Come Walk And Talk With Us

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Galveston Wizard

Walk and Talk with us.



Galveston Wizard

Premiere Issue

From the desk of the Galveston Wizard Dear Reader, Thank you for picking up a Galveston Wizard! We hope you enjoy it! What are the topics that interest you? We want to hear from you! Providing ideas, suggestions, tips, and businesses relevant to your world will only make this publication more useful to you! Care to offer your insights on the things that matter to you? We want to make this publication work for you, the reader! Have a wizardly mastery over an issue? Share your insights and observations with us. Have a suggestion or idea for the Galveston Wizard? Let us know! The return of the Galveston Wizard will be guided by those of you out there who take action, sending in your ideas, events, organization info, editorial, suggestions, artwork, photography, or anything else these pages can hold. Godspeed, and happy travels to you as you explore Galveston with the Galveston Wizard! -The Wiz

Criteria of submissions Want to submit something for publication in the Galveston Wizard? Here are some things you should keep in mind. Be ledgible. (Typed submissions only, please.) Be optimistic. If you present a problem, offer solutions. Sending artwork? Make copies. Do not send originals as items will not be returned. Send Top Quality stuff. No blurry, small, or otherwise unpublishable pictures. Give details. If you do provide a picture, be sure to include your name, contact, caption, and other pertinent information. Email submissions to: [email protected]. (preferred) Sending Something snail mail? P.O. Box 3467, Galveston, Tx 77552-3467.Questions or comments may also be directed to David Torkelson at 409.621.2864

The Immigration Problem By Robert Rodrigues The whole United States of America is a melting pot of immigrants. The only original “Americans” were the “Native” Americans. People from all nations and countries have migrated to the United States. What gave the colonists the right to come over and take over this country from the Native Americans? Looking back, they had the same problems as today’s modern day immigrants. No work. No food. Hateful and dangerous leaders. They came over to better themselves and the welfare of their families. The United States of America is made up almost entirely of “at one time” immigrants. No one has ever stopped them

Hungry? You know what you should make for dinner tonight? Reservations at


409.763.9036 (see their color ad, page 16)


coming here to better themselves. The illegal immigrant comes from many countries, not just Mexico or Central America. There are immigrants in the United States from Asia, Europe, and Africa, but the first thing people think of are the people of Latin descent. Yes, the Latin people outnumber all of the other immigrants, but one must take into account the jobs that they hold. They are maids, fruit pickers, day laborers and other low-paying jobs. They get these jobs because no one here wants to do the job. Americans don’t do the jobs because they get aid in the form of food stamps, free housing and other bills paid for them. If they get a good paying job, they lose all of their benefits…so why work? We can’t say that the immigrants are coming here and taking away the jobs that other people want.

I think that if any immigrant has held a job for more than five years in the United States, and has a clear record, they should be granted amnesty, that way our top roles would go up and they would become U.S. citizens like all the other immigrants that come to this country. The U.S.A. is a melting pot of citizens from every country in the world, not just the ones that were born here. Let us not forget that the United States has, throughout its history, been borne on the back of the immigrant. Let us not forget their struggle.

Have something to say? Want your voice heard? Email us your thoughts, ideas, helpful hints, concerns, and observations on living in Galveston at [email protected]

Tonie Brown enjoys a nice day outside of the Rosenburg Library. “The computer lab is a lifesaver here. “On progressing Galveston she says we need more friendly people, cleaner beaches, shelter for the homeless and more activity options.”

We identify and expose false advertisements for you!

Premiere Issue


Hurricane Season: Preparation vs. Paranoia

The range of reactions from people when it comes to the hurricaine season vary widely. Most, if not all have an unfortunately completely disastrous evacuation story. (Mention hurricanes or Rita or anything along those lines to a perfect stranger and hear a detailed horror story of survival and strain from the Rita Evacuation.) This recent scenario will undoubtably play a role in how people will react in case of a new hurricane

threat. What if we underestimate the situation and have a “boy crying wolf” situation where we grossly underestimate or discredit a direct hit? The best thing we can do is be prepared for whatever may come our way. There is a practically supply of information on the internet on hurricane preparations. (See right) The Governor’s Division of Emergency Management has provided a helpful service. By dialing 2-1-1 from your phone, you can get evacuation zone information, get assistance for those with special health care needs, or you can register for transportation should you need it. (hint: register in advance of the onslaught of a hurricane)

we like people that read between the lines.

“This is it! This is the one. Galveston is gong to be washed or blown away. First signs of fuss I’m leavin”!” “ I’m not leaving for anything less than a three!” “I don’t know of anything that can be worse than that traffic.”

Tips from the Division of Emergancy Management are as follows: When a hurricane threatens your area, evacuating is the smartest move. When local officials call for an evacuation, get out without delay. • Make your evacuation plan now. Discuss your evacuation plans with your family, friends and relatives BEFORE hurricane season begins. Review it and remind others of the plan as the storm moves in. • Start putting an emergency supply kit together now. If you have an emergency supply kit already, double check it and make sure water and other supplies are fresh. Keep a NOAA weather radio and batteries. • Make a checklist of what you need

How do you want your Galveston?

[email protected]

to do before you leave and review it. • Make sure you and your family members have the name and phone number of a friend or relative outside your city or state -- so anyone who becomes separated from the group can telephone to let others know their situation. • If you plan to stay in a hotel or motel, make reservations and confirm your reservations before you leave. • Learn evacuation routes from your area before storm season. If possible, drive the route to get familiar with it before hurricane season. Some traffic congestion is inevitable. Expect delays and longer drive-times than normal situations would allow.

The Master said “Do not worry over not having an official position; worry about what it takes to have one. Do not worry that no one acknowledges you; seek to do what gives you acknowledgment.” The Analects of Confucius 4.14


Galveston Wizard

Premiere Issue

Fly like an eagle A recent trip through Fargo, North Dakota’s small yet functional commercial airport had me wondering, “What would it take to be able to have commercial flights in to and out of Galveston?” In case you didn’t know it, Galveston has an airport of it’s own on the West End! (Go check it out! It’s by Moody Gardens, Schlitterbahn, and the Lone Star Flight Musuem on Stewart Road. (More info on those businesses in future issues!) Galveston’s Scholes International Airport recently made a power move by getting a new air traffic control tower, (see pic) which raised the airport from a class E to a class D in Airport ranking system. (Class E is non-towered, class D is a towered airport. Wonder how much longer until we can fly directly out of Galveston? Check out their Master plan on their Web site, which includes extending runways, building more necessary facilities, and much more! Yes!

Leavin’ on a jet plane Can you imagine how convenient it would be if you could take commercial flights out of Galveston? Even flights to Dallas Love Field or Bush International Airport? Think of all of the opportunities that would open up to Galveston? To the left is our recently added air traffic control tower at Scholes Airport. Above is Todd Desbin, doing his best Red Baron impression. (or is it Capt. Morgan?)

For more information check out or by calling Hud Hopkins, Airport Director, at 409-741-4609.

List of employment opportunities at the Galveston Wizard

Total Fitness

(when we get where we want to be, anyway) Promotions Coordinator Staff writers Circulation Director Editorial Assistant Classified Director Art Director Graphic Designer Layout Editor Webmaster Contributing Photographer Event Planning Production Artist Design Director Advertising Director and much, much Account Executive more. Promotions Director But first, we’ve got to get people to read it, know it, and want it in Galveston! Do you want more Galveston Wizard? Spread the word!

Take control of this publication! ideas


editorial creativity suggestions questions

A local artist, for lack of a better medium, decorates the glass of a hollowed out storefront on Church Street in Downtown Galveston.

comments. Make this periodical about your stuff, and learning new stuff from other Galvestonians!

Des gets his money’s worth at the buffet.

Premiere Issue


The Nightswim Meandering out of a bar with a fist full of roses, I made my way to the car. The roses were from a guy with a flower delivery service that had an order cancel on him. I bought them, hoping to bring a smile to a Med Student’s face. I set the roses in the passenger seat of the car and turned to notice two lifeguards talking on a walkie talkie and staring past me down the SeaWall. “What’s going on?” I ask, trading out the roses for a camera stashed in my center console. “It’s the nightswim.” said one of the lifeguards. “Oh.” I said. Then, not satisfied, “What’s the nightswim?” And here is the rundown. It is the end of rookie school for all would-be lifeguards.

They have to run, climb, swim and run again! The two lifeguards asked questions to the lifeguards in training. The punishment for missed questions? Pushups, of course. Sheesh, haven’t you ever seen Baywatch? These guys have to be in tip-top shape, mentally and physically. Who else would we trust to supervise and protect us as we swim?! The also have a very cool Web site. (www. galvestonbeachpatrol. com) with tons of useful information and stories on the world of all things “beach.” Something tells me that the two lifeguards,

Alana and Renee (inset-left) didn’t think that I was with a publication at all! Ah, the life of a reporter! Catch something cool on Galveston? Send

pictures and info to [email protected]. Have a function or event that you want covered? Let us spread the word!


