Coding Standards

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IV. CODING STANDARDS General Standards


One command per line Each ABAP/4 command consists of a sentence ending with a period. Multiple commands can be on one line; however, as a standard start each new command on a new line. This will allow for easier deleting, commenting, and debugging.


Indented source code The ABAP/4 editor has a "Pretty Printer" command to indent by 2 positions specific lines of code and add subroutine comments. Event keywords are typically not indented.

DATA: BEGIN OF tab OCCURS 100, f1 LIKE sg-field1, f2 LIKE sg-field2, END OF tab.. DATA: f1 TYPE I, f2 TYPE I. START-OF-SELECTION. GET table. IF f1 = f2. f1 = 0. ELSE. f1 = 1. ENDIF. SELECT * FROM table WHERE field1 EQ sg-field2 AND field2 BETWEEN sg-field5 AND sg-field6. MOVE ... APPEND ... ENDSELECT. END-OF-SELECTION. LOOP AT tab. AT NEW f1. CASE F1. WHEN ... WRITE: ... WHEN ... WRITE:/ ... ENDCASE. ENDAT.

Making Programs and Function Modules Obsolete Steps to make a program obsolete: 1. Verify that the program is not referenced by any other programs, transactions or dialog modules that are not obsolete in either the production or development environments. If it is, notify the person who requested the program to be made obsolete and stop here. 2. Reconcile the development version with the production version, and revert development to the same version as production if it is different. (Use the Version Management function to do this). Make sure that the retrieved version can be generated without errors. If there are errors - return back to the original active version. 3. If you have to go back to the previous version, make sure that any active development of an object in unreleased requests/transports is saved by releasing the request/transport. 4. If the program is not a function module, go to transaction SE38, and put in the program name which is to be made obsolete. Click on Attributes, and then click on "Change". Change the Authorization Group to "ZINACTV0" (the last character is the digit ZERO), and the Application to "* Cross-Application". Attempt to change the Development Class to "ZZZ0" (the last character is the digit ZERO). If you have problems changing the development class, go back to the ABAP editor initial screen.

Click on "Goto" at the top of the screen, and then click on "Object Directory entry" on the dropdown. Make the change and save. 5. Send all the information about the program (including by whom & when it was determined that this program is obsolete) to [email protected] . Please be sure to send your e-mail before releasing the program from SF2. 6. Transport the changes made to SF5 and Production.

Since SAP doesn't let us change the authorization group for one function module, we (MIT) are using the following six steps in place of step 4 above to make a function module obsolete: 4a. Under ATTRIBUTES tab, change the short text (i.e. one line description) of the function module to start with the word "Obsolete". 4b. Use the editor function to make all the source code lines of the function module into comments. (On the PC version of the ABAP editor, you can use Control-A to select all the code and Control-< to make all the selected code into comments. On the Mac, click on the first line of code, then click on the Select icon, then click on the last line of code, then click on the Select icon to select all the code. Then select the menu item

Utilities -> Block/buffer -> Insert comment * to make all the selected code into comments.) * NOTE: you cannot comment out the key lines Function/Endfunction.

4c. Insert a comment at the top of the function module source code stating that the function module is now obsolete. 4d. Put the following ABAP statement in the source code in order to force a short dump should someone try to execute the function module:

MESSAGE ID 'ZZ' TYPE 'X' NUMBER '132' WITH 'Function module' ''. 4e. Use the ABAP Workbench command to mark the function module as obsolete. (Go to SE37, type in the function module name and click on the "change" button. Go to the "Attributes" tab. Select the menu item:

Function module -> Release -> Object obsolete 4f. "Deactivate" the function module so that the system will automatically comment out the include file for the function module from the function group. (On the first screen of transaction SE37, Right-Click (on a PC) or Command-Click (on a Mac) to bring up a menu of commands. Select the "Deactivate" command.) Here is an example showing steps 4b, 4c & 4d:

FUNCTION Z_INSERT_TR_ACCOUNT . *********** This function module is OBSOLETE *********** MESSAGE ID 'ZZ' TYPE 'X' NUMBER '132' WITH 'Function module' 'Z_INSERT_TR_ACCOUNT'. **"-------------------------------------------------------------------* **"*"Update function module: **" **"*"Local interface: **" IMPORTING **" VALUE(TRAV_ACC) LIKE ZTRV1 STRUCTURE ZTRV1 **" EXCEPTIONS **" INSERT_ERROR **"-------------------------------------------------------------------* * * MOVE-CORRESPONDING TRAV_ACC TO ZTRV1. * INSERT ZTRV1. * IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. * RAISE INSERT_ERROR.

* ENDIF. ENDFUNCTION. Guidelines For Deleting Old/Unused ABAP Code When maintaining a program, new code is written to replace older code. It is usually a good idea to comment out the code rather than delete it entirely. This serves 2 purposes: it makes the old code readily available in case there is a problem with the new code, and it serves as documentation of how the old code used to work. After a while, so much commented-out code can accumulate that it makes it difficult to read the program - that is, the accumulated commented-out code can become confusing rather than helpful. (Code that was once active generally should be carried as commented-out code in at least one transport before it is actually deleted, but this is not an absolute requirement.) If, in the judgement of the programmer, the commented-out code is confusing rather than helpful, the old code may be deleted if ALL of the following four conditions are met: 1. The code to be deleted has been captured in SAP version management as part of a released transport. 2. You add text to the revision history stating which line numbers in a previous (specified) released transport you deleted and why you deleted them. It is very desirable that you also cite the last transport in which these items were active. For example, you might write "Deleted commented-out code on lines 1570 through 1620 of transport SF2K912345 in order to make the program easier to read. This code was last active as lines 1232 through 1282 in transport SF2911678.". 3. The revision history of the program is reasonably complete with good explanations of what was added or deleted as part of each transport, as well as the functional consequences of that change (not just a generic comment like "fixed bug" or "added new features"). A revision history like this should be maintained contemporaneously with changes to the code. If you acquire maintenance responsibility for a program that is already in production and has commented-out code which is not described in the revision history, you don't have to retroactively document the effect of the commented-out code. You do have to add to the revision history a statement following the example in item 2 (above) and a statement of whatever you know (or can easily determine) about the intended effect of the commented-out code that you are deleting. 4. (If applicable) When an algorithm or general approach is changed, comments should be added near the code for the new algorithm or approach describing: a. how the new approach differs from the old one b. the most recent released transport with the old approach c. the range of line numbers containing the code that implemented the old approach in the version included in the referenced transport Authorization Groups Authorization Groups permit users access to execute report-type programs from transaction SA38 (or SE38). All MIT-written reports must have an explicit authorization group. There are 3 cases:

• •

Programs that can be executed by all MIT users must be configured using the authorization group 'ZOPN2ALL' for Application '*'. This configuration is done by the developer of the report program in the 'Attributes' screen of SE38 . Programs that should only be executed by a restricted set of users should have an authorization group that is defined to include only that set of users. (In many cases, it may be desirable for a large set of developers and testers to have that authorization in SF2, a smaller set to have that authorization in SF5, and an even more restricted set to have that authorization in production.) Some programs have other authorization controls (for example, the program may provide particular functionality to certain users as determined by the ABAP "AUTHORITY-CHECK" command or an authorization checking function module), but other functionality is available to everyone. In that case the program should use the 'ZOPN2ALL ' authorization group in addition to its explicit use of the ABAP "AUTHORITY-CHECK " command or an authority checking function module.

When choosing an existing authorization group to assign to a program, especially a program that does not have additional authority checks in the program itself, be sure that the people who will be using the new program already have access to the authorization group chosen. If they don't, it is very possible that the authorization group chosen is not appropriate for the program, as giving them access to the new program would give them access to the other programs the authorization group controls. In summary, all MIT-written reports must have an explicit authorization group - either as the only authorization mechanism or in conjunction with some other authorization mechanism. The 'ZOPN2ALL' authorization group should be used where the intent is to allow everyone in the community to at least start the program (although another authorization mechanism may be used to further restrict who can perform particular functions or access particular data). Authorizations : Usage of SAP objects For any custom programming using authorization checks, developers must determine whether a standard SAP authorization object should be used, or if a custom object should be developed. Since the authorization object implementation typically comprises more business-related than technical issues, developers should consult with the business analysts responsible for the application in making this decision. Restricting Access to HR Data Because of the sensitivity of HR data, all custom-written programs that access HR data must restrict who can access the HR data. Four methods to accomplish authorization checks for HR data are listed below:

1. Use function module HR_READ_INFOTYPE instead of direct SELECT statements when

reading a specific infotype. 2. Use logical database PNP to leverage SAP authorizations (caveat: performance can be slow) 3. SELECT statements should only be used when the SAP documented data interfaces which incorporate the SAP authorization checks (Logical Databases, function modules, and BAPI's) cannot provide the functionality required. If it is necessary to use SELECT's, then you must perform your own AUTHORITY-CHECK on the data selected.

4. Place a strict authorization group at the program (transaction) level. If a wide variety of data for a large group of individuals is needed in a single program, then this program must have a very strict authorization on who can run it (definitely not on any menu path). Dates : Output in reports (Year 2000 compliance) The preferred formats for representing a date in a printed report are either MM/DD/YYYY or DDMon-YYYY(where "MM" is the two-digit number of the month, "DD" is the two-digit number of the day within the month, "YYYY" is the four-digit year, and "Mon" is the three-letter abbreviation of the name of the month). In any case, use of a 4-digit year is a requirement. (The preferred format for dates in input, i.e. "Feed", files is YYYYMMDD.) The R/3 system is already year 2000 compliant. To preserve that compliance, whenever a date is written or read, the year field should contain four digits. The only exception to this standard is reading from or writing to external files, where the year 2000 restriction in the external system may be different. However, even in this case, if it is at all possible, it is desirable to allocate four digits for the year in the file layout. Interface : Field sizes and layouts in data files All external file layouts used for files transmitted to and from the R/3 system should be discussed with and approved by the Infrastructure (formerly Bridges) Team before the layout is finalized. This is to insure consistency in field conventions and file processing standards. The requirements for the following data elements are: • • •

Dates: As indicated in the section "Writing dates in reports," dates should use a 4-digit year with certain exceptions. Cost Objects: Cost objects should be left-aligned in a 12-character field with trailing blanks. (Optionally, a 7-character field followed by 5 characters of blank filler is acceptable. Cost Elements: Cost elements should be left-aligned in a 10-character field with trailing blanks. (Optionally, a 6-character field followed by 4 characters of blank filler is acceptable.

Interface : Dropbox mechanism for file interfaces The dropbox is the standard method for data providers to automatically deliver files created outside of SAP as feeds into MIT's SAP R/3 environments. Data providers must be registered with the dropbox. These providers FTP data files to the dropbox. Based on a combination of file naming conventions and registered dropbox userids, the files are automatically delivered to the appropriate MIT SAP R/3 environment. Detailed documentation on how to use this mechanism is located at

Interface : Processing Inbound and Outbound Files What SAP application programmers do to process inbound files • • • •

Call Z_UT_GET_INPUT_FILE_NAME with the filename field from the selection-screen, the (4-char) provider & the (3-char) feed codes and (optionally) the name of an acceptable event. Call Z_UT_START_OF_INBOUND with the file name (from Z_UT_GET_INPUT_FILE_NAME). Read & process the input file. Call Z_UT_END_OF_INBOUND when finished.

