Communicable Diseases

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 277
  • Pages: 2
Communicable Diseases Diseases Tetanus a.k.a.

Causative Agent


- Clostridium Tetani


Releases toxins such as: 1. Tetanolysin – dissolves RBC causing anemia 2. Tetanospasmi n – brings about muscle spasm affecting all the muscle - Neisseria

-inflammation of the meninges (covering of the brain and spinal cord)



- Arbovirus

- Brain Fever – inflammation of the encephalon or brain

Cytomegalovirus - Cryptococcal meningitis - Staphylococcal meningitis - H. influenzae

Mode of Incub Transmi ation ssion Period

Sign and symptoms

Diagnostic Examinati on


Break in the skin

3 days – 1 month

1. wound inflammation ( redness, heat, pain, swelling, and loss of function) 2. Low grade fever 3. tachycardia and profuse sweating

Droplet infection (Direct)

2-10 days

1. 2. 3. 4.

Fever Sore throat headache cough and colds 5. Body malaise 6. (+) kernig sign 7. (+) Brudzinski sign

1. Lumbar Puncture 2. Blood Culture


1. 2. 3. 4.

1. Lumbar Patient is treated Puncture symptomatically 2. Electroencephalog ram

- Mosquito bites a) Aedes solicitans b) Culex tarsalis

Fever Headache Vomiting Altered level of consciousness/ lethargic

a) Anti-tetanus serum/ Tetanus antitoxin b) Antibiotic Penicillin c) Methocarbamol (Robaxin or Roboxisal) d) Baclofen

a) Corticosteroid – Deaxmethasone or Solu-cortef b) Mannitol c) Phenytoin (Dilantin)



- Legio debilitans

- Neurotropic virus - Rhabdovirus

- Droplet infection Portal of entry: Respiratory System by the nasophary nx - Fecal-Oral route - Contact with saliva of rabid animal


1. Severe muscle pain 2. Stiffness of Hamstring 3. Presence of Hoyre’s sign 4. Opisthotonus 5. Paralysis

For 1. animals3-8 weeks For humans - 10 daysyears

1. Lumbar Puncture – (+) Pandy Test 2. EMG



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