If it’s not your pet... It’s everyone’s pet. Please drive carefully.

Please spay/neuter your pet. For more information call:

Galveston Island Humane Society (409)740-1919 Kent and Sophie offer great conversation and company! Visit them at their Galveston Gallery store on 25th and Avenue P. Great items for your home or business! Stop by for some iced coffee, good conversation and good shopping. 409.763.6116

6814 Broadway

Do you know where this is? Test your knowledge of Galveston!


Galveston Wizard

Premiere Issue

The All-New Justice Center Although it may look like the headquarters for the Justice League of America (see panels below), it in fact Galveston’s latest of imany recent renovations. The new Justice Center (off 59th and Broadway) consolidates most of the Law Related workings of Galveston County. The

large hallways that branch off the main entrance house many different aspects of the Judicial whole. The parking lots are already jampacked with people paying fines, working jury duty, or defending their money and sometimes their very lives from incarcera-

tion. If you must go to the new Justice Center, be sure to know what you are there for. The security desk will be sure to point you to the right direction in this massive and somewhat intimidating new building.

Check out the Galveston Wizard snapshot walkthrough below!

It is here in the Jury Assembly room, located on the first floor. that jurors are sent to determine the fate of others. It looked deserted, but there was a guy checking the accoustics of the room by clapping over and over again! “I object!”

Security was a top priority from the beginning. There were a few doors to which the key had yet to be found. A wad of paper will work for now!

There wasn’t a sign saying that we couldn’t take a picture of the sign with the things you can’t do!

Waiting for your case to be heard? Your life hanging in the balance? Why not enjoy a tasty snack or soda while you wait? Located on the first floor.

The first floor also boasts a law library, and although they can’t give you legal advice, they can certainly point you in the right direction!

A look down one of the halls of justice, we find a custodian mopping away! These halls get pretty packed when court sessions end.

What’s in a name? Ready to be your own boss? check out the first panel next page for more info!

Separated at Birth? Note the similarities in design between the new Galveston Justice Center and The Hall of Justice, headquarters of the Superfriends.

(above) Cincinnati Union Terminal Building. (right) The Hall of Justice.

While no direct connection between the two has yet been made, Bay Architects of Webster (the designers of the Justice Center) haven’t expressly denied any affiliation with Alfred Fellheimer and Stewart Wagner, designers of the Cincinnati Union Terminal Building (left), the model for the Hall of Justice. Not that we asked.


...and more justice!


he new Justice Center is so massive, that on our first visit we didn’t even realize that there was more to it! But on our second visit (that’s thoroughness, people!) we were able to follow the mall sized structure around to the back, where the final touches were being put on our new jail. Note the picture we were

A Special Thanks To:

Bruse Loyd Jones, Gillaspia & Loyd, L.L.P.


able to catch of a worker finishing one of the exterior walls! Want to learn more about the world of Policemen? For more news on Police matters, check out www. Questions/Comments for us? [email protected]

You miss 100% of the potential customers that don’t know about you!

t o N


for all of his wisdom , counsel, assistance, and friendship. Looking for legal representation? Contact Bruse Loyd at (713) 240-5646.

Premiere Issue

(To Advertise)

Advertise with us and let Galveston know more about you! For more information call 409.621.2864, or email us at thewiz@


you want to start a business, eh? Whoa!!!! Take your time! First you’ve got to come up with an idea. Then you’ve got to flesh out that idea realistically (business plan), then you think up a name....a really cool name that will set you apart! Ok, is everyone with me? Then you can go to the second floor of the Justice Center, and decide which form of business you will be, (a sole proprieter, joint venture, etc).Now pay them $21.50, and Ta-dah! You’re in business. Now all you have to do is work 60 hours a week at what you want until you succeed in your dream! Look for more details in the next issue of the Galveston Wizard!

Sherry and Greg Havelka enjoy an evening at DiBella’s Italian Restaurant on 31st and Ave P.

What do the fates hold for our old courthouse?


Galveston Wizard

Premiere Issue

Visit the Ashton Villa

Check It out! The 1859 Ashton Villa mansion has been at the focal point of Galveston society for more than 130 years and today serves as one of the city’s favorite historic house museums and visitor attractions. The gracious Italianate mansion at 2328 Broadway was built in 1859 during Galveston’s reign as the leading seaport of the Southwest. James Moreau Brown, a wealthy hardware merchant and banker, designed and constructed the home using bricks from his own brickyard. Presided over by Brown’s colorful daughter, Miss Bettie, the house was Galveston’s social center through the end of the 19th century. Galveston Historical Foundation rescued Ashton Villa from demolition in the late 1960s. With the help of volunteers and civic leaders, the Foundation restored the home to its 19th century splendor. Ashton Villa opened as a house museum in 1974 and today is the only antebellum mansion on Galveston’s tree-lined esplanade Broadway.

Ashton Villa is open for guided tours 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon to 4 p.m. Sunday. Admission is $5 for adults and $4 for students ages 7 to 18. Children under 6 are admitted free. For information, call (409) 762-3933.


Laurie Gorham independent beauty consultant

409.599.4230 [email protected]

Galveston Historical Foundation (GHF) is the steward of 11 historic attractions and museums including Ashton Villa, the Michel B. Menard House, the Galveston County Historical Museum, and the Texas Seaport Museum, home to the 1877 Tall Ship ELISSA. Designated as the Official Tall Ship of Texas, one of America’s Tresures and a National Historic Landmark, ELISSA continues to set international standards for maritime preservation. GHF also works to enhance the quality of life in Galveston’s commercial districts and residential neighborhoods. One highly visible example is the Strand, Galveston’s revitalized downtown, which contains one of the largest collections of Victorian commercial architecture in the United States and has been named a National Historic Landmark District. Through its preservation programs, partnerships with public agencies and private organizations, and its corps of dedicated

ADVERTISE yourself and your business AND help us keep the lights on at our office at the same time!

Do you have a desire to stop drinking? Is drug addiction interfering with your life?

Recognize these infernal vending machines? They sit outside Wally World, looking innocent enough, but the perfect combination of change, desired soda, and working machinery never seems to be there!

This space for Birthdays?

Alcoholics Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous

Special Thanks?

Open seven days a week, meetings at:


7:30 am, 12:00 noon, 5:30 pm, and 8:00 pm 33rd and Avenue P


All the encouragement you need!


Selling? Buying? Advertising? Email us at [email protected]

Premiere Issue


Don’t forget your powers (of voting) There you are, poised between options yet again. Your decision will determine your fate...or this time which movie you see. No! Not another horror movie! Well, I guess we’ll have another season of horror movies! We vote in nearly every decision we make, at restaurants, at the grocery store, which grocery store, and the list goes on! Where am I going with all this you may ask? I’m talking about voting, people! Galveston is at a unique point in it’s life. We are in the midst of one of (what we hope for) the biggest growth spurts that Galveston has seen in over a hundred years! Look around you! Things are changing! We got a Little Caesar’s again, and supposedly a Hooter’s is in the works! Things are looking up! Now is the time to get involved with the community, community outreach, and almost as important, get your ideas out there! Have something that you Galveston Must Have? Think you could handle it? But nothing. What do you need? we want you to succeed.

But you must get involved! Learn about the things that are happening in Galveston! You can make a huge difference in Galveston’s Community! Be sure to educate yourself on Galveston’s current issues by reading the daily newspaper, watching channel 16, or attending council meetings. Have information to help get people involved in your activity or organization? Email it to us at [email protected]!

(Top) Janyce Blozinski and Velmashia Ravis, Early Voting Deputy Clerks, at City Hall. They would like to thank the people of Galveston who voted. Did you find the time to vote? (Left) Signs! Erica Gartee holds up a campaign sign in front of City Hall.

Some have mixed feelings on Galveston Galvatraz, Second Atlantis, The Armpit of America. Where’s the beef? It seems (and luckily not often) that a few of my friends like to put down Galveston. People’s reasons for being here vary greatly, with some born in to the luxury of the coveted B.O.I. status and others being drawn here by some force beyond themselves. They just had to make this island home. (And let’s not forget the tourists!) Why are you here? Stop to think about all of the things you enjoy about living in Galveston. I’ll hold...... Still there? What’d you come up with. Don’t come back with some lame non-answer! I want your reasons! Ok, I’ll start us off. The Beach would probably have the highest number in Family Fued format. The beach is

awesome, the infinite stretching out of the sea (or “gulf” if you must), with our herds of families, couples, bicyclers, loners, wanderers and a few hot bods sprinked in for good measure. If you’ve never “people watched” on the Seawall then you are missing out on arguably the most interesting cross-section of the Southwest. (Another good people watching spot is the Randall’s Starbucks patio on 61st. Do it!) Most people at the beach are friendly and many even stop and talk with you. Travelers many, with tales and stories of how their trip to our fair island is going. Perhaps they are a local, with the common space we all share. If they are tourists, and they need

your help, it is here that you are given the opportunity to guide them to the good stuff. As you wizardly give them options on all of the great things you enjoy in Galveston, you will get the satisfaction of helping them make their visit to Galveston the best one possible! Stop right there. See, some of you are already scoffing, saying to yourself that there is Nothing to Do in Galveston. Well, what would you like to do? Let us know! Is there something that isn’t in Galveston that you would really like to see or do? Imagine that if there is nothing that you would want to do in Galveston, that anything you want to do will be a huge success. You just have to start it on your own. (We’d love to help!)