More information on processing inbound files (pdf). What SAP application programmers do to process outbound files • • •

Call Z_UT_START_OF_OUTBOUND with the (4-char) provider and the (3-char) feed code to obtain the pathname of your output file. Do your processing, write the output file and accummulate control totals. Call Z_UT_END_OF_OUTBOUND with the key (in the ZJOBRUN2 table) for the output file and the contents of the control record.

More information on processing outbound files (pdf). Interface : Inbound interface filename determination from event When an inbound interface program is initiated by triggering an SAP event, the filename is sent as an event parameter which should then be read by the interface program. An example of using this triggering and parameter passing method is outlined in program ZDMR0036 (in development system SF2). Jobs : Tracking status using ZJOBRUN2 Many programs read input files or produce extracts from the R/3 and require detailed tracking data file names and error statuses (beyond the capability of the standard R/3 job scheduler). Even if the program doesn't need to keep track of file numbers or status, there are other reasons that a program might need to preserve some status information from one run of the program to the next. It also might be necessary to record some status information for easy access by a human being. To provide a common repository for job status, the ZJOBRUN2 table was created. All programs that need to track job status should read / write records to / from this table. New programs must not use text files outside of the R/3 system or other custom tables for this purpose. Programs that currently use methods other than the ZJOBRUN2 table to track status should be modified to use ZJOBRUN2 instead. NOTE: ZJOBRUN2 is an new and improved version of the original ZJOBRUN table. The original table is still in use by older programs but should no longer be used for developing new programs. Here is the layout of the ZJOBRUN2 table:





File Transfer Provider



File transfer Feed Code



Sequential number of the job run



Date of run



Time of run



Program name



File Name



File Time Stamp



Date of Extract Creation



Time of Extract Creation



Record counter – number processed



Total Credits (if applicable)



Total Debits (if applicable)



Control Record



Total control Credits (if applicable)



Total control Debits (if applicable)



Error Counter – number or error records



Total error credits (if applicable)



Total error debits (if applicable)



Error File – location of error file on UNIX filesystem


Currency Key



File Status



Review Flag


Text – any additional text info


User who executed the job


Master Data: Searching for a person's name in master data Supervisor and addressee names are stored in SAP master data tables. Because it is possible for more than one person to have the same name, MIT ID is used to uniquely identify a person at MIT. The MIT ID of each cost object's supervisor and addressee is stored in table ZCOOBJECT. The master list of MIT ID's is kept in table ZMITID. Several MIT-developed function modules exist to allow programs to access these tables. They are outlined below. • • • • •

Z_CO_M ITID_TO_NAME - Convert MIT ID to name in format L /F M and as separate components; Z_CO_COST_OBJECTS_FROM_MITID - Return a list of cost object numbers from MIT id numbers passed in a range table; Z_CO_COST_OBJECT_NAMES - Return the names of the supervisor and addressee of a given cost object; Z_CO_GET_MITID_POPUP - Display Popup of MITID information from a given selectoptions.

In addition, collective search help ZMID is available for possible value help. It consists of two elementary search helps: • •

ZMIDA - Lists all MIT ID's in the system for given selection criteria; ZMIDB - Lists only those MIT ID's which are either supervisors or addressees of cost objects.

Master Data:

Determining Cost Object Type, Company, and Validity

Function Module Z_CO_GET_COST_OBJECT_TYPE can be used to determine the type of a cost object, verify that the cost object is valid, and determine the company code of which it is a part. The function module Z_FI_VALIDATE_GL_ACCOUNT is the G/L account counterpart to Z_CO_GET_COST_OBJECT_TYPE . Z_FI_VALIDATE_GL_ACCOUNT is called with a G/L account number and a company code. Z_FI_VALIDATE_GL_ACCOUNT will indicate whether the specified G/L account is valid in the specified company code and whether any flag is set which obviously prevents posting to that G/L account. (Again, it is possible that even if no flag is set there might be some other reason that a charge or credit can't be posted to the specified G/L account.) Termination Codes in Cost Objects

This section describes TermCodes in Cost Object master data and the ZSTATUS field of ZCOOBJECT table entries describing those Cost objects. (Note: when there is no TermCode on a Cost Object that is the same as saying that the value of the Termcode is "space"). Term Code





Valid cost object



Valid cost object



Valid cost object



Valid Terminated Cost Object (No postings permitted)



Valid cost object



Invalid cost object with no charges/credits posted



Invalid cost object with charges/credits posted

* = Was used to indicate a restricted state in the MIT classic system but it no longer has any special significance. Invalid Cost Objects (Cost Objects with TermCode = ZSTATUS = 8 or 9) should be treated by almost all MIT custom programs as though the Cost Objects don't exist. The only programs that should take cognizance of these invalid Cost Objects are transactions ZCO2 and ZCO3 (for modifying and displaying Cost Object master data), program ZCO005F (the Trial Balance report), and some extracts sending data to the data warehouse. Terminated Cost Objects (with TermCode = 3, ZSTATUS = T) are valid and may be reported on, but they may not have any charges or credits posted to them. It is permissible to "Park" a document with charges or credits to a terminated (TermCode = 3, ZSTATUS = T) Cost Object. An alphabetic character in the ZSTATUS field of the ZCOOBJECT table indicates that the Cost Object described by that row is a valid Cost Object. A numeric digit in the ZSTATUS field of the ZCOOBJECT table indicates that the Cost Object described by that row is an invalid Cost Object. MIT's Master Data maintainers guarantee that if the same Cost Object number appears in ZCOOBJECT more than once, only one of those appearances will have an alphabetic character in the ZCOOBJECT-ZSTATUS field - that is, at any instant, there will only be one valid cost object with a given Cost Object number. Most MIT function modules that return data about a Cost Object by looking it up in the ZCOOBJECT table will ignore any rows that have a numeric digit in the ZSTATUS field of the ZCOOBJECT table. If the only row for a particular Cost Object number has a numeric digit in the ZSTATUS field of the ZCOOBJECT table, the function module will raise an exception indicating that there is no valid Cost Object with that number. Function module Z_CO_GET_COST_OBJECT_TYPE was originally written to return the type (cost center, internal order, or WBS) of a valid Cost Object. During the M.E.S. project it was enhanced to (optionally) return the company code of the Cost Object. It has been enhanced again to also (optionally) return the status of the Cost Object. The status is the contents of the

ZSTATUS field of the ZCOOBJECT table. Currently the returned status will be either 'X' (for a valid non-terminated Cost Object) or 'T' (for a valid terminated Cost Object). Attempts to post charges or credits to terminated (TermCode = 3, ZSTATUS = T) cost objects will be prevented by MIT's validation rules. However, some programs might find it useful to know before attempting to post that the posting will be prevented by MIT's validation rules. Such programs can check whether the status returned by Z_CO_GET_COST_OBJECT_TYPE is 'X' or 'T'. (Of course, even if the statusis 'X', there are many other reasons why it might not be possible to post charges or credits to the Cost Object.) Dictionary: Table development standards 1.



Table naming convention Name the table as follows: Position





Business area - see appendix b


Descriptive characters

Table definition convention The first field defined for any MIT developed business application table should be: MANDT . This is the 'client' field, and makes the table specific to the client that it is used/modified in. The only exception to this might be certain infrastructure tables that might be defined. These would not be business application tables, however. Maintenance settings "Tab. Maint. Allowed" 'X' or (blank) Flag if maintenance with Data Browser (Transaction SE16) is allowed. If this flag is set, the data in the table can be changed with the Data Browser and if the user has the necessary authorization. If the data records of the table can only be maintained by program or table view maintenance (Transaction SM30), you may not set this flag. Note: If there is a maintenance interface for the table view maintenance, the Data Browser cannot be called for the table. In this case the flag has no effect.


Delivery class



SAP definition



Applic. table (master and transaction data)

Should not be maintainable by SM30/SM31


Customizing table, maintenance only by customer, not SAP import

Used for Control type info, should be maintainable by SM30/SM31


Table for storing temporary Should not be used for MIT tables data, delivered empty


Customizing table, protected against SAP Update, only INS all

This is for use on Customizing tables developed in cooperation with SAP. SAP can INSERT entries into this type of table, but cannot change or delete any.


Control table, SAP and customer have separate key areas

Should not be used for MIT tables


System table, maint. only by SAP, change = modification

Should not be used for MIT tables


System table, contents transportable via separate TR objects

Should not be used for MIT tables

Access Control - Authorization Group This is not readily visible on the table definition screen. The definition of an Authorization Group, and assignment of one to a table, are functions done by R3-Admin. However, the identification of what that group should be is an Application Development issue. An Authorization Group has a 4 character name.

A recommendation for the name construction is 'Zxxy', where:







COMMENT 2 character business area abbreviation; Example GL = General Ledger 1 alphanumeric character to distinguish sub groups within the business area for tables with common characteristics, and common users

Authorization Group is an important attribute of a table; it is used in authorizations to grant display and update access to the appropriate SAP Users. An authorization group should be assigned to an MIT table if: - it is a delivery class 'C' (or 'G') customizing table - it is an application data table (Del. Class 'A') for which access is to be restricted, even if a person has access to the application which displays / maintains it. An Authorization Group is recommended for all MIT developed tables, to provide a mechanism for controlling access, even in cases where the table is thought to be 'public' or

commonly displayable. 6.

Summary When you are developing a table in SAP, consider these questions and the answers you get for them: • • •

Who should be able to see the contents of this table? - only people who have access to the transaction/report that use the table - small number of people - larger number of people - any SAP User. How will entries be added/changed/deleted for this table? - by an application program only - by standard table maintenance only - by both standard table maintenance and the application. Are entries in this table dependent on entries in another table or vice versa? Is this necessary for logical consistency? (If so, either a check table should be used to ensure this, or maintenance should only be done via an application specifically coded to ensure this relationship). Who should be able to add/change/delete entries of this table? - only people who have access to the transaction/report that use the table - small number of people larger number of people.

