Come Fly With Me Nude At Apple, 2005

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  • Words: 1,471
  • Pages: 19
Come Fly With Me Nude THE MOVIE Made on a Mac

Welcome • • • • • • • • • • •

Introductions What is this all about? The Home Production Office Pre-Pre-production - The origins of Dom & Bella Pre-production Production Management On the Set Post Production PR & Press Lessons Learned The List: Equipment, Software, Hardware et al

Introductions •

Introductions • Dan Gomes: Writer/Filmmaker/Photographer - In 1982, built first computer at age 13 - Made first “video” at 14 - Used UNIX and Macs at Brighton University - Technology Manager at Film Arts Foundation - Been writing and taking photos as long as can remember

Diane Karagienakos: Filmmaker/Actor - BS in Marketing - 1992 first filmmaking class CCSF 1992 - First short film made in Melbourne Australia 1999 - First acting class in Melbourne, Australia 1999 - First stage show (wrote and starred in) wins Best of - SF Fringe 2004

What’s This All About? Making a film with no money, a lot of creativity, and a little help from your friends and Apple Computers. In reality:

• • • •

About $25,000 cash Donations of about $40,000 value Every tool Apple and Adobe have to offer And lots of help from over 50 friends & family

The Home Production Office on a shoe-string


What’s it for

Use what you’ve got - An old PowerBook G3, an iBook G4 and an PowerBook G4

800 sq ft, 1 bedroom apartment Management of all aspects of the production: Cast, crew, logistics, accounting



Plus “wireless” and wired guest systems

A USB Canon Scanner A USB Canon Bubble-jet Printer Airport Base Station Phone line Comcast Cable Modem .Mac: iCal, iDisk & iSync

The Home Production Office on a shoe-string

The SoHo setup


Pre, Pre Production •

The Origins of the Idea - 1992/93: Diane and Todd Pickering start writing “bad” poetry


that spoofs the contemporary neo-beat scene 1995/96: Dan, Diane and Todd “self publish” the poems as a book at City Lights. Supporting photos taken by Dan and Lance Manderville.

Publishing the book - Composed using Apple Works - Printed on early ink jet printer - Cut to size and put together by hand - Shared a stand at the North Beach Festival with Angus Oblong Writing the screenplay - 1999 Dan writes 1st draft of “DomBella” a short comedy for


budding Director Diane. Both inspired by collaborations with Melbourne based OpenChannel Production Group 2002 Diane and Dan decide to make it a feature length comedy Script migrated from Apple Works to Final Draft. 120 pages delivered in early 2004

Pre, Pre Production A Time Line

Festival Submissions Holiday Stage Show


Post Production Shoot Film Audtions The "Letters" Written Write Poems

Publish Book

Short Film Script




Fringe Stage Show Feature Film Script







Pre-Production •

Funding - Fiscal sponsorship with Film Arts Foundation - Fundraising parties arranged - Creation of Stage Show - Donations solicited - Grants applied for: Researched for using online databases, and library at Film Arts

Constructing the production team & materials - Core positions filled by Diane, Dan, Cara - Postings on Film Arts Forum - Production forms produced using MS Office

Pre-Production •

Crew - Recruited by Dan from people he worked with through Film Arts Foundation. - Gaffer & Electrical: Richard Levien & Christian Gainsly - Production Sound: Patrick Bowsher

Castings - Call put out using


- Casting Connection - Film Arts Forum - Nancy Hayes Casting Auditions held at Film Arts - Todd Pickering directs casting - Some auditions recorded for reference

Post Production Team - Sound Design: Patrick Bowsher using Pro Tools - Editor: Jonathan Parra using Final Cut Pro (4.5)

Production Management •

The Software Tools - .Mac’s iSync with iCal to keep everyone’s calendars up to


date .Mac’s iDisc to share documents in and out of the office iPhoto for all continuity, promotion and production stills iTunes for reviewing sound and finding music iMovie to review footage and grab stills for publicity iDVD & DVD Studio Pro for making DVD materials Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator for designing materials iDisk for sharing private documents and publishing roughcuts, trailers, photos, etc Microsoft Office for word processing and accounts Final Draft for screenplay production, printing sides and registration with WGA

Production Management •

Great Online Services - for business cards ( is also good) - SnapFish for photo prints

Its worth shopping around the services to see which suits you best: oPhoto, Walmart, Wallgreens, etc.


