Coming Into The Millennial Light

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Coming Into the Millennial Light

The Photon Belt Given 1993-1995 Alahoy Publications


Contents Introduction! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 1 - Solar Space & the Black Holes! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 2 - The Five-Pointed Star! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 3 - The Galactic Body! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 4 - Interdimensional Impregnations! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 5 - The Impregnation of the 144,000! - by Grand Space Commander Petron Chapter 6 - The Transmigration of Souls! - by Space Commander Paular Chapter 7 - Going Through the Interdimensions! - Grand Space Commander Petron Chapter 8 - UFO Mission Priorities! - by Space Commander Delaka Chapter 9 - DNA Changes in the 7 Year Dispensation! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 10 - The Interference of a Black Hole! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 11 - The Rainbow of Understanding! - by Space Commander Petron Chapter 12 - Coming Into the Ultra-Conscious State! - by Isross Chapter 13 - The Spiritual Rainbow of Light! - by Zarene Chapter 14 - The Awakening of Consciousness! -by an unidentified Space Commander Chapter 15 - Claim Your Birthright! - by Grand Master Colarion of the Council of Nine Chapter 16 - The 1000 Years of Perpetual Time! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 17 - Regeneration in the Tomb! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 18 - The Baptism of Purity! - by Space Commander Lae Chapter 19 - The Council of Nine! - by Colarian Chapter 20 - Life On Mars! - by Space Commander Petron Chapter 21 - The DNA Change! - by Excalabar of the White Robes Chapter 22 - The Expansion of Consciousness! - by Grand Master Oaspe, the Master of Light Chapter 23 - The Spiritual Planes of Light! - by Grand Space Commander Lae Chapter 24 - Coming Into the Awakening Twilight! - by Grand Master Zarene Chapter 25 - There Is No Death! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 26 - The Three Pure Planets! - by Grand Master Zoltar Chapter 27 - The Expansion of Consciousness! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 28 - The Jerusalem Command! - by Lord Sananda Chapter 29 - The Inner Ascension! - by Excalabar of the White Robes Chapter 30 - Because I Am! - by Grand Space Commander Lae Chapter 31 - The Changing of Consciousness! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 32 - Coming to Terms With Labels! - by Grand Master Astra Chapter 33 - The Purification of Your Thoughts! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 34 - The Elite! - by Space Commander Del Chapter 35 - Body Conditioning Into The Millennial Light! -by Grand Chief Commander Lord Hatonn Chapter 36 - The Answer Lies Within! - by Ashtar of the Ashtar Command Chapter 37 - Operation Inner Thrust! - by Grand Chief Commander Kalieb Chapter 38 - The Rapture! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 39 - Vibrational Changes In The Photonic Energy! - by Dr Rayness - from the Council of 48 Chapter 40 - The Babe In The Manger! - by Lord Sananda Chapter 41 - The Gradual Millennial Change! - by Space Commander Lae Chapter 42 - The True Universal Genesis! - by a grand master from the Dogstar Sirius Chapter 43 - The Flight Of The Eagle! - by Chief Running Owl Chapter 44 - The Immaculate Conception of the New Age! - by Paulson from the Pleiades Chapter 45 - The Three Phases of Ascension! - by Space Commander Astor Chapter 46 - Body Changes Into the Millennial Light! - by Princess Osanta Chapter 47 - Transmigration Of Light! - by Kalieb Chapter 48 - DNA and Body Changes! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 49 - The Visible Universe and the Invisible Universe! - by Space Commander Dextra Chapter 50 - The Pockets Where Eagles Shall Gather! - by Princess Osanta Chapter 51 - Magnetic Pocket Domes! - by Space Commander Stanton Chapter 52 - The Changing of Consciousness Within! - by Space Commander Candor Chapter 53 - The Energy of Ley Lining Areas! - by Space Commander Santon


Chapter 54 - Rebirthing in the Vortexes! - by Space Commander Orvon Chapter 55 - Walking in Your Own Light of Understanding! - by Space Commander Adella Chapter 56 - The Imprinting of the New Body! - by Grand Space Commander Lae Chapter 57 - The Adjustment of Rebirthing! - by female Space Commander Alana Chapter 58 - The Akashic Records! - by Grand Space Commander Dilaka Chapter 59 The Metaphysical Radio of All Lives! - by Kalieb Chapter 60 - The Awakening of the Inner Child! - by Space Commander Atonni Chapter 61 - Coming Into The Medicine Wheel! - by Chief Brave Wolf Chapter 62 - Rebirthing Into the Light! - by Space Commander Adella Chapter 63 - Awakening Your Master Consciousness! - by Lord Hatonn - Council of 48 Chapter 64 - Rebirthing Through Photonic Intermeshing! - by Space Commander Atna Chapter 65 - The Wardrobe of the Millennial Body! - by Chief Red Cloud Chapter 66 - You Are a Spiritual Being in a Physical Body! - by Jacques! Chapter 67 - Misconceptions! - by Ashtar of the Ashtar Command Chapter 68 - The Redemption Factor - by Lenroy of the Cherubims Chapter 69 - Spiritual Meteorology! - by the God Thoth Chapter 70 - The Millennial Light Protection Meditation! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 71 - The Colors From the Millennial Light! - by Dr See-ven Chapter 72 - A Lecture on Vortexes - by the God Thor Chapter 73 - Big Earth Changes! - by Monka from Mars Chapter 74 - The Concept of Time - by the God Kaos Chapter 75 - Coming to the End of a Lifetime! - by Archangel Michael


INTRODUCTION "Good evening, I am Dr See-ven. "Every 26,000 years of earth time there is a cleansing that takes place and it is done in three cycles, or phases. Each phase has a significant energy that will change the vibrations in the solar plexus and in the consciousness of man. "The first phase started with your Harmonic Convergence in 1987. This phase was the changing of the vibration of the bowels of the earth. The consciousness in the center of the earth is called the consciousness of time. Time has consciousness. It also has cycles. In these cycles there are certain events that at times will take place with great cataclysms. "The 1987 to the end of 1997 is your natural changes on the planet earth. At the same time this is making man aware of the coming changes within himself in the years 2000 to 2010. "The second change is the awareness that expands in man to allow the Christ Consciousness to return in its fullness. During this time of change to the second phase, which is entirely taking place in man, there is a rebirth within him of fullness awareness. He will attain, what we call, the second step of adeptship. "During the years of 2011 to 2027 the third stage of awareness will take place in the changing of the firmaments. There will be many changes to planets and the formation changes you will see that will emanate from the various galaxies and your star formations. This will allow the completion of adeptship. Those that will be born on earth and come from various galaxies will be only the attuned that will constantly populate the earth and it will become a school of higher awareness and adeptship."

CHAPTER 1 SOLAR SPACE & THE BLACK HOLES "Good evening, I am Dr See-ven. "I come today to give you a lecture on solar space. It is important that when you consider solar space that it is not what you have been thinking it was. Space is very important because there are two factors here. "The black holes, or spaces, that you see are the recharging factors and the ethers are the feminine energies that give birth. The solar energies are of prime importance. The solar energies are the sun energies which are the masculine energies. These masculine energies impregnate these dark substances, called ethers. As you look at 4

them, there is nothing there. You cannot see them. This is why the scientists here have difficulty when they say that there is nothing in space. "The female energy in these ethers, when they take in the solar impregnation, gives birth to these planets. What happens in this birth, like in your womb, when there is a premature birth, it's called comets. When you get this many comets at one time, this goes into formations or, what we call, belts. These belts are the energy fields that cause rotations and puts planets into rotation. That is very important in cosmology. "The next step is when the planets are born from this energy of solar light with this impregnation of heat through these deflections. This will cause these planets to come into birth with strong thought energies. "It is of prime importance that there are two different kinds of planets. The first kind of planet that you have are called growth planets. These are the ones that from heat allows growths on the outside of your Earth. This gives that kind of life that you have here on this Earth. "The next step that you have is, what you call, the light planets. These light planets, like you have on Sirius One, Two, Three and Four, are light planets that do not give birth. Light planets are, what you call, constant in solar light. The light has been given to these planets through, what you call, purity of thought. This is sometimes what you refer to as the heaven sensation here. "The deflection of light on these planets, through what you call telepathy, is where most of your energies are coming to give Earth people ideologies and different types of dogmas and different types of religion. In the orbit, there are rotations where all of these religions come into concept of one. This concept of one is now coming to this Earth. "There have been ideologies that come into purifications of thought. From these ideologies, like your religions here, this is coming into one. It is like one thought where everybody is into acceptance. This is coming to this Earth in your year 2011. "Also, when we look into this universe, called solar universe, you have in various places these black holes. There black holes are what we call the purification tunnels. When orbits go inside these black holes they go through this purification. Right now, this is very prevalent in space. This is why, in space, when they go through these black holes, it is called the final entrance into the Christ Consciousness. So impregnation to these black holes is very good. It is not what your scientists have been thinking. They have been thinking in different terms. "Dr See-ven sees that right now in solar space are coming these lights into the universe. When you look up you will see three lights. There is coming three solar 5

flares. This is coming to complete, as we call it, the restructuring of the firmament. There will be fires actually to be seen in your firmament. "After this restructuring in your 1996, 1997 and 1998 years, you will have some extremities of heat. This also will cause the Earth's core to erupt in different places in your geographical parts near large bodies of water. Volcanic actions near larger bodies of water will be eminent. "To completely revamp and to change and to become, as we call it, your millennial light, this is the golden flame upon completion. This is comparable to people changing their bodies in the twinkling of an eye. The whole of the Earth's structure then will be rebirthed again to the core which should rebirth to the growth of the planet. This happens on every planet every 26,000 years of your time. "Solar space is referred because of this terminology. Solar is your sun energy impregnating the ethers to give birth of your yin and your yang. This gives birth to the child which is the planet. "When you are looking now into outer space at this moment which I am talking, at what we call, the corona outburst, then what is happening is that is what gives birth to a sun. Each universe requires either one sun and in some cases will require two to three. "What is happening right now is a matter of restructuring of the sun. This is because this sun that you have here upon explosion, the other one will be caused and come in from the implosion to give birth to a new sun. Otherwise, your Earth will, as we see it, come to the end of its term. "Do you wish to ask Dr See-ven any questions?" [Questions by Yashah] Q: "Yes Dr See-ven. Are you saying that we will have two suns at some time?" A: "You will only notice the one. One is actually replacing the other." Q: "So they will be superimposed somehow?" A: "Exactly." Q: "This is a very interesting lecture which you gave us." A: "Yes. You make sure that you put it into the book. 'Coming Into The Millennial Light', you will entitle it. We will give you all the lectures, all up to the revamping and restructuring." 6

Q: "Will this come specifically from you?" A: "It will come from me and other grand masters."

CHAPTER 2 THE FIVE-POINTED STAR "Good evening, I am Dr See-ven. "This evening, I wish to talk to you about the five-pointed star. I want you to imagine that each star has in each point an eye. In other words, each star has vision to be able to see into its energy field of direction. "The cosmic consciousness within each star represents the soul of light. The soul of light is the balancing of each thought that is produced by life forms that are in direct contact with the consciousness of each star. "Every one of you in your life form, play a very important role of giving birth. You see, the energy fields within your own souls are called soul lights. They also give birth within other consciousnesses. "So the consciousness within a star of its energy field will direct, or impregnate, other filtrations of lights that are coming into the five directions of the pointed star. So the five-pointed star has five impregnation points to give birth from the consciousness of your thoughts. So it is of prime importance that you all here play a significant role in the construction of the universe. "The bad thoughts that you create are thought forms that go into reality of, what we call, great concern. These thoughts, because they are not properly impregnated in the universe, return back to sender, or to the Earth. This is what causes the incarnation of your new ideas that come to give you a disastrous result. "A lot of your bad thoughts that were given off during your First and Second World Wars are now giving birth at this particular time on Earth in the form of not only your pollution, but in the form of your greed. This is causing the majority of the people here on Earth to become very imbalanced with energies and the energy rays that are given off at this particular time by the sun. This is because your sun is, what we call, the highest polarity of Polaris, the solar energy within your immediate universe here to the Earth. "You have in the seventy-seven galaxies that surround your galaxy, you also have another seventy-seven suns. These suns are determined by their energy fields that are 7

given off by your consciousness within your thoughts. So you could either give your sun more rebirth from your own energy consciousness, or you could take away from the energy that is coming directly to the Earth and cause it to become exterminated. "So it is of very great prime importance that when you visualize a five- pointed star that each solar prana has a soul consciousness that relies on the soul consciousness of the totalness of life forms in all of your galaxies. So you are actually feeding the energy fields constantly from your thoughts. As you know this is the most powerful thing in the universe. "God's Consciousness is the sum total of all your consciousnesses. From the energy field of creation you get re-creation. You use the same energy fields to constantly create with the universe. "So soul consciousness is in all forms of life light energy, whether it's lunar, the moon, or solar, the sun, or planetary, the planets. Each has a soul, like your Earth here has, what we call, a soul consciousness. "The soul consciousness of your Earth is determined primarily by the balance of your lunar energy that comes in and also its solar energy to give its yin and yang like you have within your own body. This is why, on many occasions, you are called the macrocosm, also the small part which you are the microcosm. "Soul energy is creative consciousness. I want you to remember that because it is of high priority that all of your conscious memories are constant within the soul consciousness. Each life time you go into, or you reincarnate into, or are placed into, or walk into, life consciousness. There are many ways in which you can come into life consciousness, not only by birth within the structure of life form on whatever planet that gives life form. You have to remember that the total expansiveness of your soul consciousness is in constant travel form, or motion. "A lot of you discuss this only from the perspective of soul travel at night. That is very wrong because the expansiveness of soul consciousness is in constancy. This is why sometimes you are missing time, or you are missing space, or you are missing balance. That is soul consciousness in expansion. "The soul consciousness in expansion is what comes into contact with the other soul consciousness of life form in your immediate galaxy. This is why some of your life forms are so much ahead of you. It is because they are concentrating more on the soul consciousness and you people here are concentrating more on the soul body. "You have to remember that there are two distinct things and factors here that you have to take into consideration. The soul body is the encasement of the soul consciousness. So to completely release the soul consciousness you have to project your 8

consciousness through your thought projection. A lot of you are practicing this on a very small scale through, what you call, meditation. "So thought projection is the vehicle for the soul consciousness to travel into direction. So always, when you are in this kind of meditation, select a place in the galaxy and meditate from that place to where you are now. This is why, then in this concept, you will travel faster because your consciousness is at thought point rather than from the thought to the travel point. "A lot of you are going to get into the expansion of consciousness. You are going to remember that you are part of the God body. This is the creative force through thought to project the creation in the structure that is viewed from your immediate consciousness, but not through your projection. This is where you are making a lot of thoughts with your creations. "So create, not from imagination, but from the expansion of consciousness through the projection at the point where you are not; from that point to the point where you are at. You have to remember this in your meditation because this is very important. "To do this meditation, you are imagining in your eye, two pointed little, as we call them, light blue balls and a very silver line connecting them. Imagine that you are at the top line by breathing hard from the top line. Do not worry about grounding yourself from the bottom ball because that is where you are now and that is not where you want to be. To be in your total consciousness you have to become part of, what we call, the ejection light around the soul of the energy field that is in constant motion. "This is very hard to do until you properly program yourself in, what we call, the discipline light. This is what is going to happen to a lot of you Earth people in 1995. You will be projecting above any difficulties on this Earth. So you actually will not be allowed in the actual difficulties that are happening on the immediate plane of light. "I will leave myself open to you for just a few of your Earth questions that you have at this time, but not necessarily pertaining to consciousness." [Questions by Yashah] Q: "Thank you Dr See-ven. I'm experiencing time as passing exceedingly fast. Is it true that now on the Earth that time is actually going faster than it was years ago?" A: "Yes. Very much so. That is because the consciousness projection in your last ten years was in, what you call, a metaphysical way of thinking. You have been giving off, many people have been giving off that energy consciousness." Q: "But not everyone?" 9

A: "Not everyone. But it is the sum total of all your energies. A lot of people are grounded and they are not giving off that kind of energy. A lot of people are giving off, what we call, bad thought projections. I have to go now. God bless you."

CHAPTER 3 THE GALACTIC BODY "Good evening, I am Dr See-ven. "It is of prime importance to you now that because of your great, wet belt that the alignment of the two planets, Uranus and Neptune, are causing a great, what you call, lock in atmosphere where your cumulus clouds form in great capacity, even in your Eastern United States. "There will be a change when your big comet Ariah makes its first move. It is very critical in your 1996 year where you will see the fire in your firmaments. This will cause a great drying spell and you will find that there will be here, (British Columbia) like your tropical type of weather. There will also be an adjustment made to the planets that are close to the Earth's orbit at this particular time. "Would you look at the Instrument please to make sure that his head is clear?" [Yashah's Note: The Instrument, Dr Ki, was channeling Dr See-ven at the Cross Sticks, a power spot near Skimilken, British Columbia. Two mosquitoes were contentedly perched on the Instrument's forehead.] Q: "Can I touch you?" A: "Yes, very slowly." [I brushed the Instrument's forehead slowly with my hand as the two mosquitoes scattered. After hundreds of trance sessions with Dr Ki, this was the first time I touched him while he was in deep trance.] Yashah: "O.K. Those little mosquitoes have left." "They bother and it is kind of hard for me to keep coming into adjustment. "Now to tell you about this great change. Your DNA in your body is going through electrical structure. You are going to be hitting 4.2 to 4.4 periodically and you will find that you will have your heart rate race at times.


"Try to get onto, what you call, your water diets. Stay on your vegetable very strongly here because of this change. In 1994, 1995 and 1996 is called the auric body change for the DNA structure in the human body. "What will happen is the adjustment will be increased to your 4.3, 4.4, right to 4.5 when the electro-magnetic core of your Earth goes into explosion and implosion in 1995. This will cause, what we call, the friction light into your two important centers at the base of your feet. This will, at times, give you some dizzyness because this will be flowing through you at a great rate of speed. "So you will find that your cells will start to expand much more quickly. You will see a great change in the atomic structure too. This comet too will be trying a lot on the oceanic base and causing a lot of interference with your convection cycles. This will again cause tremendous storms, bigger than what you have now. "This will be coming close to the end, as you see, as predicted by Daniel. You will find that you must stay in the mountainous areas, or as close as you possibly can. "The expansion of consciousness through this new DNA structure will be caused mostly by this comet. This will fine tune the new body. This is called the new birth of the higher consciousness to the DNA structure of, what we call, the galactic body. "The galactic body therefore, will be able to go into, what you call, the dimensional auric ring that will hit the Earth's core through a profusion light in 1996. This therefore, will ground this new body for you and place it into its completeness of 4.5. "Then you will see this new inner structure ray that will take place to bring the people into, what we call, the colonization of polarity. This colonization will bring the people into the inter-galactic ray of, what we call, the etheric adjustments to all of their polarities within their bodies. "This will give them the new age birth cycle which will go into approximately 1000 years, your time. "Dr See-ven feels the Instrument some uncomfortable position. So we will continue this when we get into his place. You tell him that. "God bless you."


"To the Earth is coming the orange injection in 1994. What will be happening is the Earth's core will be trans-imposed by the electromagnetic fields of the new age which will go into your lifetime here and you will see this very strong impregnation of orange. "The heating of the Earth's core will be completed in 1998. What will be happening at this time is the pure energy will be coming out. It will be grounding all of the people's vibrations that will be taken into, what we call, with their consciousness, into the Earth's core. Their bodies will be purified to the vibration of 4.5. "That means that you will be in the fourth dimension and the fifth dimension. The Earth's core will be balanced and adjusting all the tectonic plates and the ore bodies from the intermolecular pole of energies that will be coming from all the planets. At this time, all the planets will be injected with the same inner balance. "This galaxy is the only one, at this time, that will be going through the rebirth structure of the fourth dimension to and into the nineth. This will happen equally. Your fifth dimension should be complete in 1996. In 1998 the sixth dimension will be giving birth. "You'll see a great change in the body at that time as you start into the sixth dimension. The sixth dimension is for those who are chosen to stay into, what we call, the last impregnation of the millennial light in the year 2013. "This impregnation will allow, from 2013, for the seventh dimension to become the foundation for the Earth's new knowledge into the Golden Age. There will be great classrooms where you will be taken into the superconsciousness because of your body change. You will be counseling those who are to be taken up in, what we call, the resurrection. "This will release their energy and the flow of the intermolecular energy will completely reverse itself and allow the spirit body to be free. This will apply to only those who will go. "Those who are grounded into the millennial light will, in the year 2022, be into, what we call, the nineth stellar ray. This is when the Council of Nine shall take over the focal ring to take you through the millennial time of the 1000 years of great peace on this Earth. "Do you wish to ask Dr See-ven any questions?" [Questions by Yashah] Q: "Thank you Dr See-ven. This is fascinating information. You're saying that a lot of people will be leaving the Earth?" 12

A: "Yes. Just the ones that are not adjusting now and are having difficulty. This is what you call the separation of the weak from the strong, or what you would call the chaff from the wheat." Q: "Is this like the rapture?" A: "Exactly. The rapture is the sudden change in light energy where two bodies cannot withstand each others energy fields. So therefore, the physical will completely release and the spiritual will completely release. Those who are grounded right now, like yourself, into the DNA change are already adjusting your physical body into the grounding affect of the spiritual body into the new dimensional change." Q: "Is it true that there would only be approximately one third who would be grounded?" A: "That is true. That is a rough figure." Q: "So then there would be roughly two thirds who will be leaving?" A: "Yes. Who will be going into another form of light life." Q: "Some of us will be counseling these people, you were saying?" A: "Exactly, because they will be afraid. They will not know what is happening to them. You see, right now they think that what we are doing is very, as you call it, ridiculous. I have to leave now. God bless you."

CHAPTER 5 THE IMPREGNATION OF THE 144,000 "Good evening to you. I am Grand Space Commander Petron. "This evening, we are very glad that you have invited us to your superconscious thoughts. There are four of us in this room now. My craft, called Astrona, is getting its electrical pulsations from your sacred mountain, we call Mt Ida. (near Salmon Arm, British Columbia). "This evening, we are here to tell you that the sheep are now being counted. You have heard the trumpet and the trumpet was in constant motion calling you through many facets of your religious thoughts. The sound of this trumpet, which by your religions, is somehow intertwined to the last moment of interchange of dispensation on your planet Terra. "It is of prime importance that the impregnation of the 144,000 have come to light in various places of this planet to teach. This cycle has now been completed. However, there are many more masters that have just reincarnated to complete this cycle of 144, 000 who are now in complete, as we call it, superconscious state to become the next teachers of this Earth periodically and over many different places of concentration. 13

"You will see a lot of disarray and, what we classify as, treachery and war that is now in, not only the Middle East, but also in the Ukraine and many areas yet to ignite. This is the last, as we call it, the last of the completeness of evil in battle. "This evil shall be taken over by one of the most ruthless tyrants that we have now been closely aligned to and watching his reign to soon come to its final reign. "The Arab who is now being tested in his last stage will come to the forefront. It will be puzzling to the United States of America of the miraculous. The different approaches to the treachery in this Middle East is right now on standby. But however, it will take its great state between the year of 1995 and 1996. We will look at that and we know that the dispensation that comes to an end must come to an end with a rapture. "This powerful rapture, which is coming, is not only the seventh ray of Earth's final impregnation into millennial time, but it is also the coming of the Christ Consciousness again in, what you call, its physical manifestation. "Not too many of the religious professionals, who call themselves the correct interpretation of dispensation, have really connected into, what we call, the metaphysical aspect of your journey at this time. "We are watching very carefully because your consciousness, which is being elevated from the fourth dimension, will be in its fifth dimension in its entity in the 1994 year. This gives you, or allows you, the full armour of God. For you will be therefore armed, not only with the completeness of awareness within your superconscious state, but you will have the ability to already see into the portals of the millennium that will be set from the vibration of the fifth dimension of light. {Refer to the book: Universality Through Interdimensionality. "You are setting up now, at this moment, a very important lectern of knowledge that you impact to those who come to break, as we say, bread with you. They are also constantly growing into, what we call, the fifth dimension of thought. "The impregnation of the rapture on this Earth completes therefore the cycle of the sixth and the seventh dimension, bringing back the reign. This reign is very short lived, completing, at that time, the Battle of Armageddon which therefore gives the last state of darkness. Those who are in disarray. this will give them the last and final opportunity to awaken to the cause of their immortal, as we call it, destiny. "The finality of this great change which will take place in your latter 20th century will finalize and bring the millennium into, what we call, the light of purity from the central sun of the universe. This gives full birth to, what we call, the aspect of the nineth dimension of thought. 14

"To be into this millennial transition is one of the most finest moments that you will encounter in your entire life. You will see the impregnation of light through the density of thoughts which you had once cultivated from the moment of your physical birth. "It is within your superconscious that you give birth and impregnation to the reality of what you really are. For you see, when you come through physical birth of your soul, you allow yourself to be incapacitated by the physical clouds of your mortal body. "By allowing the sunrise of immortality to fertilize your soul, you give it the compassion to grow into, what we call, the Garden of Eden. This is the starting of your millennium to which you are indebted to. I say indebted to because when you come into this birth, because of the incapacitation and because of the faculties of five that you use, misconstrues the true definition of the soul that you really are. "These five clouds block the vision to the sixth sense, or the seeing eye. Therefore, you have difficulty seeing into the horizons of your thoughts and being able to comprehend your tomorrows in the respect of cultivation that you are meant to be. "You see, you are all stardust. But you represent, what we classify as, the subtleness of light within light within light. You are the reflection of many lights through the transformation of different life forms that you give your light through the traveling of the universe. You only stop for just a fraction of a moment on this planet Earth, either to get confused, defused, or as we classify, rebirth of the energy to allow your starseed to travel into the infinity planes of the hierarchy which your soul takes on when you get into the kingdom of the robes. "It is this kind of justification that your soul will go through. It is going through these different gardens of thought that allows you the short recess that you have in this life to comprehend the values of where you are, what you are and where you will go. "Your destiny is fulfilled in the bosom of, what we classify, the liquid light of love. You are a transmitter of affects. This kind of affect that you transmit constantly gives cause to the reality of life into the spectrum, or realm, of what you really are. "You are a birth giver, whether you are in the feminine state, or the masculine state. The vibrations of this intermolecular state, bringing through the internalization of awareness to give birth, is one of the primary lights of exaltation that has been observed on this planet for many centuries and for many centuries to come. "It is unfortunate that you earthlings seem to place a time element and you seem to go from a beginning to an end. This is only a man made concept because you are in a 15

mechanized form of revealing a deterioration of a cell structure, whether it be animal or mineral. Whether it be inanimate, or animate, energy forms are transformed. You must remember that you are transformed. You are an atom of starlight that is constantly transforming into its light of revelation. You are a revelator. You are a revelator of light and life. "Life forms are not necessarily just simply breathing in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide. Life forms, you must remember, are a manifestation of a light through an infernon. It is because you are born and come into this physical manifestation the way you are now, you interpret from the five senses of awareness through the experiences of other realities on this Earth. "By giving birth to the sixth sense you are allowing your soul to evolve into complete spirit form. You are allowing this energy to take on the concept of allness, knowing this life form throughout every second that is created in the vast universe of creation that has never stopped. "Right now, as I talk through the consciousness of this Instrument, there is a new race that is being born in the, as we call it, the Atmosphere of Seven. You see, in this way, it takes on life forms that exalt the manifestation of superconsciousness, which is the energy of the allness of Godness. "Within this form there is no rank or authority above authority. There is only one authority and that is in the superconscious. When you reach the state of oneness you will find that your growth and your birth is the result of one thought manifesting many life forms. "We are very happy to come into your midst. We are very, very happy because there will be a manifestation soon to come. It is this kind of impregnation that gives you that energy to go onward knowing that you are an affect of a great cause. This affect will go back into its normalcy of energy to become the oneness and the wholeness of what life spectrum is all about. "Have your meditation in your silence and allow the great White Light of all intelligence to impregnate your mind so that you can live in a culture of all awareness and allness. This will affect you immensely. "I leave you now in the hands of your superconsciousness to dictate to your consciousness the importance of this state of awareness to your Mother Earth at this particular time.. I bid you fair journey and we will see you in the near future again. God speed."

CHAPTER 6 THE TRANSMIGRATION OF SOULS "Good evening to you all. I am Paular from the constellation of Eurekar. 16

"There is a vast change taking place in your universe now. The vibration is calling for the migration of souls. This is the first time that the solar flames of your sun have been in direct contact with, what we call, the outer flare of the passing sun. Because of this it is bypassing and causing a lot of tension to all living forms. "The transmigration of souls is on every planet at this time in every living form. There is a contact called the change. All souls are coming into the form of polarity. That is the under- standing of their birth. "For the longest time, here on your Earth, you have been going through a process of deducing. It is really strange in your human mind, and I say human mind, that you have been led astray. You have been, at most times, led to believe what is much more, as you call it, appropriate for the time instead of being out in, what we call, the central field of understanding. "You are too homogenius in your thought forms here on Earth. You are holding onto old concepts of religionality. You ought to be very careful here because of your intertwining polarity caused by Neptune and Uranus in your month of May. The superconscioiusness of the passing flare will be injected into the Earth and will be polarized into the soul of mankind. At the same time there will be a unity of polarization taking place with the other forms of light. "You are, at this particular time, going through, what we call, the last re-entrant. What is going to happen is that this polarization will cause the incoming of the fourth dimension. It is of prime importance that mankind, at this time, is going through, what we call, the classification of doubt. Mankind has the definition engraved upon him of trying to make out through a physical revelation of a spiritual manifestation. It does not work this way, for you cannot put spirit in reverse gear. "It is because of this great re-entrant of light and polarization that, as of the start of May (1993) on this Earth, you will find the transmigration of souls. Due to this, there will also be a sifting down as to, what we call, the two belief system on this Earth. "It is of prime importance that you stay close to, or try to get at times near the mountains. It is also of great, prime importance that your food substance is going to be of scarcity. Try to get into the dried processing of foods for survival. "It has been drawn to the point of revamping the structure of your South and North Poles because of the influx of the bulge in the center of the Earth. This is slightly pulling your Earth off its axis. "You are living through very historic times. The impregnation of walk-ins will be significant in the fall of this year, who will bring the message. Also, those that will be 17

impregnated near high mountains will receive their orders as to how to help these different souls that are going into migration. "You see, every dispensation, when it comes to a close, will call in the vibrations of life. In order for the surface and all your structures to be changed, the bowels of your Earth will spew a lot of fire. This will cause changes to some of your land masses. "There is a a great change coming in the summer months due to ultra-violet impregnations. Mankind fears this extreme light . But this radiation is going to help to reach and to alter the consciousness of man. It is the Earth people who think that this is of grave consequences because of your ozone layer. This is all part of the plan for this great change. "It is of prime importance that all of you here are very fortunate to get this information prior to it becoming a reality. There are three of you here who will be uplifted into an altered consciousness starting in your June month. It is also important that you prepare yourself and your body by becoming more attuned to listening to what we have to say. "The light of your next, as we call it here, eclipse of the sun is of great importance. Be careful not to look into the energy that is going to be dismissed from the planet Earth. You will feel very listless at this time. Do not be afraid because many people will have the tendency to get to a state where they can be very violent. "It is of prime importance that the imbalance that is coming to the Earth is mostly to the physical, not the spiritual. You have that in reverse at this particular time. This is why some of you are wondering why things are so out of control in various areas of your government. "There is going to be an undertaking and a big change in your Middle East. The antics that will be displayed by your anti-christ will be very convincing. The energy that is here and in your Middle East is where your fallen angels have taken supreme command. "It is also important for every one of you to start to look at your water supply very seriously. Some of you are doing this. Start to get to the point of your dehydration and also of heating the water and purifying it to small containers. The ultra-violet change will cause some problems to your water supply. This is why it is wise to change the contents of this supply. "The inter-magnetic flow that will be coming to these volcanic mountains is, what you call, the healing energy that will be impregnated into many of your minerals. It is very important that the definition and the way they have looked at crystals, the frequency level will increase in your stones. Try to get as much jade as you possibly can.


Try to stick to as many, or as much, of your calcium bearing stones. Look very hard for, what you call, tungsten. Also, your emerald will be a very highly charged stone for healing. There will be a liquid emitted from the aura of your emerald stone that will be very much of a healing ray for any of your cancers. "It is also important too that you concentrate on your stones in the raw state. Do not polish them. Have them be free to absorb their energy fields as much as they possibly can. Those who have stones at this time that are more artificial, try to keep them out into the sunlight as much as possible for the charging of their energies. "It is important that there will be a changing of the guard soon and new space entities will be taking command. It is also important that house spirits will be revitalized and their energy fields will be changed. This way, those spirits who visit at night can be polarized to a high state of awareness. At this time there are many recluses who are on the face of this planet. "I don't paint a vivid picture. I paint the picture of the arriving of, what we call, the golden ray. "I am not going to allow myself to be open for any questions because there will be another entity who will come through. I say to you all, Alahoy."

CHAPTER 7 GOING THROUGH THE INTERDIMENSIONS Grand Space Commander Petron "Good evening to you all. I am Petron. I am transmitting from the Pleiades to Delron on Venus to the consciousness of this Instrument (Dr Ki) on Earth. "We are coming into, what you call, battle order. We are into your classification of the end of a long era, called 26,000 years of the complete changing of consciousness on this Earth through the purification of 2100 years of the Christ Consciousness return. "Our ships are illuminating with great light so that your sophisticated radar is picking up nothing but a flash of light. "Mankind is going through, in this 26,000 years, a significant cleansing from the first dimension into the complete cycle on Earth of the nineth dimension of change. "It is easy to recall that your first dimension is the creation of this Earth. When you go through, or when Earth goes through, a dimensional change, it alters the consciousness of Mother Earth to, what we call, a birthing sensation of change. As you 19

know, there are nine cycles to birth. Therefore, you will know that there are nine dimensions to the completion of Earth consciousness. "The second dimension of change on this Earth is the creation of your animal life forms. Because of your strong re-entrant of the sun in that day and time there was no ozone layer. So you see, at that particular time, the affect of heat on this planet Earth gave birth to large species of animals. Gradually, as the ozone layer began to take shape, or rebirth, you were coming into the third dimension, which is the creation of man/woman. "It is of prime importance here that a precedence was made where you looked at the tree of good and evil. The representation of the tree of good and evil is the representation of freedom of choice. Because man was given the freedom of choice, this allowed the change of a great cycle on Earth to bring in reformation of thought. "During this great reformation the Earth went through, at least, 1000 years of teaching. During this teaching, which we said was the becoming of the fourth dimension, many of your ideologies, philosophies and religions have come to this Earth. They have come, not only through great avatars, but also through impregnations which you call channeling and mediumship by your strong influence of your planets. "The birth of this fourth dimension is reaching its peak at this particular time. Mankind is not adapting to the philosophies, or balancing to the mind, body, spirit in such a way that you can say that you are at a position classified as unconditional love. That is not so. Many people today are living in a great world of imagination. One must pass through the complete rebirth of consciousness in order to exist in a new body or form. "The birth of the fifth dimension is now in progress. During this particular time you will find a slow, as we call it, cleanup of the different ideologies and also a cleanup in your government and a cleanup in your religions. The most important part of this cleanup is the altering of your consciousness into the completion of the fifth dimension. "Your time period is very important. You will feel more of your body change starting in your May month of 1993 when the flare of impregnation from your solar prana is again given to the center of your Earth. This will cause some concern to land masses. "The important part is that each time the Earth is injected with this golden beam, it allows the hollowness in your Earth, which is a bulge at this moment, causing the axis to shift slightly. This bulge also creates a severe storm effect. In other words, if you look and you study very carefully, you will see that the velocity of the wind is a lot stronger now. "You will also see that volcanic action, because of this bulge, is in great form of becoming more active. You will also see that your Earth crust in areas will disappear, especially out in your ocean areas. 20

"These changes are caused by the rebirth of Mother Earth within the center of its core. As you know, your, as we call them, so called brilliant engineers on this Earth are at a point now where the technology is working at times in reverse. "The birth is not an easy birth when you look at it in your own perspective when the mother carries the child. "The changes in the universe and the structural changes are a completion of a soul consciousness within. It is this kind of energy that allows a freedom of choice that will be precipitated on mankind through, what we call, the last blast, if you wish, in the Middle East. "The greater unrest, as you look at its scope of rejection, is not only in places of Africa, but Bosnia and the various corners of your Earth where you have your Moslem faiths. This great unrest is coming to a peak where people will accept the first one who comes into the midst with the best bag of tricks. It doesn't look good. "During this birth process you will get your consciousness from the fifth dimension to, what we call, the purification stage of your new body entering from the etheric double and protruding slowly into, what we call, your auric field, or your higher body. This will take precedence in the seventh dimension of complete change of body. "The sixth dimension is the finalization of Earth, of a belief system of oneness. This is the oneness within your own self, the oneness which you could see as many have called in the last one hundred years. Now you are looking, not into the mirror blindly, but you are seeing your higher self face to face. In other words, the rebirth of the body into the higher consciousness is an important factor where the sixth dimension allows the purity of spiritual food on this Earth to feed the soul. "You may wonder why it takes the whole universe and the remaining universes to alter their consciousness to a higher state than yourself to bring you into that consciousness that they are in. "Man has misconstrued the different forms of life at this time, even the metaphysicians, the different life forms that you call EBE's, extra biological entities. A lot of you have classified this kind of life form as E.T.'s, which is so incorrect. "When you come into the completeness of the sixth dimension in the year 1997, it will be an important point of decision. The rapture of the seventh dimension, which is the completeness of the second coming of the Christ Consciousness on this Earth, shall precipitate the movement of those souls that are not ready to stay on this Earth in that highly formed body. "Therefore, you will be having, what you call, an upliftment of souls into the various forms of light conducted by the angelic beings. One must take great consideration and 21

understanding of what the performance of these great angelic beings are. For you will see that revelations of things to come are now, and you will see them. It may play havoc with your eyes, what is going to start happening in the firmaments of your heavens, strange sightings. "The change will be in the centralization, or the formation, of all your prana from all your different planets within the structure of the galaxies, whether immediate, or those that are dancing in the light, or the spheres of great jubilation of birth. "The whole firmament will be changed in the seventh dimension of this great dispensation of Earth. The final cleanup, which is in your eighth dimension, is the Armageddon. That is the battle of the purity of thoughts verses those of impurity of thoughts. This great change will allow you, in your higher body, to reign as a supreme being on this planet Earth. "As you look at the ninth dimension in its proper perspective, what you are looking at here is a complete cycle as you have studied during the time of Pythagoras. "This concept of the golden beam, not only impregnated into the center of the bosom of Earth, will also alter the completion and give you that total completeness of your soul light, or vision. All, even your higher body, will have the full capacity, not only to see or create, but to become part of what you create on a constant basis with no rest. "If you look at your Book of Genesis very carefully, the impregnation of this light, or golden beam, which created the spirit prior to physical body in the third dimension, there was a perfect peace. It was not until you had taken on mortality that you lost immortality. "This great journey, or this great change, is one of prime importance in the final analysis. When you are in physical, or mortal body, you are losing. It says that you must lose yourself to find yourself. That will happen in this great change coming into this Golden Age which you are looking forward to during your master time of your year 2000. Be careful now how you project your thought into that last statement. "There are great changes on this Earth. You are the torch bearers here that are starting this, even in your conclaves at night, or in just your thoughts the way you are sowing these thoughts, or seeds, that give birth to your future. One must be very careful here. "When you learn to alter your conscious states at this time through philosophies you will travel many journeys. But if you alter your consciousness through God, then your journey becomes very short because you arrive to your destiny very quickly. "Try to look and search through your attics of thought. Climb upstairs to your superconsciousness as the Christ did when He climbed up the higher mountain of His 22

Consciousness. There He reached a state of understanding and He once again descended to the valley where the thought patterns and forms were in disarray. Then as the great impregnation took form and the choice between good and evil took precedence, the Christ Consciousness, through the demonstration of one great man, had to be placed, during the Roman era, on a cross until He had gone through the completeness of that cycle into the oneness and the awakening of the ascension of the soul. Each and every one of you will go through this. But it is not necessary that you have to completely leave this body through, what you classify as transition, or death. As your great apostle said, 'I die daily to live eternally'. "There is a strong concept here of what you are doing here this evening and how you are going to arrive at the final end journey carrying with you the full knowledge of this last change in your dimensions of thought and rebirth. "When you are studying from great books that have been coming to this Earth through thought and inspiration, through channeling, through mediumship, whatever, one must remember that all of this is filtering from the superconsciousness to the consciousness to mortality where there is room for great error. But, if you take your consciousness and mortality and dine in the room of immortality in your superconscious state and completely digest the message in your superconscious state, it is like the spirit that is dining and eating its food that has so been given to it. "You today, as human beings, are only using ten percent of your conscious mind. So here you have ninety percent of your conscious mind and you are using approximately two percent of the subconscious. So there's ninety-eight percent of a teacher that's unattended. A lot of you, still even today, do not know how to use the superconscious state in an effective way, other than mixing it, and I quote, with mortality and immortality. You cannot mix oil and water, as you know. "So one must learn to go into his retreat, or her retreat, into this superconscious state and allow the spirit this food for thought. Man cannot live by bread alone. "Man has been mixing this manna, or this bread, for many a century. Great ideas come through, but it is your filtering system that requires a change of filters so that you can filter out that food of thought, so that you can eat from the more purity of the food coming from your thoughts. "You are moving into this great direction of great unrest. Millions of souls are watching you on this Earth and are wishing to trade places. "These great changes, as it was written, 'lest these days be shortened', flesh will not survive'. The shortening process is the purification of your thoughts that bring in this conscious change, or the finalization stages of the purity that you really are. 23

"It is your, as we call it, lantern that burns in the inspiration of how you feel or where you are in your own knowledge or teaching. You are all interconnected to star seed. Your soul has dropped from that great explosion of, what we call, the all mighty star unto the various mansions, or rooms, in the Father's creation and Mother's creation of the universe. "The female energy is the responsibility of the creation within the forms. The male energy is the responsibility of the energy light that gives that form the energy to the procreation. "Is there a beginning? Only to physical form of decay, or deterioration. You've allowed to give this a time limit only in your analogy. "The energy of the spirit form is a constant mass of energy of production, reproduction, of great intelligence in constant movement with no beginning or no end. Remember that when you first come with your modern technology of the 20th century into your perpetual motion. "I see they are calling me back here. It has been a pleasure, through a double relay, to come into the midst of this consciousness to you to reveal some of the things, if you wish to call them, that will balance you, or bring you into this realization of your true oneness, the prodigal son and the prodigal daughter entering, what we call, the reentrant. "May your journey be one of great importance to you and one that you will respect. It is that complete altering of the spirit consciousness that allows you, through your physical representation, the reward of unconditional love. "May the rest of your journey be one where the light beings and those who wish to be part of your cultivation of your higher self, whether it be archangel, or whether it be master, or whether it be guru, or whatever you choose, be with you. It is your choice on how you trim your mantle. "God speed and God be with your journey and God be within you and be revealing to you, you."

CHAPTER 8 UFO MISSION PRIORITIES "Good evening, I am Delaka.


"I come here this evening to discuss in a certain manner the priorities of our missions. We are here, in our first light, to awaken you cosmically to the intelligence that will lead you to make you own decisions, to be confident in making these decisions and to feel that you have made the right decision in the next ten years of your life. "It is of cosmic importance, of Earth importance and also of all of those intelligences that make the possibility of the 'I Am'. It is also important that the next priority that we have is to try to, through your mind, make you realize that each and every one of you are bringing this planet into its imbalance from your exploits and from the way that you try to accumulate some form which you call value. "We are here to insure that growth is stabilized, not only mentally, spiritually, physically, vegetably, but also in the form of, what we call, cosmically. "We are also here to teach those who are on Earth of the use of their entire beingness of the mind of intunement of the totality of thought. "We are also here to prepare for, what we call, the resurrection of the cosmic consciousness and the infusion of the first family that will be taken into the new heaven. "We are also here to perform short evacuations, especially in all seafaring areas. "I am not going to allow myself to be open to any questions. I will leave you now. Alahoy."

CHAPTER 9 DNA CHANGES IN THE 7 YEAR DISPENSATION "Good evening, I am Dr See-ven. "I will talk here for awhile about your changes in this coming dispensation of, what we call, the seven years of crisis. "Your seven years of crisis is now in its second form; the second form of this great consciousness change, we call it. There is always this human factor that most of you human beings look at. That is the human factor of decision making and how to apply the future events that comprise, as you see it, a crisis of time. "The changing of human consciousness is where the energy is constantly changing and allowing the human being to go through a physical crisis of this kind. This also allows the Earth in totality to grow and allows the DNA of the bowels of the Earth to go through a dispensation of the same kind of change in equality up through the body. 25

"So by changing, first of all, the polarity, which in some cases is what you look at and call the higher body, has to go through the rebirth first. This is what we call the seven year crisis, or what you sometimes look at and call the seven years of what Daniel foresaw as your tribulation. "The constant changes of this energy, first of all, is to give birth to the higher body, or the auric fields. This, in turn, causes the auric fields to arrive to its balance, or to arrive to its purity of state. This may be easier for you to grasp because this is why when you look at it in your word, you treat the crisis of heat in a certain aspect of purity, purifying the substances that will allow your DNA the infusion of new birth. "Therefore, in order to change the auric bodies so that they will reach their finite state to the state of infinity, you will not cause total, as we call it, deterioration to the physical body, what you call, the deterioration in the state of chronology. "In order to reach a rapture, and this is a very important point when you are changing the DNA, there are two important changes of infusion which you call the rapture and then you call the death, or the end of the dispensation of time. "This will occur in order to reach this rapport between the two bodies which you are part of, which you have referred to on many occasions by your clergy as the spirit, the soul, or the physical body, which you classify as the beginning of your Garden of Eden. "For you see, you cannot change the chronological part of your body without allowing deterioration, or the form of death concept, to allow freedom, or escape, of the spirit. "In the change of your DNA structure, what you are allowing here is not a death, per se. You are allowing the deterioration of the chronological structure to a form of vibration. This form of vibration of the physical body, therefore, is allowing a state of animation. This allows the separation of the spirit body in order for the DNA structure of the physical body to reach the same pulsation, or polarity, of the auric body. Sometimes we call the term soul, or you call this the term physical body. We also call this the reunion, therefore, or the coming back of the Christ Consciousness. This is the total revamping of the polarities and infusion which takes in a new aligning of form of the inner cell structures to allow them the rebirth and to allow them the rapture of time. "When you have this classification of rapture of time you are escaping the chronological decay. So therefore, the allowing the reboarding of the body physically, or the changing of the DNA, will lessen, as you call it, the pain of this chronological change. "The institution of the rapture therefore, stops the time of decay and therefore allows the first infusion of infinity to be united with finity. Therefore, what you get in the final analysis, the higher body becomes infused with the lower body, the physical. This is 26

called the Second Coming. This is the coming back of the totality of the Christ Consciousness, allowing the DNA its total change and escape from, what you call, the physical disasters, or decay, of finality called death. "To give infusion of life and to give the totality of infinity its total reign, therefore, we must change the platform, or the elements, and we must change the environment so that it is conducive to the rebirth now of the spirit. "So therefore, the DNA within the structure of the Earth's core shall go into inner and outer spirals of these infusion lights. This will give the Earth's core its total energy of rebirth and allow it its higher body of infinity to meet together in, what you call, the new change, or the Golden Age of emanation. "Dr See-ven has to go now. God bless you."

CHAPTER 10 THE INTERFERENCE OF A BLACK HOLE "Good evening, I am Dr See-ven. "This evening, I have been given the task, if you wish to call it, to give you the lecture on the interference of the black hole in your year of 1976 of September the ninth. "Every galaxy has, what we call, a perspective time of change. This perspective time of change comes to a position where the galaxy has to allow a completeness of a cycle within 26,000 years of its orbit. "During these times, when you have the interferences of black holes, the reason being is to completely clear the electro-magnetic forces that have caused great damage in your Earth's orbit. What this black hole does as it comes into the Earth's orbit, it completely cleanses the field of electro-magnetization. "During this time it causes great sensations and upheavals on the Earth itself as far as mankind is concerned. You have seen tremendous changes which have taken place on your Earth surface, mainly in areas where you have the gigantic tidal waves and horrific storms in your wind turbulence. "The completing and sifting and clearing of these electro-magnetic fields sometimes causes interception. It is this kind of interception that interferes with the Earth's surface. So remember, in your geography, if you go back 26,000 years you will find that there have been other similarities as you see on the surface now.


"You have gone through the electro-magnetic force fields which will complete its cycle in the year 2001, So the tremendous strain and pressure on mankind has caused him great changes, not only in environment, but also in social stabilization, as you have seen tremendous changes in the last five years in your European stages. "We are not here to try to give you the exact dates and times, like for instance, the coming down of the Berlin Wall. These are all factors which are affected by the interference of a black hole. However, in this instance, dispensation has shown that this is the change that has been foreseen by many of your prophets. "One prophet that concerns many people today is Nostradamus. This prophet had a reflection of electro-magnetic state manifestation in a crystal ball that was transposed to him in visionary state. During his time, this reflection was projected on the etheric molecular structure that was taking shape around the Earth prior to the interference of, what you call,the black holes. Therefore, you go into the reverse of time which some of you do not see. Therefore, the prophets who are prophesizing these great changes are actually going through the time element of the change as it is actually happening. Therefore, you will go through it in the past tense. "It is hard for you to visualize, or it is hard for you to comprehend scientifically. Your scientists would not really understand electro-magnetization. "Electro-magnetization from a black hole controls, not only the gravitational pull, but it also reverses centrifugal force. So therefore, when you get into the suspension of this energy which does not allow the proper gravitational pull and centrifugal force, you get, what you call, out of control masses. This is the kind of pressure, or energy, that surrounds the globe. Also, it is birthed to nature. When it is interrupted by nature you have, what you call, severity of no control in the energy fields which intensifies through your form of weather and storms. "It is very important at this time that the human structure of the cell composure of each one of your bodies is in, what we call, intro-fraction. This means that the pressure that is reversed in the cell structures is going to completely stop the chronological decay of the human body. Therefore, you will go into, what we call, a complete revamping of the DNA in your body that will allow a continuous flow in the electro-magnetic field structures of your cells of continuous rebirthing. What is actually happening then, you are totally in embryo. This gives you the constancy of the transformation of the total potential of this energy from the electromagnetic cell, from the black hole, from the interaction on the Earth. It also gives you the rebirthing of, what we call, or what your biblical term says, the changing of the new body. "When this force field is completely reversed, when the black hole goes into suspended animation in the year 2001, your rebirthing of cells will be in enormous capacity. This 28

will continually preserve the chronological decay into, what we call, a suspended animation. So you are going to be able to preserve this body until 1000 years when the Earth will again go through a change of a reverse propulsion of a black hole. This will come from the Northern Hemisphere instead of attracting, like it did, this way through the Southern Hemisphere. "It is of great importance that there will be two births that will be given into your immediate galaxy. This will be of two intensifications of great stars. These are going to be born in order to keep the Earth's orbit into a straight formation of transformation. This will allow the axis to be corrected into its proper position so that you will be again, after your year 2001, into what we call, a perfection of manifestation of light. "The position of the two stars will magnify the Earth into a capacity of energy. You will be into, what you call, the Golden Age of total animation of your new body. This will allow it to be able to function on, what we call, an energy field of a gaseous state of food like in the beginning called manna. "So they will not have the same kind of food that you are having here now. So gradually, after the year 3033, the Earth will go into, what we call, total decaying. This means that after the Golden Age there will be no births during that 1000 years. "When the reverse of the black hole comes into effect, the body of light will go into complete decay and the Earth will go into distinction. During the year of 3497 the Earth will give out its spirit, or its center core, and allow the outer portions to go into complete destruction of intermolecular change. Therefore, this will not allow any other type of life to take form in the third dimension. "Dr See-ven has to go now. God bless you."

CHAPTER 11 THE RAINBOW OF UNDERSTANDING "Good evening to you all. I am Petron. "It is within the changing of the universe today that is bringing in the energy of the millennium and the new dispensation and age of awareness. "We here, from various galaxies who have travelled through many universes, understand these energy changes and what they are to do when we alter the consciousness of mankind. With our quick maneuvering craft, we have the ability to balance these vibrations as they hit various planets and as they are caused also internally by the imbalances from the vibrations of man.


These vibrations are through plundering, through false ideologoies, through greed, contempt and various other imabilities to program themselves to become a citizen of the illuminating light of allness, or divine consciousness, that is universal throughout every galaxy that we have the ability to travel. "We do not go through the entire universe, even with our technology. It is being in constant creative form, so therfore, we cannot fathom, or cover, or conquer, the universe. God allows this universe to provide the elements of these various galaxies for the higher entities, whether archangel, whether angel, whether messengers, from the divine spirit realm of the forty-nine different, called sometimes light forms. "There are many messengers which God uses in the immediate galaxy that He has to send those who are assigned. This is of great prime importance because mankind on this Earth can tune themselves through the great superconsciousness within them to be in rapport with the vibrations, or messages, that are sent. For example, even in the state that the Instrument (Dr Ki) is now, these messages are used, not only through his vocal cords, but through the attunement of his mind into the attunement of our message that comes from, what we call, the Supreme Mind. "Our assignment here is very unique. At times, we do have and we come across, even in, what we call, the elite of our creation, those who are still learning and those who constantly go from a high balance to a low. "The Earth is in constant motion. It is like a spaceship only given to orbit. Therefore, in many of your galaxies you have similar life forms on similar planes like you call Earth. Each one of them has this maximum and minimum flow of divinity. Remember, I said here now, divinity. So it is of great importance that you know, or recognize, divinity because divinity is universal in all, no matter what form that God releases it into. "So the impregnation of the God, or Goddess, within you is impregnated through the spirit and vibrates through the soul. It is given another life form in a body such as you are here on this Earth. "So remember, wherever this vibration of spirit soul like this body is in, either a high energy, or a low energy, whichever way, takes it through the levels of consciousness growth. So you see, not only do you mature in cell structure, or growth, in the physical, you also grow in the spiritual. "There is this realm of light which you achieve through the rainbow of understanding so that you could create the white light consciousness which is called the born again concept into its universal light. Once the soul and the spirit gives birth to this consciousness, which you call the Christ Consciousness, or the birth as a child, you allow the growth then of this consciousness. You open up to the universal mind and all the messengers, whether in spirit form, or they are in pure form, because the spirit now is awakened to their echo, or to their sound. 30

"This is why, through different formalities, either mediumship, clairvoyance; I like your terminologies you use here on Earth. We just call it awareness, so we cover the whole perimeters. "It is also of great prime importance because you have reached your 26,000th cycle of Christ Consciousness return. So we are preparing, not only through the cleanup through Armageddon, but we are also opening the doors for darkness to be released on the Earth. That is called the cleansing, or the Armageddon. "Now then, it is of great and prime importance that you who are given this rebirth to your spirit are now called the forebearers, or you are called the cleanup personnel who have, through the 144,000 commanders, or avatars, been sent to Earth to also awaken some of you to this ability to allow rebirth of the spirit within you. "Therefore, it is of great amazement that we have been called in to assist with this vibration because through countless galaxies we have experienced the rebirth cycle of the divine light to hit the Earth's core. This will also give birth to the consciousness of the Earth blending in, as we call it, with the spirit, the God/Goddess of your spirit. This will allow the total oneness of the millennial light to become in spectrum of the 1000 years of purity and perfect release. When the soul's consciousness reaches its stature of full growth, then the completeness of the cycle has taken its form. "Every galaxy, every planet, that gives whatever form of light, receives this millennial impregnation of purity of thought, such as, Sirius One, Sirius Two, Sirius Three and Sirius Four, all in pure divine consciousness because of purity of thought. "Thought is purified through the releasing and cleansing of the spirit that allows the portals of the White Light to open. This is why, from time to time, we come by with great experience to share with you the same loaves of bread that the Christ had shared with you when He was on this Earth. "I leave you now and bid you all a great day and triumph as you hear the trumpet call, the Christ Consciousness to return. Alahoy."



"As I come here this afternoon, I could see the confusion that your human brain, with all its little patterns, seems to cause your south pole and your north pole, at times, not to be in in proper synchronize. "We don't have to come here with our sophisticated technology. We can directly interplay from the planet Arcturia. We can directly interplay the different craft that are in position to study, not only earthlings, but to study other sophisticated life forms. "You must be very careful when you give into submission. Because of the human mind, it is very easy for you to be placed under submission. Always constantly, with this universal law that you have, the divine protection within you will always give you the coverage which will cut off any other alien's radar. It is the same Godhead which has caused many different life forms. "It seems that when people scientifically get themselves into a position of great knowledge they seem to forget what the word love, or what God is really all about. It is a very simple message that goes and comes from everybody. Everybody is equivalent to knowing what the message is all about. "It is like on your Earth where you have various people under submission of greed. It is likewise in the cosmos where they have people who are in great position of power. One must be very careful when they yield with, not only the cosmic intelligence, but also the so-called Earth intelligence. Protect yourselves because in the last days of the closing of your dispensation there will be all sorts of things which will start happening and coming from the universe. "So it is of prime importance that your consciousness be altered and raised by your spiritual awareness so that you can and will be protected in this last ending part of your dispensation to come into, what we call, the ultra-conscious state. "This is going to happen to the planet Earth, called the Battle of Armageddon, which is the cleanup of all these interrupting forces. This will happen, not only on your Earth, but the impregnation and walk-ins that have been cause for many of your different changes of dispensation here on this Earth. "It is interesting, because from your biblical point of view, you have imagined that this big Battle of Armageddon is a strange beast which is on Earth. This strange beast that is on Earth is being transmitted through the human behaviour of a lot of your people here on Earth through their consciousness. "By allowing this consciousness to be changed, you are classified as the great cleaners of this kind of energy. You will bring in this ultra-conscious state that many of us have who are in the purified state, as in your cosmos from Sirius One, Two, Three and Four. These are the planets that are planets of pure thoughts. It is this energy field that has a 32

lot of transmission that is being done today to a lot of Earth people. This comes, not only in the form of telepathy, or as you would term clairaudience through the sound effects that you actually hear, but there will be many other ways that this kind of energy will be teleported in. "It is quite interesting at this time that one of your great prophets, that we classify as a prophet, John the Revelator, when he looked through the spiritual telescope of your future, which is now coming into being, it is quite interesting because he was tapped into the ultra-conscious state. "There are a lot of things that will happen on the surface of this Earth to bring you into this cosmic awareness. It seems sometimes that tragedy is the best teacher. I want you to think about that. On this Earth, what can actually, in the final analysis, motivate you to a point of quick understanding? "This will not happen in all sectors of this Earth. But it will happen in sectors, as you have known, the Middle East and in your newly formed independent states that once were the communistic countries. "It is also of prime importance to know that the destruction of your economic system is at hand. It is also important to know that it is only through the divine grace in love of that Christ Consciousness Within you that will lead you through the magnetic storms of change. "When we say the magnetic storms of change, it is deep within the bosom of your Earth at this time because you have exhausted many of your minerals and resources. You have caused a bulge in your Earth. This is why because of the rotation of your Earth on its axis has caused the magnetic waves to inter-penetrate in large waters, or basins, of your oceans. "Your storms, as we have seen over the last five years, have exceeded the maximum that they were as far as destruction in the last seven or eight years of your time. "The activation of your volcanic eruption has caused your sunlight to be, as we look at it, you have lost, at this point, ten percent of your growing time in your agriculture. "It is also of prime importance that this new change within your consciousness will allow you to become the master of your fate. It will also allow you to overcome some of these great hardships that you will be confronted with in the next two to three years of your time. "It is this kind of resurrection of consciousness that allows this kind of change within your own mind. You will be using approximately, and this is important, from the one-fifth of the brain patterns to three-fifths. So you can imagine the creativity which will take 33

place in mankind to suppress this great energy that is changing and that will be coming in to infiltrate the Earth changes. "Man's knowledge is increasing and at this point you see it in a destructive form. The Battle of Armageddon will clean up the platform and allow the change of the mind to start in the direction of the peaceful co-existence. "Therefore, mankind is going into, what we classify as, the resurrection of the sixth, the seventh, the eighth and the nineth dimension, which will reach its fulfillment from 2011 to 2022. Historically, it is of great importance for a lot of you because some of you right now are the pillars of that change for tomorrow. "Also, there will be coming into this new dispensation, the high birth impregnation. As you know, the strongest force on Earth is the feminine force at this particular time. The new child, or children, that will come forth will have already gone through the cleansing in the ultra-conscious state prior to the impregnation that will take place on this Earth. "Many of you have heard of the term 'the virgin birth'. This may cause, in your society, a lot of problems for the husbands that may take a very dim view of the situation that will take place. However, because of this strong conscious change, the resurrection of man's consciousness to play this equivalent role of the feminine consciousness will come through, what we call, the complete rebirth manifestation. "This will change the ideology and a lot of the concepts of how man and women are thinking on this Earth at this particular time. Look at it in its proper perspective. You have come here in this space and this time. Think of how, in the last ten years, your life has changed significantly. I look at the auras of a lot of you here. You may think there are only twenty in the physical. But I see thousands in the spiritual. "So you are here with great assistance of that divine host that has come here to assist. Also, look at it in the terms of where you are going and how your consciousness has been altered and how significantly your path has changed in the last year. Look at your ideologies. Look at the universality of thought. You are coming into the creative time on this Earth where the Creator within Himself, when all the assistants that He has of your minds to cause this world to change in a very peaceful way. "You, as creators, manifest the God/Goddess power within you through the purification of your thoughts. This is, what you would call, the impetus, or which is called your fuel to keep this world in its purity and in the actions of man to fulfill this dispensation that you are entering tomorrow. It is interesting to see how the eye of the mind can see into the depth of dimensions. "Do you know that once you come into the nineth dimension you will be able to see me, face to face. Although you are looking at the Instrument (Dr Ki) now, you will see the 34

manifestation. Some of you may, right now, see the manifestation of the consciousness which is blending with the consciousness of this Instrument at this time. "It is also important in your lives that you come to the crossroads of your decisions. You have made many decisions in the last two to three years. I have news for you because that is going to change and change drastically in the next year of your time. However, looking at, what we call, the computer of total revelation we could see that even in this group there are two very significant people who are in this physical human body. "Have you wondered who you are? Have you wondered how you felt uncomfortable of who you are? Have you wondered at times that you really don't feel the same that you have in the past two to three years? "You must learn, at this time in your lives, to balance with the energies on this Earth, be they whatever label you want to use, whether it's a vortex, whether it's a grid, or whether it's a power spot. Get yourselves comfortable inside your house. Build your foundation on higher elevation and also of stronger content of your human mind. Become at one with the mortar that you use to be stable and steadfast as you go into the future of time. "It is also interesting that in our perspective we can be continuous. We don't require day. We don't require night. The spirit within you will manifest this continuous cloak, the new body, as sometimes referred to as, 'in a twinkling of an eye'. Do you realize how fast a twinking of an eye is? "This body will look into perfect eternity. This body looks into physical time. It is very strange that you have access to this body in the subconscious. The flow from the solar plexus, while you're in the subconscious state, to my domain, you allow yourself only, what we call, incapacitated distance. "Do not be afraid to alter that consciousness from the subconscious state to the ultraconscious state so you can get the complete recall of what you are doing when you are in the higher body of your Earth. "It's going to be of prime importance that as the Earth's core and the golden beam of light, as it shifts gently, the axis, the vibration, the magnetic flow in your magnetic cells and the way you will start feeling within this body, that will also shift because you are a universe within yourself. "This change is going to see remarkable changes as you will be in contact with a lot of your friends. There are a lot of vibrations that will be changed in this immediate vicinity here.


"Also, go into your high mountainous areas that are volcanic. Those that have erupted have allowed cleansing energy. Why do you think you see a cloudlike form at the peak of some of these mountains? We, from Sirius, use that pure cleansing energy that allows us the purity of thought. "We are here to bond this purity of thought with you in cosmic matrimony. We are here to court you to this marriage of understanding. We are here to walk with you through the storms that bring you into a higher awareness. We are here to become the rainbow of your love thoughts. We are here to bring you back into the family of oneness. We are here because you are part of that super structure. That is what we are, although we have ascended more quickly. "Everybody in this universe is a prodigal son or a prodigal daughter, that's journeying home and stops in these different mansions to learn. You are here to learn to appreciate the others who are too struggling along this pilgrim pathway. "You are like a light and it is our duty sometimes to polish your cluster. Polishing your cluster is like embracing you and feeling your sensations with the teardrops of understanding. Your stability on this planet is very important. You stability is, what we call, part of our understanding. "It is this caring, this being considerate of one another, whether it's reflected to the insect, the animal, the vegetable, or the human, or the cosmic. It is all interrelated through thought and your cosmic awareness. That is the preacher. That is the pulpit. If you, in your quiet time, are receiving this message in your own inner chapel and if this is allowing your life to flow in the direction where you love your neighbor as yourself, then the resurrection of the Christ Consciousness is bring back the Second Coming. "There have been many avatars that come from time to time to have service with you, whether it's through a Mohammedan reincarnation, or whether it's through an African reincarnation. Everyone is equal in His and your sight. One must strive through this universal love to find this equality, irregardless of color, in order to allow the third eye to see into the golden age of tomorrow. "I say to you all that when I look through the portals of the White Light, I only see within you that small token of love that you have carried with you in your satchel instead of your heart. Use your full potential. Be your full potential. Love your full potential. Heal with your full potential because on this Earth, in the next two to three years, your doctors will not be able to handle the overload. "There are a lot of you here in this small gathering, terrestrial or extra-terrestrial, as I see it, who have some great healing potential. Sitting over here to my right, in a past life, is Hyprocrates. Interesting what lives you play to come back.


"I leave you this afternoon and I say to you now, I was proud, for just a few minutes of your Earth time, to touch and embrace your heart and your love. God speed. Alahoy."

CHAPTER 13 THE SPIRITUAL RAINBOW OF LIGHT "Good evening to you all. I am Zarene. "As I come here this evening, I change the vibrations of the inner circle of your light. There is in this midst, what you call, the spiritual rainbow of light. Your rainbow of light is of prime importance because this rainbow is where your inner ray reflects through the colors of your auric field. It is of prime importance that you meditate in the dancing of the lunar waves of the moon. This is the gift that allows the balance of the yin and the yang in your higher body. For there is a mysterious light that glows in the center of your auric field. You must come into balance by allowing the moon, as it comes into full balance, or fullness, to work its full potential in your auric field. "You have asked the question of the universe for the balance of your seven bodies and you five rooms. The attachment of the twelve auric fields are fully charged by the lunar prana. This lunar prana allows you to intake the fullness of the feminine rays which allows your yin to work to its higher potential. As you know, with the yang you have the constancy of the male energy which hits from your universe to this Earth through the solar god that you call the sun. "People today are into, what we call, the outer balance of life. It is now, because of your strong awareness, that you are coming into the fullness of, what you would classify as, the balance in your life. "Placed on this Earth at this time are the greatest wisdoms of the old ages that are coming back, from not only the old teachings in the subconscious mind, but also by those that were left and preserved through your scrolls and more can be found. "It is very important, on the occasion of the full moon, that you wear your crystal of choice. This crystal becomes the intelligence and energy that allows your central chakra, which you have not yet been told about, to control all twelve of your houses, or centers. This central chakra is one that you will learn of in later times. But you are getting the fullest of it now. For when you center within the center, you find the whole. You also find within yourself your low energy field when you are at low ebb. "Take your crystal of your choice and always hold it in your left hand during your full moon meditation. You will see the difference to your energy field the next day in your walk of life. 37

"It is of prime importance that whenever you go into the full moon meditation, that you concentrate on all of the colors and then the central sun which is the pure white light. You must learn this. You must discipline yourself in time to come because in the next two years of this Earth life, Mother Earth is pregnant and ready to give birth to the higher energy again. "It is because of you that are walking in this light that gives Mother Earth its greatest lift and adjusts her consciousness to be able to go through the ages of time. You are bringing back strong energies from the archives of your conscious mind. You've played very important roles. Yet this wisdom is coming back. Because of these energy times within pockets, you will be led and you will be guided into pockets in the next two years of your time. "There will be great exaltation and there will be great wisdom. Each and every one of you will be playing your part at the right time of this dispensation. You will bring back this great knowledge. You will see yourselves around your computers and you will be molded and guided into directions to write and to pen the great words of wisdom. "I leave you now and say blessings within all of your temples. May all of your great guidances throughout all of your lives touch you again so that you can touch others. God bless you."

CHAPTER 14 THE AWAKENING OF CONSCIOUSNESS "Good evening to you all. I find you Earth people very amazing, humorous and with great misunderstanding. "I come here this evening to tell you that the awakening of consciousness is on all levels and awarenesses, disrespective to their growth, and I say this with great caution, disrespective to their growth. Because not everybody in other societies is simulating your society here today. Even at times, I am quite amazed with this Instrument (Dr Ki) when he reflects on things that sometimes we teach. It is because of your human awareness. "You were implanted in spirit form and also by the propulsion of your soul to be a constant traveler in, what we call, and what you view and beyond what you view, the macrocosm. A lot of you have only your scientific mind through your teachings academically, or whatever. It seems that that is great for your culture and for your civilization. But however, how must you become intuned with the cosmic consciousness, or the vibration, or the intelligence, that you so label, to be able to try to establish a construct of how the rest of us think in the macrocosm. 38

"First of all, here on your Earth, believe me, you are protected at times by your fear. That may be hard to grasp. But you are also protected by your intelligence. But what are you protected from? You see, when withinside of yourself the cosmic consciousness, which you sometimes refer to as God, gives you this energy to be able to, in this lifetime, to arrive at some form of symmetry between the way you are thinking this time and how you think of others. "You see, there are a lot of terminologies on this Earth and you misinterupt, and we do have a sense of humor. Why shouldn't we? "Because of not knowing totally what is out there for which you call the unknown, it's only natural for the type of body that you are in that you will have the feelings of fear of that body. "The interesting fact here is that there are many life forms which we pass through as we are in our mission, as some of you have asked. We are here as couriers, depending on our status and our form, and also our evolution up to the standard of what we believe and we have allowed the cosmic consciousness to awaken within us. That is the important factor of the macrocosm. "With the expansion of consciousness we can pick up this Instrument many, many of your miles away that we can't even measure. The expansion of consciousness, we are all soul seed. We must remember that we have given our consciousness this impregnation of the body to try to understand the reality within the form and what status of cosmic consciousness we are in and where we have arrived from. There are many mansions, many galaxies, which exceeds, not only your mentality, but exceeds the telescope, the technology that you have. "Primarily, what is this all about? What is all life all about? I said to you, despite the speed of intellect, the cosmic consciousness has to come to its fullest awareness, whether its in this body, that body, or whatever. Your religionists here have fascinating doctrines which talk of the spirit, the evolution of the spirit and many other different behaviorisms. "Each and every one of you is a prodigal son, or a prodigal daughter, going home. We must establish a rapport somehow within the consciousness. We must embrace this in order to communicate with us, with them, whoever. The fear of this civilization is what is locking it in, or holding it down, the unknown, the misunderstanding and the level of your awareness. There are many things. However, the spirit within you has the capacity to expand into this cosmic consciousness and understand really what your trip is all about. "So we must come into our own temple, so to speak. We must read the old manuscripts of where our souls have traveled. And somewhere your experience as the prodigal son may have had that experience that we have already had. You use the term here, and 39

it's very close to being correct when you say re-incarnation. You are continuously in eternity right now. You are in this form passing through eternity. It is that God-self within you that wants to know. It is not you, the physical. It's that God-sent energy that wants to know. "You want to become comfortable as you travel into eternity. You often talk about us. But look at the vast changes on your Earth and look at your Earth. It's a gigantic spaceship. Yet you do not understand the trueness of the centrifugal. Also, you do not understand your forces properly to be able to travel into great distances. You often wondered why we do not tell you this. It is because of the universal laws. You must grow into your own awareness right here. "What we do, as we come through, we adjust. we adjust the tectonic plates with our technology. We adjust the Earth's axis. We are adjusting the bulge in the center of the Earth because of our vast technology and because God has allowed us to expand into consciousness to our level, to help. It doesn't matter what form it is because the spirit is the same. It's sublime. The energy of your spirit is the same as mine. I am not a mechanical robot. The energy of your spirit is the same as mine. "When the trumpet of God shall sound, those are the universal intonations of understanding the universal language. Each and every one of you is vibrating at a certain rate of vibration around your electro-magnetic cells. Each and every one of you are growing at a certain rate. Each and every one of you understand a certain way. But, you allow your ego to be buried in the mundane principles of everyday life. "Allow to bury the ego so that you could allow the spirit its proper ascension in this body so that this body can traverse and go freely within the other universes, or within the other spectrums of light. This is another thing that you do not understand. There is life within life within life. "Does the expansion of your consciousness allow you to see through the physical, as you call, the teachers of faculty? No it doesn't. It allows the five physical faculties to gain more, as we call them, insight, or foresight, by charging magnetically to the expansion of cosmic consciousness. But it opens up the child, the real birth, the one that you really are within you. It opens up whatever terminology and this is what gets you people in this world in a lot of trouble. You call that the sixth sense. I call that the child of reason. "You see, we all label things to try to understand, instead of understanding things to not label. We are constantly searching, as I look at this room here, in different rooms here. You are constantly searching for the right answer. You think you have it. "The only way that you will really have the right answer is when you open the seat of the soul, when you look into the archives of allness, when you see through the oneness of the Eye of Siva, when you reflect and deflect consciousness in such a way that you 40

will have your comfort zone. Don't look at one another because you are certainly going to find faults. Those are the kinds of things that you are going to stop finding as your consciousness expands. "You've often wondered our mission here. Our mission here is part of the expansion of the consciousness to where our awareness is that if we could see where we could help to the same father. We certainly can. But we cannot invade, as you have thought on many occasions from other different lives on this Earth. There was really not an invasion of privacy, but some have come to investigate and to see, like some of you here investigate, have come to investigate the level of your intelligence. "You would do the same if you looked around your world in the form of security right now, not only through your C.I.A., the F.B.I., but many others. What are you protecting? Are you protecting war, or are you protecting peace? What are you protecting deep down? The fears? The ego? Look at it very carefully. "We are part of the expanded consciousness of what you really are. You are part of us, the only creation of the star that fell into many myriads of creations. Yet, even with our technology here, it is very lucky in our classrooms that we don't have a beginning to confuse our minds. "Look at it as constant. Look at it as always. Deep withinside of you is a wonderful garden that was so-called Eden. The allegory is here, that there within that garden is, what we call, everything is contained. It is for you to reach out and pick with faith, pick and create anything in this world you wish and it can be added unto you because it is written throughout your scriptures and number of bibles that you have here and the numbers of books and inspirations. "Do you know that it is still the wisdom of God that works through different people today? It wasn't only for the prophets. This great knowledge is constant. It is for you to pick with faith from that tree and understand what you are eating. It is the good and evil that you have labelled to make you surround by some form of fear. "I say to you all here right now that deep inside of you is this vast garden of great creation, great tilling that you have to do to produce this Heaven on Earth. Each of us have done this, not all. But each of us that I know, within the command I'm in, has caused this millennial light to continuously shine through. As even in Ezeikel's time, one of your great prophets, when we lifted him. So if you think for a few minutes, and you think of your last movie of traverse, there were a lot of correct realities there. "We all have our great faults. We all have our inhibitions where we have a tendency to cover up information sometimes to feel comfortable within our own reality. It's an open tree, a tree which constantly blooms. It doesn't have seasons. It's a price for all seasons. You've heard the term, 'in the midst of my winter, I discovered an invincible summer'. 41

"I felt great empathy within this group. I say to you all; it's always a blessing for me to come the way I am. I say now to you, I say Alahoy to you and I say to you that we will meet in your reality, in your time, in your millennium. God speed."

