Introduction to Computer & Computing
// Print a table of number entered by user // //1st Program using LOOPS// #include #include<stdio.h> void main() { int a,b,c; clrscr(); printf("\n\nEnter the number of which you want to get table = "); scanf("%d",&a); for(b=1;b<=10;b++) { c=a*b; printf("\n%d * %d = %d ",a,b,c); } getch(); }
// HOLLOW RECTANGLE // #include #include<stdio.h> void main() { int a,b,c,d; char f='*'; clrscr(); printf("\n\nEnter the width of rectangle = "); scanf("%d",&a); printf("\nEnter the length of rectangle = "); scanf("%d",&b); for(c=a;c>=1;c--) { printf("%c ",f); } for(d=b;d>=1;d--) { printf("\n%c",f); for(c=2*a-3;c>=1;c--) { printf(" "); } printf("%c",f); } printf("\n"); for(c=a;c>=1;c--) { printf("%c ",f); } getch(); }
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Introduction to Computer & Computing
#include #include<stdio.h> void main() { int a,b,c,d=-1; clrscr(); for(a=6;a>=1;a--) { printf("\n"); for(b=a;b>=1;b--) { printf(" "); } printf("*"); for(c=1;c<=d;c++) { printf(" "); } if(c>1) { printf("*"); } d=d+2; } printf("\n"); for(a=13;a>=1;a--) printf("*"); getch(); }
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Introduction to Computer & Computing
#include #include<stdio.h> void main() { int a,b,c,d=-1; clrscr(); for(a=7;a>=1;a--) { d=d+2; printf("\n"); for(b=a;b>=1;b--) { printf(" "); } for(c=d;c>=1;c--) { printf("*"); } } for(a=1;a<=6;a++) { d=d-2; printf("\n"); for(b=a;b>=0;b--) { printf(" "); } for(c=d;c>=1;c--) { printf("*"); } } getch(); }
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Introduction to Computer & Computing
#include #include<stdio.h> void main() { int a,b,c,d=-1; clrscr(); printf("\n"); for(a=6;a>=1;a--) { printf("\n"); for(b=a;b>=1;b--) { printf(" "); } printf("*"); for(c=1;c<=d;c++) { printf(" "); } if(c>1) { printf("*"); } d=d+2; } for(a=1;a<=7;a++) { printf("\n"); for(b=a;b>=2;b--) { printf(" "); } printf("*"); for(c=1;c<=d;c++) { printf(" "); } if(c>1) printf("*"); d=d-2; } getch(); }
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Introduction to Computer & Computing
// Check the Prime Number // #include #include<stdio.h> void main() { int i,a,b=1; clrscr(); printf("\n\nEnter the number to check wheather it is prime or constant = "); scanf("%d",&a); for(i=2;i<=a-1;) { b=a%i; if(b==0) { printf("\nThe number is constant = %d",a); break; } i++; if(i==a) { printf("\nThe number is PRIME = %d",a); } } getch(); }
#include<stdio.h> #include void fibonacci(float num); void main() { float i,j,k,n; i=0; j=1; printf("%f, %f",i,j); for(n=2;n<=num;n++) { k=i+j; i=j; j=k; printf(", %f",k); } getch(); }
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Introduction to Computer & Computing
#include #include<stdio.h> void main() { int a; clrscr(); printf("\n\nEnter A Number = "); scanf("%d",&a); printf("\nThe Prime Factors of The Number %d =",a); prime(a); getch(); } prime(int b) { int i,j,k,l; for(i=2;i<=b;) { j=b%i; if(j==0) { b=b/i; printf(" %d, ",i); continue; } if(j!=0) { i++; continue; } } }
// FACTORIAL // #include #include<stdio.h> void main() { int a,b; long double c=1; clrscr(); printf("\n\nEnter the number of which you want to get factorial = "); scanf("%d",&a); printf("\n%d! = ",a); for(b=a;b>=1;b--) { c=c*b; } printf(" = %.0Lf ",c); Page 6 of 11
Introduction to Computer & Computing getch(); }
#include<stdio.h> #include void main() { int a,b,c; printf("Enter two numbers = "); scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); c=a*b; while(a!=b) { if(a>b) a=a-b; else b=b-a; } printf("HCF = %d ",a); printf("\nLCM = %d ",c/a); getch(); }