Is this table one of several that all share IDENTICAL access control requirements, and will ALL be: a. commonly viewable by the exact same group of people? b. commonly maintainable by the exact same group of people? (The groups referred to in a. and b. may or may not be the same group) With this information you can establish a matrix that defines - groupings of tables - types of access needed groups of people to have each type of access. Direct database updates of SAP standard tables Under no circumstances should any program directly update SAP-delivered tables using the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE commands. SAP-delivered tables begin with all letters other than Y and Z, and they should only be updated using an SAP transaction. To automate updates to SAP tables via a program, you may use the CALL TRANSACTION command (or optionally create a BDC using SAP supplied functions, or use BAPIs). More information is in Appendix D. Processing error messages from BDC call transaction R/3 has message libraries (or classes) containing numbered messages which may contain placeholders. The ABAP MESSAGE command allows the programmer to specify a message library, a message number and up to four values to be substituted for the placeholders in the message. Sometimes an ABAP programmer needs to substitute values for the placeholders himself - for example to present the messages produced as the result of a CALL TRANSACTION. It is strongly recommended that the ABAP programmer use the ABAP

"MESSAGE ID mid TYPE mtype NUMBER nr WITH f1 ... f4 INTO expanded"

command. Function Modules When a function module detects an error, it (typically) raises an exception to report the error back to the caller. If you use the ABAP "RAISE" command, the caller gets the number associated with the exception. It is strongly recommended that MIT-written function modules not use the ABAP "RAISE" command - but use the ABAP

"MESSAGE ID mid TYPE mtype NUMBER nr WITH f1 ... f4 RAISING exception" command. This form of the ABAP "MESSAGE" command is only possible within a function module or a method. It triggers the exception "exception". If the program calling the function module or method handles the exception itself, control returns immediately to that program. In this case, the export parameters of the function module are ignored. However, the calling program can refer to the system field values: • • • • • • •


(message (message (message (message (message (message (message

ID) type) number) value 1) value 2) value 3) value 4)

If the calling program does not handle the exception itself, the message is output. This allows MIT-written function modules to be as helpful as possible. The help is provided to the calling program (if that program decides to use the extra information) or to the people dealing with an eventual problem (if the program doesn't use the extra information). Communication Between Foreground and Background Processes This section discusses the "recommended" method of communicating information from a foreground process to a background process. In some cases it is desirable to have an interactive program which acquires some data (perhaps by reading a file on the desktop machine, perhaps some by other means such as user entry or a selection controlled by user entry) and passes that data to a background job for further processing. There are several ways that the information could be passed. One method is to have the interactive program write a Unix file which the background job will read. That is NOT recommended (any more). The following three methods are recommended. The first two methods assume that the interactive (foreground) job creates and SUBMITs the background job and can pass parameters to the background job by including the parameter values in the SUBMIT command.

• • •

If there is very little data, have the foreground job use the SUBMIT command to pass the actual data through selection screen parameters or select-options when creating the background job. If there is more data, have the foreground job export it to the INDX table in the database and us the SUBMIT command to pass the ID key through a selection screen parameter when creating the background job. In some special cases, it might be better to create a new custom table and have the foreground job load the data into the custom table, from which the background job will retrieve it.

This is an expanded description of method 2, above. Assume that an internal table named "t_itab" is defined (and loaded with data) in the foreground job and the internal table "t_itab" has exactly the same definition in the background job. In the foreground job:


"Not required in

where "t_itab" is the name of your internal table, "ar" is a two-character constant of your choosing, "key" is a variable containing a unique key (up to 22 characters long) that you created (you might want to consider using elements such as the user name, the date, the time, the work process number, the application server name, etc. to produce a unique key)

SUBMIT BACKGRND ... WITH A_KEY1 = key ... . In the background job:

TABLES INDX. "Not required in 4.6C PARAMETERS: a_key1 like INDX-SRTFD NO-DISPLAY. IMPORT t_itab FROM DATABASE INDX(ar) ID a_key1. where "t_itab" is the name of your internal table, "ar" is the same two-character constant, "a_key1" is the parameter into which the unique key was passed After you no longer need the data, the program should

DELETE FROM DATABASE INDX(ar) ID a_key1. Choice of Currency Fields SAP Tables contain multiple monetary amounts for two reasons: 1. The amounts are expressed in (potentially) different currencies. 2. The amounts represent different costs, expenses, or balances. This section deals only with item 1 - that is, it is intended to provide guidance in the selection of field(s) which use the current currency. It does not deal with item 2 - the programmer or business analyst must determine which costs, expenses, or balances the program should be using.

Make sure that the correct monetary fields are used. • •

For FI Tables, use the monetary amount in the company code currency firld, sometimes described as the "local currency" field. For CO Table, use the monetary amount in the controlling area currency field.

Generally, it is NOT the monetary amount in the field described as "document currency", "transaction currency", or "object currency". If you need guidance in selecting fields from a table not yet listed here, or you have information about "monetary" fields not listed here, please contact either your FI-CO technical resource or Technical Services. TABLE TABLE DESCRIPTION



Accounting Department Segment


Amount in local currency


CO Object: Line Items(by period)


Total value on CO area currency


CO Object: Cost Totals for External WKG99 Postings

Total value on CO area currency


CO Object: Cost Totals for Internal WKG99 Postings

Total value on CO area currency


G/L Account Master Transaction Figures


Total Transactions in the period in local currency


Project Info Database: Cost,Revenues,Finances


Period value in Ledger currency

* The '9' 's in this column stand for a given period (1 through 16). Required Parameters To Z_SENDMAIL The majority of E-Mail sent from the MIT R/3 systems is sent via custom function module Z_SENDMAIL. After it was put into production, some additional input parameters were added to Z_SENDMAIL. Since Z_SENDMAIL was already being called by production programs, the new input parameters had to be added as optional parameters. However, any new or recently modified programs that call function Z_SENDMAIL are required to supply • •

An explicit two-character "E-Mail Handling Category" in the P_HNCAT parameter An appropriate address in the P_BOUNCED_EMAIL parameter

Regarding P_HNCAT, if you do not find a mail handling category to fit your needs at E-mail Handling Categories , request a new mail handling category by sending mail to [email protected] and then use the assigned value for the P_HNCAT parameter. The address supplied in the P_BOUNCED_EMAIL parameter should be the address of a list of people who can take action to fix whatever problem caused the mail to bounce. Usually, this should be a mail list that is monitored by process owners who can investigate an undeliverable message or correct an invalid address. In general, the address supplied in the P_BOUNCED_EMAIL parameter should be one of the following (in order of preference):

1. A mailing list of people from the business process side who can recognize and have the

2. 3.

ability to resolve the issue of a bounced E-Mail message. For example, CAO maintains master data including cost object approvers. If a message to someone in the role of cost object approver bounced, the bounce should be directed to a list of appropriate people in CAO, so that the master data can be updated. A mailing list of people from an Admin Computing support or project team who can resolve the bounced mail. "[email protected]". Currently, this mail will go to Carolyn Fuller, David Rosenberg, Wai-Ming Li, and Kevin Lyons for resolution.

If the mail the program is sending is associated with a LISTSERV or Mailman list, the owner(s) or administrator(s) of that list might fit the first or second categories listed above. In that case, a generic way to refer to them would be OWNER-<listname>@LISTSERV.MIT.EDU (for a LISTSERV list) or <listname>[email protected] (for a Mailman list). Intercepting and Logging E-mail via Z_SENDMAIL Each call to the custom function module Z_SENDMAIL must pass a two-character "E-Mail Handling Category" in the P_HNCAT parameter (see previous section). The ZEHCAT table is used in conjunction with this e-mail handling category to instruct Z_SENDMAIL to intercept and/or log the e-mail message. The purpose of documents listed below is to:

Provide information needed to instruct Z_SENDMAIL to intercept and/or log e-mail.

Detail the process by which e-mail is intercepted and/or logged.

View document : Intercepting and Logging E-mail via Z_SENDMAIL View document : E-mail Handling Categories Restricting the Capabilities of Select-Options in ABAP Programs The following document discusses how to restrict the capabilities of select-options in an ABAP program. In particular, it addresses the special situation of restricting a select-option in a program that makes use of the standard MES include file ZES_AFTER_INIT_FOR_S_BUKRS (this include file already contains code to restrict the company code select-option, S_BUKRS). View Document : Restricting_Select_Options Table of Enterprise Structure Attributes In the original SAP implementation at MIT, we had written all our custom programs assuming that there was only one company code, one controlling area, one currency, one fiscal year variant, etc. When a decision was made to alter our configuration to have multiple company codes, controlling areas, and fiscal year variants, we had to review all our custom code and modify more than half of it to accommodate multiple enterprise structures. We wanted to protect ourselves from ever having to go through that experience again. We created an "MES

Toolkit" consisting of three function modules, about nine include files, and cookbook documentation describing how to use them. One of benefits of the "MES Toolkit" is that it provides structures that contain all the relevant MES variables so that (after it has been initialized properly) they can be used like SY-* variables Ð there is a consistent set of names that will be populated with the correct values and be referred to in a consistent way in all programs (that use the "MES Toolkit"). We defined 7 different MES compliance levels (depending on what the program had to do) and we added a command to the ABAP editor for recording a programÕs MES compliance level. We also have a required field when submitting a transport request (via ZUTTREQ) to state the MES compliance of the program being transported. We wanted to be sure that all new programs and every program that was modified in a way dealing with multiple enterprise attributes followed these procedures - to save us the effort of ever going to go through the conversion again. All new programs, all programs that undergo significant modification or enhancement, and every program that was modified in a way dealing with multiple enterprise attributes must be written to function correctly in an environment where we may have many different enterprise structures in the same SAP client - preferably by using the "MES Toolkit". The following table lists those enterprise structure attributes that have thus far been identified as those whose value should be determined dynamically. That is, they should not be assumed to have a constant value throughout the SAP system, but instead, should be derived either through user input or via table lookups based upon the value of a known related attribute. Par ID

Valid Values

Campus Value

Cross Application Fiscal Year Variant



V6 (see table T009 in MARC-PERIV Production)

Cross Application Chart of Accounts



Cross Application Country














Cross Application


Currency (used as transaction currency)

Currency (used as Cross Application company code currency)


Typical Use


Cross Application

Currency (used as CO area currency)





Cross Application

Currency (used as group currency)






Consolidation Company GCC





Company Code






Funds Mgmt Area






Credit Control Area






Business Area



(Not currently BSEGused) GSBER


Functional Area



(Not currently BSEGused) FKBER


Controlling Area





Sales and Distribution

Sales Organization



Several (see table TVKO in Production)


Sales and Distribution

Distribution Channel





Sales and Distribution






Materials Management




Several (see table EBANT001W in Production) WERKS

Materials Management

Purchasing Organization





Human Resources

Personnel Area



Several (see table T500P in Production)


Human Resources

Personnel Sub-Area



Several (see table T001P in Production)


The values of most enterprise structure attributes may be derived from the value of some "base" attribute such as company code or controlling area. Therefore, many programs will not require that their selection screens contain any enterprise structure attributes other than company code and controlling area. The program should be written so that it uses variables containing the values of enterprise structure attributes obtained from the selection screen and system tables, even in the event that the program may not permit user entry of the "base" attributes and hence only one set of values will be used for the enterprise structure attributes. The M.E.S. (Multiple Enterprise Structure) include files described in the next sectiuon automatically gather some of these enterprise structure variables for you. The M.E.S. function modules can also be used to gather values in a standard way. In an effort to assist developers in making MIT custom programs MES (multiple enterprise structure) compliant, numerous standard INCLUDE programs and function modules have been developed. The following section describes the use of these standard routines when developing a list-processing program. General Toolkit for Multiple Enterprise Structures Directions in this section will support one or more (user-specified or defaulted) companies in a (user-specified or defaulted) controlling area. It involves the use of a parameter to indicate the chosen controlling area and includes variations to allow either a parameter or a select-option for indicating the chosen company code(s). I. What you must include near the beginning of the program:

A. In the case where the program selects company codes via a select-option, you must add the following statement within the section where you are declaring database tables (unless GLPCA is already in a TABLES statement): TABLES GLPCA. B. Early in the section where you are declaring global data, include: INCLUDE ZES_GLOBAL_DATA_ALWAYS. C. Controlling area: Include a parameter named A_KOKRS in the definition of the selection screen and create the selection text "Controlling Area" for it: 1. If the user can NOT choose a controlling area (i.e., this program only works for companies in controlling area "MIT"), include in the definition of the selection screen (but users will NOT see it): PARAMETERS: A_KOKRS LIKE GLPCA-KOKRS NO-DISPLAY DEFAULT 'MIT'. 2. If the program will work for any company code(s) in any controlling area but the user is

supposed to make the selection by company code, include in the definition of the


screen (but users will NOT see it):

PARAMETERS: A_KOKRS LIKE GLPCA-KOKRS NO-DISPLAY. 3. If the user CAN choose a controlling area, but the user must explicitly select it (rather

than allowing the program to deduce it from the company code(s)), include in the definition of the selection screen:

PARAMETERS: A_KOKRS LIKE GLPCA-KOKRS OBLIGATORY MEMORY ID CAC 4. If the user CAN choose a controlling area and the user MAY also leave it blank (to allow the program to deduce it from the company code(s)), include in the definition of the selection screen: PARAMETERS: A_KOKRS LIKE GLPCA-KOKRS MEMORY ID CAC. D. Company code: Include either a parameter named A_BUKRS or a Select-Option named S_BUKRS in the definition of the selection screen. If the user is allowed to select more than one company code, clearly, the select-option must be used. If only one company code may be selected, either approach is allowed. Whether a parameter or select-option is used, you must create a selection text "Company Code" for it. 1. If the user can NOT choose a company code (i.e., this is a program which only works for

company code "CUR"), include in the definition of the selection screen (but users will


see it) either: SELECT-OPTIONS: or: PARAMETERS:



2. If the user CAN choose exactly one company code, include in the definition of the selection screen either: SELECT-OPTIONS:




3. If the user CAN choose one or more company codes, include in the definition of the selection screen: SELECT-OPTIONS:


E. Early in the INITIALIZATION event, include the following line: INCLUDE ZES_AFTER_INIT_ALWAYS. Additionally, if you are using the select-option, S_BUKRS, include the line: INCLUDE ZES_AFTER_INIT_FOR_S_BUKRS. F. In the part of the program where you have AT SELECTION-SCREEN events, you must include two ABAP statements. Please note that each of these statements declares the beginning of an event (for example,. "AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON A_KOKRS"). The second of them should be immediately followed by another event. The first of the two statements is: INCLUDE ZES_AT_SEL_SCREEN_ON_A_KOKRS.


If the parameter, A_BUKRS, is used to select company code, the second statement must

INCLUDE ZES_AT_SEL_SCREEN_ON_A_BUKRS. Otherwise (i.e. S_BUKRS was used) the second statement must read: INCLUDE ZES_AT_SEL_SCREEN_ON_S_BUKRS . G. Early in the START-OF-SELECTION event, one line must be included. If the parameter, A_BUKRS, is used to select company code, this statement must read INCLUDE ZES_AFTER_S_O_SEL_FOR_A_BUKRS. Otherwise, (i.e. S_BUKRS was used) the statement must read: INCLUDE ZES_AFTER_S_O_SEL_FOR_S_BUKRS.

II. What is available for your use: A. After the ZES_AFTER_S_O_SEL_FOR_A_BUKRS or ZES_AFTER_S_O_SEL_FOR_S_BUKRS include, the following COMMON_ESA- variables and R_ES_ range tables are automatically defined and set to appropriate values. If more than one company code was supplied (or implied), the COMMON_ESA- variables are set to the appropriate value only if it is common to all the company codes - otherwise the COMMON_ESA- variable is left blank. (Hence, if only one company code was supplied (or implied) you get some additional values.) 1. Variables set when more than one company code is supplied (or implied): Controlling Area Fiscal Year Variant Chart of Accounts Currency Consolidation Company Funds Management Area Default Credit Ctrl Area



2. Additional variables which MAY be set when more than one company code is supplied WILL be set when only one company code is supplied (or implied): Country


3. Additional variables set when only one company code is supplied (or implied): Company Code Company Name (25 chars)


Company Name (40 chars) (like ADRC-NAME1)



4. Range tables: If more than one company code was supplied (or implied), the R_ES tables are filled with the union of the values from all the company codes.

Company Code R_ES_BUKRS Sales Organizations R_ES_VKORG Distribution Channels R_ES_VTWEG Divisions R_ES_SPART Plants R_ES_WERKS Purchasing Organizations R_ES_EKORG Personnel Areas R_ES_PERSA Personnel Sub-areas R_ES_BTRTL


B. New function modules - Three new function modules are being provided. Two of them are

automatically called in the above include files and the results are left in the above


and range tables for your use. 1. A function module named Z_ES_GET_ENTERPRISE_ATTRIBUTES which returns other enterprise attributes that can be deduced from the ones that you supply in the call. 2. A function module named Z_ES_GET_ESA_RANGES which returns range tables


with the values associated with the company/ies that you supply in the call. 3. A function module named Z_ES_GET_COMP_CODE_ATTRIBUTES that calls the above two function modules. This function module provides a slightly simpler interface when you are dealing with exactly one company at a time.

C. Company code associated with a cost object: The table ZCOOBJECT has been expanded to include the company code associated with each cost object. Two existing MIT-written function modules have been modified to return the company code associated with a cost object, if the caller requests it. They are: 1. Z_GET_COST_OBJECT 2. Z_CO_GET_COST_OBJECT_TYPE D. Accessing some of the enterprise attributes: 1. If you want to know how many companies were selected, you can use the following: DATA NUMBER_OF_COMPANIES TYPE I. DESCRIBE TABLE R_ES_BUKRS LINES NUMBER_OF_COMPANIES.

2. If you want to get the enterprise attributes for particular companies, one company at a time, get the company codes from R_ES_BUKRS-LOW and call Z_ES_GET_ENTERPRISE_ATTRIBUTES for each one. The structure SINGLE_ESA is a convenient place to hold the results. Your code might look something like this: LOOP AT R_ES_BUKRS. "Execute the body of this loop once for each company * If you need some enterprise attribute values associated with this company * that are not "common" enterprise attribute values across multiple companies CALL FUNCTION 'Z_ES_GET_ENTERPRISE_ATTRIBUTES' EXPORTING I_BUKRS = R_ES_BUKRS-LOW IMPORTING E_PERIV = SINGLE_ESA-PERIV E_KTOPL = SINGLE_ESA-KTOPL E_WAERS = SINGLE_ESA-WAERS E_LAND1 = SINGLE_ESA-LAND1 E_RCOMP = SINGLE_ESA-RCOMP E_BUKRS = SINGLE_ESA-BUKRS E_FIKRS = SINGLE_ESA-FIKRS E_KKBER = SINGLE_ESA-KKBER E_KOKRS = SINGLE_ESA-KOKRS E_BUTXT = SINGLE_ESA-BUTXT E_BUKRS_NAME1 = SINGLE_ESA-BUKRS_NAME1 EXCEPTIONS CANNOT_FIND_ALL_REQUESTED_DATA = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ENDIF. As a result of the include files, the R_ES_ range tables are set with the "union" of the don"t

need code. you tables.

values for all the selected companies. If that is appropriate for your program, call Z_ES_GET_ESA_RANGES. If you need range tables associated with one company at a time, you can call the function module Z_ES_GET_ESA_RANGES. If you need range tables associated with one company at a time but you don"t the "union" range tables, you can overwrite them, as we do in the following If you need both the "union" range tables and company-specific range tables, can store the results in new tables that you defined to be LIKE the R_ES_



Do the program logic needed for this company here.

The enterprise

are in the SINGLE_ESA structure. If you called Z_ES_GET_ESA_RANGES,


have range table for this company. If you didn"t call Z_ES_GET_ESA_RANGES, you have the range tables for the union of all selected companies. ENDLOOP. III. Other Aspects to Consider: The full scope of what else needs to be done will depend on what the program is trying to do, which tables it uses and how it uses them. For example, if the program uses custom tables, the programmer will have to decide whether any enterprise attributes need to be added to those tables (and if so, which attributes). A. Use values from the SINGLE_ESA or COMMON_ESA structures rather than literals or constant for the values of enterprise structure attributes. (This is necessary to make a program work for a user-specified company. If you are just making a program work for one program-specified company code, it is very desirable, but not strictly necessary, to use values from the SINGLE_ESA or COMMON_ESA structures rather than literals or constants for the values of enterprise structure attributes.) Note that programs should NOT refer to A_KOKRS, A_BUKRS, or S_BUKRS (other than setting up the selection

screen as described in the first section of this document). Programs should instead refer to SINGLE_ESA-KOKRS, SINGLE_ESA-BUKRS, or R_ES_BUKRS. B. In the WHERE clause of SELECT statements, use the appropriate SINGLE_ESA-variable, COMMON_ESA-variable or R_ES_ range table to restrict the data to the company/ies with which the program is supposed to work. Even if a program is only being made to work with one program-selected company code, the WHERE clause must still restrict the data being retrieved. In this case, it is very desirable, but not strictly necessary, to use the SINGLE_ESA-variable, the COMMON_ESA-variable or the R_ES_ range tables for this purpose. C. Some programs operate on an externally supplied list of cost objects, documents, or other master or transactional data objects. For example, such an external list might be supplied via an input file, a spreadsheet upload, or a selection screen. The program should verify that all these externally supplied data objects are associated with the company/ies with which the program is supposed to be working. In the case of cost objects, that means call either the Z_GET_COST_OBJECT or Z_CO_GET_COST_OBJECT_TYPE function module for each externally supplied cost object

and verify that "BUKRS EQ SINGLE_ESA-BUKRS" (or, more generally, "BUKRS IN R_ES_BUKRS"). How the test should be done for other types of data objects, depends on the data object. The test should be done using the SINGLE_ESA- variables, COMMON_ESA- variables and R_ES_ range tables, so as to make the program easy to maintain and extend to other companies or groups of companies.

D. Most output should show which company it is for. For an internal report, you might just show in the header of the report the company code(s) whose data is included. Any business document (for example, a Purchase Order or Invoice) which will go to another party should show the name of the company from which it was generated. (The variables SINGLE_ESA-BUTXT and SINGLE_ESA-BUKRS_NAME1 are 25 and 40 character (respectively) fields for the company name.) E. Make sure that the correct monetary fields are used. For FI tables, use the monetary amount in the company code currency field, sometimes described as the "local currency" field. Generally, it is NOT the monetary amount in the field described as "document currency" or "transaction currency". For CO tables, use the monetary amount in the controlling area currency field. For more information, see the section of this document called "Choice of Currency Fields".

