Cognos Installation

  • April 2020
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: Installing Cognos8


: Cognos8.1.1

Documented By : 1) ANOOP KUMAR S.

Installing Cognos8 .x

Installing cognos standalone and configure with IIS server ➢ ➢ ➢ ➢

Create user cogrep/cogrep in oracle10g. create user cogrep identified by cogrep; grant create session to cogrep;(optional) grant connect, resource to cogrep;

1. Install business Intelligence Server. From :D\cognos_installables\c8bisrvr_win32_8.1.209.25_ml\win32\ 2. Click on issetup.exe and install. Configure the cogstartup.xml 1.Navigate to path C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\configuration\cogstartup.xml 2.Search for “Content Store”, make changes as shown below: 1. Note : bidwh is the servicename of content Store. 2. localhost:1433 bi-projectsrv:1521

3. <username>sa <password>sa <username>cogrep <password>cogrep 4. cm bidwh

Copy C:\oracle\ora92\jdbc\lib\classes12.jar file to C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\webapps\p2pd\WEBINF\lib\ Note: Please copy this classess12.jar file from Oracle server machine to cognos path.

Installing Cognos8 .x

Point the JRE to C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\bin\jre folder in Environmental settings(Path & Classpath).

Goto C:\Program Files\cognos\c8\bin\cogconfig.bat and add classes12.jar file into the path.

• •

Navigate to Start > Programs > Cognos 8 > Cognos Cofiguration Run the test. And start the services either from Cognos Configuration or from Services.

Install Cognos Bimodel Run the issetup.exe from D:\cognos_installables\c8bimodel_win32_8.1.209.25_ml\win32 For IISserver : 1.Goto Control panel->Add/Remove program-> Add/Remove program window component and check the IIS and install. 2.Goto Control panel->Administrative Tool-> Internet Server Manager-> Goto web default server and create virtual directory A. Virtual directory name it cognos8 and point it to \program files\cognos\webcontent (give read and write rights) B.Create a virtual directory cgi-bin under cognos8 directory and point it to \program files\cognos\cgibin (give it exec rights) Optional-->C. create a virtual directory help under the cognos8 directory and point it to \program files\cognos\webcontent\document( give read and write rights) Note:- Check the cognos configuration->Environment->gateway URI and create the virtual directory with the same name. http:\\localhost:80\cognos8\cgi-bin\cognos.cgi For Apache server : Add the following entries in the D:\Apache\conf\httpd.conf ScriptAlias /cognos8/cgi-bin/ "c:/Program Files/cognos/c8/cgi-bin/" ScriptAlias /cognos8/cgi-bin "c:/Program Files/cognos/c8/cgi-bin" Options ExecCGI Indexes FollowSymlinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all Installing Cognos8 .x

Alias /cognos8/help/ "c:/Program Files/cognos/c8/webcontent/documentation/" Options Indexes FollowSymlinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all Alias /cognos8/ "c:/Program Files/cognos/c8/webcontent/" Alias /cognos8 "c:/Program Files/cognos/c8/webcontent" Options Indexes FollowSymlinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all Options ExecCGI Indexes FollowSymlinks AllowOverride None Order allow,deny Allow from all AuthName "Cognos" AuthType Basic #AuthBasicProvider Cognos-ldap #require valid-user • • •

Start the Apache. Type the URL http://localhost/cognos 8 Cognos window should appear.

Report Generation •

Create two tables as shown below in the “cogrep” user.

SQL> create table student (studentNo int primary key, studentName varchar2(20)); SQL> create table studentDetails (studentNo int, studentAdd1 varchar2 (20), constraint foreign_1 foreign key (studentNo) references student (studentNo)); •

Create a data source from Control Panel > Administrative Tools>Data Sources (ODBC)

Select “Wind” as TNS Service Name.

Installing Cognos8 .x

Click on Test Connection,.

Provide Username and Password(Cogrep/cogrep)

Go to Programs>Cognos8>Frame Work Manager

Click on create a new project, give name of the project and location, click on OK.

Select the language.

select date sources, click next

Installing Cognos8 .x

click on New.

Click on next, enter the name for data source, click on next Select the type as shown below.

Installing Cognos8 .x

Give the data source name (which was given in administrative tools) Give username and password (cogrep/cogrep) Test the connection.

Installing Cognos8 .x

Click on Test

Installing Cognos8 .x

Test the connection. If the test is successful, click on close. Click on finish Select the newly created data source., click next Expand the cogtest user and tables, select the newly created tables which contains data.

Click on next Uncheck the use primary and foreign keys checkbox as shown below.

Installing Cognos8 .x

Click on Import Click on Finish Frame Work Manager with Newly created project appears as shown below

Installing Cognos8 .x

Select the newly created data source. Select Edit Governors from Tasks. Select the radio button to allow cross product joins as shown below. click ok. Right click package and create a new package as shown below. Give the name of the package. Click on next, below page appears, click on next

Installing Cognos8 .x

Installing Cognos8 .x

Click on next, below page appears, click on next

select Oracle for Available function sets

Installing Cognos8 .x

click Finish. Click yes. Publish wizard appears to select the package., click next.

Installing Cognos8 .x

Click publish. Click on finish.

Installing Cognos8 .x

Log on to http://localhost/Cognos 8 Click on Report Studio Select the package.(When more than one package is there) Click on create new report or template Click on any one of the option available, click on ok. Click on Query Explorer

Installing Cognos8 .x

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