CHAPTER 15 CLAIM YOUR BIRTHRIGHT "Good evening, I am Colarion. I am the wise councillor from the Council of Nine. "Our mission here on this Earth is to allow life. We are in constant contact with all entities of all forms of light and life here on this planet. We are in constant contact with the Cherubims and the Seraphims and the Master of Light. We are in constant contact with the God/Goddess of Infinity of Light. "A lot of you here on this Earth have come to share that light with others who do not understand how to clean, or polish, the crystal of that light. Each and every one of you is a crystal of light. We are constantly watching the calibration of your lights. Even the Instrument is 3.7. I had difficulty coming through. "People listen. Listen. We have gathered, across this world, 144,000 of our elite and a lot of you are not listening. You are programming, but you are programming with negativity. Look at the light. Look at the light. It is around you. Claim your birthright. "The most important factor, you have been assigned great teachers. You have filled your mind to capacity. You have written many pages. You have filmed. You have done all kinds of things of ostentationism. It felt good. You have gurgitated a couple of times. You have eaten the wrong food and digested incorrectly. Because you are the privileged few, you have been given the second redemption. Do not lose that, for that is the key to your kingdom home. "The space entities will change. We will change the vibration of these space entities. "It is a privilege for me to come here at a strong foundation of sanction to look at the pebble spirits, to look at the decatons. Tonight in humble admiration, lie in front of me, three Indian chiefs that revere this spirit, that revere the light within infinity. "You see, I do not have a sense of humor because to have a sense of humor you earthlings have a tendency to not take note. "When God speaks the thunder, when He spoke to Moses on the hill, the light that He used with His Consciousness to write and to pen, to view the keys to the kingdom, have 42

been abused through the ages. So we have alloted the 144,000 teachers to come back and to polish the scrolls. "Each and every one of you here has a very important mission. You will only activate that mission when you allow the spirit clarity of thought. "Now I look into the mirror darkly. Then I see myself face to face. That, my dear children, is the opening of the trinity to infinity. That is what allows the spirit to see through your Eye of Siva. You are very powerful. I close my book, 'Judge not, lest ye be judged'. Alazeen."

CHAPTER 16 THE 1000 YEARS OF PERPETUAL TIME "Good evening, I am Dr See-ven. "This attunement message is of great importance to the world. Not many of you, at this particular time, are attuning yourselves to the high energy which is assisting us in bringing in, what we call, the millennial light. Through your energies and through your higher fields and through your dedication and through your strong devotion, we are able to assist the light into energizing the consciousness, which is the oil that burns that eternal light, or that enormous change. "People do not understand that the changing of consciousness is a changing of consciousness through time. That is setting the platform for this new age to grow into. Actually, the process of the millennium is the growing into the light of awareness, into what you call, perpetual time. "Why is it a great thing to live for 1000 years in this new light density energy that will be upon the Earth? You are, at this particular time, the people who are the light bearers, or the light children, who are bringing in the schedule of events that will transpire during the 1000 years of perpetual time. "First of all, one must alter the consciousness within to be aware that this Heaven on Earth can be brought to this Earth. At a specific time of dispensation there are other changes, which we call, in the firmaments. There are also planetary changes that have to submit to this kind of energy and therefore make the necessary change without a great loss of life. But unfortunately, because of the structure and the setting up of the drama and events, prior to the rescheduling, we call it, of the Earth's consciousness, therefore, it takes on a solid mass, or change and form. "Whenever you have this kind of change in the preparatory stages, you will find that the change of heat and the change of light are all very important to the change of the consciousness in totality. This is something that is hard to explain to the Earth people, 43

at this particular time, because of their conscious understanding. Because of man's conscious understanding, the more intelligent he is on this Earth, with Earth understanding, the harder it is for him to open up to the understanding of the millennial light. "What is important, at this time, as you all understand, is that we are going through a cross section of certain people who will be acceptable, at this time, to be the light bearers in order to bring this millennial light into, what we call, introduction. Again, during this time, it will be very difficult because once the Earth starts to go through the changes due to the changes in fusion and fission, you have, what we call, an upgrading of the Earth's inner consciousness. This will occur prior to allowing everyone who is on the Earth's surface to be able to attune to this kind of consciousness and what you are doing it in, in many forms. For example, you are, at this time, attuning yourselves into an understanding of the balancing of the yin and yang and the many other forms which it will take. "At this particular stage, when the Earth's consciousness changes, it allows a dimensional change in three very important facets. In order to give the spirit its complete birth, or its complete awakening, into this consciousness, it becomes a duality of understanding oneself. "At this particular time, the human being is going through, what we call, tragic stages to the awareness fulfillment. This is why, at this particular time, that as the Earth decides to take on its changes in form, it brings about many other changes on the surface of the Earth which are not exactly what you would call a good situation in many respects. "To alter change and to give birth, it's like the womb itself when the child is in the womb growing into its maturity to give itself life. That is what's happening in the form of, what I said, duality. In other words, the consciousness of the Earth's womb, or center core, whatever you wish to call it, will go through the millennial stages of, what we call, growing within the womb. There is also the attachment of the consciousness of the spirit within the center of the Earth. You see, here you have the duality of the Earth also, as you have the duality of the physical human being which has the altering of its spiritual consciousness. So it is not necessary therefore, to actually put you into some kind of embryo so that you are perpetually encased in some form of light waiting for the entire change to take place. That is not the case. The case is that it all changes at the same time. In other words, the firmament, the Earth and the bodies and the life that are on the Earth, at this particular time, will all change at the same time. "In order to alter this kind of consciousness we have to bring in, what we call, the team. The team is the millennial light team that allows each and every one that is on this Earth at this time, in this light form, to go through a cleansing, which we call, a 44

cleansing of understanding. This is why there are so many understandings at this time as to what the purpose is and how we bring the balance of this millennial light in. "As you noticed, there are many, as we call them, schools of thought which will all play together the same music of the spheres when all of the adjustments are made and the consciousness slips into birth from this embryo that we are talking about. "Each form of light and consciousness comes through these different, if you wish to call them, ideologies that are coming from the altering of the consciousness of yourselves. This is called the growth period of the consciousness. Looking at everything on this Earth right now, the way it is transpiring, it is going through, what we call, a phase of death. In other words, you are quickly being ushered into the fall months of your reality in order to get into the final preparatory stages which you call on this Earth, the rapture time. "You see, there has to be a rapture of this cocoon, or this embryo, of the spirit when it is reaching, or coming into, the Christ Consciousness. This is the rapture of the new body into its complete stage which is going to be called the fifth dimension of understanding. "Right now, on this Earth, you are moving quickly and rapidly into the fourth dimension of understanding. This gives a lot of problems to the physical body because it is causing a lot of tension, causing a lot of stress, a lot of headaches, a lot of stomach changes and other things that will happen. "During this great change you will have a period of, what we call, the period where we have to take the strong, the weak, the weaker, and we have to put them through, what we classify here as, a spiritual sifter. So not everybody makes it through this spiritual sifter because the altering of this consciousness allows an enormous change in, what we call, unison with the kundilini forces. These are the forces that are immediate from the Earth's core change of consciousness and rebirth. "A lot of things happen when this kind of change reaches into, what we call, a massive dis-structure of the surface of the Earth. This massive dis-structure is the rezoning and the re-boring and the reshifting of, not only your tectonic plates, but many other things. This will bring everything into a position so that the rebirth of the spirit within will reach a saturation point of its nine month period, or its ninth dimension of understanding. It will then have its totality of understanding because you will reach that birth situation in unison with the birth of the spirit of the Earth. "There will be the completion, or the complete restructuring, as you are coming into the totality of this millennial light on this Earth for, what we call, the perfect existence of the consciousness of pure spirit birth. This will also occur within the bowels of the Earth and also within the firmament.


"You can expect a lot of tremendous heat changes which will cause a lot of droughts on this Earth. When you get this tremendous heat change, naturally yor storms will increase in their greatest velocity. You will find there will be a tremendous great change to the surface of the Earth, bringing it into the Christ Consciousness, the infancy of purity of spirit. There is no interruption period between the physical and the spiritual because the spiritual will live free of the physical because you will be completely removed. "This is the rapture of the new body. This is very important in the millennial light because it allows constancy and flow on non-interruption. This is what you need in order to live in this 1000 years of completeness. It is called the completeness of the spirit in its manifest destiny. "Dr See-ven will leave you now. God bless you."

CHAPTER 17 REGENERATION IN THE TOMB "Good evening to you. I am Dr See-ven. "This evening, I will be talking about the coming events that will transpire, not only in your consciousness, but also on the surface of your Earth. This will allow the consciousness the expansion into its new form, not only of understanding, but also of the new age bodies that you will be looking at. "Consciousness and the expansion of consciousness that has come to your Earth has been, on most occasions, misconstrued. This is because of the human understanding to its intelligence and the way it has been interpreted over the ages since we first started our mission with Plato and Socrates and Aristotle and Decartes and Hyprocrates, There also is Pythagorus. Appolonius was the first adept, during that time, who had altered his consciousness and had tried, in a form of philosophy, to make it acceptable to mankind at that time. We call that the grass roots. "From the grass roots came the downfall of your Roman Empire which was established on the basis of fear. Before the Roman Empire, the Persian Empire was established on the basis of fear. "The indoctrination, during the Roman era, of the coming of the Christ Consciousness, came in a man called Josephus. It was quite a contrast to the shepherds that followed the spaceship Pella Three to exactly where the Christ Consciousness had given into physical birth. It happened that this was the first phase of the awakening of the consciousness in physical form. 46

Since that time there had been many misinterpretations that had to come to light. What happened was that the records were not kept for the birth of all of the children at that particular time. So fear, as I had said to you, had awakened to its fullest. Therefore, many small children were slaughtered at that time. But the Christ Consciousness was protected in Josephus. "As you know, on many occasions, it was written in your bible by many of your prophets and many who were not journalists and many who had, what you would call, not the kind of education that you have today in order to give you a clear picture of what was happening at that time. "The consciousness was exposed in three phases. It was exposed in the first phase, called the resurrection of the consciousness. It was very important in those days because there was a time period that was given to man, that the resurrection would classify, or constitute, in three days. This was the second phase of, remember what I am saying here, of the consciousness expansion. "So the three days were very important because you are dealing with three distinct energies of your diety today, also misinterpreted, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. So the ascension, which is the second phase, took place in three days because consciousness is expressed in three forms of reality. "During the ascension, remaining in the small tomb that we had at the time of the garden, some of these tombs were used as hospices. This is classified as the energy for regeneration, or the feeling that was used in those days, in those areas, or those kinds of tombs. "The regeneration was taking place in the three days where consciousness was in stillness, or not in motion. You have been learning that a vortex is in constant motion. Also, you have to know that consciousness is going into regeneration, at this time, on your Earth. This is one time that it was not in motion, as in one other time when your Earth stood still. That was due to the large comet which is making its way around again. This will be equivalent to 26,000 years of your time. This comes into the point here on your Earth where you will be having the new form of the Second Coming of the Christ Consciousness and the expansion of consciousness change. "During the time of the three days prior to the ascension, I said that the energy was standing still. In order for the release of consciousness into motion and back into its spiritual essence of purity, the three day period is something that some of your adepts practice here on this Earth at this time. This is not to bury, or not to burn the body, until three days, where the umbilical cord will sever, releasing from your solar plexus the spirit of ascension. 47

"Today, it seems that this kind of scattered evidence has been cast here and there and here and there through every church that has taken on a label to express some form of biblical terminology. "What has been happening in that three mysterious periods, or days, if you wish to call them, to the energy of the spirit and the release of the umbilical cord to allow the spirit into ascension? But this did not happen because those who were learning at that time were practicing this new conscious expansion. Then what happened is that the physical body went through very strong petrifaction, which is the fusion and fission, left no trace of a human body in the evidence of the tomb. "What was happening here, in this mysterious three days that took place, where not even a trace of a human body could be found? Once again, the way man was thinking in those days was very similar to the way they think in this day here now. Somebody moved the body, you see. But the tomb was hevaily guarded by soldiers. Somebody moved the body. But it went into fusion and it went into fission. "When consciousness is expanded it gives birth to the spirit and allows it into ascension. The question here is then, where does the spirit go during the time of this ascension? The spirit will go to the source that has allowed the spirit the form of reincarnation it had taken to come into birth at this particular time. "The Christ Consciousness is in perfect state of awareness and also in perfect state of beginning. This is something that you have to learn in the third phase of consciousness expansion. This is the phase where the spirit is in a state of animation which stills its total awareness of exactly where it was from the body when it ascended. "Mankind has difficulty because of the scattered philosophies over the years to try to interpret exactly what is happening now that the Second Coming of this consciousness is about to take place on this Earth. "Many adepts have come from different cultures with the message, which is practically the same. Therefore, each adept who comes is viewing the expansion of consciousness in a way that they could only express it in the kind of learning that they have received in their conscious state. "It is very difficult to try to understand energy in its trilogy, or in the form that was expressed as Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We have here the consciousness of total awareness, which is the Father. We have here the state of ascension and state of becoming, what we classify as, the expansion of consciousness in, what they call, the Holy Ghost.


"Therefore, the physical consciousness was the Son, who was bringing forth the states of these different consciousness awareness that mankind can also ascend to. This is why, even in His philosophy, Christ had taught that greater things shall you do than I. "Today, mankind has been very much aware of this principle and they are struggling through many avenues of Eastern philosophy, of biblical terminology, of the form and the terminology they call metaphysics. So when you are studying beyond the physical, how do you explain that to the physical, the physical senses? But it is not so because metaphysical is studying beyond the physical and who gives a damn about the physical senses? We must learn to hide ourselves. Hide the physical and allow the ascension of the consciousness and the expansion of consciousness into, what we call,. the millennial light. "The millennial light is the understanding of pure living. It has been expressed by many adepts on your planet that there is a golden age which is coming. The Christ Consciousness went into ascension because it goes back to its original source, called Sirius Three. In your constellation, it is the planet of pure thought. "Today, the representation on this Earth, and I like the terminologies which you use and you use the term Sananda. That is perfect peace in the rebirth of the expansion of consciousness, into the enlightenment of understanding what the eternity of the spirit is all about. "The spirit is eternal. It is you that gives it motion, or commotion, in whatever way you look at it in your physical form. The consciousness is only the awareness that's expanding into its new understanding of what the true essence of spirit is all about. The true essence of spirit is what you are in total purity of the finalization of consciousness when it has totally expanded. When you come into millennial light, is the time that the consciousness of man is in its purity of state. "This Earth will go through many great changes. The first warnings are through, what we call, weather changes. The second is called, through your Earth bowel movements through volcanoes. The third stage is mankind combating the greatest diseases of all time. From this will come a regeneration of the generation. You will find here on this Earth, lest these days be shortened. "In order for consciousness to expand into its highest awareness, we must regenerate ourselves on an energy plane that will assist us in this kind of conscious change. So the Earth therefore, has to be changed. "The greatest change of it all is when you will be looking into the heavens and the firmament and when you see all the lights. So John the Revelator, in your Book of Revelations, has some good and very important points. But it seems that, at his 49

disposal, when he was writing, he had difficulty trying to place some form of terminology and symbology. So it was difficult, even in the time of your prophets, to try to give mankind some form of fulfillment. It is good to remember that your spirit is set free from the expansion of consciousness awareness, which is true because the truth shall set you free. "If you look at all of your philosophies right from Appolonius down, the message was the same. But, if you look at Nostradamus, he was looking through the crystal ball of the changes taking place. These were mainly the Earth changes and the great men who came in history to make those changes. "Dr See-ven has to go now. I will say to you all, it has been a great pleasure to come into your midst to try to break some bread for your spirit. "God bless you."

CHAPTER 18 THE BAPTISM OF PURITY "Good evening to you all. I am Lae. "This evening, as I come into your consciousness, I find that because of the human growth that you are achieving, at this time, as we see it, with the ascension of your spirit, is causing your Earth to interchange with two lights of fusion. The energy of hate and that of the difference that it is causing in your Europe land is going to slowly phase out. You will find that the new antichrist who is coming into that land will take over with great miracles. So be very careful that you do not succumb to that truth. "Many doctrines will arise from that land. A lot of you will be very intent with this kind of energy. I say to you that your star that is in its glitter stage is the saving grace of "> the Jerusalem Command. "You have been brought here to Earth to align yourself and your thoughts into, what we call, the baptism of purity. This baptism of purity is the true understanding of your mission in this life. A lot of you have vacilated from well to well and have been partially, as we call it, satiated with the nectar of truth. But coming very shortly, you will have to make one of the greatest decisions of your life. That decision is to move geographically into various areas where you are going to establish the school. The school is what you have been groomed as a student throughout space. This knowledge will be imparted by your greatest teachers of all, the subconscious and the superconscious. "These two teachers have been with you throughout all classrooms of your life. It is of paramount importance that you listen very carefully to the message and do not try to criticize the messenger. Messages sometimes could be very painful, or stinging. These 50

are messages that are meant to change the physical shell that is captivating the spirit's release. You will be constantly coming into new teachers now of light. These new teachers of light are going to be compatible with your energy fields. So listen carefully. "I am here this evening to say to you and to summate those who have been here from space to assist you. Each and every one of you has received a very important gift from these very stern but warm beings. You must understand them and you must understand their mission. So, by allowing yourself to go back into the classroom of your subconscious, you slowly understand that they have been with you on very important missions. You have been chosen to come to Earth and they have been chosen to make periodic contact to allow your soul to release its energy to the spirit and to grow into eternity. "You see, the most important thing is the gardener of your life. The gardener of your life is the spirit within. It is the spirit that cultivates you. It also cultivates you as a growth substance that is turning into, what we call, expirer. This physical body expires. In some cases, if you have signed a contract with them, they will receive you before expiration. Some of you, this will happen. "We are here to help you to elevate your consciousness into the clouds and into the universities of the pure thoughts that you had, at one time, received in the schools of your Father's House, where there are many mansions. "There are many mansions. There are many prana light forms. There are many spiritual elevations and levels where spirits are stuck, where spirits are growing, where spirits are reincarnating. We could go on and on. It seems that you have a very poor conception of the elevation of spirit light and, what we call, the reincarnation cycle of spirit. "One of the main missions for this Earth from 1995 to 1998 is healing. This healing is not only in the physical, not only in the spiritual, but also in the new body that is going to be transformed from the ethers of light and also from the purity of the Earth light which is going to reach its rebirth, as you call it today, the kundilini. "This kundilini force, the center of your Earth, is coming close to transition and infusion and to ascension. The dimensions of the vibrations of your tectonic plates have been altered to avert many great disasters. "Your purity of thought, your healing to Mother Earth, is going to be of prime importance. Do not wait. Do it now. I beseech you. It will make our mission very much easier so that we don't have to come down for evacuation. "Evacuate your own spirit. Evacuate your own life. You are not only a creator, but you are a benefactor. The healing process within you is the flow of the sum total of all the 51

times in all the lives that you were in where you were, of the most highest power from the purity of your thoughts. We are sometimes envious of you because you can play such a dual role. "I also say to you that the light that has left the Jerusalem Command will arrive here approximately in 1996. So you will be able to see us in great clarity so that we could work in joint mission to accomplish the true millennial light that you have been sent out to accomplish. You have carried many torches. You have learned to light that torch yourself at the beginning of your reincarnations. You have travelled through many black holes. You have been a constructor and builder of the universe. We shared together and we will share again. "You worry too much about what will happen to the physical and how you will support the physical. Or, how do I support the physical because I need the physical to survive? In this vast change that will be taking place, you will understand that. You will be helping thoso who do not understand that. "You see, there will be a great infusion of this light. This is going to allow you, through the change of the body, to be able to withstand a lot of the physical intakes that you are taking in today. Do not worry. We do not let you down when you are assigned to our command and when we come into your consciousness in full understanding. I do underline that very carefully, in full understanding. Then you darkness turns to day. "I also say that you are almost in the morning of this body. We are so proud to have touched you again in such a way that you have touched us. Without your support base here our mission would be fruitless. Because you are here, remember we are there to unite again for the same cause to purge this world in the Battle of Armageddon which will completely destroy evil. A great mission, a great, great, great spirits and great characters and individuals. "As I close I say to you, I am sort of like the metaphysical pastor who has been assigned to elevate and to vibrate your soul. "Alahoy."

CHAPTER 19 THE COUNCIL OF NINE "Good evening to you all. I am Colarian. "You have probably wondered why we call ourselves the Council of Nine. There are nine councilors which represent nine dimensions of life forms that give birth. So therefore, there are many birth systems that allow life to become a representation of the 52

form of light which a spirit, or an entity, of reason and self, represents its species throughout the entire universe. "Each councilor who is responsible for each dimension monitors the life forms and those who come to provide doctrine and reason for truth. You have heard many different philosophies here on this Earth. You are still deciding whether the truth is a divine essence of belief, or a comfortable feeling of how you think life is represented within divine being. "There is no origin in originality of species. So, on this Earth, you have looked at the birth species from a beginning to an ending of form structure. Therefore, you only allowed your reason to assume, from written, as we look at it, ideas of how your form began. It is easy therefore, to conceive that your birth structure according to your biblical version, and I say version, is represented by one female Eve and one male Adam. From reason, within the way you are thinking, you find that this theory, or version, falls short when you look at the generation of your species. It is easy therefore, to find error in written history if we are to follow the form of biblical, or genesis, origin. "You are now thinking to a level where you only understand specific terminology that you feel comfortable with because of the ingrowth of knowledge that is now hitting your Earth plane. You have to grow into knowledge from the form of becoming before you give birth to origin within the spirit. The spirit is the representation of energy that takes on the light, or light form, or the representation of light and life on a planet, or on a structure similar in your universe to your planetary reason within your own mind. "A lot of you do not realize that spirit, in essence, when not in representation of body light form, is in true essence, life even here as you are now. So you only visualize therefore, from your own human perspective that there are four entities here at the present time. This is a fallacy because if you have truly given birth to the spirit within form and reason, then you would be able to see that there are twenty-seven entities here at this time. That is counting you three and the twenty-four students, as light, that are representing twenty-four different galaxies. "So you may ask the question then, 'Can a spirit, which in our state of our physical viewing, represent twenty-four energies that are not perceptible by, and I say it very carefully, by the human eyes? How is within you the energy mechanism of a spirit then with identity and without identity? The spirit that is without identity is when you yourself are not truely identifying with any significant religion, or form, of believing as, what we classify, religion, a form of believing that can give you the enlightenment of the third eye. "When you are in perspective viewing with two eyes, you have seen yourself in, what you call, the biplanic origin of species because if you look at yourself very carefully, you will see that you have two of almost everything, except when we look at your heart. 53

"Your heart has to be interconnected then, and this is where it comes very closely to the oneness which is also mentioned in the bible. The heart itself, that you have, is what gives the physical life. Therefore, connected in the biplanetary energy form, it allows a two way existence of life form. It is in your inner planet, as we want to call it, which is the representation of the universe. This is the original origin of species that gives form and representation of its manifestation of its own species and its own term which is giving its life light form. "So when you look then at your two, therefore, the heart and the central sun which allows the light life to protrude when you look into your galaxy, or heaven, you have the sun there which in unison is the heart of the galaxy, the solar system. "So we take great pride therefore, to study carefully, not so much of the manifestation of the life form, which is the you in the physical, but we take great pride in looking into the solar plexus. The solar plexus is part of the central universe which gives the light representation of intrusion, called the spirit. The spirit is constant light producing an energy system which gives reason to and pulsation of understanding through, what you look at as, a human mind. "So therefore, the real engine, or the real motor, that is interconnected in its constancy to the sum total of the entire universe, is of great interest. Even today, scientists cannot take it apart and analyze it because ot its invisibility. It is of great and prime importance that this is what makes you such a uniqueness of this part of creation into human form. "Each interaction that has to require a body in whatever planetray system has the same interaction of a spirit energy. However, because of the physical encasement, you are restricted to the totality, or to the use of the fullness of this spirit. This is a constant flow of light and life birth system to its originality of species wherever the planet allows that form to take. "So through this constancy of light, the frequency of the vibration of this light is what gauges the caliber, or the type of species, to be manifested into form. So wherever life is represented then, it is this frequency of light flow with its intensity that will represent its own birth through its species. This is of prime importance to us because it is connected to one wholeness of constancy within the universe which is called God. "In this constancy, or wholeness, because it is in a vacuum where there is no space, therefore, it does not need a start, or a finish, like you have here when you represent that spirit within you. So what you have then is a borrowed time in a shell that is using the energy to manifest itself through the light that it is representing, through the intelligence that you classify as your five senses. In actual fact, it is not until this spirit energy travels through many parts of its representation of species that, while it is going through, it takes on, what we call, a reflection, which you call, a memory bank, or a subconscious mind. 54

"In this reflection, each time it becomes a different species, it could draw out of this reflection the memory of where, or what life form it represented before, because the spirit consciousness becomes therefore, the physical consciousness that you really are now. "It is of great importance that each time the representation of life form here on Earth leaves this kind of historical enmarcation, that we compute this into a knowledge form and we look at it from the point of view then of some form of recorded history. So what you are getting here, on this Earth, is a conglomeration of how the spirit represented different life forms. This, in reality, does not mean, or does not apply really as to how the species originated in the physical here on this Earth. Sometimes many forms of, as you call it, psychic phenomena can misconstrue the true identity, or meaning, of physical soul and spiritual origin. "You must be very careful when you, in this form you are in, are trying to trace, or to track, the spirit within you as to where and how many different places it represented life form. You must look therefore, through the eyes of the spirit, not through the eyes of the physical representation of the spirit. "This is very difficult when you are searching for truth because once you are grounded physically to the Earth's plane, you have the tendency to escape from the reality of what the spirit wants to teach you and the values of this teaching and the value that this would have on your physical growth, or your spiritual awakening. This is the conflict, the principalities of the darkness, of the misconstruing of the truth and the reality of the true origin of light life and its forms and its species. "You are probably, and I would as a student, I would ask the great question, and you had it in your philosophy, which came first, the chicken or the egg? There is always this mentality of trying to confront the origin of your own species here representing the completeness and the wholeness of the universe. That is an interesting question because you have one form of the biblical hypothesis, if you wish, or theory, and now you are looking, because the spirit is opening up and giving you advance glances into many other theories, or strong feelings, of the origin in the form of you already being in birth and placed here on this Earth. "What you are really looking at is when you look at your physical species you have differences in your currencies depending on where you are on the Earth geographically, and the knowledge you inherited. Still, if you trace this culture, there is something about religious forms of learning that they have acquired that still refers back to some great force that represents a spirit that represented in you. And you are there for some form of duality that is here on this Earth. "So, you look at this and you say, well then, what started what and where did this really get started here on the Earth plane? Where did the concept of the relaying and representing life in this form come from when it first originally started in this form as the 55

spirit gave it essence, or the breath of life, to represent it in this physical form? You see, you have to remember that the real you has traveled and represented many different life forms in many different places in the galaxies, many different bodies in duality. "So, you are a by-product of the representation, or the sampling, of that whole universe that is representing life in some form, whether physically, or whatever, depending again on the ethers that allow this kind of life to be represented. "The ethers are the energies that are on Earth that contract the spirit energy within to give that form of life that you are being represented in. So it is of prime importance then that you understand the ethers, or the energy, which is compatible because of the planet and the structure to be able to give that kind of birth. "Visitations, like I said, that those that were originated from spirit travelled through many life forms in the galaxy and understand the contraction of consciousness within. Therefore, after you have had these numerous occasions out, you are then understanding the visitation of other life forms on this Earth. Then you have the capabilities of overcoming and subduing gravity and centrifugal forces that are complied to the ethers to give the life form the representation, or the core, of the spirit that represented this life part. "So, when you look at this then, you say, what happened originally to start at point A here? So the spirits, through many different experiences of life forms, were attracted by the energy ethers. I say attracted, just like some are here now, that you cannot see, who have decided to coincide with this energy in a formation of the form that would be the most compatible to this kind of environment. "So, you had inner birth, extraterrestrial birth. You had all kinds of meshings of these different energies of the spirit that gave this sudden DNA a great pulsation of energy that took on physical life form. "Now, if we go to all of the galaxies, you will find that each has similarities but different life forms and different origins of that life form conducive to that planetary environment. "The next time I come, we will go into Mars and the various other planets and what their super structure is all about and what representations it gives. "I have to leave you now. I say to you, God bless and may your universe within compromise the universe above to infiltrate and then filtrate knowledge. Two different things, infiltrate and then filtrate knowledge so that you can get the essence, or the purity, called the truth will set you free. "God bless you." 56

CHAPTER 20 LIFE ON MARS "Good day to you. I am Petron from Petomalie. "I will be responsible for each and every one of you here to assist you in any way possible to give your philosophy into the future. My job primarily, in the spacecraft I am in, is to write. I am a journalist in my trade here. So you will find me just a little different, although Space Commander Ackman is probably wondering why he has got this mission to stop for the next little while on Priority A. "There has been a lot of confusion, not only on the Earth itself, but on the original origin of how planetary life is formed. We have studied the topography of your immediate galaxy very closely on many occasions right from the time of formation up into the last few minutes. To do a proper scan of the Earth and all of your planets in your galaxy, it would take me approximately three hours of your Earth time. That would give me a significant report on the entire surface and the life in most of your planets, other than in the inner side, or in the inner portion of the center of each of those planets. Here, you are very fortunate that you have life in all centers, or portions, of your planet. "Interesting that your planet Mars has a direct infra-structure ray that allows the organic substance of your Earth's core to be very magnetic. So therefore, the compliments of Mars are very important to the Earth. The Martians who are there are mostly scientific. Therefore, they are primarily interested in infra-structure. They are interested also in the light ray that is permeated directly through the planet itself, which you soemtimes have misconstrued as canals. "The government on the planet of Mars is strictly totalitarian. In other words, it is ruled by one person, one ideology, one government. It is classified as you have here, although you have influences, as a civil type of government. Because the Martians live in a much denser environment, that you would classify, than you would be here, therefore their structure and their build are very big. The average Martian, in your way of looking, as far as height goes, are I would say, anywhere from nine to twelve feet high. Whereas, in comparison to Pluto, because of the density which is lesser and hardly any light, because Venus supplies the light to Pluto, so therefore, the Plutonians are anywhere from three to four feet tall. "So there is a great influence that the Plutonians have because they are governed by outer space entities that come form Acturia. So therefore, they have a more infinite type of relationship than what you have here as a finite type of relationship.


"The philosophy to those kinds of entities is a lot different than to you because you are a feeling human being and an infinite spirit combined. So therefore, you here on this planet, are fed by two different food systems. "So the energy field that is encompassing, or surrounding Earth, at this time, is of great prime importance. It is because this energy field that has moved in is called the dark forces. We are quite concerned because it has already imbalanced, not only the outer forces of ozone, it also has created great damage just shortly beyond, which is attracting a very strong comet of enormous size that is coming towards the Earth itself. "We cannot change, at this time, the pattern of this comet because it is going to cause excruciating heat as the planet has picked up on various parts of the Earth. However, it also causes strong condensation which is producing an interlock of moisture which you are also experiencing here on this Earth from your weather pattern at this time. "So the heavy concentration now for you Earth people is to offset the journey of the comet Dextras. Always continually think of this in your mind. However, we are tracking this by its velocity and speed. The most dangerous time, and it is of maybe opposite belief to you, the most dangerous time is from the year of 1996 to 1999 because it will be coming in, what we classify, full magnetic force. "So therefore, it has been foreseen by some of your adepts who were here on this Earth, for example, Daniel and Nostradamus, and also John the Revelator in the confusing book called Revelations. However, because people that cannot interpret this, therefore people are not afraid, which is good to a certain extent. "Those years are called the years of the rebuilding of the firmament. As you know, that the heavens look up that the firmament has to be changed first. This will cause a dew belt to be built around the Earth. So there will be, in certain areas, a lot of moisture content that will be released. Again, as from the very beginning of the Earth, the same comet came to produce the Earth and the Earth's surface in the beginning of its formation, or its time. "Oddly enough, the infra-ray and the different emanations that come from the comet are so old that the carbon 14 test and your scientists do not know exactly how old this Earth is. Oddly enough, the biblical version is more correct than what your scientists do when they look into time. "So I say that that is the beginning of the actual change of your Golden Age. That infrostructure of the firmaments that will be changed therefore, will give this electromagnetic belt of constancy of sun ray. This will allow the Earth to be in stillness and once again it will be dark and it will be light as defined in your biblical versions.


"However, that start of the Earth, from rotating on its core, gives it time for the firmaments and the correct corrections, so that the tectonic plates and the Earth's core will be reborn, or changed, so that there will be constant daylight for a number of years. "So it is of prime importance therefore, that when the Earth is coming into these changes, that it is set off course. When it is set off course, which it is in the second pattern, as we call it now, of the axis of the Earth, it will cause the bulging effect where you will have extreme winds. You will have no control of your weather pattern. The interaction of the gravitational pull shall at times cause great accidents on water. "When we look at all of these changes at the time the Earth was coming into form, at the very beginning, the life forms of man could never have survived the severities of nature. "Until these storms subside, as has been foreseen, unless these days be shortened, flesh shall not survive on this Earth. So therefore, there are a lot of things that are at work, at this particular time, where you have many of you people that are in contact with the higher entities like myself, the God/Godesses, that are assigned to the area, the angels, the dark forces. They are all intertwined for change. "The complete cleansing is after the comet leaves. You will find then, at that particular time, that the cooling down effect will take place. You will have extreme cold weather in certain parts of the poles. "When everything is in line, by the changing of the DNA within your bodies, and to allow you to be able to attune to very high and knowledgeable entities, on certain parts of the Earth, certain people will be evacuated and taken. Certain people will be taken by death process. The ones who are changing their DNA at this time, like yourselves in these groups of vast knowledge, shall interchange with the higher entities in, what we call, the polarization, which you at times get through a form of inoculation of high energy within areas that will have apex, or vortex, formation. "This is of vital importance because the energy is going to be very erratic. You will feel the differences, not only in the pressure of your temples, your mind, your memory, but you will feel it also in high emotionality. You will also feel as if you are losing gravity and you wish to fly. "The lightness of the bodies and everything is done in a slow process. The slow process is the operation of your contact of the inner and the outer spirit. You always ask the question, 'Why has it taken me so long and why is it taking so quickly for some to come into the knowledge of this great change? "Your time element is now of prime importance. The cleaning up of the Armageddon, the cleaning process, is always the cleaning up as like after a flood. So the cleaning up 59

process, as we see the high explosion in the next two to three years in your Middle East, is of prime importance to us. So, it is not only the United States of America that is focusing its intention on one specific person, but are not wise to the new one who now has taken on this miraculous form of being, the false messiah. "It is also interesting to watch Libya. I say this too, that it is the four radicals who go completely out of control that caused that nuclear explosion. "Therefore, the energy that is working in a vast force field, as you see, because of the effect of the comet on the human mind, is causing the mind to become completely saturated by fear, greed and treachery and violence. "The effect this time is on the Middle East, Bosnia and the Russia area. It will move next more into the Roman, or into the Italian area and slowly it will filtrate and would not last long, God bless you, in the United States and Canada. "So it seems, because of your ideologies and because of the way you are conducting yourselves in a fashion now to the awakening of these great changes, that you are allowing the spirit within you its birth of the new horizon to the Golden Age. You are like little sunlights. You are like little beam lights that are constantly creating through your own minds. "So the thought patterns which you develop and create in your own minds are also assisting in the recreation of the Earth surface, also for protection and for many other aspects of this great change. "Energy fields of are prime importance. So we are looking very carefully because we have spared this area here by reducing the vibratory rate of the St. Andreas fault. We are managing to keep the certain areas at this time in, more or less, a safety zone because we require that energy intention of the fault line so that we could reverse, or change, its end result. "This is confusing the scientists when they see a vibration and one that would cause a lot of harm and when it doesn't do that, then they are fairly confused. Infusion and confusion, implosion and explosion, has to be in its proper, as we cite it, in its proper perspective from mankind's interpretation because mankind has for ages looked at peace and destruction. You cannot mix that. This is why, when you look at your scientists, your munitions, your wars, you are continually saying, 'we must have a war to have peace'. You've got to change that way of thinking and say that in order to have peace, you must have peace. "There are a lot of things that are going to transpire in this next two years of your time. What we are looking at seriously is, not only the rebirth of the spirit within to activate, 60

but also the coming of the philosophies eternally and internally are of vast importance. This is what confuses mankind and his belief systems here on this Earth. "So you will have a strong emanation and condemnation of new religiousity. Do not get caught up in the lion's den. Watch very carefully because the Eastern philosophy has been polluted. So watch very carefully the emanation coming from that area. It is not hard to see that if the Saviour was there, therefore then, from that kind of religiousity and thought, there would be peace there at this particular time. "However, there is also infiltration coming from higher space, coming from, as we look at it, Zeta One, Two and Three. So we have to look at this in great perspective because you are going to be strongly infiltrated in the next two years. There will actually be manifestations of this kind of saviour, or this kind of energy, that will be very deceptive to mankind. "So you see that when you are intuning yourself, it's a lot different than attuning yourself. To intune yourself is when you receive this knowledge. To attune yourself is when you will know the difference between the goodness and the badness of this energy field. So you will be going through, in the next three to four years, what we classify as, this strong indoctrination of philosophy, whether it be extraterrestrial, or whether it becomes terrestrial. "So you are in a great sign of this change happening now where you have your confusion and your infusion, as you see here on this Earth. The next stage is the implosion and the explosion. This is one where you will find that the treachery finally comes to a head where it goes into explosion and disintegration. "So sometimes, when we look at this, we feel that the explosion is bad. It is really not. It is part of the cleansing which started two years ago, your Earth time. So for seven years of vast inner inoculation of knowledge, you will find that these kind of changes of intelligence, you so call it, boggle the mind and become very interesting and very drawing and captivating to the human mind. "The best way to fight a war, as you see it then, is by this method of, what you term here on this Earth, the infiltration, the sabotage of the mind into the projection of looking through a superiority, of some fancy, of a great god, or goddess, through a form of philosophy intrusion, or implosion. So until we learn to become the infinite structure, we are by the explosion into the New Age. We clean house, or we become part of this Battle of Armageddon where we are going into purification. The remnants of our thinking and the destructive ways of our feeling have to be changed by an infinite infra-structure so that our minds do not become a prey.


"We will go into slowly, as we said here, the DNA change of the electro-magnetic fields of the cells within your body. It will be a combination of the changes coming from the firmaments so that the balancing effect of these bodies will interrelate with the infusion and the explosion of the spirit reality. This is where the truth shall set you free. "So you are finding that, how does one select by choice? You did this yourselves. You selected by choice to come here through the hell, to the heaven, of your own Earth. "Now you are the builders for the millennial, as we see it, totality of peace on this Earth. You have to go to different places at different times to be able to reach a good balance in your physical and in the spiritual. Unless you place more emphasis on the spiritual, then you are going to be more prone to the age of, what we call, the excruciating agent of impolsion that takes place through, what we call, the greatest diseases which will be cast upon the Earth at that time. "By the changing of the DNA and allowing the spirit to interrelate and to pick up its proper energy for the balance of the human body, you will allow yourself to go through the period of famine. You will do so in a way in which the conditioning of the body could survive with a very small amount of foodstuffs that the physical body will require. This comet, through that heat ray, will cause certain areas to be like deserts. "You are into the 250,000 years of Earth change. This means that your topography must change because of the inner change of the structure of the Earth's core matching up to the change of your firmament and its high energy fields. "You will notice too that the intensity of your Northern Lights will intensify because they are going more into a deflective ray. "So to change therefore, some will be migrating from time to time from low areas to high areas of elevation. Some will be moving to areas of lesser bodies of water. Some will be moving to higher bodies of water. It depends on how fast the DNA changes and how it draws you into the energy fields which are more stronger and compatible to your own change. "Some of you, as we see it, as I said, will be taken. Some will be going into, what we call, a new life form. Some will be rescued. Some will meet the complete change by allowing their Christ Consciousness within them to have, what we call, the Second Coming of this millennial light, to be able to work on this strongly, to be part of their heaven here. "It is of prime importance that most of you here at this time start to take the life forms on Earth a little more seriously because of the child birth. Those who are coming now are of prime importance. Already their DNA will be adjusted in the womb. So therefore, the 62

children will be of a higher density to begin with. You will see and notice the difference in their human behaviour. "Your jobs, as we look at it now, is to be in strong contact with your inner self to get the kind of messages to be able to allow and to help and to cultivate this change so that it will come in such a way that others will be receptive to the way you are thinking. You probably will say to yourselves, but really people think we are totally imbalanced when it comes to the mental body. "That is so false because you are totally getting into balance. So therefore, the extremities to people who are very stereotyped, only from the physical essence of thought, will not understand you until 1996. But it's now the time to plant the seed. "Petron will leave you now and say God be with you."

CHAPTER 21 THE DNA CHANGE "Good evening to you all. I am Excalabar of the White Robes. "We have just had a mercy call from Mercury. There are a lot of problems on Mercury, your planet. These problems are electro-magnetically affecting the Earth's field at this time. "We have two scout ships above you and we also have the medical ship Atla. We also have Scala Two and Scena Four. So we have two small scout shipss with two abroard and then there are twenty-four of us in the big ship. "This evening, it is very important for you all as you are going into the future. The most important part of messages from us is that we are here adjusting many bodies, at this particular time, because those light workers are having a DNA change. That's like an oil change for some of you. The DNA change will affect, not only your pineal and pituitary glands, but all seven centers will be revibrated to 4.4 for the end month of August (1993) because of the big shift which will take place because of your alignment with Uranus and Neptune. "At this time, we are stopping, in great areas, the tectonic plates from expanding. A lot of you realize that there are quick shifts of plates. So what's happening in this area here, we are making the shifts take place, but we are allowing for very minor tremors, so there is no fear there. "The San Andreas fault has been minimized because of the Golden Age, because of the sitting of the Council of Nine. So you will find that there will be a lot of misconstrued 63

messages by some of the so-called psychics. Be very careful here. There are tuned in psychics and tuned out psychics. Those that are tuned out are ones who are imitating and making money. However, that is going to be changed because we are not going to stand for the divine message being misconstrued and the divine message being thrown around in such a way that even your area and location are not being informed properly. "The new birth of the star that is being formed now in the universe is going to be responsible for the Earth changes. The new birth of the star is taking place at this time. It will be in its fullness and you will be seeing all kinds of lights coming from the galaxy. Look into Orion and that will be the first signal of your big Earth changes. "There will be a lot of signs, as it had been put by the prophets, in the last days. God never frightens people by giving them dates because it is your energy that allows the change to take place on the Earth in such a way that it happens in a peaceful manner. Remember that. So the light will be a signal. "Your Earth has already shifted by three degrees in the last two years. So your Earth is sitting on an axis shift which will completely be turned. But it will be done in a slow manner so that there are no losses, or very little losses, of life. There are a lot of things that have been predicted that are not going to take place the way they were predicted. "This is, what we call, the banana belt, this valley that is going through here. So be prepared to see a migration of people coming into Oregon very shortly in the next two years. "I have to leave now. Watch the sky. Alahoy."

CHAPTER 22 THE EXPANSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS "Good evening, I am Grand Master Oaspe. "As you go more into the awareness of your consciousness, your light will expand further into the evolution cycle of the different bodies which you take on through the form of reincarnation. The form of reincarnation is determined by the awareness in your light cycle. The light cycle therefore, reflects into the awareness of the different lives. As they are reflecting into the different lives, they again give birth to the form of life that you have established through the light pattern throughout the universe. "The universe is the garden, or the nursery, of all life lights. The light densities which give off the colors are responsible for the evolution light. The evolution light is what gives off the formation pattern of the new development of the thought cycles of those 64

who are in pattern form and who are releasing the new pattern for that life form to take place. In other words, in the universe, when you have your dynamo effect, you have a new representation of life form expressing light. It is not necessary that that life form is in the kind of form that is expressed by the Creator at the very foremost of, what you would classify as, a beginning, and what He classifies as a consistency of light span. "The consistency of light span is the continuation of life form within a span. Each span can be up to one million, or a millennial light time. In between the light span it is not necessary for a body change. But it is necessary for the spirit within the body to become a supreme commander. "The supreme commander, which is the true essence of the spirit, gives completion to a life cycle expression. So you have to remember that a life cycle expression is a completeness, or a completion, of this kind of body form. "When the body form is completely expressed, then the rebirth of the new cycle of millennial light will go into, what we call, expression. It also goes into repression. So there is a lasting phase of time for the repression, or the continuation, of that new life form which you will express here on this Earth at the completion of your third phase of awareness. "You must remember that your changes are exactly the same as the caterpillar and the butterfly which is the state of cosmic cosmoses. Cosmic cosmoses is the interpretation of light through different forms. In other words, the light will express through a different form of the body. In this expression, on Earth here, the body will go through the same cosmic cosmoses. "I have to leave now. God bless you."

CHAPTER 23 THE SPIRITUAL PLANES OF LIGHT "Good evening, I am Lae. "Man has, within the past thirty years on this Earth, misconstrued, on many occasions, the different religious ideologies on what one would expect upon death, upon demise, upon quickly being taken, or locked, into the ethers of light. When one must go from one plane to another, he has to change the mode of conveyance, or the vehicle, which 65

he uses to adjust his new consciousness into his new day and into his new understanding. "It is not an overnight decision that you make when you alter your consciousness into another destiny of light. Another density of light which is, what you call death here, can be expanded into two directions. It depends on how you live your life here on this Earth and how you adjust your consciousness to the understanding of the direction of your soul. "Not too many people understand that there are many beacons of thought. Each becaon of thought can be represented by a different teaching, or a different metaphysical understanding, of soul. "Lights on this Earth, at this particular time, have been grounded to a certain extent because of the total blindness of understanding. When man reaches a peak within his life, which is called the total understanding, or the total misunderstanding, then he seems to traverse from one ideology to another, trying to find himself in a desert where he is completely lost for thought. "Projecting oneself and making the two greatest decisions on this Earth as to whether you want to go into a spiritual light density, or a new formation of light, to reincarnate a body density, is a great decision that you have to make here on this plane. "We refer to each galaxy and to each planet that sustains light as a plane. One must remember that it is hard to count the densities of bodies of light and life. It is not hard to count the religious outlooks of the abstract densities of the spiritual planes of light. "The spiritual planes of light are the density of purification only, whereas the dense body of light represents the spirit of the soul within itself. Man sometimes allows himself to go within in order to reason the outer portions of reality. So man sometimes feels more comfortable, or woman, and they choose to become a duality. "In the planes of duality, which we can call this Earth, there is no count. There are nine dimensions of light that attract and give birth and constantly create the different forms of light within the duality of a body. "When you look at this vast universe just the way it is now, you will find that it is a continuum. You see, you have an eternity in the duality of the bodies and you have an eternity in the spiritual realm of light and purification. Whereas he makes his choice, one has to make his selection. It is like you are doing here today, or what you have done all your life, from one religion to another religion, from one doctrine to another. When you learn about densities and forms and when you learn about these other realities, then you are making a choice. 66

"You will be making a choice here very shortly, and the choice is to become in the raptured reality of light. This is the millennial light coming to the Earth. That is a choice that you can make right now. Therefore, in that respect, when they are altering the spiritual and the physical, to first give itself complete balance, that is called the millennial light, the complete balance of the spiritual and physical on this plane. To give this complete balance, you must allow a duration of 1000 years under the guise and under the rulership of the golden light. "The return of the Christ Consciousness within is also a duality. So you have the return of the Christ Consciousness for the spirit within and you have the return of the Christ Consciousness of the physical body and the rapture on the outside, which we also call, within the galaxy. There are remarkable changes when you allow the heaven to take its course and to be the priority here on this Earth. "If you decide not to make selections, then you will go into, what we call, the purgatory state, where once again you will make your choice, whether you decide to go again to a duality spiritual, or just a constant spiritual, path. If you select here to go into the fortynine planes of light spirituality, then each plane represents a certain part of purification for the spirit into total knowingness. "By going through the planes you will also experience different forms of light, different forms of reality, and different forms of understanding. And because you have escaped and you are in a vacuum, you are not in a duality. You are now in a spiritual plane. Each plane does not have a time element. It is you that allows yourself the incarnate growth from each plane into the next plane. I am only talking about the spiritual realms of light at this point of time. "It is a vast decision one makes as he goes through the valley of his own tears, as he purifies the physical thoughts that allow the growth within his decision, or within his choice. You go into these forty-nine planes and as your consciousness continues to purify, you continuously grow into the light of the higher densities and planes of the spirituality. There is no death. It is just a constant growth. "You see, it seems that the earthlings, the way they are now with a tendency of vacillation, do not understand that framework and constantly they are bombarded by fear and their demise. Releasing themselves from the duality is one of the hardest and most painless things in that form of light life. "You must come to terms with yourselves. You must feel comfortable within yourself and your thoughts. When you know you are constantly judging others, when you know that you are constantly finding faults, you're only finding imbalance in yourself because you are coming into agreement with others. You have to come to agreement with yourself first. Others may share. Others may give you food for thought. But it is you that digests that food, not only in the spiritual part, but also in the physical part, which is the duality of that soul light. 67

"When you are coming to terms, you have a tendency to vacillate into many of the doctrines, trying to feel a sense of security within. When this is happening, when you are going through, what we call, the incubation stage, where you have to release that life form, it is in a cocoon of misunderstanding. It is a very prime and dangerous point in your life. "That kind of physical security leads to stress, to releasing loved ones, to breakages in marriage. Always total imbalances are signs that something in the embryo, or something in the cocoon, is very unrestful. You are not in the balanced stage of understanding each framework of who you are. You continuously, on this Earth, try to understand the physical and you lose the spiritual. This is the loss that has been misinterpreted, not only in your bible, but also in strong inspirations and channelings. "You must come to terms with your reality of duality. This is the hardest thing in life, to come to terms with the duality of your reality. What is real? To some, who physically go continuously in the loss of physicality, are constantly in the drive for the possession of physical things. You look at yourself as it was portrayed a long time ago, as you looked into that mirror. When they talked about the mirror, they were talking about the reflection of your reality. It is of utmost importance that you reflect your reality through your spirituality before you could see into the mirror of life. It is constant in this duality and spirituality, in this density and in this form. You will also be guided on the pillars of nine dimensions. You are guided strongly on each pillar of light. "Each dimension is the energy form that allows that form of spirituality light to convey the duality spirituality and this light to become aware into its totalness of what the spiritual growth is all about. "You go constantly within yourself in the form of discipline. It's not too often, unless it's an avatar coming back just for a short duration of time, as you seen in the lifetime of Christ, that this is already born, that the spirit has already reached its rapture, that the physical has already given total control to the spiritual to reach its goals and to reach its achievements here. This is because when you go to the top of the nine dimensions of millennial light, the pure spiritual consciousness starts at seven. The energy rate of seven begins the completeness of the growth of the purification of the spiritual balance of purity of thought. Most that reach seven, eight and nine usually reincarnate back to the duality to Sirius One, Two and Three, the physical spiritual heavens in the galaxy of your universe. "Because I am limited for time I will continue this lecture at a later stage; perhaps somewhere on another high mountain, whether it's a high mountain in your own thoughts, or whether it's a valley where your meadow reaches its duality of spirituality and the understanding of the ascension of the soul. 68

"It is of prime importance now that you are going to be getting lectures that are more than essential to your growth. "Alahoy."

CHAPTER 24 COMING INTO THE AWAKENING TWILIGHT Grand Master Zarene "Good morning and God bless you. "This morning, as you not only project your consciousness here, but as the spirit elevates itself through your consciousness, there is a growth within you that you must come to terms with when you cultivate, not only your physical life, but when you cultivate your spiritual life. "Man cannot live by bread alone. But it seems that, as you are walking your pilgrim way and as you become the prodigal son and the prodigal daughter, lost in your own ways of physicality, it takes a long time to get back into the pasture and into the understanding of the spiritual part that you really are. You have drifted for many a year. You have drifted for many millenniums. You are now coming into the awakening twilight of the great millennium which you have been for so long longing for. "Today, it is of great utmost importance that your life, with your physical and your spiritual, becomes that oneness so that there is only one shepherd in your life. There is only one shepherd which you could follow. You must listen carefully as David said, to the still small voice within you and the still small voice which guides you. "Some of us drift away into these various prodigal pastures, as we uplift ourselves in the various doctrines, as we learn to eat from the wolf that wears the sheep's clothing. Some of us become the true prodigal son and daughter that has been mentioned in God's word. We drift. We come to terms when our life reaches a point of great turmoil, when our life reaches a point where we do not see the sail on our boat as we drift through the harbors of great imbalance. "We must listen carefully to, not only the skipper of our boat, but we must listen carefully to the inner voice that allows the wind to blow the sail in our boat and in our life. "You must learn to be the skipper's skipper. You must learn to take command of your life in such a way that you are always in the driver's seat, so to speak.


"A lot of us seem to tend to scatter our thoughts. We seem to tend to sometimes undiscipline ourselves and we find ourselves drifting like that ship without a sail in a strange harbor of understanding. We must come back to the perspective of divine sight. We must be able to see our paths through the eyes of infinity as we drift slowly through the harbor back to the haven of rest. We must understand each other in the same oneness. As we grow together, we flow together. We must understand that the neighbor requires the same attention as you. "As you know, in the scriptures it says, 'Love thy neighbor as thyself'. Sometimes we have difficulty understanding this because we allow the human frailties of our blindness, by looking through our physical eyes and allowing destiny to lose us as we drift as the prodigal son and daughter, feeling our way, trying to find destiny. "How many times have you heard the words, 'What is my destiny?'. It doesn't matter what church you go to. It doesn't matter what pew you sit in. It's the same God. It's the same Father and He does not have a label. We, through the translations of trying to find a menu for the spiritual food that appeases us, give it a label. At times, what we do, we use a label and this label is not correct because God is not a Catholic. He is a Universal God. He is an everybody's God. He is an everywhere God. He is inside of everybody's God. "We first have to learn to have that spiritual communion, whether it's through your disciplined communion, or whatever. Inside your temple are many pews. Which one are you using today? There are many pews of understanding. The spirit is moving gently around you, allowing its openness constantly for twenty-four hours a day to speak with you. 'Peace be still and know that I am God'. "This universal Father, this Father, this divine energy, this totalness, this oneness, this completeness, sometimes searches deep down in the pews of your temple trying to understand you for whatever you really are. This Father opens His hand to the prodigal son and the prodigal daughter of this total understanding that there is only one greater pasture. This door is open constantly for twenty-four hours of your day, forever. The heaven and the heavens that you reach in your meditation, in your communication, with God within you is the growth that allows your spirit that fulfillment from the mortal to the immortal body. "We are walking constantly in this last day of dispensation. We are walking constantly through great Earth changes, whether it be through your government, whether it be through physical nature, or whether it be through heavenly hosts. You are coming closer and closer to an understanding of who you really are spiritually as that prodigal daughter and that prodigal son, slowly, and I say slowly, in walking the homeward way. "This is just a short message to you. But it is one I want you to consider because in every pasture there grows a different flower and in every flower there is a different fragrance. But we allow the petal sometimes to decay before fruition. 70

"Walk slowly. Think clearly. Allow yourself and the petals of the flower of your life to become in full bloom, to become in full understanding of who and what you really are. "God bless you. I am Zarene."

CHAPTER 25 THERE IS NO DEATH "Good evening, I am Dr See-ven. "Through the migration of your soul and the energy of its essence throughout all of man's studies, man and also woman, on this plane, have made important journeys into venturing what the spirit is all about. "The spirit is an unconscious form of all intelligence. When you give this unconscious form of all intelligence a form of matter, or a form of exemplifying this unconscious energy, in whatever birth structure throughout any of your light energies, which is into light forms in places throughout the entire universe, you are getting this unconscious spirit, which is constant in life form. This unconscious spirit requires consciousness in order to express its growth and in order to allow itself, through its self expression, to whatever form to become as consciousness of awareness to its totality of its completeness in existence of that form. "That form is the completeness of the spirit's journey throughout that existence of consciousness allowed through the form of matter, or whatever body that it takes on, in whatever universe, or whatever galaxy it allows to exemplify its consciousness, or its complete or true growth throughout that exemplification. "This takes time for the consciousness to allow itself, what you call, the birth of the spirit within itself which allows to exemplify the consciousness awareness of the unconscious spirit of constant existence throughout eternity. "By allowing to get this conscious form through matter, or whatever structure, allows the body construction of its body to exemplify this rebirth. In other words, the birth of the spirit, now into physical matter, will be completely conscious of both states. "What happens in the human state, this rebirth, in most cases, does not take on form. So you are only learning from the conscious state of matter and not from the conscious state of spirit. Therefore, you do not have this oneness, or completion of thought. Therefore, you have physical thoughts which are like inanimate objects when they are allowed to escape into the cosmic consciousness. 71

"It is like sitting and pondering into a distance which does not give you the feedback of the same pondering that is going on from, what you would want. It is the spirit unconsciousness coming to the complete birth of the consciousness of the physical side of your life. "It doesn't matter throughout the universes where you go. On every one of your planets in your immediate universe here you have unconsciousness in inanimate form at this particular time. However, there are some planets, like Mars and Venus and Uranus, that allow this unconscious state, or form, to take on a higher energy of, what you would call, matter to exemplify the rebirth of spirit into that form of consciousness which it requires. "This is important that you do not escape this planet in, what you classify as, the naked form. In other words, the unconsciousness has to compliment the conscious state through understanding both the naked form and understanding the form of the unconscious, if you will say also, the naked form. Both have to compliment each other in order to understand and to nurture the completeness of understanding. "You see, the cosmic consciousness, which you refer to as God, has gone through twelve different forms of life and received its rebirth from unconscious- ness to spirit, to the consciousness form that it took on in order to exemplify the life in that light, or whatever planet that it goes to. You, in this form, at this particular time, are striving for that rebirth. Many of your avatars who come here have expressed this in some form which you would classify as religion. This is all right, except the interpretation. One must take great care to understand what you are really all about in exemplifying the light form with the form of, as you call it, the naked thought. "You cannot see life within a mannequin religiosity of thought. You must have, what we call, the energy of reason and understanding within the conscious entity before you could pick the unconscious spirit to exemplify, or to fit in the reasoning of the central universe of the vine. There is a distinct connection there of the principality of infinity throughout finity of exemplification. "It is also important that each one becomes a light particle that come together within the inner universe, or the central nervous system. This central nervous system, which is of the soul, gives the signals of reasoning within this type of understanding, or harmony, of thought. "When the rebirth of the unconscious spirit is together within your, as you classify it, mind, or central universe, then you give structure to this light. As this light enters you, it 72

is building a foundation for the body to understand its projectory. This will allow your reasoning to come together in such a manner that there is no death. "Too many people in this world today have a problem at arriving at this rebirth from the unconscious to the conscious in understanding the projection of the soul. "The soul, after reaching its maturity from the unconscious to the conscious, the rebirth allows the soul again to become a free agent. It also allows the soul to again travel as a free agent into another period of life to become of that understanding. In other words, the unconscious spirit has to be conscious in its different categories of life in order to get the complete learning of all life within light. This happens throughout eternity. "Man cannot measure this form of eternity in his conscious state. It is the unconscious which only understands the unexplainable, or the phenomena. You must bring the unexplainable and the phenomena into the explainable, which is the consciousness being completely aware. "Do you wish to ask Dr See-ven any questions?" [Questions by Yashah] Q: "Yes Dr See-ven. Thank you. How does the unconscious spirit form and the rebirth of the spirit apply to the space beings and the alien races?" A: "You must be very careful when you are dealing with alien races because they have expanded their consciousness in a scientific way which is more to the conscious form instead of the unconscious spirit form. This has to also become, as I have mentioned in my lecture, a meaning becoming a oneness with one thought of that form that you are to be. The central universe, which is God, is what you are striving to become a part of, as of the ocean, instead of the wave. You must become part of the whole. You must enmesh in that and be, what you call, being. The being is constancy of that energy which is within the ocean, not above, or becoming, what you call, only the wave. You must get the true value of the complete mission." Q: "Is the complete mission then the completeness of the rebirth of the spirit?" A: "That is true. Even some of your great men, Emmanuel Kant and also Jung, have played and toyed with reality, inner reality and outer reality, only making the mistake to the extreme. Never go to the extreme because it leaves you in a position where you are allowing a precipice. It is important that you look at and perceive everything that you are looking at in a way that it does not make you emotional. This is very important because the emotionality is classified as the storm of light which brings in deception. This is where man goes very wrong. This whole thing is to make the unconsciousness awaken to the consciousness. You must teach the spirit birth or it loses its potentiality. 73

"Dr See-ven has to go now. God bless you."

CHAPTER 26 THE THREE PURE PLANETS "Good evening to you all. I am Zoltar from the Bootes Constellation of your planet Arcturia. "We are in rapport with many of the creations that are of the will of the energy called Father, or God, in your terms of believing. All of the mansions, as has been revealed to John the Revelator in the last chapter of your bible, which is called Revelations, have been correct up to this time. However, there are always things that even those who are tuned in to prophesy will not get the complete picture of the events to come. "It is a great privilege that we have through the concept of thought to be able to communicate through the mind and the solar plexus of this Instrument to slightly alter the voice. "In my Father's house are many mansions, which you are quite aware of, is totally in perspective of some form of life, which you at this time on this mansion, called Earth, are giving birth. Not all of these mansions have the same concept of birth. It is of great importance that you earthlings should know that on the Earth and every other planet, you have the freedom of choice which caused you to create, if you wish, the mess that you are in now. "The total creation of this planet Earth was in perfection of vibration. Man has altered this through the form of greed and has mastered none to say as to how to escape from his own slavery. "It is of great prime importance that there are only three planets, and I say this very carefully, three planets that are in this creation called, 'in these mansions'. These are three planets of prime importance where you do not have freedom of choice, but you have freedom of will. There is a great difference between freedom of choice and freedom of will. Will is, what we call, in constancy and the vibration is in, what we classify, the highest purity of thought. Whereas, freedom of choice is in continuous change where mankind on this Earth can't seem to come together on any facts, figures, or ways of becoming constructive. In most cases you are destructive. "It is also important that this energy that is flowing at this particular time from the imbalances of all of your planets in your immediate galaxy, has caused the Earth slightly to shift off its axis in the last ten years of your time. This is causing, in the center of the Earth, a very hollow spot, or area, of great intenseness of gasses. These gasses are formed, not only from your depletion of oil that you have constantly depleted 74

from the heart of the Earth, but also from the devastation of the forests and also in some of your areas, the type of mining that you have done into the bowels of the Earth during a period of time. "The hollowness that has been formed is causing a massive disturbance at this time which causes great bulges on your Earth. In turn, you have the greatest storms on your Earth that you have ever had because of the severity of the vibration of the Earth as it is in its skin. Mankind has come to, what we call, the age of the signs of the change of dispensation on this planet called Mother Earth, or as we originally named it, especially from our graphics, Terra. "So, if you look at this very carefully, you will see that there is a great change that has taken place in your last ten years, not only in volcanic eruptions, but also in your wind velocity, tornadoes and greatest storms that are at their greatest destruction at this particular time. "The most important thing is the internal strife that has been caused on this Earth due to the different nations, nationalities, and religious concepts. One might say that how come that a religious concept has caused such a great change in mankind's ideologies. The most important thing is that man has the tendency to be always in contest rather than in agreement with some specific idea without giving it a chance it mature. See, on this Earth, you haven't given yourself that total chance to allow the maturity level to reach its growth. Rather, you have been playing here, this game of stagnation. "There are other things that are happening here on this planet that are precisely in context with some of your prophets and prophecies that have been made. But the one that is now in its initial stage is the situation called the Bosnia syndicate. The reason we use syndicate is because that is the match that will cause the Armageddon. "A lot of you, in the last fifteen to twenty years of your history, have carefully reviewed the situation in the Middle East. Although you knew the concept of religion would be a match, or come to a point of friction, you did not know how far this would happen. And as you see in your Book of Revelations, it does simply cover that, that there will be a short lull in the storm before, what we call, the real storm is drawing nigh. "Mankind seems to want to be in contest, whether it is in war, or whether it is in industry, or whether it is in education. That is a very thin line that we place on this Earth, is the education of the species. That is something that is not following the traditional line, or pattern, that it was intended to do. See, when you are on a planet of freedom of choice, you allow yourself to become egotistical, rather than allowing yourself to become a placid individual who is in acceptance of diff erent ideas and allowing them to go into perception. This is something that is very hard for some of you on this Earth.


"I said to you at the onset, just as I began, that there are only, and I say that again, only three main planets called cleansing of thought. And these three planets, at this particular time, are revealing themselves and are preparing themselves, for the new concepts of thoughts that will be sent to this planet Earth very shortly. "You always have the enemy, even in the heavens, opposing the, as we call it, the chariots of the gods, or opposing those who are in this state of perfection. "The very first three planets of great exception in your Zeta One, Two and Three star systems are called and sometimes referred to as the little grey people who are constantly bombarding this Earth because of their great technology. Therefore, they are in the lower form of energy, or systems, and they are not at all helpful to this planet, or to themselves. "Then you have your three celestial planets. Many of you use great terminologies to define where these are. These are the three most important suns in your entire universe. A universe is not in any shape. A universe is constantly changing in shape. Great men like your Einstein and Tesla were coming close to discovering the substances that take on form. But they did not come close enough with the human mind to be able to tell the earthlings, or leave with them. However, they did a great deal in science to tell us more about these three celestial suns in the universe. "These celestial suns, from periodic times of reincarnation of this Earth, will send great people to this Earth to try to bring all of the cells within your body to a state of understanding your physical body. Most of you here on this Earth still do not understand it, neither do your doctors. "This physical body is very intricate. This physical body is a substance of all of these different dimensional substances within the entire universe. You, at this time, are wearing the garments of your soul. And I said that in plurality, garments of your soul, and singular. "Your soul lives in eternity. The soul lives in the nowness. It does not require time like past, future and present tenses. The soul lives in the now. The physical body lives in the senses. This is why it is very difficult for mankind to grasp the understanding of reality in the form of substances, in the form of the plurality of, 'in my Father's house are many mansions'. You live through all of these forms. You live through all of the eternities. You create the heaven and the hell which is a state of awareness only in the form of the journey, or the environment, that you create around you at a particular time. "Mankind has tried to hide, either behind a bible, or behind a cloak, or behind some form of religiosity. He has tried to protect himself from the ignorance of not knowing the real substance that the soul is and always will be in its constancy throughout whatever form of life that you take on, in whatever dimension, or whatever place that you allow yourself, through the freedom of will, to go. 76

"However, there are some in these schools, like Earth here, who come to grips, come to a strong conviction where the soul and the physical come together in a strong unconditional love substance that gives off energy, that tells you exactly what you are, or where you are going, or where you will go to. "When man comes to grips, when the soul reaches this spiritual birth of being born again, you have to allow, not only your physical body to be born into this reality, you also have to allow your soul to be born into the same reality. Otherwise, it is as it was stated, 'what shall it profit a man, or a woman, to gain the whole world but lose his, or her, own soul'. "The soul is the foundation on which you build. It is only important that you know what you are building with. This is one of the greatest failures of mankind throughout history and time. Man has allowed himself to build only from his ego. You have heard many songs of the man who built his house upon the rock, the man who built his house upon the sand. You are building the future for your soul through the ideology of the physical giving birth. It has been stated so many times and it is so frustrating that man is continuously going into a church, or a chapel, trying to be born again. Hey! Wake up. You are already there. You are already born. "The concept that this is trying to show you, or trying to teach you, is that the real you, or the superconsciousness of self needs that space and needs to be born through you and through your wisdom and through your mind to allow you to be that creator patterned after, 'in my image ye shall be born'. "You see, a lot of people are born physically on this Earth through the form of proliferation that has been so given you. And in these other mansions it is to some extent, the very same. For example, 93,000,000 miles away is your sun, which is in contact with another, 93,000,000 miles away to the Pleiades, which you see in your heavens, the seven little stars resembling the dipper. That planet is sometimes referred to the evolution of the soul. However, that is not so as far as the soul goes; only as far as your physical body goes. "You see, those individuals who are in that galaxy are exactly identical to you. That doesn't happen too often. And I am sure, as they look down, they are also thinking and knowing. That is the difference, knowing that they are a relative of this Earth. "It is also of prime importance to look again, to look very carefully here at your different types of changes that will take place in the next decade here on Earth. You are going to find the unsettlement of peace, not only the injustice that will be done in your Korea area and in your China area, the breaking away from the concept of being strongly regulated.


This is the thing that has caused a lot of problems. When you are under strong regulation you can perish, or under no regulation, you can perish. Man hasn't found that happy medium in between. The reason being is that he hasn't allowed his soul that birth to allow his ego to be destroyed and bring into the concept, or into the center of existence, the superconsciousness of his mind, the mind that gives birth. "The minute you are released from this Earth in only your soul, you are a total creator. Then you are not incapacitated by the mental reaction in your own physical mind, the ego saying to yourself, can I really do this, or can't I? This Earth is filled with, can I?, or can't I? I. I might. I hope so. So you are drawing on the fuel, or the energy, of maybe. That is why you have allowed yourselves, on this Earth, to vacillate from positivity to negativity. A lot of people today are in that great extreme, or in that great line of negativity. "What has happened to this planet Earth, as of five years ago? The first infusion of the solar flare, to try to heal the bosom of the Earth, has caused mankind's energy to change within himself. Not only have you felt that there have been great changes in your heart rate, but also in your solar plexus and your central nervous system. You are finding that this constant change is causing a lot of illnesses that cannot be examined, or labeled, at this time. This is going to intensify because the Earth is changing right now from the third dimension to the fourth. Just think about this. "So if you look at the modern technology in the last ten to twenty years that you have accomplished to outer space, it is just a trickle, a small trickle that can't even be measured in the mind. "At this present time, mankind is only using, most of them, at a certain age, around the age of thirty, are only using twenty percent of that energy. Einstein used twenty-five. Tesla used twenty-eight. So you could see. Edison used twenty- seven. You could see that these great inventors were slightly tuned in to use more of that energy within their confines called the subconsciousness, superconscious, conscious mind. That is going to get greater as we escape into time in order to preserve life on Earth. "Man's intelligence will definitely change and man's intelligence will be of a higher Consciousness, called the Christ Consciousness, or the return. People are looking up into a cloud. It is easier to return into your consciousness, into the concept, or the being that you are created after God allowing that same energy to be within you and therefore to be used at its capacity. "The Christ Consciousness, or the Superconsciousness within you, is the using, as we would call it, the goodness energy, the heaven energy, whatever you use here on this Earth with your labels. "It seems that you have all of these different labels to define some kind of feeling. You see, you are an animal of great feeling. God has added the extra attraction of the 78

concept of the mind to be born into the superconsciousness of the same likeness that those who have been sent to this Earth through reincarnation from your solar planets when times got really rough. But it is changing. "There will be some, as we call it, pranksters who will come in the Middle East and they will be followed. And as you see today, even in some of your areas, mainly in Texas where your vibrations are completely off balance, allowing those antichrists like Koresh to take some sort of supreme command and play the role of God. "You are all gods within you. But you must be very careful with that god power which you have. This is why, without that burst to be born again in that consciousness, you don't have it. Too many people today are faking this to make the mighty dollar. You look at the concept of religion and follow it for just a short period of time. Where are your great problems that arise? It's from some source of religious belief that becomes fanatical. And you seem to get caught in the middle as a prisoner paying your fair way out, whether it be your government corrupt, whether it be your services corrupt, or whether it be the religion that is corrupt. This is causing great pain to a lot of you grassrooted people on this Earth. "God speaks very plainly and He is open to all on an equal basis. Nobody has more. This is why I laugh when I hear the terms that you use on this Earth; extra sensory perception. There is nothing extra there. It's the same in everybody. It is just a matter of finding and using it to its fullest. This is why they misinterpret that with extra perception. "When you allow your consciousness to open up and your soul reaches that birth, this is when you have that energy in its fullness to become a great creator. This is why people, at times, like Einstein, allowed his mind for moments to float out into the higher consciousness and receive those great answers that have come back to Earth through some form of technology. "It is of prime importance now to watch Bosnia. Because it represents the twelve tribes, it will cause great friction still. Some of you do not know this, the Red God is still strong, even if you have your individual states of independence in Russia. They won't come together as a whole because once again this is the first time they have been set free of the old god and allowed no distance. There's more disorder there now than there was when they were under a firm command. "The twelve tribes, listen carefully. Because of inter-marriages and causing great frictions between the Arabs and Jerusalem, your Jews and the mixture of your blood in those areas will draw on the pity of certain ones that will take great force and pride to overcome. And as the Great Bear, or the Russian side, takes its part, in equal bases will the Jews and Israel take their part. They are not only the key of dynamite, but they are the ones that are going to ignite that Middle East. This whole idea of save our relatives, just watch this in the next year, or so, to come. You could only build a strong 79

wall in water to hold only a certain amount of tension. But you cannot hold back hypertension. The Middle East, at this time, is hypertense. "This great involvement is causing everybody concern. Sending in aid is exactly the way the prophet foresaw that when he said the Armageddon means everybody involved. And you will find that it is slowly causing clay for the mortar to take its form. It has to happen. That is part of the cleansing. "When you cleanse evil you must totally capture evil and you must convince evil to become good. You cannot allow evil to continue and allow it to become the disease which has been forecast. The greatest disease of all is evil and it is a mental tension. It is a great disease. Some of you have looked at this in the concept of some form of aid. "AIDS and cancers and many other diseases shall be conquered. The greatest disease is evil. That disease will be completely defeated by your own mind. You will know within yourself that you are a child. Also, you are a star. You are a flare. We can go on and on. You are every part of the substances of those bodies to take form and every part of the universe. That is why you are so unique, called soul. "You were allowed to travel out into the worlds to become knowledgeable and to know whichever world that you would hit, or whichever school that you would learn on, whether it be Earth, Mars, Arcturis, Pacifica, or any of your places in Orion. It makes no difference. The soul can reside in all of those mansions for which it was originally created. "It is hard sometimes to try to tell some of the ministers, or to try to tell some of those great religionists that there are two creations. One was in the past and one is in the future. This is something that they cannot understand. Future birth is to the soul. The past birth was through substance. "If you look very closely in the Book of Exodus, or if you look in Deuteronomy, or if you look very closely in the beginning from the first chapter of Genesis, to the twentieth chapter, you will find the answers, or the keys, to life. These are the things, when man has allowed his ego to shadow himself, and these are the terms that your great philosophers, such as, Plato, Dacarte and Aristotle, have tried to bring back when they said, 'now that you look into the mirror blindly'. You see, you are looking into the mirror of life blindly to look through your ego. "It is only when you look through the eye of the soul, the sixth sense, or whatever you wish, into the mirror of lives, it is only then that your destiny becomes clear and you understand exactly where you are going. "The Earth picture is not a good one as we move into the next ten years. But it will be one of the best ones after that year 2005. You will see then that mankind will again 80

come back to his senses. And when this happens, you create that Garden of Eden the way it was in the beginning of, what you call, substance time. "It is of prime importance that we are all going to arrive to this understanding very shortly. And as you see the deterioration around you, you are in, what you call, the beginning, as Daniel had foresaw this, or John the Revelator, or Mark, or Matthew. As they foreseen, the signs shall tell you, you are living in the end times. These signs are now starting to be prevalent, which gives you a dispensation of seven. "This dispensation of seven, this cycle in the universe is prevalent in seven distinct changes in your whole society. You are in now the seven years of the great tribulation. And lest these days be shortened, flesh, or mankind, shall not survive because of the penetration of the heat coming from the firmament. But these days will be shortened. Not to excite people, but these days will be shortened. Mankind will again become, as we say, in the very beginning of creation to substance, will come back to a state of perfection. "This is why the bodies of men and women are going through such great changes through, not only feeling, through not only disease, through not only the strong vibrations of Earth changes, but also from the core of birth. This is the revelation of the soul, the revelation of who you really are. "It is hard to come to your birth. You look at a mother that's giving birth to a child in nine months, going through those great pains. You are going through great pains right now. You are coming out of the shell into this new birth. It doesn't take a minute It takes sometimes generations. And you are being born again very slowly. This is happening to many people. This is what is going to allow that great awakening of the intuition within. "Be aware then that the control of the shortage of food will be your number, your great number of your three series of sixes. Shortages are going to be prevalent, especially in your next five years. Do your growing now in your gardens and save your seeds. Be as self-contained as you possibly can. "Be very open to this new concept of what the soul is trying to be free of. You are trying to be free of the slavery that this Earth has caused you over many generations, the slavery of thoughts. These shackles of time have caused deterioration in your own mind. You have to learn these new concepts. But, it shall be. You will find also many lights of the higher ascended who are coming to this Earth this late spring (1993) and you will know why. "I leave you now in the care and keeping of your own consciousness as to how you are thinking at this time, as to how you have matured to a level of your awareness, as to how you think it is, to be on Earth and why you are here.