F. Determining the relationship between calendar months and fiscal periods: This is not strictly necessary for programs that only handle companies in the "MIT" controlling area, but it is a good programming practice. (In addition to the specific function modules cited here, other function modules in the function groups ADAT and FACS may be helpful, depending on the situation.)


1. To convert a calendar date to a fiscal year and period, use function module DATE_TO_PERIOD_CONVERT (or function module FI_PERIOD_DETERMINE). 2. To convert fiscal year and period to the calendar date of the first day of the use function module FIRST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET. 3. To convert fiscal year and period to the calendar date of the last day of the period, use function module LAST_DAY_IN_PERIOD_GET.

Uploading and Downloading files between the SAPgui & the R/3 System In R/3 4.6C, ABAP programs should use the WS_UPLOAD and WS_DOWNLOAD function modules (rather than the GUI_UPLOAD and GUI_DOWNLOAD function modules or static methods). In R/3 6.20 and later, the WS_UPLOAD and WS_DOWNLOAD function modules are still available, but the GUI_UPLOAD and GUI_DOWNLOAD static methods of the CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES class are preferred. New code that will not be used until after our SAP upgrade should use the GUI_UPLOAD and GUI_DOWNLOAD static methods of the CL_GUI_FRONTEND_SERVICES class (rather than the WS_UPLOAD and WS_DOWNLOAD function modules).

V. USER INTERFACE STANDARDS GUI : SAP Style Guide For applications that require dialog programming, the SAP Style Guide should be used as a basis for development. Using this guide for screen design and ergonomics will insure consistency in MIT developed transactions. The SAP Style Guide is available in the help documentation using the following path: Help -> R/3 Library -> BC-Basis Components -> ABAP Workbench (BC-DWB) -> BC-> SAP Style Guide. Another useful resource is the SAP supplied demo transaction which gives examples (with documentaion) of the standards used in both dialog programming and list generation. The demo transaction BIBS is used for screen painter guidelines. The demo transaction LIBS is used for list output guidelines. GUI : Screen Painter Resolution

The MIT user community, in general, uses monitors capable of at least 800x600 resolution. Hence, any screen painter development should ensure that all fields are viewable within that screen size. This corresponds to the SAP default screen size of 21 lines by 83 columns. Note that SAP does not include the title, menu bar, status line, and OKCode box in this area. MIT-ITS Web Site Look and Feel Standards View Document: MIT-ITS Web Site Standards Radio Button Groups: Use a default to avoid unexpected results Radio Button Groups: In each radio button group exactly one button in the radio button group must be defaulted to 'X'. Example: parameter: p_rb1 radiobutton group grp1 default 'X', p_rb2 radiobutton group grp1. If we did not have the above requirement, and no radio button was defaulted to 'X', then we would get different behavior when the program was run interactively versus being run in the background(when run in the background, no radio button would be set. When run interactively, the first radio button would be set.)

VI. DOCUMENTATION STANDARDS Configuration Documentation FI Document Types (includes AP, GL, MM) Accounting document type configuration is maintained as part of the SAP configuration process. As such, you must always confirm any new document types with the configuration team prior to coding a report to access the data. Also, existing extract programs may need to be modified for the new document type, hence it is necessary to pro-actively notify The Financial Architecture Group < [email protected] > of the creation of a new document type. After the new document type is approved, the Financial Architecture Group will communicate the changes to all other necessary parties so that other programs can be modified. Source Code Documentation ABAP/4 code is fairly self-documenting. However, it is wise to provide future programmers with documentation. Explain the purpose, design, structure and any testing hints at the top of the program. Maintain a history of modification notes, dated, with the most recent change first.

Comment work fields, and fields in work records especially those used for interfacing. Comment all subroutines with their purpose. Comments should explain what the code is doing, not how the code is doing it. MIT has developed several templates for providing documentation via the ABAP "Program Documentation" function. From the ABAP Editor transaction SE38, you can access the documentation by selecting object component "Documentation" then click "Display", or from within the editor screen by doing Goto -> Program doc. The MIT templates are in the following ABAP programs: Program


ZPROGDOC ABAP/4 Program documentation ZSYSTDOC System documentation ZFUNCDOC Function Module documentation ZINCLDOC Include documentation ZRPRPDOC Report Painter report documentation Note that a "general purpose" include file, or any include file which is not documented in the documentation for an associated main program, should be documented using the "program" template (ZPROGDOC) rather than the degenerate "include file" template (ZINCLDOC). There must be documentation for the code within an include file either in the include file documentation itself (using the long form contained in ZPROGDOC), or in the main program's documentation object (ZPROGDOC). In the case of the latter, the short form contained in ZINCLDOC must be filled out with information which points to the main program. It is mandatory to complete a documentation template prior to transporting your program to the production system. In addition to documentation via the templates, brief comments within the code can be very helpful for ongoing program maintenance. For example, you should document the major steps in the program source, such as: do 16 times. ... enddo.

"why are we doing this 16 times instead of 12???

For the example of CASE statements, each case value should be documented: case . when 'Y'. ... when 'H'. ... endcase.

"explain what 'Y' actually means "explain what 'H' actually means

When modifying a program, to document within the source code, you can use the following convention:

*----------------------------------------------------------------* * This program is Multiple Enterprise Structure compliant * at level 4. * It runs for any selected company code(s) in the MIT "CO" area. * * Purpose: * * *----------------------------------------------------------------* * Author: * Date: * *----------------------------------------------------------------* * Revision History: * * Date Author Transport/Description * --------- -----------------------------* 13-Nov-01 John Doe SF2K123456 * 1. This is the documentation of one of the revisions * made within transport SF2K123456. * 2. This is the doumentation of a different revision * revision made within transport SF2K123456. * 3. This is the documentation for yet another revision * made within the same transport. * 06-Jun-00 Jane Doe SF2K012345 * 1. This is the documentation for a revision within * transport SF2K012345 *----------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: BEGIN OF rec,



"interface type


"material number "material short

ind. text f3(16), ...



END OF rec.

This convention is available from the ABAP editor, via the pattern function. Select "DOCU_BLOCK" from the "other pattern" option to paste it into your program. Always indicate which lines were changed or added by appending the transport (change request) number to the line. (This is the convention used by SAP developers).



CHECK D030L-DDMODIFY NE USR. SELECT * FROM D030T WHERE DDLANGUAGE EQ SY-LANGU AND DDNAME EQ D030L-DDNAME. ENDSELECT. EXTRACT HEADER. ENDSELECT. Function Modules The import and export parameters of function modules should have names beginning with 'I_' and 'E_' respectively. They should be documented with brief descriptions of the fields and their typical contents. Also, any special requirements or usage should be noted. At the minimum, the documentation 'Short Text' should be completed for each parameter. This is found by selecting the 'interface' radio button on the main function module transaction, SE37. From there, click on the 'Documentation' tab. Validation Rules Because of the nature of the impact of changes in validation rules to the entire SAP system operation, validation rules should only be changed by (or with the permission of) the Validation Rules Team. If you need a new or modified validation rule, do not act unilaterally, instead coordinate with the Validation Rules Team. Any developer who is considering altering a validation rule must send a message to [email protected] as early in the development process as possible. At a minimum this notification must be sent one week before any development is transported to the test and integration system (SF5).

Configuration Changes that alter Transaction Fields As with changes to validation rules, any configuration changes that alter the "required", "optional", or "not permitted" status of fields, or that remove a field, must be submitted in a mail message to [email protected] as early as possible with a minimum of one week notification before transport to the test and integration system.

VII. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS General Performance Standards 1.

"Dead" code


Avoid leaving "dead" code in the program. Comment out (or delete) variables that are not referenced and code that is not executed. Use program --> check --> extended program check to see a list of variables which are not referenced statically Use logical databases


Choose the most efficient logical data base possible. Study the selection criteria and which secondary indexes are used for that view. Provide the appropriate selection criteria to limit the number of data base reads. Force users to provide selection criteria by evaluating the selection criteria entered on the selection screen during the AT SELECTION-SCREEN event. Finally, when possible take advantage of the matchcodes to increase speed Subroutine usage For good modularization, the decision of whether or not to execute a subroutine should be made before the subroutine is called. For example: This is better:

IF f1 NE 0. PERFORM sub1. ENDIF. FORM sub1. ... ENDFORM. Than this:

PERFORM sub1. FORM sub1. IF f1 NE 0. ...


IF statements When coding IF tests, nest the testing conditions so that the outer conditions are those which are most likely to fail. For logical expressions with AND , place the mostly likely false first and for the OR, place the mostly likely true first. Example - nested IF's:

IF (least likely to be true). IF (less likely to be true). IF (most likely to be true). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. Example - IF...ELSEIF...ENDIF :

IF (most likely to be true). ELSEIF (less likely to be true). ELSEIF (least likely to be true). ENDIF. Example - AND:

IF (least likely to be true) AND (most likely to be true). ENDIF. Example - OR: IF


(most likely to be true) OR (least likely to be true).

CASE vs. nested IFs When testing fields "equal to" something, one can use either the nested IF or the CASE


statement. The CASE is better for two reasons. It is easier to read and after about five nested IFs the performance of the CASE is more efficient. MOVE-ing structures When records a and b have the exact same structure, it is more efficient to MOVE a TO b than to MOVE-CORRESPONDING a TO b.

MOVE BSEG TO *BSEG. is better than




When using the SELECT statement, study the key and always provide as much of the leftmost part of the key as possible. If the entire key can be qualified, code a SELECT SINGLE not just a SELECT. If you are only interested in the first row or there is only one row to be returned, using SELECT SINGLE can increase performance by up to three times. Small internal tables vs. complete internal tables In general it is better to minimize the number of fields declared in an internal table. While it may be convenient to declare an internal table using the LIKE command, in most cases, programs will not use all fields in the SAP standard table. For example: Instead of this:


t_vbak like vbak occurs 0 with header line.

Use this:

data: begin of t_vbak occurs 0, vbeln like vbak-vbeln, ... end of t_vbak. 9.

Row-level processing of a table Selecting data into an internal table using an array fetch versus a SELECT-ENDELECT loop will give at least a 2x performance improvement. After the data has been put into the internal table, then row-level processing can be done. For example, use:

select ... from table <..> into (corresponding fields of itab) where ...

loop at <do the row-level processing here> endloop. instead of using: select ... from table <... where ... append . endselect. 10.

Row-level processing and SELECT SINGLE Similar to the processing of a SELECT-ENDSELECT loop, when calling multiple SELECTSINGLE commands on a non-buffered table (check Data Dictionary -> Technical Info), you should do the following to improve performance: • •

Use the SELECT into to buffer the necessary rows in an internal table, then sort the rows by the key fields, then


use a READ TABLE WITH KEY ... BINARY SEARCH in place of the SELECT SINGLE command. Note that this only make sense when the table you are buffering is not too large (this decision must be made on a case by case basis). READing single records of internal tables When reading a single record in an internal table, the READ TABLE WITH KEY is not a direct READ. This means that if the data is not sorted according to the key, the system must sequentially read the table. Therefore, you should: •


SORT the table

• use READ TABLE WITH KEY BINARY SEARCH for better performance. SORTing internal tables When SORTing internal tables, specify the fields to SORTed.

