Cognos Cube Tutorial

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Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

Cognos Cube Tutorial Level 1 Institutional Analysis and Planning


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

Contents Accessing a Cognos Cube………………………………………………………………………………3 Understanding the Cube Layout…………………………………………………………………….5 Zero Suppression of Cognos Cube Data…………………………………………………………7 Undoing Changes…………………………………………………………………………………………….9 Changing Column Dimensions on the Cognos Cube………………………………………9 Changing Row Dimensions on the Cognos Cube…………………………………………..12 Deleting Rows and Columns……………………………………………………………………………15 Using Dimension Subcategories……………………………………………………………………..17 Re-ordering Dimensions………………………………………………………………………………….21 Sorting Data…………………………………………………………………………………………………….23 Hiding and Showing Subtotals…………………………………………………………………………25 Exporting and Saving Data………………………………………………………………………………32 Changing the View of the Cognos Cube………………………………………………………….39 Swapping Columns and Rows………………………………………………………………………….41


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

1. Accessing a Cognos Cube 1. Go to the Public Cognos Cubes Index page at


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

2. From the table at the bottom of the page, click on a link to one of the four Cognos Cube types available.

3. From the form, select one radio button from each category. For definitions of terms hover the mouse over the word. Click “Generate Report” once finished.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

2. Understanding the Cognos Cube report layout The default view displays the title of the report across the top of the page. The title indicates both report type and academic career selected. Below the title is the Dimension Selector line which lists all the dimensions available for the Cognos cube. The Cognos cube automatically displays faculty in the columns and time period in the rows. The dimension chosen for primary organization is displayed in the column next to fiscal year (In this case, attendance). Beside the Dimension Selector Line are two sets of arrows. These are used when the number of dimensions is too large to fit on one page. The arrows to the left scroll backwards through the list of dimensions. The arrows to the right scroll forwards through the list of dimensions. The reset button restores all dimensions to their highest level by removing any filters added by the user. The wrap on/off button changes the display of the Dimension Selector Line. When the wrap is on, the dimensions will stack up to fit onto the page.

The toolbar across the bottom contains several useful functions for manipulating Cognos cube data. These include crosstab view, swapping rows and columns, file format, and help. The Dimension Tree functions much like the Dimension Selector Line. For the purposes of this tutorial, only the Dimension Selector Line will be discussed. To hide the Dimension Tree, click on the small arrow at the top right corner of the tree. 5

Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

3. Zero Suppression of Cognos Cube Data The Cognos cube automatically hides rows and columns which consist entirely of zero values. This is known as zero suppression. Typically the following label will appear beneath the cube – “Zero suppression rows and columns”. Without zero suppression, trends in data may be hard to analyze. For example, when looking at the dimension “First Major” organized by “Faculty”, only majors offered within the particular faculty will have values. For example, in the Faculty of AHS (Applied Health Sciences), the only majors with values are “AHS” (Applied Health Sciences), “BNSCI” (Behavioural Neuroscience),Gerontology, Health, Kinesiology, Recreation, and Tourism (the latter four majors do not fit on the screen and must be scrolled to using the arrows at the right hand side of the cube). With this expanded layout, it is difficult to see which students have their first major within the faculty of AHS.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

With Zero suppression, the same data can be displayed in a much more compact and useable fashion. Each faculty only displays majors with non zero values. Now, all students with majors in the faculty of AHS fit on one page.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

4. Undoing Changes To undo any changes made to the cube, press the back button in web browser.


5. Changing Column Dimensions on the Cognos Cube 3. To replace an existing column dimension with another, click on a dimension name from the dimension selector line and drag it over the existing column labels. Once the column labels turn blue, the cursor can be let go. This replaces the old column dimension with the new dimension.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

3. To add a column dimension, drag the dimension name till the row above or below the column names turns blue. Then drop the new dimension name. If the new dimension is dropped in the row above, the cube will look like this:


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

If the new dimension is dropped in the row below, the cube will look like this:


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

6. Changing Row Dimensions on the Cognos Cube 1. The procedure for replacing row dimensions is exactly the same as for column dimensions. Click on a dimension name from the dimension selector line and drag it over the existing row labels. Once the row labels turn blue, the cursor can be let go.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

2. To add a row dimension, drag the dimension name till the columns to the left or right of the row names turn blue. If the new dimension is dropped in the column to the left, the cube will look like this:


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

If the new dimension is dropped in the column to the right, the cube will look like this:


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

7. Deleting Rows and Columns Rows and columns can only be deleted if there are multiple dimensions displayed on the Cognos cube. There are three main methods for deleting a row or column. Each row or column has a small rectangle at the beginning. Hover your cursor over the rectangle until it turns blue and an arrow appears inside.

Method 1: Right click to open a menu of options. Select the word “delete”.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

Method 2: Left click to open a toolbar. Select the X icon.

Method 3: Hold the cursor down in the rectangle and drag the dimension to any white space surrounding the cube.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

8. Using Dimension Subcategories There are two main uses for the dimension subcategories. 1. They can be added to the cube in the same manner as the major dimensions. 2. They can be used to filter data within the cube. Both methods have the same effect on cube data. In the first instance, the subcategory is visible on the cube. In the second instance, the subcategory is visible only on the dimension selector line. 8.1. Adding Dimension Subcategories to the Cognos Cube The dimension Campus has three subcategories: REN (Renison), STJ (St. Jerome’s), and UW (Main Campus).

To add one of the three campuses, simply drag the name to the appropriate location on the cube. Note how the Dimension Selector now displays “STJ” instead of “CAMPUS”.