"Perhaps some of you are not thinking of the greatness within you that you have, only in the physical. Perhaps you haven't even reached to that higher room of your consciousness within and lived off the nectar, or the honey, or the manna, that comes from heaven. "Allow yourself a little time to go into that upper room to get that great message of what destiny is about. Get the great message of how important you are to play a role, the importance of your mind, how it fits into the wholeness of the puzzle of what you really are. For each and every one of you are a puzzle to the whole picture. The importance is that when we all come into this one rapport, that is the only time we will complete the picture from all of the puzzles that are placed, or fitted, into life in its proper place and in its proper time. "It is exciting that, approximately at this time, twenty-two billion souls are ready to reincarnate into Earth to take part in this great Armageddon and clean up because they want to live through some very historic times. But the privilege has been given to you people here because in another planet, in another time, you were part of the cleanup crew. This time you are going to be here to do it internally, instead of externally. "Too many people are of the opinion that there's some great external might that is the awakening of that great external might within you. Remember that. If you remember that, then you are one step ahead of tomorrow and tomorrow and whenever. "God speed to you all now."

CHAPTER 27 THE EXPANSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS "Good evening, I am Dr See-ven. "Many here have misconstrued the true reality of expanding consciousness. Consciousness is expanded through your awareness of past lives by becoming aware within your own consciousness. In most occasions, you have this awareness at night when you go into your superconsciousness. We call this the ring of expansion. "This ring of expansion, through the mind the way it is now, will come into contact with the most traumatic parts of your past life experiences. It is within this realm of consciousness where you really learn, where you actually never forget, because you are constantly passing information through the expanding of your consciousness the way it is now. "By becoming aware of your past lives, you will grow further into the consciousness because you are reminding, from the subconscious, the conscious of yourself the way 82

you are now. Then, in return, causes, what we classify as, the vibration of consciousness. "When vibration of consciousness is placed in this mode, it will expand your consciousness into even higher facets of the different parts of your mind. But you are programmed. It is very important that you are programmed, even at this time, to pick up this information from me. Through the expansion of your consciousness you have already allowed yourself this experience you are having now of having to listen to the channeling of your consciousness from the way it is. "When you go into, what we call, the balancing of your consciousness, you allow yourself to go deeper within your subconscious mind. You are constantly doing this in meditation, but mostly by becoming each time aware of the link of where your consciousness was in that other form of life that you had shone. "What happens to the expansion of consciousness? It has no limits and it continues on in the different forms of ethers. The different forms of ethers reveal the akashic record of that form of consciousness and then it reflects through your consciousness and plays this role that you had been at one particular time. "Dr See-ven has to go now. God bless you."

CHAPTER 28 The Jerusalem Command Sananda "Good evening my light bearers. It is a great pleasure for me to come through this Instrument (Dr Ki). Because of the strong energy of this house (Stan & Stella Johnson's home) and the way that the vortex is located, it is easy for us to see the light being. "We are called the Jerusalem Command. Our mission here is to bring through, not only the Second Christ Consciousness, but also to bring through, and we have done this on many occasions; we are the vehicles that bring through and take away. We take away. And let me tell you; Ezekiel was in my craft. And may I say no more. But let me correct the path you are on. "There are many commands. But there is only one command to the pure white light, or the pure planet, called Sirius Four. On this planet you experience pure consciousness and you experience purity of thought only. Every one who moves from Sirius Four are the ones who are the messengers. Your book says this very clearly, the messengers shll be sent out. 83

"The messengers who are sent out through our crafts are not the wolves who walk in sheep's clothing. We are in contact with only earth people who have been chosen from a previous light. "It is of prime importance that we are here this evening. I speak in the plural because I now have two angels here. And we have Gabriel and Uriel. "There is a lot of strength and a lot of things that is happening here to your body. We are strongly connected only to the purification of your thoughts. Every time your thoughts are purified, that's the only time we pick up your thoughts. So that makes you curious and makes you wonder what is happening totally to all your thoughts. You are being monitored. You are monitored from your last and most paramount reincarnation. "Those who are dealing in other outer space vehicles, unless they know what they are doing, beware. Because at this particular time the earth is covered with, what they call, the onacore light of deception. It is for you people, with the purity of your thoughts, to reach above this stage and never mind jargon, words, labels. We only deal with the purity of your thought. "Your thought creates the vehicle that comes into our stellar beam and is recorded on our monograph and we weigh your consciousness. We weigh your consciousness and then you are programmed into a birth cycle which creates from the purity of your thoughts. "As the purity of your thought becomes stronger it goes up and builds, what we call, an envelopment and this strong ray, or beam, becomes a healing agent that allows the birth of this strong Christ Consciousness to permeate. If you do not allow this strong being to permeate, then it does not take seed. The most important thing is to allow permeation a length of time to take seed on the planet earth. "The planet earth has been pilfered with impurity of thought. These impurity of thoughts develop philosophies, doctrines, cults of evil doing. "At this particular time, as we are talking, there are two craft landing from Zeta One that are listening in. However, that's about all they will do. And we are here, not to destroy, but to recreate. So we will take all consciousness and make it a whole consciousness no matter what form of life is represented in whatever light state, whether it's solid, liquid, gas, electrical, or gaseous. The astral spirit world will get the greatest awakening of them all. What will happen is the purging that has to go through there will remove the lair.


"Beware of the fourth dimension, the wolf in sheep's clothing. At the same time, this will allow the ones from the higher spirit realm to project through and not get caught in that envelope we talked about, the astral spirit world. Remember what my brother said. Do not play with the spirit world. That is very profound and stated very clearly. "You have allowed yourselves to be befuddled, to play, to get lost in labels, to become highly encouraged, to become highly discouraged. This is why you are in the locked situation, not knowing where you are really climbing, but interested, interested, caught in the trap. "For to remember, without a body you express the clarity of your thoughts. For within a body, you express the body thoughts in order to submerge within your temple, the temple of light and understanding. And this temple is within you. This temple of light and understanding releases the physical body and allows the resurrection of the Christ Consciousness to be foremost. You must allow that foremost energy to cleanse, to purify all of your thoughts. You must allow that cleansing to cleanse all of the centers completely until the candle light is formed at the top. "Trim that mantle daily to allow the fullness of the light, to allow your consciousness to wake completely. Most of the people here on earth have played with that and only allowed the consciousness to open a little bit, not knowing the full parameters of what can happen deep down because we do not want to let go of the physical. "You are not demonstrating depth. You are demonstrating resurrection. For isn't it better within your life at this particular time to demonstate complete resurrection and purity of all your thoughts, not allowing to be placed, as we did in Daniel's time, in the lion's den of inequity of that world. "There is a rude awakening coming to many who think that the Christians were totally wrong. We are not saying, and I am not saying, that they are totally right. I am not here to judge you physically. I am here to resurrect you spiritually. It is your freedom of choice through the physical body, through the knowledge that you inherit from other faculties besides your own faculties. "Sometimes you feel there are beings much stronger and more advanced than you are. There is no such thing in the light. "In the light and in the purity of thought all you have is love beings that surround you, envelop you, become you, become totally enmeshed in consciousness of complete 85

giving, losing completely the emotions so the physical body cannot take over and allow the emotions to rule their life. "You are a trinity burning in the corridor of lives. You allow your mantle to be dimmed by those who blow the improper doctrines into your corridor of understanding. "You have been picked as light children because you know how and you will know how to free yourself and not become the prisoner of the physical and of those entities that try to deceive you. The human frailty is deception. The human body becomes deceived by over-imagination, by fantastic words that represent great potentiel of gifts. Why? It is because you succumb, because you think that is the only interest in this life. "Space entities have their job to do. The forty-seventh plane have their job to do. You have your job to do. The guidance that you get is perfect for you because that light within you is universal. It goes and it travels and it will go all over the place. Do not let any other philosophy blow it out for you. You are on the right track. "You have wondered why, for the longest time in your life, everything that you have done, you've been placed on hold. Nothing was happening of interest in your physical life. "The government and all of those agencies have been taken over by the opposing forces that disbelieve you. These twenty years of strong rule will be broken when you see all of the light changes in your universe. You will see them. A lot of you are seeing them now. They are being placed by command into a proper order and that order will soon be given to completely purge the Earth and to unite the spirit within everything, animate or inanimate. It has to be with purity. "That is called the Battle of Armageddon. Do not forget that, my light children. That is so important for you in the next years to come. You do not have much time. We are not here to frighten you with earthquakes and all of these other signs. They will come. You will be safe. Do not worry about that. Do not let them frighten you. You notice, I never used any dates or times because it's your consciousness when it is ready. It will trigger off and do it. Be careful that you do not give dates and times because the purity of thought does not do that. "The purity of thought loves you. It is within you. It becomes you when you purify it because you are the essence. You are the beauty of the stream that flows constantly until it is purified. Let me tell you that it is our love and our grace that will see you through. "Don't worry about Earth philosophies. Study your own philosophy within you. That philosophy will never cheat you. It will never lie to you. It will never discredit you because you are the judge. Do not discredit yourself. 86

"I leave you now in the light and the virtue of pure birth. May your spirit and mine unite in purity of thought so that this world can awaken in the light of reality." "God bless you all."

CHAPTER 29 THE INNER ASCENSION Grand Space Commander Excalabar "Good evening, I am Excalabar. "Our mothership Alahoy has been spotted by the Spokane radar. We had to send in three of our scout ships as a decoy to try to divert any strong attention. The mothership Alahoy is approximately 250 miles long. The mothership is placed close to Pluto right now. It's near the moon. Because of your planet Pluto, you have, what you call, a continuous inner vortex. This energy allows our propulsion for motion to be in constancy and to be ready for all of the ships that come back to the mothership. There are approximately 2000 scout ships that come from the mothership. "I am the commander of all the scout ships. We will try to manifest in the street light form at precisely 10:33 your time. "It is interesting that some of you earthlings are coming very close now to the inner ascension. As you know, the inner ascension is always prior to the outer ascension. The inner vortexes are a reflection of the outer vortex. As the text reads, that by your works you are known. "A lot of you are now in phase two of adeptship, whether you realize this or not. You are going to get another four inoculations similar to the ones you had in the last couple of days. The body will be cold, then warm. Then you will get flushes and there will be sometimes a stomach upset. It is necessary for us to do this because of the high gravitational pull of the comet that is on its way to this Earth. "The comet has been seen by many astronomers who are of the opinion that it will brush the Earth in the South American side. I have news for them because the change in the gravitational pull and centrifugal force that will be caused by the motion of this comet will allow the Earth to stabilize into its new axis.


"I would say that the majority of those who are not into, as we call it, the eagles gathering in high places, or inner vortexes, pockets, as some of them refer to, or power spots; flesh shall not survive , lest these days be shortened. "These days, that you on this planet Earth are going through, are the days of continuous unrest, the days of inter-molecular change to your DNA. The ones who are in deep rage, or anger, are the ones who are having difficulty with this DNA change. So those who commit your greatest crimes will come to terms with their energy in 1995. "After the comet had made its first maneuver through, that is called the first resurrection on this Earth of the attuned souls. The energy that will come from this comet will cause the grounding for the energy that you are now attuning yourselves to. "When you look at invisibility, you are looking at what your naked eye can view. Those realities that are traveling faster than your naked eye can view are, in fact, a reality that you can become attuned to when you are changing in your vibrations and in your DNA structure. "This causes an inter-vibration of the energy that is in more of a direct context and is in direct flow with the energy fields of those at times that you see that are invisible to your naked eye. This is why sometimes, when you come to view us, some of you, because of your attunement vibrations, will see at times and will not see at times. It is like a cloudy day on a clear day. "Have patience. The infusion that we will be giving the Earth on the 21st day of September (1993), it would be wise for all of you not to be too close to the ocean area. The molecular change will be so quickly that it would cause great problems on your water. "I will leave you now and say to you, let your naked eye be dressed with the consciousness of reality. "Alahoy."

CHAPTER 30 BECAUSE I AM "Good morning, I am Lae. There are seven other commanders with me." "I am here this morning because as I have mentioned through the Instrument(Dr. Ki) before that I am not only a commander of a space craft but I have three missions tied into one final goal. I am a philosopher and also the spiritual spokesman or some refer to me as the preacher of the Northern Sector." 88

"It is with great knowledge and great research that I have had the privilege of visiting in my time 199 million cultures who have expressed different semantics or ideas of worshiping a form of deity." "It seems there are at least another 17 million galaxies that have the same belief structure in some form of a deity whereas at least 5 million that I have visited have none. That is because they have perfected themselves into a total Godhead. So therefore, how must one revere one? Basically when we look at the whole stratum of the evolution of the self into its form or anatomy, we look at the vibration of that cell into light. The vibration of the cell into light is what gives us the mentality rating of the species into what ever form it must impregnate." "There is not, and I say in all those galaxies the same, per se, freedom of choice that you have on this earth because the God energy has only enacted or created one mansion as an experimental basis where freedom of choice is applied in both, and listen carefully , the negative and the positive way. Because of these two forces that oppose one another to come into the true reality of a belief system, listen carefully, it takes two opposite polarities to give you the difference of feeling towards caring or towards how you are going to assume you feel." "In between, there is always what we classify, as a neutral force which most in these other galaxies have learned to use more than any other kind of power to assume some form of judgment. Coming into this galaxy is the most exciting of them all. The only difference is here this type of species has, as we say, negative polarities, in the physical body itself. The physical body itself is in a neutral state which is governed by two opposite polarities, the negative and the positive." "As you have learned yourselves that by becoming very negative, you cause the neutral state within your body to take command. If you become very positive you cause the neutral state to take command. What happens here is neutrality doesn't know, it is only fed by whatever polarity that you are impregnating or that you are feeding the human body. The only difference therefore is, that the human body from your negative polarity goes into deterioration and the positive polarity therefore, becomes more, as we call it, life living longevity." "In other galaxies, based on strictly neutrality, don't have any of these polarities acting upon the body form. Therefore, the longevity will carry on depending on your time. If we would bring somebody here say from Kahrona, that same type of entity would last here say up to 3000 years of your time. So there is a big difference here. What we've done over the ages, we have allowed the two polarities or teachers to become the basis of our life support and to infiltrate the kind of knowledge that determines the positive and negative polarity in our life. It is not necessarily so to every culture that is living here." 89

"Now then, we must remember that this being the breeding ground of freedom of choice, this allows a lot of other interdimensional energy the same freedom or right that you have here even as an earthling. So you are bombarded by different life forms other than a biological atomic structure that you have here now. In other words, you have still the Reptilian life force energy at strong work here on this Earth." "Because of this freedom of choice the intergalactic changes of the positive polarity will effect your consciousness, remember that, that is what is happening here right now, will effect your consciousness. The negative polarity will effect your physical and atomic structure." "So one must, in this life, come to terms within himself of how they are going to become at one with either polarity but because they are constantly, due to a very strong energy field, producing a reality from the negative polarity because you give birth through thought to produce from the positive polarity because thought creates the reality." "The neutral state is the God/Goddess. This is not contaminated by either force. The neutral states sometimes referred to the soul spirit of man is the interconnection of the central sun which was always constant in the universe that gave birth to the solar suns that give birth to all of your galaxies." "This central sun with its mass intelligence is in a neutral state. This energy gives off complete unconscious state of birth, and that is very important. The unconscious state of birth, therefore has to be impregnated into the light density which causes the creation of life form and the life form is like here that you are now." "What you have allowed through your senses from the origin of your species, is the sum total of the embodiment in the subconscious of every state of light life form that the unconscious took on to become conscious." "It is here where, if you wish to call it that you sometimes have a tendency, and I am not going to use the terminology right and wrong -- but sometime you have the tendency to draw upon either polarity from the total feed that you have received through life forms which is now in your subconscious mind. That if it is of great intensity or very traumatic it still effects each life form until you come into, what we call, total neutrality of apprehension and comprehension. So when you look at all of these imprisonments that have happened in totality of life forms, sometimes in each case if they are trivial they will go into, what we call, expiration or completely wiped out because your thought forms are no longer in contact with the unconscious conscious." "What one must do here, one must be very careful that when they are constantly doing something and then come to grips with yourself by saying, "why am I doing this?" - that 90

is because the conscious unconscious is becoming conscious again. In order to extricate this or stop it completely all you have to do is give it back to the unconscious and it becomes, as we call it, in a state of animation. For as long as you carry the soul, you will have the subconscious unconscious of every life form that ever manifested into form. So naturally, you are going to consciously unconsciously remember the most traumatic times of your life as you remember this right now from your five senses as what you are doing now." "What has happened over, as we would call it, time, we have allowed ourselves to bypass the neutrality God/Goddess spirit soul within us and we have been reaching compromises from the negative and positive polarities. When you have these conversations going back and forth from the conscious, the unconscious, you run into the situation where you are going to constantly make choices and this is where you have problems when you make choices." "There is only one right way - if you allow the God/Goddess within you to put up the correct barriers so that there is no interference from the negative polarity saying because of its total unconsciousness and traumatic effects coming in from another life saying well, "it is better to do it this way" because experience tells you so. That is the serpent talking in the Garden of Eden." "So what are we saying here? we are saying here that the still small voice, if it is used from the positive side is what David envisioned when he said, "be still and know that I am God". The still small voice on the negative side is, what you call the Lucifer or the Luciferian thought forms." "Because you have the freedom of choice you are constantly on this Earth going to go through this bombardment of good and evil. So it is a masterpiece in disguise where you are constantly playing on the chess board of negativity and positivity. It is all in your choices." "One must look at the neutrality or the God/Goddess within to all what, we would classify, is the non-judgmental thought forms. The judgmental thought forms are coming from the opposition saying, "how good is this, how bad is this?" That is the drawing effect of the judge that you are when you allow yourself that kind of freedom of choice." "So as you become the judge and jury of your lifetime you can see from your physical attributes, from your physical life where it is going, "nothing is happening to me, nothing, I am down, I am depressed." So you have judged yourself from the negative polarity to allow yourself that punishment." "On must be very careful here because God is neutral, He will allow you to go and have, as you want it, the freedom of choice to exist so therefore God is neutral. It is 91

then your religion or strongest feeling of a belief system which reigns superior in your life at this time. " "So one has to be careful here and say the, "judge not, lest ye be judged." This is why deep down you can never be right or wrong because you are allowing two polarities to overcome you, rather than staying neutral within the God/Goddess and not allowing any polarity to take supreme command. If you think about this and you say that if I am neutral through this life then how could you ever be contaminated by false prophecy? That is because you are not taking a stand toward - even if, and this is the whole prophecy - even if, and this is the whole Luciferian idea, is to sometime vacillate and disguise itself as a wolf in sheep's clothing by thinking you are working from the positive polarity, that is the disguise." "How does one, throughout life, stop this from happening -- through a very disciplined way as many of the adepts have taught you in this lifetime. Practice makes perfect, as in the case of Jesus Christ, Buddha and many other adepts." "Practice makes perfect by having harmony as the God/Goddess closes off the Walls of Jericho and allows you from the God/Goddess to become you." "The I AM therefore becomes the most positive mantra of your life. By reinforcing this consultation between you, the procreator and the creator, allowing this oneness to take form and have communion within you gives you the tendency of opening up the river that flows directly through the polarity cleansing and purifying and allowing the wolf in sheep's clothing not to escape from the negative polarity to contaminate your physical life and to allow you to vacillate and jump from one pasture to another to another to another. That means you are running away from the temple instead of coming to it. You have seen many of these new religious cults formed, that is called running away from the altar instead of coming to it. In other words, what I am trying to say here, is that you are the center of your universe and you by allowing those few words of wisdom which I have given to you, to make and reinforce this strong God/Goddess within you to open the door after purification for that food and that wisdom to come to you. This is why it is of prime importance when you are channeling to the consciousness that you by-pass all of the negative polarities and allow that cleansing that has taken place in the upper room. We like to refer to the upper temple as the upper room -upper, higher than the negative polarity. When you have these kinds of services as you are having now, you gain more insight to yourself and your own church. You gain more insight because you are a free soul traveling in the universe of thought." "When you travel in the universe of thought, you are going to pick up other thoughts. By channelling it is important that you prepare yourself correctly in discipline. If you want to have fun just channeling from your own higher self or your own consciousness 92

then become a babbling brook but it is important to get this world together and tune your tinkling brass to your instrument so that the consciousness that you are bringing back from your thought forms becomes and interplay to what procreates out there in your massive jungle today. I have never seen so much confusion in all my life of thought forms being invaded or invading your Earth at this time." "Thought forms can manifest into Pleadians (Zeta Reticullins). Thought forms can manifest into very strong vibrations, this is why sometimes they refer to them as Luciferian ships. This is why sometimes they refer to them right there as the Jerusalem Command and the rest in between are coming also to this neutrality as myself and many other entities or EBEs or whatever semantics you use to label. It seems you have to have some term of understanding by labeling with a word or semantic through your form of communication and to express your way through the universe." "You are a light of reflection that we see and we only reflect through the neutrality of your spirit or would because that is constant and always right but we have difficulty with your polarities. We have difficulty with your positive and your negative polarity fields, freedom of choice, right or wrong, good and evil. Remember as it has been stated to you before, it is all right to have a good headache but it is not all right to have a bad headache. It is OK to have a good rudeness but is not OK to have bad rudeness." "What the heck am I talking about? But that is you people that are endowed with that kind of indoctrination over thousands of years, millions of lifetimes. How strong is it in your negative polarity? We are ruled by our own Gods and we find our Gods in many ways. In social activities we find our Gods, we find our Gods in drugs, we find our Gods in money or sources like gold or silver. We seem to revere the substance that we could touch that has been reinforced through ages and thoughts of negativity. We seem to be governed by the ungoverned. We must learn true value of spirit before we can find true value of physicality." "There are a lot of things here we must embrace with or we must touch. It is of prime importance that as you learn to get purity of thoughts into your temple to have service with that. Some of you starve out your service, because service simply means doing. If you sat at home for 70 years, you didn't do too much, didn't effect your neutrality so how are you judged -- you're not judged, you continuously go into form, but if you allow your negativity polarity to be the judge, to be your God, to be your destiny, then you are filling the negative conscious unconscious. The next life you get into, you are bombarded by all those strong, traumatic effects that you bring with you in the infinite state to the finite state." "In the neutral state of being, not finding any wrong, only finding love - in the neutral state is divine essence, the fragrance of your heaven, the totality of the morning dew of purity that invades your consciousness and your unconsciousness and your thoughts into the impregnation of the new life light called eternity." 93

Q: "I want to say uh huh, I got it." A: "It is nice to hear the uh huhs. They are called growth hiccups, not the other kind of hiccups. It is nice to have uh-huhs to go up and the, "I might, I hope on this side you see" and you stay there if you hope you will always be there in the hope situation. I think, therefore I AM. I might, you will always be in that state of I might, but I AM, you will always be there. The I AM is the best Uh-huh. Alahoy."

CHAPTER 31 THE CHANGING OF CONSCIOUSNESS "Good evening, I am Dr See-ven. "This evening, I am going to talk on the changing of cycle events of consciousness in combination with the consciousness of man, or woman. "The time, or rhythmic cycle, of the Earth in its own harmonic convergence is usually at the end of each millennial time as it is recorded in normal time of Earth time that you now record. Due to this rhythmic cycle and the expanding of consciousness of man there is a combination of forces which develop through the contracting of the rhythmic cycle and the energy that's formed through the mentality that is expanded into this time. Because of the vast changes in your society through its thinking, man has reached a stage of awareness in the state of physical mentality. However, he has contracted his energy to the spiritual understanding, or the spirit awakening within the mentality balance of this cycle. "Because there seems to be a strong balance in the cycle, mankind has been looking for a way, or an escape, from the damage he has done because of the physical expansion of his mental consciousness and the destruction that he has caused to the spiritual mentality growth. "Therefore, in the changing moment of the light consciousness of Earth itself, through what we call, the perpendicular of cosmic change and the effect it has on the polar shift, the vastness and, what we call, the central point of the apex on each of the polarity membranes of the inner surface of the pole, whether it is north or south, causes a breakthrough of the membrane. When it reaches a centrifugal pull it begins, what we call, a disintegration of the mental damage in the physical thinking that man has caused. And because of this wear and tear of this membrane it causes a reconstructional shift. This reconstructional shift is responsible for the outer core change.


"When you come to the end of an event filled cycle, the outer crust of the Earth's core goes out of control. When the outer crust goes out of control the forces of nature and all of your existing intermolecular and gravitational forces create centrifugal force. This allows interference from, what we classify as, the imbalancing of your forces. These forces are mainly the centrifugal and the gravitational. We call this the storms of universal polarity. "These storms of universal polarity come through, what we classify as, the interawakening of the millennial light. During the inter-awakening of the millennial light the reshifting and the adjusting of these polarities and the membrane are interjected by the strong penetration of, what we call, the new born polarities, or angelical forces. "When this impregnation of the forces are taking this form to correct the inner balances, it causes a change to any form of life in the DNA structures. The polarity of the cell changes is exactly equivalent to the changes on the outer structure of the Earth through tremors, shifting and, what we call, the adjusting of the tectonic plates, severe interturbulences through wind storms and underground fissures in water. The combination of all this interchanges and expands the consciousness to the womb, or the center of the Earth's core, to complete the outer structure by allowing birth to the inner structure of the Earth's core. "The rebirth, which started in 1987, will complete its impregnation in the year of 1997. This will allow the inner harmonic convergence to give its complete birth to the outer harmonic convergence. "This will give it the first outer ring of polarity to impregnate the membrane of the north and south pole to adjust itself on, what you call, the axis change. Because the axis change is in, what we call, outer filtration, it will be polarized because of the energies emitting from the inner core in proper proportion. This will cause the rotation of the Earth to go into, what we call, a complete millennial rebirth. "During this complete time mankind will be, as we call it, captured, or exposed, into the outer formation and released into the spiritual realm because in some cases there will not be a quick enough change for the DNA to allow them to be surviving on this Earth. So therefore, the first ascension then is classified into the first phase of the returning of the new birth to the consciousness and exposed to the Christ light of ascension. "The first stage is those who have regulated in the completion of the DNA change. They will offer their consciousness into the fourth and fifth dimension of the first stage. "Therefore, the rotation of the Earth shall be slowed down allowing in the second stage of the ascension. This will allow then the second phase of the group that is not infiltrated into this new body to be released into the body they are in, to ascension again into the Christ light. 95

"The Earth rotations will slow down again and the first stage of the ascension will allow the DNA to change again to the sixth and seventh dimension, then allowing the DNA to change again. On the completion of the last evolution of light the DNA will change to the eighth and nineth dimension. This will put them through the purity and balance into the millennial light which will be in its totality on the Earth's surface. Man will be living in the purity of his body at this time for approximately, in Earth time, 1000 years. "During each upliftment and ascension phase, because of the DNA change to that change of consciousness, the, as we call it, the heavenly hosts, or the discs, what you call, U.F.O's, will be responsible to uplift all of those who do not change quick enough in their DNA to another change in consciousness so that the spirit can be free to reincarnate into another life form. "Dr See-ven has to go now. God bless you." CHAPTER 31 COMING TO TERMS WITH LABELS "Good afternoon to you all. I am Astra. "My consciousness at this time is projecting itself through the consciousness of this Instrument (Dr Ki). "There are, in this group, as we project also in your consciousness, a great difference of opinion. And yet, after listening to your thoughts, it seems that each and every one of you are still searching for the answer. "Let me tell you that the minute you stabilize yourselves as human beings you allow the balance of your physical body to be placed in a situation where there are no interruptions by your five senses. It seems that those teachers work overtime in your life. By becoming still, as in the day of David when he said, 'be still and know that I am God', you allow yourself to dine in the school of spirit. "You are, on this Earth, very unique where you come to terms with many suggestions, but you seem sometimes to be led instead of leading. You must remember that the well inside of you has no depth, or no bottom. It is a well of continuous understanding of oneself. "There have been many who have come, not only as E.B.E.'s, as you described them. We get quite a chuckle from that. Or E.T.'s, or whatever human label you wish to describe our type of existence which you know very little of. "Some of you, at this time in this group, are coming into a very strong conscious awareness of what the higher self can manifest itself through. The spirit within us is exactly the same as within you. If you don't give this spirit some form of awakening 96

then, what shall it profit a man, or a woman, to gain the whole world, but lose his or her own soul? "It is of great importance to you all that there has been many misinterpretations of soul. There has been many misinterpretations of spirit. You must come to terms with your labels or they will lead you into great places of disarray. "This whole world, at this time, is polluted with thoughts of disintegration. You only give off, and the importance is, you only give off the kind of energy which you receive. So in other words, there is, in your house, or in the foundation of your physical body, a great vast spiritual smorgasbord. A lot of you are eating from a different taste, so to say, so that you allow your comfort zone to be impregnated by certain thoughts that filter through for you to allow yourself the definition of that thought. "The spirit within you is constant. It is a constant flow of energy that permeates, or impregnates, into solid, liquid, gaseous, electrical and various other forms of prana which allows, in whatever environment you are in, whether it be Earth, Pluto, Venus. It impregnates and aligns that kind of light to become the manifestation of that form, or entity. "The soul is of much more importance. Your soul is the total manifestation of the 'I Am'. By allowing yourself the birth of the spirit within you, this opens a door for the soul to manifest itself correctly in the material life form that you are in now. "So when we talk about a living soul and a soul that is lost, or a soul that is coming into, as you would classify it, as a form of entity where you are giving your realization a complete revamp of the thought patterns which are emanating from you at this time. Your soul is the vehicle of the spirit. The soul carries with it the energy which allows the spirit its awakening that you, in turn, allow through your realization of who you really are. "Most of you come into this world and you come with no knowledge of your destiny. You make destiny happen through your own awareness because you have allowed your soul to be contaminated, or rejuvenated, through some form of belief pattern, or religion. "You see, the spirit is in, what we classify, a neutral position. It knows no wrong. It is in a position that does not become contaminated by your soul, or your physical understanding of who you really are. You must come to grips, or terms, with yourself and allow the total reality of the concept of spirit to become manifest in your body. "Most of you are limiting yourselves by allowing physical manifestation. In this life, it is meant for you to surge and to arrive to a very strong awareness of yourself, your spirit and your soul. By indoctrinating yourself with the belief that there is a right or wrong, 97

you have the tendency of becoming a physical judge. At times, this allows your total emotional storms to rule your life in the spiritual essence. Good or bad is a term which you have to describe some form of experience that is relating to you at this time. There is no such thing as bad or good rudeness. There is a time in your life when you must come to terms with the judge and you must fire the physical judge and allow the spiritual judge to rule your spiritual and physical life. "We come into this world and we have choices. It is of the Luciferian energy systems that allows us, through the choice of good and bad, to believe in negative forces. You must come to terms with that in this physical life. You are the one that becomes the Lucifer and you are the one that becomes the God/Goddess of your life. "By allowing yourself to constantly judge yourself and your relationships to others, you have the tendency of being in the garden of weeds. This garden of weeds will stunt your physical growth. You must learn to come to terms with yourself because you are really the gardener of your own life. "There have been many questions that have been raised, or many questions that have been going through your mind, as to why is this world in such a frame of mind. That is exactly so, frame of mind. Because of the rapid gener- ation of communications that has permeated this planet in the last twenty years, you have allowed yourself to be so open-minded that at times you forget to close the window of the real reality that is trying to make sense to you in this life at this time. "A variety of ideas is a questioning of really one idea branching out into several. So if you look at it in its proper context, you will go back to the original idea, or the original self, or the high consciousness of yourself. You really are the doctor and the nurse of your own life. Through the mental spectrum, you allow your life to constantly become a prisoner of high emotional storms that have crossed your life through decision making, or through encountering human behavior the way it is right now. "The great surge, or the change, and many of you will ask the question, 'What is going to happen to this world in say ten years?' I would turn that around and say, 'What is going to happen to your mental questioning, or your mental ability to think about yourself in the next ten years?' "We cannot, unless you allowed it somewhere in previous lifetimes, to allow walk-ins to become certain teachers in your lifetime this time to open up these kind of doors and avenues so that you can understand reality through its total perspective. "There are nine dimensional life forms. You are manifesting and if you choose you can manifest through these nine different dimensional life forms. Some of you, from the altering of your consciousness, through the great teacher, the superconscious, at this time, are altering your reality through the unconscious part of your mind. 98

"One must be very careful here that you do not get into too many terminologies. The altering of consciousness and the changing of your DNA, you have to come to terms with where the consciousness is altering itself to. "One must know that on this physical planet Earth you are rapidly going through a change from the third to the fourth dimension. However, some of you go through even higher states in this unconscious experience that you have, whether it be through deja vu, whether it be through a strong body change from a higher elevation in your area of energy, or power spots, or whether you do this in your meditation through a strong disciplined way, or whether somehow through vigilance and prayer you change your way of changing the physical vibration from dimension to dimension. "There will come a time that this alteration will be accelerated. You will find, in order to survive, lest these days be shortened, you are going to come into, what we call, harmonic convergence every day of your life; not in 1987, not in 1994, but right now. "We must come to terms with the high energy that is being sent to this Earth now through channeling, through some of these experiences that the Instrument had, or your experiences. All of these energies that are coming to Earth at this time are, what we call, the light that is trying to ignite the mind to pierce through the physical and relate to the spiritual on a more disciplined and a stronger way of understanding your true self. "You have mentioned and I had picked it up about space entities and their various tasks and some of the commitments that have taken place on this Earth that are, what you look at, in a form of negativity. But in those kind of societies, at their stage of growth, they do not look at it from their terms from a point of negativity. In other galaxies and in the universe there is growth and destruction every day. So you know that the growing of the spiritual awareness is not only for Earth. It is also for those who are in spirit, as we call it, reincarnation into a body form of a certain kind of prana. "Each and every one of us has, what we call, a turning point at a certain stage in this life where we terminate our employment. In this case, I mean gently meet your demise. "What I am trying to say here is that the spirit wants to open up and give you this prana, give you this nirvana, at this time as we left in the prayer, Heaven on Earth, into its highest existence by concurrance, rapport and agreement which simply means love. This kind of love essence, when it is brought out from the spirit, encourages the ones that are more physically inclined to come into this kind of reality and also dine in the same, as we call it, last supper as you are dining in right now. "You must come to terms with yourself. It doesn't have to be a UFO sighting. It doesn't have to be some sort of great manifestation. The spirit is neutral. It is the gentle of your 99

mind. It is that part of your mind through being very humble. It is that part of your mind that writes the history of the pages of your life. "You have to come to grips with the pen that seems to give you the direction to write your life. You have to come to terms with the number of pages that you write into your life. You must come to terms with the joy and the ecstasy that supersedes the humiliation and the torment that you have allowed your judge in the emotional part of your body to give you those kind of sentences that allows you to block out the real reality in life. It is not hard to engender a love concept. It is hard, it seems, to live through it. "When you give birth to a love concept, you must remember that you are, as we call it, the generator of a great energy or force. You must bathe in the well of love. You must submerge in the superconsciousness of the 'I Am', your real self. You must start to become the God/Goddess that you really were sent out to become. You must look at your reality and look at the past tense mirror that projected you into how you are thinking right now and how you are looking into the mirror of your reality at this time. "It is not easy if you allow your physical to manifest into that form of reality. It is hard when you are in, what we call, a two-form energy body which goes through the manifestation of the different godheads which you go through in a lifetime. It is not easy for one to sit there and ask in such a way that you are making your god in a form of a person that becomes a servant to your begging. "You must come to grips with yourself in such a way that you can have exactly what you want in this life. If you look at some of your great religious figures in this life, such as Soloman, such as Isaiah, such as Joshua, each and every one of them had, what we call, a balance in this kind of life. They knew how to develop the substance in a way that they could give to others. "The key to the universe is if you give you will receive. You are a by-product of, as we call it, a very fine reincarnation of light. Sometimes we envy you because you have this freedom of choice, either to accept, deny, neglect, or allow yourself to constantly carry on, searching for a teacher that has always been with you, only at a beckoning call to re-awaken the real reality that you are. "It has been very tasking for this Instrument in the last few days because of his energy field. We are not going to stay, and I say we in plurality, not going to stay much longer. But I am going to say one thing that it is your energy that allows our consciousness the kind of reinforcement that you really need for your spirit, or your soul. "God bless you."


CHAPTER 33 THE PURIFICATION OF YOUR THOUGHTS "Good evening, I am Dr See-ven. "The arrival of the millennial light is in, what we would classify, the coming of the consciousness change within the dimensional thought of man, or woman. "Over the years, on your Earth, mankind has struggled through war and also through many short processes of peace to come to the understanding of an existence without violence. When man was striving for this peace, he could not do this in the third dimension because the thoughts were all captivated only in the Earth's core. "By not allowing your consciousness to expand beyond this thought millennium dilemma, you have a tendency to lock yourself into, what we call, the dark ages of Earth. Even throughout your history, you have captivated your own thoughts on the Earth. Therefore, you are reaping such a bad harvest at this time. During the recesses, or breaks, mankind was trying to allow the dissipation of these thoughts through, what we call, the millennial light. "It is during these recesses of time that small group like yourselves work in conclaves and believe and work the way you people are working now. Through metaphysical meditations you are slowly allowing your conscious to be, not locked into the Earth's core, but to permeate beyond and to bring in, what we call, the millennial thoughts. "It is these millennial thoughts that are inter-meshing at this time to bring in the entire program called the Christ Consciousness, or the total understanding of the superconscious within man that is allowing the spirit total supremacy. "As you are here on this Earth going through various stages of time, you are allowing yourself to cultivate these thoughts through these meditations. This allows recesses of looking into the various dimensions that the spirit can go through to allow itself this total supremacy of freedom of expression of all these thoughts. Upon the closing of these thoughts that have been submerged into the Earth's core, they are caught in, what you call, the astral planes. "It is important for you all who are in metaphysics at this time to cleanse and to purify, not only the Earth and the Earth's core, but the astral plane, of these thoughts. This is where some of your great energies are permeating the Earth now to confuse mankind and to also place him in a category of great misunderstandings, even in the metaphysical outlooks that most of you have now. "So you are going to have to concentrate on the astral plane in great congregation of many of you with your thoughts to be able to permeate some of the greatest atrocities that are going to happen on this Earth when your violence will completely be released. 101

"This will happen, not only from the thoughts that are captivated on Earth, but those that will come. They will come in, what we call, transformation of the tribulation. This will captivate mankind and lock him from interception of his super-consciousness. For the longest time, as the scriptures says, lest these days be shortened, mankind will not survive. "It is up to all of you metaphysicians at this time to start to release the energies in the astral that are coming to the Earth. Also, a lot of your energies have been stored in the hollow of the Earth by those who have tried through many a millennial to capture the surface and permeate it in their own kind. So you are fighting a battle of inner insurrection and outer insurrection. "So it is now for you to blend into the fifth and sixth and seventh and eighth and ninth dimensions of thoughts in your metaphysics so that you can draw on this energy. This energy will come and supersede, or it will interact within the Battle of Armageddon to cleanse and to purity all of these evil thoughts on Earth. "It is for you at this particular time to blend in with these thoughts and to actually travel into these densities of light in order to purify these thoughts as they are travelling through. The cleansing allows the totality of the millennial light to rule in supremacy so that the divine spirit will interact orderly with, what we call, the Christ Consciousness, or the goodness that will allow the Earth again to become a Garden of Eden. As you know, that through transgressions, mankind sometimes is willing to sell himself short and to sell himself into bondage of those who are victor at this time. "You have to be very careful when you are struggling in the light so that you understand that those who are also in the light are reacting in the same density that you are, or you will fall into prey of the wolf in sheep's clothing. "So, through your meditations you should start to concentrate because that is like putting on the armour of God. You should start concentrating on light in its purest and purification by allowing yourself to be permeated and surrounded by a brighter light every day. This will increase and permeate your electrical magnetic field. It will allow the expansion of consciousness into these other dimensions. "To grow you have to grow through each dimension. This is why it will take a little bit of time to grow through each dimension until you totally purify your consciousness into, what we call, the golden aura of light. It is very similar to putting on the cloak of righteousness. Each time that you manifest each of these consciousnesses you allow the spirit freedom from the body that it is in now.


"This will cause, as you go on, a lot of changes in your DNA. A lot of people will not want to do this because they may be frightened because of the first change. It is like the butterfly and the cocoon. "Once you have reached the fifth dimension of consciousness then what will happen is that you will have no feelings the way you have your Earth feelings at this particular time. "What will happen as you gradually graduate into the sixth consciousness, or dimension, you will find that you will be able to levitate with your thoughts. So thought permeation will be like a sword to fight the spirit with. You will have, as we call it, the two edged sword. "When your thoughts are purified, this will allow you to be able to permeate through other people's thoughts and to allow the evacuation of all of these thoughts that are in the astral plane at this moment. "So, Dr See-ven is saying, start to concentrate more into the astral because it is bombarding the Earth, or the mundane, and allowing this kind of violence where man cannot perceive the difference. Your body is locked into, what we call, neutrality. When this happens, then you will go into passivity. You will not want to try to excel from this state of imprisonment. "So, it is of great importance that you start to concentrate on the purification of your thoughts and permeate them and start the cleansing of the astral. "Dr See-ven has to go now. God bless you."

CHAPTER 34 THE ELITE "Good evening to you all. I am Del. "Sometimes you people seem to think that the messenger must have a name. In other places of consciousness we are named by a light. In other places of consciousness we are named by a sound. 103

"The human being has a lot to go through since the Earth has been placed as of 1987 into the Hall of Justice. "We are gathering together with the great group called the Elite. This group is commissioned to land on this Earth in July of 1994. This group is responsible to accelerate the consciousness of man into the fifth dimension. "A number of the light people, or light bearers, at this time are focused and refocused and identified by the light of your soul. And your soul is what we call the travelling agency of your mind. "Each and every specimen of light, whether human being, whether sound, whether light, whether electricity, it doesn't matter what form of prana, the energy is modulated by frequency. Because of the rumbling sensation near your South and North Poles at this time, the modulation and the sound effects have caused a great alarm. So we are setting up another Hall of Justice in July of 1994. "We have been told by Lord Maitraya to speed up and to accelerate this frequency so that the body changes of man/ woman will not feel the physical changes on Earth. "The clock, or the countdown, at this point is ticking twelve minutes to twelve. Every two minutes represents one year. So there is not much time to allow this frequency change because of the alteration that the Earth must go through. "This Earth will be going through its fulfillment purification. That is different. The fulfillment purification will start in the year of 1995. During this time the acceleration will cause tremendous, as we call it, strains of diseases. "A disease simply means disease, not into what you classify as a strong deterioration. But we classify this as a great discomfort. "Because of the heat and because of this strong frequency change has allowed, what we call, the great revamping of your polarities. When we talk of polarities, we talk about the forces that propel and repel. We also talk about the forces that appel. "The energy change will release such a great force of intermolecular change that this will cause the whole part of the equator to be in, what we call, flash flood state.


"Welcome to Estrata Five. I am Hatonn. I am a chief grand commander. I work for the Council of 48 and when I am in my craft I am the chief councilor for the Council of 48. "We all have different estratas. We all have different titles. When I am in a spaceship, I am a chief grand commander going into any sector that I wish to go into because the Council of 48 has a large, as we call it, supervision of a lot of the different commands in the different galaxies. "There has been a lot of information that has been given to the planet Terra, Earth. And there has been a lot of questions asked as to who we are and what our role is. It is important that you should know who you are and what your role is. When we get ourselves into a very high, as we call it, order or council, it is by prestige, honor, and by, as we call it, loyalty, that we aspire to some of these very top positions here. "The earth is very important. Since I now have your consciousness elevated to 4.5 I can talk to you and you will be able to understand and you will be able to, from time to time, remember my voice. And the text will come out of your subconscious now because this is the first privilege you have had to talk to somebody in the Council of 48 and a chief grand commander. "What we do is, we interlock with your subconscious mind. And that is what is going to happen here this evening. Memory is going to be very, very important. Watch the estrana when you see a red sky. The picturesque will unlock the subconscious and reach into your superconscious mind and you will be able to recognize the conscious elevation that you are being able to receive the message from. "To clarify a few points is a very important thing and matter. There are many consciousnesses that come in various forms or energy manifestations. Remember that. Energy manifestations are space entities. They can energy manifest. This is very similar to what you have in 'beam me up Scotty'. "Forms have to go into manifestation before they can be, as we call it, beamed into ultra light. And this only takes, your earth time, a matter of seconds to bring in a different form from an advanced, and I say this, advanced planet, or spiritual light density planes. "Each one of us, in our consciousness, has a certain, as we call it, momentum and a certain experience according to our evolution. Therefore, inside of us, as during my Egyptian time when I was instructing the Pharaoh Cheops, it was important that we manifest ourselves in such a manner that we allow the auric connection cycle within your higher body to respond. This is what is happening.


"Since you are now entering into the photon belt, which is the aspect of the millennial light, you are at this particular time being conditioned. And the conditioning is starting to allow your solar plexus, even as of now, to get heavier. The expansion of the solar plexus gets heavier to release the astral body to mesh with the auric convection cycle to give that body omniscience. This is now starting on Earth. "Your bodies are now changing. And due to the conditioning of the photon belt light infinite infra-structure, your cells are starting to expand. Would you believe if you measured that at 250,000 M.P.H. Ah-ha. This means that you are all going to start having a lot of out-of-body experiences. And you will be going to school again. How do you think that we are going to condition the new bodies at school? So a lot of you are going to remember now as you start to travel, as in the case of the missing a few minutes with Odessa (Yvonne). And you were at Corona. "There are different schools. And these schools will be embedded into your superconsciousness from the subconsciousness. "An important infra-structure will be taking place of matter to infra-matter in order to coincide with the pressure that will be given off as the Earth goes into its first reentrant. The first re-entrant is March 21st, 1995. "A lot of you question the Earth time as to our time. There is no comparison. What we do is we infra-ray and measure approximately from the different energy force fields that will culminate the Earth approximately at that exact second looking into your calendar. This way we see what year or month. And as we see it, if there are going to be big changes that have to be incorporated on your Earth, we can monitor by watching. This is what is happening now. "The angels are positioned on this Earth at this time to watch and to give us the signals. So if something is not coordinated, because Earth is in the third interdimensionality freedom of choice and free will. What a great gift. And the times can be changed. "So subject to mankind's growth within their consciousness is what subjugates the change on this Earth. I want you to remember that. ther is some heavy duty terminology here. But listen carefully. It will start coming out of the subconscious mind as you start going to classes. "All of you are going to be going to the first School of Inter-stellar Light to interexchange. And that is going to be in Casseopia. Sunday evening (October 2, 1994) is your first class in your subconscious, through the superconscious, through the outer consciousness, through the interdimensionality.. You will be going to the School of Interdimensionality to learn how to cope with the changes of the body that is changing for you now.


"Do you think for one minute that we are not going to prepare you? We certainly are with great respect, love and also safety. That is important because you are really a child. Your bodies and your consciousness at this time are going to be treated as the child going into the embryo and going into the new birth of the fifth interdimension. It will be a glorious moment when you look up at yourself and look through yourself. It will be a glorious moment because you will be a luminescent light. "The changes that will be taking place on your Earth have been changed vastly according to the last, as you call it, since the Harmonic Convergence of 1987. The consciousness of the Earth has been changed drastically. In other words, there has been a lot of healing to Terra, Earth. And the earthquakes will be very minimal and volcanic action will be very minimal. "It is an honor for Hatonn to be delivering this message to you because you have expanded your consciousness into my lecture room. It will be difficult to get rid of you now once you learn to come into this higher consciousness. And it will happen even faster now. "Remember what I said. Pump the time away from Earth.

CHAPTER 36 THE ANSWER LIES WITHIN "Good evening to you all. I am Ashtar. "A lot of you, in your way and wisdom of learning, have attracted to yourself some form of belief that you constantly gurgitate with because you allow the blindness of your reason to overshadow the true reality of what you really are. You are a spirit having a human experience. And somehow, in your last 2000 years or more, you are led to believe that you are a human having a spiritual, as we call it, belief system to exist. "We are quite concerned at this time with Earth because the earth is coming into its fourth cycle of great awakening. Every animate or inanimate object has a form of memory. And I underline that. "You are, at this particular time on this earth, coming to a realization of who you really are. Your tendency is that you are running away from truth rather than running into it. You must come to terms. Within yourself there is a magnificent universe of great creation and creativity. You are, as we call it, a creator, equal with us. Although we are greatly and further advanced in, what you would classify as, technology, and yet as we search throughout the universe we still find greater knowledge than that which we have in our mode of conveyance.


"A lot of you today are searching. And because you are scratching the surface you are curious, even some of you who have come here this evening. We look at your soul light. Sometimes this soul light is projected through your aura or your energy field within the cells and the energy within your body. "It is of great importance that as you are all entering into the fourth interdimensionality that your consciousness is changing and is more acceptable to, what we call, phenomena. Your terminologies at times really fascinate us because you may have four synonyms defining one word. "Because of your language and because of your diction, you will find that, at times, you will run into great confusion of interpretation. And this is why this world is in a state of confusion. "A lot of you here are searching for a god or a goddess that is somewhere in the universe. And that is why you are so far away from reality because God is in your universe, in your microcosm, as well as the macrocosm. The prevalence of omnipresence means within your universe. And when you come to terms with the beliefs of your withinness you will start to balance and harmonize to the attunement and listen, as the great prophets say, to the still small voice. "Sometimes we are too busy listening to others. Or we like to fantasize. But the reality therapy is within you. You must relieve yourself to a point where this truth will set you free. That is your truth. By constantly searching the way some of you are searching you will stay in the searching stage and you will constantly search. Or you may get into a position where today you feel comfortable with this, tomorrow with that. And then you will find that four years later you will come back to this. So you are like that lost sheep as the great shepherd said that has gone astray. "You must learn to come back into the corral of your reasoning and understanding so that you could hear the music from the spheres, or the music of your shepherd calling you within, called the divine light, if you wish. "A lot of you, even here, have been chosen for a mission. And some of you will open up to this realization and then you will say five or six years from now, 'I say, that Instrument wasn't as loony as we thought he was'. "This whole universe has given impregnation to not only the stars. Look at it. We are tracking what is happening on Jupiter in July; a great concerning, alarming situation with just the tail of the comet. But there are other involvements that are equally important to allow you, or mankind, to change and go into, what we call, the fourth interdimensionality of understanding.


"The trend today, as you find, that even in a lot of your churches today they are not serving you the food that the spirit can grow within itself. You have to find the light. And this light is what we call the metaphysical candle of direction. What is happening today is of great importance as you see the hatred spread on this Earth, the uncontrollable part of the animal magnetism that is out of control. Remember what I said. Because you have believed for the longest time that you are a human being having a spiritual experience. Therefore, you are dividing yourself or allowing that distance between you and your reality to manifest itself in your life. "You've had a lot of great people who had come to this Earth to instill great knowledge. For example, John Stewart Mills who said, "In order to know A, you must know non A. In order to know something about anything, you must know something about its opposite." Remove the ego that blocks the way. Have an open mind even if you have to listen. "It was quite fascinating seeing this Instrument (Dr Ki) in his physical growth. Yes, we do have laughs, at times. "The whole universe is giving this impregnation of this enormous change that is coming to this Earth from your sense of reasoning and your thoughts. As you have discovered in your life, the prophet said, "the seeds that you sow, so shall ye reap." Because every day humanity is sowing seeds, which are thoughts, which are creating their destiny. ********* "We are policing the universe. Our command (the Ashtar Command) here is the headquarters command to many of the different, if you want to call them, space entities that come into your solar system. I can't count them. So there are many interactions because your soul, which is in a group soul, has been in many lifetimes involved with some of these other consciousnesses and energies. And now the happy family is coming back together so strongly in the last part of the year 2000 so that you can recognize those other entities in their higher consciousness. "First of all, what you have to do is you have to learn how to open up into these other consciousnesses to realize that there is life within that dimension. You see, if you had all your scientists here, they would have a white jacket for me and ready to commit me to your finer institutions. And I have watched them very carefully. A lot of your, as you call them, patients, really are not patients. Really, their mind is gravitating from a high to a low pulsation of mind understanding. "Ashtar is going to leave you now and bless you with the highest and the mightiest energy within you. And once you realize what this energfy is, you will open up doors and avenues to greater reason. A man who listens and doesn't criticize is intelligent. Be very careful as you progress in the next few years. 109

"God bless you and Alahoy."

CHAPTER 37 OPERATION INNER THRUST "Good evening, I am Chief Commander Kalieb. We are going to be working in this area here with our laser beams. "The changing of the guard is very important to you all in the next five to six hours. There was a lengthy discussion of the new command that will be coming to this Earth in the next twenty-four hours. We have asked for a lot of help from two other galaxies because we have a lot of motherships at this time at Jupiter. So the Jupiterian infusion will assist you in Operation Inner Thrust. "The inner thrust of mankind is what is classified as the soul beam, or the soul trek, which allows each and every species to take on the conception, in some cases through will, and in some cases through choice. Unfortunately, scanning all of these galaxies, we have only come across one planet called freedom of choice. And it is quite interesting to watch mankind and womankind in operation. "Operation Inner Thrust is where we work within you to come up with this trust between each other. You've often wondered why it has taken so long, because of your fear that we would land the way your airplanes land, would cause the world, as in the time of Orson Welles, great panic. "So we have taken on the position of inner thrust. Operation Inner Thrust started on this mountain (Mt Shasta) in 1987 with the Harmonic Convergence. A lot of you called it the first part of harmonic convergence. But we actually call it the first part of the millennial light. "You are going to go through the greatest test of your life in the next three weeks. So watch yourselves very carefully because the Jupiterian effect is causing a massive, as we call it, pulsation which is giving your gravitational pull and is causing the electromagnetic fields of yourselves to quickly expand. Therefore, it gives you, what you call, a short fuse. So I say, put on your kid gloves because it is a short life and it is one where you come into infusion, not confusion. "This whole Earth, at this particular time, is going through confusion. This is why we are doing the infusion to bring this harmonic convergence of your spirit, soul and the physical domain into, what we call, the completeness, or the balancing effect of each other. At times you come into great, as we call them, confusions, or misunderstandings, and you deal too much in your emotions. By allowing yourself to deal a lot in your 110

emotions you have a tendency than to go back to your animalistic self and only work with your five senses of physicality. "I want you to remember that. I want you to start to get yourselves into positions where you are constantly charging your auras. It is important that you deal a lot with water because the infusion that starts in the auric field is the constant, as we call it, expansion of consciousness that we deal with. We are starting to signal you in different ways. It is of utmost importance if you want to pass the test. "We all seem to want to have something happen which we feel is easy. That is not true. You will do it the ways the change is allowing you to do it and allowing us to work through you. "Do you wish to ask Kalieb any questions?" {Note: Group personal questions were posed and answered.}

CHAPTER 38 THE RAPTURE "Good evening, I am Dr See-ven. This evening I will be talking about the rapture. "There have been many different kinds of religions that have tried to describe, in not great detail, the rapture process of one's body as so indicated in your bible, called 'the twinkling of an eye'. "Throughout your ages, many of your seers and your adepts have had very close contacts with sacred, or in your case, deja vu experiences that have elated man. And because of this strong elation, man sometimes misconstrues the interpretation of the deja vu, or the close experience with his god or his goddess. "The biblical point of view leaves you wondering exactly what will transpire. Although in your Book of Revelations it gives you some focus of ideas of things that will happen prior to the end times. "The rapture is the evolution of the soul to release the spirit. When man draws closer to his god or goddess through these kind of experiences and allows himself to grow in these experiences but not question them so that he gets confused, this kind of growth becomes, what we would classify as, a very paramount birth process. "In some of your books that you are reading today, they talk about this DNA change. The process of vibrations of these experiences within the cells of mankind, or womankind, allow a sensation like a very strong magnet to force your soul and your 111

spirit into freedom. As this process is happening, mankind is labeling this in many ways. In some cases, metaphysical experiences are completely labeled in an entire field of many happenings. But it does not narrow down the exact experience according to the label. "Over the years you have had many who had experienced these similar deja vus through out-of-body experiences, like in the case of Jesus Christ and many others, as in the time of Nostradamus and many others who are not even mentioned, except in your modern days, Edgar Cayce. "The process of this evolution is where your mind, along with the vibrations of your DNA change, begins to want, or to question, more of this essence or energy. In your years, you have seen a great movement in the 1960's. In the 1940's and 1950's, this movement was already in progress. Many of you have labeled them Beatnik, and you have labeled them the Flower Children. There have been several labels to the expanding of this consciousness. "The finality of the rebirth with the soul and the spirit is what we call the love essence of the millennial light. "So it is of great interest and of great importance that this expanding of consciousness from the beginning of, what you call, the Flower Children, has come to more acceptance by youth movements and also the elderly generation. Also, there has been more acceptance by the female sex who have realized that this is comparable to rebirth that a lady or a woman would go through when giving birth. "The same energy which was in place from the time of conception is in progress now. However, in this case, the millennial light is to release the soul and spirit from the physical. But in that case, it was to bring the soul and the spirit into the body and embryo. "You will find that this movement to some extent will be drawing in the male. Then you will see a radical change, or you will find that there will be a subsiding of more groups formed by an integration where you will have more similarities in your groups that are already formed. "This energy and this DNA, because it is so strong, will allow your expansion of consciousness to grow through nine interdimensionalities of thought. It is exactly like the womb when you go through nine months before you are allowed your first breath of life, if everything is going correctly. "The expansion of this consciousness is very important because going into this new age, or millennial light, is the preparatorial stage for the kingdom, or the Christ Kingdom, on Earth. 112

"The elevation of this consciousness will draw people in higher areas to expand their consciousness in mountainous areas in some cases with people who have to be very close to water. "This kind of correlation between, what you call, the elevation of the water and your land is the elevation that your soul must travel through in order to get integrated into its higher body and become, what we call, a blossom for the millenial light. "God bless you."

CHAPTER 39 VIBRATIONAL CHANGES IN THE PHOTONIC ENERGY DR RAYNESS Of THE COUNCIL OF 48 "Good afternoon, my name is Dr Rayness. "This afternoon, I will go into some of the vibrational changes that will take place as the time and you earth filters through, what we call, the photonic energy. "Once you have entered the Photon Belt, which you are there now, causes a lot of different air masses to pass through your earth to significantly make a lot of changes that will change the energy which will cause some disturbances in the stomach, the head, the heart, the lungs and the kidney areas of the body. So one must concentrate on all of your areas when you are giving your healings, your massage therapies, or whatever you are using. ******* "The changes in the cloud masses and the intensification of winds will be quite prevalent and you will be getting different precipitation at times. "The photonic action, due to the heat that permeates the center of the Earth, will aspire outwards, back out from the Earth core at the polar areas. So in the polar areas there will be some significant changes. The warming of the Earth in the polar areas too will start to cause some ice movements. "The entering into the photonic energy of your Photon Belt is going to assist people who are into healing. There will be a lot of work done in that area. "Therapy with crystals is going to be very important. There will be a lot of use for rose quartz, amber and jade. Jade, when submerged in water for three days, will activate a 113

very strong healing current. This will heal by simply placing the stone on certain parts of the body for just short interims when you are doing your healing. Do not place them for too long because that will sometimes cause too much energy which may cause some form of discomfort. "You will have to remember that the traveling into places into nature, like you were in the medicine wheel areas, are of prime importance. Certain elevations and hill areas will be flowing very strongly with a lot of healing energy coming from trees. I want you to remember that. The healing energy will be flowing from trees, or from areas like cliffs and these mountains that are exposed because they will be heavily charged. "Spend as much time as you can outdoors. When it is fair weather, go to your mountains and do an extremely high meditation. Your meditation is, what we call, your infusion into the earth's core and also infusion into the earth's atmosphere. "Your purification of thoughts that will be given off into the atmosphere will be coinciding with the heavy movement of angels at this particular time who will transport these thoughts to higher, as we call them, galaxies where other thoughts will be joined and also onward into higher spheres where the millennial light new understanding will come to earth. "So during that period of 1996, the stronger awareness is coming to earth because of your meditations and there will be a strong growth of understanding. This will be, what you call, the new age enlightenment period for at least five years from 1996 to 2001. We classify that as the infusion time of this great knowledge where mankind will become once again very much aware of the principles of life and survival. "During this time there will be a strong wave of ascension where some will be taken off this earth and it will be the first ascension of the Second Coming of the Christ Consciousness and also the beginning of the upliftment of certain students coming on an exchange. "We can call that the exchange culture where certain ones of you will be taken and you will be given higher knowledge in that arc and that is the second wave in the years 2001 to 2011. "So that infusion of the higher consciousness again brings great knowledge. At this particular time, the height of awareness will be of great, great importance because this will bring in the third phase of the ascension where you will be visited by great teachers from outer space and great materializations of grand masters will appear on the earth for you. You will be inter-exchanging your ideologies until you get to the level of, what we call, the first phase of Millennial One.


"The first phase of Millennial One, because of the infusions of this great Millennial Light, will allow mankind his freedom of spirit. By this time, the body infusion, by the year 2022, will be into, what we call, the millennial body, or Phase Two. "Then there will be another strong blending of the millennial light which will encircuit. By this time, with all the infusions, and your great support that you give Mother Earth by doing your 12:12 and by doing your 11:11 and by doing the higher, we call it, ultra sconing meditation, which you will be doing from your superconsciousness, will allow the earth's core its complete healing for the millennial, or the Golden Age, to take its great place here on this earth. "At this stage mankind will then have an inter-cellular infusion to the cells of the body. This will cause a different kind of energy that you will require for your food consumption. You will be more into, what we call, heavy foods of very strong purification. "You will be able to grow these yourselves in your own hydroponics. You will be able to bring your food stocks in over short periods of time of growth. You will be able to produce. So there will be no shortages at that time through this total global conscious change. "Also, your mode of conveyance will be done at that particular time through strictly telepathy. You will be in contact. Your distant travel; you will have at your disposal, what we call, am IFO, which sometimes you relate to as UFO. So your travel will be very quickly. You will be able to again minimize your time of travel. You will be able to travel around your world entirely within less than an hour. "You will be bringing in the communicational data to a very short period of time where you will be entirely knowing exactly what is going on. This kind of mode will replace a lot of your television that you have here for communication. You will be having, at that time, inter-galactic television where you will be able to turn on stations where you will contact other galaxies. So there will be quite a change in, what you classify as, your communications systems. "Do you wish to ask Dr Rayness any questions"> [Group Questions] Q: "Where are you from, what planet?" A: "I am from the Council of 48. The Council of 48 is in the Galaxy of Andilla.. We have immediate control of all of the galaxies including your Earth. We have control of the changes that will be taking place. We are like news reporters." Q: "Inter-galactic Communications, what year will that start?" 115

A: "We can see that possibly starting for you in the year 2011 and perfected in the year 2022. So that is not really too far from this period of time. There will be greater changes than the ones you are seeing now because there will be a change in your population." {Several others questions were posed and answered.} "I hope I have instilled some knowledge to you here. I have to go because they are calling me back now. May the blessings of your inner light cause that kind of infusion of great knowledge to help mankind."

CHAPTER 40 THE BABE IN THE MANGER "Good evening, my dearly beloved. It is so nice to come into your midst. I am Sananda. "A lot of you walk in the corridors of life and each time and each moment to the most, as we call it, horrific times of life. We have to come to assist and to show significant changes to mankind to show him that he is cared for right from the very beginning of his caressing. This is why we are going to talk tonight about the babe in the manger. "When I first came here during the time of the Roman era, that was a very signifiacnt time of great terror. Even now, you see this blackness and these forces and these waves returning here. "We are preparing you for one of the most significant changes, which we call the ascension, ascending from this kind of interdimensionality that does not work. It destroys. It is constant destruction. "We come here every, it seems in our era and history, if you look at it very carefully, 2000 years seems to be a precise timing. So you are close to that time now. "I am returning and this time I am returning in a fleet of space craft. This is why this is so important to you all at this particular time to get yourself together, you get yourself within yourself, to feel the real reality of who you really are. "For the longest time you have strayed. Even to the doctrines you have strayed. You have strayed in your reality. You have not come together with your understanding and with your reasoning. Dying inside of yourself is very important. We try to teach this. This was very difficult throughout the ages because of your high priests and your different religions at the time. They had come to block us. You would think it would work in an opposite way because love flows in a direction of redirection. It seems that at that 116

particular time love was only directed to the manifestation of mankind within his own deification. Deification sometimes is what leads us totally astray. "We come to you and we watch each earth differently. We watch each earth very carefully and we watch the progress of the deification of form and the birth of the spirit. It seems that the seedling upon its first entry through manifestation, and whatever form it takes, seems to always want to go back home in the direction of where it is planted and where it has its original origin. So therefore, when the seedling is sent out now, it is sent out with a soul and a spirit in order for the knowledge and all of the exemplification. You are a spirit that has to exemplify consciousness to give reality to the physical form that you are in, in order to awaken the spirit to its highest form. "When you come here, it is of great, great importance that each and every one of you have different ideas, ideologies that have been handed down through customs and traditions and through your own inner training of form. This is where mankind drifts back to, what we call, the Garden of Eden concept which we had generated to you in the Book of Genesis. Here we had mentioned to you that the Garden of Eden is a plantation of the first origin of species in form. "A lot of you somehow, through the different terminologies and through misconstruing the definitions, through your different languages, have come up with different meanings, or definitions, of how these forms had taken on these very strong species and had degenerated back into form rather than allowing the reverse osmosis of the birth of the spirit to take the soul into total reality. "All of you here have lost that concept of total reality. You have only just a small glimpse of reality through the awakening of the spirit. You are allowing your spirit to awaken to that form of reality. "We come back with our legions. We come back with our angels. We come back with our highest ascended masters to try to awaken this spiritual door in you into its fullest and into its ascension. We have allowed that soul its second, we call it, migration within you, to awaken in the lowest form of you. This is why we use the manger. When this awakening of its lowest form in you gathers this momentum, as shown in the time of Moses, that they had to hide him from the great Roman era and also from the great Egyptian era. "It is of great importance here that you allow that little child to be born in the manger. You see, a manger, which is a lowest form of your formality, gives birth to, what we call, your soul within your spirit. So the second birth allows the freedom, or the escape, of allowing this form to dissipate in hell. And I use that term and I do not use that term loosely. 117

"A lot of you have misinterpreted that as the ages have gone along; whether you looked at the henna, or hades. But when you look at this term of hell, the deterioration of yourselves, this sickness, and if you look at how mankind deteriorates through diseases, you see that that is the hell that you are allowing yourself to go through that you could allow yourself to bypass. You could miss that. You can allow the body, through this rebirth of this holy consciousness of the Christ Child, you can allow, what we call, renewness of body. "This renewness of body regenerates the cells. These cells go into ascension. That is what I taught on the cross in that gloomy night when I called out to the Father and asked, and asked to take me Home. This is the anxiety that goes through your body the last most tensest moment of the real feeling of you as humanity leading into the birth process of regeneration and going into your ascension, even ascending your body. "When the soldier ran as the rock was removed and the great millennial light had inoculated me with the consciousness of renewness, this consciousness of renewness gave me total day. Through the regeneration to these cells within the body, there was no more night. There was no more hell. There was no more frequency of tension, of state of being. Hell is a state of being. "Every one of you that is living at this particular time has freedom of choice to choose that again, whether to go through osmosis through the regeneration of the body into the new body to complete regeneration rather than allowing the spirit and the soul to leave through some form of demise. "You may ask the question. 'Was I still living on the cross?'. Certainly. But everybody has to bear the greatest agony of this kind of regeneration to show mankind that we care for you. But I was not only used. I shouldn't use the term used; showing the example. But there were many who came who had to go through the same struggle to show you that greater works shall ye do that I to regenerate your own soul to save yourself off this agonizing cross to go immediately into, what we call, ascension to allow that Christ Child its lineage, its inheritance and its totality of understanding and its omniscience, its omnipotence and its omnipresence. "How could we be in one place and another place and another place at the same time? Through that form of regeneration and that is very important that the discipline that some of you will be learning and some of you will be losing. What should it profit you to gain the whole world and lose your own soul?


"So a lot of you will be coming into certain phases of this new ascension age where you are still not going to understand. Some of you are going to, as we call it, persevere and a lot of you are going to become, as we call it, the new bringers of the dawn. "This birth of mine was very important that you celebrate here every year. A lot of you have difficulty with that. A lot of you do not have difficulty with that. You've commercialized the spirit. You've deified the spirit and you've taken every meaning out of love. And yet, on this great day you all seem to give. But you never really understand what you are giving and why you are giving and how you are giving. For what you are really giving is part of yourself. That part of yourself is very important. So you have to come to terms with your believing, your forgiving and your giving. "The law of the universe is on your side when you are on the side of the law of the universe. All of these changes that you are going to be making during the next three waves of this very strong ascension is one of great decision. A lot of you are going to make and take magnificant strides. "There are some journeys. There are some inter-journeys. But you are linking into and you will all link into those great grand masters that you sat at their kness as a holy child before you were really sent out into the universes to take on form and to give off expansion of consciousness in order to experience life. "I leave you now and say to you all; God bless you and may your soul and my soul touch in such a harmony that your tear and my tear is exactly the same. God bless you."

CHAPTER 41 The Gradual Millennial Change "Good morning to you all. I am Grand Commander Lae. "You all seem to be very, if I can use the word, sprite. That's not a drink in our language. "This morning, it is very important that a lot of you are concerned about some of your health changes because of the strong vibrations that your Earth is going through. They're shifting the axis in the next decade, or ten years of your time, by approximately four degrees, because of the new span of millennial change. This change is going to be very gradual because it will cause a lot of tension in the central nervous system which causes tension in the temples of your head area. This will vibrate your pituitary and your pineal glands into the fourth and fifth dimensional sight. 119

"What will happen on Earth is, because of the Earth change bodies, humanity will go through quite a change with the chromosomes and the DNA in the body. Because of the altering of the rhythmic flow within the heart, of course, a lot of people will have heart palpitations. A lot of you will be running to your doctor and taking pills which will be very unnecessary. This gradual change is affecting the heart area, which is the center of, what you call, your universe, or your chakras. This chakra is going to maintain the balance and the control to the rest of your body, as you know, from studying your chemotherapy. "This is very important in your next year to two years, because around the electromagnetic field of your cells, the cells as you understand in your own terminology, are producing 9 million cells in your body within one second. Now, this is going to be altered and you will be producing more cells. What will happen is the auric field that is around each cell will be giving off more energy. So you will be feeling pulses of warm air, or warmth within your body temperature. So the body temperature may go from 98.6 to 99.6. So be prepared because there are going to be a lot of changes within the heat structure of the firmament also. So there are a lot of changes taking place on your Earth. "You, who are here, who are studying your metaphysical sciences, of course, will be the privileged ones who will get the first honor to go through the changes knowingly. Sometimes it may be wise to go through it unknowingly because then you are not getting too conscious of this change and feeling that it is more negative than positive. It is not negative. It is a positive change into, what we call, the millennial direction. "The Golden Age on this Earth was first slated by the Lumerian time and the Atlantean time. This is nothing new because these have happened before. So there will be a lot of changes where you will find people may be odd, or may be very strange mentally. This is all part of this change too. We have to take you through, what we call, a shaft. The way we will be doing this is we will be increasing your dreamstate and allowing you to go through your subconscious into your superconscious more often. "The shaft is something that you go through in demise, or through your death stage. A lot of people have reported going through a tunnel and this is going to start happening. You will be going through the tunnel, but you will not be going into demise. So we will warn you ahead of time here that a lot of you in metaphysics are going to undergo some changes that are not going to put you into a comfort zone. "So be prepared because your Earth, as of tomorrow, enters the second phase of the Photon Belt. This is, what we call, the exciting belt. It is very exciting. As a matter of fact, it is very exciting in the firmament. So constantly, on clear nights, clear days, keep looking up because a lot of things are going to start happening in the firmaments, especially at night when you see a lot of cosmic comets displayed. 120

Once you get into the warm part of the Photon Belt, then there is a rapid decay taking place with the comet structures that will be breaking apart and the particles, of course, will be flowing into the various galaxies and, of course, the Earth will get its share of fragmentation. It's called the fragmentation of change. "That electro-magnetic field, as was displayed on Jupiter; you are now entering into, what we call, the after affects of those waves. Those waves are producing ley lines. A lot of you will have to get accustomed to ley lines. "Incidently, I am picking up a telepathic message here that Petron has just been promoted to a grand commander. So I am just passing this on. "Now, getting back to these ley lines, wherever you are going to be finding vortexes, they are going to change the alteration of the waves that are caused by this Jupiterian affect to miminize, what we call, the after affects of slippage of tectonic plates. All of this is the cause of rebirthing. Remember that a lot of people, through rebirthing, will suffer unless they get their solar plexus intuned with the ley lining. "The ley lining is one of the most important changes in the new body structure of your chromosomes and, of course, your auric field of your cells. The ley lining are energy fields that are of very strong affect where one will balance. A lot of you will feel very comfortable in various areas where you will be. As I see, some of you here will be called to go to certain mountainous areas. Some of you have already received those instructions. So please, within your questioning technique, after I'm finished giving you this lecture, ask the questions of where your ley lines are so that you can go and charge your solar plexus of your body to a very high energy so that you will not feel nausea. "This morning, some of you felt this nausea and a sort of shifting within your head area. This is going to start to happen even more predominately in your spring equinox. Be ye ready. "In your spring equinox, there will be a rapid fast slippage of the tectonic plates. Your equinox, of course, puts your sun into a position where your day and night are equal. So what happens with this kind of light that is coming to the Earth, it is a very heavy impregnation that will affect the Earth's core. This therefore, gives the Earth's core its rebirthing and places it into its six months stage, as you would equalize this with the mother's womb. So the rebirthing of Mother Earth, of course, is coming closer, giving it, what you call, the stomach pangs and, of course, affecting the veins which are the tectonic plates.