SORT ITAB BY FLD1 FLD2. is more efficient than


Number of entries in an internal table

To find out how many entries are in an internal table use DESCRIBE.

DESCRIBE TABLE ITAB LINES CNTLNS. is more efficient than


Length of a field To find out the length of a field use the string length function.

FLDLEN = STRLEN (FLD). is more efficient than


Performance diagnosis


To diagnose performance problems, it is recommended to use the SAP transaction SE30, ABAP/4 Runtime Analysis. The utility allows statistical analysis of transactions and programs. Nested SELECTs versus table views


Since releASE 4.0, OPEN SQL allows both inner and outer table joins. A nested SELECT loop may be used to accomplish the same concept. However, the performance of nested SELECT loops is very poor in comparison to a join. Hence, to improve performance by a factor of 25x and reduce network load, you should either create a view in the data dictionary then use this view to select data, or code the select using a join. If nested SELECTs must be used As mentioned previously, performance can be dramatically improved by using views instead of nested SELECTs, however, if this is not possible, then the following example of using an internal table in a nested SELECT can also improve performance by a factor of 5x: Use this:

form select_good.

data: t_vbak like vbak occurs 0 with header line. data: t_vbap like vbap occurs 0 with header line. select * from vbak into table t_vbak up to 200 rows. select * from vbap for all entries in t_vbak where vbeln = t_vbak-vbeln. ... endselect. endform. Instead of this:

form select_bad. select * from vbak up to 200 rows. select * from vbap where vbeln = vbak-vbeln. ... endselect. endselect. endform. Although using "SELECT...FOR ALL ENTRIES IN..." is generally very fast, you should be aware of the three pitfalls of using it: Firstly, SAP automatically removes any duplicates from the rest of the retrieved records. Therefore, if you wish to ensure that no qualifying records are discarded, the field list of the inner SELECT must be designed to ensure the retrieved records will contain no duplicates (normally, this would mean including in the list of retrieved fields all of those fields that comprise that table's primary key). Secondly, if you were able to code "SELECT ... FROM FOR ALL ENTRIES IN TABLE " and the internal table is empty, then all rows from will be retrieved. Thirdly, if the internal table supplying the selection criteria (i.e. internal table in the example "...FOR ALL ENTRIES IN TABLE ") contains a large number of entries, performance degradation may occur. 18.

SELECT * versus SELECTing individual fields In general, use a SELECT statement specifying a list of fields instead of a SELECT * to reduce network traffic and improve performance. For tables with only a few fields the improvements may be minor, but many SAP tables contain more than 50 fields when the

program needs only a few. In the latter case, the performace gains can be substantial. For example: Use:

select vbeln auart vbtyp from table vbak into (vbak-vbeln, vbak-auart, vbak-vbtyp) where ... Instead of using:

select * from vbak where ... 19.

Avoid unnecessary statements There are a few cases where one command is better than two. For example: Use:

append to . Instead of:

= . append (modify ). And also, use:

if not [] is initial. Instead of:

describe table lines . if > 0. 20.

Copying or appending internal tables Use this:

[] = []. Instead of this:

(if is empty)

loop at . append to . endloop. However, if is not empty and should not be overwritten, then use:

append lines of [from index1] [to index2] to . 21.

Declaring Internal Tables using R/3 Release 4.x syntax R/3 release 4.6 contains capabilities for hashing and sorting internal tables that improve system performance. The 4.6 syntax should be used whenever coding internal tables. The following examples illustrate the use of this syntax.

* First,declare the header line or work area (wa) as a type: TYPES: begin of , field1 like ..., .... fieldn like .., end of . * For example, here is a table line type with some vendor fields TYPES:



TYPES: like
. * This version would include ALL of the vendor (LFA1) fields TYPES:


You may then declare the internal table (see Below) or, optionally, you may first declare a table type. Declaring a table type would be preferable in those cases where your program declares several internal tables of the same type (and therefore the table type can be reused by each internal table declaration) or where the internal table is passed to subroutines or methods (and therefore the table type can be included in the form/method interface definition.

TYPES: type occurs 0. * This example would define a standard (i.e. unsorted) table type TYPES: ty_t_vendor type ty_vendor_data occurs 0. or TYPES: type [sorted|hashed|standard|index|any] table of with [unique|non-unique] key ]. * This example would define a vendor table type sorted by vendor number TYPES: ty_t_vendor type sorted table of ty_vendor_data with unique key lifnr. * Finally declare the table and the work area: DATA: type ,"itab w/ no header line DATA:<wa_table>type .

" work area for t_table

* This example defines an itab using the table type we just defined above * (Note: depending on which of the two above table types you choose, * this will define either a standard or sorted internal table.) DATA: t_vendor type ty_t_vendor, " itab has no header line wa_vendor type ty_vendor_data." work area for t_vendor * declaration of an internal table using a table line type DATA: type [sorted|hashed|standard|index|any] table of with [unique|non-unique] key ] [with header_line]. *

This example declares a standard, unsorted internal table

DATA: t_vendor type ty_vendor_data occurs 0 with header line.


This example declares an internal table sorted by vendor number

DATA: t_vendor type sorted table of ty_vendor_data with unique key lifnr. with header line. ABAP/4 Tuning Checklist The general performance standards above outline ways to increase efficiency from many different perspectives, the following checklist was developed by SAP to quickly review the most common performance problems. Please note that some of the information may overlap with the general performance section. Is the program using SELECT * statements? Convert them to SELECT column1 column2 or use projection views. Are CHECK statements for table fields embedded in a SELECT ... ENDSELECT loop? Incorporate the CHECK statements into the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement. Do SELECTS on non-key fields use an appropriate DB index or is the table buffered? Create an index for the table in the data dictionary or buffer tables if they are read only or read mostly. Please consult R3-Admin for creation of indexes on or the buffering of SAP supplied tables. Is the program using nested SELECTs to retrieve data? Convert nested SELECTs to database views, DB joins (v4.0), or SELECT xxx FOR ALL ENTRIES IN ITAB. Click here for a discussion on "for all entries". Are there SELECTs without WHERE condition against tables that grow constantly (BSEG, MKPF, VBAK)? Program design is wrong - back to the drawing board. Are SELECT accesses to master data tables buffered (no duplicate accesses with the same key)? Buffer accesses to master data tables by storing the data in an internal table and filling the table with the READ TABLE ... BINARY SEARCH method Is the program using SELECT ... APPEND ITAB ... ENDSELECT techniques to fill internal tables? Change the processing to read the data immediately into an internal table (SELECT VBELN AUART ... INTO TABLE T_VBAK ...) Is the program using SELECT ORDER BY statements? Data should be read into an internal table first and then sorted unless there is an appropriate index on the ORDER BY fields Is the programming doing calculations or summarizations that can be done on the database via SUM, AVG, MIN, or MAX functions of the SELECT statement? Use the calculation capabilities of the database via SELECT SUM, ... Are internal tables processed using the READ TABLE itab WITH KEY ... BINARY SEARCH technique? Change table accesses to use BINARY SEARCH method Is the program inserting, updating, or deleting data in dialog mode (not via an update function module)? Make sure that the program issues COMMIT WORK statements when one or more

logical units of work (LUWs) have been processed.

VIII. NAMING STANDARDS In general, any custom developed programs or objects should be named with the "Z" for the first character. SAP has designated objects beginning with the letters "Y" and "Z" as customer named objects and ensures that this name space will not be overwritten during an upgrade. At MIT, we have started using the convention that objects whose names begin with "Y" are intended for "one time use" and objects whose names begin with "Z" are intended "regular" use. An example of a program that should start with 'Y' would be a program that was written for the Y2K conversions. Also, programs that are not intended to be migrated to Production should begin with "Y". Also, SAP regularly updates the recommended customer name ranges for all development objects. For objects not included in this guide, please consult this SAP-created document. It is located on the SAP OSS system in note #16466. ABAP Reports In R/3 release 3.0F, ABAP report names were limited to 8 characters. In R/3 release 4.6C, ABAP report names can now be up to 40 characters long. Position


Usage 'Y' if program will not be migrated to production 'Z' if program will be migrated to production

2-3 4-40

Application Name Abbreviation (see table following) Any (up to) 37-character acronym or words describing the program

Examples: • •

ZARI007 (Cashier Feed Validation Request) ZCOR001, or ZCO_MISSING_FUND (Report CO objects missing funds and/or fund centers)

However, if the ABAP program is being created as a global data include or subroutine include, it should be formatted as follows: Position



'Z' as required for customer development

2-37 last 3 characters

same as positions 4-39 in the main program 'TOP' if used for global data, data declarations, table declarations 'F##' for subroutines where ## is a number, 00 through 99.

Examples: • •


(Credit card TOP Include) (Credit Card FORM include)

Classification Objects and Class Types Since classification objects and class types are more like programming data constructs than they are like configuration data, MIT naming conventions should be followed when creating new classification objects or class types. To differentiate between SAP supplied classes and MIT developed classes the prefix 'MIT_' should be used followed by either the SAP data element or a descriptive abbreviation. For example, when creating a characteristic for a 'Profit Center' where the data element is 'PRCTR' the name would be 'MIT_PRCTR'. In addition, SAP recommends using only letters from A-Z, digits 0-9, and the underscore character in the name. Development Classes Development classes should only be created when a specific new project requires all components to be linked for organizational purposes. Before creating a new development class, please consult with the Technical Services Team . See Appendix C for a list of development classes. Directories for file I/O Most SAP system interfaces using flat ASCII files for input or output should use the following directory paths for temporary and permanent interface files. •

To R/3 from an EXTERNAL SYSTEM: name]/sapin/


To an EXTERNAL SYSTEM from R/3: name]/sapout/


Files written by one ABAP program and read by another: /usr/bridges/[environment name]/saptmp/

Files already used by R/3: name]/archive/


The variable [environment name] should be determined at run-time by the program. To generate this name, use the function Z_DETERMINE_FUNC_AREA. This function will identify the [environment name] section of the path based on the system id and the client of the calling R/3 system. Sample code follows:

data: begin of myfile, part1(13) value '/usr/bridges/', part2(15), "dev2 or tst1 or prod part3(9) value '/saptmp/', part4(30) value 'flname', end of myfile. initialization. call function 'Z_DETERMINE_FUNC_AREA' importing func = myfile-part2 exceptions unknown_sysid = 1 unknown_mandt = 2. if sy-subrc eq 0. condense myfile no-gaps. endif. Function Groups Function Groups are named using the following convention:

Position 1 2-3 4

Usage 'Z' as required for customer development Application Name Abbreviation (see Appendix B) Sequential group number