Wow, where were we? So our point is this. No matter why you are here or what you think of Galveston, it is ultimately up to you to find cool things that you like on the island. But there’s hope! You are surrounded by people doing (or trying to do) cool things on the island. People trying to start up, organize, create, and present great ideas that will greatly increase your funfactor options. We here at the Galveston Wizard look forward to hearing from you on the cool events, ideas and suggestions that you may have, that we can present back to other readers! Involved in things that you think people would enjoy? Let us know about it by emailing [email protected].

Count every “ F” in the following text: FINISHED FILES ARE THE RE SULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTI FIC STUDY COMBINED WITH THE EXPERIENCE OF YEARS... HOW MANY? WRONG!THERE ARE 6 -- no joke. READ IT AGAIN ! Really, go Back and Try to find the 6 F’s.

Cool businesses like “The Chimeras Den” on 61st Str, once a comics, anime and games store in Galveston, seem to have unfortunately fallen by the wayside before we could team up with them! Boo! Only their shells remain.


Galveston Wizard

10 Premiere Issue

The Rosenberg Library is a Fantastic Resource Center . Located at 2310 Sealy Avenue (one block from Broadway on the harbor side), one can find practically anything there. With a wide variety of media knowledge, from books to music, movies, to more books, the fun never ends! Library cards are are free to Galveston and Harris County residents, employees, and property owners. To obtain a card, you must present a picture I.D. card and verification of your current mailing address. It will cost you $2.00 for a new one if you lose it. Got it? Good! Now the world is your oyster. (or at least the library is.) In addition to books, the library also holds a pretty impressive computer lab, with people there to help you with the computer if you need it! The Rosenberg Library has several other cool features. On the third floor there is an impressive collection of paintings, models and other interesting items of historical significance to Galveston and Texas, and there is a department where you can go look up original blueprints for some of the historic Galveston homes, just tell them the address! They sponsor many other fun and innovative programs such as anime film showings, and the library also has great childrens programs, Not sure where to find something? The wizardly wise staff is there to help! But the Rosenberg Library needs your help! As the library is over 100 years old, and needs repairs. To find out more about how you can help, and to see all of the services the Rosenberg Library offers, go to... Don’t have internet access? Yes you do! At the library! Haven’t you been paying attention? (Look for a guide to cool things you can do on the internet in the next Galveston Wizard.) What cool things do you do online? Let us know by emailing us at [email protected]

Library Hours Monday through Thursday 9:00 am until 9:00 pm. Friday and Saturday 9:00 am until 6:00 pm.

The Rosenberg Library needs your help!

Free GED and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes Classes begin the 21st of August. If interested, Register Immediately at one of the following

Central United Methodist Church Morning and afternoon classes Location: 1601 33rd and O and a half Questions? Anna (409)763.7101

Live Oaks Baptist Church Evening Classes Location: 1020 32nd Street Questions? Vera (409)765.9488

Tyachell, Brandon, and Aaron pose at the CVS on Broadway. “We enjoy helping our patients get better, healthier and happier.”

Premiere Issue 11

Read A Book! Many people have forgotten the value of a good book. A good book can change the way you think about the world around you. I was tired of reading any bad books. I wanted every book I read to be worth my time, because let’s face it...books take time. (That’s the point) Andrew Urich, a professor at Oklahoma State University, gave out (attached to each syllabus) a recommended reading list in all of his classes. This reading list has been (for me) an excellent quick guide to consistently finding a good book. If you are looking for a good book, take this list (see right) to a local bookstore and bring one home today! Don’t know where to find a good bookstore? Problem solved! See the ad below right! Also, most of these books should be available at the Rosenburg Library (see previous page). Helpful enough for ya? Who has influenced your life? We want names! Tell us how or what tools they gave you that set you up for success! Pass them on to all of our readers! For other lists and ideas from Andrew Urich, visit We would love to have him come and lecture in Galveston!

Learn more about Andrew Urich at ...

Recommended Reading List Books everyone should read - books most likely to be mentioned in conversation The Great Gatsby For Whom the Bell Tolls War and Peace One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Slaughter House Five On the Road Uncle Tom’s Cabin The Jungle To Kill a Mockingbird Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Nineteen-Eighty-four

More books to make you more sophisticated and well rounded in addition to the 10 above: Elmer Gantry Brave New World Catch 22 A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich The Autobiography of Malcolm X Black Boy Siddhartha

Try It!

F. Scott Fitzgerald Ernest Hemingway Leo Tolstoy Ken Kesey Kurt Vonnegut Jack Kerouac Harriet Beecher Stowe Upton Sinclair Harper Lee Hunter S. Thompson George Orwell

Buy a dictionary and leave it on your coffee table. (if you don’t have a coffee table, you can still buy one.) You will be surprised at how often you use it. Bored? Got 5 minutes to kill? Flip open the dictionary and learn a new word. Or you can flip through it, reading the words on the top of the page and then stopping to read the definition of a word you don’t know.. Why not?

Sinclair Lewis Aldous Huxley Joseph Heller Alexander Solzhenitsyn Alex Haley Richard Wright Hermann Hesse

Cool Bookstore (would have gone here)

Our first issue has arrived, and people can finally see what we have been talking about! We hope to be able to work with businesses in the future to bring this publication to you and you to businesses! What do you get out of it? In this case, you get a cool book list and a relevent ad from a local business that deals in books! But it is ultimately up to you (the reader) to make the effort to use the guide the Galveston Wizard has provided for it to be of any use.

The Four C’s of Conduct... This space for Rent.



Let Galveston Know!

“Someone once told me that the two ways to best learn are to travel and read.”

Cool Calm Collected

[email protected]

and under


12 Premiere Issue

Galveston Wizard

If it’s Tourist Season...

...then we should welcome them. They help us in a lot of ways. We might as well say it, Galveston is a “touristy” town. “What is a “touristy” town? It is a word that some use to describe a place that has a lot uniqueness and allure to people that live elsewhere. Inherrently, these places often have (real or imagined) places of great historical importance. Uniqueness is also a powerful attraction for Tourism. People want to know more. They want tours. They are tourists. They tour. Tourism does well in bringing many visitors to the island. And with Galveston’s many things to do and places to see, it is easy to see why people come to Galveston. Like it or not, Galvestonians are going to have to get used to the idea of tourists being Island Bound Year-

round. “Can PEACE...between us?” Said Captain Kirk. This publication aims to inform locals of things they might have missed, things they can do, and ideas and trends they can act upon on a local level, while also realizing that being Tourist friendly is ok. We can use it to inform tourists of cool local places. Many locals don’t know Galveston. We landed here and are given resources to check places out. But there is no learning curve. We want to help get people up to the standards of tourism excellency of a Galveston bartender. (which is usually very good) It seems that nearly every “touristy” town, the revenues and resources are all driven to the target market of

the tourist dollars. The demographics of these places are also lopsided. The incredibly rich day. So the markets for these towns bring corporations, which brings both jobs and bigger dollars behind that. What do you want it to be? As of right now, it is what we thought it should be. We want to know what you think in every aspect of this publication. If we hit the nail right on the head of something, let us know...We want to hear solutions. The goal of this publication is to feature the things you need and the things you want to know more about! Email your fun suggestions for fellow Galvestonians to: [email protected]

How can we help? by



BAD BOYS TATTOOZ shop# 409.763.1396 4108 Seawall Blvd WWW.BADBOYZTATU.COM

“Why no, officer, I didn’t see that stop sign back there.”

Advertise your business with us and find out!

Help us bring our readers to the right people for the job! For more information, email [email protected]

Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!


Why do we do things that we know we will regret later?

Premiere Issue 13

3 Local Galvestonians have forced us to draw a few quick comparissons to a similar group of classy, and genuinely cool cats. Like the iconic 1960’s group of entertainers, containing Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr., these prominent local characters have captured the hearts of Galvestonians. The “Rat Pack” was partially responsible for making Las Vegas the entertainment destination it is today. With Galveston’s similar fate at hand, these three are quickly becoming similiar celebrity. Paco (left) owns one

of the nicest fine dining restaurants in Galveston, Rudy and Paco’s. Charley DiBella (center) is the owner of DiBella’s Italian Restaurant, which draws regular crowds for it’s fun and flavor factor. Randall Pettit, (right) a mogul of the utlra hip “21” Club, is a rep for Dry Creek Vineyards. These “cats” do a lot for Galveston, being active in civil functions and contributing to the community. One thing is for sure, these three will keep visitors coming to the island for years to come!

Galveston’s own

“Rat Pack?”