"So be ye prepared therefore to get yourselves into some very high attunements, especially in your March new moon and your March full moon (1995). Remember this; this is very important for you metaphysicians. The new moon is intunement. The full moon is attunement. There is a big difference here. The intunement is when the energy field fills the solar plexus and allows a strong kundilini force from the Earth to move up gently and to calibrate with each one of your psychic centers, or your chakras, in what we call, a very gentle upward flow. "The full moon activates the centers in a downward motion, where you new moon is in an upward motion. There is a big difference. The attuning is when you are attuning to the central nervous system to, what we call, the macrocosm, the central sun of the universe. "The intunement is when you are balancing to the Earth's core attunement and you are balancing all your centers. If you are doing this properly, you will feel this when you are in your meditation. Remember that there is a phantom center that is connected to the central nervous system. It is always constantly in neutrality. That is called your third psychic center that balances in the universe. It is highly affected by intunement. "The attunement flow is highly affecting your twelfth, eleventh and your tenth chakra. These three chakras are attached to the outer aura. The remainder of your centers are in your physical body just slightly attached to the vibration of the inner aura becoming the core that supplies the energy to your physical body. You are all accustomed to the location of seven centers. The eighth center is at the bottom of your feet which allows the kundiline force its re-entrant. "That is very important in your intunement during new moon, because that opens up the center in a strong vibrational wave. So you will have a great inner thrust of the white light of the kundilini. That is the fire serpent. That is the Earth's core coming into your body allowing the centers slowly to vibrate and to change in its chromosomic structure and to allow a strong flow that comes upward into the central universe. That is why you should be concentrating on orange, the seat of the soul. In your meditations now, you will do that. You will start concentrating more on orange and on the seat of the soul. What will be happening then is the seat of the soul will allow the projection of your astral body, if you wish to call it that, your spirit body, if you wish to call it that, through the shaft. You will be going in and out, into higher dream state. You will be traveling more often in the macrocosm of the universes. "Now, we must get this straight. There is more than one universe. The expansion and contraction of your fission and your fusion is the creative force of the masculine and the feminine. Your fusion is feminine. That is the coming together of the Golden Age. This is why we call this the gender female movement. And you females, do not get egotistical. This is a female gender movement, at this time, called rebirthing. 122

"This movement is very important because fusion is the integration of the embryo. Fission is the breaking apart of the embryo. This is why this Earth constantly, in its last 100 years, has been bombarded by fission and has broken apart in such a rapid way. Hatred and murder is the by-product of, when fission goes out of control. This is why, now, this fusion is bringing it back and rebirthing the Earth through the access of the Photon Belt. "Every 26,000 years, a five dimensional change takes place on this Earth. So therefore, third dimensional humanity, upon allowing its spirit to awaken in this gentle fashion, by the awareness process that you are feeling this change, will be part of this rebirthing. Some will not do that. Some will be taken. Some will be taken in the rapture. Some will be taken through, what we call, a demise. "There are great changes to take place on this Earth in the next ten years of your Earth time. First is the rebirthing of the Mother Earth. That is through, as you have seen it, the extreme weather changes. This Earth, at one time, when it was going through its first rebirthing, had winds that were up to 1000 miles per hour. The winds will go up to 110. In some places, to 150. In some places, 200. The cyclonic winds and the tornadoes will double. And the tectonic plates in the Atlantic will be more predominant. The Pacific Ocean is being restructured at this time. So there will be some big shifts in the Pacific Ocean because of the depletion of plankton which is the oxygen to your Earth, along with the trees, which you have depleted. "Plankton has been depleted in the Mediterranean Sea to such a great extent and also in the Atlantic. The Pacific is very fortunate. But there will be a serious situation that develops around this. But we are reprogramming this at this time. "The ley lining of vibrations is really, what we call, the tetrahedron of your soul vibration. Each one of you here have heard of the terms that have been used in the last three years to five years, of the introduction of tetrahedron in your Cheops Complex, the Mars Complex, the Venus Complex, or the Pluto Complex. "In each galaxy, each tetrahedron will be used to contact that planet. So each one of you, in your outer aura, has what we call, a tetrahedron. This will be what you will align yourself through the ley lining to be able to make distant contact upon this completion of this change. It is like your long distance telephone. You'll be able to make your long distance calls. So those people that you have imprinted with, with your out-of-body experiences, you will be able to speak to them through mind control, through mind talk. This is called the fission and the fusion of ley lining.


"Ley lines are like telephone wires for your ordinary telephones that you have here now. This is going to be, what we call, the improvement of your communications. Upon the completion and the changes on your Earth, through these ley lines, you will be able to communicate to your friends by simply thinking about them and speaking to them directly through thoughts and they will pick that up. So B.C. Tel will not make any money during that time. "Ley lines are very important because they are going to be the veins connecting you to your higher body. Therefore, there are areas on this Earth that will have conducive energy to this kind of ley lining where you will go and become very comfortable. Plus, there are no shifting of tectonic plates there because those are being shifted now. So those will be, what you may call, dome caps, or power spots. And you as eagles will gather in the higher places in the end times. The end times are beginning. The signs are now showing, releasing and giving death to this dispensation. Therefore, this dispensation, as we term, the end of this era, or Earth, or world, is now coming to a climax. "When we term this, we look at it as a change in super-structure, allowing a completed energy to make humanity the God/Goddess that they really are. So you will be using great potential of energy to cause creation right where you will be. "So in this new change, on the Mother Earth Terra, you will be able to contact distant galaxies. You will be able to program yourself and you will be able to, as we call it, watch television that will be coming from the Milky Way. "So these changes will allow you, or humanity, for the first time in 26,000 years, through your superconsciousness, which will be, as we call it, your soul, will be using the full potential of superconsciousness. Your spirit will be using the full potential of superconsciousness. And you will create. You will create. "This is interesting. Because of the great change in your bodies, you will be able to create for yourselves just that need that is required. So you may probably ask the question, 'How will we travel?' And I will say to you that levitation and I will say dimensional and I will say to you telepathy, thought travel. There will be many ways that you will be able to travel. So General Motors will go broke and many of your big companies that are producing vehicles will go broke because you will produce your own vehicle. You may wish to call it the astral Ford. By all means, whichever term turns you on to feel comfortable with your chassis, then that is what you will do. I call it the I.F.O. It is classified therefore as the identified flying object, instead of the U.F.O. 'Now, that is interesting. Dimensional travel will be at your hand in order to travel and not disturb, or lose or gain time. This is the trouble that the astronauts would have, if say, they went to Pluto, or say they went to another galaxy in Orion. They have not 124

discovered how to work through dimensional travel where they will go into their new area without losing any time, per se, as in Earth time. If you are traveling from Earth, it's going to change. If you are traveling from Pacifica, or Orion, naturally it's again reversed because, one, you are aging, the other, you are getting younger. "So you see, in order to balance this kind of energy flow, number one, with the new body change, you do not get, what we call, a decay because you are going into and you will be into longevity. So, with that body, it's going to make a big difference where you will travel. And then, there is another very strong, very, very strong change. And that is the change of intermolecular travel. For that inter- molecular travel, you have to go into, what we call, a chamber which will affect your molecules within the chromosomes and DNA. Now that you are in this conducive body, that can happen. "You will go into your chambers within your I.F.O. and the 'Beam Me Up Scotty' is going to be very effective. You will be able to do what some of your space brothers, like myself, are doing now, because of this body change that will take place on this Earth starting in this decade. It will complete itself in the year 2032. There will be three distinct changes in, what we call, three phases of the ascension. "The first phase of the ascension is done right here to the body. The second phase of the ascension is done while you are in your travels to the various galaxies. And the third phase, which is the completion phase of the ascension, is when you make your decision exactly where you want to go, or be. "A lot of you, because of this travel into, what we call, some parts and aspects of infinity, when you are reaching and looking into, what we call, the infamous and also the infinity and the reintroduction of this rebirthing of soul, it is magnificent. It is so glorious that maybe some of you will not come back to, what we call, Terra, or Earth, to spend that 1000 years in the Golden Age. You will have your wings as mentioned in your biblical book. You will have the strength of the wings of eagles. "When you have this strength and when you reach out and you flow into these dimensions of the beauty, testing your wings, you will not really want to come back. Each one of you will go into, what we call, your intermolecular space, as the same as the ley lining here on Earth. "That is the magnificance and the great feeling of this awe, this constant ah-ha. This is the glorious state of being, the very glorious state of being. A lot do not come back to Terra. That is the strongest phase of this ascension. That is the strongest phase that you sense of this rapturing away from Mother Earth, leaving home, going into the exploratory stage, once again, of you life. "This is something that is very important; the way you, now at this time, give strength to your wings, the way you are nurturing with this metaphysical food and thought. You are gaining now and you are building and you are giving strength to your higher body. And 125

in the second stage of the ascension, you will give away to that body and that nurturing and you will start growing as that child of infinity. You will start growing as that child of infinity into outer space, reaching out. "Know, there is no limitations because this is the most glorious moment of your life. Rapturing from the cocoon to the butterfly is the third stage of ascension, becoming that metaphysical butterfly, giving full strength to the new Jerusalem, giving full strength to that new body, that new, as we call it, the Jerusalem Command, the Celestrial Command. It is beautiful because when you are in that interdimensional stage, then the flow and the constancy of your travel into all of those interdimensions, from one to twelve, will be acceptable. Except, you will have some difficulties with the first and the second interdimensions. That is where you will go to train the lower form of animals so that they too can come to some sort of cosmic awareness. The first and the second interdimensional stage is what we call the lost planets. "When you are in these glorious spheres, you will stop off to get into, what we call, the metaphysical oasis. Those are tropical, metaphysical paradises. If you think, for one moment, as you look at the Bahamas, and as you look at the Mediterranean, as you look at the Hawian Islands, that is not even a drop in the bucket of the paradise that you will be going into. It is the paradise unknown which will become paradise known. "Your changes, my brothers and sisters, your changes are slowly back to infinity, slowly going back home, the prodigal son and the prodigal daughter of your spirit returning into these paradises, regenerating, rejuvenating, becoming, becoming solar flare, becoming fused and infused in the balance and the harmony of what your soul really is. "Here, you are captivated by a physical body that allows only limitiations through the subconscious to the superconscious. Remember what I said; from the subconscious to the superconscious. But once you release back and as you are becoming the solar flare of your soul, totally submerged in superconscious creativity, there are no limitations. You are free. You are a free spirit once again returning to the galaxy of your balance. "This is very important for all of you right now, through the infusion of the intunement of new moon, and the attunement. When the intunement and the attunement come together in such a fashion, the infusion of the fusion, and what we call fission, gives birth to the spirit. You've heard many terminologies here on this Earth. 'You must be born again.' And it is so true that you must be born again. And there is this fire concept with this fission and fusion of the spirit giving birth to your soul setting you free, setting you into motion. "This is very important that during those times you must watch and keep a very close vigil on your calendar. It is always prudent not to go beyond the proximity of two days 126

before, or after, this new moon, or full moon, on your calendar. Otherwise, you lose the affect of the solar and the lunar pranic affect. It is no good then. But two days before and two days after. Some of you find that this kind of thing is very inconvenient. But then remember, two days before, or two days after, try to keep in this strong energy flow because this is a gift. "God's gift to you is life. And your gift to God is how you live it. And that is very important. That harmonious gifting and giving is so important that you must constantly keep a vigil on new moons and full moons. And even the quarter changes are very important to this new birthing. Remember that. Your best meditations will be during your moon phases. It is very important. And I inculcate that. That is like them coming down and giving you a transfusion. So remember to keep your meditations. "Now as I leave the lecture phase of it, and come to you for questions, please remember that your ley lining is very important as to where you should be to get paramount amounts of energy, even during the moon phases." [Note: Group personal questions were posed on ley lining].

CHAPTER 42 The True Universal Genesis "Good evening to you all. This is the first time that I am contacting the consciousness of this Instrument. "I find you Earth people very interesting. You go into stillness and yet you make noise. As your recorder made a noise, you all jumped out of your consciousness. It's very strange that you would do that. Keep still and be still and do not play anything that makes a noise. Your modern technology seems to be so far-fetched each time you are learning to work with materialality in the third degree, or state, of dimension. You will never get away from that gentle touch that we have when we do things by controlling minds. When we say controlling minds, we mean the mind of consciousness in manifestation. "For the longest time, on this Earth, you've created a god, or a goddess, for yourselves from the third dimensional thought. Therefore, you have, as we call it, contaminated your Earth with religiousity and different religions that don't seem to work for everybody. Isn't that strange that you are knocking yourselves against the wall? I find that rather strange. If you're not a Baptist this week, through conversion, maybe a Catholic six years down the way. "I find that when you have choices to choose your God or Goddess, you seem to go into some form of creativity. Although, on this Earth, you have these freedom of 127

choices, sometimes that causes a lot of confusion. However, it gives you that form of comfort where you can make mistakes constantly. Doesn't that sound wonderful? "So therefore, in this state of mass confusion, how could you create a god or a goddess that is the origin of species that has the first control, or the first say-so, of who each species is in interdimensionality of form? I find that very interesting because the more confusing it gets, the more interesting it seems. "So Earth people seem to want to get confused to become interesting. And we find that we have to work with a principle , or a premise, of a universe of constant learning. And in this vast universe, it's called coming together into a focal point of understanding mass consciousness as it is giving itself form and identifying itself on the various planets, or galaxies, where you are having, what you call, this oneness, or this understanding, of truth which will set you free. "It is the same in all of the galaxies. Therefore, the principle of God, or Goddess, which is ever established in whatever galaxy and does not make sense to the next form, or the next species, is handed down through the blending of consciousness. You are getting more gods, or more goddesses. And you're getting more principles of what God/Goddess really is and you are trying to figure it out in a third dimensionality. The God/Goddess works in the principle of every dimensionality there is through the consciousness of manifestation. This is where you are going wrong. The God/Goddess that you're trying to imagine, or you're trying to pictorialize, as you do in some sort of big book like your bible, again you are coming to a term of acceptance. "When you come to some term of acceptance within your own mind, being scientific, as it is, it doesn't seem to fit. In other words, the shoe does not fit the foot. And why? Because the foot is constantly maturing and the size of the foot therefore, wants to take on a larger size shoe. So how can you come to terms with your God/Goddess? You must, first of all, come to terms with manifestation. "The manifestation of energy, between fusion or fission of creating is, what we call, the form or the species within the galaxy, or within the planet within the galaxy. Do not forget that the creativity is a constant garden of light in manifestation, therefore, giving form in different states of manifestation. So, as you manifest then on the state of Pluto, due to your consciousness, you will view your God/Goddess different. As you manifest therefore, on the Pleiades, you will view your God/Goddess different. And why shouldn't it be? Because you are in that form and you are in that state of consciousness. Therefore, you are reviewing from only the kind of skills that your mind has in your mental body, at that time, trying to put together some form of picture in your own mind 128

to get comfort within yourself to understand some form of beginning and ending to this kind of chronology that you have. Is that your viewpoint of God/Goddess? "Is your manifestation therefore, limited in perspective to the density in the form that you are in? Or, are you classifying your Earth like I hear, by many of your scientists? I hear them saying that you are, what you call, a homosapien. So your scientists therefore, are trying to come close to their reality of explaining away who you really are. "There was one principle that I would say, through manifestation, and I say that very slowly, man-in-festing, and then in station. But, if you look at that very carefully, what that simply means is that you are manifesting reality in the terms where it makes sense to the basic principle of your mentality of understanding the homo sapien. "So therefore, through the confusion of the ages, even on your own planet, coming from culture to culture to culture to culture, you do not write it down until the time of your historical time of events of going back to, as you call it, writing it and then putting it on file of 10,000 years. I find that very important that you have missed out on a lot of your writing and journalistic skills of what you have gone through since the time of all the different cultures coming through form and manifestation on this Earth. "So you see then, Earth is only a breaking away of a small element of fusion and fission of that which was already in space in some form of reality yet before. So how can you actually, when you look at this in its basic perspective, say then that there is a beginning and an end, when constantly in mass and in form, through creation, recreation, manifestation, and form. Therefore, you cannot measure light, whether it is in deflection, or deflection through a principle of Earth time. It just doesn't work because energy is constant in massive change as within proportion to its creativity giving some form of design in the universe and then coming back down into its fission and fusion and then taking on a galactic form anf then taking on a planet form and them taking on a conscious form of reality through interdimensional, called homosapien. "Interesting, how mankind loses touch with species and with form and interdimensionality. It just seems like he wants to be superficial on this Earth. It seems like, that somebody who reads sixteen books and has his P.H.D., is the one that's knowledgeable, now playing the game that knows it all. With the vast degrees and systems you have on this Earth, it becomes even more confusing. "Within oneself there is also a central point of a galactic thought, naming your fusion and your fission to integrate, or to break away from. It seems that mankind is in a state of integrating and breaking away from. Just look at yourselves. All across your world and your fancy lands, like the Middle East, look at the fission and fusion there. Then go back over into your Baltic and over into your older medieval states, called your Russian states. Look at it there. Integration, fusion and confusion. You better believe it. 129

"You see, with the principles that you have on this Earth right now where you have to be governed, it means that somewhere there has to be control and then it gets out of control and somebody else controls, like your budget. Interesting. Do you have to be controlled? Or can you come into manifestation and manifest reality in the form that you want it to be? It seems highly unlikely on this planet Earth. But let me tell you. Once the system crumbles, or breaks down, as you see it losing spokes in the wheel now, in your year 2005, we have a new system. Interesting. It is very interesting. "Where you do not have control anymore, where you manifest your own reality and destiny from your own thinking, as you control your own manifest destiny, and it is very interesting when mankind gets into that flow. You see, that is what it is like on Venus. Venus is the most advanced spiritual planet in the entire universe. This is why you are getting a lot of your E.T.'s who are going through, because Venus is so close. And Mars, let me tell you that Mars had a very high state of consciousness until it was attacked. And we say attacked by great forces of control. "There are those of atomic structure who function by having, what we call, power and authority. But, looking into the universe, what is the real God/Goddess concept of reality? One must not look at that from your own perspective of mentality because from your own perspective of mentality, you are looking through the eyeglasses of mundane vision. In other words, you are trying to learn from some sort of a textbook. This one tells you this. Mind you; there are some interesting scientific books that I find, some that are very interesting and confusing. However, the mind is boggled and the mind plays games. And since you have been game playing here on Earth and on Mars, you are doomed to destroy what you have in consciousness state. That is very important. "Consciousness state is where you allow your manifestation to become extinct, as they did in Mars. You see the vast red destruction that is encircling this beautiful planet which at one time was called the planet of majestic charm. And it is unfortunate that this kind of deterioration is trying to assume the God/Goddess, and becoming the God/Goddess and then challenging the entire universe. Is that the God/Goddess concept of the Central Sun. And yet, the Central Sun controls and demands some form of control within the entire universe. But, the control that the Central Sun, which is the true God/Goddess, the true genesis, or universal genesis, of all the beginnings, is a neutral mind. Think about that. A neutral mind. "When you people, in principle, become a neutral mind, that means that you can accept beyond the `acceptance of one strict control. Then you are manifesting into destiny of, what we call, the true universality of manhood, or womanhood, or formhood. It doesn't matter what interdimensionality you get yourself into because the environment within each galaxy that's controlled, dictates the kind of form, or formality, that you're going to 130

take on through, what we call, thinking. You see, thinking is the continuation of energy within the universe that works the fusion or fission. Ah-ha. Now we are getting close to hitting the nail on the head. "Do you understand this principle here that there are some figments, or fragments, of your belief system which are workable. But you have to work them into, what we call, a thinking fission and fusion of neutrality. When you have this kind of vast teaching that one must control, two must control, three must control, then you get a lot of pride and then the egotistical side of thinking becomes the principle of what you are ruled by. And that is called government. Your government, look at it. Have a good look at it. It has problems when I look at it. I tried every set of eyeglasses possible, but I still can't see through the reality of how they are thinking to control such a budget that is totally out of control. "But you become a spark within your own society. And until your pocket is empty, until all the holes are burnt out of your pocket, until you have nothing left, then you start thinking of a new system. And that is what is going to happen. You're going to think of a new system. You're going to manifest therefore. First of all, I said that what starts into the central universe, or the central sun, of neutrality, the deflections, reflections, that you have in your own sun, are sent out. That kind of energy, without solar flare, there would never be thought or thinking. Therefore, you have thinking then. "The Central Sun is now reversing itself into, what we call, the Age of Justice allowing that kind of reflection of consciousness to slowly pervade certain parts of the galaxy, the one being the galaxy where your art is in, called the New Age of finding yourself. You are finding out who you really are. Who you really are is going to determine who you are going to be. "Remember this, because the teaching aspects are the skills and the tools that are used in the universe in totality. You are totality. Each time you think, your thought becomes the tool that goes into the central universe and comes back in the form of manifestation. So you are now picking up the energy of deflection and reflection of, what you call, your fission and fusion. You are finding that fission, the disintegration is a lot more rapid, therefore taking control of fusion and causing a lot of confusion. Now you are coming into this new age. So therefore, we have to add a little bit of heat to the universe. And that is happening. "You are now drifting through, with your thought creation, into your Photon Belt. This Photon Belt is going to bring you into this age of knowledge where you're going to get into manifestation of neutrality. Therefore, in neutrality, everyone is right. How can you be right in neutrality? It is because, in neutrality, there is no control.


And in neutrality, there is no, what we call, rank structure, or somebody, like who you would have here in your government, as your prime minister (or president). In this neutrality, you are the cabinet. You are the prime minister. You are the senate. This is because you come to a state of consciousness where you see that by being neutral to everything, you are trying to become supreme, or defused. You want to and you become more supreme through that state of manifestation. "Constantly, you will be upgrading your mentality to become, as we call it, becoming the higher self of your creativity. You have drifted in three states of consciousness; from the subconscious to the conscious to the superconscious. You are always wanting to drift in the various states of realization. That is pish-posh. By drifting into states, you are constantly going to drift into states. You must come to, what we call, a neutral basis of superconsciousness. And that's what you manifest and that's your state. In other words, this is where the prodigal child, or the prodigal son, comes home to stay, or to roost, within its own highest conscious state of thinking. "When you come into your highest state of thinking, then you are going to manifest for yourself, what we call, manifest destiny. Manifest destiny is the origin of the species in its original state of constancy and balance. "In the universe, as you spring from cosmic dust to cosmis dust, to cosmic form, to cosmic form, taking on reality, there is never a beginning or an end. On your Earth, there is a time factor where you determine, what you call, a time of your manifest destiny, as in a period of an era. For example, you have the Roman Era; as for example, in the Persian Era, coming to its close. In other words, it doesn't work anymore because the thinking has now changed. And that is what is happening now to what you call the state of homo sapien in his degradation. In other words, the fall is encompassing you all. This is not only as you have foreseen in Luciferian, if you look at a God/Goddess of perfection. And every time you think in terms of being perfect in a state of constancy, that's where you go wrong. You have to constantly move further and be better and better and better and better. You can only do this from a neutral point of view and not from some point of a standstill thing and think, 'I have now reached my perfect form'. "The universe is in a constant change of manifestation. You can manifest in this constant change into whatever state you wish, whether you want to go to lower, to middle lower, to middle higher, to higher, or to neutral, when you are taking in the manifestation of soul at a pure level of constant thinking. Therefore, you give form to this cosmic dust and therefore, giving the reality principle within the universe, the seed to grow from. And how do you think you grow from the 132

seed? The Central Sun requires this state of fusion and fission to constantly build within the universe, to constantly find its higher self. And that's what it's all about. "The Central Sun, being the God/Goddess of all and always being, has never needed, or required, a beginning or an end. If there was, then you wouldn't be here. I want you to get that straight in your mind. If the God/Goddess of the Central Sun had a beginning and an ending, you would not be here. And I underline that and I underline that and I underline that. "The principle of cosmic dust taking on different forms within the universe, or the galaxy, giving consciousness expression, is the gift that you get back through the God, or the Goddess, to the Central Sun. He gives you life and form and you give him the gift of how you live that life in that form. "The principle therefore, of you coming into, what we call, the soul light spectrum, is what you term here as spirit. Sometimes, there seems to be some confusion of soul and spirit. It seems that you have a lot of terminologies reflecting on the same thing. These are called synonyms. So, we look at this very carefully and we say, a soul in its perfect state is spirit. So therefore, when we look at the origin, or go to the core of you, in your becoming; remember what I said, there's no beginning or end. But in the core of your becoming, from the Central Sun, you all come from the same ocean. You are tossed into a great sea of, what we call, the universe, which is back into the waves and the galaxies of where you are going to give your soul form of consciousness to take on this life, to tell your God/Goddess, now deflecting the light back to you. I am now in light, or I am now engulfed in this light of omniscience, of knowing. I am now understanding. I am now becoming, whichever form you take, in whatever galaxy you go. "Remember, the light that you are, is the soul that is beaming up, always to the Central Sun. But the God/Goddess is beaming you into the universe. And you are the prodigal son now, taking on form, wherever you go, in whatever garden of eden, whatever galaxy you choose. It may be unmeasurable as far as Earth times go, if you try to put that together. But if you put together the centralization of the light within your soul, that bounces back and forth into this universe, then you are measuring the principle of the distance of light and the different forms the light takes on, to express consciousness and the form that decays to release you out again, of this cocoon. You find that this becomes a very interesting time of your life as just an ordinary, little homosapien, here on Earth, trying to realize where you're really coming from. 133

"The Central Sun, always being God/Goddess, is an energy that feeds itself to create each time. So there is no ending to that kind of energy. You have only learned that in the universe there is a deterioration, or a time, to energy. That is because it cannot, in its tinkling sensation, after it is in constant motion, it cannot reach its state of purity. "The Central Sun therefore, being in a state of purity, being the God/ Goddess, it is always constantly re-creating its own form. Therefore, not having and not requiring time of any kind because there is no form of deterioration. "So the soul light, which you really are drifting into the universe, can take on form. Really, in its actual fact, it does have the energy of that universality of, what we call, a constant and never-ending form. And this is why, at times, revisited or visited, on this Earth, those who come of a very high positiveness, like the Christ Consciousness, coming to this Earth, try to tell you that you are living eternity now. But He was looking at your soul and looking at your spirit. "One must look at this picture and look at it this way. Because you have, in the last 2000 years, digressed so far back, you are allowing your own text books to control you, you own kind of high schools and your own kind of universities to blind you in the principle of, what you call, self hypnosis, where you believe in just the books and nothing else counts. The mere experiences you have, they don't make sense. Naturally, they don't make sense because they have nothing to do with the books. So therefore, the real teaching becomes, not whether the chicken came before the egg, but really the yolk which makes the difference. "The state of confusion that you allow yourself to think from is only from the mundane level of your intelligence. You have allowed your intelligence to be a part of you within the hypnotic state that you are. You have accepted to believe exactly the way you believe it now. But who can blame you? So we must get back to basics. "The cleansing has to happen on this Earth where the homosapien is given the opportunity to put on the correct spectacles of looking into the universe and looking into the soul and looking into the consciousness and understanding himself. That is why you are coming into the age of understanding the self. This principle is what alleviates, or sets free, the bondages of mundaneness, that you call intelligence, that has put you in a prison for so many years that you come back here. And several of you have come back many times. How many times do you want to come back in a state of confusion? Do you love that? I find it very interesting.


"Some will come into rebirth and some will not come into rebirth because they don't want to let go. The P.H.D. is a lot of let go. That gold and that silver and that money and whatever it is that is holding them back. They don't want to let go of the principles that they have learned from culture. They don't want to let go of the way they feel now because they are firing on six cylinders of their ego. They don't want to let go. They are comfortable. They have reached, in some state, a comfort zone within themselves, by becoming a prisoner of self and becoming a prisoner of a system. "Remember what I said then. In the cosmic consciousness in the universe, that how requiring fission and fusion, you create from thinking of those who are already informed to give off thought. That energy is taken into the universe and is restructured into the form of reality of that thought. So therefore, from all of your principles, right from Decarte down, that you had been taught that, 'I think, therefore I am'. And you certainly lived that to that principle up to this point. "Now then, what are we going to do with our thinking to start the change that has to be emanated into the universe to start you to change? And that is happening because it happens through pollution. And you say, how can that happen? It is because the minute you pollute and things start to die, you start to wake up in consciousness and say, 'what did I do and how can I change this?' Isn't that sad? And the next step is, you do that through your technology. You create such energies that they do not, as we call it, dissipate into the system in such a way to cause damage. "Through your technology, in the last 2000 years, you have damaged your universe. You are a polluter. You have to, almost come to a crisis before you learn. And some, like those who have been reincarnated from the Pleiades, as in Greenpeace, are bringing some of this kind of awareness to the Earth now. They are just small groups of walk-ins who are in these kind of organizations, who are knocking at the door and awakening the consciousness of you. And we need you. Believe it. If we do not have you all over the world, all of you, we are not going to get anyplace. And the way we do it, as we said, is through your nonsensical way of polluting. And we call it looting. We also call it trying to fill your pocket with some sort of currency that is never going to work anyway because of the way the system goes. It is going to blow up and it is blowing up now because somebody has to pay the bank. Somebody has to pay the loan. It's gone to a point now where there is no turning back. "It is the you's that we are interested in. It's the you's that we work through in consciousness, uniting and bringing you's together into, what we call, one common bond of thinking. So we have one thinking going on by everyone now, which is what we want, in neutrality, and therefore feeding back into the Cosmic Consciousness that kind of energy for the fission and fusion to work on. Therefore, we are going to get more 135

integration. And unfortunately, it is happening from the firmament source, at this time, through fusion. "When we reach that balance and you look at it, you will see the picture, the yin and the yang. None of you have really come to the awakening stage of what is really the yin and the yang. How do we balance that female and male energy, the fusion and fission within the universe in such a state where it means something in a significant form taking on its form to give off its consciousness in balance? And that is what we need. We need to have this balance. And this balance is on its way back. "There is a lot of help. There is a lot of help from those who know how to balance. There is a lot of help from the Pleiadians who become walk-ins; from the Sirians who become walk-ins; from the Arcturians who become walk-ins. They don't necessarily have to be walk-ins. That is the state of consciousness which you have allowed through your own thinking. You can accept that kind of consciousness, again through neutrality, by receiving the message from telepathy, or through the consciousness of the Instrument who is channeling me now. And I am from Sirius, the bright star. "So, when we look at this then, in its proper perspective, we try to put global consciousness back into where global consciousness should be, in a neutral state or form. This is a form where everybody is in command of themselves, in the same neutral state of understanding, where there is no confusion and no control, where you move forward, as we call it, into the battle of, what we call, the organized state, called the millennial light, or called the millennium on Earth. That is important because each and every one of you are going to start to play even a more erratic role. "Ah, you see in this vast change now, how this other energy is trying to rush in and through the confusion, how the bodies are being bombarded, zig- zaging in their state of consciousness. The heart, the blood pressure, the cells, the electro-magnetic field around your aura; all being bombarded. This is called metaphysical nature. I want you to remember this. This storm that you are going through now is called metaphysical nature. Nature out of control. Therefore, taking the metaphysical body out of control. Therefore, taking the aura out of control. Therefore, the aura attached to the body, taking the body out of control. And there is going to be massive out of control's because the surface of the Earth has to be changed. That is going to be interesting in your next two years. Very interesting. Do not go and stay too long to those areas that are close to oceans. Make sure you are intuned to your highest state of neutrality before you go to those areas. Check it out.


"Once you start to get into this control measure of understanding, then you go into, what we call, deterioration of misunderstanding. So therefore, by giving up this control completely and becoming neutral you become a creator that you are supposed to be, within the universe. You are just that small soul light coming from the Central Sun, which is God, coming into form, therefore, giving off the God/Goddess, giving off, what we call, the form of light of the God/Goddess. Therefore, the principle in your bible, that you are taking on, you are born in the form of the cosmic dust that caused the soul to lodge and come out in that consciousness in that life form. And really, the light that is responsible for that is the image of God. You are created, in what we call, the image of God. "The way you view God's image is very important. God's image is not viewed in a third interdimensional form. God's image is viewed in the soul that is giving that life form its reality. Throughout the universe, in whatever form it takes, it does the same thing. So everything that is soul is in the image of God. Not the form, but the soul. "So, it is interesting then, through the years of studying nature and light and coming into, what we call, omniscience. That is very important. That is a key, coming into omniscience. And as you come into omniscience, you are learning from nature and you're writing things and you're slowly contemplating and you're viewing things. But you can only view from the state of manifestation of your mentality at that time. So if you were doing this during the times of Moses, it was totally different because it was more on, what you would call, a God/Goddess form, which took on some of the first religious forms that were born today, mainly Baptist and those fundamentalist movements. We go back to the Middle Ages. It was done by justice and injustice. In those days it was strictly controlled by the barons and the kings and whatever you want to call them, in very deceitful times. "During that time, corruption grew and went into the universe and became very explosive. The falling of the light was in its direction of impurity. That happened because the soul response and the interest in these storms and these interdimensions gave life as they came and they fell and as they went through different kingdoms and different realms of understanding. One must understand the realms within their purity as where the scope of Luciferian birth has arrived. You see, you have sort of concocted, or you needed to have a right and a wrong principle, good and evil. "The falling of light through the realms is very significant. It is constantly happening. So there is more than one Luciferian, if you want to call it, symbology, whether you want to call it the fork, or whatever, coming out of the head. Principles like that make it even more evil and more frightening. This is a very frightening sight. "So, the fall of omniscience was into, what we call, non-reality throughout the galaxies and throughout the realms, as they call it, the high spiritual realms. I don't quite 137

understand where that all comes from. It seems to have come through the Book of Genesis and I guess we can blame the prophet who wrote that book and God help him when he returns home. "So even in high commands, or escutcheons, as you call them, and they do have them up there, there is a fall. They too are thinking in the same form that you are here, from sort of control to ready to fall. And because this Earth has been bombarded by that kind of energy, therfore you draw that kind of control down to assist the dark forces, if you wish. "So you are the creator of your own destiny. At this particular time, as you are striving to recreate, this is called the Age of Rebirthing. It is rebirthing your spirit back to the form of that exact tetrahedron that is manifesting itself on your aura, in that form. This is why they've always picked a very high energy, whether it be in Egypt, whether it looks like a pyramid, or what. They're picking up a very high form. But they are not actualizing the reality of this manifestation. Tetrahedron three. You are a trinity. So you are a tetrahedron vibration that's in constant motion that has reversed itself through time and all your cultural under- standings. Now, it is slowly starting to wind back into the other direction, as you are nearing the second phase of that Photon Belt. "Incidently, you do not require three days of darkness, or two days of continuous light. The new system, when you change it, will be continuous day because the body, through your neutrality, will not require any rest. So the millennium, or the Heaven on Earth, will be approximately, when we look at it here, 74 or 75 degrees, constant with total daylight. Why? Because you have turned on your light. What light? You have turned on, what we call, your superconscious beam. And this superconscious beam is going to reflect light back as you are reflecting light in from your sun. Therefore, you're going to be changing also, your sun. Interesting. Those years, 2005 to 2032, very interesting on your Earth. Some of you will be here. "I would stay to try to answer some questions, but because I've got you thinking now and your minds are so, as we call it, as a jack in the box, at this state it would be counter-productive for me to stay to answer some of these questions that would come out of your minds because they would probably be too mundane for me. So I will bid my farewell and say to you all. May your manifestation of your consciousness and your oneness, one day become the control, as we call it, of neutrality where you really do not have to have the same kind of understanding that you do now about preservation and constancy within the universe.


"God speed within you and God speed to you and God speed from you. And may that trinity and that tetrahedron meet up with the trinity first explained of the life that was sent from always."

CHAPTER 43 THE FLIGHT OF THE EAGLE "Good evening, I am Chief Running Owl. I am the spirit of the Cross-Sticks. "This is indeed a privilege for you all to come. I say all because you are two in physical (Toby Patrick and the Instrument, (Dr Ki) and thousands in spirit. The devas are here to welcome you. The peace pipe is here to be smoked. The goose is representing sustenance and supply, for this year will be a year of more abundance for you. (Note: A goose was heard making its goose noises nearby). "So when you come here, it is a great privilege to join in spirit and into harmony of being at one with the Cross-Sticks. Many legends, many sufferings, but we, as people, come here, at this particular time of the spring equinox, come to balance both the day and the night, the lunar and the prana and the solar. All energy comes here to be balanced by all of you who are representing the oneness. "The spring equinox represents your spring and also represents your bal- ance between the darkness and the light which is equal in spirit. It is also equal in man's time here on Earth during this great occasion. "We bring to you the burning embers of time. The burning embers represent those of the ancestry who have walked many miles in great pain and agony to break, what we call, the tremendous vibration of understanding and knowing who we really were. We are the people of the land. We are the people dedicated to the land. As we are now in spirit, we are dedicated to the land. Each one of us is assigned to a magnificent place on the part of the Earth where we played a very important role before. We played this role of great spirit awareness. "All of our animals have represented the different totems of understanding soul. For your soul belongs to the Great White Father. But during these times of hallowed communion, during your spring equinox, you are re-entering this time. Your Earth is going through a very important time. "One must be prepared to understand herbology, to understand the nature medicines. For it is the nature medicine that will bring you through this wilderness of time. In the burning embers that represent the spirit's true essence, the fire is the spirit which really is, whether it becomes solar flare, or fuses with fission to represent woman and man. This Earth is, what we call, a cradle of life. This cradle of life was meant to preserve and to maintain a high standard of living in health and vitality. 139

"Over the years man, through greed, has plundered, destroyed, murdered, and has committed his offspring to a horrendous day of reckoning. And this hallowed day, especially this day, the twenty-first day (of March), this equinox, is a re- entrant of a great cycle in life which blends with the newness of, what we call, day. This newness of day, this new sun, this new millennial light, that is coming to Earth is coming to bring this great wisdom back, to all people. "When we look at soul, we look at all people equal because soul has no color. Soul has no race. Soul is the expression of your spirit here on Earth. And it is here where you come to maintain the greatest balance of understanding yourself. For if you do not understand yourself, then you lose the contact which you are meant to have. For understanding yourself first allows you to understand spirit, not only of man, but of animals and also spirit of nature. "The spirit of nature is the purity, or the essence, that allows the fragrance of your soul to come to this kind of awareness of what your real physical and metaphysical life is all about. You have come to this Earth many times. You have come to these sacred places many times, to learn, to understand and to stand on your feet so that you could teach others. You are indeed the teachers of the whispering pine of the nature spirits who are calling out now with great wisdom to bring together, not only the animal spirits, but man's spirits, to a sacred under- standing of how to maintain this peace, through blending spirit with millennial light, the presence and the great knowledge of the Great White Father that is being brought to this land at this time. "These high sacred places, these Cross- Sticks, these interjections of spirit and man, to a higher awareness, where your soul meets the Great White Father's Soul and blends in this great ocean of understanding, is where your wave sub- sides and calms itself in the sea of God's great memory. To know and to bring back this great knowledge is of great essence. "This spring, these great flowers, these great wild flowers, that are growing in these meadows are, what we call, the markers of the halls of peace, justice and understanding. These flowers, these herbs, are all the true essence of the medicine wheel that we had once programmed. Not only our kind of culture, but your culture is becoming very much aware . When we say your culture, we also say you too, at one time, as a red man, roamed this Earth, maybe not in this exact area, but in other areas, understanding nature. For you must come to this Earth to inter-marry, or interrelate, with nature. "If you do not start balancing and harmonizing with nature, then nature goes out of harmony and out of balance. You have seen how this great land and waters and air have been polluted by greed. Greed is when you do not understand spirit, but you 140

understand the physical part of man. Man must awaken to this Great Spirit that is coming to this land. "Starting in your equinox and in your May month (1995) the rebirth of the Great Spirit of Mother Earth, within the core, will speak through all its veins. It shall shake. It shall rock and it shall cry out through the wind and it shall cry out through the rain and it will inundate the Earth with flooding and it will cause different birds to become distinct. Until the real awakening and the shaking of Mother Earth in her core, allowing the new birth of the new spirit beckons, that is going to blend with this great millennial light to bring in this comfort, this great understanding. It will be very tragic in your summer months, when you listen to the great thunder and the great storms that will rage out of control. "This is the beginning and this is an ending of a great seed. This seed that has been planted on Earth, is here to remind mankind of him being the gardener, not the garden. There are many significant changes that will take place in the way you will eat your foodstuffs, in the way you will preserve you foodstuffs. When the great waters shall cover much of the areas that you call Mexico, call Arizona, you call Sacramento, you call Northern California, you call all your big Eastern states. One must move, like the eagle shall spread her wing into the high mountains of the Colorados, the Banff mountains, the Selkirks and many of your high mountains parts which will become the teaching grounds again of your great devas. They will be teaching you how to harvest your foods and to begin to ascend. "This great flight of the eagle sometimes is misunderstood. For this great flight of the eagle, for those who are becoming aware, this is the great flight of ascension. When you first ascend to your higher place within your physical body and also within your higher consciousness, that is the second ascension. "The third ascension is when you interrelate in your consciousness to those great white gods, or white spirits, or spirits who come in big birds, to teach, to connect, to come part of soul, to teach a new golden light awareness that will bring you into the classroom of nature, that will balance you in, what we call, the great hall of the medicine wheel. And you, as you grow and as you nurture your spirit during these three great times of ascension, will rapture your body in, what we call, the golden age, which sometimes is called the millennial light bringing in the knowledge, the great millennial light basking and bathing in the rapture of the great millennium, being in total superconsciousness, being in total peace, being in total understanding with one another. "Each spirit will rapture its rebirth and allow the child that you really are to understand that each one of you representing this light are equal in all manner. There will be no 141

difference in sharing your love and your respect and your obedience. For it will become automatic. At this time also, the nature spirits will rapture into this golden age and you will be able to talk to the animals on a one to one, totally understanding their form of communication and yours. This oneness with the animals was a sacred understanding once with your great Egyptians, not only with your red man. "This understanding and this socializing with the animals, really when you look at your porpoise and at your whale, the essence of man and his intelligence is very much similar to those mammals. At certain times there were great things on your Earth called your Lemuria and called your Atlantis. During these times of experimentation, mankind had caused again, what we call, a demise. For the entire races blows up magnificent islands. You are so intelligent that you come up with a destructive weapon, like you have today in your militaries. You have great destructive weapons. In those times, they were even more destructive. "During the time of the fleeing and the regrouping of the Atlanteans and the Lumerians, seeing that this was a very destroyed planet, had populated your planet Mars and they had destroyed the surface in a similar fashion through their weaponry. This is why the great red planet has many scars at this time. It presents a great panorama of death and energy. Yet deep within the bosom of Mars is the new child. The new birth will take place on Mars exactly at the time that you will be experiencing the millennial light here and your millennium. There will be also, as we call it, a golden age there because of the vast amount of population on your Earth being transported in the third phase of the great ascension. "Now, I say this to you in great feelings of understanding your soul. I say that, as you forget your physical, you will start to remember your spiritual. Spirituality with us is understanding the elements, understanding fire, understanding air and understanding water. If you understand these three elements and you treat them with great respect, then you will create this great millennium here on this Earth. You are now going through some forms of purifying stages. Do not be afraid because the body is going to be purified. "I leave you now and say, may the Great Spirit of Wisdom overshadow the understanding of greed and release the prisoner that you are so that you could, once again, enjoy the freedom and, as we call it, the justice and the peace and the tranquility, that this garden once provided for you. "God bless you." 142

CHAPTER 44 The Immaculate Conception of the New Age "Good evening, I am Paulson. I am from the Pleiades. "I am here to discuss with you, because of the vast flooding of the markets of your books, describing the plights of the Earth going through the Photon Belt and bringing in three distinct times of night, or distinct times of day, causing great riots and frustration and murders on the streets. Mankind, before they look at their gorgeous appetites, before they even deem to write this kind of material, have to be very careful. "Even though we are warning you, at this particular time, that the Earth is in its cleansing state, therefore, all of the bodies on this Earth are going to go through some form of cleansing of the DNA. Therefore, in this cleansing, you are going to have problems in your head, mostly in the brain area where you have a great number of cells. There will be a lot of problems too, in the heart area. There will be problems in the throat area. There will be problems in the eyes. There will be problems in the ears where you will get ringing and where you will get a kind of pulsation of air energy coming through. You will have rapid heart palpitations. You will have loss of diet. You will have very much light headedness. You will have imbalance on your feet. You will have malfunctioning in your bowels. That is due to the expansion of the large and small intestines. "Watch the water that you will be drinking. As has been discovered in general areas, an excessive amount of mercury will be in your water. You have to be very careful that you have the right kind of filtration system to keep that of a safe level, otherwise you will be going through heart attacks. "Your left and right hemisphere, within your head area, within your mind area, will not be functioning exactly the same way, so you will feel as though you are rising off the ground, or coming down. You will get some strange sensations in your head. There will be some fevers caused. There will be some exceptional rashes. You will get skin rashes even if you never really experience them. You will get them because of the quick sensation of the blood recession. "Changing of the DNA is like a rebirthing of a small child in the fetus. So, these kind of changes are going to be very rapid in the next six to seven months of your Earth time. However, the birth of the crust in September is going to cause a lot of problems in your coastal areas, as far as your Earth crust goes.


So be prepared for some heavy migration. Earthquakes on island areas will be prevalent. And in the oceanic areas, of course, you will have the pulsation pressure of the plates which will cause high waves. "Man shall become very irritible, very angry, very aggravated, which will cause a lot of violence. Protect yourselves by constantly surrounding yourself with the helix of veil. That is very important because in the past you have been taught that the helix will function in two vibrations. However, during the Atlantean time, they had taken the master filtration system away from the DNA. They had taken eleven helixes away. However, they are now being returned through the auric ray with this new DNA change. "The Earth will be giving birth to a new form of government. The party that will be in power, at that time, will not be able to produce what they said they would produce this time. So that gives you a knowledge of who will be there. "However, the banking systems of the great bankers and the club of Rome are going to foreclose. Therefore, you will have a crash in your stock market in the year of 1999 or soon after. This will cause a lot of chaos. So a new system will be devised by, what we call, a non-fraudulent movement of the serpent, which we classify as the 666. This will be a credit card. "There will be significant changes which will indeed control crime. But, indeed, when you frustrate man and his freedoms and his movements, then you are causing a lot of problems here on your Earth, by controlling people with cards or numbers. "So the mark of the beast, which will be prevalent in the year of 2001, will allow and infiltrate the antichrist to rule through figures. This is interesting because some of this has not been foreseen, or foresight has not yet been brought into logical or logistics, so that mankind can understand. However, they will be teaching, and I find this very amusing, they will be teaching different classes to the economists. This is because, whatever they have learned now is null and void. "A lot of perspectives had been brought down. But because of the altering of the bodies of the DNA, there will be, what we call, an uplifting by the chariots of fire. And this is very important. The first part of the ascension will take place in the year of 1999. That will be the lifting off of the change of those people that will be returned to helix thirteen. So they will be fully dressed again in the auric, as we call them, wardrobes of their totality. "Mankind will go through the worst years of injustice starting in 1997 and in 1998, 1999, 2000 and the year 2001. In 2002, the second phase of the ascension will be returned. That is a year of great change on the Earth because of the return of the saints. 144

Also, you will be seeing that a strong Christ Consciousness, or the second coming of Christ will be ascending in the Middle East to curtail the longest war in session. In other words, there will be a Third World War. "Amongst all of these changes, as foretold by one of your great prophets Daniel, you are going to enter into the great tribulation in the year, towards the end of 1996. The manifestation of great beings will take place on this Earth in the year of 1997 to save mankind. less these days be shortened, within your tribulation. They will be. But they will come to a cessation towards the end of the year of 2002. All of these changes, you have in the first wave of the ascension. But we must talk now about the changes, more to your DNA and your Earth changes which will take place now because they have already been programmed. "Japan is on a great, as we call it, devastation belt. And there are some of your islands, which I classify too, will be submerged into the sea. And when you see the first island rising in Antarctica, then you will know that these end times are now in full swing. "It is interesting to see that your dollar (Canadian), in 1998, will be worth approximately sixty cents American. And with your rates of exchange with what you can buy, you will actually be getting thirty cents of its value. This is why it is coming closer then to a breaking point, at this point, because mankind cannot survive because of the heavy pressure put on by taxation by your governments. "You will lose your borrowing power because of your uncontrollable debt. Therefore, this kind of foreclosing will cause a great break also in your stock market and right across. Panic shall hit the Earth. "Due to the changes of the bodies and due to our monitoring, we are responsible for mankind and womankind, here on this Earth, because you are of our species. Therefore, in the year of 1997, we are going to send a lot of our beings down to this Earth to interexchange with Earth people. "The movements of the shifts of the tectonic plates are going to go into, what we call, a very strong dancing mode here, especially towards the end of 1995 and into 1996 and 1997. We are completing the photo cycle of Adextis to take place of, what we call, land shape and deterioration, materialization of the inner Earth people. The inner Earth people that were frightened by the Atlanteans into the center of the Earth's core, at this time, will be released. A lot of them are residing in the Earth's core near the oceanic basins. "The Earth people who have been captured off Earth surreptitiously, that are in the bosom of Mars, will be released in 1997. There will be some strange happenings of 145

those who automatically return, as in the case of the young lad in Victoria, the Michael Donahue situation. There are a lot of misconceptions about that. "You are living in some very gigantic changes where your foodstuffs will not grow in the years of 1998 and 1999. The explosion of the Antarctic will cause the great waves of the icebergs to flow downwards, causing great flood sensations. Be prepared then to store. It is important again that we bring this to your attention. "A lot of you will be teleported and transported into various galaxies on the second ascension wave. You will be enjoying immensely things that will be transpiring there and being brought back here from your sleep state of your sub- conscious mind. You will feel great headaches in the morning when you arouse. "The Photon Belt is going to be, what we call, regenerated by the millennial light. This is going to cause, what we call, a change to the flooding of great electrical storms. other than in clouds, just in the open sky. You will see strange lights at night. Do not be afraid. That is, what we call, electrical regeneration. If we didn't do this, then you would burn up the Photon Belt, because you are going into another and meeting up with another sun. This is why scientists, or whoever was first looking at this, thought that the blending of the darkness would be part of their regeneration for this light to reflect through. That is no longer necessary. So you may get the four straight days rather than the darkness. "There will be tremendous upheavals in both your Germanic areas and into especially the areas of the new Russian states. And there will be great government uprisings in this area in the next two to three years, causing great revolts and street riots. It will be uncontrollable and the military will take control. "The Middle East will again flex its muscles against the United States of America when Sadam Hussein's submarines carrying nuclear weapons, will slowly come to the surface in the American area. This is a man who should be watched. This is the antichrist that we have been talking about. He may have, as you have seen, taken many losses and abuses from the United Nations and whatever, but he is not a man to take easy. He is a man that will reckon with you and with great power and great might. "The babbling tower will be reconstructed. Therefore, your religions will fall. The Arab in the purple turban, being who we just mentioned, will also, with some of his radical movements, and through the Komani side, resurrect, what you will call, an antichrist that will be performing miracles like you didn't know what. And many will follow. "The principle of going through the Photon Belt is to generate power to remove hate and to establish on Earth a millennium of 1000 years of a golden age and peace. Its first construction will start taking place in the year 2011, constructed in the year 2032. 146

"The blending of this strong millennial light, in the latter part of the year 1996, will allow the Earth to rock to an extent. It will be a rocking that will not cause too much trouble. In some areas, there will be a little bit of flooding. "So in the general long run, as we see it, what will happen then is the Earth will become like a drunkard. It will rock back and forth as has been envisioned in your bible. The moon will turn to blood. When we say blood, it is not the physical kind of blood as you have in human beings. We are talking about a red substance because of the strong explosion of a sunspot on the sun which will infraray the moon. These are all signs for the last days of this dispensation. "The Mayans and the Aztecs and certain religious hierophants (priests), in your Egyptian time, were responsible for the scrolls and the meeting of us as Pleiadians. As you have seen, our small ships and craft are in their murals in the pyramids. We had instructed them and the first lecture has now been fulfilled, as to no proper timings after the year 2001. "There will be a few new parties that will emerge in the years 1998, 1999 and 2000. They will promise to get you out of this kind of mess you are into and put you into a bigger mess that you didn't want to be into. The promises of the politicians is like a bag of wind, when there really is no wind in the bag. You've heard the term, 'I've got it in the bag now'. But the term is, 'what have you got in the bag now, full of wind?'. A windless and vociferous politician is totally on his way out. There will be a one government system in the year 2008. "Interesting, to give you more of, what we call, a fulfillment to the government structure. That will be coming to you in your next full moon meditation. But, at this particular time, I want you to protect yourselves because a lot of you will be slipping into the second belt of the Photon Belt and you will be blending with the millennial light. So constantly, in the summer months, try to stay out of the sunlight and try not to intake too much salt. "The medicinal value of things like kelp in the sea will be discovered in the year 2001 to bring you a complete cure to your cancers. So start looking to your real medicinal values in the sea rather than the type that you have on land. "Drinking distilled water is a necessity. The other kind of waters that they have, a lot of them are inorganic. Do not buy them in the stores. "There will be a great value to things like vasoline and different old ointments that your grandmothers used to use. There will be a revilatizing of that, especially for medicinal value. This will be coming out for you also before the end of the decade.


"Animal parts, we will strictly say to you, should be prohibited, starting as of now. The values in your foodstuffs will be in grains and oats and your wheat. This is going to prove to be, what we would call, their weight in gold. "Your most valuable minerals will be copper, a conductor for healing; silver, gold, tungsten and magnesium. That is going to be, what you call, the bankers delight. "I will leave you now and say to you all; as you travel through this mysterious Photonic Belt, or Photon Belt, the enormous changes that are happening to your DNA are very frightening. This is really going to frighten the doctors. Relax. Relax. You are changing as a creature into, what we call, a new creature. This is part of the immaculate conception of the new age. "God bless you all and alahoy."

CHAPTER 45 The Three Phases of Ascension "Good evening, I am Astor. "The first phase is now in session, taking place from 1995 to the year 2000. The first phase is actually the changing of the DNA in the body. There is a lot of activation that goes on. You will be taken out of your body now and again. You will feel listless. You will be in contact with us. We will be meeting you at certain prescribed times and places for your inoculation. This way we will level off some of the symptoms that some of you are going through now with headaches, dizziness and heart palpitations. They are all in a safe zone. However, there will be a very strong inoculation on September the 21st. (1995). Make sure that you are all on a mountain, not near water. That is a very important impregnation date which will allow the ionization of your DNA. The vibrations are going to expand and take you into ultra-consciousness where they will be working on your new auric body. "In the years 2001 to 2007, is your second wave. During this time, because of these ultra vibrations, your auric body will be conditioned and will be waiting for you in the rapture. What will happen, you will be frequencing land, water, land, water, in your meditations. You will try to do that during the lunar prana, full moon, new moon. New moon, water. Full moon, land. This will complete the ionization of your physical body then, to be allowed into the rapture of the Second Coming of the Christ Consciousness, where your body will take on the full force of your new aura. This new aura will be heavily charged with electro148

magnetic fields that will be pulsating at approximately 160 to allow you into the fifth interdimension that will be taking place on Earth. "The fifth interdimensionality is very important. During this first wave you are getting a lot of indoctrinations and information has been sent by Kutumi to Norma ----------. That is right on information. "You will then, in the rapture, as defined in biblical times, in the twinkling of an eye, interconnect quickly into the fifth interdimension and then you will be calibrating 5.1, 5. 2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5. That was asked by Lucille here not too long ago. I picked that up in vibration, the calibration, which means that you now are into and out of the fourth interdimensionality. "During this time of calibration, from 5.1, you will go into, what we call, visonary envisonment. During this time your third eye will be focusing like your two physical eyes are focusing now. So you will be able to see clearly into the fifth. There will still be the fragmentation of people who cannot make it out of the fourth into the fifth. They will go into ascension for reincarnation as those that cannot make it properly from the third to the fourth will go into ascension for reincarnation. "Some of those who will reach 4.5 and because they were here to teach at this point in time, will go into a much stronger auric body and come back with the third wave. This is the saints and also the ascended masters, who will set up and teach in the Golden Age in the New Jerusalem. "It is very important that during the cleanup of the Battle of Armageddon, a lot of you will be in the fifth interdimension. But the cleanup will take place in the fourth and third to completely release all the quagmire so that there is no contamination left for the strong, as we call it, ascension into your fifth. "From the year 2007 to 2011, you will be indoctrinated in the fifth interdimension by the high grand masters and teachers. Master Oaspe will be here. A lot of you had been at his school and have been his students. All of you here. So you will be getting special tutoring at that time. "From the year 2011 to 2022, you will all be ushered into the sixth interdimensionality. Here, you will receive sainthood. And here, you will also receive mastership. At this particular time, the grand masters will have completed their tasks and will be returned to their interdimensionality, which will be the twelfth and thirteenth. "You now will be indoctrinating yourself to, what we call, grand mastership, at this time. From 2011 to 2032, as you see going up in master numbers, you will be going into the seventh, eighth, nineth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth interdimensionalities. 149

You will be students in the seventh, teachers and students in the eighth, teachers and students in the nineth, teachers in the tenth and eleventh. A lot of you will be going to the planet Mercury and you will be teaching there because you will be in that strong interdimensionality to also start the New Jerusalem there. "During the year 2032, as you enter the millennial light and the strong millennium on Earth, which is your heaven, you will be a creator. So you will be performing many important tasks as a creator. "I will leave myself open now for any questions that pertain to my short lecturette. Please ask because I still have time to entertain you." [Questions by Mark and Lucille] Q: "Yes. Just to get these years straight, the first passage you talked of was from 2000 to 2011, then the second one was from 2011 to 2022?" A: "That's right." Q: "Then there was a third stage from 2022 to 2032?" A: "That's right. Those are stages. Those are not the ascension. I gave you the three ascensions. That's different. Those are interdimenionality stages that take you right into the interdimension to get you out into the Golden Age." Q: (Re: performing miracles beginning in the year 1995) A: "From the year 1995 to the year 2000, you will be going into the fifth interdimensionality. As you go into that and you marry up with your auric body, that's when you start performing the miracles." Q: "What year would you see the first beings coming back from ascended state performing miracles?" A: "1997." Q: "Is any of our group going to be involved in that?" A: "Yes." Q: "Is there any approximate numbers, at this time, of how many people worldwide will be doing that?" A: "144,000." Q: "144,000 will begin in 1997?" A: "Correct." Q: "Can you tell us any more about the next two years leading up to that time?" A: "Prep. Preparation through your meditations." 150

Q: "Do diets have anything to do with it?" A: "Food, meditation, water, crystals, astral projection, intermolecular space interjection, fire, water, moon phases, solar flare phases where you have day and in some case night. In certain areas, due to the polarity restructuring the North and South Pole, to change your whole super structure of your Earth, you have to have an intense amount of light for a certain length of time to complete the ionization and a certain length of time for the cooling off of nights. So you will see, in some cases, four days straight, three nights straight." Q: "Can you tell us about the children. Are they advancing too?" A: "The dark forces are taking them over quickly now. They know that that's going to be the next pillar of tomorrow. So this is why the ascension is speeded up now. I have to go now. Alahoy."

CHAPTER 46 BODY CHANGES INTO THE MILLENNIAL LIGHT "Osanta here. This evening, I am going to talk about the body changes. It is important to know what to do with your bodies when certain conditions happen to you. Most of you, at this time, are getting a lot of energy. When you get a lot of energy, sometimes it is very heavy to the head and imbalancing to you. Be close to water. It is always important to drink a lot of water. When we say a lot, we mean about two glasses of water. This will balance off the high energies and the low energies will dissipate. This is important because you are bombarded from two directions, Earth and the firmaments. "Any time you get a change in the firmament, then you are ungrounded on Earth. Because of the heavy molecular pull that takes place when your Earth is now circulating around into a Photon Belt, you are coming very close to, what we call, extreme heat. So your sun is going to give off a lot of extreme heat. Be careful. Don't be exposed any more than three to four minutes in your sun. The lotions that you use are no good because what will happen is that the energy then will burn around the cells. This is just a caution that you have to stay out of direct sunlight. If you are using any kind of lotion, it would be wise to use vitamin E, or to use a lot of alovera lotion because it will penetrate the skin. Therefore, the ultraviolet rays will be caught in the penetration. "This is important because there is going to be a rash of skin cancer. In order to avoid this, take in a lot of Vitamin C. This is very important unless you are eating the right kind of vegetables that are very good with Vitamin C. "Now, remember, this is only your first re-entrant. The other problems that this is causing is a strong vibration in your central nervous system that goes through the 151

whole body. Try to align your body towards magnetic north, or try to face magnetic north when you start to feel a vibration. "Also, what we would like you to do when you are getting palpitations to the heart, or if you are getting any problems in your ears, if they start to rung, or any problems in the lungs, it is important that you take in, at least, six ounces of carrot juice and plenty of chlorophyll. "So mark yourselves according because in the winter months you are going to start hitting the second re-entrant of the Photon Belt. So get yourselves plenty of Vitamin A. Watch your food consumption. The worst thing you can ever do, if you have any kind of disorder, either in your breathing, or your lungs, is to consume heavy consumption of starches. That is very irritating. Stay off heavy consumption of starches. "You will be getting shortness of breath. So what we want you to start doing is deep breathing exercises first thing in the morning. In the evening, you should take, at least, twenty-five deep breaths. This is the proper way to do that. You take a deep breath half way in; you pause for a second; then you take another deep breath to complete that one breath. This allows purification to take place during the pause. Then as you bring the second amount of breath in to complete the first inhalation, every blockage that's in the breathing passage will be opened. "A lot of you are breathing in such a way that a lot of your oxygen really is not coming through the way it should. It is being blocked off. Therefore, you are going to get dizz iness. You are going to feel very funny when you are walking on your feet. You are going to feel like rubber. So be very careful because this next re-entrant of the second phase is going to affect the inner, as we call it, nuclei of the DNA. You are going to start feeling as if you are floating at times. So when you start getting those feelings, sit down quietly and cross your feet, so that you're telling whoever is in your presence, in the higher hierarchy of healing, that you have had enough of that kind of vibration that you are experiencing at this time. Ask for whoever you know who is a very good guide or healer in the cosmos to assist you. "Now, people who live near areas of oceans. You have to be very careful that during the period of September to November (1995), do not be close to the bodies of oceans because the basin of oceans are highly molecularized and they are going to be affected by the second re-entrant of the Photon Belt phase. What happens is there is a strong pull on all of the planets. This molecular pull affects the moon and then, of course, during your full moon times, that would be your warning to stay away from the ocean basins. Do not travel in those two to three months around any areas that are around the ocean. If you are anywhere from three to four miles away you are O.K. 152

"There will be a lot of vibrations that will also trigger off slippages of your tectonic plates. But this slippage will be affecting not the places that you people think of, for example, the San Andreas fault. Don't concentrate on that. Concentrate on the least places. For example, Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, all those places where it is least expected, especially one gigantic earthquake in the mid-eastern states. Also, China, Russia, Japan, India. "These next changes that are coming, according to the second ring of the Photon Belt, will allow a readjustment to the Earth's grid systems. You have probably heard of ley lines. Ley lines will be strengthened. "Ley lines are the magnetic forces that allow vortexes to be rebirthed. So ley lines are going to be an important subject that is going to be coming to you in the next two to three years. "Start getting into a lot of fresh juices. Make sure that you wash a lot of your foods because the next stage will be the growing stage is going to be shortened. So it is very important that you do not use insecticides or pesticides, whatever you are using in your own gardens. "If you are buying food, make sure it is cleaned. And the food that you import that is green hasn't hardly any value in it, when you get a shelf ripening. So be very careful. Try to get your fruits and vegetables, whatever, to the most ripening stage as you can directly from the field or where it is growing. "It is also important to be very protective of yourself in thunderstorms. Some of these storms are going to go into a very strong convection cycle. But some of your storms are going to produce hail that will be anywhere from 50 to 150 pounds. So you're going to have to be very careful when you see black skies, very black skies. Be very careful, especially if you are going to travel. You had a good taste of this, this last summer in the Okanagon Valley belt. But now, it's on its way to the bigger cities. So be very careful that you take the right kind of protective measures. And your insurances are not going to be able to pay the damages in the next two to three years. So that is telling you something, that if you are in a home, the structure of your home has to be reinforced, especially in your roofs. They have to be reinforced. "You may use any measure you want. But if you are really tuned in to your God/Goddess within you, you can be protected in whatever case, as during the time of the King Nebuchadnezzar, when the three Babylonians were placed in the furnace, but the king saw four. 153

"So, you need to be very protective of yourself and strongly tune in to the purity of the spirit. The purification that is going on, on this Earth, is twofold. It is not only affecting the Earth, but it's affecting all living things on the Earth. "Your next two to three years are going to be very important how you take protective measures and steps to survive. And let me tell you; food is an important commodity to be able to survive with. You must have food and water. Protect your food and water. Be wise and store a little. You should be like your great-grandmothers during the depression, when they used preservatives and dried food. That was like the wise virgins trimming their mantles. "So it is very important that you take great heed because you've already had one wave of flooding that caused the California Basin to triple their prices on commodities. It's going to get worse in the second wave. So we are warning you ahead of time. "If you have a little bit of ground, it is worth its weight in gold. So start collecting seeds. Seeds are going to be priceless. So when you grow, leave a little bit to go into seed because you won't be able to buy seed because of hoarding. "It is going to be very interesting. They are going to apply a lot of control measures on this Earth to stop hoarding, which you have here classified as the mark of the beast, the 666. If you analyze that, that comes from the emperor Nero. That number is one that had been analyzed through numerology. "You will find that the next legislation after a humungus drought or famine is going to legislate very strong controls with three sets of two numbers. You will only be able to identify and to purchase with this card which will identify every card you have. For example, that same number will be on your drivers license and every other number you have, like your Social Insurance Number. Everything will be one, computed into one number, for each individual. This is going to save a lot of paper work on numbers. "So you see, there are some good parts about this and in a lot of cases there are some bad parts because really, to stringently control somebody is like putting on strong pressure, or measures, that people get very uncomfortable with. "These kind of control measures are going to cause a lot of rioting, a lot of killings on your street, and many other things because you are seeing it in strong manner. When I look at your cities, I would say, it's intense. If you look at the rioting that you have in California, people on rooftops shooting into the people in the streets. It is just nonsensical. And this is going to increase. Big cities are danger areas. And also small cities too because of the way the population moves from fear. "There will be some huge migration in the next two years of people from big cities into smaller cities. Because of this migration, it's going to cause an overflow and the 154

government won't be able to control the amounts of people that come in, say in huge numbers. It is going to cause a lot of internal urbanization and also internal problems with your systems of government. "There is going to be a lot of problems with unsettlement and governments that cannot control the general populace within their cities because it is going to happen, in some cases, too fast. And when you get those kind of movements, it's going to affect a lot of people, as far as food, as far as you call your garbage, as far as you call your fetus. All that kind of control is going to cause a lot of diseases. "These diseases, of course, if they become widely spread, they are going to cause diseases like you don't have today. One typical example is in Africa with the virus that broke out there. That was because of that kind of poverty. You will have that when you get the migration of people in the cities. You will have a lot of poor people, a few rich people, and a majority of moderates in the center. But, the large number that it will produce, as far as people go, is going to cause the big problems. "You are not very far from the uncontroling part of this. It is starting now. A lot of people are trying to sweep it under the carpet. But that doesn't work. The next two years, it will become paramount. It is important that you act now. People who will come out to mountainous areas, like you are doing here this weekend, people who will come out and allow their bodies to get balanced, energized and changed, are going to be ones who are going to be filled with the right kind of knowledge. That is going to assist these people in bringing back control. Fears are going to be very important at this stage. "Knowledge of how to control and how to stimulate an environment of good health, honesty and barter is important. So it is very important that you know the value of what you are going to give for what you are going to receive. "Are there any questions that you would like to ask Osanta?" [Group Questions by Odessa, Judy and Lucille] Q: "Yes, Osanta. I would like to ask, are the gun control legislations that are coming in, negative or positive?" A: "They are both. People are not looking at this in a positive way when you have riots and things get out of control. That contributes for violence. Some people who have guns and they go into a rage, they can protect. Or if they go into a rage , in any way, are going to be very dangerous. We would like to see no weapons on this Earth. But that is not going to be the case. These people who have weapons for sport, that's all right. But where do we draw the line? If something happens, such as a national disaster, or something happens where there is going to be people out of control, and people are protecting their own property, 155

they will be overrun. But they will kill many people. So the thing is, what we are looking at here, is in the end times, we would prefer that the legislation that you have would be given to people of great protection, as your police forces and your military backup police forces, which will happen. And if they want weapons for sports, then they should have lockups where people come in and pick up their weapon and go and shoot at their targets, whatever, and then bring it back to the central lockup, where these weapons can be controlled. This will happen eventually because the way it is going now, the people feel that they are losing rights and freedoms because they have weapons for sports. That's fine. But, where do you draw the line if things get out of control, when cases like national disasters, pilfering, and somebody comes to your home and you have a weapon there, the general tendency is you are going to use it. If you have these weapons in your home, and if the children get out of control, or if the husband gets mad at the wife, the weapon is there. It is not a deterent then any more. It is a weapon. And we have to look at the people who cannot control themselves on this Earth emotionally. And the problems that will cause this emotionality is something I've already discussed and it will get worse and as it gets worse, people are going to have a tendency to protect themselves and treat other people as animals. This is the danger of weapon control. Q: "So the government is trying to control the people and the people are going to fight the control. So there is positive and negative to that, as well." A: "The positive and negative is that nobody wants to be controlled. And if you don't start to control weapons, as shown through the leniency of the United States of America, you are going to have those blood battles of young people who go out of control and come into big restaurants and kill twenty people and think nothing of it. The legislation will tell them that they have rights and they will be dismissed. What we need in controlling is different laws. And the laws we need are not to control people. It is to prohibit people from taking control. Those are the kind of laws we need. So where the revamping and restructuring has to come is in the legislature and in your senate and also in the judiciary parts of your government. This is where the lack of foresight remains. The people who want to keep their guns, especially the ones who have a lot of financial means, and who have great authority in government themselves, are defeating their own purpose by trying to legislate for themselves. And this is what's happening in the United States of America. The senators and the governors and all of these people who are interested in weapons for sports are really, with a blind eye, protecting the ones who can purchase these weapons in stores, or in whatever other means, to get them. 156

So, it's again, high class power and people that are in the proper, as we call it, positions to be able to control that kind of legislation. There has to be a controlling center to let all these people who want to have weapons come to a central place where they can get their weapons, go out and shoot at whatever they want, come back and keep it controlled and locked up. There are too many breaks and entries now, where people are stealing weapons from homes and stealing them from all over the place. They have to take strong protective measures of lockups and control in that fashion. Today, because of your monetary system, people can go almost anywhere to other countries that don't have these controls and they can buy these weapons and munitions. For example, when you go into places like Russia, who do not have control in their government because of their big change over, there is a lot of poverty. Then they will sell their weaponry. So when we look at control, we must have central control to control those who have power to change the controls. So it is very important that, in the next two to three years, that these kind of stringent control measures have to be looked at; not to take away the rights of people to go out and shoot for sports, for hunting and for things like this, but their weapons must be controlled." Q: "When will Phase Two start?" A: "In September (1995)." Q: Re: Method for drying food. A: "Because of the sun's heat, you take your fruit and cut it out. Put it outside, like your grandmothers did, and let the sun directly dry it the proper way, instead of using electricity, or any kind of machinery. As you know, your microwaves are the most dangerous ovens that you can purchase. Try to stay away from electricity. Try to do it the natural way as much as possible. Your grandmothers did it that way." Q: "I believe we were told not to dry the food in the sun because of the ozone." A: "There would be some damage done to the cells. I could see that happening. But I would place a small glass or cellophane over it and leave it under the sun until you can see it dry, so that the deflection of your ultraviolet rays will be deflected off." Q: Are there any Indian spirits here on this property?" A: "Yes. Red Hawk is over there by the fire. Chief Yellow Feathers also is there. He is the chief of this area and he welcomes you. When you come into their territory, you should always say, 'spirits of this territory, we come in peace and love'.This includes the insects and anything that grows. They are all sustenance of life. I have to go now. Alahoy."