For example, ZBR0 is the function group for application "BR" for "Bridges" and number "0" sequentially. Before creating a new function group, please consult with Technical Services. Function Modules Function module names should be as descriptive as possible given that there are 30 characters available for naming. They should be formatted as follows: Position



'Z' as required for customer development


'_' (an underscore)

3-4 5-30

Application Name Abbreviation (see Appendix B) any use of descriptive words separated by underscores

Check Modules for External Commands In the special case of function modules which are used as check modules for external commands, their names follow different rules. Such function modules should be created in the function group "SAPLZEXT_CMD_CHECK_MODULES" and given names of the form "Z_CK_EXTCMD_<external-command>" (where <external-command> represents the actual name of the External Command whose invocation is checked by this function module before the External Command is executed). Module Pools Module pools should be named as follows:


1-3 5 6-7 8


'SAPM' as required by the system to denote online modules 'Z' to denote customer named object Application Name Abbreviation (see Appendix B) Sequential Number (0-9) Module pool includes should be named as follows:




'M' as required by the system to denote online modules


'Z' to denote customer named object


Application Name Abbreviation (see Appendix B)


Sequential Number (0-9) corresponding to main program


'I' for PAI modules, 'O' for PBO modules, 'F' for subroutines


Sequential Number (00-99)


'TOP' if the include is the global data include

Naming Conventions in ABAP Objects Introduction ABAP Objects' namespace validity is very complex. In order to avoid problems during development it is not only helpful but also necessary to outline name conventions for that matter. Classes and their dependent subclasses share the same namespace which affects Constants (CONSTANTS) , Variables (DATA, CLASS-DATA) , Methods (METHODS, CLASS-METHODS) and Events (EVENTS, CLASS-EVENTS). SAP has not yet decided whether to allow upper/lower case for internal names (to separate individual words - as in JAVA). Therefore in order to do that we still have to use the underscore character.

Naming Conventions General rules:

• Always use meaningful English terms for naming objects. Use glossary terms whenever possible. For example: ZCL_COMPANY_CODE, instead of BUKRS, as this will be SAP"s standard in the futue (see BAPIs) • Where names are grouped together use the '_' as a separator. For example: ZCL_COMPANY_CODE, ZCL_GENERAL_LEDGER_ACCOUNT • Names should describe what the subject is not how it is to be implemented. For Example: PRINT_RECTANGLE and not RECTANGLE_TO_SPOOL.

General Conventions: ZCL_ Class in Class Library*

Interfaces in ClassLibrary* Types in the DDIC*

Local Class

Local Interface

The class name should consist of nouns and should only use the singular form: ZCL_COMPANY_CODE ZCL_GENERAL_LEDGER_ACCOUNT ZIF_ The naming conventions for classes also apply to interface:. ZIF_STATUS_MANAGEMENT, ZIF_CHECKER Z LCL_ The class name should consist of nouns and should only use the singular form: LCL_TRANSACTION LIF_ The class name should consist of nouns and should only use the singular form: LIF_PRINTER

Objects marked with * are protected by the global TADIR, but they occupy the same namespace as data elements, tables, structures and types.

Class Conventions <method name> Method Name


The method name should begin with a verb. GET_STATUS, CREATE_ORDER, DETERMINE_PRICE <event name> Event names should be named like this: _<Participle of Verb >. BUTTON_PUSHED,


Data Definition (Variable)

Data Definition (Constants)

INTERNAL_TYPE_TY, TREE_LIST_TY You should avoid using verbs at the beginning when naming variables within a class (CLASS-DATA, DATA). (This is to prevent confusion with method names.) LINE_COUNT, MARK_PRINTED, MARK_CHANGED, STATUS C_ C_MAX_LINE, C_DEFAULT_STATUS, C_DEFAULT_WIDTH, C_MAX_ROWS

Fixed Method Names SET_, GET_ Attribute Accesses

Methods that Deal with an Event

Methods that carry out Type Conversions

You should prefix all types of attribute access with GET_ or SET Accordingly, GET_STATUS, SET_USE_COUNT ON_<event name> For methods that deal with an event, you should begin the name with ON followed by the name of the relevant event. ON_BUTTON_PUSHED, ON_BUSINESS_PARTNER_PRINTED AS_ AS_STRING,

AS_ISOCODE Methods that deliver a Boolean Value These methods cannot return any EXCEPTIONS. Recommendation: The Boolean value should be represented by SPACE/"X" for False/True.


Check Methods These methods differ from the IS_" methods by their ability to return exceptions. CHECK_AUTHORIZATION, CHECK_PROCESS_DATE


Method Conventions The parameters are observed from the point of view of the methods, which implemented them:


IM_<parameter name> EX_<parameter name> CH_<parameter name> RE_ See "Exceptions"

Exceptions The developer"s job is made easier when standards for the naming of exceptions are available. The following is a table of meaningful exceptions, which can also be used generically. (Example: ...NOT_FOUND could become DATE_NOT_FOUND)


MEANING The requested action or the requested OK-Code is not supported

This EXCEPTION can be set if the user is required to select what CANCELLED happens next in a method (for example: Selection List) and he/she selects "Cancel". EXISTING A new object already exists in the database. The methods could not carry out your task because of the present state of the environment. This exception is especially intended for cases where FAILED the environment is temporarily in a situation that does not allow the method tasks to be carried out. A sub function of the method could not be carried out because of the ..._FAILED present state of the environment. (OPEN_FAILED, CLOSE_FAILED, SELECTION_FAILED, AUTHORIZATION_FAILED) FOREIGN_LOCK Other users lock data. INCONSISTENT Object data in the database is inconsistent. ..._INCONSISTENT The sub-object data of an object in the database is inconsistent. The object data entered is not correct. (e.g. Company Code is not INVALID available) (in contrast to NOT_QUALIFIED) The given sub-object data of an object is not correct. (In contrast to ..._INVALID NOT_QUALIFIED) The last resort. If all else fails and the error can no longer be contained, INTERNAL_ERROR apply this EXCEPTION. NOT_AUTHORIZED The user does not have authorization for this action. NOT_CUSTOMIZED The object requested is not correctly customized. ..._NOT_CUSTOMIZED The sub-object of the object requested is not correctly customized. NOT_FOUND The requested object has not been found. ..._NOT_FOUND The sub-object of the object requested has not been found. The combination of input parameters is not sufficient to allow the NOT_QUALIFIED method"s functions to be carried out. (In contrast to INVALID) ..._NOT_QUALIFIED A specific parameter of the method is not qualified NUMBER_ERROR Error in the provision of numbers. This exception can be set where the Basis System registers an unexpected SYSTEM_ERROR error code. Please note: SAP Basis Technology is presently implementing class-based exception handling like we have in JAVA. The error classes – from the development point of view a welcome simplification of error handling, which is clearly preferred – should then replace EXCEPTION-handling as we use it now. This will however not be available for 4.6c. A standardized usage of the EXCEPTIONS named above will simplify the move to this error class and allow a part-automated move. This new class-based exception handling is scheduled to be implemented and delivered with Basis Rel. 6.10 as part of R/3 Core release 4.7 (R/3 Enterprise). Availability not before Q2 2002.

VIII. TIPS & TRICKS ABAP: Passing unknown table structures into functions Typically function modules must specify the exact structure of each parameter they are passed, hence runtime structures cannot be handled easily in normal function module creation. However, by using the ABAP programming construct ASSIGN COMPONENT idx OF STRUCTURE record to , a function can determine the structure of a record. For an example of how to develop a function to do this refer to function Z_LIST_SELECT_OPTIONS which reads the structure of a RANGES table in a SELECT-OPTION parameter. ABAP: Multi-dimensional arrays Support for one and two-dimensional arrays within ABAP is provided through the use of internal tables. However, in the case of a 3-dimensional array, ABAP has no native programming constructs. While a method could be devised to index a 3-dimensional array via internal tables, the following code fragment demonstrates an alternative approach using field symbols as pointers into data structures:

* * * * * * *

This code fragment illustrates the use of a field symbol and an ASSIGN statement to get the effect of having multi-dimensional subscripted arrays. There are several costs of this method. One is performance and the other is that EVERY cell in the multi-dimensional array must be declared in a DATA (or CONSTANT, etc.) statement at the beginning of the program.

* Using this method, you would have to have DATA statements * like the following four for EACH CELL of the * multi-dimensional array. DATA: VARA_001_005_006(11) VALUE 'Some value!'. DATA: VARA_002_005_006(11) VALUE 'Other value'. DATA: VARA_003_005_006(11) VALUE 'Next value!'. DATA: VARA_004_005_006(11) VALUE 'The target!'. DATA: BEGIN OF POINTER, STEM(5) TYPE C VALUE 'vara_', PART1(3) TYPE N, SEP1(1) TYPE C VALUE '_',

PART2(3) TYPE N, SEP2(1) TYPE C VALUE '_', PART3(3) TYPE N, END OF POINTER. DATA POINTER_DEFAULT(11) VALUE 'The default'. FIELD-SYMBOLS: . * This is the example of using the multi-dimensional array in * the body of a program. You would have to have use something * like the following PERFORM for each change to the * subscripts in a reference to the multi-subscripted variable. PERFORM ASSIGN_POINTER_3 USING 'vara_' 4 5 6. WRITE: / 'Indirectly referencing through pointer, we get:', . PERFORM ASSIGN_POINTER_3 USING 'vara_' 10 11 12. WRITE: / 'Indirectly referencing through pointer, we get:', PERFORM ASSIGN_POINTER_3 USING 'vara_' 1 5 6. WRITE: / 'Indirectly referencing through pointer, we get:', . FORM ASSIGN_POINTER_3 USING STEM SUB1 SUB2 SUB3 . POINTER-STEM = STEM. POINTER-PART1 = SUB1.