Francisco “Paco” Vargas

Charley “Big Daddy” DiBella

Randall “21” Pettit

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Personal Property Pro will make your process of doing personal property renditions easier and more professional. Set up your clients, add the owner and property information, import your assets, click a few buttons, and your returns are printed! The savings in subsequent years is exponentially greater because all data rolls forward year to year. YOU WILL LOVE IT! "I found Personal Property pro to be extremely helpful in filing renditions this year. The software was very easy to use and required almost no learning curve to become proficient in its use. I plan on using it next season." - Sam Ogden, Ogden & Company, Colleyville TX

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Our Guarantee - Personal Property Pro is going to give you greater accuracy, greater professionalism, and greater speed than any other method of doing your county renditions. We believe this and stand behind it. We will make every effort to earn your trust, commitment, and satisfaction in the process. And if for some reason you don't get this tangible advantage, we will do whatever it takes to give you satisfaction, whether that means immediate service or a refund.

Send us your content!

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Have Something to Say? Say it the right way with the Galveston Wizard! In case you didn’t know, Galveston’s City Hall is located off of 25th and Broadway. Check it out if you have never been before!

[email protected]

Born June 3, 2006 Layla Marie Desbin 7 lbs, 4 oz, 21 inches.

Galveston Wizard

14 Premiere Issue

We salute all our Mail Carriers! With the scorching heat, rainforest level humidity, unpredictable rainstorms, and all other forms of intense weather we get in Galveston, we thought we’d take this opportunity to thank all of those who carry our mail and parcels.

Carriers In Film Trivia: What film features Tom Hanks as a UPS division supervisor that takes an unknown detour in life. In the film, you also fall in love with a beachball. CASTAWAY What ultimately cheesy Kevin Costner film has him quoting Skakespeare and leading rebellions in the future? THE POSTMAN What film features Russel Crowe and Al Pacino in which there is an incident with a bullet in the mailbox. Also, Cigarettes and 60 Minutes? THE INSIDER

Walking or driving their routes through the myriad of obstacles, th ese people perform very necessary functions in our community. Be sure to make their job as easy as possible by removing any obstructions from the mailbox or keeping any animals from reach of the carrier. (The age old battle between the dog and the mailman still rages on, despite efforts for peace from representatives on both sides.) Be sure to be to be at your residence if at all possible for packages or special deliveries. Imagine how frustrating it would be to go try to deliver a package for three days in a row and there STILL isn’t someone there to sign for the package? That’s Patience! Reliable, dependable, and hon-

Ten Minute Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1. _____Job (Henchman) 4. British Hipster c. 1966 7. Inventory of piggies 10. Wabbit Murderer 11. Princess of Power 13. Horribly Mutilates 15. Open Transport Network 16. Describes Your Brain on Drugs 18. D9 11 Chord 19. Making ugly boring people more attractive and interesting since the dawn of time. 20. The chairman with the mostest. DOWN 1. Past Regulation (abbr.) 2. _____or Die

3. Conquer 4. Runs a house of ill repute. 5. Decrepit 6. On the ___ (secret) 8. Shroudsville 9. 365 days prior 12. Bad for doctors, bad for patients 14. Kind of like meat? 17. ______Cucumber

est, these Mail Carriers cover as much ground as the wisest of Galveston Wizards. Have a question for the postman? Email it to us. Postman jokes? Let us know!

Whew! It’s Hot out there! Elona Stinson-Herron enjoys a moment of air conditioning! Did you also know that she is a World Police Olympian? You do now!


Find your friends doing the most ridiculous things? Why not cash in on it! If one of your friends does something unforgiveably stupid, drive home the point with a “Dumbass Tax.” They won’t do that again! The “dumbass tax” can be set up beforehand as a system for you and your closest comrades to keep each other in line, out of trouble, and out of unneccessary fines, losses of income, reputation, or dignity. Who else will help them if not their closest friends?








10 11

(Answers on page 30)

The DumbassTax


Mario Martinez, UPS Driver, takes time out to pose for a picture. Be sure to show your appreciation to all of our couriers.

12 13





18 19


It’s in the Bible! “As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance* of his friend.”

Proverbs 27:17

*definition of approve or condone. The appearance.

Visit Ali at his Western Fried Chicken counter in the Arlan’s Market on 25th and Ave P. With over 25 years in Galveston, and as wise as he is clever, Ali is truly a Galveston Wizard!

The Secret of the There are several ways to tell a local Galvestonian from a tourist. (and we’re not talking about feeding the Sea Gulls.) The most important thing any local can know is how to best get around town. Whether walking, driving, biking, or taking the bus, it is important to know how to get from point A to point B with the least amount of resistance. Take time one day to check out the main streets of Galveston. Driving the full length of Harborside, Broadway, and the Seawall will also give you a great opportunity to see some of the thing Galveston has to offer. But wait! Let us not forget that Galveston has more layers than an onion! (and more flavor) Galveston’s One Way Streets, back roads, secret passageways and connecting parking


lots provide an almost endless amount of paths to take to reach your destination. Long waits at heavy intersections have many locals looking for alternate, less obstructed routes. Post Office And Church and Avenues O and P are just a few of the streets that any aspiring Gavleston Wizard should master.

Premiere Issue 15

What I Know About The Guy Who Won American Idol This Year by David Nielsen A Guy Who Doesn’t Own A TV The guy who won American Idol this year has gray hair I think. I keep seeing a lot of pictures of a guy with grey hair that has something to do with American Idol, and I think it’s him. It could be that Simon guy though. But I think I saw a picture of him on the cover of a magazine last week at the grocery store, and his name was Taylor? I don’t know if Taylor is his last name or his first name. It said he had a terrible secret though, so I guess I know that too even if I don’t know what the secret is. Maybe it is that when he smiles his mouth looks like a shark’s mouth or like it has too many teeth in it. Although that’s not really a secret since you can

tell that by looking at him. OH also I think I saw a picture online of him and Toni Braxton singing a song together, so maybe he knows Toni Braxton or they’re friends or something. That hardly seems fair for one of Toni Braxton’s friends to be competing on American Idol though. Of course Toni Braxton isn’t really all that famous any more so maybe she should compete next time to give her career a little boost. Just a thought. So Taylor, or Mr. Taylor, or Shark-Teeth or whatever the hell it is people call you, congratulations. You won American Idol this year and I’m sure you did a good job and your pal Toni Braxton is super proud of you. And that’s what I know about the guy who won American Idol this year.

This could have been your ad. What would have gone good here...? A lot of content on driving and cars on this page... an insurance company perhaps? What about an automotive repair shop?

Help us bring readers to you while you help bring us to the readers! You’re still reading, aren’t you? Email us at [email protected] to learn more about helping us help you! Looking for unique island artwork? Then check out the

Giny Hogan Collection Original Watercolor Designs by Island Artist

Get the design of your choice printed on almost anything! “Hope we don’t need that bridge come next hurricaine season.”

David Nielsen, one of the creative minds behind the Galveston Wizard, ponders his next masterpiece.

Galveston Wizard

16 Premiere Issue

Want to be in the

Galveston Wizard? Instant Celebrity! Write about something you care about!

Another day at the office. Workers taking a short break sit on the median on I-45 admire their handiwork.

Email your stories, comments, pictures and ideas to [email protected] Sending something snail mail?* P.O. Box 3467 Galveston, Tx 77552 (We know it’s Texas but the Post Office insists!) Remember to include a S.A.S.E. if you want your stuff back. We want content. We LOVE it! Seeing what Galvestonians are doing on the island, thier passions, their trials, thier worlds. What are you doing? What do you want to do?

Premiere Issue 17

What is the Galveston Wizard? We got an idea. We were going to publish a periodical. (We call it a periodical because we envision this to ultimately be a weekly publication! ) where we could expand on the people, events, ideas, tips, tricks and things on Galveston we could learn, see or do! Think of how wise we would be. We seek wisdom on things Galveston-y, and as you can see we’ve got a lot to cover! We want this publication to have whatever sections, etc. that you, the reader, deem necessary. Sections, ideas suggestions and viewpoints are always welcome. We’re going to explore, observe, converse on and apply ourselves to all things Galveston. There are people that know Galveston so well, they remind some of medeival wizards. Wise and helpful, a wizard seemed an apt personage for knowledge hungry Galvestonians looking to make Galveston grow to include their interests. They could provide valuable insight for letting people set out on their own quest through Galveston. (Plus, I mean...Galveston Guide?... Galveston Wizard sounds better) Wizards were a benefit to their realm. Applying and teaching methods and instruction,

the Wizard was an ideal citizen... one taking a proactive approach to the unique island Galvestonians call home. The Galveston Wizard is the playground of ideas, stories, pictures, events, happenings, places to go, things to do, things you do, and things people can do on this island that they might have missed somehow but might completely enjoy! Need an example? Have I lost you? Look at the DiBella’s Ad to the left. Have you been there before? Very good food! The more people and businesses that join forces with us, the more we can do for you!