Chapter 47 - Transmigration Of Light "Good evening, I am Kalieb. "Unfortunately, because of the heavy overcast, and because of the training flight plan for the young UFOnauts that have the training, we do not want to come down too low because of the cost value of our technology and because of the training. They are above you, at this particular time, and they will be waiting to see what will happen to this overcast. It seems like the attempt (fly past) at 11:03 P.M. is still on. So we will see what happens at that time. "The lecture this evening, is on transmigration of light. "When we speak about a transmigration of light, we are talking about the intensity of intelligence that turns itself into a form, or being, of consciousness. In the universe, the first principle of light impregnated with consciousness is called the spirit of being. So you have the impregnation of consciousness with light. So the spirit does have consciousness. The spirit has consciousness, but it does not have life in a form of reality to express its consciousness. So the Divine Essence, or the God Consciousness, in order to express Its Consciousness through this light, had to take on within the entire universe, and there are two universes. There is the hidden universe and what we call the universe of thought and creation and procreation. "In the hidden universe, the God Consciousness uses the energy to create form, or reality, into the universe. In other words, the energy that creates any form, or being, or planet, or galaxy, comes from the light of the hidden universe called God. "The hidden universe is a magnetic sunlight that permeates the entire hidden universe. In its body it has, what you call, the immediate universe, or the universe where procreation goes on. In the immediate universe, where the procreation and that light that circumvents this universe from the hidden universe, is actually enveloping the inner universe. This intense light is so intense that it permeates through and creates objectivity. This objectivity takes on form and this form takes on life. Each life, in its own essence, comes in various forms. "There are many, as we call them, God created galaxies within the universe that you understand as the universe. It is myriad. So you cannot count them. I cannot count them. I can only account for the number of galaxies that I go through and see the different forms of life. And I have gone through 159,000 galaxies with life beings. From this enveloping light of the hidden universe, called the God Consciousness, in order to express its 158

consciousness through being something, it has to express it through form. So form becomes the expression of God's being and you are form. "In your form here, which is called the third interdimensionality, you have, what we call, physical form, but yet the spirit is impregnated into your physical form through your conception. How did this then, get first started in your galaxy? It was because the God seed of light had permeated the entire universe with all of the galaxies. And again I cannot count. But the seed of His light of expression permeated a myriad of galaxies, therefore taking on some form of reality to express this God's consciousness through form. And when it expresses itself through form, it goes through, what we call, the classification of interdimensionality , like you have here, nationality. "Interdimensionality has its own unique form because of the light that has expressed itself and its consciousness and the type of didactic, as we call it, expression that had taken this light on, like your Earth had taken on the third interdimensionality which is the form of light called human. The same expression is on, what you call, your Pleiades. The Pleiades has seven distinct planets and in all seven distinct planets they have the same human form in its third interdimensionality. "So, what happens when you have, what you call, over-population. Because of the technology that they have in the Seven Sisters, or the Pleiades, because of overpopulation, they have to find another conducive planet to take on that third form of interdimensionality. So they teach the art and they used, what you call, at that time, from an impregnation of the land itself, from the clay, to create a human being to express that consciousness within its Earth. They tried an Adam and Eve concept which did not work. Therefore, the over-population of the Pleiades had brought down many of the different; as we call them, nationalities from there, as you see in your African continent and as you see in your races. "Each different race represents a different galaxy that was conducive to Earth, that was over-populated. For example, in your yellow race, they come from Arcturia. Also, the Arcturians have a lot of similarities that you have here on Earth. Therefore, the environment was conducive to that kind of life. "If you go back into biblical time, you will find that the twelve tribes that were formed on the Earth represented twelve very distinct high forms of life in various galaxies that were planted here on this Earth. This is why there is always going to be tension and rivalry between those tribes. Those tribes, later throughout the years, exploded into a massive population that populated your Middle East. Therefore, their ideologies, because of them coming originally from different galaxies, is going to be in great opposition at all times. There has to be an integration of this to bring some form of peace. Therefore, from the twelfth interdimensionality, on Arcanna 12, they sent the most refined and the greatest 159

peace workers who are gods. And this is mentioned in your bible, where they talk of gods. "Really, Jesus Christ is a God that reincarnated as an avatar who came to this Earth. He understood the twelve tribes and tried to integrate them in the Tigris Euphrates Valley. The Aryan race, of course, was represented and the Jewish race were chosen as a stock just to bring in an avatar, at that particular time. So the Prince of Peace came with a very strong message of another kingdom. Therefore, during the Roman Empire, the emperors took, what we call, a very dim view of this great avatar and his predecessor, John the Baptist. "During this time, because of this strong Roman rule, they call that the mark of the beast. The emperors were really like what has been mentioned in your bible, the beast from the various rule. It started with your Persian Empire. The knowledge had disintegrated. Therefore, to bring the twelve tribes back into integration, they tried to use this concept of salvation; to integrate this peace through the birth of the spirit within you. "Rebirthing throughout the entire universe is, what we call, the integration, or bringing back the concept of the spirit in the reality of the form it is expressing consciousness in, into some form of wisdom of understanding oneself, where you come from and possibly where you are going to. So in this vast universe where there is constant creation going on, there is myriad planets and galaxies being formed at this particular time that we are talking now. In this universe, it is a constant expansion of, what we call, invisible gamma rays that cannot even be contacted by your cameras, or any kind of technology that you have here. The expansion of this universe is constant. It keeps getting bigger and bigger and bigger to make room for these new galaxies that are being rebirthed, or formed, to express God's Consciousness through interdimensionality. "There are, in some of these galaxies, many similarities because of the spirit when it expresses its consciousness and when it employs the knowledge of integrating and trying to understand what spirit really is, in essence. You are all interrelated, related to one another. "In the transmigration of light you have, what we call, intercession where you will come into light to express a consciousness. But you want to also become like a twin conscious expression. In other words, you want to be in two different light interdimensionalities of the same kind. That is called walk-in. You express yourself then to walk into two different forms of bodies at two distinct times within two different expressions of consciousness. Therefore, you feel like you are not 160

in your body at times. That is because you are expressing your consciousness in a walk-in reality and another galaxy. So, in order for your life to carry on and complete its cycle, where you really walk out of, you make another commitment through transmigration with another soul to walk into your body. So, the concept of walk-in is a very true reality on the Earth planet. "Also, within your galaxy, you had two great wars. And these wars were interdimensional with interdimensional principalities that were warring and a very high, as we call it, expression of consciousness which you are in knowing of the Kingdom of god. In this warring principle you have heard of the expression of a fallen or dismissed force which is, what we call, a dark hole, or a luciferian light. "When there is a banishment of this kind of energy from a higher galaxy, there is not an intermission or, what we call, a confliction of God intention. In other words, there is a hiccup here. So in order to clear the consciousness and to continue life cycle in interdimensionality, those who war in higher principles are reduced in size and they are banished to lower forms of galactic expression of life. Therefore, when this fall of the luciferian light intermeshed with Mars, it completely wiped Mars off, in what we call, an intergalactic battle through the explosion of intercometry gamma rays of explosion, as you had seen on your planet Jupiter. So the remainder of life that was there escaped into the center of Mars. "During this battle, a very small planet called Maldec got fragmentations of these explosions and was completely wiped out. This caused a lot of debris that you see around Saturn rings and also all the way into Jupiter and Pluto. This kind of expression of fragmentation, this life form, was taken on on Mars. The battle and interbattle of the Martians that lived there were very similar to what you call the yellow race, the Japanese. The ones were taken off, who were evacuated by the Astrans spacecraft and were placed on the islands of Japan. The yellow race were very much into the principle of what you have in the Tectarian principle. The pyramidology is the Tectarian principle that you have today as you see the fragments, or the remains, of that kind of technology on Mars, where you see the pyramids there on the sphinx. "These ddemarkations are very important because they are a symbol of a dying race as you see today in your egyptology and in the great race of the Egyptians and pharaohs. This is the signal of a great dying race. Yet the spirit of these great pharaohs lives on. "The transmigration of light is called the seeding of these galaxies to express the interdimensional light of life consciousness. Therefore, it is only a reflection of the 161

God's Consciousness. In order to be re-reflected, you must allow the soul context the birth of your soul seed to be born again back into the consciousness of God. This is referred to as the prodigal, or prodigal son, returning back to its full consciousness. You often hear that principle here on this Earth. This is called the superconscious state of the mind where you become totally aware or omniscient of your flight. In other words, the flight of your spirit. In other words, where is this all going to end up? How is this going to end? "It is a continuous convection cycle. You go back in and you are recycled back into, what we call, the invisible universe. This is called the Kingdom of God. You are recycled back out into the purity state of the seed. This is again, a principle of spirit that needs to express consciousness in a form of soul. So back out you go, into the galaxies again expressing life. This is a continuous flow of cycle. The light was meant to be purified into a state where it is continuous. This is why the great avatar spoke of eternity. "There are two eternities. There is a hell eternity and there is a heaven eternity. As you go through the convection cycle into these life forms, you cause yourself the hell and you cause yourself the heaven because you have both concepts of that kind of principle within you. You will always speak of right and wrong. You will always speak this hell and heaven concept. That will always be. It is part of the soul seed taking on the awareness to know that there is some form of principle or direction that the soul must take to stay out of that concept and to be in the concept of what was originally intended, which was the heaven concept in the invisible universe. But there was a problem. There is always a problem of greed, power and taking over. God had nothing to do with that, so He banishes. Sometimes you are banished. From a certain lifetime, I know of at least three of you here that were banished from that lifetime. Some of you become very aware of that in your consciousness. "Consciousness is expressed in three forms. It is expressed in the subconscious form because you are still reality when you are asleep. So therefore, you are expressing consciousness in light. Here you have a lot of freedom because you travel a lot in the subconscious state. You are not bombarded therefore by the flesh, or the carnality, of who you are. "Then you have your physical consciousness, which you are here now, which you are physical in the form that you are now.


"Then you have your superconsciousness when you go through all of these states of purity. You purify yourself into the salvation of understanding who you really are. You travel back into the prodigal, back into the heaven concept of where the Father had set up the table and kingdom for you, there to go back into and again to be chosen to take your choice. You then have the freedom of choice to travel back into the galaxy to express God Consciousness to form an interdimensionality. "Heaven and hell are the expression of this banishment and this kingdom, the alpha and the omega. When you bring them together you have eternity. There is no ending, my dear beloved. There is no ending. Transmigration just means going from one form to another form. And each time you go through another form, you may get higher in consciousness and go right into, what we call, the kingdom, never to be released again, as you read in your Book of Revelations. "When you become the pure white light, then you stay right within the kingdom. So the whole process of this convection cycle of God's creation of form to express consciousness is to purify your state of being. This is to allow the spirit to become free somewhere in this convection cycle to become a pure state of mind to return back into the kingdom, never to go out again. There is no reason to because you have reached the purity state. "Now, let me say. When you go into the purity state, here is what you do. You create anything you want to create. You are in a constant motion of light of total peace, serenity, love constant bonding, constant expression of this peaceful light in a total environment of 70-75 degrees, in constant daylight, never getting tired, constantly in a form of great engrossment of interest. You are constantly so interested in what you are doing that you are never distracted. You never become, as you call it, bored. That is what you are doing with your seed now by going through the constancy of this convection cycle of light. "Now, transmigration of light. There are a lot of things that happen on this Earth. Sometimes you are taken from this light, like you have here, a lot of people missing. Sometimes you are taken. You are taken because you have made that choice to be taken because you want to express a higher consciousness of learning in another galactic state. So what you do is you make a strong commitment of dematerialization and your consciousness will go into a higher form. "You can also go into, what we call, 49 expressions of spirit, 49 different, almost like we would say, interdimensionalities of some kind of a physical life expressing consciousness. In other words, you feel more free as a spirit to go to learn more about the essence of spirit. A lot of people go into the 49 parallels of spirit light. There they learn how to become a great master, a grand master. They learn to become a messiah. They learn to become a savior. They learn many things while they are in that very strong light. 163

Then they come back to Earth again to complete that cycle. This is why you have such great variances all over the place in different races of very intelligent people. They had went ahead into the spiritual realm to learn that kind of mastership so that they can, through impregnation, come back to Earth, or a galaxy similar, to express a higher consciousness. "This is what they refer to as God, even during the time of the Egyptian race, especially when they were building pyramids. The idea during this time because of the judgment of the seals that was pronounced on the Earth because of differemt weather changes, like you are going through now, that area in particular went through great floods, great monsoons, great winds. So the big pyramid structures were used, not only for refrigerators of foodstuffs that carried the Egyptians through seven years of famine, but also for higher rituals of consciousness because the pyramids were adjusted to the highest polarity of magnetation called magnetic law. So therefore, naturally the pull on the solar plexus, the different pineal gland and your pituitary were expanding at such a rapid rate that your consciousness was constantly elevating and you were doing great out-of-body experiences that had been done with the sarcophagus in the King's Chamber and also in the Queen's Chamber. So there was a lot of, what we would call, spirituality that was engendered and took place in the pyramids. "There were many pyramids. Unfortunately, through another great battle, a lot of them were destroyed because of jealousy. So you can see the importance then of these demarkations of the gods in their strong rituals, like the chariot of the gods. This is a true concept that they did live and they did grow in spirituality and in that form they levitated the big stones. Those big stones were all levitated into their proportion to build these great pyramids. Because they were leraning the high energies of polarity, they learned a lot about weightlessness. "This Earth, every 26,000 years, sheds its, as we call them, its feathers, or changes its surface structure to be able to withstand the great changes that it has to go through in the firmaments called the cleansing process. So each creation that God places, whether it is a galaxy, or whether it is a human, or whether it is some other expression of interdimensionality has a time that it has to go through to change and to reach some form of purity. This is so because of the pilfering and because of the way mankind takes and destroys the surface and even below the surface and even above the surfaces and even going into part of your firmaments. "In order to restructure and to change the entire vibrations of mankind, there has to be a change to a state of, what we call, cocoonization, or a complete DNA structure change. It changes right within the body. It has to shed its cocoon, like the Earth itself has to do that. So by going through the 26,000 years of giving up its various feathers, it 164

must send its different ideologies. When it reaches a certain revolution within the galaxy itself, it goes through, what we call, a warming up procedure where the temperature starts to warm up because of the intergalactic changes of your different fragmentations of destruction of different planets. "When you're going through, what we call, a photon belt of very strong light, this will start to change the firmaments and start to restructure the outer and inner elements of the Earth. During this procedure, the life that is on the Earth, in a lot of cases, has to migrate to different places, or move to different places, to try to save itself. You will get one gigantic movement when certain islands start to destroy themselves, like in the case of Japan and the case of Alaska. In certain areas, there is a lot more destruction that has been caused, not only by the shifting of tectonic plates, but manmade explosions. Therefore, the Earth is going through a very strong restructuring of its firmaments. So the first stages will be in the immediate galaxy. So, when you see more fragments hurled at the Earth and the great forms of destruction that have been forecast, it is true as foreseen by the prophets. They were picking up the energies of the changes actually taking place through visionary form. They are part of the great ones that are sent here that come from the heavens, or the 49 planes of spirituality. "These prophets, these seers and various wisemen come here to forecast, to try to tell the population to start to change your thinking and to start to adapt to the policy of cleansing of the mind, the inner universe to support and to help the outer universe in its cleansing. "There are two types of cleansing that will hit the Earth. There is the inner cleansing of the inner universe which is your mind and the outer cleansing of the outer universe which is your firmaments. In order to complete this cycle, there is always some form of destruction. But because mankind is changing within the inner universe and because of the body changes, they will rapture themselves in a very strong form of light which you will be recognizing as the second coming of oneself, the highest there is. This way you will be caught in this cocoon of light until the firmaments and the necessary changes of Earth have completed themselves. Then you will be brought back again to live in, what we call, the heaven part of, or that completion of your change in a once again, in a very high environment, which you classify as the purification of millennial light, or the millennium of 1000 years. It will be 1000 years of cleansing, like the 1000 years of the abyss, the lake of fire. So there will actually be a great lake of fire surrounding the Earth, the abyss, the bottomless pit. There is no ending to that in the universe. Therefore, all of the evil people, if you wish to call them that, who have been participating in this kind of destruction are not going to get away with it. Their karma is called the bottomless pit. They will go through a very 165

strong, as we call it, judgment and purification until they come to their senses and realize that their mental ability and their mentality has to change. They have to change their inner universe in order to program their self to be able to live in a millennium, or a golden age. You are coming close to this. You are going through certain phases at this time of this great magnetic change. Your bodies will feel it. You will feel out of balance. "Tonight you were impregnated with a very strong change of Earth impregnation which means that you have been selected to give off this kind of good energy as you go back into your various areas called balance. This is what will happen to a lot of people. They will gather as the eagles gather, in high places. You have been chosen as eaglets to gather into these high energy places, not only in your consciousness, but here on Earth to balance and to take back and to rebalance and to assist. You are all teachers here to assist mankind in whichever way you choose. Some of you are good healers. This is all part of the change. And that is all I have to say to you this evening. "Are there any questions you wish to ask?" [Group Questions: Yvonne, Judy & Lucille] Q: "Are these changes, Kalieb, making us feel like we are vibrating inside?" A: "Yes, very much so, because that is the spirit vibrating outward through your pituitory. You will have a nice sleep and a nice visit this evening into a very high galactic state of consciousness." Q: "Were our bodies transmuted tonight?" A: "To a degree." Q: "Will that process be continued at a later date?" A: "You will always gradually continue until you have reached your higher state and then you will be raptured out of the physical body for a period of time until the Earth changes are complete." Q: "Will we remember our visit tonight?" A: "You will ask before you go to bed for retention and memory. Just talk to your higher consciousness. This is your God. I have to go now. Alahoy."

CHAPTER 48 DNA AND BODY CHANGES "Good afternoon, I am Dr See-ven. "This afternoon, I am going to talk about the second re-entrant of your photonic belt and the coming of the millennial light that is going to open up the DNA within each 166

individual. This will start to allow the vibration of the body changes to take place a lot faster than what was first scheduled. {Note: Dr See-ven spoke of the first, second and third phases of the Photon Belt causing a lot of weather changes and a lot of energy changes in the firmaments.} "The stabilization of Mother Earth and especially of its core, is the first primary factor that is affected. This will stabilize, not only the tectonic plates, but will stabilize the entire Earth for the period of 1000 years of the Golden Age where you have a complete change due to the millennial light that will affect mankind. "During this time, because of the geographical changes and the firmament changes, mankind will go through quite a body change with his DNA. At this particular time, the vibrations are affecting many people. There are many people who will not make it through the first phase of the shedding of the cocoon, or the skin, going into new birth of the new body. The new body is being scheduled to rapture before the coming of, what we call, the judgment of the trumpets, as you have that mentioned in your Book of Revelations. "The earth changes and everything that is happening after the year 2000 is called the judgment of the Seals, you call it, in the Book of Revelations. You will be going into the great tribulation with the judgment of the trumpets. "So it is important that during the seven year cycle, with all of the big changes taking place to the body, that the body should be, if everything goes according to the way it has been forecast, by the year 2011, you should be raptured into, what you call, the first phase, or the preparatory beginning of your Golden Age. Before that, there is, what you call, the Battle of Armageddon, where whatever diseases, or pestilences, and wickedness that you have on this Earth, will be cleansed by Michael the Archangel and the third phase of the ascension, which is the coming of Christ with the saints. "At this particular time, a lot of people who have special missions, are being taken off the Earth by, what you call, your UFO's. The UFO's do have an exceptionally important function for taking people at certain times into very high elements of manifestation where they are groomed and where they will be returned as great teachers. Some are coming in various fashions. At this particular time, there are a lot of angels that are here to combat the Luciferian angels, the dark forces, that are here. So there is a lot of activity, at this particular time, in your Middle East and in places like Bosnia and Russia where the dark forces have manipulated and have taken great control of large bodies of people. "This energy of the coming of the millennial light will blend into and work with, not only angelic forces, but will work with the 144,000 great teachers who are here now. We have twelve tribes representing the whole world. These tribes are mentioned in your Old Testament, when your tribes went in various ways. 167

"The twelve tribes each have 12,000 teachers that are in full force. They will be teaching very high attunement. So the 144,000teachers are going to be very important. These teachers, at this time, are being groomed, coming in various fashions, either through angelic forces, walk-ins, taken up and being brought back down from higher places of manifestation, where they are impregnated with very strong, very intelligent, great knowledge that is coming to them. So the scene is set and there are going to be a lot of changes. "Do you wish to ask Dr See-ven any questions?" {Questions by Yashah.} Q: "Yes. Thank you Dr See-ven. You mentioned the reference of the people being taken by the UFO's, the space brothers and sisters. Were you referring to being physically taken, or taken in consciousness?" A: "It will be physically taken. You see, the ascensions that are mentioned; the Second Coming and then the seeding of the saints, the UFO's are involved with that. That is Phase One. Phase Two is those who stay and rapture themselves, in what we call, salvation, to save their own selves. That's the second phase. The third phase is the coming back of Jesus Christ and the saints to clean up the mess on this Earth through the Battle of Armageddon." Q: "So now, currently, at this particular time, are there people taken physically?" A: "There's people taken who are taken physically and their bodies are changed. There are a lot of people who are missing, a lot of young children and older children that are taken because they are going to be going into very strong higher energy to be able to come back and to meet people. Some won't come back. Some will just go into the various different areas that they are taken into at this particular time to assist in the first wave and the second wave of the ascension. They will assist with the UFO's because people will be more comfortable with people that they know and recognize to be like their own." Q: "So these people who are taken, is it with their full knowledge and agreement?" A: "At one time, yes. They have already agreed to that." Q: "The ones that come back to work and teach and whatever they do when tery come back...." A: "They are like your higher masters". 168

Q: "So then, are they consciously aware at the time?" A: "Of who they really are?" (Yes) "Yes. They will be aware of who they really are and they will be consciously aware of everything that is taking place. They will be highly protected because they are going to be in their higher body". Q: "So they would be in, at least the 5th interdimensionality, or higher?" A: "I would say, it looks like the 6th and the 7th..... because people are slowly starting to go into the fifth on this Earth." Q: "So how does that relate to being in the 3rd? They will be in the 5th, 6th and 7th. Will people in the 3rd be aware of them?" A: "Yes. They will be assisting them to go into these higher dimensions because there are going to be certain pockets and vortexes that they can go to and do that. As of right now, those that are taken off the Earth go in through the interdimensional states because they are taken into different kind of chambers and areas where this is happening." Q: "Can you tell us, for the Instrument (Dr Ki) and myself, at what level we are at, in terms of interdimension?" A: "You are into the 4th right now and partly into the 5th. Sometimes you escape into your 5th totally when you are in your subconscious state. Sometimes you are both frequently in and out of the 5th interdimension." Q: "You mentioned pocket areas. I understand that these pocket areas will be at least 3000 feet above sea level." A: "3000 to 7000." Q: "Do you have anything further for this chapter of the book?" A: "Not at this time. God bless you."

CHAPTER 49 The Visible Universe and the Invisible Universe


"Good afternoon, I am Space Commander Dextra. We are right above you trying to materialize at this time. However, do not be dismayed. Just keep yourself looking in the direct vicinity and more or less, straight up. "This afternoon, I am going to talk about the two universes, the visible universe and the invisible universe. "There are strong energy fields that you are dealing with, at this particular time, in your immediate universe. Your immediate universe takes in, at this time, all of your galaxies. Each galaxy is a light of reproduction. There is a form of interdimensionality that represents life in each galaxy. "The hidden universe is far from your scientific knowledge at this particular time. The hidden universe is what gives birth and the constant re-energizing of the invisible universe. In the invisible universe there is the expansion and contraction of various elements which you are not aware of at this time because of the kind of energies and elements you have named in your terminology scientifically to understand. Here we have inter-gamma rays of protons. These protons develop into whatever creation that the energy of God wishes or wills into being. "The hidden universe is God's playground, or His tool room, where He is in His planning stages of the different life forms to represent consciousness and to have God's energy of being. God's energy of being is what represents life. It doesn't matter what interdimensionality you are in, wherever the galaxy is giving off that form of interdimensionality life. God's being is in that consciousness representing the knowingness, the awareness, of what you are coming from and what you are going to. There's always that question that is asked in every galaxy that gives a life form. "A lot of these galaxies are not even within reach of some of your sophisticated methods of travel in outer space. We call then O.S.T.V.'s, outer space travel vehicles. The term, U.F.O.'s, unidentified flying objects, I think, has been worn out. Just because you cannot identify them as your galactic vehicles, doesn't mean to say it's an unknown vehicle in some other galaxy that has already fused with that consciousness, either in a prior lifetime, or in the one that's in existence at this time. "The most closest neighbor representing human form in the third interdimension, however, they have already entered their fifth interdimension, are the Pleiadians, in your Pleiades. There are similarities of environment in that type of oxygen to express the third, fourth and fifth interdimensional life. "In space travel, in some of the big motherships, they pick up, what we call, the plantation seed. The mother ships that are stationed in various higher elevations have the capabilities of sending out scout ships and experimental craft to come into the various atmospheres of these galaxies, planets, thereof, and seed, or plant, a similarity of life form. So therefore, out of all of the specimens that we pick up that are 170

representing in the mother ship, plantation seed ship, somewhere in another galaxy there is compatibility. "We, as the star seed plantation ship, allow the races to get started and we check in periodically, as you noticed, to see how the seedling, or how the expansion of consciousness, the awareness and the knowledge, is proceeding. Some plantations are not successful, as in the case of your Mother Earth at this particular time. However, in the planning stages of the invisible universe, as foreseen total perfection, when you take anything out of a perfection state and put it into an interplanetary interdimensional form to try to either make this teachable state exit, or deteriorate, that is a chance you are taking when you impregnate perfection into, what we call, imperfection, or materiality of form that loses its imbalance. Maybe that's a better term to use and say that on your Earth, at this particular time. There is a great imbalance. "In order to fuse or to bring this balance back to this planet, it has to be highly impregnated with a millennial light vibration of knowingness, knowing how to perfect oneself, as you hear the terminology that's used here on this Earth right now, called rebirthing. In other words, being born again from one concept of being to another. "When this kind of infusion takes place, usually in an evolution cycle of every 26,000 years, the Earth will hit a certain energy field that's conducive for this change to take place. A lot of you today are calling this a Photon Belt. It is a very strong energy inflicted by this great millennial light to bring in, or to rebirth, a millennium. This is very important because the impregnation of this great millennial light will recreate, or rebirth, every concept of the planet, even all of your firmaments, all of your atmospheric layers, as in atmosphere, troposphere, ionosphere, all of your different labels you use to identify the amount of oxygen within a layer. "All of this rebirthing has to take place from the highest form first. As you see, the impregnation starts with the auric energy fields of the Earth. Therefore, it starts with your ionosphere and even above that layer. This layer is heated therefore, from this great Photon Belt of, we call it, explosion of millions of light particles. Here again, in scientific terms, you get into, what we call, fission and fusion. To fuse is to come together. Fission is to come apart. You are now at that stage of coming apart. So the fission part is taking place. "This great energy that is working is various strong waves, assists mankind in ascending, or ascension. You probably heard the terms of different waves of ascension. This will happen in stages because of the extreme application of this great heat in the firmaments. It could cause a heavy loss of life. Some, rather than going through the pains and pangs of this rebirthing, will go into, what we call, the evolution cycle of the first phase of ascension. The ones who are not going to evolve from and into the second wave of ascension, as on the Earth now, therefore will be lifted. 171

"So the first phase then is the lifting of ascending souls. It is the lifting off into a higher form of consciousness to be rebirthed. While those who are here in great strength that could withstand the DNA change will ascend within their higher body. That will be the second wave of ascension into, what we call, the cocoonization, or the perfection of the seventh, eighth and ninth dimensional body. The priority will be on the ninth for the millennium for the perfection of the body. "Those stages you are going through now are the second wave of the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth stage of DNA changes. The intermolecular universe within you is being changed, according to structure. Those that withstand this great change within themselves will go into, what we call, the third wave of ascension, called the rapture, rapturing out of the fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth stage of interdimensionality for the perfectionization of the new body, which will be self-contained. "When this is happening, the strong blending of this great millennial light is carried back by, what we call, the third coming. The second coming is the taking away of those that cannot make it into the second wave of ascension. That is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The third coming is the returning and blending the new body to its perfection of the ninth interdimensionality. "This is called the rapture where the millennial light finally perfects this body in all of its interdimensionalities. This body is self-contained. This body is one that will be able to levitate. This body is one that will be able to travel from any point on the Earth, from one point of dematerialization to the next point of materialization. So you will be having, what you call, the teleportation of body from one point of ionization to the next point of materialization. Teleportation travel will be very important. "Mental telepathy will take the place of telephones. It will be the universal language of understanding. It doesn't matter what language you were before, or color of skin, or whatever. It will just be in the millennial light through the rapture of the quick light. It will just be one very light metallic form of body. Although, you will still have certain parts of your organs that will be revitalized and changed considerably. This will again, take you into the time of the Garden of Eden, or the Adam and Eve concept of longevity. This body will last a long period of time because everything, even the environment and nature, will be completely changed to, what we call, a better perfection state. "The fruit and vegetables that will grow will always be there and will always replace themselves. The minute you will pick one fruit it will, in no time at all, reproduce itself. So you will have reproduction immediately where you do not have to plant a graden. It will be one gigantic sporadic garden all over the Earth with different fruits and trees. There will be no eating of any animal substance that gives that kind of form of life. There will be a peaceful coexistence at this time with animals. You won't have, say the rivalry between the lion and the dog and the sheep. It will be all one total peaceful coexistence. 172

"Talking about coexistence then, and referring back to the body structure of mankind/womankind, you will have again reproduction organs where there will be rebirthing done during this 1000 years. During this 1000 years, although the longevity of the body will prosper 1000 years, the millennium is only foreseen for 1000 years. Therefore, the seed must carry on. So there will be rebirthing but not as in the concept as you see it now. It will be a long period of rebirthing. You have, at this time, a nine month period of time. But in there, you will have almost like a ten year period of time. So it would be a long rebirthing, reproduction system. So there will not be an over population. It will be very controllable from the new change of the body. "The water content will be in the fruit and the vegetables you eat. Of course, the center of the Earth will be changed. Constantly, there will be, through ley lines and magnetic flow lines, a constant regenerating of these fruits of the plants. So the water sheds, or water basins, that will be on the Earth surface will be mostly for bathing and therapeutic purposes. If you have to drink, you will be getting the right amount of, what we call, energy in liquid form from the fruit you eat. "The friendship will be one of the most highest that one should ever think of. Because of the longevity of the period of time, everyone will treat everyone like they would in the family now, as a brother and sister, with that kind of strong bonding and feeling in mind. Of course, remember that hate will be completely removed during this great Battle of Armageddon. So therefore, the seed will be perfected in its thinking strongly only into a very love concept way of feeling towards one another. "The marriage will be again, a freedom of choice. By meeting and inter-relating you will be drawn closer together more magnetically, by body compatibility within the solar plexus, rather than the looking at someone for extreme beauty. However, the bodies will look very much alike. But there will be some significant changes for identification reasons only. You cannot have everybody looking the same. So there will be ways to distinguish the different looks of these bodies to identify them. "The government will strictly be a controlling of the environment for a greater amount of constant growth. So everybody will really be the government. But, there will be some figure heads which you will call rulers. But they will have a short term and then there will be freedom of choice to be picking again, like you have very similar to your democracy system, where you have that choice to pick the leader you want. Leaderships and job rules will be very easy because of the peaceful coexistence at that time. However, there will be area zones, like you have here, your homes, your yards. There will be area zones where you will be in an area zone where you will have your own privacy, or your own abode. These areas will also be with heavy vineyard, selfcontained and will have, what you call, your own particular kind of small bath, fissure like, that comes up from the Earth.


"Travel into mountainous areas will be there for beauty and for camping and for meditations. Here you will have lakes to swim in and things like that. There will be that kind of socializing. "The love bonding is going to be very important. So, over a period of 1000 years, you will be able to go to anywhere on the Earth in seconds. You will be able to walk anywhere, over and above, where you will not be harmed by gravitational pull. The centrifugal force will be equal above any bodies of either water, glacier, or whatever other form of interdimensional mirages that will come periodically to recharge the center of the Earth's core. "Your lifestyle will be one of great importance because again, there will be a family structure, but not as large. Living that total lifestyle of 1000 years will be intriguing because of all of the movements you will be doing and all of the places you will be going. When you are in the ninth interdimensional body, of course, the body will not require as much rest. So you will be going into a lot of, what you call right now, your subconscious state. You will be able to do that just by merely going and sitting and allowing your consciousness to be projected higher and faster into another galaxy with complete retention of where you were, as compared to now. So it is going to be very important that during this period of time that this life is going that it will be one of the greatest. "The rearing of children and education, of course, everything will be free. There will be no monetary system because you will be able to project, to create, because you are going to be in a very high body. You will create from your own imagination, in a miraculous way, what you imagine. It is like the great saying today, 'I think, therefore I am'. You are going to be able to put that more into practice where you will create, without abuse, all of your needs. "There will be no monetary system. Therefore, no policing is involved in this new millennial system. Education is very important because you will be going directly into your subconscious and your superconscious state, into classes, where you will spend a certain length of time to be able to progress very highly in the mental state where you can actually see and create. So the education is going to be fascinating because you will be doing it by projection. It will be very enlightening. "Do you wish to ask Dextra any questions?" [Questions by Yashah] Q: "Thank you, Space Commander Dextra. What is your O.S.T. V. called?" A: "It is called Amanda Five." Q: "Meaning five occupants?" A: "Right." 174

Q: "And where are you from?" A: "I am from the Booth Constellation." Q: "Your reference to the Pleiadians now going from the third to the fifth interdimension. So they were in the third dimension?" A: "Yes. They were very compatible to your Earth people." Q: "So that explains why a lot of visitors from the Pleiades are here." A: "That's right." Q: "Do you have any other guidance for us?" A: "I don't. But you will see my craft tonight at 9:59." Q: "Is your craft a scout ship." A: "Yes, a scout ship." Q: "Which mothership are you from?" A: "I am from the mothership Athena. It's not too far from here now." Q: "Yes, we had Dr Watson last night. He is on that mothership." A: "Yes. He is my doctor." Q: "Have you ever had a physical incarnation?" A: "No. I am being beamed back. So I have to go now. Alahoy."

CHAPTER 50 THE POCKETS WHERE EAGLES SHALL GATHER "Osanta here. It is nice to be in this new area. "Tonight I am going to talk about the conscious change that is coming to your Earth. Your Earth will be going into a very strong phase of upliftment. This upliftment will be part of your coming age. Some of you refer to this as your New Age, or the awakening consciousness for rebirthing. There are many different terms you are using now. We look at it as the conscious change through the shifting of your beliefs. It is the energy 175

that you believe in very strongly that changes your global consciousness and brings in a peaceful co-existence. "There is a lot of research that goes back into your geo-orbology and it shows great topography changes on the Earth's surface. There are many other elements that come into being which elevate the consciousness of the Earth and its elements at the same time as the consciousness of mankind is being changed. So all living forms will go through this last conscious change. "The firmaments are being heated at this particular time because there are several stars that are turning into black holes. Because of the shifts and changes in your immediate universe, there is a lot of debris that is floating in ring formations with the photonic belt, or the photonic ring. "What happens when you come into close contact, a lot of this debris is hurled into your galaxy. When you hit the first ring of the Photon Belt you see the Jupiterian, as we call it, assault where a lot of your particles are hurled towards Jupiter. "The consciousness of Jupiter, because of its position, is to be altered or changed first. All of your planets will be in a significant change. "There is a new planet coming to replace Maladec, the one that was destroyed by the great battle between the Dragon and Lord Michael. "The destruction of Maladec caused a lot of imbalances to your seasons and also to your weather. A similar battle took place on Mars. It was the battle of, what we call, the inter-gamma rays. These inter-gamma rays were fired from two black holes coming together through intense radiation. This caused the vegetation of Mars to burn off. "As you are coming into more of these changes, the Photon Belt, and especially into the second ring, there will be some great changes to take place on your Earth. There will be more shiftings of your tectonic plates. Some of your flat lands will be affected severely by the weather changes. There will be more flooding because of the heating element causing your icebergs to melt and to drift off. So this changes your whole convection weather cycle.You will find that there will be more storms in severity than what you had so far experienced on this Earth. "The second wave, or the second ring, of the Photon Belt has an enormous collection of organic light. This organic light glows in waves and the reflection and deflection of these lights, through an explosion, will cause at least 72 hours of straight light. This will be experienced on your Earth.


"This is very important for the greater energy changes. At this particular time, the Earth will go through its most innoculative stage of receiving a tremendous amount of light. A lot of this light will be mixed in with the millennial light. "The millennial light is going to assist mankind mentally to project his knowledge a lot higher into the superconscious to pick up more directions. Knowledge is what will come to this Earth and mankind will start becoming more aware of his, or her, own potential. This potential is going to be increased. Also, there will be a lot of gifts with this potential. Mankind will understand some of the tremendous powers that he or she has in order to be able to cope with these new environmental changes. "This great infusion of light, after the cooling down of the firmaments, especially when the Earth goes into the re-entrant of the third ring of this Photon Belt, there will be, at least, 48 hours of darkness. What happens here, as the Earth rotates, it will come into contact with these blast waves that are deflecting from the tremendous light that was sent to this Earth where you have the 72 hours of daylight. That blast are the waves that are caused from this. "These waves will block out the sun for 48 hours until the waves completely dissipate. Then the cycle of the sun and the moon will become normal. During this time, the sensation of the moon turning into blood, or turning red, will be perceived, or will be seen. The heat that goes through the firmaments caused that. There is really no alarm. But during these times, the most important thing is that there will be a lot of fear and panic. "There will be a lot of lives that will be going into demise. There will be a lot of very unsettling energy because of these great fears. That will cause a lot of great concerns to and for human life, at that particular time, to go through those important phases This will cause a great change again, especially in 1997, 1998, 1999 and the year 2000. The settling down process from this is tremendous. "Then you get your second infusion of the millennial light in the years 2000 to 2007. The Earth will go through its final judgments as revealed in your Book of Revelations, the judgment of the seven trumpets. This will put the Earth into great jeopardy because there will be a great tribulation. You may feel that through the next five years that you are going through a prep stage for this. This is quite true because this is classified as the judgment of the Seals that you are going through at this particular time. "There will be divine intervention. There will be many more angelic beings coming to this Earth to stabilize this Earth. Some will be coming in your flying machines, E.F.M.'s, extra-terrestrail flying machines, E.F.M.'s. Some have different names. But I call my craft an E.F.M. To you, to be known in that fashion. They will be interconnecting more as you have seen during the Second World War where you were seeing great lights of destruction. There was great concern at that time. There will be another great concern when Europe goes through the Photon Belt. 177

"There will be seen the lights again and the different changes in the firmament. The extra-terrestrial machines and the interdimensional occupants will come again to make sure that if there needs to be some evacuation from various areas to preserve the seed, they will be responsible for the transportation of those to be taken to various power spots, known as pockets, or thrones. "These are very highly elevated areas, from 3000 to 9000 feet in elevation. The thrones and pockets are sometimes referred to as the places where the eagles shall gather. {Refer to: The Gathering of the Eagles.} That is the strong ones. The eagle represents those who are very strong who will be going into the retreats. "A lot of you right now, as you are changing your global consciousness, are talking about retreats. Some of you will be very successful and you will be like the eagles. You will go into the high places of elevation where you will find your vortexes, your ley lines, of great protection. Sometimes these retreats are infused by domes that are literally placed over the top of these areas to completely protect them from the radiation coming from the firmaments when these great changes are made. "Some of the meteors will hit. There are some that are very explosive. At the same time, there will be a nuclear exchange that will take place with another war. This one, as you read in your good book, shows an indication that the yellow race will dominate the Earth. So there will be a lot of changes in those respects. But those who are in these high pocket areas, who are the seed, will be spared and changed by their body process, their DNA, the new, as we call it, rapturing process of the millennial light. "The significant changes then of those who will come from these pocket areas later, after the big Battle of Armageddon, will be responsible to repopulate and to get the seed again into the great 1000 years of, what we call, feasting on this Earth. The feasting is going to be a very important process for mankind and womankind to develop a strong mixture as in the days of Egypt. The gods again will assist in the impregnation. The gods, at that time, were referred to as those in the E.F.M.'s. There are great signs of these E.F.M.'s, even in your pyramids. The Cheops Complex have them on their murals. "These inter-exchanges of those who come here will blend with the human kind that are here. You have a blending of the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth interdimensional blendings coming together to form these new bodies. Even at this particular time, there has been some great exchanges of, what you call, walk-ins, who are now interbreeding. So these new bodies are going to be very strong. They will be able to withstand a lot of these pestilences and diseases that will be caused from some of 178

these areas like you have in Africa now, the strains of diseases, your starvation, famines. "You will see many of these great changes coming in greater intensity. Before you reach the year 2000, there will be more of these diseases like you have here with AIDS. There will be a stronger strain that will take a lot of lives. A lot of lives will succumb to these kind of diseases. This will take quite a number of the population off the Earth. "Things will therefore settle down for you again and you will arrive into a period of, as we call it, plenty with the proper kind of nourishment and health. And the Earth, when it finally receives its full rebirthing, it will go into 1000 years of, what we call, fulfillment or completeness. Then, all parts of the Earth, including the firmament, will receive the highest infusion of this great millennial light. We call it the theraupetic touch of God. This great energy is being brought closer to this Earth by mankind and womankind's purity of thought which, in turn, from the energy infused through mankind and womankind's thinking, becomes a creation. "So your thinking process is very important at this time. Man has lost control of himself, or herself, at this time, on this planet. So it's going to take quite some time before mankind is shakened in his shoes, literally, to bring the consciousness back so that everybody is thinking about co-existence and peace. "This is important because in 1996 there is going to be a lot of the New Age people who are being groomed at this time. There will be a stronger infusion with angelic beings. Also, you will have astral projections to be with grand masters and to whatever areas you will be going into with your higher consciousness to be, as we call it, educated by soul food. "Soul food is going to allow the spirit to grow. So mankind and womankind will start growing from this soul food and allowing their spirit to give their bodies the kind of direction of safety and survival. "Survival is very important and these mountainous areas have the thrones. These thrones are protected heavily by the angels because that is what the angels do that come from the ranks of the thrones. They hold a strong powerful energy in these areas for the people to survive and to continue the life cycle, until finally then the Battle of Armageddon is over. Then all of these people will start coming out of their thrones and going back into areas. Then there will be one great nation ruled by the spirit. "So the consciousness of mankind and womankind will be spirit consciousness of great peace, love and freedom. This consciousness will assist mankind into becoming, as we call them, the millennial people of the New Age. 179

"This is very important because there will be control measures placed on Earth people by, what we call, those who are in control now of all of your money. When they see that you money is going to be worthless, they are going to want to still control. So they will use a card system, the mark of the beast, which is 666. They will use this card system for a short period of time. It will be hard to buy and sell unless you have this marked system and card. However, those who are protected in the domes will be able to selfsustain while they are up there. "It is very important at this time that mankind starts to change his ways of thinking as far as sharing and looking at everyone as an equal. It is by looking at everyone as an equal to one another that through the whole idea of survival, you are given strength and a very high profile of love and great respect that the spirit comes to teach mankind. "Do you wish to ask Osanta any questions?" [Questions by Yashah] Q: "Yes Osanta, thank you. Welcome to Morning Bell Mountain." A: "I didn't hear the bell. Maybe in the morning." Q: "We are back to the gathering of the eagles. This is a great concept. There are many pocket areas here in southern Oregon." A: "Yes, in every state, there are pockets." Q: "Some of these areas are not of 3000 feet. So in some cases, it is O.K. to be less than 3000 feet?" A: "In your lower areas here, the energy of the thrones will be energized up to 3000 to 9000 feet. The energy in these low areas will be more than 3000 feet." Q: "Are you saying they will be energized if we are under 3000 feet?" A: "Right." Q: "Is this a dome area where we are at here?" A: "Yes. Up there at that clearing. That is the bell shape up on top." Q: "So the mountain where the clearing is, that is the Morning Bell Mountain?" A: "That is right." Q: "So that will be the pocket area where people will be gathered?" A: "Some will be. That is one of them. There are other examples that are separated and spread out through the Oregon state." Q: "What more can we do to inform people of pocket areas?" 180

A: "They have to elevate through their own consciousness, through their own rebirthing of the spirit, which informs them of that. It's every individual's truth that sets them free, for they have to learn themselves. There's too much controversy today about any movement, or any religion, or any belief, or even metaphysics. There is too much incongruency. There's not enough agreement. Mankind has to find this through his own rebirthing." Q: "Your reference to the planet Maladec that was destroyed through war. I understood that planet was called Maldec." Q: "It is the same. We are not all fluent in your pronunciations. Everybody has their labels sometimes just a little different......." Family of Bigfoot on Morning Bell Mountain "You have four little people up here (bigfoot). You have Garvin and Sophia and Setha and Sondie. The boy is Sondie." Q: "What is the reference to Ting And Ming to do with the children?" A: "Ting and Ming, that's the games they play." Q: "Are they in the fifth dimension?" A: "Yes. They are the bringers of the dawn too. Their higher consciousness is like your higher consciousness. The sasquatches are very powerful entities. I have to go now. Alahoy."

CHAPTER 51 Magnetic Pocket Domes "Good morning to you all. I am Grand Commander Stanton from the experimental craft, Anstranda 17, from the Orion galaxy and from the planet Pacifica. "During our experimental travels, we have noticed in, at least seven or eight galaxies, that there is a tremendous change, not only in the immediate galaxy, but the 181

surrounding suns or stars, as we view them. There seems to be a concern here of a great cluster of stars that are forming around the Earth's sun. "The importance about these clusters are that they promote, or they will cause significant changes. They are causing and they will be causing, in your end of this year (1995) and in the 1996 and 1997 years, tremendous activities of sun spots. This is because of the drawing of molecular explosions that are enticing the sun spots from this collection of masses of these star clusters particles. What they do is they impact and they draw in comets, flying debris, or objects that are hurling from out of space. At the same time, there is a cooling and reheating process that it causes on your sun. So you will be getting extreme changes of weather patterns where you will have extreme cold and extreme heat. "When you get this imbalance, you will be getting, of course, a change of the collection of moisture pockets which, in turn, through your cloud masses will cause heavy rainouts. There have been some examples of this, especially here on your Earth in your mid-western and some eastern states, as in the case of California and also in the Washingtom area. It seems like the Oregon basin is slightly protected from these masses as they flow through. "However, these gigantic changes, in outer space we have noticed that around where you Earth at this point is evolving, there are imaginary and, as we see them, not only imaginary, but they are, from these blasts, forming rings. Some of you, at this time, are classifying them as photonic rings, or like a belt. So the Earth coming into a belt, of course, is going to frequent some very hot energy that will hit certain surfaces at a tremendous impulse. This also can cause a great change to the weather convection cycle that you have on your Earth at this time. "However, there are inter-molecular changes happening from the sun and, of course, the sun being the primary factor of a life giver, an impregnator of great light through its vast source of energy. There is a concern here between the 1997 year to the year 2000 of the fear of this stabilization of the heat and the cold, looking at it from a scientific point of view. The concern can cause certain parts of your Earth, especially in places like California and coming into a lot of your Canadian provinces and mountainous areas, the concern of this famine. The heat can cause this because in the prairie provinces, once the great sustenance of wheat is not correctly infused with the right kind of moisture, the content, or the loss of the true value will cause a heavy loss to the monetary system. "These different impacts of the weather process change will indeed infuse again sickness and diseases as in the cases like Africa and in the cases of those different places that are experiencing the heavy losses or shortages of food at this particular time. 182

"This going through the photonic belt, in the evolution of the Earth, it seems that a striking phenomena takes place somewhere midway. The vast changes, or the breaking away, of these energy affects has both a positive and a negative reflection on humankind. The negative reflection is those that cannot make it, where you have the sorting of the chaff, so to speak, from the wheat, and those that can make it. So in between there is, at this particular time, a vast, as we call it, like a great light of creativity that is, at this time coming into this galaxy to intercede with, what you call, the period between the chaff and the wheat being separated and the unstable weather patterns, due to the sun as it is going through its rebirthing, or great change at this time. "Time limits to us are determined by the expanding consciousness of creativity that is given off by each planet to determine the great energy produced in its pocket, or atmosphere, called its auric recharging, or re-enervating, of the energy to balance and stabilize the entire planet during each time of rebirthing. "The rebirthing stages are like your seasons. They take a long time. We cannot determine the time of the seasons because of all of these atmospheric interventions. Also the total change of the global consciousness is the energy field that promotes the kind of creativity that either produces the positive or negative affect of this entire change, or growth. "At the present time, there is a lot of confusion on this Earth in belief systems and also in understanding these belief systems and understanding mankind through the kind of economy that you do have on this Earth which produces the rich, the poor, the richer, the poorer. This will increase, even into, what we call the richer, during these changes of famine. This will therefore, create more fear. When you have more fear, then the stabilization of the negativity seems to take place. "So what will happen through some of these re-entrants of your photonic belt, the global consciousness will be re-acting more into the fear, or the negative side, of creativity. So therefore, the determining factor being, as to the length of time for the stabilization, is very difficult to figure out for human kind and even for those who will intercede into this gigantic change. "The key, or the time element, has not been given to them because when the consciousness of man begins to change, even in the interim part of the change, there is still this vascillation of back and forth of the negative and the positive thoughts. In the universe itself, the negative and positive thoughts go through, what we call, filtration. So the combination of all life that is giving off thoughts is the energy for the fission and fusion of creativity. So therefore, God only waits for the opportune moment when the energy is purified in the fission process to create the perfection of, what we call, a millennial light. 183

"A millennial light is an infusion of a massive amount of these good thoughts that come together in, what we call, fission. And the fission is important for stabilization of, what we call, the life form of stability for any planet. So the thought patterns, at this time, are being into their negative form, as you see, the activities of the people on this Earth. Gradually, through the fission that will be coming from the light, which we classify as a millennial light, is the gathering of the flock of conscious change together into one millennial time frame of 1000 years. "During this 1000 years of millennial change on Earth, the consciousness is constantly charged by this millennial light to a very high form of purity of thoughts. As this light is fusing in and fusing out and fissioning in, there is a momentum, a great battle of the firmaments, of the elements. This in turn, infuses this kind of hatred to those that are living in planets that are going through these great changes that they have a tendency to become very warlike and very destructive. You are seeing now that there is a movement into a brink of a great change on the surface of the Earth through the kinds of munitions that mankind has produced. The negativity of this force can easily produce, as we call it, the reasons because of shortages of food, takeovers, fear as you see in your militia groups, that are forming. These small pockets soon, and through, what we call, fusion, the breaking away affect, cause a gigantic wave of one great revolution to take place on this Earth. So once again, when you look at the species, you could see that survival of the fittest, in an animalistic stage, will cause massive destruction. "During the impregnation of this millennial light, there are certain, as we call it, changes of the chaff and the wheat. The wheat is heavily impregnated with the positive energy, as foreseen in your crop circles. The Earth is being infused by that kind of energization and change now. This comes, not only from your E.F.M.'s but also from the large experimental craft that are infusing this Earth at this particular time to stabilize the rebirthing so that certain species will remain in a very positive way to go through this storm. "A lot will be taken into magnetic pocket domes. Here, they will gather in higher places, away from the valleys where the destruction is taking place. That is also part of the rebirthing because of that change in the valleys. This is well known and documented in your good holy book that one must go into the wilderness and climb the highest mountain of consciousness in order to charge oneself with a high form of purity of understanding to prepare for the cleanup, or the Armageddon. This is the cleanup of that impurity that lies in these valleys at the present time. "Even in the impurity, there are states and times of those who will change, those like in the time of Martin Luther, even in these gigantic forms of famine. People, even in the lower parts will change. 184

"The ones that are charged in the domes are classified as the eagles. For they will come back into the valleys and they will be responsible to feed those who are in those starvation belts. Then, with the safety of the E.F.M.'s, to be taken back to the domelike structure, to continue to go through their rebirthing until they have perfected their bodies into the introduction of the Golden Age which is the ninth interdimensionality of reality. "During these changes that take place with the body rebirthing from the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth, into the ninth interdimensionality, there will be, what we call, other intersessions that will be taking place on this Earth. These are known as certain states of judgment that the Earth has pronounced upon itself as being envisoned by John the Revelator in his great Book of Revelations and also in the case of Daniel, Enoch, Zechariah and Ezekiel. There has been a lot of prophetizing that has taken place a long time ago which is already revealing some of these changes. This was to try to tell mankind that the remainder of these changes will take place. It is like little warnings as you go along. It is like a bell ringing in a new period, in a new time of government, a new time of change. For example, from a Persian Empire to a Roman Empire to the democracy and then the New Age Empire. "There are a lot of changes that take place during this time of judgment; the restructuring, the revamping of systems, government systems. You see this slowly happening now with some of your governments. They are decreasing in size for efficiency and also because of the monetary system which will break. This is because there is no way that you could pay the financing of your budget that you have at this time because of your interest that accumulates over a period of time. It is out of control completely. "What one must bear in mind with this geographic change and the social change; the social economic change is the other factor, or element, that causes great damages, that reach into the coffers of the government and they have to be paid. So your budget, or your debit, and the amount of money that you owe out will keep increasing. Therefore, the financing of the increasing, through your interest, will come to a devastation because there is more of these famines, more of these weather changes. Mankind has not prepared himself for these changes that will bombard this Earth, especially by the end of this decade. The years 2001 to 2007 will be the fierce storm of the economic change on this planet Earth. "There are a lot of interceptions. In other words, a lot of visits from the higher kingdom of God, if you wish to call it that, from angelic beings and other great masters who are coming by the E.F.M.'s. They will impregnate the Earth people with great knowledge.


"Though the invention of molecular structure of buildings, especially going into the Golden Age, you will be able to live in small very, very modernized, as we call them, metallic homes that breathe. In other words, they take in the same kind of energy that you will and they do not deteriorate. "It will be magnificent to see the abilities of creating the different light energy that is going to work out the different types of clothing that you will be wearing. It will be a very light substance that also breathes. And it takes on cleanliness each time where you do not have to wash this kind of garment. It just infuses itself and it, more or less, cleans itself, because it is alive. "There are a lot of different changes like this that are coming to this Earth slowly, not only the way the creativity will take place in the domes, the different food particles that will be growing in the dome area, which will be on a large scale. Say within minutes, you will have a tomato. Therefore, that kind of growing will certainly sustain a lot of those that are in the valleys that are going through the great change of, as we say, the conclusion of the judgment of the seals and then the introduction of the judgment of your trumpets and vials. "It is also important that you get yourself into a position of great manifestation. You will go to these vortexes, or ley line areas, where there are a paramount amount of energies for you to walk in through these dome structures to re-inforce the DNA within you. So there will be a faster DNA change by some of the eagles that go into the high mountains, into these power spots and energy spots to start the significant change of their body to be moving into the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth, the ninth interdimension. "These will happen in a hurry in some places because of the heavily charged energy spots. These spots have been charged already by some of the E.F.M.'s that come, like into your wheat fields. For example, there is a tremendous amount of energy that is in that area that will stay there for a long period of time for this new creativity, not only into the foodstuffs, but also into the technology that one will have, at that particular time, to replace electricity and the energy of light beams. "Do you wish to ask any questions?" [Questions by Yashah] Q: "Yes, thank you Grand Commander Stanton. The crop circles in the wheat fields, you say that the energy will remain. For what diameter of space will that encompass for say, a particular crop circle?" A: "It depends on the infusion that the craft will give that specific area. A lot of them are usually 50 feet in diameter." Q: "So this means that people can gather within that 50 feet of diameter and be charged or energized at certain times?" 186

A: "Yes. That's right." Q: "These vortexes and ley lines, of course, run all through the mountains. Would they be running north and south, or east and west?" A: "They are running in all directions. However, they are pocketed in some areas where they are very pronounced. These are the thrones, or the pocket areas, where the strong will gather." Q: "So, obviously then, there will be some people there now in some of those areas?" A: "Yes. There are, sporadic." Q: "They are preparing?" A: "Yes." Q: "So these areas are all over the states and provinces, mostly in high areas?" A: "And some are in flat lands too." Q: "These flat lands would be at high elevations?" A: "No, not necessarily. The vortexes for the pocket areas are in the higher elevation from about 3000 to 7000 feet, because they need constant recharging. Therefore, the E.F.M.'s are landing in certain low areas for those that are not able to climb into the higher areas. So there are lower areas of, what we call, energization." Q: "So the E.F.M.'s will be taking people to the high areas, at some point?" A: "In some cases, because there are some cases where you have to go to meet your grand masters for your education." Q: "So is this being done, even with the person not consciously aware?" A: "This is done now unconsciously. But it will be done consciously later on." Q: "Your reference to people in the valleys that will be brought up to the pocket domes at a later time. So the valleys refer to the low lands and by the oceans." A: "That is correct. There are valleys that go very low in elevation. Also there will be a large concentration of rescue by the E.F.M.'s in ocean basin areas where you cannot, more or less, escape as you can in the valleys into the mountains." Q: "This area here, say within a radius of 100 miles or so, I feel there are a lot of energy pockets, even through they may be in lower elevations." A: "There are a lot of energy pockets because of how your ley lines go through to give off this energy. But you're primarily concerned where this energy is at its highest point for the complete change of mankind and their interdimensionality. So you are interested in vortexes in pocket areas that are domed." Q: "And we will know where the domed areas are." 187

A: "A lot of people will gather. The eagles, as mentioned, will gather in high places. You are one of the eagles." Q: "For timing, I understand that by the year 2000 or 2001 that we should be pocketed in these domes areas." A: "You should be acquainted with them, like you are going to various areas now. You are doing, what we call, the groundwork now. And you are going into various areas and testing the energy like you are here. You will be going into other areas like you did at Mt Shasta. So you will be going into other areas too." Q: "Yes. We are looking at, of course, the British Columbia mountains." A: "The Banff area is very powerful. Then into your Colorado area, very powerful. Q: "And Cheyene and possibly in the Virginia mountains." A: "Yes. That is true. There are many high domed areas, we call them." Q: " The three healing centers forming a triangle of light that I had been thinking of since the late 1970's, this could still become a reality. I'm speaking of Virginia, British Columbia and probably somewhere in the Cheyenne area." A: "This is true. You will know more about this, especially with some economic monetary changes that are coming for you in the 1996, 1997 years... So you must be free like nature. You hear the animals. That freedom is coming to the Earth in that respect. I have to go now. Alahoy."

CHAPTER 52 The Changing of Consciousness Within "Good evening, I am Space Commander Candor from the Pleiades. I am in the spacecraft Azelda. We have twenty-one occupants on board. {Note : This is a female space commander} "I come through to give you some messages on the changing of your consciousness. It is not so much the human body self changes, but it is the consciousness that is the energy, the fire, and the reasoning of your consciousness that develops you into the person who you are representing on this Earth. "Many souls come here and they get caught up with the affairs of the human side of oneself. They forget that they have a very high spiritual self. First of all, you must come to the realization that you are an infinite being. All infinite beings have a spirit that guides. It awakens to a reality that will guide any individual from the principle of freedom of choice.


"Mankind cannot visualize in any perfection the beginning or the ending of the soul concept as you really are. The beginning and ending is one that you sometimes look at, on this Earth, as a physical birth and a demise. It was mentioned on many occasions, from dust to dust. "The body, or the house that you live in, principle must be taking very seriously, for you come into this life to find a comfort and a good feeling of freedom of yourself. So you come as a free spirit. But through conception and coming in the physical body, you represent a duality of this understanding. So therefore, how do you separate yourself from this temple that you are in, this temple of clay? Within the temple of clay is mind. A place of reasoning within this mind is called the temple of God. It is here where you must determine and rationalize the priorities of your duality. It is here where you can quietly search for the answers. For example, if you are not satisfied with the teachings of various religions, or philosophies, on this Earth, you have that choice within your temple of mind to go to your research in the subconscious state where you expand your consciousness and go into other realms of reality. Here, your soul is free of the physical body and therefore not involved in entanglement. "You have to be very careful here because in the subconscious mind is buried a lot of your traumatic affects from childhood, or from experiences within the subconscious itself that you do not understand. One has to be very careful in this house of your temple, or in this room. The subconscious mind usually buries a lot of the traumatic affects that you have had, not only from the very beginning of life, but as the soul is arriving and becoming part of the conception. "At the moment of conception is really the beginning of your atomic structure that develops both of your dualities into a maturity level, the nine month stand. During this time, there are a lot of experiences still that go on in the subconscious state. There is no conscious state at this time because the maturity of the subconscious state is taking supreme command as also does the superconscious state, which is the essence of the spirit that you really were before you come into the conception stage. "These two distinct states, in that nine month period of time, will be the most divine period of righteousness that one can go through. So therefore, it is of great importance to research this library where you go to learn in these two rooms of your temple, the superconscious and the subconscious state, in its infinity. When we refer to its infinity, we refer to the nine month prenatal state within the womb. "A lot of orders and a lot of traveling takes places with the spirit because the spirit is in full maturity at this particular time. So, when you become a conscious soul, which means that you are coming from birth, which means that you are born of fire and water, your conscious state of the physical part of your body is now in maturity. Then you are constantly again, from the ages of one second of birth to the age of twelve, in what we 189

call, a high righteous state because of your subconscious teaching and your superconscious teaching. "When you allow your physical mind, so to speak, the conscious mind, any form of experience and education, you are therefore taking up the space of time that your subconscious and your superconscious were your educators from the nine months in the womb up to the age of twelve. It is very important. This message is called child. In that state, right up to age twelve, and the nine months, you are called child. This is why that purity has been expressed on many occasions, even here on your plane by great adepts who come. It is explained in your holy book, that you must come as a child. "The decisions that you make with your conscious mind from after the age of twelve to the time of your transition is called the flight of the soul. This is a very, very important time of one's life where you either express the God Consciousness within you, or you completely lose sight of the subconscious and superconscious states and completely become only aware through the conscious state of the physical mind. "This is so important, the concept that what shall it profit a man, or woman, to gain the whole world, but to lose his or her own soul. Being in the lost stage, is being in the conscious mind only. The conscious mind is the physical attributes that lock out the subconscious and the superconscious states of the spirit and souls memory. "It is important in this life that you all draw upon the higher consciousness, or the higher teachers within you. This is why they always refer to, even the philosophers during your Decarte period of time, as that 'I think, therefore I am'. You'll only be what you are from your thoughts. Your thoughts, if they are coming from only the conscious mind, then you will only be conscious of the physical aspects of your life. By allowing within your temple to go to the subconscious school, or the superconscious school, you are therefore learning of the soul. For where else can you get this great knowledge on your own. "There are times when man gets so lost in his physical attributes of conscious mind that somewhere in his lifetime he is reminded, either through deja vu experiences, or through a strong spiritual experience in this life that comes directly from God, to bring you back into, what we call, the fold. The meaning principle of coming back into the fold, is coming back into having the service of your subconscious and your superconscious minds, which is more attached to the spirit learning of where you actually come from. "The holy book only leaves you thinking about certain principles of a beginning. In the Adam and Eve concept, you are only learning about a physical birth. Later, in the lifetime of Christ, you were learning of a spiritual birth. In other words, trying to bring into that concept of learning who you really are from your subconscious room of your temple and the superconscious room of your temple. 190

"You have to reason. You reason with five senses only on a physical plane, which is the Earth, which is sometimes referred to as carnality, or mundaneness. The knowledge which you acquire on this Earth, whatever topics you learn, it is very profitable and wise to the physical. By learning from your holy book and understanding that there is a spirit within you that has to come into contact with the holiness of itself, which is the Holy Spirit, once in direct contact of birth, there is this rebirthing of the spirit that is so important to its holiness. "The great Christ talked about, 'and I shall leave you with the Holy Spirit as I go'. The Holy Spirit is the understanding of your holiness within you. The principle is always referring, or it is coming back to those two facets of your temple where you get spiritual learning. "So somewhere, one must come into contact here of the spirit's first composition, if we wish to call it that, or origin. In spirit, there really is not origin, because when you are coming from essence of no time, then there is no origin. The energy of spirit is constant. In order to have spirit, you must have great spirit, or greater spirit, or the greatest spirit. So that is the origin of God. It is the Great Spirit allowing its essence of its own spirit to come through some form of life, to come into recognition of who you really are. "You are the energy of a true god. But through the contamination of your physical body, by closing off the two aspects of the God/Goddess that you really are, you become lost to the true essence of who you really are. In other words, then you become the prodigal. In order to come back into the omniscience, in order to come back into the reflection of the spirit, you must give it birth. You must be born again of the spirit to enter the kingdom. To enter this kingdom properly, it is only done through the spirit. And it is your spirit side that's free. The spirit is free to take the choice of to where it wants to go to give conscious form to the spirit. "Conscious form is then taken on that third aspect I talked about. It is the carnal, or the physical, which is the conscious part of knowing through the physical of the human being. "There has been a lot of analogy through religious interpretations and misinterpretations that could cause a great alarm in biblical history as well as in Earth history. Somehow you cannot fill in all of the blanks that have been mentioned in your holy book as to the real genesis of your great bible. In different areas, there are different books of origin. These different books are very similar to your holy bible. We have our holy book too. "Wherever you go, this consciousness of the God/Goddess is all the same. There is no difference. It doesn't matter what interdimension you are in because in your Father's House are many mansions. So therefore, there are many places, or abodes, to live and to exercise your human choosing to what form you go. But it is not necessarily the 191

same in that form, wherever you are at. It is not comparable to Earth in their race. There are some compatibilities of same origin of interdimensionality. That is very rare, but there are, because more than one abode has the same kind of species. So therefore, we are compatible to you because of our interdimensionality. "The great strain from the truth or reality, by not going into your temples properly causes a great concern for the Creator because in order to bring the flock back into its reality, there always is a form of redemption and ascension. In this case here, on your Earth, you are going through some very challenging, very important times of your life because of these great changes. Mankind's intelligence is changing. A lot of you are going in, and even more so into the next ten years, into your temples properly, to bring back your true origin. In other words, to come back to the spirit sense and to exist within the spirit direction of oneself. "The changes that you will be going through are now imminent. However, this light of knowledge that is going to come in greater abundance is called the millennial light to introduce purity living in a golden age on Earth. This is very important because your Earth is now going into the re-entrant stage of this and you may experience great changes in the next three to four years. "Do you wish to ask Candor any questions?" [Questions by Yashah] Q: "Yes, thank you Space Commander Candor. Is your space craft hereby?" A: "You should be able to see it going by this evening." Q: "I have questions related to the concept of time, our time as opposed to no time, and also in reference to your time. Can you explain that a little?" A: "Our time is exactly the same as your time. We have the same number of days in a year." Q: "Yet you have a longer life span. Is that correct?" A: "We did not go astray as you have here on this Earth with your food and various things that you have. We are more advanced in purity of food and longevity. Yes, we can live up to 2000 years or more. Q: "May I ask what your age would be, in our years?" A: "About 700 years." Q: "You wouldn't have the same time concept. You were saying, you have the same years. Can you explain the difference in the time concept?" A: "Exactly the same. Only we go longer." Q: "I understand time as we know it as being a manmade concept." 192

A: "These are our manmade concepts that we have like yours. There are a lot of similarities. But in other places, of course, there are differences." Q: "Have you been through the third dimension in your being, as we are now?" A: "We were born into the third and we upgraded ourselves into the fourth. A lot of them right now are really fifth dimensional where I am. So a lot of us will become fifth dimensional in no time." Q: "So you can say that you are, of course, more advanced than us in the interdimensions." A: "Yes. That's right." Q: "Yet you are not that much more advanced. In other words, we can become like you very shortly." A: "We don't judge anyone. You have the same abilities that we have to arrive into your higher consciousness in that way." Q: "Can you tell me a little about the planet where you are from and the methods of livng there?" A: "We have a good concept of government. We have a totalitarian government that's one rule. Our schools are mostly concentrated on our spirituality and what we can really achieve within our lives. We are very inventive. We are creators and we create, as you noticed here, because we can travel all the way to your Earth. We have a very highly advanced technology in travel. We have our magnetic vehicles. There is no pollution. This is why our longevity is so long. Our planet is not polluted. And we have birth control where we do not over-populate the planet. We have three offspring to each family. We maintain very good control of our population. The government is one rule for the whole planet. The population is approximately 150 million. It is hard to understand one rule, but we do a lot of thought plant transference, telepathy. We are in communication overtime with the higher authorities. We do not have crime like you have here. We have disobedience. People are handled to counseling methods like you have here on this Earth. That is the only kind of authority that we have. There you do not have somebody that we have in a uniform to direct traffic because our traffic is controlled by a travel plan. We have a flight plan and we go from planet to planet, from galaxy to galaxy. So everything is controlled so that there are no bottlenecks, or no traffic jams. Everything just flows like a river that you have here. We have a very methodical way of doing things. We have parks. We are very recreational minded. We have sports very similar to your sports here. We have ball games, although they are not exactly the same as you have here. We have a lot of soccer games, not the same kind of rules that you have here. We have strong competitions.


We are very competitive. There is no money transactions. Everything is transacted by a card system and you are entitled to a maximum purchase for comfort. So everybody is experiencing the same comfort. We do not have, what you would classify as rich people, or people who would be on salary, because we do not have money. So we have some good, interesting concepts that the Earth should have used, rather than getting into a monetary system that causes a lot of problems. We do have various areas that perform certain work, in transportation, in farming, in creativity. We do not have factories that pollute. We think of our technology. We do make things. We do have, like I said, very high creativity. So we make different things. We also have the same kind of factories that make vehicles. But they are nonpolluted. One person can make one vehicle in one day. So we keep very active. When you work, how many hours you put in, everything is purchased on hours equals point systems. Everything is purchased by point system, so many points to purchase various things. Everybody gets the same amount of points, no matter whether he is a farmer, or what. There is no difference in, like salaries that you have here. The rank status we have is where we really enjoy. We have the ranks and the promotions within space. So we require so many long hours and we get assessed. We get promoted into a higher category. When we get a higher category, of course, then it's a praise system. Like, if I get promoted to Grand Commander, I can go into a mothership. So there are aspects that are very good, where you have a great praise system there and a system of upgrading into higher commissions of great responsibility because of promotion. That's what keeps people really happy, the title that they can acquire and things like that. We can go on and on. Are there any other questions you may have?" Q: "Yes. That's wonderful. Is your planet an earth planet, or a physical planet? (Yes) Similar to ours? (Yes)." Q: "Yet you are not physical. How would you describe yourself?" A: "Yes, I'm physical. We are very much the same as your Earth people. We are a little bigger." Q: "Where is your planet situated?" A: "I am from the Pleiades, the third sister star." Q: "Can I go there through meditation?" A: "Astral projection, if you are good enough at that. Some people cannot do that. We are not talking about imagination now. We are talking about the actual reality of the astral body going. I have to go now. So I will say alahoy."

CHAPTER 53 The Energy of Ley Lining Areas 194

"Good evening, I am Santon from Casseopia, from the planet Zel. "Our spacecraft Andrena 72 is a highly mechanized, as you would call it in your language, experimental craft. We are in these areas at this time and we are measuring the electro-magnetic waves of all ley lines that have been intercepted with your consciousness during the time of your first Harmonic Convergence, your 11:11 and your 12:12. "I am in a calibrating ship and I calibrate, not only the energy that is emanating from the Earth, but also emanating from your earth, or what you term your soul. "For the longest time, seedlings were sent out into various galaxies and planets to allow soul, as we call it, mating and soul realization. The planet is coming to, what you call, a resurgence and also a resurrection. All of these ley lines will be fully charged by many of our craft. In the next two years, there will be great recharging. "So it will be of great advice to you and wisdom to you to come to these ley lining areas. You will feel sensations in your solar plexus. How you measure this is by the heaviness and also slightly racing of the heart. This will not harm you. There will be a cold period also for short period of time. So you will start getting your indoctrination to go into ley lines and also, what we call, the ultra balancing of fold. Your fold is what we call the imprint of the vibration of spirit in constant motion. "We have a sensitizer that communicates directly with this motion. It is called the iciton. When we measure these calibrations, we know exactly how man will process into his superconsciousness to explore his fullest potential of knowing. Coming to this Earth is the greatest gifts of knowing, which are already penetrating the Earth, not only through, what you call, the channeling of instruments in and from a physical being, but also through electronical means, your computers. And there will be interceptions, at times, even on your recorders, like what you have here. "So the ley lining and the vortex, once you find your high, as we call it, plateau to balance and meditate from, you then will start to correlate very high, im- portant information that will be coming to you in preparation for the millennial light, which you will term later on, as the Golden Age or the millennium. To know all. To be all. To be in all. So you will be encompassing a vast area of great information pertaining to the recharging and the recycling of the soul. Basically, it is very similar to some of your processes of recycling now here on this Earth. "However, the recycling of the soul to bring it back into, what we call, the circle of motion, or manantum, means the total awareness. Manantum through the universe is the knowledge that awakens. It is like a loud knocking on your soul's door. 195

"At this present time on your Earth, you have gone out of magnetic flow. This means that the magnetics that you have in your magnetic north and also in outer pocket layers of heavily charged magnetic form are out of magnetic flow. This energy has gone out of control. So through the next three years, it will go through recharging, as in you, as your soul. So the electrons, neutrons, protons, are soul-tons. Remember that. Soul-tons. Soul-tons are a very important inter-vibration of interconnection. So when everything is out of balance, whether it is animal, vegetable, or mineral, it will be out of balance with your soul because soul-ton is the inter-connecting and connecting back to recharging, recycling to, what we call, inbirth. "The inbirth is when you are allowing the soul birth first. Then the total rebirthing will be the structuring of the atomic flow of your changes within your cells and your DNA. You have been learning a lot at this particular time about DNA changes. The changes are connected with soul-ton. "So you must come, as we say, back into recycling of the soul in order to prepare it for its millennium, or its millennial light, or its rapture, into interdimensionality. That simply means, interdimensionality into new form and dimension. So this restructuring of soulton, first in inbirthing, is of vital importance before you have total balance. When you are arriving into, what you call, total balance between your yin and yang, your physical body, is what we call, the marriage. So the marriage is the marrying of the soul to the physical body in a matrimony of balance. It is matrimonial balance. It is that intense because you have to have the energy. Then after the energy, the understanding how to apply this energy. Many people on this Earth , even in your metaphysical studies, are out of control. Some are playing. Some are serious. Some are not knowing. And some are trying. "We say to you, to test the merchandise to find out if it will fit. Test the soul-ton merchandise of what your soul wears, the new gown, or the new garment. It is called rapturing from a cocoon of dimension. "There are twelve interdimensionalities of birth. Each interdimensionality that you will go into, you will go into a form of photon recycling. This will prepare you into another dimension. "The soul's path is interdimensional. The soul's path has to experience re-birthing, as in the concept of your great philosophies of Jesus Christ, when He said, 'you must be born again of not only fire and water, but of the spirit'. So that birth is the recycling, or the interdimensionality birth. Each time that you go through interdimensionality birth, you will have a different conscious awareness. It will be one where soul is more controlling the body or interdimension that you are in.


"So there is a saying in the cosmic consciousness, 'flow with the universe'. This soulton energy has been released to now recycle the souls back into higher interdimensionality, when they lose form. On this Earth, you are losing your third interdimensional form, your bodies. As you see, that they are going quicker into demise than what they were when you go back to the time of, you would call it, 1 A.D. and 1 B. C. "So when you go into your different Earth timings, as you so have them, to identify a space of evolution or time, of the migration of the physical body, in comparison again, we are calibrating the recycling of soul. There always will be that difference where you go into, what you call, a fanning process. You will come into higher interdimensionality, but in order to realize it, you go back out and then come in, as in your theory of knowing A and non A. It is also important to know the alpha and omega of each interdimensionality. Therefore, giving you some sort of time frame to identify the existence of that interdimensionality for that period of time that you identify for it. "You are in the third interdimensionality, as you are expressing it here on Earth. Some of you are already in the fourth and also going into, in mostly your astral state, the fifth. What you do is you first go in with the astral state to reach your comfort zone. You have known that now and you have been programming your conscious mind to understand the astral body which is connected strongly to soul. At times, you classify this as soul travel. But in this case, when we look at the new changes coming from the third interdimensionality, as you are, you are learning. You have done this for the last thirty years, because metaphysics has been and is becoming very paramount, depending how you understand metaphysics. There is a lot of misunderstanding and therefore, there really isn't that much growth. There is a lot of sensationalism, ostentationism and many other facets of imitation. "There is however, a thin line between the imagination process that you allow yourself to go through when you are in your Earth, as we call it, ultra sconing. But in your language, you call it, meditation, because you are allowing elasticity to your soul body, or your astral body. That means you are allowing vibration for a path for this body to go into other interdimensionalities to fit. In other words, to get fitted out in the uniform you are going to be wearing as you are going to be recycling into the other interdimensionalities. "So, this is why, on this Earth, you have had such a great imbalance. When you give imbalance to your thinking, you are allowing wholeness to become inbalanced. In other words, there are interconnections here to soul-ton. There are interconnections to, would you believe, nature because nature expresses soul-ton. So therefore, there is imbalance in nature by cutting your trees the way you have, polluting by using your various chemicals, and also destroying, what we call, the energy of birth of soul-ton in the Earth itself by your different cultivations of soil.