WordPress for online publishing




Let Us Copy (

Started with .Mac, then tried Blogger, and finally iBlog Register your work! Local business that’s been very flexible and helpful, and offer very competitive pricing.

On The Set • • • • • • •

Shot on Panasonic DVX100A in 24p mode at 16:9 (anamorphic) Lights, tripod, DAT package, Mic, Grip Package from Film Arts Foundation Production stills taken using consumer digital camera Canon S520, and loaded into iPhoto each night Continuity pictures taken using Polaroid - Old-school, but still the only way to get images instantaneously, at low-cost Day’s pages duplicated and distributed using SoHo setup and Final Draft to export PDFs of the pages for mailing and printing Call sheet generated using MS Office, and distributed largely by email iCal used to create an maintain shared calendars - PDF copies mailed to those who can’t access it in other formats

Post Production •

Editing •

Final Cut Pro HD (4.5) on Quicksilver Power Mac G4 (933 Mhz & 1GB RAM)

• • •

Sony DV Deck Dual display NTSC Monitor

Sound •

Pro Tools on DP Power Mac G4 - Mirrored Drive Doors (1.25 GHz & 512MB RAM)

• •

Dual display Isolation Booth for ADR & Instrumentals

Storage •

1.5 Terabytes of hard drive space

• • • •

Six 250GB external firewire drives Four for editing One for Audio/Sound One for rendering out final versions in quicktime

PR & Press •

The Press Kit

This is still your main tool for communication what the project is about, and to get people excited about it

Stills from film and “making of”, plus promo stills of key cast and other team members

• • • • • • • • • •

Bios of key team members Synopsis and summary Full description Log and Tag lines Contact Details Poster Art Samples of script-pages Both digital and physical copies, on website, CD, etc. ALL DOCUMENTS IN PDF FORMAT ALL IMAGES IN PRINT READY JPEG & TIFF FORMATS

PR & Press •

Web Presense • • • • •

Hosted by PHP/MySQL site Blogging and content management using Word Press Submitted regularly to search engines Goes through different phases, as does the production:

Now getting a visual overhaul for the post production screening phase

Exposure • •

Time to hustle: Magazines, eZines, Blogs, TV, Radio, Forums, etc. Merchandizing:

Used for much “generic” merchandize

• •

T-Shirts, Bags, Mugs, thongs, clocks, etc.

Short custom runs done at local stores for specific events Potato Boy Printing used for bulk custom run of t-shirts (

Lessons Learned so far

Get enough disk space to start with

• A 10 minute DV file can be 8 GB in size.

When using a DVX100A, make sure you shoot with “advanced” pulldown turned on

Firewire is fragile

• • • •

Make sure you use the correct power adapters Startup in correct order Don’t get the connectors the wrong way up Don’t force anything

Don’t breakdown props & locations until you’ve established if you need to do any pick-ups

Do as much pre-planning and prep work as possible before going to shoot

• • • •

Use professionals Know when The Garbologists (and recyclers) are due Be religious about AV logs Don’t delete or throw anything out until you are completely finished

you’ll probably need to refer to it from time to time

The List software


Apple - iLife - .Mac - OS X - iWork - Final Cut Pro HD Adobe - Photoshop - Illustrator Final Draft Microsoft - Office: Word & Excel DigiDesign’s ProTools OmniGraffle

15” PowerBook G4 Al iBook G4 14” PowerBook G3 Airport Canon s520 Printer Canon LiDe Scanner PowerMac G4 (Quicksilver) with ProTools 4.x PwerMac G4 (Quicksilver) with FCP HD Panasonic DVX100A Sony DAT deck Polaroid instomatic Canon S520 for stills Assorted lights & grip package Panasonic & JVC DV Decks

other resources Film Arts Foundation - - 415.552.8760 Casting Connection Writer’s Guild of America: & - Materials Blogging & m - Merchendize

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