We hope you find the Galveston Wizard to be enjoyable and helpful. We look forward to hearing from you! But remember, like anything in life, if you have a complaint then you had better be looking for a solution! To better help show Galvestonians what is going on, we need your help! What are you doing? What do you want to do? E m a i l you questions comments, suggestions for content, and requests to [email protected]

Attention Readers!!! Ok people! We’re already off to a bad start if we’re skimming past the ads. Don’t overlook the advertisements on these pages! These advertisers have given us the opportunity to present their businesses to you. That be(and tell them who ing said, please do your best guided you there!) to actually check out the places or people with advertisements in these pages. Their support makes this publication free to you. definition of the word...

lopsided 1.Heavier, larger, or higher on one side than on the other. 2. Sagging or leaning to one side. 3. Characterized by the domination of one competitor over another: a lopsided victory

Think you can draw a better Galveston Wizard? Prove it! Next Issue we will feature the artwork of the best Galveston Wizards sent to us. Will there be prizes? Fame? Satisfaction of a job well done? ... Patience, child! All in due time!

Remember, all opinions found within the Galveston Wizard are just that, opinions, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Galveston Wizard or it’s advertisers. If there is something within these pages that you would like to comment on or would like to present a counter point, feel free to email us at [email protected] and we will do our best to accomodate you. Again, this publication is published for you, and we want your voice heard! Send us your content. What interests you in Galveston? What do you want to know about Galveston? To know Galveston is to know Galvestonians, and we are a unique brew indeed!

Galveston Wizard

18 Premiere Issue

Nightmare Landlord neglects responsibility! by Ghost Righter

I had to move. And I had to move quick. My friend and I were searching for a cool two-bedroom place that would allow us to focus our creativity energies into awesome ideas and we would then act upon. At least that was the plan. We met our Landlord through a friend, who told us that there was this great two bedroom available for rent. It was a triplex, with a two bedroom on the second floor and two one-bedroom places on the first floor. We met the Landlord there, checked out the place, and loved it. The only problem was that the Landlord said that he needed to first change out the bathtub (it was old and gross, but we liked the place anyway). Oh well, I guess we’ll look at some other places. “But wait.” said the Landlord. “You can move into the bottom part immediately, and I’ll help you move into the two bedroom myself when it is complete.” “How long will that take?” we asked. “Three weeks to a month.” said the Landlord. We said we would look at a few more places and get back to him, and

as the day wore on, with miss after miss on other places, we decided to take the Landlord up on the offer. My friend had to go to work, so I had to meet with the Landlord myself to do one more walkthrough of what would be our lodgings for under a months time. Or so we thought. The Landlord pulled out a Lease agreement and said that this lease would be a formality until we got the final lease situated, but he would only charge a half deposit up front. (The alleged “lease” did not have an apartment number, just the house address, and we would soon find out we had a regular housemate... the landlord was squatting in the place we were trying to rent!) Phase forward one month. We are both still living in the downstairs apartment. The Landlord has been staying in the apartment that was promised to us. We ask how the tub removal process is going. Deflective answers. Phase forward another month. Two grown ass men staying in a one bedroom apartment, both still half packed, waiting like a religious fanatic to be caught up (stairs) into the heavens.

I was bartending at the time and a regular “Ernest” who was doing contract plumbing in town reported that his evenings were pretty boring. I asked if he could help me exchange a tub. Got clearance from the landlord. Got keys to the place, and we spent three and a half hours trying to remove the tub. The as Ernest wiped the sweat from his brow, he said that he’d (reasonably) like some money before we went any further. I inquired with my landlord about me paying the plumber for the work and me deducting it from our rent. He said that the price the plumber had quoted me was absurd and that he would do it himself. Within the next few days the tub was laying on the front lawn. Unfortunately new tile would have to be laid on the floor. This project lasted several weeks, and I even volunteered and helped him cut many of the tiles with my newly acquired wet-saw skills. Month 3. The landlord had acquired another property in Texas City, and our place was on hold. Our last ace in the hole was that the electricity was still in his name. Our rationale was that he was not coming through on his end of the agreement

at all. The only thing that would push me over the edge now would be a Hurricane. Enter Rita. We evacuate. Upon returning, we find our landlord moving in to the upstairs apartment. Apparently electricity was down at his house. We moved out three days later. His lasts words to me were, “Good luck using your credit for the next seven years.” He later sued me (only one on the lease, remember?) for just under the 5,000 small claims price ceiling, citing defaulting on the “lease,” and unpaid electric bills. (our last ace in the hole ultimately used against us too?) I represented myself in court, and the judge ruled in the landlords’ favor for $1,500 dollars. Payment due at 10% annual interest. The end???

tIPS fOR tENANTS Make sure your lease is accurate! Accept no verbal contracts. Get everything written down on the lease before you sign! If you are having issues with your landord, or you are a landlord yourself and want to learn more about the laws concerning landlords and tenant rights and responsibilities, check out Write on, Ghost Righter! Go through a tough time? What things would or should you have done to save yourself a big headache? Help others learn from your situation! Present useful information and steps that could have been taken to avoid the situation!

See the soldier there in the brush? Let’s not forget that we have soldiers abroad. May their return be safe and swift.

Criteria: Keep the situation the same, but let people understand your struggle and share what you have learned. Help keep others from having to go through what you did! Wizardly advice time!

It was then that the birthday girl was heaved into the air according to custom. BEST PLAGUE EVER? By David Nielsen AIDS. SARS. Anthrax. The Ebola Virus. Surely some of the most fear-inspiring, formidable plagues of our day. Between them, they’ve claimed millions upon millions of lives, terrorized, disfigured, humiliated and disgusted an untold many over the years. But when you discuss the great plagues of human history, there’s one name that keeps coming up again and again, floating like an apple in a sea of mediocrity: The Black Death. The Black Death (Pestis Bubonica) is the standard against which all other plagues are judged. It was, and still remains, far and away the most untouched plague in recorded human history in terms of sheer number of lives ended,

Premiere Issue 19 historical significance, and sociocultural impact. There is no other disease or menace that humankind has faced that can hold a candle to The Black Death. You have to take into account while evaluating The Black Death’s performance, however, that it had the tremendous advantage of making its debut in an era when things like Immunology, The CDC, and personal hygiene were basically nonexistent. To a certain perspective this puts many of its achievements in the same category as the performance of someone like Wilt Chamberlain playing basketball during an era when the NBA was comprised almost entirely of short white men with no measurable athletic ability. Still, the numbers are undeniable:

• 25 million deaths in Europe alone, 1/3 to 1/2 of the population between 1348 and 1350 • 25 million deaths in the nation of China alone • In Gaza, 10,000 dead in 1348 • At its peak, 500 deaths/day in Aleppo, Syria 1000 deaths a day in Damascus It also led to peasant revolutions in France (The Jacquerie Rebellion of 1358), England (The Peasant Revolt, in 1381) and Italy (The Ciompi Rebellion, begun in 1378). The overall effect of the plague’s devastation, aside from the obviously astonishing body count, was an advancement of the power of the common people and lower classes, and an overall weakening of the preexisting power structures of the church

and the aristocracy. One could in fact argue that without the death and destruction (and subsequent population reduction and sociocultural restructuring) that The Black Death caused, humanity could never have advanced to its next significant historical period: The Renaissance. Whatever the case, it’s indisputable that The Black Death laid the groundwork for how we think about modern plagues, in addition to how we treat them, prevent future outbreaks and recurrences, indeed how we structure our entire society. So take a moment today to pause and recognize the greatest, most awe-inspiring, and most significant plague in human history (and hope you never run into it in a dark alley): The Black Death.

Med School is Tough! For those of you who don’t know, we have a pretty sizeable (and impressive) medical school in Galveston. People from all over the world attend the University of Texas Medical Branch (or UTMB) to ultimately help you, the reader, somewhere down the line when your body starts posing questions to you that you can’t answer by yourself. (Look for walkthroughs of UTMB in future issues!) Bring in the experts, who have strained and studied tirelessly to get where they are (sometimes far beyond the point many of us have last picked up a book). The human body is an amazing machine. With all of it’s perfectly synchronized parts and pieces working day and night, the thousands of simultaneous tasks and functions necessary for

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. -George Bernard Shaw

you to wave at your neighbor while checking your mail make your X Box 360 look like a Atari 2600 by comparison. The “doozie” of Medical School is that the student is usually required to know not only the name of every tendon, ligament, bone, muscle and everything else that makes your body work, but that the entire knowledge of the body is crammed into a few short years, putting tremendous amounts of stress on the student. After the school part, it is off to the testing grounds, where they are thrown into every conceivable situation that the world of medicine has to offer. It is here where knowledge and experience forge the finished product... their respective titles that they have been seeking is bestowed and they set out to make a dif-

ference in people’s lives. Those of you in Medical School, we want to hear stories! We want to know what it’s like, what you’re learning and much more! How can the “nonmedschoolians” be of assistance? Email us your stories, people, and pictures at [email protected]! We appreciate what you do for us all!