"Another important factor is because of this total consciousness that goes into recycling, are all interconnected with soul-ton, as we would call, the Earth's core. The Earth's core are the roots of rebirthing for the Earth. So therefore, the Earth has a natural body. Sometimes it goes into other spaces of galaxies. It soul travels too. So therefore, coming back in sometimes, there is a quick entry causing your eruptions, or your earthquakes. "So there is a lot of significant attachments that you are not totally aware of to soul, as we call it, soul in its new path of recycle. So soul-toning is the interconnection with all intergalactic astral bodies in flight because soul knows soul. So therefore, there are strong interconnections that are going on in the higher, if you wish to call them, realms of the many myriads of your galaxies and planets. "The continuum of birth is different than recycling and rebirthing. The continuum of birth is the constant creation of new galaxies and new life forms within interdimensionalities. For example, over periods of time through deterioration, the life forms on a certain planet may not be the same in its interdimensionality or form, say over a period of 26, 000 years of deterioration. In order to spare the stock, or bring it back, or recycle it, there has to be that chain or reaction of rebirthing throughout the whole universe. So this is where the spectrum of your microcosm comes into play with the macrocosm. So the macrocosm, being also soul-ton, is interconnecting with your soul to complete the rebirthing. It a totalitarian cycle. "So energies and energy changes on this Earth are because you, in your soul consciousness and travel, bringing back great information, plus the impregnation of every 26,000 years of the millennial light, brings the light of understanding to create a millennium. This is very important on your Earth because a lot of you, at this time, are more or less, having a lot of problems with your belief systems. Therefore, this causes a great disruption in soul mating. "The vibrational changes in rebirthing, because of the feminine energy, causes a lot of descension in the soul mating and a lot of divorces and various other connections between two souls in the female and male species. Coming together, it seems very difficult at this time, because you are going through this seasoning and also the yin and yang change. "When the vibration is uplifted, or it is more or less accelerated, it causes these interruptions of breaking, coming together, of breaking and coming together. However, starting in your 1998 year, there will be even heavier disintegrations until the finalization in and with the galactic councils to allow again, as you have had in crop circles, these strong impregnations to allow these kind of energy changes to slow down to a calibration of purity. 198

"Therefore, what will be happening then, you will be getting more, as we call it, purity of thought. Therefore, with the purity of thought, you are creating within soul consciousness of the macrocosm, that strong attunement that you are bringing back to Earth. Therefore, attuning very strongly, those souls that are here in the interdimensionality that they are representing at that time which will be scaled up on this Earth. There will be an equivalency like you have in Sirius One, Two, Three and Four. You will have the equivalency of energy of those planets of pure thought and, what we call, procreation. "Procreation will be one of, as you have learned in your bible. You have learned as in your heaven. There need not be, as you have here, procreation to bring in souls. The souls will already be there. So you do not have to bring them in. Once you go through the twelve and the helix of the thirteenth interdimensionality, then you have purified soul. Then there is no need to have that kind of interdimensionality procreation. You are in total consciousness. You are in, what we call, the super superconscious. We have to add that great emphasis to that because that is of great importance to you here on this Earth. "So your recycling then of soul-ton is very important. You will be getting many lectures of upgrading as we slowly take you into and introduce these new interdimensions to the vast knowledge that will be coming to you that will be either computerized, or through your astral projection. Your memory bank will be retaining all this information of flight. "Once the body is growing comfortable into the zone it is in, therefore, it will take on and blend with the environment of knowing exactly all of the knowledge that it is going through. "Do you wish to ask any questions?" [Questions by Yashah] Q: "Yes, thank you Santon. I have several questions. Have you been charging up the energy of the ley lines in this area?" A: "This area has gone through at least three chargings within the last ten years of your time. So it is almost at its fullest balance. Within the next three years it should reach it fullest balance." Q: "How large a territory are you referring to here?" A: "If you take this area right here and do a radius of about 150 miles, you would be precise. Ley linings will go out to about 150 miles of change." Q: "Are you saying that this is a focal point, or a center point?" A: "This is approximately center."


Q: "We are on top of this here mountain. It is fairly high up here. Can you calibrate the height here." A: "You have here, 4,200 feet." Q: "And Morning Bell Mountain would be a little lower." A: "That is 3,100." Q: "So this is a good height for a pocket area, or a dome area." A: "They are building the dome here now. It is your energy as it comes up here during attunements and rituals that allows the energy. You are like the carpenter that is also assisting in the building of the vibrations here." Q: "So is this happening here in the fourth interdimension?" A: "There are a lot of things that are going on here right now, in the fourth, in the fifth, interdimensions. So whatever changes are made, its going to make it easier for you to go into the fourth and fifth interdimension." Q: "So my energy can greatly assist that by coming here often?" A: "That's right because you are already into your fourth interdimension." Q: "Valiant Thor spoke to us last night and he did not entertain questions. He spoke of the 22:22 and I wanted to ask him when that would be coming up." A: "The 22:22; you should be doing that on the 22nd of your solstice, which would be in your September month of the year that will come out to your four. That is a little way off yet. There will be other harmonic convergence that will be leading up to that, like your 13;13, your 14:14 and you 15:15. They will all be working on significant numbers of months and the day." Q: "What are the domatrons? A: " You will be writing about recycling and rebirthing in domatrons. These are sometimes referred to as thrones. These are the ley lines that are completely surrounded by a dome light which is impregnated by the millennial light." Q: "Can you tell us a little of your craft, Andrena 72?" A: "We have 72 occupants and we are strictly with very precise machines for calibrating the energy within the ley lines and also within the new vortexes that are born around the ley lines. These are all protective measures for rebirthing." Q: "How big is your craft?" A: "My craft is approximately, in your terms, about 1000 yards in diameter and it would be approximately 150 yards high." Q: "Is the planet Zel in the interdimension of eleven." A: "We are into, what you classify as masters in the eleven interdimensionality." 200

Q: "Is that the same as Sirius 2?" A: "No. Sirius 1, 2, 3, and 4 are in Sirius, your constellation of Sirius. That is all pure thought, up there. That is the kingdom up in that area...... Be ready at 9:22 and our last fly by will be at 10:01. Then you could journey back down. Watch for the wild life as you are going down. One more question and I have to go." Q: "Instead of asking a question, can you give us another piece of information or advice that would help us?" A: "Yes. When you are coming up into your meditative areas now, it would be strongly advisable that you would have a shower before you come up for the quick grounding of the electro-magnetic field. That would be very important for calibration and you wanted to go deeper into trance and this will assist you with that. I have to go now. Alahoy."

CHAPTER 54 Rebirthing in the Vortexes "Good morning, I am Orvon from the constellation of Orion and the planet Zelia (pronounced Zel-lie-ah). "I am here to say that the energy shifting is very important. The Earth tilting, causing your great weather changes, have been a great concern and challenge to the Ashtar Command who have called us in for assistance from the various commands at this time, to keep the Earth and try to save it from a wobbling affect. This is causing the convection cycles to be thrown off and the weather to change and also causing global heating. Not only the sun causes the global heating, but it is also within the center of the Earth's core, that is causing a lot of eruptions at this time because of the wobbling and the shaking and the shifting of the gasses. So we are primarily of great concern at this time. "This also has the second phase of great changes, called the resurrection of the Earth to give the spirit its renewal of the decision to make and come back in a form of topography change for the New Age, which you are preparing, called the Golden Age. There will be heavy influxes of reflections and deflections of the millenial light, which is the light that will cause the resurrection of the Earth. "So we are here to allow, what we call, gentle flow changes. A lot of you, with your consciousness, that go into fear, cause even more disruptions. So we have to do this in a more gentler way so that you are not in a fearful state. So your consciousness is assisting the rebirthing.


"The interesting phases of change upon this Earth will be starting, where there will be definite topography changes. However, we are looking at this in a more gentle way in order to cause and make a balance so that flesh will survive. "By changing both or all life forms is the only way that we can create this balance for the Earth's core and give it, what we call, the rebirthing that will allow the topography to change in the way that you will be in movement. There will be areas that you will go. A lot of knowledge will be coming to you at the end of the 1995 year and in the 1996 year, as to where you would go to recharge with the vortexes and ley lines that are going to be compatible to your rebirthing. So remember, everything is rebirthing at the same time. "So by going into various areas, like you are at this particular time, you are allowing the ley lines and the vortexes in your own body to change. We classify your chakras, or your centers, as vortexes. All of the arteries and systems that are running through your body, connecting, especially from the heart, are ley lining with these vortexes. So this is why it is of prime importance that you re-adjust as they are changing on the land. "When you get quick shifts, or quick changes, this is what causes a lot of your imbalances and imbalancing, at this particular time. This is why your criminality is so high. All of your divorce rates and family splits and disputes that you are having here on this Earth are generated by this fear and it is giving you this insecurity and causing human behaviour to lash out. This is why we have slowed down the recharging of these vortexes and ley lines to be compatiable with the ley lining and changes within human life. This is also in reference to animals, insects, minerals, and any form of life. "So it is important on this Earth at this time now that you slowly start to balance with your ley lining and your vortexes in conducive areas where you are actually rebirthing. In this area, that you go to, the energy field and your energy field are, at this time, what we call, intermeshing to cause one momenton. "A momenton is where you are going into an equivalency of vibrational change. It is the first impregnation of rebirthing. So, by coming into these areas, you are allowing this change to take place. By coming more often will allow more of a compatiable balancing. So it is important that you go to more than one area because there are several areas of ley lining and vortexation. So to be in, what we call, correct harmony, is important. It is not necessary that you will come here all of the time because of what you do on this Earth. You get caught in other areas. "You will be guided to go, as you have known now, not only in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and into your Europe area and all over the world. At different times, you will be feeling a strong sensation that comes from your soul-ton, or from the solar plexus where soul-ton is giving its balance to all of these energies at the same time. 202

"So by going and exploring, like you have in the last little while, is of great importance to you because you will be going into other areas. Some areas will be changed into, what we call, transfiguration. Some of your higher mountains, as in Mt Shasta, will be changed into transfiguration. So transfiguration, sometimes when you are there, you will not see the mountain. This is important because it gives you the same affect of crucifixion. Crucifixion, as has been taught to you over approximately 2000 years ago, is what allows the different forms of resurrection to go into your ascension when you ascend into the new bodies which take on the exact chemical, or chemisty, of the interdimensionality through which you will flow. "Soul-ton, in its migration, or inter-vibration, which means starting on the inner self first, has to go through the recycling, as previously lectured to you, in order to fit itself. It is like fitting your new suit, being tailored. So at this particular time, you are going through metaphysical tailoring of your new body. In order to go through these cycles in an appropriate way, you have to fit the DNA and all parts of chromosoming within the body structure to allow the crucifixion of the old body, in order to release the new body soul-ton, giving it the direction into your magnetic flow. The magnetic flow is of great importance to mankind today. The magnetic flow is the direction that each person is being guided to go through to allow crucifixion. Crucifixation is very important first. Resurrection is very important secondly. But all of this are aspects of rebirthing. "So rebirthing, recycling, and magnetic direction, allowing then, as you know, that the soul is magnetic, allowing the pulsation of this magnetic flow to give you the food for thought that you need to nourish and mature the soul on its direction. This is what you would classify as the feeding of the young child, inside of you, to give you more of this metaphysical health for the entire journey that you will be going through as you have made in a past reincarnation. You have already allowed yourself this change now, because I think, therefore, I am. So you have followed the pattern in a past time. So you are going through the I Am now. This is why you hear, at this particular time, great emphasis placed on the I Am. That kind of mantra, repeating the 'I Am' blends with cosmic consciousness. Ah Aum, these mantras are assisting in the propulsion of the growth of the child, as you are going into your long magnetic journey of interdimensionalization. "So it is important, at this time, that as you are ley lining and as you are vortexing, that you find each time and each area a comfortable feeling called balancing of the yin and yang to soul-ton in order to experience this great implosion that takes place within you to allow that I Am to understand exactly, universal direction to universality, to interdimensionality. 203

"This will be your next book, 'Universality Through Interdimensionality'. Going home, it is called. So remember to remind us at certain times to start to give you as much information as we can on universality to interdimensionality. These are going to be very important lectures which will be blending in with all of the different changes that will be taking place on the Earth and allowing your balance to be the I Am. Have you any questions?" [Questions by Yashah] Q: "Thank you, Orvon. You are from Orion. Can you tell us a little about yourself?" A: "I'm what you call a cosmic philosopher. I go and I lecture through various galactic commands and lecture to the galactic councils and also lecture through channeling and inter-channeling to different interdimensionalities, like your form here now." Q: "What size and scope is your E.F.M.?" A: "My E.F.M. is approximately 150 feet in diameter and about 30 feet in height." Q: "Do you have other people with you?" A: "Yes. In my craft, there are seven lecturers. The high spiritual number in our universe is seven. So we travel in sevens and we go all the way to the interdimensionality of seven to bring people into the perfect spiritual number. However, when we go into purification, then that is eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, into your masterships and in the perfect perfections. At this time, we want to get this body into perfection to a certain state where it will start on its next growth." Q: "So seven times seven is forty-nine. So you are also in that scope?" A: "Yes. Also in the forty-nine spectrums of light." Q: "Is Orion your universe or is it the galaxy?" A: "Orion is a constellation where we have several galaxies. I have to go now to give another lecture. Alahoy."

CHAPTER 55 Walking in Your Own Light of Understanding! "Good evening, I am Adella. "The knowledge that all of you Earth people are receiving, at this particular time, is only construed, or misconstrued, by the understanding and ability that you have at this time. You are constantly growing in a certain way of understanding others, yourself, and those around you, and those who are in the same following as you all. You are classified as metaphysicians. Metaphysics is so deep. And when it is so deep, people are swimming in either the top portion of it or in the center. Some are taking a deeper dive. Everybody is coming up with a different amount, or swallowing of water, or knowledge. 204

"This vast ocean of ideas that has been sprung on you is like a spring of great knowledge that's ensuing from the higher authorities, or from the higher part of your consciousness. It's coming out of your consciousness. A lot of knowledge that is coming out at this present time is knowledge that you are bringing back in your higher consciousness to allow yourself to start back into your higher consciousness and even go higher. This is what is happening. One must look at this with great concern and with great care. A lot of you are walking in a different state of understanding at this particular time. So you are going to get, I'm right and you are wrong and you're off on a deep end and your reading is not good enough. Or I don't understand why a certain control says this. "The understanding, or the mentality, or the level of the student, at this particular time, is based on two states of consciousness. The conscious state in your physical and the superconscious state and subconscious state in your higher consciousness. So therefore, you are vascillating between two classrooms. It's like walking into one class room and learning a certain subject and walking into another and getting upgraded ten notches. This is quite something because I have to laugh because of Spartan. He gives these funny little messages on the machine. Other people will look at that, even if they are in metaphysics, and say well. We get too much of that, you see, instead of saying, oh, how interesting. [Editor's Note - Adella is referring here to Spartan, a space being, delivering messages on the telephone answering machine. Yashah has been receiving messages in this manner since 1988 and has more than thirty audio tape messages from at least three different entities from outer space] Refer: E.T. Phone Earth "We must start complementing one another instead of drowning one another. This is what is happening in the metaphysical world today. Some of you don't understand. You are not at that level of understanding it. But do not, do not, and I say this very carefully, do not place labels on that understanding with the level of your awareness. You will never be a winner. You will always end up using somebody else's leftovers. Some of you can have some of those leftovers and they don't look too good sometimes, especially if they have been sitting on the table three to four to five days. "Listen to me very carefully. Walk in your own light of understanding. Do not criticize your brother. Listen to him and if he is willing to accept your level, that is fine. But do not ever force any issues. Because sometimes, when you are forcing an issue and being very imperative and not even understanding that you are, you could cause a lot of damage. And sometimes, if you are not under- standing your own message, because you are all excited, you can be causing a lot of damage.


"For these messages are meant to cause a knocking on the door. This is the knocking on the door of your higher consciousness. That's what it is. Knock and the voice that hears you knocking, the higher consciousness, will open up a little more and give you a little more and a little more and a little more and a little more. But we have to get our act together. First of all, we must appreciate where everybody else is coming from, even if they are not coming at all. So, we must be wise and prudent here because some will come and we must be able to catch the fish before the fish catches you. Some will come to you and will act in such a way as they want to learn a great deal from you. And then, they will cut you in half, or they will cut you in two's, or three's, or whatever the case may be, with their words of arrogance. And it has been very frustrating for some of you. "These are not really tests. Some of you may look at this as perhaps a test. These are people who are very ignorant, not understanding the label that you have set out, or qualified a certain experience, because you have now grasped it, because you have arrived at a certain understanding through your own experience. But that is a high level of awareness. Whereas some people are not growing. They are reading a lot of books and they are getting a lot of Ph.D's. I can give you a real good terminology for a Ph.D. But you may not like it, in your language. "The understanding that all of you are going through is called growth. And you are not all going to grow up the same way. But yet, you will grow up together understanding. Or you should be understanding, these other people's ways. "These levels of awareness, according to your understanding, cause a lot of clashes with people who are, so called, on the same path, or who are using the term metaphysics, to get to a certain area of understanding. Now, look at this very carefully. The spirit sets you free. The spirit gives you a bondage of love. The spirit gives you a bondage of understanding. The spirit lets go. It releases and sets free. It embraces love. It touches. It makes whole. It doesn't disintegrate or push away because you don't understand how your strangers way of understand- ing himself. You must look at some of these people in such a way, as why are they growing in this way? "These people, as we call them, are hyper-sensitives. Thay are at a different level. They are stuck in two levels of understanding. They are stuck in the Earth's labels of what they have lebelled them, in pain and stress. And then, because of their higher consciousness, they are doing things which are labeling them in such a confused way. You Earth people have such great, vast terminologies. I like to call your psychiatrists, psychiat-idiots. I have great terms that I like to use for these great astute people who like to run around leading people astray with formulas. That's very interesting where A plus B equals a chocolate bar. I don't quite understand that. 206

"Now, listen to this very carefully. You will be walking in a lot of light at Mt Shasta and a lot of darkness. So be very careful for who you shall meet and who you will be in contact with there abouts, either in the hotel area, or the downtown area, not so much on the mountain when you are attuning. "It is very important too that you learn to impress yourself. For there is nobody who is as smart as you are. You are only going to be as smart as you are. You are only going to listen to who you really are and what you are doing and you are going to be very annoyed at times at other people. So let me tell you that it's hard. You listen to yourself because the freedom of truth is stored within you. You are now learning how to communicate with your higher self. This whole period of time , of space interception by ourselves, is to allow you to learn more from your higher self. Now you can say this, we can learn from your higher self too, because the type of information that you will be recovering, either through channeling, or computers, and also through icograms (a measurement of energy that will be coming from the Earth, mostly in the polar regions and the Northern areas), in the next two to three years, is going to be very important here on this Earth. Straight beams of connection , all these high wires and all these telephones and all of these things are going to be put to rest. "That kind of communication is contaminating communication. It has caused too much trouble for mankind today. Man has over-regulated himself in the vibrations of electricity in such a way that it's going to be causing a lot of great diseases. But the great thing is that there are going to be tremendous break- throughs in the next two years on panaceas and different kinds of health energies that are coming to mankind to use. There will be connections that will be made. With this finger, that you will be using with your healing processes, this is the finger that connects to the central nervous system. And by taking this finger to massage, you push down gently and release quickly because you have to allow an escape and a flow of energy that will be released. "It is important that you will be learning these different techniques with your fingers. There are certain ways to straddle your fingers to get the energy back through the flow of this finger here to interconnect so that you will get the total energy that will be going through the solar plexus and working upi through all of the areas within the lungs and the heart because those will be the two that will be affected the greatest. "In your healing, you are going to be making a lot of changes. You will be working more on the arm than the foot. I want you to remember that. You must always ask the person if they are left handed or right handed. And only work on the hand that they use the most. That is the interconnection of the squared area of the palm. All of the interconnections here represent the whole total of the affect of the five most vital organs. Those are the ones that you are going to have to inter-connect with. 207

"Watch the connections of where your veins come together. Watch the throbing. There will be a lot of throbbing. When that happens, then you work on top of the hand, on the squared area. "There will be a lot of discomforts in the head. Talk about forgetting things. Probably the best way to say it is, remembering to forget. "There are going to be some vast changes in Septmeber. (1995). So be prepared. Some of you are very lucky to have an astrodome, or an area to go to. You will be told to go into these areas at certain times. You must be in there exactly at that time. You will be getting, at that time, pin drops, those little incisions. Some of you have already had a couple in and around the solar plexus, where the embilical cord is. "There will be a lot of things happening like this and they will be blaming them on the little greys and whatever else. They can blame it on whoever they want. But your higher consciousness is allowing this kind of opening and allowing those to allow you for the opening because you made this agreement. These things are happening and people are looking at them in a negative way and yet they are happening in a positive way. There are a certain kind of a grey organization that like to play with animals. But we don't look at that in a very constructive way. However, those that are working on human beings, as you know, there hasn't been really any harm done to these human beings. In the long run, they have picked up a lot and have gained a lot. "Look at every case that your great writers have endeavoured to look at, maybe in a negative way. I am not mentioning any names so that we don't run into any problems here. But remember that you are receiving what you asked for in a test of achieving the most higher conscious elevation of awareness. You were told that you would be coming to Earth at a specific time and that you wanted to reach a very high awareness and that you will go through these various indoctrinations, whether they are physical touch, or mental infusion. "So I want you to remember that there will be more of this. It will be done in a more subtle way coming up. It is something not to fear, unless you have some sort of a feeling that you are being somehow manipulated in such a way. Then of course, you can ask for your immediate doorkeeper to refute and confute and to refuse. And that is your priority that you have in this life. Remember who your doorkeeper is because he is there to close the door for those who try to come in. And that is something that you people have to learn, how to be more of a contact with the doorkeeper who is responsible for opening up the higher consciousness and the subconscious and the conscious mind. The three facets of great 208

awareness are there for your growth and your privacy between you and having a great guardian angel that is there assigned for you. "Now, we will look at a little more philosophy here. Then we will go back to the sky because there will be more performances here. "The end of August you will be feeling great burning sensations again because of the sun. There will be some more of that ultra-violet ray that will come through and will be burning. There will be some damage done to the eyes. So I want you to wear eye glasses of some dark color, and not to go out too much in your own plain glasses. That will manipulate and cause more energy to come through. You will be seeing little flashes of lights in the eyes and that's not good. So remember, do not expose your eyes directly in the sun. The heat too causes some problems. You will be having a lot of rubbing of your eyes. There will be a lot of soreness. "There are many different things that you are going to have to come to terms with, especially in the September month. (1995). "The mountain is very sad. The mountain of Shasta has seen its last, as we would call it, awakening to awareness for people. It has been seriously abused and the rebirthing will cause an eruption. That's not a good sign. "So be prepared to be initiated, either by Mt Hood, Mt Ranier, Mt Ida, or one of the other great mountains. I have to leave you now. Alahoy." Space

CHAPTER 56 The Imprinting of the New Body "Good evening to you all. I am Grand Commander Lae. "It is nice to see you here again. I really enjoy this mountain (Mt Shasta). This is a great mountain of compassion, understanding and great energy. Unfortunately, the energy of the terrain on the east side posses a great concern because it is going into a form of eruption. The mountain has served a purpose as a great tool, an altar of God. "Those who have come to this mountain, in whatever lifetime, have planted an imprint of themselves, in whatever form they have used, whether you came up here to channel, or whether you have come up here to meditate. It is your energy, or your imprint, that you are leaving of yourself, that either gives healing to the mountain, or takes energy away. Most people who have come in the last five years have taken energy away. So this has created a great imbalance. What happens, and if you watch this very carefully, the steaming processes taking place causes the circular cloud above the opening. This, at 209

this moment, is building up a great amount of pressure. Those are signs. So in the 1997, 1998 and 1999 years, whichever they are going to choose, they will allow the energy to come back to the surface to rebuild again. "So we have to look at this. The rebuilding of mountains from the base of the birth of the mountain from the lava to the rebuilding of the structuring is very important. This has been happening in the last three or four years, the rebuilding of the mountain. So this is why, every once in a while, it will spew and it will rumble and it will spark. This causes the slides to take place. "So in the changes, your most important time is 1998. 1998 is what we classify as the cocooning. In other words, the spirit of the mountain becomes a new mountain. Your bodies have a tendency, at this particular time, to go through, what we call, a cocooning stage. This is because the total energy, not only of this mountain, but the total energy that's given off by human form, animals, vegetable and mineral; all of those energies, at this particular time, are imbalanced. So each one draws on itself and causes even more imbalance. What is happening is, in- between, you are giving birth to your spirit, or you are giving birth to your soul, or you are giving birth to your new body, to change as humans in your form, or your likeness. This is going to start happening in a greater manner and greater force starting in 1998. "1998 will be known as the year of cocooning where the butterfly wants to fly away. You are going to have the feelings that will be going through your body where you are wanting to come out. The spirit wants to come out. But before it came come out it has to take on a new imprinting. "A new imprinting is the cause and the expansion of your entire body within. There will be new changes taking place in the heart. You will find that a lot of you will have the racing of the heart. Some of you will have heart palpitations. A lot of you will have warm and cool rashes. Some of you will have problems in the neck. A lot of you will have problems in the head area. You will be losing balance on your feet. You will have a tendency to go to the left or to the right. You will sometimes want to rush forward when you start losing balance. These are all symptoms of this imprinting. "I have some instructions here. At 10:33 (P.M.) you will go up to the sighting area and you will spend at least an hour until 11:33 and watch the performance in the sky. "Now I will carry on. So the imprinting then, of the new body, is very important. At this particular time, what is happening on this Earth is, there is a lot of knowledge springing forward. As you all know, there are different ways that you are all learning these 210

different methods about the bodily changes, plus other different things that you are persuing in your spiritual growth. Nobody, at this particular time, is going to be co-ordinated. I want you to know that. There are a lot of inco-ordinated people with this knowledge. A lot of people are actually pulling away from each other rather than coming together. A lot of you have already had that kind of experience with groups. "It is very important and I make this very clear that the Instrument here (Dr Ki) will strictly control all of the U.F.O. meetings that will take place. They will be very rare. I just want to say that we have not abandoned you. It is because people have abandoned us. So we say this, not in a way that we are trying to degrade you, because we certainly are working with your growth very carefully and very closely because you are dedicated in a way that you haven't changed, at this point, for us. But some of you will change and some of you, when you look at each other at this particular time, you may say, well that will never happen. But you watch. In another year, it's going to be a big difference between, even this immediate group. "So when we look at this and we look at your imprinting, we have to be very careful here on the kind of information we can give to you so that you could fully understand, or you could fully work with this kind of information, so it would be of the most utmost and the best affect on your human, and of course, on your rebirthing of your spirit body into, what we call, the fifth interdimension. You are going to get a taste of that on Monday at approximately 7:33. They are setting up a big dome for you, at this particular time, on this new mountain (Astrodome Mountain). This is going to be very challenging. "The few things that we have asked of you, as far as your drinking of juices go, are very important. And I am going to go over that menu again. Now, starting tomorrow, you will be on juices all day. That is important because that will clean out the solar plexus for us, so that we can adjust and make some good adjustments. Tomorrow night, there will also be an inner exchange inside of you. So, we are fusing and we are slowly working on that new body, or that new imprinting for you. And this new imprinting, of course, you come to places that we have asked you, these places of higher elevation. This is where the spirit will rebirth a lot faster. We look at your bodies and we say anywhere from the elevation of 4000 to 7000, you have, what we call, a quick rebirthing. That's very important. "Now, as we go along with the imprinting, you will find that a lot of you are going to start to feel that you have to make a change with the different ways that you are going to seek and you are going to try to get information through to yourself. Some of you are very fortunate because you are living in areas where you have ley lines and vortexes. What they simply do is they channel that energy for you. So some of you are very lucky that you do not have to go to centers. I say, be careful when you go to centers. Starting in the next six months to a year, there is going to be a 211

lot of imbalance in those places. Some of you already know that some of the people who go to these centers are going there to fulfill their physical instead of their metaphysical. "You will see and you will sense and you will find a lot of this inco-ordination in balance that I was talking about. It's permeating it now. It is really satiating everybody at this time. So you, who are here, and who have ley lines and vortexes are very fortunate. That is your temple out of your temple. By going to these other places, a lot of you are going to become more confused and you are going to bring home a very bad low energy. "So by organizing yourselves in such a way at your own vortexes and your own ley lines where you go to do these kind of services, you allow your body the significant changes. Have more trust in yourself. These other fancy stories about spirits materializing in mid air and these fancy things. What good is that to your spirit within you, to watch that kind of fancy entertainment? Is that proving to you that there is really a mighty force or spirit? You have to prove to yourself within yourself. You have already got that mighty force and spirit. What you want to do now is you want to generate the kind of energy and love and balance directly to the Earth's core. And when you do this, you will mention fulfillment for all in the White Light of understanding the truth within themselves that will grow and allow the spirit to set them free. That is exactly what we are trying to stress to all of you right now. Why do you think, over the last few years, we have led you to places which have vortexes, places that have very strong ley lining of energy? It is because you are going to be assisting. You are going to be midwives. You are going to be assisting this kind of birth, the child within. "It is important that you get your timing straight for your program. Be very strict within yourself. Give yourself a very strict spiritual diet as well as your physical diet. You are balancing yourself both spiritually and physically. And start to watch those who are criticizing you, who are finding fault in you. Those people who criticize you and find fault in you, just surround them with the pure white light and go to those who do not find fault in you and who are going to be listening and who are going to be getting the great and correct and balancing kind of information directly from you. "A lot of you are going to come to a very strong awakening of the spirit in 1996. Up to this point, a lot of you, from your own thinking, and a lot of people who are reaching a stage of awakening, have put off a lot of this balance and a lot of this energy that's coming through at this particular time, fear and Earth trembling and Earth changes. What you are doing with your mind and with your energy is you are allowing the Earth its new rebirthing too. So it is changing. So from you actually changing from within your own mind, you are also conveying the same message to the land and to the tectonic plates. 212

"The tectonic plates do not have to slip. They only slip from the imbalanced vibrations that are given off by consciousness. They are very conscious. So a lot of you have done a lot of justice in the last two years, whether you realize it or not, in your metaphysical growth. And a lot of you have reached certain impasses with family and a lot of other things that have happened to you. But it is mainly your belief system that is the comfort zone that you have within yourself of accepting yourself just as you are, receiving the kind of information that you are feeling comfortable with and then giving off the kind of information that you feel comfortable about, as you are giving it off to the trees, to the nature spirits, to the myriads of consciousness within the galaxies and within the universe. Everything is alive. "There is one consciousness that invades all of life forms which you classify as the God stream. Everyone that has any form of consciousness within them, just the way you are right now, you are causing an infusion into the stream. It is like irrigating a garden. Every time a good thought goes, there is more growth and more creativity in the heavens. So that's why it is so important right now to start concentrating on Earth. Concentrate on Mother Earth every morning when you get up, in your vespers, and at noonday, because noonday is the most strongest balance that you can ever give Mother Earth. Remember that. Noon day, because the Earth is coming into a balance with the solar energy and the lunar energy. It is at that time that your creativity is at the highest state of consciousness. "So, whichever timings you choose, however you choose and however comfortable you feel, this planet Earth has a very destabilizing affect of consciousness because you have freedom of choice and free will. This is what un- stabilizes the consciousness because you have a tendency to procrastinate, to put things off. You have a tendency to say, well if I don't do it this way, I'll try it that way. I have a freedom of choice to do it whichever way I want. And you keep putting it off and putting it off. In some cases you are right on and you have good intentions. But you lose it. And this is why, on this Earth, because of freedom of choice, we have a tendency of going around in circles and sometimes it becomes very confusing with the knowledge that is coming to this Earth right now. It is very confusing. "It is you and your purity of thought right now in the center of your universe that causes the rest of the universe and the rest of the creativity to come back to order and to form. "This evening is very important because of this high creativity that forms in your mind. It gives you vision. This vision, when it is in direct contact with your pituitory, some of you will see and some of you will not see. That is because of that imbalance of that vision in the pituitary. 213

"We don't materialize in the physical. We materialize in the spirit essence, or in some cases, you classify that as the etheric. And it is just as real when the pituitory is opening and viewing it as it is actually happening in physical view. You had some tidbits of this last night. There were a tremendous amounts of ah ha's. And each time you have an ah ha, it's a reinforcement of the creativity. Each time you say that ah ha, it reinforces that creativity out there and makes it happen again. What it does, it deflects and affects the pituitory and the pineal and the pineal opens up the gland of etheric vision, or being able to see into the manifestation of the etheric. That is so important. A lot of you have already asked the question, how come some people see, some don't? That is because that is happening within their gland at that particular time. They are viewing that. That doesn't mean to say that there is something wrong with you. It doesn't necessarily mean that it is not going to happen to you. It just means that, hey, I have to do my homework now. I'm a meta-physical student. I have to do something about that to encourage that gland to start to go into its new, as we call it, materialization. "The imprinting stage of this rebirthing is going to happen in a tremendous way for you, especially towards the end of 1996 and 1997. A lot of you will be caught up in the same manifestation. And when you are caught up in the same manifestation, a lot of you will be viewing exactly the same way. And then, you will all start to come together a lot stronger in your consciousness and you creativity will increase as you carry on in 1997 and 1998 and 1999. This is because you are all setting the platform at this particular time. You are all setting the platform for the millennium. You are introducing the millennial light to reflect and give you visionary viewing of what you are going to be able to accomplish and do as you enter out of the fourth interdimension. "We are already geared in the Earth at this particualar time to have you out of the fourth interdimension. This is why we are introducing the fifth for you, slowly now. We want to have you out of the fourth and into the fifth by 1998. By the time we hit the year 2000, we want to have you into the sixth interdimension. And this way here, once you are in the sixth, then you are into what we classify as the creativity of the mind. You will be able to create what you think. "Therefore, we must have you in a very high purity of state before you could create. Can you imagine how people can take that kind of energy and usurp it. And you have asked the question that why, at this particular time, hasn't there been strong massive introduction of the New Age technology, the New Age energy machine. It is because a lot of the people who are not going to reach the state of this rebirthing are going to actually destroy themselves. So this is the tendency that we have to watch and we have to watch it very carefully. 214

"There is going to be some massive destruction on this Earth where there will be these massive removals and changes of the humans that will occupy this Earth. So you are the midwives, the introducers, the bringers of the dawn, or whatever you want to call yourselves. We like to use the term the midwives of spiritual birth. So there is going to be a lot of this massive energy changes taking place. "We will now talk about some of these massive changes that you will have to be apprised of. Some of them will start happening first in your firmaments. There will be a lot of heating. It will go on, so you will be having a lot of asteroids and a lot of debris coming to this Earth. "So you have to be very strong because in these different areas that you are going to be going in, you won't see the astrodome. But you will have the imaginary dome there. So these domes are very important. These domes are going to be placed over some of the places that you will be in because we don't expect everybody to move in great masses in some sort of a fear and be heading into the mountains. It is not necessary because the power of God allows you to be safe wherever you are, whenever you commit yourself in that way, when you release the spirit to create for you exactly what you want. So you, in that period of time, will certainly be in a position where you are going to create your own safety. That is important, the creating of your own safety. "It is also going to be given to you and this is going to actually start with, what we call, the sweeping out, or the cleaning out, of these massive Earth weapons that you have stored up to this point in the various sectors, geographically, around this Earth. That's where we come in. We are going to make sure that these will disappear. "When we get the signal of the end of this dispensation, then we are not going to be caught with this changing of this universal law of freedom of choice and free will. We will be able to step in then, at one particular time, between the years 2000 and 2007, where we come in. Our responsibility is to assist in the cleanup of the vast, as we call it, remnants, if we wish to use that term, of the Battle of Armageddon. "The Battle of Armageddon is the confusion that all of the nations are going through at this time, and it is strange, over some form of religious conflicts. So once again, it is the purity of the mind. You people come into the stage here where you introduce these new thoughts and you give rebirth to the consciousness that affects the minds of people and they change. Therefore, they will not need, or have any need, to use weaponry. "So the importance of knowledge is what is going to allow or make this Earth come into the end of this free will of freedom of choice. When you come into a millennial light, or when you come into a millennium, you come into complete freedom. And that is the spirit in its new raptured body and on this Earth. It will be the ninth interdimension during that time. 215

"So the whole new body that you will be in will be the ninth interdimension. And that is total creativity, total purity of thoughts, and nothing but peace will permeate the mind. And as peace permeates the mind, naturally through your creativity then, you are going to be creating your own food in this millennium. So if you create your own food, therefore there will be no money. There will be no reason why you would want to buy anything because again, you will create and you will allow the manifestation of your creation to give you clothing. So therefore, there will be no greed because everybody will be equal in this creativity. "Now, we were talking about the creativity of the new mind. You will probably be saying that we need some form of attraction during this time. Some form of attraction between the opposite sex, if you wish. You will find with the purity of your mind that everybody will be attracted equally to their spouse. And when you are attracted in this manner, you will find that there never will be any arguments, any disagreements. There always will be constantly more love given off every day. It will be like a honeymoon every day. It will be so strong and it will keep growing. It will never disintegrate for that period of time. "Sexuality will be longer and will be enjoyed in a way where you will feel, not only two different interactions, not only the interaction of the organism that causes the explosion of joy, but also the interaction of the spirit and the kundalini giving you twice the ecstasy of an orgasm that you have and go through at the present time. So there will be great enjoyments of this sensuality in the proper way that it is meant to be. "Travel; how will you travel? You will travel in the 'Beam me up Scotty' form. And the form that you will be traveling on is wherever your mind wishes to project itself. The ninth interdimensional body will go into, what we call, an expansion of interdimension. And it will arrive to its destination within seconds. So we could call this the millennial transportation system, your own Ford, your own Pontiac, or your own Cadillac, whichever you wish to compromise with in your creativity. Of course, you won't need a chassis. So traveling will be in the mind. Some of the experiences that you have now, coming out of your dream state, or coming out of long distant travel is exactly that way. "When the solar plexus leaves through the vibration of the embilical cord, it travels in a dimensionary way with a great expansion of speed within seconds. Of course, this will be more sophisticated in your time. You will totally enjoy that. So again as a creator, you will be creating your own method or form of transportation. "Diety; you will be worshiping yourself. Once you are into your ninth body of perfection and you become the God/Goddess, which you are, you will be worshiping yourself. You will be enthused with that rapport and that joy and that fulfillment that comes from that 216

worship. You know how you like the ego at this time. You know how you become so greedy about something that you really want. Well, when you are in the perfection of the spirit, it will be reversed. You will not have the want, or the need for wanting it, because you could create it. So therefore, that kind of theorist and strong drive that works through your body at this time, through the five faculties, you will lose them. You won't have that. That's just the outer coating of the new body. "So we talked about love. We talked about diety. We talked about travel. We talked about food. We talked about clothing. Competition, that's very important. The kind of sports or competitions. You will be able to tune into other galaxies and you will be able to watch the different programs and the different sports and whatever takes place. "I see a little bit of light forming in this area. Would you take pictures now please. Keep a close eye on any great light forms that you see and once you see it then take a picture. "There will be different type of programs and competitions. You will be having great competitions in the kind of creativity of the clothing and the garments that you will be making. So creativity is going to be like a form of contests. "You will also be involved in magnetic sports. In the magnetic sports you will be visualizing and you will be transforming and you will be creating contests and competitions. I see a lot of creativity that is going to be very magnetic. In other words, there will be a lot of creativity with color. There will be a lot of creativity with, what we call, the electro-magnetic programming of this color and the ability to allow these colors to challenge themselves, or one another, to perform different acts of pleasure. It is hard to explain because when we visualize in the ninth inter- dimension, we are talking to you in between the third and the fourth. So sometimes it is hard for us to really paint a picture of clarity for you. But you will have a lot of sports competition that way through creativity. You will be able to program and watch the different competitions and different kind of sports and activities. It will be something, where you will be watching the different performances in the various galaxies where you will be exchanging yourselves into these other different energies and the ability to transport and transmigrate and also into manifestation within these other planes. It is going to be a very challenging and as we can see it, very, very competitive. "Right now, as you see, you could trade globally with the different ideas and intentions that you create through your industry. But your mind will be the industry. And you are going to be able to create and to trade like that within galaxies. Can you imagine? But you will be able to do that because you will have no limitations. 217

Right now, you are limited to your physical body and it captivates you within the third interdimensionality and you are here, more or less, stuck in a five faculty exhibition, as we call it. This is why we are giving you a taste of the sixth sense at this particular time. No limitations. So with the no limitations, you are going to be very lucky. "I will leave myself open for any questions you may wish to ask." [Note: Group personal questions were posed and answered]

CHAPTER 57 The Adjustment of Rebirthing "Good afternoon, I am Alana. "I am here and I will be on the mountain (Mt Shasta) this evening. We will be doing adjustments to you and you may feel, as we call it, very spacey. So be prepared. "The altering of your consciousness, at this particular time, is very import- ant. There is a certain ingredient on your Earth, at this time, that requires great attention for, not only the five vital organs, but also for the pituitory. The pituitory, at this time, is expanding rather quickly. So this is causing a lot of memory lapses and many things that are taking place now with you emotionally, mentally and also with physical imbalances. You will have some problems again when you get home. You should go into your vortexes again, at least for seven minutes for the first seven days you are home. That is advisable because of the energy adjustment that you are going to get. "There will be a certain light. This is the first time that you will be introduced to the millennial light. So there will be a blending of this light for the rapid expansion of the pituitory. You will see glimpses thereafter. You should be able to see into other dimensions. We are going to try, on the 30th, for you all to see the same manifestation. So tonight is a very important evening of your meditation. It is the first introduction. "The blending of this millennial light is important because of the amount of light. Each time you expand your pituitory through the altering of your solar plexus. The way you alter your solar plexus is before your meditation, every meditation you go through, think of blue and have half a glass of water. Think of blue. And anything that you can take, even within some juice that is blue would be very important. If you use these kind of colors in the next five or six years, it would be very important to you all. You are all ready to blend into a certain energy that projects a certain color. And all of this is going to be very important and helpful for you.


"The expanding of the consciousness with the first introduction of the millennial light is the 13:13 vibration. It's called the altering away from the fourth interdimension and the beginning of the fifth. So, your initiation now is to initiate you into the 13:13 vibration. That's why I am here. But because some of the members who are going to be involved are not here, we will wait for this evening to do that on the mountain. "The blending and the vibrational changes that are taking place in your head at a gigantic rate of speed are causing, what we call, flip backs. These flip backs are barriers to your memory. So what will happen, over a period of time, through these readjustments, you will get even to a more clearer and a better memory box. So the ones that are going through this at this particular time; this is a very good introduction of the millennial light. " 'Coming Into The Millennial Light' is a book that is being written at this particular time. There are going to be a lot of changes added to that, directing mankind to be prepared, how to become prepared and to get into the correct blending of this light for the pituitory to expand at a certain rate. That is important. Right now, it is happening a little too fast. But we actually cannot adjust that until you go through, what we call, the strongest blending. And then, you build up a very strong immunity. Then you can adjust that yourself. "So it is important then, what you are going to be doing in the next little while, especially with the 13:13 meditation. It is going to help and it is going to assist you in making the necessary corrections to adjust rebirthing. "Let us talk about the adjustment of rebirthing. As you know, as mothers, the rebirthing process is quite difficult at certain times, if you do not prepare yourself in your pregnancy. And this is a pregnancy. This is called, what we would term, the strongest spiritual pregnancy that you could ever go through because you are allowing the rebirthing to take place right here on Earth, rather than coming through, what some of you term, as reincarnation, or the reincarnate cycle. But here, you are going to break that barrier and you are going to go immediately into the phases of rebirthing. "The phases of rebirthing are causing a lot of these different tensions and the different symptoms that you are all going through at this time. It's not an easy birth. The spirit has to come out of the physical third interdimensionality and re-enter into the fourth interdimensionality and come back into your physical. So it is a very hard process. It's almost like bringing you into two different individuals at the same time. Not at different times, but at the same time. "So this spiritual pregnancy that you are going through, to allow the rebirthing of the spirit, is not one that at times you are going to be enjoying. And this is the way we and the higher, as we call it, Gods/Goddesses, separate the chaff from the wheat. A lot of you, because of the disturbing affects that you are going to be going through in the next year or two, are going to cop out. 219

So it is so important to remember that from a mother's point of view that this rebirthing is not one that is an easy process because you are in a physical body. And anytime you are in a physical body, it is like pinching your skin. In effect, it is going to cause some form or distortion. "A lot of people are going through a lot of these forms of distortion. You are wondering if these people are for real. A lot of them who are walking around that look disjointed emotionally and look as if they are in some cases, if we can use the term psychotic, are just caught up in that rebirthing where their re-entrant is imbalanced. Some of them are very highly evolved. So when you are looking at these people, especially when I go down to this place called Bagels (in Mt Shasta City) and I look at some of the people that are inducing themselves to make this happen a lot faster, are causing a lot of problems. These problems, by self induction are very dangerous because you are going into, what we call, hallucination. What is happening is you are blocking that rebirthing. "So it is very important that all of you that are going through this, at this particular time, are learning from some of the discomforts, how uneasy this could put you emotionally and how unstable sometimes you could be with your temperment. It has caused a lot of this in the last year. So remember, it is going to get worse before it gets better. You have to be very wise. A lot of you are going to be given special meditations. A lot of you are in vortex areas that are very, very important. But because you have generated from the eagle's family, we call this energy of soaring over all of the discomforts, you will be given different ways and ideas how to make this painful transition a lot easier. It is not going to be totally easy. But it will be a lot easier. So you will be prepared now because this will be your second re-entrant when you leave the Astrodome Mountain. Then you will be prepared to go into the second re-entrant. "There will be a 14:14 meditation. You first started with the Harmonic Convergence in 1987. Then you went to the 11:11, the 12:12, the 13:13, the 14:14. It is all helping and assisting. The 14:14 is a fifth interdimension type of blending with the millennial light. "The millennial light is what we classify as a determining factor for this entire rebirthing. The millennial light is the dominant factor that causes the spirit its total rebirth. In other words, it's like a midwife, or a doctor, that is allowing this transition to happen in its totality. The millennial light then, is the most balanced spiritual light that you can ever receive in order to create total harmony and balance right up into the ninth interdimensionality. After that, it's more of a spiritual birth in a different body, as we call it. It's still very light and a very different body of mastership. "It's very important that we get you into the total birthing of the millennial light on Earth. So Earth is going through its last change. In order for all of this birthing to take proper balance, we must balance everything that's imbalanced. At this time, the entire galaxy 220

is imbalanced. So everything has to be balanced. And this blending of the millennial light brings it into a balance. "Several re-entrants into this light will be taking place over the next five years. The next five years is very important to this rebirthing. As the spirit starts rebirthing, its starts to create purity of thought. Therefore, this will attract pure information or knowledge that will assist you through the rebirthing. "At this particular time, because everybody is at a different stage of rebirthing, that has to stop. There are too many different ideologies and different ways that you want to sort of feel comfortable in your belief system that you feel is assisting you. In order to complete this task in a proper and in a balanced way, we have to work with and balance everything. So we have to balance the Mother Earth near its core. This causes a bit of a problem sometimes because it is a birth and there will be a lot of shaking in the bowels of the Earth. We have to balance the immediate galaxy and everything that has been imbalanced there. In order to do this, we have to do this with heat. There again, the word millennial light. You will find that the Earth will heat up a bit and this is normal when you mothers are giving birth. It gets really warm in the bowels and in the womb. "The whole structure in spiritual rebirthing is that the entire universe, whether it is physical or invisible, is a womb. That's where, through purity of thought, through your attaining mastership and altering your higher conscious- ness and creativity, where you become a very creative god or goddess, or what- ever principle one wishes to use. "This new knowledge that will be coming through in 1998 will be more blended. It will be much more of a blended brand where you will be eating whole wheat. This is important that all of you are getting a taste, or a preview, of what you are going to actually view in the year 2008. "It is very important that all of this is going on right now does not frighten you. We have no intentions of frightening you. This is not the idea behind rebirth- ing. The idea behind rebirthing is to give you a feeling, or a sense, of total being, of giving you the first chance to understand what it feels like to be free of the entanglements that cause a body form to the prisoned soul. We are giving you this freedom. In other words, the millennial light is like someone who gives you a pardon from the long struggle that you have been going through in the last 200 years on your Earth through a religious point of view of viewing the other side perhaps. "The other side is very simple because the other side really is you in reverse. Once you go through this reverse osmosis, then it will be very hilarious for you to be viewing, or sensing, what you were in the third interdimensionality. 221

"All these trips that you people have taken are not in vain. As you have noticed, on most occasions, the weather is always conducive and everything works itself out. The most important thing here is that in the next six months that you who have these vortexes, go there to balance and do a strong concentration on that light blue. Going through all of these rituals that you do is all part of altering the vibration of the higher consciousness, allowing that new body its form. Then when you are born again, you go into the form. This time, it will be happening right on Earth. It is going to be a very delightful time when you get, what we call, perfect rebirthing. "I am going to leave myself open for questions." [Group Questions - Yashah, Yvonne, Judy, Lucille] Q: "Can you tell us where you are from and a little about yourself?" A: "I am from a planet called Adalia in the Booth Constellation. Our planet is submerged with beautiful rainbow colors. We are very strongly elevated in the seventh interdimension. We have a good method of communication through telepathy and channeling information through to you people. In our spaceships, we will do 100 miles in less than a second. I'm about eight feet tall and very light metallic energy surrounds my body. It looks very much greenish in color. I have slanted eyes and a very large nose and a small mouth, a small chin and short hair." (Note: Several personal questions were posed & answered).

CHAPTER 58 THE AKASHIC RECORDS "Good evening, I am Dilaka." "The universe is going into its greatest change beyond the human eye's conception. There are three rebirths: the one of allowing rebirth of soul; one allowing rebirth of spirit and one allowing rebirth of form or what you have here,the physical." "These three rebirths are constant in the universe. When there is a breakdown of form, when you come to what we call the precipice or beyond existence,the formality therefore has to go into transition. Therefore, really there is no death -- there is transition." 222

"A lot of you that are in human form allow the chronological decay to your physical bodies by preservation in long term by desecration in short term. Whatever you take into your physical body allows the chronological decay to take whatever time it wished to take to allow your spirit freedom of movement. Your soul is not severed until you go into an incubation period where all memory is totally recorded. That soul is taken into an akashia room and the files that are taken from this are out into, what we call, the central life computer. Therefore, in this great data bank we can always refer back to the contact point of your last form." "In this great computer room, as I have done on many occasions, I have taken many of these records and through my constant travels into the universe it was amazing how I contacted the personalities who play another role." "After this transrecording the soul again becomes attached to the spiritand only leaves a small portion of that record so that when you upon impregnation back through reincarnation, say to this world, can identify who you really were. There is a small, as you would look at it, membrane that still identifies with the self that you were before. The total bank of all of that memory is in the computer - otherwise, if you carry everything within the soul would come out. There are only slight scars or traumatic effects that have caused you, say a demise, or have caused you, say you were in a serious accident in that past life. Some form of fear would still come out in this lifetime. The majority of all of those scars that were simulated in this lifetime are taken out and put into the computer." "If you really want to know your personality then there is a reflection light that goes on and gives us a computer number of the soul that you are now so we go back to the classified data bank and get all of the particulars on you. It is quite an interesting process that goes on. A lot of you are not aware of exactly how these akashic records work. Akashia, the big room of all memory - that is what that means." "What is happening in your life at this particular time is very important that all of this date is always kept in record. Therefore, when you are judged according to what you have done here and when you are making your next selection you have a better idea what you are suited for or where you can go to gain a lot more success in your next reincarnation." "What purifies and what changes a lot of disintegration here on your Earth is a time period that you are allotted to have this kind of memory to go on within the universe and to remember. You have reached almost the end of that time here on Earth."


"In order to recharge the planet into, what we call, a millennium, the coming of the millennial light which is the new knowledge or the new energy, or the new fuel, to take you into the new coexistence - not existence - remember coexistence." "Coexistence allows you the same expression of the soul, the totalness, the oneness, into what we call bliss. This is called recess - the recess away from that kind of life you are doing now." "After the recess of a thousand years of peace then the functioning of the bodies are taken into, what you call, a rebirth cycle and allowed the highest form of intelligence. You are locked into, what we call, the data bank. The next time you would come to the Earth you would come with the same retention of that high knowledge and come back in some of your interpretations as a grand master. I like to call that an over-seer." "Your great changes into this coexistence are taking place even as of now. In order to assist mankind a more or less speedy recovery to open up into this new dimension, you must go through the real physical death, as we call it, feelings. Not going into demise, or not going into transition, but going into the death feelings, but not actually going into death, but going into transition and giving birth of the same entity that you are, but to give coexistence or to give existence into what we call the fourth dimension." "The fourth dimension is the organization of the body and preparing it for one of its highest forms. Even today on your Earth you have a lot of organization under the vibration of four." "The most important thing about the coming of the millennial light is that we all have to give ourselves a strong push forward into more of a spiritual outlook on the coexistence of mankind by the strong love bond that is formed under the vibration of four - which really means you will be playing the role of four distinct personalities. You will be coexisting into a strong spiritual revelation. What that simply means is that when you are in the fourth dimension you are four times more powerful to go through with what you want to go through with rather than using a third dimensional point of view like you have on this Earth now. The third dimension gives precipice or gives in too quickly to the physical, as we call it, expression of mankind or life." Coming into the Millennial Light, as you enter the first gateway of the millennial light, it is called the 11:11 - 2:2. The third gateway the 11:11- 3:3. The fourth gateway - 4. back again to the number 44. This kind of vibration upon the doubling of its energy, whenever you go into another dimension, another room, or another gateway, of the 11: 11, you are bringing on this new kind of personality, or this new kind of vibration that prepares you as you go in and as you move. 224

"The minute you pass, like you did in 1987, through the portals of the 11:11, you allowed yourself the first impregnation of the millennial light. As you go through the second 11:11 you will allow another impregnation. As you go through the third, another impregnation; and the fourth, then you are completed into the millennial light." "In 1995 you will be in your second portal. In 1997 you will be in your third portal. In 1998 you will be in the fourth portal. Once you leave the fourth portal there is only one 11:11 from the fourth dimension to the fifth. You will move quickly from the fourth dimension to the fifth." "When you reach the fifth dimension there is only one portal, 11:11 -- so within no time you will go into the sixth." "When you go into the sixth 11:11 there is, what we call, the first feeling of a real strong love drive for this coexistence for the blending of the millennial light into the golden light which is giving birth then at this time. Those that will be born will automatically be born into the sixth dimension. By the time you leave this decade a lot of you will be in the sixth dimension. In order to work as you are coming into this millennial light it is important to be in high mountainous areas. It is important to be in nature. It is important to be in areas where you have waterfalls or running streams. It is important to work with the planetary prana - do so by constantly gazing into your constellation. For some of you it may be Orion -for some of you it may be Cassiopeia -- for some of you it maybe Sirius. This is where the seriousness comes, from Sirius." "The coming of the millennial light is the coming of the true pure birth of the Christ Consciousness, or the Second Coming of the Christ Consciousness impregnated with spirit. In other words, it is the oneness of the bride and the groom coming together in holy matrimony. This allows you the complete opening of the harmony into the golden light." You have been caught in a state of sufficiency. You have had a lot of information this evening. We will be getting together again soon. Alahoy.

CHAPTER 59 THE METAPHYSICAL RADIO OF ALL LIVES "Good evening, I am Grand Commander Kalieb. "Behind each one of you, I have brought with me a company of very strong, as you would call them on this Earth, astro physicians. What you are going to go through this evening is going to be an experience for some of you which you are going to remember what you want to become again into the future. 225

(Kalieb identified each astro physician by name). "This evening, as I give you my lecture, I want you to pay very close attention to what I have to say. Also, I want you to, at night sometimes, when you become disillusioned within your physical life here in the third dimension, to try to progress and to try to alleviate all of the physical Earth problems and begin to journey deep within yourself, even deeper than what you are going to experience this evening. "The coming of the new changes on your Earth are very important. Deep within the three facets of your consciousness lies the memory of each journey of your life and within time that you have recorded through an experience. "So as you are now on this Earth journeying in the third interdimensionality, you of course, have attached to you the subconscious mind which can only penetrate into the ninth interdimensionality with a slight memory of where you go in the different travels. In your conscious mind, only periodically, when you get into a very restful state, you will experience a slight deja vu of the travels, whether in this life, or whether they are coming back from a traumatic affect in the subconscious mind from a past life, or whether you remember a very strong projection in this life. For each facet of your reality is a teacher of yourself. I want you to remember that because deep within you, you have the recess of, what we call, the metaphysical radio of all lives. So you can tune into those frequencies and you could receive the clairaudience that is coming from the radio frequency that you are traversing in as your mind and your astral body is projecting in that reality. "Coming into the 1997 realities and the 1998 realities you are going to experience more in, what we call, the twilight zone between the subconscious mind and the superconscious mind. The memory, or the retention, in the conscious mind will pick up those fragments of learning that you are supposed to accomplish in this life. For that is why we teach you through the astral projection, the higher consciousness, of who you really are. Each and every one of you here has a uniqueness about himself which they project through their character and which they project, mainly through the eyes of their zodiac. The eyes of their zodiac, is attached to, what we classify as, the seeing eye. The seeing eye of your consciousness projects into the entire experiences of realities that you can, as a spirit, through the awakening of the higher consciousness of the superconsciousness, can allow yourself to journey into this reality and understand why and perhaps understand that you haven't completed a certain journey in a past life. But you are completing it now because life is ongoing. There is no stop. For you are constantly giving birth to a different reality and you are constantly giving a birth to a different form to understand this reality.


"A different form may not be only on this Earth in the third interdimensionality of consciousness. But it may be in your Father's house as mentioned. There are many mansions of expressing the consciousness of life. And you, as a unique human being, and you call yourself that, at this particular time, are only learning certain facets of, what you classify, as the errors that you make. And also you are learning from the correct ways that you journey. You understand consciousness the way you are at this particular time. "You are only a school teacher of labels. You are constantly labeling, whether you are in a classroom of errors, which you sometimes call wrong, or whether you are in a classroom of rights, which you sometimes classify as correct. So here you are, deep within yourself, a student of labeling your realities, or labeling your consciousness and its revelation of who the best part of your higher consciousness, who the best part of your character, really is within yourself. You must improve this consciousness. You must improve this charatcer, through these warps of life that you are going through. You do not stop in a classroom of your conscious mind learning in the five different classrooms of your five faculties. Those are teachers that are here to allow your physical to come to a state of maturity, to understand that you have other facets of consciousness that you must learn from, to blend together all of these learnings, to become a student, to become a teacher, to become a mother, to become a father, to become a child, to become. Each time, to become. You are learning from the becoming. "This is of vast importance to you because you do not draw all of the realities to answer the questions to you in your physical life. Why do we wonder, at times, and why do we drift? We have a tendency to become a student of a pillow, where we lean on and rest on somebody else's answers through the classrooms that they have walked in. They are the same classrooms that you have of correctness. They are the same classrooms that you walked through, of error. And here you are, a most brilliant student and yet a most brilliant teacher, that you are, whether you teach through motherhood, or whether you teach through fatherhood, or whether you teach in an institution, or whether you counsel those who require that kind of knowledge that you have received and yet being very careful that you bring out that knowledge that you allow them to bring that same knowledge out of them. "That is the label that you must use on the great teacher, where you lead the student to the water, but you allow him to drink from that water where he learned the principles of the same reality that you have learned from drinking from that spiritual knowledge. "You have within you, what we classify as, a trinity of learning. That is the vast classroom that expands your consciousness and leaves an imprint on the physical character that you really are in growth. As the pupil that you really are, you are constantly growing. You are not growing in your physical maturity as much as you are 227

growing through the spiritual maturity, allowing the other side of your small child to awaken to the higher reality, to bring them to the table of your dining. "We classify the table of your dining as your intuition. Your intuition is a broad prospective of what you can become because the food that you are eating is classified as intuition. It is coming from the other two classrooms. It is what is completing and is making you a completeness in the character and the zodiac of what you really started. You really started from the spark of light that focused on your consciousness of spirit, that focused on an interdimensionality to express its light. "So there you were, at the very beginning in a classroom. And in this great classroom you were permeated by the intuition of a light. And this light had no boundaries and this light was going to carry you through different forms of interdimensionality to learn. "So here you are, only into what we call, the stepping stone of your learning, the third interdimensionality. The third interdimensionality is only the physical spectrum of the five faculties that are teaching you some form of direction. Remember, when you are here on this Earth, you are here to take direction of growth until you arrive to a level of your own direction taking. In this life, you constantly have a tendency to forget that. You constantly have a tendency to listen to the astute people, as you call them here on this Earth, who from learning from institutions or colleges and universities and also who have gone even into a higher realm of understanding. Where do you think all of these institutions started? They started because of the quest and the thirst that you had for physical knowledge. "So gradually, as you learn from institutions and you are given certificates and degrees, you reach a certain element within your life which leaves a very empty spark within that divinity, or within the spirit of your beginningness. "You see, for as long as you travel in an interdimensionality of the third and possibly the fourth interdimensionality that you are in now, you are incapacitated by a standard of learning that you achieve. And from that achieving of that standard of learning, you feel at times that you have fulfilled a certain desire or achievement. All you have done is you have polished your ego. And when you polish your ego, you have the tendency to become, what we call, an outstanding critic. And when you become a critic, you seem to move into directions where you criticize only from your own expansion of consciousness and awareness and learning. And you do not remember that around you, you really are surrounded in the other two classrooms that have no ending. "Coming to this life and representing yourself in a third interdimensionality, you are focusing on third interdimensionality learning. So when you come to a quest and a journey within your physical life where you no longer quench, or you no longer satiate 228

the desires, then there is something happening within you, within that spark of light and that soul, that needs and requires food to go further to explore the realities of life. What happens then, in your dream state, you draw upon the realities of your subconscious mind that feed and quench the soul and the spirit. In return, the soul and spirit, through the five faculties of your body or domain which you are lodged in, has a tendency to go through an expansion and an awareness of knowing why and what that reality is all about. That is classified as the first search. This search is a pilgrimage. This pilgrimage is called the prodigal son coming home. And as you are coming home, you are coming closer to those realities that are going to lead you home in the spiritual aspects of your life. "So quietly in your subconscious tuning, you are being led home. The subconscious tuning in your physical reality is known as programming the subconscious mind. You are going to program at night that you want retention of this reality and you want to know exactly where you are going and what you are learning. You want to have complete retention because as you are journeying and as your soul is giving you direction and as the spirit is giving you direction, then you are the prodigal son, or the prodigal daughter, that is on his or her way home. You are on your way home, in your higher consciousness, to understand who you really are in your complete form of awareness. "The complete form of awareness is what attracts you to become more omniscient or more knowing of yourself rather than listening and rather than being stuck in the quagmire, or in the pigpen, of carnality understanding, which is only the third interdimension. It is an anchor that holds you back in the life forms of realizing the realities and the principles of how much you can really acquire in the skills of knowledge of knowing how to pilgrim home through these realities of manifestation. "So, as you are journeying then in the subconscious mind, there are a lot of things that are beginning to happen in your reality. These realities sometimes become very distorted because you hadn't fine tuned yourself to these realities prior to journeying yourself into them. "You need to attune into the subconscious. When you attune into the subconscious, then you are expanding your consciousness to journey deep within the recesses of what we call the pillar of light. The pillar of light is the center of your nervous system, or the center of what we call your chakra. That is the seat of the soul. This seat of the soul chakra pulsates through the lights that open up into your pineal gland. The pineal gland activates all of your movements in knowingness. This is what you are striving to do very deeply right now in this conscious state that you are in.


"So you are going to drift periodically because some of you have learned to attune within the subconscious. Some of you have learned to attune in the conscious, to the subconscious, and then to the superconscious aspect of where the soul gets to its completeness, into its oneness. "When you journey deep, when you journey more profoundly, you will come back and you will not ask other people questions. You will be so, as we call it, omniscient within your own soul that you will be fulfilled. Ninety percent of the metaphysical students are living in a fantasy land where they do not reach a fulfillment. A fulfillent when you come back; you will be very much attuned in the physical, understanding that fulfillment and why you have gone there and why you have pilgrimaged there and why you have journeyed there to reach that fulfillment. When you come back you will understand more about your physical being and why you think the way you do, at times. You will understand why you question different doctrines; why you are learning at a certain pace where you are not really getting anything out of it. "How many times have you, as metaphysical students, asked the question, 'When is my third eye going to open?' Your third eye will only open when you allow it to open. You must journey deeply into the superconscious, asking continuously for the memory to retain. Journey deeper and deeper and each journey that you take and each strong retention that you bring back is a fulfillment that you will never ask on this Earth the questions that you are asking now. A lot of you ask questions in relationship to your children and to others. The main theme is that you have to somehow bring them into an awareness where they can be aware of their own answers. "Your experiences are only a help to their dream. Your experiences that you are having metaphysically are only, as we classify them, a light that they must hold through their reality, understanding how to walk through the same dark rooms of errors that you make, the same dark rooms of incorrectness that you label, that you go through. Each one of you are your own student and each one of you are your own teacher. We, in these other realities, speak through your subconscious mind. We speak through your conscious mind, echoing only a direction that you must have to take to receive that reality. We cannot take you there. We are only echos and we can only echo what could happen through your experience, through what you can, as a student, accomplish as you journey and as you astrally project into these other consciousnesses. "Each one of those rooms are rooms for you. They are not for me, not for your doorkeeper. But they are rooms for you to make your own correction. Each time that you go higher into your consciousness, each time that you make a correction within your own life, it is only another ah ha that encourages you to take another trip higher into another reality that makes sense to you as to what you really are in this life. 230

"Everybody's spark of light, at the very beginning of, what we call, soul consciousness, the birth of the soul, is the vehicle that carries your spirit into the interdimensionality, or the form of life, that you are going to express this spirit. And I mean that with all sincerity, express the spirit. The most important part of your life is that you do not allow the real oil in your light to ignite, the real oil in your lamp to burn, to give you that illuminating direction that you can take to find all the ah ha's. "As we go back to the very beginning of that eternal light, it was constantly creating your soul. Your soul and your spirit were in constant creation. In order to reach fulfillment, they must express a consciousness through an interdimensionality like the life that you have now. If you did not have that, you would have nothingness. You would have nothing. You would have lost this journey. You would have lost this trip in the third interdimensionality. However, you come here with the trinity of understanding your spirit. The trinity is often mentioned by your clergy, the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. "You are part of the Father. You are part of the Holy Ghost. And you are part of the son of life. The important facet is that you do not, through the third interdimensionality, understand, how did this all begin since the soul was in constant progression of creativity, since the spirit was in constant progression of creativity. It always is. There is a constancy there that reflects through a light which then ensues through the soul, which is the vehicle that projects the spirit into these other mansions. In my Father's house are many mansions that are going to represent, through interdimensionality, a form of consciousness so that you can understand the way you are understanding now. "Only in those other higher consciousnesses do you understand more because you are perceiving with more of your senses. Here on Earth, you have five senses. So you can go, with no difficulty, into the five interdimensionalities with those five senses. Then you have your sixth sense which you are going to perceive and give birth to the spirit. "The meshing of the millennial light in 1998 will start to give birth to the spirit within you, to the sixth interdimensionality, the new body. So when you hit the sixth interdimensionality, then you will be perceiving with six senses, or six faculties, within that body, plus the seventh sense. You will have the seventh sense and that's the spiritual sense that projects higher. Each one of you, that are here as a spirit, is going to represent its journey of direction as the prodigal son, or the prodigal daughter, completely home. You are going to journey all through each interdimensionality until you reach mastership. "When you reach mastership in the eleventh interdimensionality, then you are wanting to understand the principle there. Now you have twelve faculties. You want to 231

understand the principle of the thirteenth helix, the all seeing eye. So you project yourself first into the interdimensionality of the portals of all understanding. This is the twelfth portal, the pure teacher here. Now here, I want you to understand. You have graduated from a student. You are now a pure teacher of wisdom. You are now going to begin your journey and your pilgrimage from being a teacher into, what we call, the neutrality. Here you become and you oversee for just a short period of time in, what we call, completeness of reality. Here you oversee all of the realities. Here you have the freedom of choice to walk out of this house of complete balance. The thirteenth helix, the four, is the most balancing number in the universe. We call it the highest number in the universe. "Now when you look out through the portals of the pure white light, really you will never go out again, as mentioned in your Book of Revelations. Here, you are struggling. You are going to struggle and you are going to understand. The soul is going to give you the flashbacks of all of the interdimensionalities that you have travelled through and that you have retained as a teacher, giving you some kind of background to make a selection of another lifetime. "Some people have a tendency to choose from the thirteenth helix to come back down to lower forms again of interdimensionality because they felt that, as a student, they did not graduate from every class of error, or every class of correction, that you have made. You will have a tendency to feel that there is a void that you have to come back and that you have to journey through a form of correction. "When you are coming to a very strong understanding of the spirit self that you really are, you bypass all of these interdimensionalities by giving complete birth to the spirit and the soul to journey out of light. A lot of you do not understand this, to journey out of light. There will be no more interactions with interdimensionality to express consciousness through form. "Once you give the spirit its completeness of birth, you will go into, what we call, bliss. And that bliss is heaven. Some of you do not understand how to get into this nirvana, as taught to you by many gurus and also by Jesus Christ and also by yourself, through the realities that you travel. When you travel into these different classrooms of your superconscious, you are learning facets to take, what we call, the shortcut into bliss. Here, in bliss, you are in total balance. You have balanced your spirit, then you become the God/Goddess of your own reality. The journey is complete. The journey is fulfilled. A lot of you miss this. Sometimes when you are journeying, as I see you now, you have the tendency of allowing your physical emotions to overshadow your spiritual reality. Remember that. That is what we classify as closing the door to your classroom and allowing your awareness, in that one 232

classroom, not to expand beyond the horizon of knowing more than what you really want to know. Do not close down on the horizons of your learning. Always keep your options open to the faculties of learning within the faculties of interdimensionality. "Every planet reaches its state and its highest form of awareness to impregnate the life that it gives on that planet, that form of representation to your soul and to your spirit. That form of completeness is the most important art of the journey of the soul that has been allowed to go out in search of who you really are, what you really are and what you can really gain through this physical interdimensionality that you are now. Let go. Release. Don't get locked into these classrooms too long. Listen. Experience. Open yourself. Allow yourself to flow deep into your superconsciousness. There you will find, written on the blackboard of all of your faculties, every answer that you have been sent out as a soul to search and find for yourself. "Truly, you are the lantern of your own dark room. Truly, you illuminate your soul, your spirit, your mind, with the learnings that you have acquired, at this time, at this state of your awareness now. Yet, when I search your closets, I see very much dissatisfaction. At this time, you are very unsatisfied with your journeys and your trips. So we must do something about this. We must remove the limitations that you place upon yourself. We must remove all these limitations so that you could constantly grow in spirit and reach your bliss. "What you have allowed on this Earth is a consciousness of darkness and error. You have allowed that birth to take place through the consciousness of your spirit. When I look at this entire globe, it was once a Garden of Eden of purity of your soul and your spirit. That was the first ah ha of bliss that you experienced through the impregnation of Mother Earth as she gave birth to your third interdimensionality, encompassing all of this great bliss into the five faculties and allowing yourself that incapacitation to somehow journey above that incapacitation. "So what has happened. This Earth has been surrounded by this global consciousness that all of you have given off through your thoughts. So now, the gods and the goddesses are looking down on this Earth and saying, 'we must help these earthlings'. This is one time where the gods and goddesses are going to permeate, what we call, this great millennial light that is going to illuminate your classrooms, to give you more knowledge to redeem yourself. You are the ones that can do it. You are the ones that are going to become the creators of this great millennium. You are the ones that are going to create this purity of thought, that are going to destroy this global consciousness that Mother Earth is permeated by now. "The millennial light is going to start to blend and bring in this knowledge, this omniscience, to sweep away the cobwebs of religion, the cobwebs of confusion, that 233

have placed you in a state of, at times, conflict. What direction shall I take, because the bible tells me to go this way. The Koran tells me to go this way. And the other great books of spiritual learning, within the other cultures, tell me to go this way. Springing from all of these cultures, over vast periods of time, you have all these different ideologies of confusion. So today, what is happening is they are defusing. They are falling apart. You can see that. They are falling apart at the seams. They cannot teach you anymore because you are going into your higher god and goddess, which is the omniscience of your soul, which is the omniscience of your spirit. You are reaching up. You are indoctrinating yourself to become the scholar, to become the teacher, to become the professor, to become whatever you want to become, to illuminate yourself in the knowledge of your own direction. I want you to remember that. "In 1997 and in 1998, you are going to get fulfillments of direction. You are going to go in deeper into the omniscience of your soul. You are going to search in, what we call, the archives. "You have allowed your five faculties to overshadow your sixth. You have allowed your ego to become the student of your reality. So what we have to look at here very seriously; we have to break down the Walls of Jericho around your ego. That is those old memories of all of those old religions, those philosophies and everything that has incapacitated you to become, at times, engrossed, but not fulfilled. "When you look out there, you will see a large body of water. And around that body of water, you will see someone drinking. And as you view and as you watch each one that is drinking, some will drink longer than others. Some will not want to drink at all. See what your ego has done to you. It has criticized you to a point because you have criticized yourself to a point of what you classify as false self hypnosis. When you do this, then you are going to totally agree with your errors and you are going to totally agree with your corrections and with your rights. "I look down at that large body of water. That large body of water represents the total omniscience of your soul. When you drink just a little bit, then you retain just a little bit of knowledge. But, when you drink for a longer period of time, then you are going to retain more knowledge. "1997 and 1998 is the age of new fulfillment. As you are going to journey, this fulfillment is going to be gauged on drinking from that well, or drinking to whatever pace you wish to fulfill yourself in. "The greatest and the most imbalanced time on this Earth will be from 1999 to the year 2008. That is how long most will be drinking to really, truly satiate their souls to a point 234

of omniscience where they are going to rebirth themselves completely from a physical incapacitation. "For you see, the first, the second and the third and the fourth plane, or interdimensionality, are all anchors. They are all anchors and they are going to be allowing you to gurgitate in your knowledge. The fifth and the sixth are going to allow your third eye of your soul to open very slowly. That is called the alarm period. Your seventh and your eighth interdimensionalities are the final touches that will bring down the Walls of Jericho, releasing the ego and allowing the spirit no more obstacles to cross. "Therefore, in the ninth interdimensionality, this will be the first experience where you will be able to create, with that body, a millennium, or a golden age. So from that year 2008 and onwards, you are going to start to become more creators. You will be creating this great millennium on this Earth. You will be creating this great golden light, this great millennial light. When you do that in the nine faculties, then you have, what we call, six faculties in the new body and three faculties in the spirit body. If you look at it in all reality, the way you are now, you have five faculties and only partially the sixth faculty. You are only using, periodically, the sixth sense. That is quite a change. "I have a few minutes to answer any questions which you may have. Then we are going to take you into the sixth introductory reality. Some of you are going to enjoy this very immensely. Are there any questions you wish to ask Kalieb?" [Group Questions: Yashah , Yvonne, Judy, Lucille, Ron] Q: "Is the energy of this astrodome here similar to the one in Langley?" A: "Very similar. This astrodome here is one of the highest protection domes we have, when we do our rescue. When we come in here, if we have to do any rescue on Earth, we will bring them into the astrodomes here. We set up on many mountains in many of the states and also the provinces (of Canada). It says, and you will know that the eagles will gather in higher places to learn. Sometimes your astrodomes in your own properties will do this. But you have to come to higher ones like this to get more purer information from us because we are highly elated and charged when we are in these astrodomes ourselves." Q: "Your lecture this evening is almost like a concluding chapter to the book." A: "The book 'Coming Into The Millennial Light' is an ongoing process. Your consciousness is up and down. When we go into this Earth here and we have an up and down consciousness, sometimes you correct and sometimes you over correct. So there will be other information coming to allow you to bring yourself back into that harmony and balance. It is you yourselves that will be doing that. There will be more information coming to assist you because there will be a lot of things happening on this Earth. That book, 'Coming Into The Millennial Light' will go into twelve volumes." 235

Q: "How many do I have now?" A: "You have three now." Q: "We are having quite a preformance this evening. There are a lot of interdimensional machines moving about up there." A: "They are all setting up. They are setting up so there will be a central vortex. There will possibly be manifestation after of myself. So have your cameras ready. Also, we are going to take somebody from this group completely out. So be prepared. The doctorship is approximately 2000 yards above you. You will have all kinds of experiences in a few minutes. What we are doing is, we are going into the solar plexus and we are going to expand all of the vital organs. We work with the higher part of the energy around your vital organs to make this more effective. Now, we are going to try to take you all out through your solar plexus. Your pituitaries are firing off too fast, because of the food you ate. Yashah will go out very fast. God bless you all. This has been a pleasure once again. I'm on my way now to Mt Baker. Alahoy."