Choosing any other subcategory from the same dimension will replace the one displayed in the cube. Choosing the word “CAMPUS” will display all three subcategories on the Cognos cube. 17

Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

8.2. Using Dimension Subcategories to Filter Data 1. From the dimension selector line, click the arrow beside the dimension name to open up a menu listing all the subcategories.

2. Click on any one of the menu items.

3. Though the cube labels will appear unchanged, the dimension selector will display the subcategory you have chosen. Note how the values in the Cognos cube are altered. This is because the subcategory (St. Jerome’s Campus) has been used to filter the data. The values in the Cognos cube are exactly the same as when the subcategory “STJ” is dropped onto the Cognos cube.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

9. Sorting Data


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

10. Re-ordering Dimensions There is no limit on the number of dimensions which can be added to the rows and columns of the Cognos cube. The dimensions can be re-ordered by clicking in the rectangle in front of the row or column and choosing “Swap Left/Right” for rows dimensions, and “Swap up/down” for column dimensions. 10.1 Re-ordering Row Dimensions To swap the dimensions, click in the arrow above the dimension label and select “Swap Right” or “Swap Left”.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

10.2 Re-ordering Column Dimensions To swap the column dimensions, click in the arrow to the left of the dimension label and select “Swap Up” or “Swap Down”.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

11. Sorting Data 1. Click in the space above the column label. The label will turn blue and a set of up/down sort arrows will appear.

2. Choose whether to apply a sort (ascending/descending), or remove a sort (no sort).


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

3. The Cognos cube will refresh with the data sorted by the category “AHS”. The sort is in ascending order according to the column subtotals. The up/down arrow above the column label has been replaced with an up arrow to indicate the sort is ascending.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

12. Hiding and Showing Data 12.1 Hiding and Showing Subtotals Method 1: 1. Right click on any subtotal label within the Cognos cube and select “Hide Selection” from the menu.

2. The Cognos cube will refresh with all subtotal rows removed.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

3. To re-insert the subtotals, select the dimension name from the dimension selector line and drag it onto the cube in the same position.

4. The Cognos cube will refresh with the subtotals re-inserted.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

Method 2: 1. Right click on any subtotal label within the Cognos cube and select “Hide/Show…” from the menu.

2. A dialogue box will open. Uncheck the “Show Summaries” check box and click “OK”.

3. The Cognos cube will refresh with all subtotal rows removed.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

12.2 Hiding and Showing categories Method 1: 1. Right click any category label and select “Hide Selection” from the menu.

2. The Cognos cube will refresh with the category “Full-Time” hidden.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

Method 2: 1. Right click on any category label within the Cognos cube and select “Hide/Show…” from the menu.

2. To hide the category Full-Time, Select “Full-Time” from the Visible Categories box and click on the forward arrow.

3. Click “OK” once finished


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

4. The Cognos cube will refresh with the category “Full Time” hidden.

5. To re-insert the category, select “Hide/Show…” to re-open the dialogue box. Select “Full-Time” from the Hidden Categories box and click on the backward arrow. Click “OK” once finished.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

4. The Cognos cube will refresh with the subtotals re-inserted.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

13. Exporting and Saving Data 13.1 Exporting Excel Spreadsheets 1. Click on the file icon on the toolbar at the bottom of the page.

2. Select “Export XLS”.

3. A dialog box will open. Choose to save or open the file in Windows Excel.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

4. The excel file will open in a new window.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

13.2 Exporting Comma Separated Values 1. Select “Export CSV”.

2. A dialog box will open. Choose to save or open the file in Windows Excel.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

3. The CSV file will open in a new window.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

13.3 Exporting Adobe PDF’s 1. To export the data to Adobe, choose “Export PDF” from the menu.

2. A form will open at the bottom of the screen. Select the appropriate options and then click on “Export”.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

3. The PDF file will open in the same web browser.

11.4 Preparing a bookmark 1. To prepare a bookmark choose “Prepare Bookmark” from the menu. Bookmarks enable the user to create a permanent web address from which to access the Cognos cube. Bookmarks MUST be created before saving a webpage link to your favourite places. This is because the bookmark preserves any changes you have made to the Cognos cube. For example, when the bookmark is re-opened, all filters, and added or removed data will be recalled.

Once the button has been clicked, the Cognos cube page will refresh. The URL that is now in the address bar can be saved to your “Favourite Places”.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

2. Click on “Favourites” from the menu bar at the top of the browser window.

3. Select “Add to Favourites…” from the drop down menu.

4. A dialog box will open. Give the bookmark an easily identifiable name and click “OK”.

5. The bookmark will now appear in your Favourite Places folder to be accessed at any time. Whenever data in the cube is updated, the bookmark will also update. The exception to this is when the updated field is being used as a filter in the bookmark. In this case the cube will not update the filtered data.


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

14. Changing the View of the Cognos Cube 1. The Cognos cube has two views; Crosstab view, and indented crosstab view. By default the Cognos cube opens in Crosstab view. To switch to indented crosstab view, click on arrow beside the Crosstab icon on the toolbar.

2. From the menu select “Indented Crosstab”

3. The Cognos cube will now look like this:


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

4. To switch back to the original view, select “Crosstab” from the menu.

5. The Cognos cube will now look like this:


Institutional Analysis and Planning: Cognos Cube Tutorial Level I

15. Swapping Columns and Rows 1. Click on the “Swap” Icon on the toolbar.

2. Once the button has been clicked, the Cognos cube page will refresh. The report will now look like this:

Note how the original row labels (fiscal year and attendance) are now column labels. Also, the original column label (faculty) is now the row label. 3. To swap the rows and columns back, click the “Swap” icon again. The report will now look like this:

Prepared by Institutional Analysis and Planning, June 1, 2006. 41

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