Let Galveston know what you’re good at! Are you an

artist? Are you a

poet? Are you a

Work hard. Get involved. And YOU could one day find your picture on the “Wall of Mayors” in City Hall.

You’re only a starving artist if people don’t know how good you are! Let the people know it! Share your work with us, get published! Let us see the world as you see it!

photographer? Send us your stuff and let us promote you!

[email protected]

Galveston Wizard

20 Premiere Issue

Thrills of the Cullinary So you’re hungry for a quick snack, are you? The only problem is that your refrigerator is an embarrassing array of condiments and seemingly unrelated items. Still think you have nothing to eat? With the few items we found in our fridge, our trained chef Todd Desbin was able to craft some tasty finger foods in no time flat! Lets go to the highlight reel! First, he microwaved some Hotdogs for 30 seconds, cut the hot dog in half, grilled some tortillas on the gas range. He then added cheese, pickles, ketchup, mayo and the hotdogs. Roll all of the ingredients into the tortilla, cut them in half (secure with toothpicks if available) and arrange on a plate. (clip this out and bring it to the store Feeds 2-4, based on portions, levels with you!) of hungriness, etc. Flour Tortillas Ta-daaah! See! you did it! You Hot Dogs (Sausage will do) were able to make a quick and tasty Cheese snack out of next to nothing! Pickles Got better quick recipes for snacks or meals? Add Mayo, Mustard, Ketchup, Email them to us, along with Mushrooms or Onions (if available) any pictures you may have of you making your favorite meal or snack This way you know you have at [email protected] Something to eat at home!

Things you need:

Film favorites you might have missed Boondock Saints Kung Fu Hustle City of God Snatch Paid in full Memento Mine Hunters Kingdom of Heaven Final Fantasy VII Waking Life Suspect Zero

Run Lola Run Vanilla Sky Audition Donnie Darko 24 Hour Party People Dominoes The Beach Out of Sight Jerry and Tom Henry American Psycho

Got films that people should see? email them to us at [email protected]

Red Island Rose


call for estimate


Over 20 years of experience in the service industry. No job too big or too small.

B.O.I. A Galveston term meaning “Born On (the) Island.”

I.B.C. A Galveston term meaning “Island by Choice.”

Never give up on your dreams or yourself. Anything you want to do or be is available to you with hard work, determination and the desires to succeed!

Do you know where this picture was taken? Got some cool pictures of Galveston of your own? Let us see em! Send them to thewiz@ or snail mail them to: P.O. Box 3467, Galveston, Tx 77552

S.O.I A Galveston term meaning “Stranded on the island.” (which one are you? the island is what you make it)

Premiere Issue 21

Better Hurry! Summer band concerts start at 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday in June, July, and August. The concerts are free to the public. Join the band for their 79th year performing at the Sealy Gazebo on 24th Street and Avenue I in Galveston. The Galveston Island Beach Band, directed by Frank. G. Incaprera, will perform at every concert with musical entertainment for the whole family. For more information, please call the Parks and Recreation Department at (409) 621-3177.

The album Ghettoism, by Versatile, has been making waves in Galveston for months. Kervin Griffin, (AKA Versatile, Center Front), has been working with local studios, artists and people to complete his latest album. His example of pursuing his dreams as an entertainer should be an inspiration to us all. Keep up the good work!

Not just another day at the Beach One day soon we’ll all be rich, and we can indulge in all of the luxurious places and things Galveston has to offer. Sometimes, however, are left with a very low entertainment budget. The beach. As a Galvestonian, it is your duty to appreciate the beach at least once a week! (and that is a very big “At least”) We live on an island in the Gulf of Mexico. That is pretty amazing. And there is all sorts of things that you can do at the beach if you plan it right. First and foremost, you can relax. Don’t want sand in your pants? Then bring a blanket. Thirsty? Bring something to drink! With a little practice, you can set yourself up with an all of the necessities you could ever need! Now that you’ve established your “base,” take some time to enjoy it. Get some sun. Watch some people. Get in the water. Float. Think of absolutely nothing. Upon returning to land, recheck your base and then regain your bearings with a tasty beverage. Feel like exploring? Check out some of the cool things we saw! Send us your coolest beach pics. And yes, they can be of ridiculously good looking people doing ridiculously good looking things! (We like weird, interesting and fun things too! Email them to us at [email protected]

Beach and Water Safety Tips1. Swim Near a Lifeguard 2. Learn to Swim 3. Never Swim Alone 4. Don’t Float Where You Can’t Swim 5. Obey Instructions of the Lifeguard 6. Don’t Dive in Headfirst 7. Take Precautions for the Heat and Sun 8. Obey Warning Signs and Flags 9. Understand and Avoid Rip Currents and Dangerous Areas 10. Respect the water and the environment!

Captions make these pictures worth 3,053 words! (Far Left) That isn’t a Wal-Mart Sack! This was one of those “Jellyfish” days, yikes! No swimming today. (Left) We saw a baby hammerhead shark between some pilings! Incredible! Wonder how big it’s mom is? (Top) Paul walks his Chihauhua Kane along the beach. Dogs running at full speed cracks us up.

Consejos de Seguridad1. Nade en Playas Vigiladas por Salvavidas 2. Aprenda a Nadar 3. Nunca Nade Solo 4. No Flote Donde no Puede Nadar 5. Obedezca las Instrucciones de los Salvavidas 6. Al Entrar al Agua por Primera Vez, Hágalo de Pie (No se Aviente de Clavado) 7. Tome Precauciones del Sol y del Clima 8. Respeten los Avisos y las Recomendaciones de las Banderas 9. No Nadar en Áreas con Corrientes (Resaca) 10. Respecten el Agua y el Ambiente Natural

Not so smooth sailing.


22 Premiere Issue

The Good... The Bad... and the Ugly? Do you know a Good Samaritan? Has someone ever been there for you just when you needed it the most? Of course they have! People are always helping other people! Who helped you out and how? Let us know and we’ll help give them their proper kudos!

email us at... [email protected] Meet Kane.

Galveston Wizard

t was an evening after the bars and before a rainstorm. I got a ride home from one of my friends. Armed with digital camera, cell phone, business cards, pen, pack of cigs, a lighter, and my car keys, I went inside. I began to panic the next morning as I raced around the house looking for my wallet. Retracing my steps for an hour or so, I was ready to give up. In checking my missed phone calls there was a message from a guy named Tom Vaughn called me. He had found it, and although it was wet, it still had my money in it. Thank goodness, because I was hungry. We met at Henry’s on Broadway. He seemed to remember where it was and I reminded him to look for the big rabbit on Broadway. He showed up shortly thereafter, with my wet wallet in a ziplock bag. What a cool guy! (good) Turns out he’s got a t-shirt company, “Outback T-shirt Co.” and he wants to do cool stuff with motorcycles and bikes too at their same location. (More on that next issue.) So I’m telling the lady at the counter about my recent misadventures, and a couple in line with me said that they lost their wallet and it never turned up. The lady at the counter went on to say that I was lucky, because she had just recently had her van window broken (Bad). There was nothing in the van of any value, but now the van had a serious de-value feel. There was nothing she could do. We have noticed several random incidences of defamation of property. But what ultimately causes these events? What? Why? Poverty is definitely an issue. It seems that the only clear reason people burglarize is because they feel there is no other option, or that the risks of getting caught are less than the need of that particular individual. This prompts discussion of a different type of vandalism. Are these “vandals” simply without a proper forum for their insights, observations and artistry? For instance, Galveston spent weeks trying to capture a person stenciling random yet usually insightful artwork on the walls of drab concrete or gargantuan metal protrusions at major intersections. (ugly?) Were his actions right? No. By societal standards, that is unacceptable. Perhaps if the person that did those stencils were to meet with a person like Tom, the wallet-returner, a unique line of t-shirts could be develeped and more jobs and revenue could be created. The lack of interesting, fulfilling jobs on the island could have many would be geniuses twiddling their thumbs at low pay. (creating a poverty issue) Or, as a lyric from a British band “The Streets” goes, “Geysers (cool people in British speak) need excitement, if their lives don’t provide it, they go out and start violence, common sense, simple common sense.” (Find and buy “The Streets, Original Pirate Material if you are looking for a unique and cool sounds from an innovative British group! Great lyrics, great beats, and good fun, too!) So what do you want to do? Odds are their are out there that want to do the same cool things you do! Are you doing cool things? Send us info, pictures, etc, at [email protected].

kar·ma ( P ) Pronunciation Key (kärm) n. Hinduism & Buddhism. The total effect of a person’s actions and conduct during the successive phases of the person’s existence, regarded as determining the person’s destiny.

Yesterday’s Tomorrow Is Today.

