ3=0.30 G12=4700N/mm2 G23=4200 N/mm2 G13=4200 N/mm2 Density= 1.8e -9tons/mm

one end and free at other end. The deformation pattern for aluminum propeller is shown in figure. The maximum deflection was found as 0.371Mm in ydirection. Similar to the cantilever beam the deflection is maximum at free end. Maximum principal stress value for the aluminum propeller are shown in figure The von misses stress on the basis of shear distortion energy theory also calculated in the present analysis. The maximum von misses stress induced for aluminum blade is 29.512 N/mm2 as shown in figure. The stresses are greatest near to the mid chord of the blade-hub intersection with smaller stress magnitude toward the tip and edges of the blade.


Aluminum propeller

Deflection in mm


Max. normal stress Mpa


Von misses Mpa


1st principal stress Mpa


2nd principal stress Mpa


max deflection of aluminum propeller

max normal stress of aluminum propeller

max von misses stress of aluminum propeller

Mechanical properties of EPOXY+CFRP: E1=75000 N/mm2 E2=10000 N/mm2 E3=10000 N/mm2 υ1=0.16 υ2=0.35 υ3=0.16 G12=5200N/mm2 G23=3800 N/mm2 G13=6 000N/mm2 Density= 1.6e-9 tons/mm3 Resuls And Disscussions The thrust of 4000n is applied on face side of the blade in the region between 0.7R and 0.75R. The intersection of hub and shaft point’s deformations in all directions are fixed. The thrust is produced because of the pressure difference between the face and back sides of propeller blades. This pressure difference also causes rolling movement of the underwater vehicle. This rolling movement is nullified by the forward propeller which rotates in other direction (reverse direction of aft propeller). The propeller blade is considered as cantilever beam i.E. Fixed at


International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)

Static analysis of composite propeller: Four cases are considered for static analysis of composite propeller by varying the number of layers to check the bonding strength. Inter laminar shear stresses are calculated for all cases. Case 1: 4 Layers Case2: 8 layers Case 3: 12 layers Case 4: 16 layers. Case1: Analysis results of 4 layers Maximum deflection for composite propeller with 4 layers was found to be 1.211Mm z-direction i.E. Perpendicular to fibers of the blade as shown in figure 6.4. The maximum normal stress was found to be 37.55 N/mm2 as shown in figure 6.5.The maximum von mises stress was found to be 45.439 N/ mm2 as shown in figure 6.6. The maximum inter laminar shear stress was found to be 4.990 N/mm2 as shown in figure At top of 4th layer.

max. deflection of composite propeller with 8 layers

max normal stress of composite propeller with 8 layers

Max. Deflection of composite propeller with 4 layers.

max. von misses stress of composite propeller with 8 layers

Case 4: Analysis results of 16 layers Max. Von misses stress of composite propeller with 4 layers

Case2: Analysis results of 8 layers Maximum deflection for composite propeller with 8 layers was found to be 1.181Mm in z-direction i.E. Perpendicular to fibers of the blade as shown in figure. The maximum normal stress was found to be 40.050 N/mm2 as shown in figure.The maximum von mises stress was found to be 48.824N/mm2 as shown in figure. The maximum inter laminar shear stress was found to be 4.79 N/mm2 as shown in figure In compression at top of 8th layer.

Maximum deflection for composite propeller with 16 layers was found to be 1.164m in Z-direction i.e. perpendicular to fibers of the blade as shown in figure. The maximum stress was found to be 40.581 N/mm2 as shown in figure.The maximum von mises stress was found to be 50.588 N/mm2 as shown in figure. The maximum inter laminar shear stress was found to be 4.704N/mm2 as shown in figure in compression at top of 16th layer.


International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)

max. Deflection of composite propeller with 16 layers

max stress of composite propeller with 16 layers

max. Von misses stress of composite propeller with 16 layers

HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF ALUMINUM PROPELLER: In this harmonic analysis for aluminum propeller, amplitude vs. Frequency graphs are plotted. It is observed that resonance occurs in the frequency range of 500 hz in ux direction, was found same in other two directions as shown in figures.

amp-freq graph of aluminum propeller in Ux direction

amp-freq graph of aluminum propeller in Uy direction

amp-freq graph of aluminum propeller in Uz direction

HARMONIC ANALYSIS OF COMPOSITE PROPELLER WITH 4 LAYERS: In this harmonic analysis with 4 layers, Amplitude vs. frequency graphs are plotted. It is observed that resonance occurs in the frequency range of 18002500 Hz in Ux direction as show in figure. and in Uy direction it is observed around 2500-3000Hz as shown in figure.and in Uz direction it is observed around 2500-3000Hz as shown in figure


International Journal of Research and Innovation (IJRI)

cates that the operation range of frequency is higher for composite propeller. 4.Harmonic analysis results for aluminum propeller shows that the resonance occurs in the frequency range of 500 Hz in Ux, Uy, Uz directions, so the propeller may be operated in frequency range below 500Hz. 5.Harmonic analysis results for composite propeller shows that the resonance occurs in the frequency range of 2500Hz in Ux, 2500Hz in Uy, around 2500Hz in Uz directions, so the propeller may be operated in frequency range below 2500Hz amp-freq graph for 4 layers in Ux direction

Future scope of work: 1.The present work only consists of static, Eigen value analysis and harmonic analysis, which can be extended for transient and spectrum analysis in case of both aluminum and composite materials. 2.There is also a scope of future work to be carried out for different types of materials. For present purpose only modeling and analysis of a propeller blade is carried only for GFRP and CFRP materials. 3.CFD analysis based on ship sailing conditions is to be performed to know the pressure distribution, lift and drag REFRENCES 1.Taylor, D.w, “The Speed and Power and Ships”, Washington, 1933

amp-freq graph for 4 layers in Uy direction

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amp-freq graph for 4 layers in Uz direction

CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE SCOPE OF WORK The following conclusions are drawn from the present work: 1.The deflection for composite propeller blade was found to be around 1.180mm for all layers which is higher than that of aluminum propeller i.e. 0.371mm. 2.Inter laminar shear stresses were calculated for composite propeller by incorporating different number of layers viz. 4,8,12,16 and was found that the percentage variation was about 4%,which shows that there is strong bonding between the layers. 3.Eigen value analysis results showed that the natural frequencies of composite propeller were 5times more than that of aluminum propeller, which indi-

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D.Ravikumar Research Scholar, Department of Mechanical Engineering,Vikas college of Engineering and Technology,Nunna, Vijayawada rural,Krishna (DIST),Andhrapradesh,India

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K.Durga Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering,Vikas college of Engineering and Technology,Nunna, Vijayawada rural, Krishna (DIST),Andhrapradesh,India


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