// LCM HCF // By using Functions
#include<stdio.h> #include int lcm(int a,int b); void main() { int a,b,c; printf("Enter two numbers = "); scanf("%d%d",&a,&b); c=a*b; a=lcm(a,b); printf("\nHCF = %d ",a); printf("\nLCM = %d ",c/a); getch(); } int lcm(int a,int b) { while(a!=b) { if(a>b) a=a-b; else b=b-a; } return(a); }
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Introduction to Computer & Computing
Average Marks By using Array
#include #include<stdio.h> avg(int a,int b); void main() { int a[5],c,d=0; clrscr(); printf("\n\nEnter the Marks of 5 students = "); for(c=0;c<=4;c++) { scanf("%d",&a[c]); } for(c=0;c<=4;c++) { d=avg(a[c],d); } printf("The average marks are = %d",d/5); getch(); }
Binary Equivalent
#include #include<stdio.h> void main() { int a,b[1000],i,j; printf("\n\nEnter a Number = "); scanf("%d",&a); printf("The binary equivalent of %d = ",a); for(i=0;;i++) { b[i]=a%2; if(b[i]==0) { a=a/2; } if(b[i]==1) { a=(a-1)/2; } if(a==1) break; } printf("%d",a); for(j=i;j>=0;j--) { printf("%d",b[j]); Page 8 of 11
Introduction to Computer & Computing } getch(); }
Search the number in array
#include #include<stdio.h> void main() { int a[25],b,c,d=0; clrscr(); printf("\nEnter 25 nos = "); for(b=0;b<=24;b++) scanf("%d",&a[b]); printf("Enter the no you want to search = "); scanf("%d",&c); for(b=0;b<=24;b++) { if(a[b]==c) d++; } if(d==0) printf("The no not appear in array"); else printf("The no %d appear in array %d times",c,d); getch(); }
Search even, odd, +ve and –ve number in array
#include #include<stdio.h> void main() { int a[25],b,c=0,d=0,e=0,f=0; clrscr(); printf("Enter 25 nos = "); for(b=0;b<=24;b++) scanf("%d",&a[b]); for(b=0;b<=24;b++) { if(a[b]>0) c++; if(a[b]<0) d++; if(a[b]%2==0) e++; if(a[b]%2!=0) f++; } printf("\nPositive number are %d times",c); printf("\nNegative number are %d times",d); printf("\nEVEN number are %d times",e); printf("\nODD number are %d times",f); Page 9 of 11
Introduction to Computer & Computing getch(); }
#include #include<stdio.h> void main() { int a[100],b,c,d; clrscr(); for(b=0;b<=99;b++) { a[b]=b+1; } for(b=2;b<=100;b++) { for(c=b+1;c<=100;c++) { if(c%b==0) a[c-1]=0; } } for(b=1;b<=99;b++) { if(a[b]!=0) printf("%d ",a[b]); } getch(); }
Changing odd elements of array with even//
#include #include<stdio.h> void main() { int a[6],b[6],c; clrscr(); printf("Enter 6 numbers array = "); for(c=0;c<=5;c++) scanf("%d",&a[c]); for(c=0;c<=5;c++) printf("%d ",a[c]); for(c=1;c<=5;c=c+2) b[c]=a[c-1]; for(c=0;c<=5;c=c+2) b[c]=a[c+1]; printf("\n"); for(c=0;c<=5;c++) { printf("%d ",b[c]); } getch(); Page 10 of 11
Introduction to Computer & Computing }
#include #include<stdio.h> void main() { int age; char ms,gender; clrscr(); printf("\nEnter your marital status for married press '1' and for unmarried press '2' = "); scanf("%d",&ms); printf("\nEnter your gender for male press '3' for female press '4' = "); scanf("%d",&gender); printf("\nEnter your age = "); scanf("%d",&age); if((ms==1)||(ms==2&&gender==3&&age>30)||(ms==2&&gender==4&&age>25)) { printf("\nThe Company will insure driver"); } else printf("\nThe Company will not insure Driver"); getch(); }
// S2—Q2 // // Number of Combinations of Entered Name #include #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> void main() { int i; char name[1000]; float c=1; clrscr(); printf("\n\nEnter the word = "); scanf("%s",&name); i=strlen(name); if(i>=3) { for(;i>=1;i--) { c=c*i; } printf("Possible number of combinations are %.0f",c); } getch(); }
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