Premiere Issue 23

Well, we gotta do something! Lets face it. A Galveston Hockey fan is going to have a hard time furthering his game in Galveston. Sure, if he’s a die-hard fan he will find a Texas City Ice Skating rink, buy the equipment, ($300) and join a league ($150). Let the fun begin. Activity equals happiness on many levels. For instance, what is your “sexual” activity? Exactly. Now, many Galvestonians feel, on some level or another, that they are not able to properly harness their specialized activites in Galveston. I left the bars one time to find a group of kids skateboarding on the Galveston Historic Foundation’s property. It didn’t look like they were any kind of hoodlums. In fact (gasp), it looked like they were having fun! Now I’m aware of the pads, safety, and other issues that are immediately triggered in people’s

mind. Unfortunately, the best way to provide maximum safety for anything, is to organize, legalize and supervise said activity. What happened? I thought we were going to get a skate park or something. The only one I know of is on Stewart Road, and it seems like Looks like an album cover! Jose, Alajandro, many skaters shun that Conner and Steven all relax after finishing a skate particular park for some session near a parking garage. reason. But why? In what ways can we organize to provide the activities of your choice? We are researching organized leagues, such as softball, baseball, basketball, golf, bowling, skateborading, surfing and other cool things to present you but we need your help! If you want to expand your activities, leagues, “Can we put this in here?” groups, and organizations, (Let us know if the Galveston Wizard is welcome!) Email us at [email protected], and we’ll pass it on and help your interests grow!

Roger Gulick stands in front of his “baby” outside of the Spot on 32nd and Seawall. Great food, but you wouldn’t believe their drink specials if we told you!

SeaWall model at 49th and SeaWall.

Skateboarders take a quick break. Steps, curbs and levels give the boarders plenty of things to practice on, but this usually does not bode well with property owners and boarders rarely get to stay at one place long.

Galveston Wizard

24 Premiere Issue

Go Fish(Ing)!

By Scott Keonning Greetings Wizheads! Let’s talk about fishing! Specifically, fishing in Galveston. While fishing is a leisure activity, it, like hunting, goes hand in hand with preservation of natural habitats. Problem is, Galveston is fast running out of natural habitats. It is the age-old struggle of money versus what is right. The money in this town wants to mow it down, fill it in, cement it over, and build it up. That’s fine if you want Galveston to look like New York City, but I don’t. So here is my take on the recent battles in our war against rabid, unchecked destruction. We’ll start with Pelican Island. While Pelican Island is not a natural island, it has become a bastian for fishermen and a wonderful habitat for everything from ducks to wild hog. Your thoughtful city government has given BP the rights to lease and destroy it without any public debate. This fight, however, is not over. There is a lawsuit in progress. I will keep you posted. Let’s move east. The eastern tip of our island offesrs some great fishing spots. However, where there is fun being had by some, others are trying to muscle them

out. The lagoon (the mile long body of water you pass on the way to East Beach) is one of our battle grounds. The developers had proposed putting a golf course on the land behind it. The environmental groups have halted that plan (for now). It would not be a bad idea if there could be some compromise, but there would not likely be one. Look at the golf course on the West End, it used to be a good fishing hole, but they have since cut off all access to fishermen. Speaking of the West End, we lost a big one here. The inevitable total annihilation of all natural habitats is rapidly shrinking the number of good fishing spots. And don’t forget, beach access has been diminished so that a few home owners can have their own private beaches. Now this outlook may seem bleak, but stark reality is necessary to fully appreciate the situation. Fishing is a Galveston tradition. Fishermen bring in untold revenues to our city. We are not asking for much here, just a place to park and wade. You don’t have to be a fisherman to recognize the importance of the pastime. We need your help to keep our sport alive. The peo-

ple have the power. Apathy will lead to more of your rights being trampled on. Ask your city government to consider the rights of fishermen. Demand it. Otherwise the next time you take your son to your old favorite fishing hole, you may see a no trespassing or no parking sign.

Looking for something to do on the island? Check out yet another reason Galveston is so unique. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Sea Turtle Facility. They are not a zoo, but rather a United States Research Facility dedicated to rearing threatened and endangered sea turtles in captivity. Guided tours are offered 3 days a week (see far right). It is the only facility of it’s kind. A tour of the facility will feature as many Tours run about 30 minutes to an hour, as 450 sea turtles housed in 30 saltwater tanks! One of their staff biologists guide the depending on the size and age make-up of tour, and there is also several interactive and the group. Find a sea turtle? To report a nesting informative exhibits on sea turtle eggs, sea sea turtle, hatchlings, sea turtle eggs, or an turtle tags and tagging techniques. injured or dead sea turtle on the Texas coast, Ole the Fisherman Ole was stopped by a game warden recently with two ice chests of fish. He was leaving a cove well known for its fishing. The game warden asked Ole, “Do you have a license to catch those fish?” “No, sir, I don’t have any of dose licenses, no. Ya must understand dese are my pet fish.” “Pet fish?” said the game warden. “Ya! Every night I take dese here fish 1 of 3

down to da lake and let “em swim ‘round for a while. Den I vistle and they yump right back into dis ice chest and I take ‘em home.” “That’s a bunch of hooey! Fish can’t do that!” says the game warden. Ole looked at the game warden for a moment and then said, “It’s da truth Mr. Government man, I’ll show you. It really verks.” “Okay,” said the game warden, “ I’ve GOT to see this!” Ole poured the fish into the lake and stood and waited. 2 of 3

Tour Times Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Closed 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm Closed 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm Closed 10am, 11am, 1pm, 2pm Closed

Getting There From Seawall Blvd, heading down 53rd, make a right on Ave U. Make a right on Sias Drive. The facility is on the right as the road curves. Park and enter at the tour office. Call 409-7663670 to schedule a turtle tour or for more information. Email us your unique or interesting programs and service info to [email protected]

After several minutes, the game warden turned to him and said, “Well?” “Vell, what?” said Ole. The warden said, “When are you going to call them back?” Ole said, “Call vut back?” “The FISH!” replied the warden. “Vut fish?” answered Ole.

got jokes? [email protected] 3 of 3

Premiere Issue 25

The Galveston Wizard is seeking talent! Think you’ve got what it takes to have your own comic strip in the Galveston Wizard? Have a political cartoon that says it all? Let us showcase your talent! Criteria: All entries should be original, creative, unique, and tasteful. Comic strip submissions must be three panels in length, black and white, with each panel being 3.3 inches by 3.25 inches. Also required is a brief rundown of the main characters and elements, with three future strip ideas. The payoff? Publication, celebrity, and other potential perks to be announced soon! Top contenders may be offered a regular spot in the Galveston Wizard! One shot panels (like “Far Side” or “Bizarro”) will require 3 completed one-shots. If this intrigues you or you have already been thinking about doing something like this, what more do you need? For more information, email [email protected]. Hurry, as space is limited!

Dicky and Maxine Hughes enjoy a relaxing evening at DiBella’s Italian Restaurant. What do you mean you’ve never eaten at Dibella’s? (See Inside Cover of this issue!)

Check out cool toys, items and trinkets available at T.F. Hippie’s on 24th and Mechanic! See their ad on page 5 of this issue!

Thanks a yacht! A boat floats ildy in the waters off of 61st Street.

26 Premiere Issue

The Bar “Seen”

The bar and club scene of Galveston is an eclectic collection of cool places to see and be seen. No matter what type of mood you are in, you can find it in Galveston. The better organized and informed the people of Galveston are as to bar and club options, the more will show up. This will lead to more people having fun! Isn’t that simple? Whether you are looking to bump and grind, dance, play pool, shoot

Galveston Wizard

darts, watch sports, holla at the ladies or gents, meet new people, or just watch the human comedy and tragedy at work, the Galveston Wizard has you covered. We want to know where you go for a good time and why! What is it about your favorite watering hole that makes it so special to you? Send us your info, thoughts, rave reviews and suggestions to: thewiz@


Guess what, Bars and Clubs? People want to know your name, location, style, specials or venues! Advertise with the Galveston Wizard and let us help guide people to you!

(this panel left intentionallly blank)

“you don’t have to call me darlin’, dar-lin’!”

Look at the size of those jugs!

Premiere Issue 27

Real life Galveston Wizards It seems like no one knows more about the happenings, people, places and things to do than your favorite bartender. Their job is to make people happy. (the alcohol helps) They are also usually pretty cool. The role of bartender is an easy one, keep drinks full, ashtrays clean, and the customers happy. A bartender’s personality is usually set free to entertain the guests throughout their time at the bar. We will delve deeper into specific bars in Galveston, but there’s nothing like actually seeing it for yourself!! What bars do you go to and why? Funny bartending stories? Let us know at thewiz@

Angela and Ashley can be seen Victor and Benny Salinas can at Busker’s on 20th and Post be seen at B Jiggers on Friday Office. and Saturday nights.

Helen can be seen serving huge Ivan at Saltgrass. What else do we John bartends at the new $3 beer drafts at Tony’s Lazy need to say. Half price apps and Chico’s Paradise on Broadway lounge on Stewart and 51st. $1.25 drafts at happy hour 3-7. and SeaWall and the Lounge.

The Strand Theatre Presents

Wanted: Bars and Clubs Got Drink Specials? Got Happy Hours? Got Live Venues? Got an Open Mic? Got Tournaments or Contests? Got Special Events? Got a great bar or club people should check out? Let us promote your business! Advertise with us!