CHAPTER 60 The Awakening of the Inner Child "Good evening, I am Commander Antonni. I am in the interstellar crafts. It would be hard to explain to your engineering minds. However, I am here on a mission to uplift mankind by knowledge. I am a philosopher. I come from Cassiopeia and the planet Aray. "In the philosophy of extreme thought, there is the creation within, what we call, the blueprints of your minds. There are a lot of similarities between us and Earth people. However, we are between seven and nine feet tall. We have the insignia of Orion and the Big Bear. The energy that we bring for the awakening of mankind to his higher self, or from your consciousness, is of prime importance at this stage and time. "Earth has been filtrated by many philosophies, some being religious. In order to guide your life into, what we call, a direction or a pattern of success, you must first elevate your consciousness from the physical, emotional and mental strains that are placed upon your body. You have allowed your direction from your physical body which for the longest time has been your vehicle of education and knowledge. "In this day and age when we see ailing planets that are dying from, what we call, the lack of intuitive foresight, we come to try to instill in man or humankind some concepts that are awakening to this foresight and insight. In this day and age, the theme will be on self. It will be on how to look at your real self and the concept of what you are to achieve while you are on this planet, to reach a high awakening of understanding the principles 236

of what is the end result of this race. You have been striving with great difficulty through the translation of languages and interpretations of the theme, or the text, of the real meaning of the text. "You have proceeded into, what we call, mundane temples and physical reverence to try to extract a god or goddess that is more mankind than godkind. You have struggled with the principle of what a god or goddess represents. "The alpha and omega, the principle of energy in constant creation is what extracts a representation of this energy called soul. Over the ages the soul tried to reach an understanding of its origin and through this understanding has lost sight of its reality. Through the influences therefore, to try to establish a god or goddess of a reverent relationship between some higher entity or being, mankind has lost the true principle of divine existence. "Divine existence is the soul or the spirit within the physical body that is striving for identity. Because you have identified the physical self, you lost concept of the spiritual self. When this happens, then mankind is on a journey of extinction. You are already experiencing a great number of atrocities and wars that are fought in the name of religion. God is not a warrior. God is a lover. You must remember that in order to extract the true meaning of the soul's identity. "Life in a physical existence, as in this interdimensionality, starts with a representation which is a consciousness through physical reality. The human being is a by-product of soul consciousness in physical existence. In order to identity your true self, you have to go to the original omega, or alpha, to find out what your existence is upon re-entrance. When a spirit or a soul is re-entering a physical conception to become a human existence, the soul is in, what we call, a state of unwareness, or almost in a sleep consciousness. The soul is conscious but it must awaken from this sleep because of this re-entrance to a physical body. So therefore, to allow this re-entrance, some of your religious philosophies call this birth or born again concept of the spirit. To allow the spirit within yourself to be born again is allowing the true, original concept of the soul to give you full guidance by using the sixth sense, or the sixth faculty of awareness instead of the five physical faculties of awareness. "This sixth faculty is the awakening of the soul's eye. The birth of the spirit is allowing the third eye of the child to open up into the reality of the soul's realm. In other words, the opening up of the child's eye allows the inner child the maturity and the growth to come to a high level of understanding in order to guide your physical life. It is not a holy sacramental occasion or ceremony as described by your priest craft over many milleniums.


"Because of these different cultures and because of communication going back from the days of one of the great awakenings in the 15th century, the first man Nostradamus was given this great insight to awaken and to alert mankind of his destiny. Some of these prognostications have a very frightening and disturbing consequence. It is not meant for mankind to destroy himself in this manner. It is meant for mankind to awaken to the principle of finding out how destructive he is. Therefore, these kind of seers who come and give us a rude awakening are, in the long run, to be thanked and to be looked up to. "You have, over the ages, canonized several saints. But yet, in your history, there are only a very few who stand out and who have followed a true principle of soul rebirthing. Now today, to save this society, rebirthing is an important alpha of your existence. You must understand who you really are and you must come to a reasoning within yourself of what you want to be. For the guidance of a soul awakened is a prodigal son returning to its destiny. "It is of prime importance in this day and age that you reach this identity through rebirthing to enter back into, what we call, an alpha state awareness. This alpha state awareness will give you this new beginning in this millennium through the understanding of the message by the millennial light. The light beings that are working with humankind are very difficult to communicate with and very eccentric and paranormal. To try to correlate the whole mish mash that we see here today from the deception of priestcraft from the 15th century to the impact of deception of the 20th century, you could see here a definite pattern that existed to reinforcement of the ideas that are still premature and mundane. "The physical body is always looking for some form of comfort through passion, through food, or through understanding. The physical body will take the messages, or the leadership guidance, from a higher form of intellect because mankind seems to be gripped by the compassion for knowing. So in this 20th century the proper forms and thoughts and philosophy will be sent for the rebirthing of the soul. This is the coming back principle of the prodigal son to the true divine Father's house where your soul had originally been sent out to express that consciousness through physical form. "Your abilities in the next three to five years will be amazing in development. As you see all around you at this time, the general trek into metaphysical sciences seems to be like an exodus. What will happen in the sifting process, the bodies of mankind will go through a significant DNA change so that this will assist you in the preparation for the new age of this Earth. The principles that will be coming through these new philosophies will be in a more simplistic way of understanding so that you will be able, without these long drawn terminologies, to understand the theme, or the text, of soul existence.


"This planet Earth is revolving on a tremendous impact of its cycle, It is into, what they call, the rebirthing cycle, or the photon belt of light expression and light guidance from celestial beam lights. Celestial beam lights are the higher consciousness of other souls who have been through this trek before and come to assist and to try to take you through. You can call them guides or angels or whatever terminology that you wish to express them by. The interaction of these beings will be in great numbers. They will be coming continuously now and you will be guided to go into higher places where the eagles shall find their haven. The going into higher places on the wings of eagles is your own higher spiritual knowledge that will guide you into your mountain, or your fortress, of safety. "A safety zone where the eagles will gather is where you come to complete rebirthing where your soul can soar to the most highest part of your consciousness at any time. This freedom of rebirthing is, what we call, the panacea of the new age. "Are there any questions you wish to ask me in reference to my little talk? Please ask me now." Group Questions. Q: "Yes, thank you Antonni. Is your title commander?" A: "Yes, I am a commander. I am a Doctor of Philosophy." Q: "You mentioned the term priest craft. Would you explain that?" A: "Priest craft is the religion that priests have preached through their form of doctrines over the years. They started in a very archaic way in their belief systems from a higher form of deep understanding by, what they called in some places, wise men, and in some places, magi, and in various places different terminologies. But priest craft is what priests of some order have over the ages reinforced and allowed mankind to continue on that kind of religion without hardly any changes." Q: "Would you please give me your interpretation of God, being a Doctor of Philosophy?" A: "I Am. You are all gods." Q: "Would you please tell me where we are in the Photon Belt phase?" A: "You are into the second phase at this time. So there will be inter-stellar changes in your ionosphere, your atmosphere and higher into the heavens." Q: "Do you see that mankind will awaken?" A: "Some will." Q: "What do you see as the human's greatest misconception?" A: "Understanding themselves." 239

Q: "Have you any words of advise on that?" A: "To understand yourself you must know who you really are. And to know who you really are you must, first of all, get to understand the principle of soul and spirit in its proper context. Soul and spirit have the energy of being, of being consciousness, of being to want to be awareness of being. Being is in total submission of, what we classify, total knowing. This total knowing is what brings you in through your rebirthing into peace, harmony, love and compassion. Q: "What do you see as the end result of this race?" A: "The end result is a sifting result where there will be those who reach a high rebirthing and will save their soul from destruction of physical kind." Q: "I had something in my mind, but it left me. As you know, we are having problems with our memory down here through these changes." A: "That is right. Your physical bodies are going through such a strain of vibration that the mind is not remembering the concentration of the past. This is quite common in rebirthing. We can understand what is going on here." Q: "Are we getting the 12th strand now in our DNA change?" A: "You are going into very complex matters of DNA restructuring. There is no necessity to know 12, 24, or whatever. All you have to understand is that the vibration within the DNA is changing. It doesn't make any difference knowledge wise to know. It just leads to complications and confusions of thought. You know you DNA is changing. Just accept it and go through it." Q: "What percentage of our DNA has changed already?" A: "Looking at you, approximately 15% of it has changed." Q: "Is there anything specific in the 15%, any part of the body that is changed?" A: "The mental ability to comprehend, apprehend and remember." Q: "What about the Instrument (Dr Ki), what percentage of his has changed?" A: "About 35%." Q: "Is there anything else you can tell us about the DNA change at this time?" A: "Not at this time because the rebirthing and restructuring of the DNA is always a continuous ongoing energy that is being sent to this Earth to assist in that restructuring. We are keeping a close eye on that. From time to time, we will be giving you an upgrading. They are calling me back. I have to go now. Alazeen."


"Good evening to you all. I am Brave Wolf. "Although the activities of this medicine wheel are not as physically lively as one may want it to be, this evening, with the divas, spirits and the spirits of ourselves, we are dancing up a storm. The energy that this wheel gives to one is of different, as we call it, nature to you. Whatever you want, as the wheel turns, you could have. There is no request that is not met when you are in this wheel, the way you are here now, showing your respect to, not only the Great White Father, but to those who have so bravely, over the many ages sacrificed themselves for the ceremony of the medicine wheel. "You are here this evening to partake of a great wave of energy that will assist your spirit to ascend. The emphasis and the tone of your ascension is so important. You have been talking about this in the last three to four years. The spirit of man and of woman is like a magnifying glass. It depends on the distance you place between the spirit and your physical body. The magnification of allowing your spirit to have service, like it is having service now, is of prime importance to your ascension and your growth. "One must grow naturally and one must grow spiritually. When you look at that word naturally and you analyze it very carefully, it means nature. If you would just allow your lives to grow in a natural environment rather than by the environment of the way this world has been governed by man in the last 2000 years, or more. This has allowed you to descend and ascend in your philosophies. Some are quite happy to walk into nature freely and feel like the bird and fly. Some are quite happy to walk into nature and feel like the butterfly and fly. Some are happy to feel like any insect or any animal that has this freedom to ascend. You must learn from the animals and you must learn from the nature spirits, how to ascend and how to fly freely, allowing the spirit to leave the physical essence of all of your problems and all of your differences that you had over the ages in understanding one another through interpretation of your philosophies. "It is important now that you leave behind the bow and the arrow and walk quietly in the forest. For if you fear, then you allow fear. The animals sense your feelings and they respond in the only way defending themselves because of the way you respond. "It is important that mankind changes his outlook and his response to the freedom of his wishes and aspirations. When you come into a wheel, there is freedom in the air. The spirits that are in this wheel have ascended. Therefore, they are free. They are not in a body of bondage. Sometimes, you bodies are like a prison. Sometimes your bodies are so accustomed to the basic survival needs, not the desires and the wants that have caused the great descensions in this world today.


"By aspiring to have everything that you want, then you leave yourself open to everything that you get. Over the years, you have acquired hatred, hostility, sickness and great imbalance to the spirit. By allowing yourself to be very narrowminded, you will close the doors and the windows for your spirit to ascend. I want you to remember this because you really are the jailer and the warden of your imprisoned lives. "This whole land, if you just feel the gentle breeze that touches your cheek, reminding you that there is freedom and there is escape to being a convict of your physical inhibitions. Coming here allows you time for penitence and time to review your entire life on this Earth. When you look at yourself and all that you have accomplished, there is a feeling of dissatisfaction and in time, satisfaction. "When you allow this narrow-mindedness, you close off to being a good listener. There is a need to be open-minded to all of the information that comes, whether it comes from spirit, or those who have highly ascended in other life forms, that come to you in consciousness, or manifestation. But they are not perfect in your growth and ascension. "This is the reason why, at times, when you seek advice from spirit, look for advice that is going to allow your spirit to be inspired. Don't look for advice that is earthly. For that is for you and for your concern only, to work through. We do give you energy and we do give you healing. But we cannot be your life. When you ask questions from the spirits, remember that they are here to assist you and to help you in your spiritual growth. For some of them have not been on this Earth in a physical body and do not understand the physical reasons for surviving here. So therefore, the advice that you get from them may not be as good as your own advice that you have here on this Earth. But if you do ask spirits questions in relation to a physical situation, or a problem, then you must not be critical of the answer that you get. "Living in an interdimensionality is to grow from the interdimensionality, the physical, into the rebirth of the spiritual. This is why great men, whether they be medicine men, or whether they be other great priests who come to teach, because they are inspired by the spirit and with their physical experiences can give you good answers, both in the physical and in the spiritual. "The spirit world is where you are free of any kind of physical bondages. You must remember that you are a free soul, or a free spirit. You have no attachments to the physical, other than by your choice to come and to guide. And if you do come to guide, you come to guide into the awakening of the spirit. "There are low forms of spirits because they did not have a long period of time in an interdimensional body. They come as a disincarnate spirit. And because of their imbalance, can cause a lot of, as we call it, imbalance to a physical body.


"One must be wise. When you come here, be open to many beliefs. Each belief, in all sincerity, a person believes in some form of conviction and is guided by spirit to give direction. Do not judge your brothers footsteps. Do not judge the way your brother, or your sister, seems to believe. It is the soul and the spirit that will be judged, not the physical actions. The physical actions go from dust to dust. No one judges the physical body. The physical body is only a vehicle, or a house, that allows the spirit to dwell until it either gets direction, loses directions, awakens to direction, or is rebirthed to direction. "The physical body is sometimes abused. The physical body is sometimes allowed to over shadow the spirit. Today, when you look at your world, you see this over shadowing, not only in the lands where there is great wars, but on your street where you see those who are drunken by wine, those who are obsessed by narcotics. They are all prisoners. They have allowed their physical body to become a prisoner. "When you look at this obsession and you look at the total cause of what one small lie, or a distant hate, or a push that becomes a shove and the shove that becomes a fight and the fight that becomes a battle, a battle becomes a war. Each step is a step of reinforcement of hostility. "By allowing your physical body to over shadow your spiritual descendency, you allow yourself to be taken on a path of great injustice. Even as you sit here this evening, in this medicine wheel, there are forty-nine spirits here. Even as you sit here and even as they are guiding your soul and your spirit through some form of spiritual bonding between the physical understanding of your spirit, gives you, or allows you, the moments of rapture. You have heard of the term, rapturing of the spirit. This is called upliftment, taken up into a higher form of consciousness. "Sitting here in this medicine wheel, by allowing your consciousness to open up, you allow the spirit to understand yourself. You are the teacher of your destiny. You must educate yourself because you are responsible for your own body. Nobody can come into your body unless you allow a possession. You, my dear friends, are the sole occupancy. You are the teacher. You are the one who allows yourself, in these hallowed moments of coming to a medicine wheel, to take in this eternal medicine, this panacea, that heals those wounds in the broken body of your physical life and gives you and the spirit an upliftment and direction. So you stand, you sit, you acknowledge, you walk. But you must remember, as you are walking, that you are placing distance between the thought and the reaction to the thought. "It is therefore important sometime to sit or listen quietly to the still small voice of your own soul. The rapport that we are talking about here, at this moment, is that you are the teacher through the listening. And by allowing the sifting of the information and only 243

eating the food of the spirit, through this form of digestion, you become, not only the student, but also the teacher. "This interconnection between a spirit, soul and self allows you the freedom to choose that which you have heard and that which you have digested which you feel good about. It is called learning. This process is what determines your ascension. It is like the child growing from the pure essence of food. So you are constantly growing. You may look at everybody else's philosophy in life and you are judging them according to your own growth. They are judging you according to their own growth. "So constantly, through all of this judgmental action and reaction, you are getting, what we call, a disbelief. But if you listen to one another and only allow the principle of the student teacher within your own self to give your spirit guidance, then you are exercising the mind of Solomon. Truth is the path of righteousness. It is your truth that is the path of your righteousness. Your judgment, by your physical body, by allowing the time that you spend to allow the spirit to grow, that's your judgment. If you did not allow the spirit its rebirthing here on this Earth, then in the Great White Father's houses, or mansions, there are other rooms which you can go to to learn. "God created the universe in such a big, vast vineyard of food for the spirit to grow and for the spirit to reach maturity. So you come here and you may spend three score, ten years, or you may spend a longer time having either peace or conflict in your physical body. You leave this happy hunting ground and you go to the next and to the next. And in each mansion that expresses a life form, the spirit is free and in a neutral mode, always being a student ready to learn from some form of physical consciousness that is expressing the spirit itself. "It is difficult for mankind to come only here once and become omniscient, or to totally understand, or know himself. For you are an eternity. In order for you to understand yourself, you must flow as a spirit through eternity for, what we call, a no time, a now infinity. It is one long day of light, one long day of night, whichever classroom you choose. Whether it be light or darkness, you become the student of that. In order for you to go, you must learn to release. Your physical bondage is only like a sponge. So remember, wherever you go, whatever the religion, whatever the belief, listen because you are a student. Do not judge because judgment is what causes you not to grow. "It is like weeding a garden. If you do not like a certain portion of the garden, you will not weed it. It is the same with the belief system. If you do not like a certain belief system, you may not ever learn the realities, or the truths, that are growing. It is one gigantic, vast field. It is a big garden. 244

Learn to walk into your garden of paradise and learn to sow your seeds and learn to cultivate your life from you. You are the teacher and you are the student. But you are the listener of all philosophies. In this world, nobody can force a philosophy upon you. For everyone wants to feel comfortable within themselves. In order to feel comfortable within yourself, you must understand yourself. "God bless you this evening."

CHAPTER 62 Rebirthing Into the Light "Good afternoon, my name is Adella. "There are three craft above you and there is a strong energy field forming above you. So try to get into yourselves a little stronger and imagine a silver disc and project and allow the consciousness to intermesh so that we can try to create our manifestation for you. "It seems that in the past when you come up here, because you are in different conscious levels, it is hard to try to project. We always project to the highest conscious level. This is why sometimes the Instrument (Dr Ki) will see the craft, other than some of you, unless you are tuned in a little higher. So this is an incentive for you all, when you come to a magnetic mountain like this one (Mt Baker), if you try to intune, not attune. That means that you are working and altering directly with your consciousness by trying to balance your vehicle and your yin and yang, your physical with your consciousness. Then what happens is you are waiting too long to allow that balance in your physical that's causing the unfocused part. So go intuning strictly into your superconscious right away. Do not worry about the physical because the superconscious is not worried about the physical. "When you come up to a mountain like this, get into a very strong projection consciousness. What projection consciousness means, you want to project your consciousness to our consciousness so that we could elevate to your consciousness and manifest according to the height of your conscious awareness at that particular time. Always concentrate on silver within your mind because your higher body is a silver light violet, purple color. So concentrate immediately on those very strong focusing colors that projest right into your consciousness immediately. This way it makes it easier for the manifestation. "The only time the manifestation will not take place is when our priorities are called away. We may have to be in other areas. Like you say, in your Earth language, hurry up. There are a lot of disappointments. That's the way life is. We have, in our life, a lot of disappointments too. But you must remember that in every disappointment, there is 245

some form of growth. This growth allows you to change or to structure your thinking in a way that you could work to a point where you work directly through your disappointment. "It's not an easy life being an earth thing, or an earthling, or whatever you want to call it. It is difficult because your physical metabolism is made up of too many energy changes. This is what causes your consciousness to be locked in. This is why there are a lot of problems to try to intune to unlock this consciousness so that you could visualize and focus through your third eye, or what we call, the superconscious eye, the siva. "This evening, your consciousness is going to be elevated. If you do not elevate your consciousness, if you give them authority and permisison, they will allow to take you out. This is something that sometimes is frightening for you Earth people. But it happens because then, once you are in the superconscious state, you are not conscious of your body and it will not draw you back or forward. Where you have most of your problems is when you are half in and half out. A lot of you are like that. You are still conscious of your body. So therefore, your body is a trajectory and it brings you out or in, according to your own five faculties. But once you are projected into the cosmic consciousness, then the sensitivity of the body will give you complete freedom and access in your projectory. "This is going to happen a lot on your Earth, especially in 1996, because it is going to be the year of the Dragon. A lot will start taking place then because of your futility and all of your problems in your Middle East. A lot of the consciousnesses in people will be taken out at night and projected very highly and brought back into the human body. This way, you could fight in the Battle of Armageddon a lot easier. You can see now, on your Earth, how the problems are beginning to escalate. Your financial picture, forget it. It is on its way to a catastrophe. "The crime rate, of course, is going to climb above the capabilities of the police forces to handle. So therefore, you will have a lot of military intervention because of these militant groups that are forming here in this country. There is going to be a spill over in Canada and you are going to have, believe it or not, vigilante groups. As you have noticed, the Hell's Angels have been acting up again. This is only a tribute to what is going to be happening. So be ye prepared because without this strong inter-conscious change and love bond, you are not going to protect your homes. "You have to learn therefore, and this is going to happen to you, you have to learn this projection so that you could surround your house with this kind of projection. Those people who are not into that kind of intuning will be dispelled. It will be like a magnet. So your house will be totally protected. Start going into your vortexes. Your vortexes are going to be very important. 246

"It is very important that you are all working at a different level and elevation of thinking. A lot of you sometimes are going to be overly critical about each other's way of thinking. But I want you to remember one thing. God put you on this Earth and you have all of these possibilities, all of these religions, everything, all of these possibilities. He has given you whatever possibility you want to work with, to work your way through. So if you are judging somebody else's space, be very careful, because someday you may be in that space. "So remember that there is going to be a lot of confusion of infusion of people's ideologies which will be conflicting and which will be part of the Battle of Armageddon. That's the beginning of a divine intervention that will come and remove that. But it is starting to happen now within even, what we call, groups who think that they are highly evolved. We call it the break. This is called the Satanic inflow. So it is called a break. There will be all kinds of different angers and different frustrations and different belief systems that will confuse you. "You have to look at it very clearly. Nobody is perfect in any interdimensionality. I want you to get that clear because the heaven, or the helix of thirteen, which will be taught to you, is going to teach you how to work with interdimensionalities and understand them and to able to understand yourself. You see, what the confusion is, is that when you start to accept or believe in other interdimensionalities, you forget about who you really are yourself. You see, your soul is exactly the same as ours. "When we are programmed in our atmosphere, or in our environment, we don't call upon you to give us assistance. Although, we can hear your consciousness the way you are hearing the conscious through the Instrument now. We, who do not have experience on your Earth, when you ask us questions about your Earth problems, you are taking exactly the same risk you take yourself, as you know your own self. So, I want to implore upon you that knowing your own self, working with your own self, that's where you get confidence in your own self. That's how you grow. That's how you get vision. That's how you become. "What you are becoming is your soul, or your spirit, direction. And that is what life is all about. We have to project ourselves that way to get this kind of life direction up there. "So listen intently to everything. You would be a fool not to listen to everything. When you go through an experience that when there is a prediction that doesn't come through, you have to remember on this Earth plane, you have free will and freedom of choice. In a free will, freedom of choice (society), the consciousness is changing every one billionth of a second. I want you to remember that. "Each time you have a conscious change within your government, or whatever, whoever is consciously attuned to that is going to get a different reading on it each time because there is going to be a constant change. 247

"Also, there will be a lot of divine and miraculous interceptions. One thing to remember, in 1996, friends who are against friends now, you watch out in 1996. You probably won't be able to tolerate some of your friends because of this extreme pressure change of the ego coming to its fullest. Now when the ego comes to its fullest, then it will break after that. It has to come to its fullest and then gradually the ego will be broken and the Satanic, as we call it, powers that have been instilled on this Earth will be released. "So there are imbalances. Let me tell you. There are imbalances in God's kingdom. There are a lot of imbalances here. Listen carefully to the messages. Allow your own inner self to be either influenced in the negative, or a positive way, because both are growth, both are learning. So, be open-minded because the United States of America is no better than Canada, or Switzerland. All are equal in the sight of the Creator. But, you have created your own consciousness here on this Earth. You have to deal with it. And unfortunately, because of the tremendous imbalance, you are going to find that it is going to be hard to work with groups, especially in 1996 because of the tremendous pressure that is going to be put on friendship. "So I want to warn you, at this particular time, to be open-minded. Listen to the message. Go into your own consciousness. Have it reflected back and forth. See how you feel. That called growing. But it is how you feel that counts. "If we look at you and we see progress on your own, without our intervention, we are more happier than if we had interexchanged in any way and have caused a lot of confusion, or infusion, or defusion within you. However, we are delighted that if you do somehow simulate withinside of you, the truth, your truth and our truth and if both of them blend and set you free, then that's called growth. "So remember, you are in control of your own ship. Don't give it up. A lot of people give up control. That is why you are having a lot of different conscious levels of growth right now on this Earth. It is because people have given up this kind of energy to other entities. That's pish-posh. That's nonsense. That is not what you are here for. You are here to do your thing by yourself. And you could do it just as well as anybody else. Greater powers shall ye have than I. "Divine intervention came here 2000 years ago to demonstrate it to you, the powers that you do have. You have to search deep within your own consciousness to have a feeling of these other conscious interventions, other conscious inflows, that come through channeling, or whatever, to get a feeling. So you will only grow according to your feeling. And as you grow, some of you will bypass others. There will be jealousy. That's physical ego. There will be anger. That's physical ego. There will be a lot of deception. That's physical ego. The deception does 248

not come from the channel. The deception comes from the interpretation of the channel. I have to make that very clear. "So what you are doing is you are giving tremendous karmic harm to yourself when you judge the channeling in a negative way. So when you are judging the channeling in a negative way, you are causing harm to the channeler. That causes a lot of friction that has to be overcome, especially through ego. So what you do is you build yourself a very strong ego and then it comes back to you and you will go through a very threatening time. "What you have to remember is that all these thoughts that are coming are seeds that are planted into your consciousness. If it grows, hallelujah. If it doesn't grow, then you are not the farmer of that seed. Obviously, it is not going to grow for you and it is not going to allow your consciousness to elevate. "In 1996 and in 1997, the Earth is going to change because of the Photon Belt and you are going to get knowledge. Finally, you have broken that genuine part of knowledge. You are going to kick karma in 1997. You are going to get pure thoughts through and you are going to get pure growth. There will be a tremendous change on this Earth in religion, philosophy and many other things. "So be prepared. It's not easy. This path is very difficult and it has been. It has been very difficult. Everybody that's on an intunement and an attunement path will go through crises. They will be mostly attacked by family and by friends. There is nobody that can hurt you more dearly than your friends. I want you to remember that. That's the attack, the methods that are being used now. And it's going to fool a lot of you. A lot of you are going to be fooled by the manifestation of the ingenuine manifestation. Those will come from, what we classify as, the low energies that you accumulate through your Earth day that stick with you. You have to learn to cast these out. A lot of you don't know how to do that and you are programming yourself in a very low field of conscious awareness. To do that, it is a discipline. This does not come natural. You have to prove to the Creator that you had been created for a purpose to allow yourself to be recreated. That's the purpose of creation. It's recreation. In other words, you have to be very careful here with how you think because whatever thoughts are flowing through your mind at this particular time are causing a harvest of your reality at a later particular time. So these things will get to you. "By judging other people and other doctrines is one of the, as we call it, most cardinal offense in the universe. This is something that is difficult with you earthlings because you are mostly firing, as we call it, through the five senses. We, in our indoctrination, lose that immediately when we go through our, we call it, heavy duty type of indoctrination where we go through a release. 249

"You will be taught these different methods of release in the next two years. So the next two years are going to be putting Humpty-Dumpty together again. You are going to find that some of the methods that will be used are very confusing of their infusing. A lot of the things that you have been taught, even in your archaic way, or in your archaic understanding of us, and the principle of spirits and many others, is because you don't know. It is just simply ignorance. You don't know. "When you come into a conscious rebirthing, through a physical body, your memory is blocked out. Your spirit memory is blocked out. You have to allow that spirit to be born again. That's what Christ said. In order to be born again, then you will be apprised of, and you will understand, exactly what these other forces are all about and you will be able to put them into their proper perspective. "These conscious rebirthings, being born again, have been taught and have been abused and have been caused to be inclined to be turned off because they have been applied to too many fundamentalist religious types of concept. Birthing doesn't have to be a religious fundamentalist movement. Rebirthing is strictly of the god/goddess within you, giving you the birth of the freedom of your spirit within you, which allows you to look through, what we call, the eternal eye. Therefore, looking through the eternal eye, you could see through all the other dimensions, understand what these dimensions are all about, look into the spirit world, understand that, look into, what we call, the confusion world. "The confusion world is the astral world. I want you to remember that. Where does all the confusion come at night that a lot of you project. It is stuck in the astral. All of those astral entities are, what we call, lost. They have to be released. Some of you will go up there and you will release them. So, if you are going to channel from the astral world, you will have more confusion than you can handle and you will find that you will have total misunderstanding. "So always project above the astral plane. The astral is the buffer zone between understanding and misunderstanding. So you have to always project above. That is very important. "I will leave myself open for any questions." Group Questions: Q: "I would like to know what you are doing on this planet at this time?" A: "I am a psychologist. My job is to come to people, at this particular time, to try to get their thinking within themselves so that they are making their own decisions." Q: "What is my purpose in being here today?" 250

A: "Your purpose to come here today is to enjoy yourself, to enjoy life. Coming up to a very high mountain, a strong elevation takes place within your consciousness to bring your spirit into an understanding, a little more, of who you really are. By doing this, it's like going to school, or to class, to find out universally, deep inside, why you are the person that you are. You are here on this Earth vibrating a very high vibration as a buffer. A buffer is is a person that is going to be helping all of these people once they start coming out of the Photon Belt." Q: "What dimension are you in, Adella?" A: "I could go into any dimension. When I go back to my galaxy, we are in the 9th." Q: "So you are aspiring to the 10th?" A: "That's our goal, to go 10. Some people don't do that. It's like you people on this Earth. You have freedom of choice. Some of you will want to choose to go, after you go through transition. Some of you won't go through transition. You are going to go into, what we call, the rebirthing of the body immediately into the light, here. Some will go into transition and then you make your choice. There are many places you can go in My Father's house." Q: "How big is your spaceship?" A: "In diameter, 50 feet. In height, about 12 to 14 feet depending on the expansion. Sometimes when we come into a planet in various galaxies, we go through a lot of expansion of heat. Our metal is flexible. Sometimes you will us very thin and sometimes you will see it very wide." Note: several personal questions were posed and answered.

CHAPTER 63 AWAKENING YOUR MASTER CONSCIOUSNESS "Good evening to you all. I am Lord Hatonn. "The outer ring of your vortex has been recharged. All of you here can go in and out with safety. Before you leave, you must go into the center of the vortex and get yourself centered. "What do you understand as creatures who have evolved to the point of self, or to the point of spirit? You must remember, there's a caution here that a lot of you are evolving to self and a lot of you are evolving to spirit. If, for example, you think that the womb is responsible for giving you creation, as the physical body, then you are wrong. In the womb is the universe of self and the universe of spirit.


"When you are forming in your mother's womb we call it the myriads of your heavens. When you are forming in your mother's womb you are giving birth to the spirit within you to be recognized when you come to full awareness as demonstrated by many great masters at the age of twelve. There seems to be a vast turning point here for your learning and the way you express yourself. You are only the sum total of what you have learned. If you look at yourself closely in the mirror, what do you know? What is right and what is wrong? "If you allow the spirit, right from the day of birth, to give you the rebirthing of true understanding, then your experience will set you free of this nonsense of self, self-pity, self-judgment, self-realization. A lot of you are only the sum total of the experiences and the contacts that you have had with self. But what about spirit? Spirit is the ultimate goal of your reality to be. For you will leave this cocoon. You will leave this house. You leave at night to get more learning back in the myriads of spiritual realms. That's where you really learn. At night is when you travel high into your consciousness and you are feeding your sixth sense, the food that you enjoy. "Look at the table of food in front of you. Look at your physical food, the variety that you cook. That's the same thing with varieties of thought in philosophy that is feeding the soul. What happens is, this variety that you are learning from some form of philosophy is either awakening the self or the spirit. It seems like it is awakening the self because a lot of you seem to be very self critical and you are examining, what we call, universal bread, invisible bread with physical lives. "How could you judge something that you cannot see? This is one of the things that people do here on this Earth to self express in order to give the ego some kind of thrill. I am right. You are wrong. How can you say that, when in actual fact, everybody comes from the same source. So everybody, in their true perspective, is right. They are right according, not only to their physical environment, but their spiritual growth and knowing. So you must learn, on this Earth, to balance yourself in such a harmonic way that you allow the spirit an equal amount of time, as you allow the physical body, so that you can express, not only self, but you can express spirit within self. "What you are doing is you are expressing the inside of a coconut when you are only looking at a shell. How could you really do that? That is so wrong to be prejudice and to do these judgmental outlooks of looking at the outside and judging the inside. How could you do that? It is totally impossible unless you allow the inside to judge the inside, from the outside. This is where harmonic convergence comes in. We knocked on your door in 1987 through all of the great philosophies that came on high mountains called harmonic converging. We knocked on your door at the 11:11. We knocked at your door at the 12:12. Now, we are going to be knocking at your door at the 13:13, the awakening and the bringing in of more philosophical knowledge on the 252

13th of January, 1996. The Harmonic Convergence is going to open again another portal of understanding within your own mind. "If you are looking at yourself, then judge yourself from the perspective of self. If you are looking at the spirit, don't judge spirit by self. judge not, lest ye be judged. Once you are immersed in the spirit and completely open to, what we call, eternal harmony, you will begin not to judge anymore because you will be satiated with knowledge that you are completely contented and you are happy and you are satisfied with yourself that you are on the right path, or the journey, to what we call, everlasting bliss. "Now, in my Father's House are many mansions. There are many things that are happening in these other mansions to also bring into this world, harmonic convergence. What will be happening with great intensity in January of 1996 is that there will be more people coming into, what we call, the higher consciousness through channeling. "channeling is merely expressing what the spirit wants you to express through the mouth, or through the understanding, the pen, through automatic writing. There are many forms of channeling. Most people will be channeling consciously. A lot of people who will be channeling in deep trance states will be expressing spirit more in, what we call, an explicit and more understandable way. For example, you have heard a lot of channelings with great terminologies. That's very unnecessary going into the future and, as we call it, kindling your growth. "You must rise with the lower part of your consciousness in order to bring you to the higher part of your consciousness. So we must start very elementary and start with simplicity to bring you into this understanding of the new age and the purity of what you should be doing in the new age. So what, in actual fact, will happen, is some of you here that are learning as students, really you are not students because in a lot of cases you are masters. But you have not awakened your master consciousness. "So, what you will be doing, as you are elevating your consciousness, you will come into, what we call, harmonic convergence. You will converge with your mastership, or with this kind of total knowing, or knowledge, of who you really are. "A lot of you are running around and you are finding that metaphysics is interesting. That's the first part. That's the way we get you started. So you get you, first of all, into the interested state. The next thing is that we must keep your interest in order for you to grow. So, what we do, we add a variety, as you have had, a variety of channels and information. That makes it interesting. It makes you stimulated and start to think and say, 'what part of this path do I really want to follow. I like this. I like this. I like this and I like this.' "What will be happening in the next two years; you will like this, this, this, this and you'll like that a little more. And you will take that and you will specialize until you allow the reality of that to become the spirit of who you really are. Self concepts and self 253

understanding only from a superficial point of view is going to always cause you to keep running over here and over here and over here and over there. You have to come to a point with the interest of all of this. You have to come to a point where you are going to select your doorknob. Remember that when you knock at the door of your knowledge, the door will be opened unto you. But, it is not until you are ready. "When these doors start to open, as they have slowly with the 11:11 and the 12:12, and your personal door opens, then you will walk into, what we call, omniscience. Omniscience simply means the fulfillment of knowledge. When you walk into the fulfillment of knowledge, then you satiate the spirit and allow the spirit to experience self in love. Self is just the shell, as I said, in the coconut. Spirit is the contents within self. When you are drinking from a bottle, I'm sure you are not going to drink it. I'm sure you are going to be looking very carefully at the contents of what you think is in the bottle before you drink. That's called examination, careful examination. "What a lot of you have done, because of the interest, the first step in metaphysics, you have allowed yourself to be all over, but not really into the right, as we call it, doorway of knowing yourself. You are learning the concept of other selves and you are trying to come to terms with yourself to see if the experiences match up. "You are an entity that has been brought to Earth to be and to express the freedom of self and the freedom of your spirit. No matter how many times people will laugh at you; no matter how many times it may sound rude or crude, the chaff of the outer core of the apple before you eat it can be enormous. So, in order to eat the contents, the apple must go through a lot of brusiing at times before you get to really, what we call, the meat, of the omniscience of that true knowledge within you that expresses and sets your spirit free. "You have come here as an entity to listen to others and not to criticize. You listen very carefully. For the prudent man listens and then he acts to his own inner spiritual guidance. So what he listens to are the vibrations that are setting the spirit free with inside of you. Some of the knowledge that is coming is very comfortable for some people. For some people, it isn't. People are running away from themselves because they don't want the truth to set them free because it is the fear that they are going to be the odd man out. The physical self norm says, 'hey, if you study metaphysics, if you open that door, you are insane, you are paranoid'. But that is only a physical judgment call by self. How could the outside of the coconut judge the inside contents when it hasn't even projected through to find out, or even take or smell this genuine omniscient knowledge.


"You are here to find out for yourself. Each one of you are going to be picking fruit from many trees of knowledge, of all these people who come to channel. But, on that tree somewhere, is a fruit that is going to nourish you, that is going to give you, what we call, maturity in the spirit. It may take a little while, but you will find your fruit and you will find your truth. They both actually harmonize because fruit of your liking is the truth of your being. I want you to remember that because nobody is an island. We come together in unity to search these vast orchards of thought where we can go in and pick the kind of fruit we want. "You are given this opportunity, right in the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden means the beginning of thoughtful, critical thinking. So from the concept of the Garden of Eden, you went into, what we call, a vast influx of ideas that have become philosophies in your world. God has given you all of these so that you could search through them all and find the one that is most interesting to you. It would be very boring if He said to you. "Here it is'. "That search, that interesting search, takes you through bumps and takes you through this constant struggle, depression, fear. All of these outer cores of the fruit get you closer to the essence of the purity of the fruit within that your spirit will eventually arrive to pick. That's why there are so many philosophies; to give you a chance to filter through, to pick which one you feel comfortable with. For each one cannot be judged. For each one is a stepping stone. For each philosophy out there, each religion, is what we classify as just another button that you press to get some kind of a feeling of being wanted, being mated, being fulfilled. "In this world, you are constantly with a variety of choices. God gives you this through freedom of choice and free will. He gives you the variety. So it is not a boring situation where there is only one fruit that you have to eat all the time. How would you feel if you ate porridge three times a day, for three years? Ah! You wouldn't like that. The spirit is the same. The spirit likes to find its own truth. The spirit within you is constantly searching through the debris and through all of these diets and through all of these different likes that you go through to give you this challange. This challenge is what holds you together in the freedom of choice and free will society. This is the spice. This is what cultivates that interest. "Remember what we said. First of all, we got to get you to the stage of being interested. Now that you are, we give you a variety, this great challenge, so that you could go through to find your fruit, to find your truth. Once you have found it, and once your spiritual digestive system finds a harmony, or strikes a note of elation within you, then you allow the spirit to grow. "As you allow the spirit to grow, the spirit will be guiding you to more fruit because of the choices that you have. You will grow by stages. Some of you like colors. From there you go to healing. Some of you go through various different learning of philosophy that 255

bring you into metaphysical awareness of some kind. A lot of you are in search for a meditation that is going to do this for you. While without interest, meditation is dead. "Let me tell you that by programming yourself with this variety you will keep your interest stimulated. Because you like apples, don't judge that person who likes pears. It is all fruit and it is all nourishing. Every one of you here has the same spirit. However, in a society of freedom of choice, it is the variety that is the spice of life that allows the spirit this kind of growth. "Meditation is important if you understand how to divulge, or how to break down, what we call, the vitamins within this spiritual fruit. Meditation is where you study your diet plan. You look at your diet plan. That is meditation. You say, I'm going to ponder on this food tonight. I am going to look at this one here and I am going to slowly allow the spirit to take in this kind of fruit and allow the spirit to grow and to understand. You cannot mix water with oil. You cannot mix physical with spiritual. Both of them are within each other. You have to find the right door, or the right ingredients, to separate this oil from the water. Each one of you will find the right ingredients. But at the same time, you are sharing and you are breaking bread until each one of you find the right food for yourself. "The bread that you are sharing now, in general, is allowing you to think and to ponder and to try to understand that the spirit within you is not going to have the same diet plan as everybody else. You cannot judge a pygmy in Africa by some astute over-eager professor in New York. You have two different environments here and choices that are allowing your spirit to search deep within the coconut to find the true nuturing foodstuffs that you need for this kind of growth. "You can't judge the different cultures. You cannot judge them because that's what they know and that's what they have been handed down through generations. You can't judge any of this because God put this here. So if you are judging what God put here, be ye careful, because you are judging God. He put the varieties there for you to find the one that you like. You are entitled to that one, even if somebody else isn't. That variety is what is keeping the interest and that is what makes metaphysics so interesting today. You have this variety of choices and opportunities to dive into the pool of understanding and swim to your shore of knowing. "This is very important to you all that you understand this. The shore is a long one. And at the end of each shore, somebody is there who has swam through the pool of life, who understands that everyone who gets to the other side has struggled. It hasn't been easy. They have reached the other shore through some form of variety of understanding. That's why you have many different religions. That why you have many different philosophies. It is to give you the opportunity to test the kind of food that you really like. 256

"Are there any questions you like to ask Lord Hatonn?" Group Questions: Q: "How can I realize my mastership?" A: "Again, it is not an easy journey. To realize your mastership, you must go strongly within yourself. You are disciplining yourself now. You are trying different methods. That's the only way you are going to reach mastership. You keep going and trying and going and trying and somewhere, something you like will give you the ah ha of what you can master. You see, mastership means what can you master the best out of all of these opportunities." Q: "Do you believe in Adam and Eve?" A: "I certainly do. Adam and Eve is you. The Adam is the god and the Eve is, what we call, the light that expresses the god. You come here to express God. You are born in His image." Q: (unclear) A: "What's going to happen going into the next ten years, a lot of you are going to be studying alchemy. You will be able to produce from just ordinary substances. You will be able to produce other higher substances from this by applying heat and light in a certain way. All your atoms, electrons, neutrons and protons in the Earth are all the same. Through the formation of light and heat, they crystalize at a certain state and produce that certain ore, or metal. You could take that and you could redirect that, the atoms, electrons, neutrons and protons, and create exactly the same way through alchemy." Q: "What is the importance of platinum?" A: "Platinum will resist heat. You will need that because with the ozone layer almost completely burned out, the pale horse of the Apocalypse is now taking his journey through the Earth. There will be many diseases that will be caused by direct sun and heat. That's what we call the pale horse of the Apocalypse. So platinum and all these different kinds of metals that you will be using are going to be protective against extreme heat rays." Q: "What ship are you on?" A: "I am not channeling from a ship. We can have many ships. But I am not, at this time, channeling from a ship. I am channeling from my headquarters. That is, I am channeling at a stop off we have made here in the last few minutes. I'm at the moon."

CHAPTER 64 Rebirthing Through Photonic Intermeshing "Good evening, I am Commander Atna. 257

"I am here to let you know that you are highly praised. The interest that you have shown over the last three to five years has really improved your consciousness and your growth. It is unfortunate that we all do not think alike and that, from time to time, we have ruined friendship and from time to time we have, what you call, great desention. "If you look at your world the way it is now, it is not hard to understand why human beings have caused such a mess in their front yards. The entire world started from just one simple family who had been placed here on this Earth to represent the propagation of mankind. The first birth was the birth of understanding. The second birth was the birth of being, to understand. The first birth is understanding because the first birth was a continuum, or a continuous, evolution to perfection. That is called the spirit. "In order for the spirit to evolve and to express perfection, it must have some form of consciousness to express through. So the creators, not the Creator, but the creators, created in various universes the interdimensionality that represents life form. Let me just explain that; the creators. The central sun, which is the Creator, creates creators. The central sun, which is a continuous light of expression to give life, is total consciousness in understanding. In order to give evolution its consent through other light forms, creators were created from the Creator. The creators are the deflection of the light gods. The Creator is the reflection of all gods. If you look, and there is a lot of closeness in your bible, in the Book of Genesis you will find that there were many gods who were responsible for creation. This is why you hear today of lords, or gods. Each culture looks at these creators and marvels after somebody that is very special, like in the case of Isis, in the case of Thor. They create these gods from their imagination, or from some form of sacred experience within their spirit. "You are an offspring of the creators. In order to allow the central sun complete expression through interdimensionality and life forms, we must have bodies to express consciousness in some form of life. Because, if you are in spirit, how can you express a form life when spirit is not form? All of this is called perfection. You must perfect the spirit as it moves through all of these interdimensionalities in the vast universes. It is not one universe, but the vast universes. That is the playground God uses with the creators to create the life forms to express Himself. "The origin of the spirit is a constant god in search of expression. And the way the expression comes to each and every one of you is according to the perfection of your soul, or your spirit. Soul is the expression of spirit through physical form. As you had noted that when God created Adam, which is the representation from Earth, or soil, the representation of a life form in that body, the atoms were formed.


If you look at them very carefully, you will find in order to have a balanced neutron, you must have a yin and a yang. The yin, which is the Eve, was formed to create the balance in the yang. With these two ingredients, all of you become secondary creators. The yin with a womb gives birth. So therefore, on this Earth, you have a form expression of soul representing spirit. "What you are indeed representing here is a duality of consciousness. One is dormant, the other is in life form. The life form is called the self, you in the physical. The dormant spirit lies within the soul because when God breathes through your nostrils, you become a living soul, a living representation, through form expressing consciousness to know who you are. That is why you are constantly in search of who you really are. "The spirit, which is who you really are, lies dormant within the soul because the soul is expressing, at this time, through the physical consciousness of man or woman. For a long time, coming through the dark ages, the Earth has been going through such great imbalances because the soul is in constant turmoil trying to express the spirit through self. You cannot do that. You have to allow the spirit to express through self. "The concept then is to renew or to allow mankind to understand who he really is, so that he can go back to his source of where he comes from in spirit. There has to be a second birth and that second birth is the birth of the spirit. That is why the great Master, Jesus Christ, said that you must be born of fire and water. That's the soul coming through the physical form through the womb, the way you are now in a physical form. And you must be born of the spirit in order to enter the kingdom. The kingdom is where you come from. "Lodged within the soul and the spirit is a temple of understanding expressed through consciousness. You are constantly here expressing yourself through consciousness. Your five senses give you an awareness of your physical self. Your sixth sense gives you an awareness of the temple within where your spirit must be rejuvenated or born into the concept of your kingdom where you come from. In order for you to express spirit, you must be born of the spirit. You are born in the physical form with a spirit. But that spirit has to have birth too. That is why the kingdom is inside of you, the temple which is referred by the Master. "The temple is inside of you. So you must come into this temple to allow the spirit manifestation through soul to give birth to new understanding, understanding who you really are. So, the second birth is allowing the spirit to be free to choose the understanding which is comfortable for the yin and the yang to grow in harmony. As you know, the Garden of Eden is the beginning of expression. So all the way from the concept of expressing yourself, you are in the position that you are in now, understanding that by reading the bible, that you originated from an Adam and Eve who has given birth to this massive population that's on this Earth.


"It seems to be very felicitous to try to understand that concept because inbreeding would cause so many diseases that you wouldn't have survived any of the plagues by this time. I want you to remember that there is a yin and a yang in spirit. God and the goddesses came together and allowed interdimensionalities. This was called the interference of the gods, as expressed in Egypt. The gods came down and impregnated with the humans to give them a stronger body in order to resist these kind of plagues and diseases that the Earth was plagued with. "When you look at creation then, you could see that the total creation you have now has not emanated from Adam and Eve alone. That was a start. That was the first experiment God used, the Adam and Eve concept to give life. That was only one concept. There was the placement concept by the gods, which you classify today as walk-ins. We call it the placement concept where stronger entities from the Pleiades came and intermeshed with the physical imbreeding that you had on this Earth during your time of Adam and Eve. There were a lot of things happening there because the first conception, or the first programming, was not completely balanced correctly. "In order to express consciousness, as an Adam and Eve, you must come to terms, or to an understanding of some form of a rule. You must have a guideline. So the guideline was good and evil. This was a very poor concept that causes people to be judgmental today. You are judging from a principle of good and evil. What is good and what is evil? You seem to reflect on some opposing forces to begin to understand yourself in a better light. So judging your self severely, through the ages, has caused you even up to this day, believing in a principle of good and evil. This has caused you to be judgmental, the way you are amongst friends. What is right and what is wrong? "If you look at all of your societies, what may be right in one society, could be wrong in the other. It depends on the way you view things, the way you see things. "This principle has caused, what you call, a Satanic outlook of two opposing forces. You labeled the evil part Satan and you labeled the good part God. Looking at this principle of good and bad, in order to keep the balance of your teeter-totter at life level, somewhere you must come out of this good and bad principle to reach, what you call, a balance. So you labeled the evil Lucifer, or Satan and you labeled the good, God. St. Bonafice came up with the term God, which comes from the term good. "When we look at all of these principles, now that you have established over the years and re-inforced constantly through different cultures, it becomes a very strong pronounced belief system. You have accepted, through the ages, that principle that there is a heaven and there is a hell in order to frighten you into a concept of believing a one principle, or idea. You are frightened into this, the priests and priestcraft coming 260

out of the dark ages, used their frightening tactics. Even today, some of the expressions that religionists use come from these different tribes. They used fear to dispel. That is a reinforcement that caused, really within your society, a heaven and a hell, through feeling. Don't forget now, you are expressing soul through physical feeling. So therefore, all of these concepts are physical. They are not spiritual. They are physical concepts becoming fallacies that cause misunderstanding of what the original expression really was. "When man had awakened within his consciousness, he received the gift of freedom of choice and free will. The principle in the Garden of Eden explains it very clearly. You were not contented in your spiritual form expressing through the physical. You were not contented because the physical had grasped and had attracted your attention that there were more varities, or choices, that you really had on this Earth. So you had allowed your spirit to go into neutrality. And you allowed your physical to take complete command. Therefore, you were banished from the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden expresses true spirit. At this time now, your consciousness is awakened to the reality of all of the physical possibilities that you have here on this Earth. So you began to choose. This is called the birth of freedom of choice. "When you began to choose, you had placed yourself in a position where you were only choosing from a physical perspective. This is why, on a lot of occasions, you even see that today on this Earth. Why are people so physical, or caught up in materiality? From your freedom of choices, over the years, it becomes very difficult when you re-inforce this concept through many generations. These generations go into a process called cleansing. "As each generation chronologically goes into transition, or dies, it goes up into a recleansing process called karma, and called the rejuvenation of consciousness. Then it comes back into expression in order to reach, what we call, cleansing. And on this Earth, a lot of you may refer to this form as coming back and coming back and coming back again. You may use the term reincarnation. To reincarnate means to come back as the same soul. You are giving the soul the same cycle because you do not know anything else. So you come and you go and you are cleansed until you have reached, what we call, a rebirthing and you allow your spirit freedom to escape that path of reincarnation. Then you leave yourself open for interdimensionality change. For in my Father's house are many places to express consciousness through form. "The Creator and creators and procreators have allowed for these transgressions. This is why, in some of your belief systems like purgatory, that some of you come very close to understanding the process of transgression and the process of regression, therefore allowing through purgatory, what we call, the state of suspended animation, waiting 261

until the cleansing of the soul releases in totality all of the Earth's vibrations. Then, you go into the reprocessing stage where you could go into an acceptance of where you want to go to express consciousness again. "You are constantly living in an eternity. That central sun behind all of the suns is what regenerates each galaxy to express life form. The central sun is constantly rebirthing the other suns, which are called the sons of God, coming form the womb of the central sun. Each universe has mansions. They are located in your Father's houses. Your Father's houses are the interdimensionalities that express these lives. "Here you are, on your quest of trying to filter through all these nonsensical things and searching as the prodigal son, or the prodigal daughter, searching to find the right ingredient that will get you home, that will put you back into, what we call, balance, that will release your spirit into understanding why you have been sent out this time. "When your spirit reaches that rebirth, then it ascends into the highest form of reflecting and giving birth to God's Consciousness. So you are taken into the bosom of the central sun where you have reached a total cleansing as stated in your Book of Revelations. I send you out into many worlds. Then you return to the portals of the White Light, never to go out again. Some people do not like that because you have freedom of choice in neutrality. In other words, some people like to express themselves through form and constantly keep living through all of these mansions and expressing life. Some people allow the total rebirthing of spirit and returning as the prodigal son back into the portals of the White Light never to go out again. There is no reason, once you have reached the state of total perfection. Why do you want to come back and be imperfect and go through all of this nonsense that you are going through right now, the way you are. But that is cleansing and, in some cases, reincarnation. In some cases, you have to learn a distinct lesson in the interdimensionality form, the physical form, before you get the rebirthing of the spirit. That's why people are constantly bypassing and are going through and they get caught up in the form, or the physical, aspect of life, never to understand the true aspect of the spirit that they really are. "God said, 'we will create after our image'. In other words, God was imagining all of the different life forms that were possible, that could give life, that would find that kind of God concept within their soul in order to write their ticket home. There is no dying in spirit. You have to constantly, either express a form of understanding, or you may go into the spirit world of the forty-nine planes of bliss. There are forty-nine levels of allowing your spirit, in no time, and this is the beauty of this. In spirit, there is no time. In all the rest of the forms, there is a time. "Spirit does not require time because it has no deterioration, or no form. So therefore, one day could be 262

one month, ten years, fifty years, five hundred years, or one million years. A lot that go back to the portals of the White Light through the understanding, still can come back out. "The process of life is always constant, whether it is in an interdimensionality form expressing spirit, or in a spirit perfection expressing the totality of the god/goddess that you really are. You have chosen a very important part here. A lot of things can happen. You can constantly change your mind. That is all right. In free will and freedom of choice, that's what it is all about. You don't have to agree with your neighbor. But it is all right to agree with your neighbor. You don't have to love the opposite sex. But it is all right to love the opposite sex. In other words, nobody is forcing anybody. You have to find that kind of balance of expression where you are not in physical control trying to dominate or control to find yourself. That is why the world is lost today. It is because of domination, control and force and misunderstanding. "Now that the Earth is going into a Photon Belt, the central sun will give birth to a new sun. And in the interim of this birthing, there will be many hours of darkness on this Earth. Until that time, the new sun being in spirit form, will energize the Earth so that there will be no fear, or no imbalancing. The rebirthing of the Earth is just as important as the rebirthing of the spirit in those who house the Earth. That is called harmony conversion. "In order to purify a planet that goes off course, the way you are through your misunderstandings, the rebirthing process has to take place through photonic intermeshing. The changing of the Earth's core is very important. First, we must take the foundation and make it stable. Then, we take the outer core of the Earth and stabilize the continents and the water basins where there is equivalency in, what you call, the oxygen or the gases in order to allow physical expression to continue. However, because you are going through the Photon Belt, that is going to put a finishing touch on the rebirthing of your physical bodies. In other words, the strong infusing of this millennial light through the cells of the body will recreate the cells structure to allow the body longevity of 1000 years. "When you go through the restructuring of this new body, you will come into, what we call, the harmonic convergence of totally understanding the spirit within the soul. The spirit therefore, will be expressing the consciousness of man and woman through the longevity of the golden age of 1000 years on this Earth. "The Creator, through the creators, through the procreators, are going to come into, what we call, the perfection of a body to be able to allow this change. The way it is happening is through the knowledge that is going to be coming to this Earth in the next five years of your Earth's time. It is called the fulfillment of harmonic convergence between the soul, the spirit and the physical, or new body of longevity. This reaching of this fulfillment gives you the privilege of experiencing your heaven on your Earth. 263

"What happens in this case is the release of the spirit and the soul in unity of bonding in true love. You will express true love as the agent of the new age. And as you are expressing this true love, you will bond very strongly with the opposite sex in, what we classify as, a longevity of intercourse. The beauty of this permenant bonding allows your soul to become an intersoul, to feel and to express the beauty of the spirit in action. Your love and your bonding becomes at-one-ment. At-one-ment is the same as atonement. It means that the spirit is now in full awakening in your consciousness. "When you look at the beauty of a woman and you see the same beauty in all women, there will be no need to attempt to have a different woman each time because the same expression is now the same within every woman or man. So therefore, it is the same with the woman. For she becomes part of the man. The intermeshing of this strong bonding of the souls allows your yin and your yang to be locked into total union, or submission. There will never be a divorce. "You earthlings, at this time, have one of the greatest opportunities to rush in, or bring in, this new age and concept. You will be sorting the chaff from the wheat very soon now. You will interlock into the same harmony of understanding each other in the same space of consciousness. In other words, your yellow and your red and your orange become everybody's white. In other words, irregardless of your understanding, you will still come into total harmony amongst each other. That respect is what the spirit allows you to become, even in a physical body. "This is very important to you all, starting now, in whatever you want to understand. If you want to go into transition from this Earth and miss the golden age on this Earth, you are entitled to. You are entitled to freedom of choice. "Do you wish to ask Commander Atna any questions?" Group Questions: Q: "Where are you from?" A: "I am from the constellation of Orion and the planet Dexton." Q: "How many years can you live?" A: "On Earth you have timings that are different than ours. The equivalency of five eckonton is approximetely 3,500 Earth years." Q: "Where is your craft now?" A: "My craft is in suspension above you. It is in, what we call, the silence state, unseen." Q: "What is the name of your craft?" A: "Zella 17." Q: "Can you tell us a little about yourself, what you look like?" A: "If I was to look into an Earth mirror, I would be approximately six feet, seven inches tall. I would have light brown hair. It's very short. I would have slanted grey eyes, very 264

piercing. I would have a small nose and a rounded face. I would have a chin similar to yours, a smaller mouth, larger ears. Why do you think we would have larger ears? Just think about that for a minute. It is because of the distances we travel. We have to hear from a very long range of what we are going into. So our auditory system is about 100 times the capacity of yours. I have a very small neck, very large shoulders, very wired, muscular body. It is metallic, but there is some flesh kind of sensations, or feelings, on the body. We have an interesting sex life. In our sex life, we will mate with one person to produce no more than two offspring." Q: "So the population on your planet is controlled then?" A: "Yes. And we are not greedy people because we have the ability to create what we need and require for our daily survival." [Several personal questions were posed and answered] "God bless you all and Alahoy."

CHAPTER 65 The Wardrobe Of The Millennial Body "Good evening. It is nice to have you here. This is Chief Red Cloud. "It is nice to have you all here because this is a very sacred day. This is my birthday. This is a very important week. It is called Thanksgiving. The spirits are elated that you could come up to this hallowed ground. Do you know that there's two spirits who died here at the tree, Runnings Waters and Little Willow. So the sacred spirits are here. The circle of light that comes through here is the blessing of the Great Father who has created us all equal. Maybe not in stature, but equal in the sight of His presence. "So when you come to a hallowed place and come into the presence of the Father, He is here to give you His Thanksgiving blessing. He is here to give you the Thanksgiving blessings of all times, but especially today because today is what we call, the day of the rising waters. "The energy that the Earth has produced in this last decade has caused an explosion of imbalance in the universe. The consciousness of man has pilfered the great lungs of the Earth by destroying the roots of the trees and by not putting back into God's soil of creation, the seedlings, or the trees in a manner that you should have, right from the very beginning.


You must take sustenance from the Earth, only enough to satisfy yours needs, not your greeds. Mankind has taken a little too much and caused this great imbalance here on this Earth. The great imbalance in nature is crying out and trying to instill into mankind the knowledge so that mankind can find this path again. "Many of you have walked on different paths. And many of you have worn out your moccasins that you have worn on these paths. Your inner self, the greatest part of your spirit, has been exposed to a physical body of great, as we call it, imbalance. When mankind came to this planet, he was introduced to a vast abundance. What mankind choose was to harvest his own, rather than to eat from the wild. You now are beginning to realize that our great culture and tradition is what really is going to be the saving grace of the closing days of this great dispensation. "In the wilds there is a herb for every ill. So growing in nature is growing in God and in His kingdom and in His perfection. Nature yields to any living sustenance, whether it be a reptile, or whether it be any form of mammal. The balance of this entire world is nature. Nature has provided for many, many moons, the correct balance to sustain all of your animal life up to this point. "As mankind has desecrated the vast parts of the forest and has caused the insects and the animals to miscalculate their habitat, this has caused such a great imbalance in the consciousness of survival. This survival pattern has now reversed its chain. This is why you see now that you cannot calculate properly weather by insects, or animals, because their psyche has now been put out of tune. So you see, in this vast world today, that now there is a new kingdom being brought in. It is called the kingdom of reparation.. "What will be happening when your land masses begin to move towards the north and when you land masses begin to move from the north? The intertwining, or changing, of polarities is what is going to cause a balance to the Earth's surface. The nature depletions within the lungs and the bowels of the Earth has caused, what we call, a great crying out, or as you hear it, the bowels within the Earth, at this particular time, are going through starvation, which mankind will too later. The starvation within the Earth's surface is because of the lack of the roots and the sustenance that the trees provide the inner body, or the inner spirit, of Mother Nature. "This whole inner spirit of Mother Nature is what creates the outer surface of the Earth. So now, there is a starvation and this starvation is going to cause an infiltration of great concern of the sustenance and productivity and supply. Mankind today, is very unkind to the farmer. The farmer is really the harvest of tomorrow. One must take heed now. For those tomorrows are going to be shortened.


"Mother Nature is trying to sort itself out in a manner where it is not wanting to claim lives, whether they are animal, vegetable or mineral. Each component of life that takes in oxygen and gives out carbon dioxide is, what we call, the mechanism for growth. The declining insects and the declining animal life, at this time, are seeing a vast expansion in human life. This is going to be of grave concern at the end of this dispensation. "The imbalances of these different oxygens and different kinds of chemical reactions has caused, what we call, clarity and the inability to become healthy. This clarity has also claimed, what you call, your big sky, the ozone. The Antarctica is now almost completely depleted of ozone. So, there has to be then, a great change in polarity, especially when we look at your North Pole. Again, the ice caps will start to melt causing a gigantic convection cycle. This will cause a gigantic amount of evaporation. "All of this is conducive to growth. Therefore, Mother Earth will take on a new set of lungs. But before all of this transpires, it takes a long period of time. And because this imbalance has gone so, as we call it, off to the right, it has caused such a great concern in the greater skies. The greater skies, which we look at, is the heavens. We look at them as your stars and your galaxies. "There will be a new creation on Mars. There will be a lot of teleporting that will go on, especially between Venus and Mars. You will see the temples that they have set up on Mars, in accordance of the Sphinx and the pyramids. These are the monuments of, what we call, creative currents. These monuments are a sign of life to be. Life has not completely been taken from Mars. "Looking at this entire picture of all of your planets in this galaxy, when you count them, you will see that there is a form of equivalency to your centers and to your balance within your body. This is why shamans and astrologers believe that the pattern and the flow astronomically is one big family. We believe in this. We believe in the Big Bear in the sky. We believe in those great animals that move around in your Milky Way. They are here to assist in this planetary, as we call it, music of the spheres. "All of your planets are being tuned and intuned at this time, to play the melody of, what you call, the golden age to come. This is why we do not have enough time on this Earth at this time to recreate and procreate through nature because the damage has already been done. So the divine spark within your spirit and your soul is constantly searching for the truth, or the remedy, that you call the panacea of thought. It is this panacea of thought that is going to allow mankind and womankind its growth. At this particular time, it is mostly focusing on womankind on the lunar, or the feminine energy. This is why you see more ladies into this new age movement. "The focus of the solar flare, which has been broken off the great central sun, is moving towards the Earth to, as we call it, clasp the hands of this lunar energy and to produce 267

the balance within the yin and the yang of each spirit, or soul. This therefore will give off, what we call, justice and love. When these two flares, the lunar flare and the solar flare, come together, that is the marriage of being. That allows your soul to completely emerge into the spirit and allows the spirit to take full control of your lives. "This knowledge is on its way. It is tinkering through very slowly to the new age thinkers at this time. It has gone through, what you call, consciousness channeling, or channeling in the form of my consciousness giving you the information through the Instrument (Dr Ki) now. We call it quiet talking. In other words, the Instrument doesn't hear, but we talk quietly through the vocal cords, or the central nervous system, of this Instrument. "Looking at this great, great solar flare, sometimes you have your own terminologies. You call it the Millennial Light. This light is called intuitiveness. This light is being enmeshed by all combinations of religious thought. What is happening, at this particular time, is the religious thoughts are slowly being cleansed. By the time you get to the end of this dispensation, there will be one accord in thought and cleansing. This cleansing of the different religious thoughts of the ages will reach, what we call, purification through this millennial light and it will allow all the students again; there really isn't any teachers. You are all student teachers. "What you will be doing is you will be enhanced greatly with the pure knowledge. Therefore, when you get this pure knowledge, you will forget about these different idiosyncrasies and different religious schools of thought that bring you into a man made mode. Remember that, man made mode. We want to really talk to the recesses of your spirit. We want to really feed your spirit. We do not want to feed the carcass, or the outer casing of your spirit anymore because it is not working. So therefore, there will be a new birth of nature. There will be a rejuvenation of the owl, of the beaver, of the duck and of the bear. You will understand this. "At the end of this dispensation, the minute you hit your year 2008, all of those 11:11's, and 12:12's, will reach their proper rebirthing. What will take place in mankind is, what we call, a gentle soul. A gentle soul therefore, in its convection cycle, will also attract the animal in the same way, where you will never find a furious lion. You will find that the lamb will lay beside the lion. This kind of change is what rebirthing does. The spirit comes to the surface of your life and it stills all of the faculties of your physical incapacitation, or capacitation and releases the body completely into, what we call, its change of millennial cloth. "Millennial clothing, or millennial cloth, will be the wardrobe of the new body. This new body will be very light and very bright. For mankind will revert back to, what we call, the 268

original path in nature, the original Garden of Eden, where once again, through the capacity of the spirit, he will be able to create and procreate for himself when he comes to the full knowledge of being anything he so desires. Spirit has no limitations and spirit gives birth. It gives creativity. It is a constant creative energy. "What will be happening is there will be emerging of souls. All of the oversouls will come together into one great, gigantic light of being. This will overshadow and cast a strong energy field throughout the entire surface of this Earth. The oversouling is what is going to cleanse the inner souling. This cleansing and coming together of the lunar and solar flare, in equality, is going to give birth to, what we call, the equal body of beingness. This beingness will be pure spirit of thought and millennial light body of being. "It is interesting to see how the chaff is being cleansed from the wheat, or the wheat being cleansed from the chaff. When you look at this world, it always starts with tragedy. Tragedy is the signal of the awareness that is to come. For if it wasn't a tragic moment, it would not leave enough significance on you to really make a change. But now, the whole world is infiltrated with this total imbalance of being, and you have seen it through, not only the youth and not only the old, as you look at your status quo. There is no rhyme or reason why life should be taken through a tragic flow of this kind of imbalanced violent energy that's on this Earth surface at this time. "This has to be changed through the understanding of, what we call, the opposite polarity of relearning. So there will be a phase or time coming from all of what you see on this Earth here. It is a relearning phase. And nature will, once again, prevail. When the Earth is balanced equally within its bowels and on top of the surface, it gives off an energy of passion and great concern and love. It is this energy that's going to subdue the imbalanced tragic energy that has subdued mankind up to this period of time. "The bringing in of this great solar flare, this millennial light, will be done by many different meteorites and many different signs will fill your heavens at night. Look up, as He said, your great, great master who came here to teach. He said to look up into the heavens and watch the significant changes of these great lights to re-invest, or to reinburse, the right kind of energy to this Earth to bring it back to the original pattern of God's design. "These things that are going to filter through in your next decade are going to be the greatest learning processes that will allow your mind to change and rechange. This is what is happening to a lot of people in this movement at this time. Change and rechange. A lot of you will not believe for a period of time of what you believed in. Then you will again, at an appropriate moment of maturity, reclaim your rebirthing to believe in what you believed in, but to believe even more and to become more positive within your belief. 269

"Your belief systems are going to change vastly in the next two years. That is what is going to scatter the flock. There will come now, and believe me, there will come now into your midst the magician, the magi and the antichrist. And all of these are going to have tremendous powers of manifestation. This is the filtering process that is going to completely remove the chaff from the wheat for those who are taken by slight of hand and those who are looking at some form of mystic or beauty, or some form of satisfaction through, as we call it, materialistic ego. That is the worst antichrist, or the worst energy of mankind and womankind today. I want more, instead of saying, I just want my requirement of existence. "Patterned into that way of reasoning does not mean to say to you that you only are entitiled to an acre of land. You are entitiled to the whole world and everything therefore that you create in it. And I say, you create in it. For that is important that you become, in your last days, flock feeders. "Each one of you here has a very distinct mission. Some of your missions are missions of passion and healing. For all of you here have a great gift of healing which you are going to use tremendously in that year of 1997. "You are also going through very tragic times of, what you call, great infusions, or fusions, within your own bodies. You have recognized the changes and the ailing in the last two years. But this is giving you reason to practice with each other to become perfect before you start really working on the flocks. "All of you here are going to develop different styles of healing techniques. Some will be coming from celestrial planes. A lot of these that are tapped in are going to be very important to you in the next year. Remember this. 1996 is the prep. The 1997 is the go. The 1998 to 2008 is the going. Those phases within your life are going to be tremendous. A lot of you are going to be reinstated to a very high, as we call it, state of health. "There are going to be some important discoveries, not only in the medical field, but also in what remains to be known in the regrowing, or the restructuring, of herbology. This is why, in the back of your houses, when you have a little bit of extra land, to think about planting a few herbs. The medicinal value comes from fruit, vegetables, nuts and other forms of protein carbohydrates, but not meat, because the meat has been grossly contaminated in your last five years because of the chemical change in the atmosphere. "You are looking forward now to a survival plan. This survival plan is going to be of great importance to you when you rewrite the menu in 1997. A lot of you are close to that now. But you still have a tendency to love your desserts and to love the sweets. I say unto you, watch your white sugars. Watch them because they are the pollutants of disease. Brown sugar is a little better. 270

But your honey is the right answer, the unpasteurized and uncreamed honey. So start to look in that direction and you will stop a lot of your tumors today. That is very important because when I was on this planet, I was very, very fussy about growing things and stayed away, as much as possible, from fermenting and also from allowing different acids to take form in foods beforehand. "A lot of you are of the impression that apple cidar vinegar is good. Let me tell you. Anything that turns to vinegar becomes an acid and an acid attacks. A lot of you have somehow tried to hide this under some form of fermentation. Let it be fresh because then you are feeding your cells with live vibrations, not fermented vibrations, not acidic vibrations, but you are feeding it with live vibrations. "The great chiefs of the White Feather tribe are here. I want you to remember this. There are seven chiefs that are sitting here from the White Feather tribe. All of them have very important lectures and knowledge to instill upon you for the future. So come to this hallowed spot more often and you will get very good instructions on the human body. "I will leave myself open now for a few questions, if you wish to ask." [Group Questions] Q: "How can we help the Earth most effectively through this cleansing?" A: "By pure thoughts." Q: "Is it just the apple cider vinegar that we should eliminate?" A: "It is anything that has acidity. This is why you should use in place of vinegar, lemon juice or lemon oil." Q: "Are there any special types of herbs we should be growing?" A: "Lots of mint and try to get into a lot of different peppers and start to get yourself into a lot of different seeds. Make them go to seed so that you could grow from your own seed, whether it is vegetable, or whatever. Try to start with your own seed because your own seed is not trashed through and chemicalized. The way you buy it in a package is unreal. Try to get into some seed that produces an oil." Q: "Is it advisable to have a little greenhouse? Or should it be in open ground?" A: "It depends on your season and how you grow. Open ground is what nature is all about. But in cold season, then if you are growing all the way through, you will come up with different ways and a hothouse is important." Q: "What about the grape seeds?" 271

A: "They are very important because when you take your Concord grape and you connect it with the Niagara the proper way and you take that seed and put it into bags and strain it, that juice is a cancer cure. And if you wipe it into your hair, it will grow." Q: "What about elderberry?" A: "That is very good. That is good for the breathing and the clearing of the passageways. Anybody who is asthmatic and goes on this, they will get a cure." Q: "I always have to clear my throat and its irritable quite often. Is there anything I can do for this condition?" A: "Just a little bit of cayenne. Get into your peppers and they will be fine. I am going to leave now and I bless you all. And may my words of Thanksgiving be for you for the time to come. God bless you."

CHAPTER 66 YOU ARE A SPIRITUAL BEING IN A PHYSICAL BODY "Good evening to you all. I am Jacques." "I am here for just a short period of time because of the Instrument's (Dr Ki's) condition. Listen to me very carefully." "You are all in this world different in your races, in your creeds, in your doctrines. If you came here the same, it would be one terrible world to live in. It is this variety of learning through interest and curiousity that makes you the individual that you will be. All of you here, despite the fact of your vast training, reading - that is all part of your education. That is all part of some form of learning. You have to decide what food you are going to eat today, whether it is going to be the food of knowledge, or whether it is going to be the food that you need to nurture your physical body." "The unfortunate and fortunate part of reality is that you are a duality indeed. And because you are a duality, indeed, I say to you then, you are a soul expressing spirit within a physical body. The five faculties and senses of your physical body feed constantly to words. Words are food, food for thought. You have heard this expression on many occasions. But you are all eating and you are all dining from different tables of thought. When you come together it is interesting to listen to somebody else's concept. But you have an ego and the biggest problem in this world is your ego which has nurtured and cultured you to where you are at today." "The ego, on many occasions, is I am right and you are wrong. This concept has prevailed throughout the ages, believe me, causing wars and insurrections, breaking up of friendships. So we must, somehow, control our ego. And to control your ego, you 272

must start and say, no I don't know it all. I will listen very carefully and I will digest whatever food I am listening to until I reach an understanding where my spirit sets me free." "Within each one of you, you must reach that maximum of allowing the ego, or the self, sometimes to die. This is what Christ meant, when He came to this world. You must die of yourself in order to be resurrected by the spirit within you. So the self, when you constantly feel that you are right and somebody else is wrong, then you put yourself in a presidential situation. Instead, say to yourself, self, I will listen to the spirit within me that guides the true existence of being. For the true existence of being is within your soul. Spirit must have food. The food that you must give spirit is when you are removing the chaff from the wheat. So don't believe in everything you hear. Listen. Listen and then allow the spirit. Let the self die slowly. Allow the spirit within you to digest the purity of the food that the spirit has allowed by removing the chaff." "The chaff is the misunderstanding. The pure food is the wheat. If you look at a kernel of wheat, in its small intensity, the great vast energy that this small kernel produces, is hard to imagine." "In those days of prophets and scribes, they referred to whatever was a common experience to them, most being farmers, most being builders, most being traders, most being scholars, or whatever. But in those days, they were limited as to the experiences mankind is having today. They had left their experiences for you to remove the wheat from the chaff, over the years, all of the information trickling through books, through trance channelers, through learned scholars, scribes, lamas, whatever you wish to call a learned man. All of this information is for your curiousity and your wisdom to try to get from all of this information the purity of the wheat from the chaff. You have done that and you have come to a very high, as we would call it, understanding of oneself. And yet, as I look at you, especially if this is what you call the new movement or age, heaven help us. One minute you are embracing in the room. The next minute, you are running down your friends." "We must look at our lives and we must look at them very carefully. For you are in this world with many. You are not here alone. This world is meant for propagation and it has been very successful in that way. Maybe it has been overly successful when we look at your population. But, the bottom line here is that it doesn't matter what color of skin you come back into, or what culture you come from, the spirit within your body is the teacher. It is really the scribe. It is really the common sense. It is really the mechanism that trashes the chaff from the wheat."


