AWL Sublist 9
coherent 1 coherence 1 coherently incoherent 1 incoherently
Word History coherent c.1555, from M.Fr. cohérent, from L. cohærentem (nom. cohærens), prp. of cohærere "cohere," from com- "together" + hærere "to stick" (see hesitation). cohesion 1678, from L. cohæsus, pp. of cohærere "to stick together" (see coherent).
Definition of coherent + incoherent in
Online Advanced Learner’s Dictionaries with Defining Vocabulary Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary online 2005 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Examples: If someone is coherent, you can understand what they say. Incoherent is not expressed or organized clearly, and therefore difficult to understand.
Illustrations Irrational and incoherent reasoning:
YouTube Miss Teen USA 2007 Incoherent Response
This video has been removed due to terms of use violation. (21 Sept 2007) You Tube Miss Teen USA South Carolina 2007 with Subtitles
You Tube Animated Response to Miss South Carolina 2007's Map Answer Recent polls have shown that a fifth of Americans can’t locate the US on a world map. Why do you think this is?
I personally believe that US Americans are unable to do so because uh, some people out there in our nation that don’t have maps and I believe that our education like such as South Africa and uh the Iraq everywhere like such as and I believe that they should our education over here! in the US should help the US uh should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries so we will be able to build up our future for our children.
Lyrics Weird Al Yankovic - Smells Like Nirvana What is this song all about? Can't figure any lyrics out How do the words to it go? I wish you'd tell me, I don't know Don't know, don't know, don't know, oh no Don't know, don't know, don't know CHORUS Now I'm mumblin' and I'm screamin' And I don't know what I'm singin' Crank the volume, ears are bleedin' I still don't know what I'm singin' We're so loud and incoherent Boy this oughtta bug your parents Yeah It's un-in-tel-ligible I just can't get it through my skull It's hard to bargle nawdle zouss(???) With all these marbles in my mouth Don't know, don't know, don't know, oh no Don't know, don't know, don't know... CHORUS Well we don't sound like Madonna Here we are now, we're Nirvana Sing distinctly? We don't wanna Buy our album, we're Nirvana A garage band from Seattle Well, it sure beats raising cattle Yeah And I forgot the next verse Oh well, I guess it pays to rehearse The lyric sheet's so hard to find What are the words? Oh, nevermind Don't know, don't know, don't know, oh no Don't know, don't know don't know... CHORUS Well, I'm yellin' and we're playin' But I don't know what I'm sayin' What's the message I'm conveyin'? Can you tell me what I'm sayin'? So have you got some idea? Didn't think so, well, I'll see ya! Sayonara, sayonara Ayonawa, adinawa Odinaya, yodinaya Yaddayadda, yaaahyaaah Ayaaaaah!
Nirvana – Smells Like Teen Spirit (Cough! Cough! Cough!) Load up on guns and Bring your friends It's fun to lose And to pretend She's over bored And self assured Oh no, I know A dirty word hello(repeat) With the lights out it's less dangerous Here we are now Entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now Entertain us A mulatto An albino A mosquito My Libido Yeah I'm worse at what I do best And for this gift I feel blessed Our little group has always been And always will until the end hello (15 x) With the lights out it's less dangerous Here we are now Entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now Entertain us A mulatto An albino A mosquito My Libido Yeah And I forget Just why I taste Oh yeah, I guess it makes me smile I found it hard It was hard to find Oh well, whatever, nevermind hello (15 x) With the lights out it's less dangerous Here we are now Entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now Entertain us A mulatto An albino A mosquito My Libido Yeah, a denial
A denial A denial...
YouTube Nirvana - Smells like Teen Spirit
YouTube Weird Al Yankovic - Smells Like Nirvana Related words Adhere 1 Adherence 1 Adherent 0 Adhesion 0 Adhesive 1 Cohesion 1 Cohesive 1 Inherent 2 (AWL 9) Hesitate 2 (Oxford 3000) Hesitation 1 Hesitant 1 (Collins Cobuild Frequency Bands) Verwante woorden in het Duits, Frans en Spaans
Verwante woorden in het Nederlands in zinsverband (zonder bronvermelding) Woordenboek Engels-Nederlands en Nederlands-Engels Van Dale Hedendaags Nederlands Met sociale cohesie doelen we op de sociale samenhang in onze maatschappij. Adhesie en cohesie Moleculen hebben vaak de neiging om aan elkaar vast te plakken, als we een waterdruppel nemen, en we laten die los in de lucht vallen, merken we dat de druppel bij elkaar blijft. Dit fenomeen heet cohesie, de watermoleculen trekken elkaar (dezelfde moleculen) aan. Zo hebben we ook adhesie, als we een glas met water vullen zien we dat het water als het ware langs het glas omhoog wil kruipen, dit noemen we adhesie, de moleculen trekken een ander soort moleculen aan. Licht incoherent praten komt vaker voor en het vormt geen specifiek symptoom. Volgens de staatssecretaris is dit incoherent, strijdig beleid. Soms kan Nederland zelfstandig coherent beleid maken maar steeds vaker moeten we dat met andere lidstaten zien te regelen op Europees niveau. Hoe coherent is dit actieplan? U kunt middels het tekenen van een adhesiebetuiging laten weten ook tegen de plannen te zijn. Uw adhesiebetuiging is welkom per e-mail, post, fax/tel. Het Samenwerkingsverband Voortgezet Onderwijs Nijmegen en omgeving heeft door middel van een adhesiebetuiging haar steun gegeven aan het initiatief. Geweld is inherent aan Vlaams Belang. Kernenergie is inherent onveilig.
Zinnen om te oefenen of toetsen 1 To the listener, such music is incoherent and formless. (BNC) 2 He was breathless, his voice sticky and incoherent as the breath was punched out of him, his face delirious. (BNC) 3 She gazed at him blankly, the question not penetrating, and murmured something incoherent. (BNC) 4 The gunmen who shot dead eight leading Armenian politicians were not affiliated to any known political group, and had no coherent political platform. (BBC) 5 The IMF has said that Argentina must present what it called a more coherent economic policy if it is to gain its support. But Mr Todesca said Argentina was working on a coherent policy. (BBC) Lesmateriaal op site Pegasus Geen Links naar ruw onbewerkt materiaal Word document: Fragment uit Conversation with Michael Mann, Professor of Sociology, UCLA en schrijver van Incoherent Empire (27 February 2004). Over het wetenschapsbedrijf. Toegankelijk met flink wat woorden op hoog niveau. Linkt door naar het volledige interview Wel al bewerkt tot Academic Word List gap text. Is apart word document. (Ingebracht door: W. Kleine Chr. Gymnasium Beyers Naudé)