Email us at [email protected], or call us at 409.621.2864 for more info. Remember the “Predator” movies, where aliens come to earth to hunt humans for sport during heat waves? Arnold and Danny can beat the Predator, but we know who can help you beat the heat!

When a painfully shy visitor decides that pretending to be an exotic foreigner who doesn’t understand English is easier than carrying on a real conversation, he finds himself caught in a hilarious web of intrigue and all laughter breaks loose. This comic romp is the winner of two Obie Awards and two Outer Critics Circle Awards as Best New American Play and Best Off-Broadway Production. September 1 – September 24, 2006





Check out the Balloon’s Ad on the back cover, and see their coupon on page 10! Oh, and go check out Predator 1 and 2 if you haven’t seen them. Classics. Mixed reviews on Aliens vs. Predator.



Big Daddy’s?

CELL # 409.682.1725 [email protected]


Send us your old memories and pics!

Galveston Wizard

28 Premiere Issue

Server Underground Wow, a section dedicated to the life of serfdom. We bring hot food to cool (or sometimes) uncool people. So where do we start? There is so much to talk about! Ok, I guess we start from the beginning. The life of a server. We work when normal people eat. In fact, many servers work EVERY-time people eat. So what is waiting tables? For starters, the money is usually pretty decent, with a simple yet predictable hierarchy and political system that the average person can adapt to. The better you are, in theory, the more tables you will eventually get. But there are people already in place and political systems have undoubtedly evolved there. As a waiter in Galveston, or Texas, or many other states, the server (on average) recieve $2.13 an hour. Your primary function is to provide service to people eating. Essentially purchasing the product from the restaurant where the server works, the server drops the bill. It is here where the fun begins. The tip is entirely up to the customer. When times are good, the people are happy.

Tips From Servers!!! No seperate checks. Servers are not CPA’s. You can figure it out.

The dreaded Standard Two Dollar Tip, or STD for short. (and the money is better) Depending on the level of dining, price, expense, hour of day, whether or not you are hot, or a girl, or both, and how good you are with people help determine your tip amount. (It’s at least 20% now, people.) Add the tips up and that’s your paycheck for the day.* Now it’s all over but the cleanup. Everyone has eaten. Your stomach growls. You have about 4 hours before dinner begins! *(Sometimes, a portion of the server’s pay goes to busboys, bartenders, or the like)

Tip Big. Nothing makes a server’s day like a big tip. They immediately open up, and will most likely remember you the next time. (or at least recognized!) Help them help you! They are not mind readers. If you need something, or the server forgets to bring something, it is ok to remind them! It doesn’t mean they don’t like you. Servers are people, too. They have bad days. They can mess up. Be merciful!

Attention all starving artistS! We at Hustle Yñk would like to encourage your efforts. If you write, speak, or preach; draw, paint or sketch; rap, sing, or act; dance, or perform spoken word; or tell joke and just want to be heard. Give us a call . Help us help you. You have a voice and the world needs to hear it. Chance Weatherly (409)939.1051 Why limit yourself by what has never been before? Why say “I can only imagine...”? Make the dream real. There is no imagination. -Melissa Etheridge

Want to get a small taste of life as a server? Check out the film “Waiting.” Perhaps, if anything the obstacles, observations, and world of the server are captured to some detail. A disclaimer...many of the gross or food mutilating humor are waayy overestimated. Oh and the stuff about “The Brain” and other puppetry, drug use, sexual activities, foul language, etc. should be taken with a grain of salt. Viewer discretion advised!

Premiere Issue 29

No Man or Woman is an island. As important as what you do in Galveston, is what you do outside of Galveston. There is a whole world out there! Sadly, certain cool things take time to reach the island. (We hope to help change that.) Interstate 45 acts as a main artery from the heart of Houston. All along the way there are cool things to do, see and check out! There is paintball, a par three course, dollar movie theaters, humongous electronics superstores that look like the Millenium

Falcon from Star Wars, and much more! The list goes on and on, but the best part about a brief exit from Galveston is the return! Returning to Galveston, one can see even more potential for the island. Remember, Paradise is what you make it! What do you do “off the island?” We want to provide day-short fun options to our readers! Send your information to [email protected]

Define “irony” send us your pics.

[email protected] Dial a priest David Nielsen Ric Siede enjoys a filet and sheds light for us on such things as “What defines a yankee.”

Minister for Hire [email protected]

“Which is the most universal of human characteristics? Fear Laziness

Galveston Wizard

30 Premiere Issue

Tow Away Zone...Dude, Where’s my car? It was going to be an amzing story. One filled with mystery, intrigue, a lighter, a taser gun, and a night in jail. The focus of the story was the towing nightmare that followed. If any of you have ever had your car towed at your expense, you know

how frustrating the whole experience can be. The author of said work was going to deliver a story highlighting the things he learned from the incident, along with a close examination of the towing business, it’s function in Galveston, and tips and suggestions for those who may one day find themselves at the mercy of a towing company. The story was never written. Oh well. Been through something and want to offer advice to your fellow man? Send your advice to thewiz@

A Special Thanks

to the businesses and people that helped make this publication possible. DiBella’sItalian Restaurant Giny Hogan Collection Balloon Plumbing and Air Big James of Bad Boys Tatu TorqueWare T.F. Hippies Tropical Taxi Total Fitness David Neilsen Scott Koenning Hustle YNK Red Island Rose Catering

Would you like to donate items to be used as a prizes for contests in the Galveston Wizard? (See “Think you can draw a better Wizard?” on Page 3. We want to lure out some artists!) You will receive premium exposure. It’s Publicity, people! Even better, do you have a cool idea for a contest or function? Let us know. We’re “game” to help. Want to offer readers a walkthrough of your business or service? Let us test it out! (Plus, we like free stuff)

We’d love to have your help too!

Let us promote you too! Email From a friend: JUST A REMINDER...., all cell phone numbers have been recently released to telemarketing companies and you will start to receive sales calls. .YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS.... To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: call 888-382-1222. It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your time. It blocks your number for five (5) years. Go to for more info!

Do you know the symbolism of this statue? We don’t. Yet. Who out there does? Best explanation will be printed in a future Galveston Wizard and crowned with respect! (for now...we’ll have loot to give soon.)

[email protected]


O D D M O D 7 8 T O 10E T A L L F U D D 11 12 S H E R A 13 14 M A I M S 15 16 17 O T N P S 18 D A E 19 20 M A 1








Premiere Issue 31

This issue of the Galveston Wizard is Dedicated to

Robert Bigwood 1918-2006

Imagine a city in a huge growth phase. (hint: If you can’t imagine one, look around you.) Now imagine one man in that town. Robert Bigwood decided that he was going to make his home town of Fergus Falls Minnesota the best it could be. He worked his way from the mailroom to CEO at Otter Tail Power Company, which recently went public on the stock exchange. He was instrumental in bringing a Y.M.C.A. to Fergus Falls, and was highly involved in Kiwanis and some two dozen other community organizations and boards. Later, to show their appreciation for his efforts to establish a convention center, the convention center was named “Bigwood Convention Center.” His passing was front page news in the local newspaper for days. His wife, five children, and 11 grandchildren, along with a packed church auditorium with the overflow crowd watching the service via television in other rooms of the church, paid their final respects. The speeches and homages made and paid focused on the lives he touched, the effort he gave, and the person he was. While his memory lives on in the hearts of many, the lives he touched are forever changed. His is a fine example of a wise, Robert Bigwood, shown with one of his daughters, Patty Torkelson. compassionate human being. The next issue will feature a list of clubs and organizations in Galveston. Want to get listed? Email your info to [email protected]

We don’t know what it’s like... live in your world. That is, unless you tell us.Tell us what you do for a living! What unique or interesting things do you get to do? What are the perks? Do you work with cool people? What advice would you offer people outside your field? (common courtesies, tips, suggestions) Send us your pics, stories, funny work situations and advice to...

[email protected] Gene Korn A deputy of the Warrant Division, has been working in Galveston County for 17 years. “Galveston is a great place to visit or to live. You have to enter into it with the right spirit, and appreciate it for the unique atmosphere that it has.”

Get To Know Galvestonians! People you don’t even know are just like you!

Stop by and see Curtis at his Y’a Bon Village Coffeehouse, located on Church Street and Martin Luther King Boulevard.

Take One Only if you will read it!

Keep This paper as your edutainment source guide to Galveston’s People, Places, and Ideas, and Events.

Make the Galveston Wizard work for you! [email protected]

Looking for unique island artwork?

discover the

Giny Hogan Collection Choose from a wide variety of watercolor designs, Then have that design printed on any of the following:

T-shirts Tank tops

Home Decor Tank tops

Stickers Coffee Mugs

Clocks And More!

See the full collection online at Also look for her work at “Coastal Creations”

A Wizard appears when and where they are needed...

What do you need? send your ideas, content, suggestions, comments or requests to...

[email protected]

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