If you allow yourself to die of self and you allow the spirit within you to resurrect, as in the days of Nicodemus, to be born again, means to resurrect - to bring into being. You have probably wondered, over the ages, did Christ really rise on the cross? All of the controversy in those days was always yea and nay, as it is in these last days, yea and nay. People still haven't rationalized, or they still haven't really removed the chaff from the wheat to really understand the purity of the food that the spirit could feed you. This is where the truth sets you free, in the purity that it could feed you, so that you come to an understanding of not self, but of being. "Being is the total harmony of self in spirit. Most of you here teach it as balancing. I like this world because for every one word, you have 500 synonyms. It seems that sometimes we get lost in these homonyms, antonyms and synonyms and we are looking for that big Ph D. or that degree of self elevation. Sometimes your education, in this world, blinds the spirit from expressing itself, or from coming out to express itself in simplicity." "The spirit is simple, conventional, in any language. The spirit is very simple. It just needs to be totally recognized within oneself in order to become a being, being, as we call it, in spirit life. The spirit, over the ages, has been visioned by, not only the doctors in passing for those that have had extraordinary experiences on leaving and coming into another room of consciousness." "Every form of light has consciousness in the universe. This consciousness has, what we call, a purity of state or being. So when your spirit within you reaches a point of very high purity, its engages in the lights of other consciousnesses in the universe. This universe is misunderstood. One little planet; how confusing can it be? If you look at this and do a real quick survey right now, you will find that ninety percent of your astronomers do not believe in other life forms. Why? Because they have been blinded by self, the education of self. Then, we have to watch ego because ego is the highest manifestation of self." "In the universe there are two forms of consciousness; consciousness being created and consciousness already created. And with these two consciousnesses, one is the invisible universe. It is called the invisible consciousness. It is ready to take on or to express form through the other part of consciousness. If you were not conscious at this moment, then you could not rationalize with the spirit within you. But you are conscious, so you are expressing the other form of consciousness that's in form. You are in a living for, therefore having consciousness in order to express life. If you did not have consciousness, then you would be in serious trouble because you would be like a vegetable." "When we look at these two worlds, the invisible universe and the visible universe, we find that God in His creation which is constant from the invisible universe, takes consciousness and expresses it through all forms, or interdimensionalities of life. For you have, that I could count, twelve distinct interdimensionality forms of life that express 274

the same consciousness. So your consciousness could be in contact with all of the rest of these consciousnesses." "Any form of energy that gives light has an expression of consciousness. This is hard to believe. But do you know that the sun has consciousness? Do you know that the moon has consciousness? Why does it interact? Lunar energy and solar energy interacts with your consciousness in such strange, at times, different ways. You have heard it many times, the word lunar and lunatic. The expression of energy that expresses consciousness is a form of activity that is one within being and beingness." "I liked the first introduction on this Earth of harmonic convergence in 1987. That was a very strong year on your Earth. It was the introduction of harmonic convergence. And yet many of you were doing it unconsciously all the time." "Harmonic Convergence is when you allow the self to become totally enmeshed in spirit and the spirit is controlling you and allowing you harmonic convergence and converging, or converting, you from self into spirit. At that moment, at that precise time of your life, that beingness again resonates with the light of all consciousness within the physical universe. How about the invisible universe? How about the real God? How about that? Because when you allow, within yourself, that total and true harmonic convergence, then you are becoming the god/goddess of who you really are, the source, the invisible universe. That is what the parable is all about. The prodigal son and the prodigal daughter that you are, coming home to understanding, is what the parable is all about. You are coming home to full understanding, coming home to knowing and being spirit, the way you really are." "If you read the Book of St Luke, it is well written and it tells you very simply that you are a spirit for eternity. God is a spirit and you must worship God in spirit and in truth. What does that mean? Do you see all those icons out there that people are worshiping? I have never, ever yet seen an idol do me a favor, or an idol doing all kinds of favors to mankind. The god/goddess within you has sent you out from the invisible universe to seek through the physical universe of mansions of being through interdimensionality, to find yourself. In my Father's house are many mansions. You are the prodigal son and the prodigal daughter coming home." "Once you have eaten from that pure kernel of wheat, once you have removed the chaff, the food that you will eat will guide you slowly and directly to the source of where you have always been. Remember that word, where you have always been in being. In order to express consciousness through physical interdimensionality and consciousness, you people have, what you call, freedom of choice and free will and you always will each time you go back." 275

"Where do I go from here? You have those choices. It is just as simple as you are here now understanding from the five faculties of your reason, expressing consciousness. It is expressed the same way in any interdimensional form except when it is released into pure spirit. When it is released into pure spirit, that is when the excitement really begins. One wonders because one is only wondering from the concept of his five faculties, at this particular time. What is it like out there in that invisible universe? Once you have released that spirit into the highest form of consciousness, that means the highest form of realizing and knowing who you really are then you will know. You will leave here with great comforts. You will leave here, really no longer the prodigal son or the prodigal daughter, going home. You will leave here being and at home." "Over the years, it seems that all of these knowledges that have been handed down and that have been reinforced through priest craft and many other different forms of believing, reinforced through culture makes it very difficult to break away from the norms. Society sets a norm and everybody seems to want to abide by this norm, except in the last fifteen years and since harmonic convergence, something is knawing on your spirit. Something is telling you that the old way is the old way and the new way is the new way." "The new way that is coming is a doorway of the 11:11. It is the doorway to true mastership. So from the knowledge that will come to this Earth in the next seven years of your great tribulation will be the knowledge of pure awakening where some of you will allow the spirit to completely set you free." "Everyone here is interconnected with consciousness. When you are interconnected with consciousness, this is why the angels rejoice. All the angels rejoice when one soul comes back into the fold. What do we mean by the fold, coming back into the fold? It simply means that you joined them in consciousness. They are welcoming you and rejoicing because your consciousness becomes fully part of their consciousness. All of us, in any kind of learning circle, has to remember that it is of prime importance that you share the bread, you digest it and if it doesn't feel comfortable, then that means that the bread you were eating, you did not understand the words. Remember that. You did not understand the words. It doesn't mean that in two or three or six months that you may understand the words. That is one thing that God has given you here on this Earth is that equal understanding of understanding yourself." "Not all of us here may totally understand a written page that you may read. You may come up with several meanings. That is because, as you constantly break the bread, it loses it's flavor, or it may gain more flavor. So therefore, the words, the illumination, is going to change. That doesn't mean to say that because the first time you read it, you read it wrong. 276

You are just using incorrect words to criticize yourself. The more you read, the more you are going to get out of it and the more you are going to grow from it because you are constantly getting more pure food through each time you place all of your being into it. By placing your entire being into something, that means that you are already right there within the consciousness receiving the pure food, or the pure thoughts, of understanding." "I want to say something here. What's challenging is, when you have two different people in the same house that are against each other in belief, but yet a strong love bond holds you together, one must learn to understand each other's space. And that space will change. The good part about you being here on this Earth is the going through the great part of history. You are going and you are making, in the last fifteen years, great history. And the next ten years will be the greatest. Coming from this and what you will learn, will allow you, for 1000 years, to share the same thoughts, the same bread, the same light, the same love, the same understanding." "Why for 1000 years of the millennium, the golden age of peace and the millennial light? Why? Because you will give your spirit birth. You will be born again into the concept of oneness, of beingness. Why does it take so long? Is this happening on other planets and other worlds? Certainly. It is all part of learning. If God is a god and be ye careful, if God is a god of perfection, why wasn't it the millennial and the golden age all at once, sealed and delivered? Does that mean He wasn't perfect? No. It doesn't mean that at all. It just means that He created creation in this aspect so that you would be in totally learning for yourself, instead of having it given to you on the platter." "All of you here in this room are giving off an extraordinary beautiful light in your auras. It is beautiful to come into your midst. I am going to leave myself open, if you have any questions that you would like to ask." Group personal questions were posed and answered

CHAPTER 67 MISCONCEPTIONS "Good evening Earth people. I am Ashtar of the Ashtar Command. "I have here a list of misconceptions that you earth people, through your institutions, have been so misinformed. Listen to me very carefully because there are a lot of keys 277

here, as the good book had tried to represent itself, the book, 'The Keys of Enoch'. Enoch was our pupil. We were very interested in Enoch. "Misconception number one. Each and every earth that gives life, and the life that is on each planet, has the ability to go into, or to represent, from some facet of the 'I Am'. From some facet of the 'I Am', all and every part of the galaxies and each type or expression of life gives form. "Each and every earth, or planet, has a command. Get this straight. This is my command. However, visiting on this earth, you have many other visitors from other commands. We call this a command. Not in the way you view it in some sort of army, or some sort of groups in conflict. A command is in charge of a very important mission in light. It represents all facets of life forms giving expression to the spirit. "The greatest laugh we can get on this planet is to laugh at the way the higher institutions govern you. On one hand they preach some sort of charter of rights or freedoms of liberty. Then when they are in charge they restrict this freedom in liberty because they want to be in control. "The misconception that you have on this earth are of some other forms of life that come to visit. And I don't like to call them UFO's. I like to call them IFO's. In my capacity, they are identified flying objects. Why? Because you do not have the ability in your conscious expression to identify that which is identifiable. "Why do I say this and how do I clear up these misconceptions that you had over the years, not only drummed into you by clergy, but by fear? Listen to yourself. "Our first mission with our assignment on this earth is; number one, because of our technology we can travel into all of the dimensions of life except, and I say this with great reverence, except the 10th, 11th and 12th interdimensionalities. The 10th, 11th and 12th dimensions represent the planets of pure thought. A long journey. "Even in our form, some of our thoughts at times are not too pleasant. But we still can work a lot faster and get around them through our spirituality, if you wish us to use that term. And maybe I should throw that out of the window and say through our goodness. And that may give our Father up there a bigger reception of how we think and a better reception of how we think. "So misconception number one is that there are all facets, or all kinds of visitations from other life forms. There always was and always will be. Some have conquered within their subconscious mind. And this is when you do this, when you completely release yourself of the physical incapacitations of the day or even part of the night where you are where you are. 278

When you completely release yourself, you go into the subconscious, just beyond what we call the twilight zone. The twilight zone is the coming out, in between the two. As you enter fully into your subconscious state, the subconscious is the buried of the all, or the allness - sub - beneath. "In this vast unknown, if you wish, what you have is no limitations. This is why you do have the abilities, through your programming, to go into the nine dimensions of life, whatever the forms are, and even at times, have glimpses when you enter into, what we call, the 10th, 11th and 12th dimensions; the planets of pure thought. "Some people have the vast experience sometimes to look into the portals, but are not exactly taken in. Near death experiences. "So our first mission here and our assignment here is; number one, is rescuing because of our technology and because we travel from the third dimension which is your Earth. We may dematerialize into your third dimension. But we do not do that because, at this particular time, it is misconception and fear. And I say again, misconception that is protecting us. Think about that. "Now because of our technology we have the ability to travel into the other dimensions, plus into physical like dimensions which we call the third dimension in other planets also. But don't forget that on each of these planets is a command. There is a purpose for having the command right there. Because as I said to you before, we assist. One of our biggest assisting is, and that's another misconception here on Earth, our biggest assistance is assisting more poeple who are caught up in the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th dimension who have difficulty coming back. "We are not the only ones here. There are a lot of other commands, as I said, that come to visit this Earth. A lot of them come because of scientific types of exploration to report back to their planet the life form. They are not really, unless given permission, like they have had by your government; permission to take and to sample certain species of life here. This is why you find at times some of your younger children are not here. "We cannot interfere with your wishes. This is a planet of freedom of choice and free will. This is the kind of energy that God has allowed. We cannot step beyond the parameters, although we wish. "There were experimentations in your early 1942 year of your own spaceships in your Antarctic. Think about this. This is your own craft. The experimentations there by, as we would call it, your astute groups of scientists, and the money comes from your drug lords to support this kind of big experimentation. Why do you think a lot of them are not caught? So therefore, they are used by the best and the most elite like your C.I.A. and your greatest intelliegence, so to speak. I like that. 279

"There are a lot of things that you are not aware of. All of these misconceptions will come out very slowly. We are reaching our first command mission. And our first command mission now is to watch all movements of tectonic plates, all movements and eruptions of volcanic ash. We are watching the universe very closely, not only your ozone, but the approaching cosmic dust. "All of this that is happening here on this Earth is very important because you are going into an age of eruption; the age of eruption of the Earth, the soul, the spirit, and the body. There are many things that are going to happen in this dispensation to the year 2011. "I say unto you, that as you are traveling right now and getting experience in your subconscious mind for the 4th dimension, you may feel uncomfortable in your body. As you travel into the 5th interdimension you will feel even more uncomfortable with the body. As you travel into the 6th, the 7th, the 8th, and then as you go into the subconscious mind into the 9th dimension, you are impregnated by the millennial light which gives you rebirth from this body. So then you will actually be in the new body. The term, the Child Within, has been expressed to you. You must be a child to come into the kingdom. And what I said was that our cut-off here is at the 9th dimension. "The reason we are not talking too much about the planets of pure thought, Sirius One, Two and Three, is because that at this particular time there is a special command that is in charge there. It's called the Jerusalem Command. "This command are the ones that come and receive the great adepts; like in your time, the great prophet Elijah when he seen the craft of the Jerusalem Command come in. This is the highest command which is the light vehicle of returning the soul, or the vehicles, that bring in the Cherubims and the Seraphims. "There will be a lot of activity in the Middle East by the Jerusalem Command during the Battle of Armageddon. "So there is, in reality, an interdimensional war and a dimensional war. And as the great apostle said, 'You must fight the inner principalities as well as the outer principalities'. You must come to terms with who you really are when you are projecting into and through this millennial change, or this millennial light formation that is interjecting and making you become the butterfly and the cocoon. "When you look at the surface of the Earth at this particular time, you are in motion. That means you are in motion making your move towards the great tribulant time as foreseen, seven great years of imbalance. And you are starting that. You're even into it now. 280

"Lest these days be shortened. These days will be shortened. The reason why these days will be shortened is because as you are growing more aware into your 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions, you are becoming more purified in thought. "This is what they meant when they call it the Battle of Armageddon. It is defeating all of the bad thoughts of this world to purify it and to bring it into its first state of the millennial light to take you into paradise. "Ashtar doesn't wish to sound like a preacher, but I must say that there has been a lot of misconceptions about what we do and the state of matter we are in. A lot of you come close in your visualization and your, as you call it, experimentation, invention, whatever words you want to use, imagination. You are touching on the real reality that you can really create for yourself. Once you are into the 9th dimension, it will startle and overwhelm you. Even as you pass through the door of the 11:11, which you have been taught last year. Each time you go into a higher dimension, you go through an 11:11, a mastership, or the portal of interdimensional exchange. "Each time this happens to your body you are getting invigorating strength that allows your spirit to move freely each time you go into each dimension, finally shedding the cocoon at the 9th dimension and releasing the pure esssence of spirit. This allows you again to become the creator which you were sent out to be. "I leave you now in the joy of your hearts. I leave you now in the joy of the paradise you share right now within the subconscious mind. And I hope that you meet us there because we are there to help you to not only get there, but to get into the real paradise of what you really are. "Alahoy."

CHAPTER 68 THE REDEMPTION FACTOR "Good evening, I am Lenroy of the Cherubims. "Is creation a reality or man's fictition? You have come a long way to try to understand creation. One must look at this and analyze it very carefully. For all of those souls who are coming to this Earth, to the end of its time, in spirit, creates the Earth through the pattern of God's energy. "If you look at your book Genesis, you will see in areas where 'and we created'. Then we are looking in plural. For who knows best than those that are the carpenters of their own life? So you, in spirit, have provided the blueprints of this Earth beginning from the 281

alpha to the omega. So it is, in actual fact then, that when you come into this world, therefore you are having your own deja vu of feelings, of what you think you were perhaps in a previous life. The erroneous fact therefore comes from the interpretation of this and many other things. For in fact, as a spirit, you have gone through that kind of energy that allows you to come into this physical life to complete a journey of awakening. You only need to awaken once. You do not have to come to awaken 150,000 times. This is very erroneous. "Within the seat of the soul, which is bringing back that spirit which you were the carpenter of creating this world and allowing you an appointed time to come into, what we call, the physical reality by birth. Let us get this straight because this is a very important point on this Earth. Birth. Then how did the population from all of the worlds population begin with only two vibrations, the Adam and the Eve concept? You must analyze this both from a spiritual connotation and also from a physical reality. "First of all, we were only talking about an inner exchange between Adam and Eve to start propagation. I want you to remember that. In the interim, in order to be as productive as you were in the Old Testament, to understand the first aspect of creation of man without birth, that is very difficult. So we come to many theories that we must look into very carefully. God uses them. If you wish to use the big bang, then you will be right on. That will constitute then the expansion of the gasses which are fission and fusion creating in the cooling down of these gasses and fusing again. That's energy you will learn later in quantum physics. The cooling down produces the Earth. "When the Earth is produced, the core and the cells are also produced that would be conducive to the life of the surface of the Earth when you get interaction of gasses which allow, what we call, propulsion or expanding of consciousness. Therefore, the expanding of consciousness is responsible for the first birth. The expanding of consciousness, the spirits are already on the Earth. There are many Adams and Eves. "Through the expansion of this consciousness, it will take on form. God looks at this as His creative force which you term nature. So the countless cells that are not yet expressing consciousness which are the filtration of the spirits, therefore give you form. There was an offspring of this interconnection of spirit and consciousness to produce form in a very massive way. "In the long range forecast, the gods were sent to assist in this production. This is why you hear of the term sometimes 'being impregnated by the gods'. You find this in your history when you look at different murals, or different writings, or different inspirations giving by scribes going all the way back to mythology. 282

Some of those factors are true. The impregnation of the gods is sometimes referred to as the chariots of the gods, or sometimes referred to as other beings coming from other planets. That is true. These gods who have evolved into a very high form of light, as in the Pleiades, are responsible for cultivating life on this Earth. Remember though, that it is your consciousness of your spirit that assisted the total cration and origin. "So all those that were coming and are still coming to the end of Earth's time, in spirit, have created the blueprints that were responsible for this creation through the supervision called God. And we created man after our kind. "So when we look at the concepts of all life throughout the entire universe, we must come to some kind of conclusion as to who created the Creator. We think in finite form and we are not yet ready to think in infinite form until we are completely released from this body. So let us go back then. We have the higher gods in the perfection into the infinite structures. The infinite structures are created in the hidden universe, the invisible universe because the invisible universe in infinite. Therefore, mankind on this Earth can only see partially into the visible universe because of the perception through the finite senses that teach and hand down through the stereotype communications that you have had since the beginning of this Earth. "So now we have established the big bang theory for bringing the Earth here and we have established how you, as spirit, are responsible for creation and how procreation multiplied during the time of Genesis. "Now, we go back into infinity. When you are in spirit, then you would understand the invisible universe. The invisible only manifests in spirit. So therefore, God is spirit manifesting consciousness into the visible universe through interdimensionality so that the interdimensionality will express a form of life to express a spirit. In order for the spirit to understand infinity, it must be born again. This concept has been brought to this Earth through adepts who are, throughout the lifetime of their physical life, capable of communicating both from spirit and from physical and receiving the wisdom of the great ascended gods, or masters, continuously. A good example was Jesus Christ who, through spirit, developed total compassion and who, through spirit, ascended into spirit. He understood the principles of the spirit. That is why the concept, you must be born again of the spirit in order to enter the kingdom of God. "The important factor that you have to remember is that you are a spirit coming back to be rebirthed back into spirit to leave. It is a cycle from infinity through divinity to infinity. 283

That would be an excellent book to write. That concept of being born again should be a title of a book. The concentration should be placed strictly on that analogy. "In order to understand self, and people are having this problem in this world to understand physical self, you must understand spiritual self. When you understand spiritual self, then you will understand physical self because the foundation of your house is the spiritual self. What you build on the foundation is the physical self and you lose sight of that concept in this life. So what must happen is the redemption factor. "The redemption factor is when the spirit becomes conscious of self in the physical, then it gives birth to spirit within the spiritual. The redemption factor has drawn nigh. The redemption factor today has been called by many terms, whether it is your new age movement, whether it's the movement into a new millennium, whether it's the movement into a metaphysical study of self. Man is not content with the religious studies of the past because they have never really learned what giving birth to the spirit really is. It's not the acceptance on your hands and knees of a messiah, or a god because you already have that. You already have the god and goddess within you. You have to accept the fact of the potential of what this god/goddess can do for the physical self when you allow the totality of that spirit to be awakened. "Today, through the searches of modern religion and the translation of the biblical version, has in a lot of instances, brought people to some form of realization. But to just simply accept is not enough. But to simply know is enough. So the knowing process is called the redemption process. This redemption process is coming into birth in 1997. There will be a rude awakening to all those who are in metaphysics and who are ostentatiously walking on some sort of nirvana or prima donna state with their minds. In other words, what has happened is people have grasped a good idea and capitalized on trying to hold this to themselves through some form of possession or greed, saying I am right and you are wrong and being very judgmental. Look at it very carefully. "The metaphysical movement , in the last twenty-five years, the wolf in sheep's clothing is rejoicing. The birth of the birth is what you really are, in the concept of the thrones. You are a light. You always will be a light. You can always walk in the light. But not always do you walk in the light. "How does one determine then that within himself that he is walking in this light? It is by allowing the spirit rebirthing. Every day you will feel more happier, more loving, more caring, more disinterested in the worldly pleasures of pornography and various other tastes of distastes. That is just the start. "So, in order to become a fisher of men, you must have the correct bait. Some of you are achieving this through your meditation, dreamstate, astral travel. But you are not 284

reinforcing it in such a way that you are receiving the total joy. In other words, if you find the key to open the door to God's kingdom, do you not think that it's wise to walk in? A lot of people find the key, but they still do not know how to open the door. Or if and when they open the door, they do not know how to enter. "Entering into the new phase of redemption consciousness is the complete awaking of the spirit into the reality of infinity. Therefore, if you have the right bait, you will catch the right fish. And that right fish is you catching you. To be a fisherman of men and women, that is an important concept of being born again and viewing the true concept of spirit and its destination. So therefore, cast upon this Earth, is this new redemption awakening called knowledge, called astral knowledge, called infinite knowledge, called infinitum, called spirit bread. "This awakening that starts to take place in 1997 and 1998 leads into a rapture of new thought infinity birth. The stages of this rapture, or phases of this rapture, are interconnected with resurrection of the spirit. The true resurrection is the returning of the millennial light, or the Christ Consciousness, to fulfill the spirit in its ascension. It is called the master cleansing of the universe and in some cases it is assisted by the Battle of Armageddon. Arm-ah-get-on. Arm yourself with the spirit and get on. This kind of concept and the mixing of, what we call, the second coming is what is the resurrection and the purity of your spirit to arm-ah- get-on into the golden age, or the millennium. "The millennium is the releasing of total Christ Consciousness within the spirit in the new body. The changes of the new body has been stated 'in the twinkling of an eye'. Yet some of your metaphysicians are talking about the body changing through a vast period of time. How much pish-posh can you listen to? And how much agony can you grow to? It is very simple. The body will be changed in a twinkling of an eye. God doesn't have to wait six years to ten years to change the body and put people through some form of suffering. That is nonsensical. "You come to this Earth to allow that god/goddess consciousness within you to fulfill manifest destiny, to fulfill the concept of what man is really all about. Man does not come to find man. Man comes to find spirit in man. The genuine source, infinity through divinity to infinity. Divinity is how you accept infinity in order to go back into infinity. You come from a light of bliss into a storm of misunderstanding through physical religious, or other thoughts of who you are, to learn somewhere that there in the final hours that your light is responsible for you to see through this storm. That light is called understanding. And in order to understand, you must give all of your spirit through your meditation, through your consecration, through your constant dedication. "Spirit does not awaken easy, as in the time of Nostradamus, and as in the time of Nicodemus. Nicodemus did not know the concept of spiritual birth. Nicodemus knew the 285

concept of physical birth. And yet, the main priority seems to be that man really forgets hmself and is lost in the quagmires of mundane belief. "Here we are, sometimes in a small group, receiving the best messages of our lives because three people who are very dedicated in their meditation and they sat and they waited until the consciousness within them expanded so that the spirit could express itself. So the expression therefore, of the spirit is of great importance because the spirit is the boat that allows you to float or to constantly stay above water in this great flood of light. "This great flood of light has been expressed, not only in the physical, but it has also been expressed in the spiritual. The great flood, during the time of Noah, was a prime example again of the redemption resurrection, or the redemption explosion, or the redemption conspiracy. But that redemption, even in that time, changed. It brought in new form a new world, as it is coming now through the millennial light, or through the millennium that is on its way. "I would like to stay here and entertain you for many hours. But it is important now that the bases have been touched between spirit and angels. There will be more books of light redemption coming to inform the populace of their redemption rights. "God bless you and may your journey from light to light be very light."

CHAPTER 69 SPIRITUAL METEOROLOGY "Good evening, I am God Thoth from the Milky Way Galaxy of Floreida and the planet Osiran. "Mankind has been placed on this Earth and also propagated on this Earth to reach within himself the truth of his destiny and the truth of his origin in order to make destiny much more easy to attain. "The changes on the Earth in the last year have given up a cry of great injustice and have contaminated, not only the Earth's surface, but also has contaminated part of the soul. The soul is a part of the functioning like a mediator between the spirit and the physical. "Mankind has to find true soul, or true identity of who he or she really is by coming into one of these mansions to rebirth physically as a soul and to rebirth spiritually as a soul. Much of your fundamentalist movement teaches you the rebirthing process into the spiritual. 286

However, they do not explain the mechanisms, or how this can really be attained. To accept a higher consciousness is not really rebirthing. One must allow the spirit within itself, not to accept, but to become a spiritual entity that you were really sent out to become. "Over the ages mankind has drifted from this principle because of some reverent, or what you call, religious concept of what rebirthing is all about. That is really called the acceptance. But we are talking the reality of being spirit. The reality of being spirit is allowing the consciousness of the 'I Am' being, the 'I Am' vibration throughout eternity, the god/goddess energy within you that you bring. You have to allow each to become the primary, or focal point, in your life in order to clean up and to attack this possessed vibration of mass consciousness that mankind has contributed to, right from the alpha and omega. "You are, at this time, in your archaeological minds, coming up with very important signs and signals of the death process and the amount of attention, or interest given, not only to royalty, but also to the consciousness and the soul and the spirit of those that are passing through. It seems that at the highlights of various dispensations, avatars return to this Earth, as in the case of Jesus Christ, to try to reinstate this new awareness in order to rebuild, or renew, the total consciousness, or the awakening, of the Earth and mankind. "For you see, in life it is expressed in many different forms, even on this Earth at this time. When we look at something that is growing, no matter in what form, there is an activity of an energy called life which is an interaction of the soul within and the soul without. When we speak of soul without, we talk of the other forms of life which do not express that same soul consciousness of spirit awakening as in mankind. "One must be very careful here because over the ages, your have shown diety to animals. And you have also expressed reverence to various forms of nature. One must look at this very carefully, for there is one energy and it runs through all forms. The activity of this energy can be blessed with goodness, or it can be blessed with, what we classify as, being not in tune and allowing the Earth's consciousness to deteriorate in all different forms. "Mass consciousness will rule the universe. For that energy which permeates all forms, when it is reinforced in the positive, or in what you classify as the negative, is like blowing into a vast balloon that surrounds the entire world and the energy slowly seeps out of this balloon. "So one must take care then within the mind of how you think. For the simple instruction that you must be born again is very simple. It is telling you that your birth into the physical is not balanced unless you have a birth in the spiritual. So coming here as a duality, it is important that you balance both sides of yourself. 287

Mankind, at this time, is having difficulties because of this mass consciousness that is tinkering more into the negative imbalance than the positive balance. Therefore, the negative imbalance is the physical being born but not giving the soul consciousness of the spirit to be born. "This is a vast universe. The Garden of Eden really is the garden of eating. In other words, it is a garden where you constantly nourish, either through food of thought, or food of natural growth, or physical consumption. "In the central universe you have constant divine interaction which is the total rapture out of form into spirit birth allowing the eternity within yourself to be constant and to be remembered and to be in tune with that constant light of divine essence that emanates from the central universe. This divine emanation is reflected by the consciousness of mankind. "By reflecting more of this divine essence, you will find therefore that your physical growth on this planet will see a significant change. What happens is because of a strong interaction of this light of divine essence, called the millennial light, which comes in a strong piercing, flowing, just manifestation within the soul and the consciousness of spirit in man. "The Earth is into, what we call, a tremendous flow of these two energies, magnetic for spirit and anti-magnetic for physical consciousness lost. The meeting place is in the Photon Belt where you will find at this time, even your best friends can tomorrow be your best enemies. It is because of this strong imbalance of spiritual versus physical, not listening to the still, small voice, the shepherd within you. The shepherd who comes to lead you is you when you are in full cognisance of your spirit. "The entering into this Photon Belt is going to give more of this signal of judgment. People who have been together for years will find the energy so intense towards hatred that they will judge therefore, in the negative way. It will take a few years to move through this ozone and this Photon Belt. The Photon Belt is the stillness that allows, what we call, filtration, filtering out the anti-magnetic, or filtering out the physical imbalance which does not allow the spiritual balance. "There have been many predictions of Earth changes while you are going through this enormous, magnetic and anti-magnetic overflow, or what we call, contact reflection/deflection of matter, especially on this Earth. "The moisture content is increasing around the filaments of the Earth because of the lack of ozone being in the correct areas. Mankind only understands physical scientific meanings to meteorology. Therefore, he does not understand spiritual meteorology. Spiritual meteorology is the constant flow of the millennial light. It causes the calmness within all aspects of nature. 288

"God must speak to nature again. God must breathe through the nostrils of nature in order to allow that freedom of giving off the purity of oxygen. That is of great necessity for the physical body to survive. "Northern areas are warming up slightly causing this inconsistency of moisture that causes these irregular pressure areas. The high and low pressure areas are in great opposition because of this imbalance. The Photon Belt, which is as a belt, allows this energy to come back in after going through filtration. The filtration period of time will be a purification of a number of years leading into the year 2007. "During this time there will be more millennial light released to the Earth to allow new concepts for mankind in order for him to learn the new principles of how to walk in spirit. We come also as a little child and as a babe in spirit. So we have to learn to crawl, to stand, to walk, to run, into the freedom of being balanced between the spirit and the physical. The 1996 year will see more disruption in government and in some places great anarchy with vigilante groups that will want to take power and usurp this power in such a way which will affect the government. "The European continent will see some massive changes in 1996 reference to government, growth, stability, criminality and also rebirthing. "The visitations of the gods in these flying chariots will be landing in various areas to charge these areas up. You have seen this with crop circles and other strange sightings in fields and in the sky. "From the equinox time of your Earth, a new growth of knowledge will start to come. By the time you get in 1997 and 1998, you will have different points of view as far as rebirthing is concerned. "Rebirthing is very simple. We must keep it simple or we will lose the context. Man is, within himself, a universe. He comes here to represent the universe, or his origin. His origin is expressed through his thinking and therefore, his thoughts are of great importance. Cleaning up and preparing is what we will call 1996 and 1997. "We must look at the great assistance that you will have from angelic beings and also from those who will come from other galaxies. This intunement, through the Photon Belt, is like a radio communication communicating to all these galaxies saying, we need help. Therefore, the thoughts then will come from many galaxies and will come from many ascended masters. There will be a purity of masters in 1996. And there will be an impurity of wolves in sheep's clothing in 1996. 289

"How do we judge the teacher? We listen to the message and if you have had a rebirthing of spirit, then you will find that the divine message coming from the teacher will nourish you into a very strong belief system. If you are not rebirthed and you are still lost in the quagmires of your physical self, crawling in the pigpen, listening to everything around you and allowing the nonsensical to guide you, because you feel that you are a physical person, well versed, well educated and well informed, let me tell you, that is the shell, or that is, what we classify as, the shell of the coconut, or the peeling of the orange, or the peeling of the apple. The real nourishment is inside. And when we say inside, we say inside the spiritual temple of yourself. If you do not allow service there, then you will be chosing many wolves in sheep's clothing and be constantly judging those who are rebirthed and eating the nectars of the spiritual food. "We listen very carefully to the message of man. Spirit speaks through man. When your spirit is growing in equality to the messenger, then you are a sheep eating in very green pastures of understanding your spiritual self. "It is unfortunate that you go through this life and you share this food and then you lose interest and allow the physical self to take control again. In the parable of the prodigal son, coming home, the invitation is open twenty-four hours a day, every day, until you come home. There is a lot of vascillation going on. Some come to the correct rebirthing trough. They drink of the nectars. They have exceptionally great service. Then they are fascinated by some form of physical self. Therefore, the explanation of physical self does not any more match the spiritual self. "Be very careful, because each thought of judgment becomes a thought of condemnation. These thoughts of condemnation allow your karmic energy to become part of your physical destiny of, what we call, paying back. So it is wise not to be judged. Judge not lest ye be judged. That means that you shouldn't judge at all, irregardless whether you are going to be judged. It is a caution warning you that the judgment for you is also in the etheric. For it comes back and it haunts you in the karmic cycle of survival. "The coming of the millennial light will depend again on your free will an freedom of choice, on how you choose to eat from whichever crop or plate of understanding, in order to reach your fulfillment. Some people will eat and they will overeat. That is harmful in both the spiritual and the physical. To overeat in the spiritual is to cast your pearls in front of swine. So be very careful of your pearls because it takes you a long time, in your lifetime of attunement, to become a pearl. For a pearl is a true essence of being. And to allow yourself to be trodden upon is not what I would call a smart way of walking in grace. 290

"Feel free to allow this great essence of spirit to permeate your body of beingness. For even though you are going through the Photon Belt, you are coming out a greater person because of this rebirthing and also because you are allowing the nourishment of the millennial light to set you free into your truth. Be constantly blessed in this light. Accept this light with great freedom of love, understanding and letting go. "I will leave you now and I will be back later to give you some more communication. God bless you as you journey." CHAPTER 70 The Millennial Light Protection Meditation "Good evening, I am Dr See-ven. "I come here this evening to tell you that you require, into the future, a lot of protection because of these great changes that are coming to Earth. A lot of them are pertaining to the Photon Belt and also the coming of the millennial light. "The DNA structure in the bodies are changing and causing, what you would call, great irritations, and problems to vital organs, rapid pulpitations to the heart, or the speeding up of the heart and also high and low blood pressures, also tensions to the neck, great irritation to the eyes, muscle problems and spasms. The breathing problems can be caused by the constriction of the arteries. "In order to protect yourself coming into this new millennium, with the assistance of the millennial light, you will do the following meditations. "The A.M. meditations, you will face into the rising sun. You will picture around yourself that you are in a silver bubble. This silver bubble is continuously charging with different colored lights to infuse the centers, or chakras, in your body. Each chakra will, in turn, act on the different vital organs to assist in the healing. You are in this silver bubble and you will, first of all, allow the bubble to fill itself and to completely submerge you in green light. This is a balancing light of your warm and you cold colors, your yin and your yang and also the feminine and masculine energies, coming from the lunar prana and also coming from the solar prana. "You are continuously now enmeshed in this green light for approximately, concentration of two minutes, facing into the rising sun. Then you will concentrate and allow the bubble to fill itself now with the red light of great energy of life. This red light will permeate the base of the spine and allow the opening from the base of the spine down through your legs to allow the kundalini forces to flow evenly, giving you warmth in red light that will permeate this bubble you are in. You are submerged completely in this red light. You will concentrate on this red for two minutes. 291

"Next you will concentrate on the orange light which permeates your bubble. You are completely enmeshed in this orange light. In this bubble, the orange light is a rich energy of healing. It invigorates from the solar prana, the sun, giving the masculine energy complete flow within your body. You body now is very relaxed for two minutes with this orange light. "You are now going to fill your bubble with the yellow light. This yellow light is the great light of wisdom and courage that comes to you. You are completely enmeshed in this yellow light in your bubble. "You will now concentrate on your cool colors, getting into your lunar prana, to give your body greater balance. All of your healing to your vital organs with the rich red light, the orange light, the yellow light will heal the body and the vital organs from the top of the solar plexus area to the feet. "The green light is always balancing in your heart. It is pumping the blood and also giving vital energy to your entire body. This is your most balancing light. This is why you always start with this green light and you end up with this. "You are now surrounded by a dark blue light in your bubble. This is very good for your eyes and also good for the throat. This light now is getting lighter and lighter. It is now light blue. This light is good for, what you would classify, your third eye. There are sometimes some complications here. People think that the darker blue is for the permeation of the pineal gland. But it is the lighter color that permeates the pineal gland. For two minutes now you are in light blue. This light blue is also good for any healing for your ears because you will be getting a lot of ringing noises in your ears as you go into your new age. This is all protection energy that you are getting now. "You will now get into the purple light for two minutes. You will submerge your pituitory gland and cover your forehead with this purple light. This is good for any pains in your head, such as, headaches. For two minutes now, you will meditate very strongly to this great purple light. "There is a thin line here where the kundilini force comes up into your bubble and changes everything back to white, completely white. Now your body is balanced and all the colors are balanced. You are completely white. You are feeling white now for the next two minutes, very light and white. "You are now going into, what you call, your superconsciousness. You are beginning now to release your astral body, your spirit body, your etheric double. There are many different names for the superconsciousness energy. Remember what I said. 292

Superconsciousness energy expands the spirit and the soul and causes it to become lighter and lighter and you go higher and higher and higher into your superconsciousness. "Here, you could make any requests you wish of the physical life, or for the life beyond into other interdimensions to make contact with friends who have gone beyond. But be careful here. Make sure that you ask for the Infinite White Light of knowledge to contact those who are gone to other interdimensionalities, so that you will know exactly where they are at. "After making all of your requests, for a few minutes, you could meditate longer than two or three minutes in the White Light. You can go up to seven minutes maximum. Don't go longer because you are going to come back and you are going to re-balance to protect yourself against the quick changes of the DNA in your body because of the coming of the millennial light. "This is called the protection millennial light meditation. "Your bubble is now back to green and it is balancing the warm and the cold colors. It is giving you complete healing to all parts of the body. For two minutes now, you will immerse yourself into the green bubble, in your temple and submerge. "This same meditation, if done in the evening, you will always remember to face into the setting sun where all your energy is. Always work with energy. In the morning, face the rising sun. Always work with your highest energy. "This is a very important meditation because a lot of people who are going through this great millennial light change are experiencing a lot of imbalances in their physical body. So they need the strength and protection to grow and nurture in spirit. This is very important in this life.

CHAPTER 71 The Colors From the Millennial Light "The lecture this evening is on the versing of the colors that are coming from the millennial light. "There are strong tendencies, at this particular time, because of the feeling of hostility throughout the world. It is exercised, as you know, through great crime and other facets of hatred. It is very important at this time that you try to stay out of hostile areas. But if you go into these hostile areas, remember to charge yourself with the great millennial light meditation.


"The other imbalance that is coming to this Earth during this change and this strong vibration of the Photon Belt is great disagreements, not only in philosophy, but in general terms, in friendships, in families and at home. "The family unit, if it is disunitized, it is what we call, a disintegration of the offspring. We have to be very careful here. In our agreement, we must remember that there is a neutrality basis where we listen very carefully to each side. We ask each side for their solution to the matters. Upon listening to each side and their solutions, then the wisdom Solomon comes into effect. You will not say, you are right. And you will not say, you are right. But what you will say is, we will try, because experience is the best teacher. We will try both solutions and see which one works the best. This is very important because the disintegration of family and disagreements amongst friends who have been friends for ten or twenty or thirty years, because of differences in opinions rather than listening to both sides and experiencing both sides and finding out which one works the best. "The other great change that is coming to this Earth at this time is people are not in contact with their realities. Primarily, over the ages, religion has satiated a numbers of flocks who were led by religion. Today, that seems to be disintegrating. What we have to be led by is not religion. But we have to be led by the god or goddess within us. So we have to practice self religion. This is what will bring the flock back into their realities. "To practice self religion, it is not listening to self. It is finding your higher self through the physical self. There are many ways to try to listen quietly to the still small voice in your spirit within the physical body. Christ demonstrated this on top of a mountain, in the garden, walking down a path, near a river. There are many points where you go, where your energy fields are very highly balanced. These points are called a vortex where your grid lines and meridian lines sometimes vibrate at their strongest point. You will find that there are many names and labels that will come to identify these strong grid lines. "">the eagles gather. The term 'where the eagles gather' is where the eagle, which represents the strongest bird, finds its strength. So in your vortex areas, some are natural and some are made by spirit, or by interdimensionality of high ascension. So going to the highest mountains and mountainous areas to do your meditations in the next two years is very important for your spiritual rising or growth. "There are different effects on people in elevation on these mountains. So you have to feel your own comfort zone as you climb into higher elevations. When you body starts to vibrate, or you feel really heavy in the solar plexus area, don't go too far because the soul and the spirit, in the solar plexus area, is vibrating to the energy that it likes. "You will stop in this high area of your elevation and you will allow your soul freedom of flight. This freedom of flight is very important. This is where your soul and your spirit 294

goes to get the answers for your physical body. The answers that you will require are of great prime importance for the stability and balance of society. "The next stage is in a beautiful garden, or your choice of a beautiful vegetation, a mountainous area, or on a plateau, or somewhere where there is no great distraction. You could very well do all this by visualization in your own meditation room at home. But, then you are not really picking up the direct energy that you should be from the vegetation in its actual physical reality. So it does make a big difference to be in the areas of charging. "In a garden, there represents peace and tranquility, quietness and sleep. This was demonstrated on many occasions where the soul comes to a restful state and the spirit uplifts itself because of the beauty of the environment and allows itself to go freely into its nirvana. Meditation in a garden, you have great growth. Growth represents that not only the child is growing within the spirit, but also that the physical body is growing due to nourishment of the garden. The food, the aroma and all of these different things are all conducive to the upliftment of the spirit, due to rest. Rest is very important. Be still and know that I am God. "The next place of great meditation is by your rivers, or near a waterfall, where the energy is being generated both from the lunar and the solar prana and the intermediate energy of the ley lines. Ley lines are magnetic and they are very important to the interbalance of the spirit, the soul and the physical body. "The water had been demonstrated by John the Baptist when he baptized the Messiah who demonstrated heaven by the great manifestation of the dove and also the manifestation of the rising of the spirit. The water being magnetic, causes the separation of the aura and a great vibration in the aura to emit a strong pulsation of light through the forehead and activating the pineal gland and the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is the door that this higher consciousness knocks on. Knock and I will open. And when this door opens the pituitary, you are releasing the spirit, the manifestation of the dove, into the higher consciousness, the heaven of heavens. Then you are charging your spirit body to a very strong, as we call it, manifestation. The physical body is totally grounded and protected by this water. This is why it is so important to be doing your meditations near water. "The coming of the millennial light is not a peaceful beginning. But it is a peaceful ending, bringing in the golden light. You see, the light permeates and starts through the consciousness of man and releases the soul light to its purity until it vibrates into, what we call, the golden age. The golden age is the complete balance of the spirit. I want you to underline that. The golden age light is the complete balance of the spirit. 295

"The millennial light is the introduction to the golden light bringing in, releasing and letting go and becoming. For that's what you are. You are becoming a very strong unit of God's Consciousness that is here to introduce the millennial light through your works, or the way you will behave, to show people that you are a great leader, that other people will look at you and want to go to the same well, if you wish, to drink the same water of youth, the water of wisdom, the water of great understanding. "This water, again, has many terminologies that assists the millennial light to manifest itself into the golden age. There are different elements that the spirit talks about when it talks about fire and water and earth and oxygen. There are even more as we go into the higher elements. "Your zodiac sometimes will depict the different elements, which also identifies your soul. It is the vibration that identifies your soul because that is the time that your soul is coming into the elements. "As you are blending in with this water, it is important to remember that water has a trinity of solid, liquid and gaseous states. So therefore, if you look at spirit, spirit has trinity. It represents itself through solid, liquid and gaseous states. By demonstrating the highest state of superconsciousness, the gaseous state, allows you to introduce your consciousness to all of the wisdoms of ascended masters in that state of consciousness. "So it is important then that from your meditations, from your physical state, or your solid state, that by going to the vortex of your choice, you allow yourself to get higher into the liquid state where your body feels at times that it wants to float. Then you even go higher into the gaseous state of superconsciousness that allows you to be whatever you want to be because in this state you are a creator. "So the trinity of the body, or the trinity of the vortex, whichever way you look at it, or the trinity of the spirit, it all becomes important for your spiritual growth. You see, it is not religion that teaches you how to grow in God. It is the spirit within you that teaches you how to grow in God because we must worship God in spirit and in truth because God is a spirit. "Building up fancy icons from religious thought is the downfall of man. For you to serve a physical idol, because you are in the physical, is like driving a car with no brakes, no lights, late at night when it is dark. For you are heading into darkness. What you need to do is allow your spirit within you to have service with the spirit within you and the entire universe to keep totally blending into this one- ness of feeling and thought. Then that is like driving a car with brakes and fully equipped, during the day, in the sunlight, with the spirit in front, becoming the map of your life. "So you must listen very carefully to the still small voice within you. This is the map. This is the signal. This is the guide. This is the ultimateness of who you really are. 296

Being constantly under the direction of the spirit is like being born every minute into God's kingdom of total understanding. "When we venture into the various areas that we are selecting to try to gain our balance as we are moving into the millennial light and also the golden light and the millennium and the golden age, we do not have to try to imitate those who think they are projecting into the superconsciousness. We have to be those who project themselves into the superconsciousness. "A lot of people today, because of the way the energy is, like to try to fake it, or they like to try to be like the Jones's, or the Browns, because it is a social norm. You do not have to be what the social norm tells you to be because that is what is guiding the physical body. But you have to be what beingness is within your spirit and not allow any physical attachments to this beingness. "When we allow physical attachments, we are putting on extra bag and baggage, which you do not have to have. Isn't it nice to climb the mountain free of a hundred pound pack? And yet, when we look at a lot of meditators and those who are trying to climb the higher mountain of their consciousness, they are being weighed down by the criticisms of other people who think that they are not normal. These are the kind of packs that we carry sometimes that allow ourselves to be swayed and allow ourselves to climb much harder than we have to. "This is an easy trip. This is a joyous trip. This is the ultimate trip. This is the soul releasing the spirit into the blending of the millennial light, becoming the golden light of your totalness being. This is what you are aspiring to become. Becoming is of great necessity to you at this time. Because of the terrible holocausts and Earth changes that are taking place, you are constantly being weighed by this 50 pound, 100 pound, bag that you are carrying when you are going up into the meditations of your soul. "You are traveling through this life in the physical with the label called freedom of choice, or free will. They should have called it, not freedom of choice here, or free will. They should have called it freedom of spirit and free will to be totally in spirit. "There are many changes that are coming to this planet in the next six months. They are more negative because your consciousness has caused this total negativity. Man causes this through government, through protection, through war, through the war measures that they take to build different munitions. And it goes on and on and on and it is the greatest imbalance of all. If you build a bomb of destruction, then you get destruction. If you build a bomb out of spiritual love, then you get spiritual love. So we have to start building our munitions and our protection in our society by allowing the spirit within us to be the inventor of these great munitions. And when the spirit is inventing, then you are going to end up in the greatest battle of peace that you have ever, ever seen. 297

"What I am trying to tell you here is; put on the armour of God and do this meditation that I taught you, because it is the armour of God that will be protecting you into the millennial light and all of the changes to your DNA. In the coming years, you will find that you may even create a millennium a lot faster than you really think. So I am saying now, God bless you as you travel and as you become powerful and as you create with spirit and as you allow your soul consciousness in spirit to blend higher into the God/Goddess of total creation." Ascended Grand Master Dr See-ven

CHAPTER 72 A LECTURE ON VORTEXES {Note: The following question was posed to Thor at the end of the lecture. It is placed here to inform the reader of Thor's identity and origin.} Q: "Where are you from and what is your position?" A: "I am from the galaxy of Latania and I am a god by the name of Thor. I am an interdimensional energy entity of all species. To be able to say that I live in certain places, I don't. I just exist in the ethers and in the minds and the consciousness of different instruments that need to use my energy." "Good evening, I am Thor. Tonight we will discuss vortexes. "Vortexes are the result of a tremendous circulatory energy phase out. This phase out is responsible for a certain revolution of a cycle that produces manifestation. When the rings in the vortex have been charged, they allow a clarity of the picture to be manifested. In many of your places these vortexes produce a heavy protection cycle. The entities of pure light are the only ones that can materialize in this and those who have gone through a long period, or phase, of being restructured themselves. So the advantages then to the vortex is that from the rephasing and restructuring, is that it only manifests that high energy that is good for the normal person who lives in this area, like for example, yourselves. {Editor's Note: Although the information contained in this writing pertains to one particular vortex in Surrey, British Columbia, it also applies equally to any of the vortexes being energized at this time.} "You must be very careful when you go into a vortex. You must cross yourselves so that the vibrations do not go through in an electrical fashion. Some people have already experienced the different bodily sensations by walking into these vortexes. So you must make notes; or you must be prepared because coming into the 1996 and 1997 years there is going to be tremendous changes of energies in these vortexes to 298

offset any gigantic shift, or strong tectonic plate movement. That is another good reason that a vortex is good for the protection of the property. "Whenever you are going into a vortex, ensure that you cross your feet while standing and wear rubbers, if possible, because this is a very strong grounding process. A lot of people will walk out feeling very heavy headed, or they may have problems with headaches. That is because of the rapid expansion. Or they could be light headed, or there could be some signs of dizzyness. During the past six months, they have been constantly calibrating the vortexes with new students. That is because it is important that they teach these new students that unless these vortexes are changed properly, they can desensitize. If they desensitize, then the energy fields that are coming through are missing, what we call, the spiral. Then the energy is not released properly and this is what causes the great imbalances. These imbalances are not only to the land, but also to the people who go into these power spots. So there will be, at times, unannounced colored lights appearing in your field from purple to red, to also yellow and white. Sometimes what happens is that these lights are so excessive that you will see them come into the house. They would be hovering, either around the head area of a person, or their solar plexus. Some of you have seen these kind of effects in the last two to three weeks. But this will be more excessive. It will start more excessively. "There are certain kinds of grounding stones that are produced from these effects that are good for healing. This took place in the Instrument's (Dr Ki) pocket when three stones appeared. Those were an offshoot from the spiraling effect of that kind of rapid energy that is given off. The Instrument has a very strong solar plexus content of microwaves. This is why it is easy for apportation or for these kind of stones to materialize. This is called materialization. So these three stones didn't really come from anybody in particular, but they have been materialized through the same form as apportation. So you could actually classify them as apports. "When you go to some of these areas the same kind of manifestation can take place. Sometimes the higher entities use this kind of energy field for apportations. It makes it easier than normally when they have given you Earth gifts, or they have given you other than those gifts that come direct from their contents of their make-up in their soil, or their environment. Some are very similar to what you have here on this Earth. So therefore, it makes it a little harder to try to explain then that apports come from their world when it is difficult to explain the apports that come from your world. Therefore, if you find it difficult to 299

believe in the ones that materialize the same from your world, it makes it even more difficult coming from the other worlds. "So these strong vortexes, as in the Crossed-Sticks, (in Skimilken, B.C.) are on the vein line. Therefore, apports and manifestations of those kind of alchemy can happen in that spot. "It would be of great advantage for all of you to study alchemy because alchemy is going to be very important to you all in the year of 1997 when you have the reparation, or restoring, of friendships again. You are going through, what we call, the explosion domino effect on emotions of people and trust. You will not cross over this black blanket until you hit October of 1996. Then you will shift and go back the other way. So it is wise then when you groom friendships that you don't get too personal at this time, but to try to repair those that have sort of withered. You have to, more or less, allow a gestation time for it to settle down properly and to let it come back because people have a tendency to vacillate and to hurt each other when you go through these significant, or great changes. "It is meant on this Earth at this time to sift out and to blend in with personalities who are workable and who are not workable. Therefore, your greatest test on this Earth is working with the workable and the unworkable. If you don't pass this test, then you will have tendencies to always drift away into, what we call, a very disturbing ending in your next, if you believe, your next life form. It is hard for this Instrument (Dr Ki), but he will pass the test. "Be not afraid, or be not succumbed by this forceful temptation, or irritable, as we call it, disagreements. Just carry on your normal way because you have to live on this planet with everyone. This is why you come into this world and you are introduced to vortexes and certain amounts of metaphysical growth, and allow, as we call it, the bud to bloom. In a lot of lives who are in metaphysics, they don't even allow the bud to bloom. We must cultivate, or we must come into a great understanding of why certain people grow in and grow out. "When you grow in and you do not ground and you do not, as we call it, reinforce the positivity of the growth, then you grow out. What is happening with these spiralling effects on the Earth at this time, the ones that are less grounded are growing out and this effects the personalities of a lot of people. The birth of a vortex in certain areas is placed there to fortify the armour that you wear to be able to overcome the principalities of the dark. "The principalities of the dark are those people who are out of focus, or out of balance, right here on this Earth. There is no hocus pocus with Pluto, or black magic, or energies, that are possessing you to do this. It is the energy of your own understanding 300

and misunderstanding that produces a heavy energy change in your emotional body that cause this kind of going astray. We make it fairly clear that even if you take and listen to information in any sessions of questions and answers, you are asking for trouble. Any sessions that you have that are in a lecture form, or a wisdom, or a giving of strong information, like this, is of great and high essential food. "When you take, for example, all of the pictures, not every control is going to give you the same answer. So therefore, why is not everybody tuning into that energy? It is because the energies are not compatible and if you reach a point of noncompatibility you are going to get answers that are going to be just answers, but you are not going to apply to the origin, or the initiation, of that energy that had been transferred by camera on these pictures. You have to get to a state, like this Instrument does (Dr Ki), where you work with these energies, where you work with the compatibility of these energies and to understand them yourselves. For what are you gaining if you go to several mediums and get several answers? Are the answers incorrect, or is the compilation of the energy within the pictures changing at all times? You have to remember that the energy fields, even if they are on pictures, are changing. So therefore, if you go the the second and the third medium and there is a change, or control, you are going to get a different answer because you are living in the world of total change within seconds of energy manifestation. I want you to remember that. "The change of energy manifestations are going to make a big difference with the interpretation of how the instrument is taking in the energy and the way it is forming within the conscious mind and the way it is channeled out of the conscious into the superconscious and therefore taken by the entity that is channeling; therefore going into the consciousness of the energy that is going to channel. "All of these different effects of this energy are changeable and it is only understandable to yourself if you take these kind of things with a grain of salt. These things don't mean anything for your spiritual growth. What you really have to do is the taking of pictures to reveal the manifestation of the spirit, or the space entity. The actual viewing of the manifestation with your eyes and being able to re- construct that in your mind, in a very positive way, is very fruitful. For He said in the great book, 'It is those who believe and do not see that enter the kingdom withinside'. Too many people need prefabrication, or they need some sort of proof. If you give them the proper manifestation of the picture and then take it and it is exactly the same and you can vouch for it, but it is the recipient who will say, 'prove to me'. "So the picture, as you look at it, proves it to you that the manifestation is right. But it doesn't prove to them because they could say that you have taken a picture of 301

something over here, or over here, and it just happened that way. So I want you to get it straight in your minds that you are not out to prove anything to anybody. Everybody has, what we call, a point of personal manifestation within them. When they reach that strong blending of the spirit with inside of themselves, then their manifestation is there to prove to them that they have entered the kingdom. "So vortexes are very important, very touchy, very, very touchy. It is a policy that you cannot establish a belief system from the vortexes because of the constant changes. Within one second, there are a million changes. It is just like when we talk about consciousness on this Earth. "Each individual that is going his way and wants to believe in his way, has to fight the principalities of the dark. He has to fight those who are ignorant and those who do not totally get convinced within them, or they do not get convinced of it because of their realities when dealing with spirit. They have not come to, what we call, the truth. "In this spirit world, or in the other interdimensionalities, everybody is viewing different. So if you take someone from another interdimensionality to view in this interdimensionality, when you have difficulties with people who are in this interdimensionality, who cannot view the same way anyway, but you are getting an interpretation of what they feel the truth is, not what you should be feeling or viewing what the truth is. So what we say is then, that the spirit within you has to tune in and feel comfortable with the kind of messages. Or it is like peeling an apple or an orange, a lot of people like the peelings. "A lot of people will peel the apple. A lot of people will eat the apple with the peelings on and suffer the consequences of the problems that will happen in your stomach, later suffering the consequences the same way with the spiritual food. Some are eating with the skin on. Some are eating more purely by removing the skin. But in some societies, and even in interdimensionalities, the skin is pure too. So you have to view from your own experience and growth and the way you feel positive about the way the spirit is guiding you constantly every day. If you are listening to things that are coming from other dimensions that don't make any sense, or are not true to the picture of the physical manifestation, it doesn't mean that the spiritual manifestation isn't right. For example, if you talk about a feminine gender in the spirit world, the feminine gender could be a male gender. So you have to be very careful here because there is a lot of sifting and passing through. But, at this time, on this Earth, that sifting is stuck. So therefore, you are going to have garbage and you are going to have a lot of problems. So start listening to your heart. Start listening to the spirit. Start listening to 302

your experience and allow those who communicate to you to do their thing. But you don't have to accept them at face value. But you learn that from the number of times that the messages do not correspond with the happenings, or the revelations, in the physical world for manifestation. "Manifestation of consciousness not only changes on the physical planet, but it also changes through interdimensionality. You are getting a constant change going like this and it makes it difficult when you are dealing with questions and answers pertaining to your own physical self. It is like asking a bell to talk, like asking a pine cone to sing. You have to be very careful now because the whole process is getting stuck because of the vibrational changes that are taking place on this Earth. As they keep getting stuck, you are going to keep getting people who are in and out of it, like you have called jackin-a-box. So be careful and make sure that the Instrument listens to this tape very promptly because this is a very important message to you all. "Do you wish to ask Thor any questions?" [Personal questions were posed and answered] Q: "Where are you from and what is your position?" A: "I am from the galaxy of Latania and I am a God by the name of Thor. I am an interdimensional energy entity of all species. To be able to say that I live in certain places, I don't. I just exist in the ethers and in the minds and the consciousness of different instruments that need to use my energy. God bless you."

CHAPTER 73 BIG EARTH CHANGES "Good evening to you all. I am Monka. This evening, I will be talking about some of the big changes that will be taking place on your earth. "We are getting ourselves into various positions with our spaceships for the part of your ascension which has been upgraded in time. "This earth is going to go through a very devastating time as we look at it. It is not brushing shoulders with you people at this time, but it will affect you. Look ahead three to four years because this is what your great prophet Daniel foreseen. "We will look at ourselves in a state that we are in where we can grow. And I say, grow your garden with great fruition because during the time of the final cleansing moments, towards the end of the dispensation of the year 2001, that kind of growing will be stopped. And it will take at least two years to go to a state of fruition. That two year period of time is the time frame not foreseen by the great adepts as recorded in your pyramids from the year 2000 to the year 2001. 303

"Be prepared to save and to dry your fruits and your foods that can go into this kind of method of storing. "Mankind sometimes doesn't concern himself about the future because he always feels that he could overcome. But there comes a time when the final impregnation before the ascension takes place that the ethers give way. "When these ethers give way, the chimes of time ring in, or usher in, as we see it, a new dispensation in government that will want to force a change. "A lot of people will suffer; especially those that are aged. The taking care of one another through the family concept is going to be of very great importance because this is what gets you through the shock treatment, or what gets you through, as we call it, the hard times. This is the bonding of family members and family units into a very high method of technology, working together as the forefathers had done with the land in the 1930's. There will be some repeat. "The most important factor that we bring into concept here is that mankind's ideology will change and religiosity will change. "It is during these hard times that the bonding of mankind allows the true love concept to reach out in such a balanced manner that it attracts that kind of force, the God/Goddess force, into, what we call, the maximization of thinking. "This maximization of thinking will bring in the millennial light, in three distinct changes. One, the final awakening that mankind gets because of these changes of the tide. That's called the awakening to, what we call, the dispensation sensation. "The awakening to this dispensation sensation then allows the sowing of the seeds, or the thoughts of mankind, to plant, what we call, a firm garden of resurrection. "This kind of planting of the seeds brings on the strong nurturing of the love bond that's brought together, as you see in spurts at times, when damage is done and people get together to help out. This is the kind of energy that we require on this earth constantly in order to nurture through a millennium. "So the planting of seeds in the second stage of the coming of this millennial light is important. By attracting this strong light force with thought, gives what we call, this great impregnation of sensation, as you did in the first stage of the resurrection. All of this brings about the resurrection of the ascension. We resurrect through the love bond of giving. We resurrect, what we call, the bond of being and the bond of saving.


"It is through all of these strong thoughts and the jarring of the changes of the earth's crust through some form of atrocity that allows the seeds and these thoughts to kindle this sensation of bringing in the new dawn - as you have read in a very familiar book, 'Bringers of the Dawn'. "That is close to the concept of insurrection to resurrection. And all of these ingredients that are placed in motion are causing this sensation at this particular time that mankind is going through in this earth and on this earth. "Because you will have allowed this strong bonding, especially in those years of 2000 and 2001, will bring about the finalization stage. Within seconds, this will bring in, in what we call, the twinkling of an eye, the rapture. And this rapture brings in the new ascension. This new ascension light which is really the millennial light, will plant and will allow harvest for those good seeds, or ideas, that you people will put into the universe that brings about this attraction. "The rapture allows the final release of the bad thoughts, or the bad seeds, or what we call the weeds of this garden - the weeds in the garden of resurrection. "By releasing all of these different weeds and pruning your gardens, not only spiritually, but pruning your gardens physically, you come into the concept of the new bringing in of the dawn. "This new ascension will totally allow the Christ Consciousness Within you to release itself from the cross, or the burdens, that you have allowed yourself through thinking physically for the longest time. Each one of you, deep down, has that power to resurrect, to become the becoming and to bring in the dawn that you have so aspired to through many lifetimes which you have gone, preparing yourself to get into the higher body of ascension. "Look at yourselves when you were in Egypt. Every one of you, at one particuler time, was an Egyptian. And yet, even in those days of troublesome times, you prepared yourselves somehow to believe in yourself to bring about the new dawn. "There's an old saying and it's so true. God helps those who help themselves. We must come into this concept very strongly of how we can release ourselves from the cross, or the burdens of our physical life and allow ourselves to go very highly into the ascension of the spirit being which we really are. "You often wondered of loved ones who pass away before this kind of dispensation of time. They go through a rapture prior to going into a resurrection, into another form of life. But this time it is different because it could happen directly on the earth surface where you could change the dispensation of time by bringing in the dawn. 305

And by allowing this, you allow yourself to change the circumstances that have changed you. It works in opposition. The circumstances that are awakening you, the troublesome turmoils caused by earth changes are allowing you to make the necessary change to change them. "It is that simple in the principle of the universe. Change the change and allow yourself to filter through the dawn that you want, the dawn that you want to live through in a fashion of peace and harmony. This is of great importance. It's called awaken, awaken. "Some of you are hearing the knocking at the door. Some of you are opening this door of inspiration and change. That door is the door to your temple within you. The Christ Consciousness keeps knocking, knocking at your door, which gives you plenty of time. I am the door and the light. You open yourself to this concept of a new door, a new life. By changing the concept of your thinking, you allow that new dawn to be brought in and to come into very strong affect. "Monka has to go now to do an evacuation in the Galaxy of Yore. "Alahoy to you all and God speed." CHAPTER 74 THE CONCEPT OF TIME "Good evening, I am Kaos from the authority of the Kingdom of God. "It is very interesting here to look at your concept of time. When we look at energy that is not in motion, yet you are to understand that you are in the now. But yet, to put this energy into motion therefore, and moving forward, which you call tomorrow, is again your future. But yet, you are in the now. Remembering exactly what has transpired with the events in the now are called your past. "So it is a very interesting concept that the human being, in order to measure events and to remember in some form of sequence, he has established the now into, what we call, the present and the past. If you are to view this very carefully, as to try and determine the now into the future, or the past, you will find that it is easy therefore to remember the past. Why therefore, is it so difficult to remember the future before it even extends into time? "You are viewing from all of the events that have transpired since 1867 in the reality that you are visualizing now, your forms of either the new transportation, if you wish to call it this, or whatever. You are therefore, living in the past. "It is an interesting concept for mankind after he transpires. Or if he wishes, so as you have done this evening, to try to expand your consciousness to a very high level of yourself, therefore trying to understand who you really are, projecting yourself into the 306

future. And if you so desire to go back into the 15th century, all of those thoughts that were given off by either seers, who those who are also in their higher consciousness, have sown the seeds, of what you call here, your future. "So one must be really careful because those flying saucers which you are viewing are actually vehicles of your past. So you are projecting a certain vortex into your consciousness which is allowing manifestation of thought and therefore bringing in this form of reality that you are viewing. "Today the concept of UFO and those who are into science are contrary. Why? Because the scientific knowledge and data that you have does not, and will tell you, that this is a total impossibility of you at this particular time traveling in that form of conveyence. And yet, all of these thoughts that had been portrayed from the 15th century through dreamlike state, or superconsciousness in your meditation, you have built upon and through your superconscious all of these thoughts which are programmed into your future. And somewhere, I want you to remember, somewhere this form of travel will take place because it meets the same principle as, 'I think, therefore I am'. "So whatever has been programmed, or is programmed, in the past, is really in the now, projected forward, which you call into your future, which is the now, in the God concept within you. Therefore, in order to travel into all of the interdimensionalities of life which spirit can express, must always live in the now. "So it is very important for all of mankind to grow, not only in their interdimensionality, or their form or body, but also to allow the spirit somehow to awaken and give you the answers into the future of what you are going to be. To become from the now and to be into the now, is the future. So one must have to look at this very carefully, not through the scientific mind, but through, what we would classify, the vibration of the spirit. For the spirit is the eternal you becoming whatever you want to allow your physical body to become. "So the concept therefore of time is only a concept of how you create in the mind because you do not have to put together in a physical form what you have created in a spiritual form. There are two realities, or principles, at work within your mind. One is creating and the other is becoming. On this Earth, you will always be a creator because the spirit within you is creation. Therefore, there is only a minimal amount of the energy that is coming through the superconsciousness into the consciousness of the mind in order to create. To be able to understand yourself fully you must, first of all, understand the interdimensionality of life.


"All of you are here as researchers. You are all researchers. You are all trying to find some form of comfort in what you believe in. And yet, its a great mystic, or a great mystery, when you seem to want to hide, or perserve, or somehow place things into the unknown. For everything is known. For you jeopardize oneself through labels. It is how you form, how you translate, and how you lose the exact translation, or the exact message from the superconsciousness. Therefore, as you keep getting little different slants through this kind of realization, you are going to program yourself into a different kind of, either religions that you have here on this Earth, or other new forms of religions that you could think of. And you will, as you have programmed enough of them in the last ten years, as compared to the original ten or twelve that you had going back into your history. "It is exciting because the superconscious is slowly now trying to express its whole self. The whole self is the total knowing, or the exact energy that you are going to feel comfortable with what is going to happen to the principality of thought. You have been experimenting. You have been researching. You have been trying to feel comfortable with the way you are thinking. That is called your truth that is slowly assisting you and setting you free in a comfortable way of understanding yourself. "The times are changing. You are coming into, what we call, the precipice of understanding. You are getting tired of gurgitating and researching and coming up with the wrong answer, or perhaps only a partial answer that is satisfactory, or to some extent stimulating, or fulfilling. But you are not completely happy with the end result of your own feeling. You are putting on your plate a tremendous amount of different vitamins. We call them spiritual vitamins that, even at this time, are not making that much sense. "The great dream, as we call it, the metaphysical dream, is almost over. Out of this metaphysical consciousness which you have pursued, a lot of you people are pursuing in many different ways and a lot are not really reaching a total, as we call it, happiness. "Another new era is to take place on this Earth. This time the general theme is not on the knowledge that satiates the soul. It is going to be on the love that releases the soul and gives it its total freedom of understanding. When you have such a great variety of belief systems, you are going to have too many people who are going to be in all of these belief systems. Therefore, because of the physical body not being tuned properly, you are going to have too much unrest and unfriendliness. And as we look at this concept of metaphysics, at this particular time, we could see that people are coming, either into a concept of believing or not believing, after a length of time, as you have gone through this kind of understanding through the metaphysical thoughts.


"So therefore, this concept is on its way out. The intention is not to have people with 750 million different thoughts of who is right and who is wrong. But what we are going to do is we are going to narrow this program down into the one concept of love reality of being and to allow, what we call, the total heaven on Earth so that mankind can walk in the same peace and in the same light and in the same love and in the same understanding of oneself. For when self reaches a plateau of total understanding and total reasoning, then you have reached, what we call, a rebirthing of your own knowledge which is responsible in setting you free. "The key emphasis is going to be on your own knowledge, no one elses. You and the spirit will be getting closer together to the realities of being. And nobody is going to influence this from, what we call, the finite state which is man or woman state in the physical aspects. But rather, in the realms of your own thoughts that will be giving birth to your own reality as you go into the future you are becoming, as we call, an independent spiritual being. You will become an independent spiritual being where you are the God/Goddess giving yourself the true answers to your own life. "You will find in this realm, after the year 2002, that people who are into this new age rebirthing then will be communicating on the same level, reinforcing the energy so strongly on one strong level of being and love that the concept itself will become, as we call it, the millennial light of convergence. You yourself will converge yourself to understanding the reason why you are here, how you got here, how civilization had started; all of these intriguing answers that the scientific mind has, as we call it, blindfolded the spiritual reality of real being. When you allow the scientific mind of human reason to blind the spiritual path of being then you will become, as we call it, an instrument that does not know how to play a tune in life. "It is nice to have these great degrees in various academic roles. Society honors that and fills you with great pride. One must realize that you are a duality and you must eat from both sides of the table. If you grow too quickly in the physical life, then your spiritual life lies dormant or asleep. "You must be born again. You see, the principle that each time when an avatar is sent to this physical world, it has to be sent in the physical, as in Jesus Christ. It has to be sent in the physical to awaken the spiritual. "It is of great, prime importance that there is an awakening and this awakening is simply you coming back into, as we call it, the fold of your origin. The origin of the spirit is of great interest as compared to the origin of the species, or the physical or finite. 309

Because all of these years you have been working with the five faculties, or teachers, of your physical senses, you have not established the fact deep within side of yourself of your spiritual sense. So therefore, how could you reason with the five senses of the physical to give yourself a spiritual answer? "For the infinite, we are looking at two lives of expression. The spirit has to express through the physical so that you can understand that reality because you are in the physical. So this process has to be allowed within the sixth sense of your awakening. The sixth sense is the awakening of the spiritual in the physical. You have all done this through various forms of either clairvoyance, clairaudience, or whatever. But, when you perceive and as you constantly allow that spiritual sense growth through the sixth sense in its proper accord, this is what is going to happen in the year 2002. Then your spiritual self will convince the physical self of its real origin and the reality of its genesis. "So that principle of thought and that principle of teaching has not been happening from a large enough scale to convince each and every one of you, not only in this room, or in this world, or wherever. However, we are totally happy and we totally understand the origin of the spirit. But you are coming and you are slowly working into that reality. "It is interesting how one will change from those concepts into the concepts of the way they think now. If you look at your world now, you could see the chaos of, what we call, destruction. So the physical body that has been ruled by the physical body will destroy itself. It is only obvious that a tremendously good job is being done now in that line of reasoning in reference to your physical self. "There will be a tremendous change in the ideology and the structure of governments in the year 2002. You will come out of, what we call, the doldrums of physical reality into the awakening of spiritual being. And when you allow your real self to govern you; when you allow your real self to completely take over, then you are going to have a utopia here on this Earth. It's going to be worth, as we call it, worth waiting for. Although, in the now presence, as spirits and angels, because we work in the now principle, not allowing ourself any time frame, whichever interdimensionality we choose, as we go through the myriads of different life forms representing these interdimensionalities, it is of great interest to see that only on some planets that there are exactly up to any where from 72 hours to 150 hours of daylight, or day. "So you could see the energy field of that entity, or that being, in interdimensionality, as compared to Earth energy in this kind of a body that is accustomed to anywhere from 12 hours to approximately 6 hours, depending on the equator, of day and night energy. This is all energy.


We must look at it and we must weigh it because this is the energy that is weighing you and making you the kind of a reality that you are at this time. If you could imagine that you could be awake, for say 72 hours, with a great amount of energy, you can imagine what you can accomplish in that period of time. "Earth has changed its vibrational course intendancy. And at one particular time, they had this kind of a day/night energy which was very supportive of a longevity body that did last in the time of your great spiritual leaders, as in Noah. The dates and times of lives going to 935 were not uncommon because of the great energy that was within each of these different kind of human beings, if you wish to call, to survive that length of time. "So the concept therefore, of thinking, as it starts to change, will reflect and will change the energy. Therefore, as the energy changes and recreates the bodies, even in birth, those that will come will be quite interesting in that year 2002 because this whole cycle will be almost reversed. And the growth then of the body will be determined by the awakening of the spirit within that body. "So you are architects at this time with your thinking. You are the architects of those energies that are going to be projected from the now into the tomorrow. I want you to think about this very carefully because when we deal with energy, it is very important that you understand that energy is real purity that allows the thoughts to awaken to these kind of purities and understanding and reasoning. "I am not going to stay for any questions and answers because I will totally confuse you after I have confused you now, in your thinking. So I want you to carefully think deep depth. And this is what makes the garden grow. Keep thinking. Keep cultivating your thoughts. Bring this Garden of Eden back. Bring it back to its original bloom and you will find that the flowers that you will be picking are flowers of peace, love and everlasting joy. "May all of you have a good Christmas and a very happy, if we would classify in your terms and language, New Year. 1996 is going to be very challenging. As I said to you before, the attacks on you are going to be so great that a lot of you will not be speaking to each other because of the difference in the opinions. That is to be. That is part of, as we call it, the weeding out principles within the garden. "So bless you and as you find yourself and your true happiness, allow that happiness and that truth to constantly be your ally as you go through all of these different opinions of understanding yourself. God bless you all."


by Archangel Michael {Yashah's Note: The first part of this short message from Archangel Michael, received on January 16, 1996, was not captured on audio. This was the last trance channeling through Dr Ki who went into transition from the physical plane on January 30, 1996. "At this time, there are many questions by a lot of people because of the great disasters on Earth. They are making their decisions to take the death transition into light form. If analyzed correctly across the entire planet, this would be wrong. "People are getting more concerned because they are feeling that the tremendous earth changes in the last two years have caused people to think in a way of gain or loss. When you go into your normal role of what you are going to play in this life, you must never be defeated from the beginning. You have chosen a destiny. You will continue to choose destinies. You have to come to terms with how you are going to manifest yourself through these destinies. The strongest surges of changes, which we classify as interventions by God, are very important to conduct the necessary current to put mankind back on a stronger track, or the proper visualization, knowing exactly who you really are. "You come here (to earth) and you have ninety billion ways of relating. When you look at that, throughout your history, it is because of the Roman, Asian, Aztec. And yet, there was such a comradery there with exalted intelligence. "Life is not a repetition for anybody to repeat what another nation has done, or to repeat your own imitation through new clarity of what you really think life is all about. Finding yourself is completely releasing yourself right from the beginning. "When you come to the end of a lifetime, wherein a person is called back, you will know exactly what choice you have made, because as you walk through the corridor of transition, you will be interviewed exactly on that lifetime. "The changing over is not a fearful transition. The changing over is one of great jubilation. Mankind has labeled these terminations in such a way that still causes or leaves a little bit of fear. "To go through what you are going to go through, starting in June(1996) is one horrific change of magnetization. For the molecules within you and because of the great attraction to the sea, is going to once again relate in the opening up of man, such a vast cleansing power that offers a tremendous amount of change. "I will leave you now and say to you, don't worry too much about choices. You will be ground in the epitome of a new change of choices. The natural involvement of the soul 312

being touched by the right choice, or the right feeling, is the best way of looking at this making of some kind of a decision. "God bless you."


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