POINTER-PART2 = SUB2. POINTER-PART3 = SUB3. ASSIGN (POINTER) TO . IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. ASSIGN POINTER_DEFAULT TO . ENDIF. ENDFORM. " ASSIGN_POINTER_3 ABAP: Type coercion Type coercion is typically defined as the means to force a variable of one type to be another type. In ABAP programming, type coercion is most useful for the ASCII conversion of character data. The following code fragment is an example of coercion which outputs ASCII character data:

data: begin of hex, byte type x, end of hex. data: char type c. data: temp like sy-index. do 224 times. temp = sy-index + 31. hex-byte = temp. char = hex. write: / 'Decimal =', temp. write: 'Hex =', hex-byte. write: 'View =', char. enddo. BDC: Formatting date fields to be compatible with user preferences

When writing BDCs that read dates to be entered into SAP transactions (either by generating batch input sessions or by using call transaction) problems occur when determining what date format to use when entering the data into its corresponding field. Assume that the ABAP program that must call the transaction (or generates the batch input session) can read the 'date' field properly from the input file, but it does not know which format the data entry screen of the transaction requires as this may change based on the user"s setup defaults. The current best approach to solving this problem is:

1. Declare a date variable in the interface program to be LIKE SY-DATUM. 2. Then, store the date (read from the input file) in the date variable in the correct internal 4.

form (YYYYMMDD). 3. Write that date variable to a character string variable. Use the character string variable as the value of the date field in the transaction screen

BDC: Formatting a number to be compatible with user preferences When writing BDCs that read numbers to be entered into SAP transactions (either by generating batch input sessions or by using call transaction) problems occur when determining what number format to use when entering the data into its corresponding field. Assume that the ABAP program that must call the transaction (or generates the batch input session) can read the 'number' field properly from the input file, but it does not know which format the data entry screen of the transaction requires as this may change based on the user"s setup defaults. The current best approach to solving this problem is explained by the following example code:

* Assume we have a numeric value in the variable "Amount" and we * want to format it into the variable "String" for entry into a * transaction field. data amount like bseg-wrbtr. data string(20). data temp(2). write amount to string currency 'USD'. * * * * *

String+19(1) String+17(2) String+16(1) String+13(3) String+12(1)

is is is is is

a possible minus sign the number of cents the decimal point the three digits to the left of decimal a possible thousands separator

temp = string+12(1). " String is 20 chars. 20 - 8 = 12 * If there are any thousands separators, change them to spaces. if temp(1) cn '0123456789'. translate string using temp. endif. * Remove any spaces condense string no-gaps. Conversions: Legacy-to-SAP cost objects and G/L accounts Prior to our 4.5B upgrade, we had programs and interfaces which converted MIT legacy cost objects and accounts to the corresponding SAP account or object. Two custom MIT function modules were developed for use in this conversion process. We are no longer converting from the legacy system to SAP. The function modules have been modified so that they will raise an exception if asked to convert from the legacy architecture. As code is modified, calls to these function modules should be removed. The names of these function modules are Z_GET_COST_OBJECT and Z_GET_GL_ACCOUNT. UNIX : Calling UNIX commands and scripts from ABAP Programs Often it is necessary to execute an external program as part of an ABAP program, however, you should be very careful in doing so because any external command is executed as the UNIX user <SID>adm. For example, if a program is written to call the command "rm" on the development system it is executed at the system level as the user "sf2adm". For an example of how to call UNIX system commands, look at program ZUNIXCMD on system SF2. Remember, you can call external programs either synchronously so that your ABAP program will wait until they complete before continuing, or you can call them asynchronously so that your ABAP program will continue execution immediately. Earlier programs written at MIT used the "CALL SYSTEM" command. In the future, this command should not be included in any new programs and should be removed from existing programs when they are revised. Appendix A: Sample Programs Basic ABAP/4 List Report

REPORT ZSKELREP. *--------------------------------------------------------------* Purpose: *

* * *--------------------------------------------------------------* Author: * Date: *--------------------------------------------------------------* Revision History: * *--------------------------------------------------------------TABLES: ... DATA: ... SELECT-OPTIONS: ... PARAMETERS: ... FIELD-GROUPS: HEADER, ... FIELD-SYMBOLS: ... * Event which occurs before the selection screen is shown to * the user. INITIALIZATION. * Event which occurs each time the user hits enter on the * selection screen. This event is ignored in background * processing. AT SELECTION-SCREEN. TOP-OF-PAGE. END-OF-PAGE. START-OF-SELECTION. * Definition of fields for FIELD-GROUP extract



AT LAST. ENDAT. ENDLOOP. * Subroutines *--------------------------------------------------------------* * *--------------------------------------------------------------FORM ... ENDFORM. Interactive ABAP/4 List Report

REPORT ZSKELINT. *--------------------------------------------------------------* Purpose: * * *--------------------------------------------------------------* Author: * Date: *--------------------------------------------------------------* Revision History: * *--------------------------------------------------------------TABLES: ... DATA: ... SELECT-OPTIONS: ... PARAMETERS: ... FIELD-SYMBOLS: ... FIELD-GROUPS: ... * Event which occurs before the selection screen is shown to * the user. INITIALIZATION. * Event which occurs each time the user presses any button on * the selection screen. This event is ignored in * background processing. AT SELECTION-SCREEN. TOP-OF-PAGE. * Top of page for sublists TOP-OF-PAGE DURING LINE-SELECTION.

END-OF-PAGE. START-OF-SELECTION. GET ... END-OF-SELECTION. * Produce main list report SY-LSIND = 0. SORT ... LOOP... WRITE:/ ... * Hide specific fields which are of importance to the line HIDE: ... ENDLOOP. * Event which occurs when user hits a particular F key, i.e. F6 * The hide area and SY-LISEL are automatically available. * Produces a sublist SY-LSIND = 1-9. F3 is automatic, will always * take the user back one list level, (SY-LSIND - 1). AT PF... * Event which occurs when a user types =LIST in the OK code * The hide area and SY-LISEL are automatically available. * Produces a sublist SY-LSIND = 1-9. F3 is automatic, will always * take the user back one list level, (SY-LSIND - 1). AT USER-COMMAND. CASE SY-UCOMM. WHEN 'LIST'. ..... ENDCASE.

* Event which occurs when the user places the cursor on a specific * line on the report and hits F2, double-clicks a line, or clicks * on a hot spot. * The hide area and SY-LISEL are automatically available. * Produces a sublist SY-LSIND = 1-9. PF3 is automatic, will always * take the user back one list level, (SY-LSIND - 1). AT LINE-SELECTION. * Subroutines *--------------------------------------------------------------* * *--------------------------------------------------------------FORM ... ENDFORM. Create a Sequential Dataset

REPORT ZSKELOUT. *--------------------------------------------------------------* Purpose: * * * *--------------------------------------------------------------* Author: * Date: *--------------------------------------------------------------* Revision History: * *--------------------------------------------------------------TABLES: ... DATA: ...

SELECT-OPTIONS: ... PARAMETERS: ... FIELD-SYMBOLS: ... START-OF-SELECTION. GET ... MOVE ... TO ... WRITE ... TO ... UNPACK ... TO ... TRANSFER ... TO ... END-OF-SELECTION. * Subroutines *--------------------------------------------------------------* * *--------------------------------------------------------------FORM ... ENDFORM. Read Sequential Dataset and Create a BDC Session

report zskelbdc. *---------------------------------------------------------------* Purpose: * * *---------------------------------------------------------------* Author: * Date: *---------------------------------------------------------------* Revision History: *

*---------------------------------------------------------------tables: ... data: t_bdcdata like bdcdata occurs 0 with header line. data: t_messtab like bdcmsgcoll occurs 0 with header line. data: begin of t_tab occurs ... end of t_tab. select-options: ... parameters: ... field-symbols: ... *---------------------------------------------------------------* start-of-selection. open dataset p_dataset in text mode. if sy-subrc <> 0. write: / text-e00, sy-subrc. stop. endif. *--- Open the BDC Session ---------------------------------------* write: /(20) 'Create group'(i01), group. skip. call function 'BDC_OPEN_GROUP' exporting client group user keep

= = = =

sy-mandt group user keep

holddate = holddate. write: /(30) 'BDC_OPEN_GROUP'(i02), (12) 'returncode:'(i05), sy-subrc. *----------- DYNPRO nnn -----------------------------------------* perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMxxxx' 'nnn'. perform bdc_field using 'TABL-FIELD' 'LITERAL'. *----------- DYNPRO nnn -----------------------------------------* perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMxxxx' 'nnn'. perform bdc_field using 'TABL-FIELD' TAB-VAR. *---------------------------------------------------------------* call function 'BDC_INSERT' exporting tcode

= tcode

tables dynprotab = t_bdcdata. write: /(25) 'BDC_INSERT'(i03), tcode, (12) 'returncode:'(i05), sy-subrc. close dataset p_dataset. *----- Close the BDC Session ----------------------------------call function 'BDC_CLOSE_GROUP'. write: /(30) 'BDC_CLOSE_GROUP'(i04), (12) 'returncode:'(i05), sy-subrc.

end-of-selection. *--------------------------------------------------------------* Subroutines * *--------------------------------------------------------------*--- Add a line to the DYNPRO Table ---------------------------form bdc_dynpro using program dynpro. clear t_bdcdata. t_bdcdata-program = program. t_bdcdata-dynpro = dynpro. t_bdcdata-dynbegin = 'X'. append t_bdcdata. endform. *--- Add a field to a DYNPRO -----------------------------------form bdc_field using fnam fval. clear t_bdcdata. t_bdcdata-fnam = fnam. t_bdcdata-fval = fval. append t_bdcdata. endform. CALL TRANSACTION USING Technique

REPORT ZSKELCLT. *--------------------------------------------------------------* Purpose: * *

*---------------------------------------------------------------* Author: * Date: *---------------------------------------------------------------* Revision History: * *---------------------------------------------------------------tables: indx, ... data: return_code like sy-subrc, message_text(120). data: begin of t_trantab occurs 10. include structure bdcdata. data: end of trantab. select-options: ... parameters: ... field-symbols: ... start-of-selection. *----------- DYNPRO nnn -----------------------------------------* perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMxxxx' 'nnn'. perform bdc_field using 'TABL-FIELD' 'LITERAL'. *----------- DYNPRO nnn -----------------------------------------* perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMxxxx' 'nnn'. perform bdc_field using 'TABL-FIELD' TAB-VAR. *-----------------------------------------------------

-----------* call transaction ' ' using t_trantab mode 'N' update 'S'. * Message handling return_code = sy-subrc. data: message_text(80) type c. MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE 'S' NUMBER SY-MSGNO WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4 INTO MESSAGE_TEXT. if return_code = 0. * At this point, various things can be done to make the * process slicker. * Send the confirmation or error to the other program via RFC. * Store key values and confirmation document number or error * message in an internal table for future processing. move 'Transaction posted' TO ... move message_text to ... modify ... else. move 'Transaction failed' to ... move message_text to ... modify ... * In the event of errored transactions: * Store the internal table in the INDX database for future online

* processing of the SAP transaction. export t_trantab to indx(..) id ... endif. * Or create a batch input session for future processing. refresh t_trantab. end-of-selection. *--------------------------------------------------------------* Subroutines * *--------------------------------------------------------------*--- Add a line to the DYNPRO Table ---------------------------form bdc_dynpro using program dynpro. clear t_bdcdata. t_bdcdata-program = program. t_bdcdata-dynpro = dynpro. t_bdcdata-dynbegin = 'X'. append t_bdcdata. endform. *--- Add a field to a DYNPRO -----------------------------------form bdc_field using fnam fval. clear t_bdcdata. t_bdcdata-fnam = fnam.

t_bdcdata-fval = fval. append t_bdcdata. endform. Appendix B: Two-character codes for application areas The following two-character abbreviations are used to identify certain projects or modules when naming programming objects. . (Note that SAP has associated many two-character codes with specific application areas, even though they do not appear in this list.) Please do not use any code not listed here, and do not use a code for any application area other than the one associated with the code in this list. If you have an application area which is not listed here, please discuss the situation with Technical Services Team Leader. He will talk with you and either determine that your project should be classified as belonging to an application already listed here, or (after checking SAPassigned codes) he will assign a new code for the new application area.

2Character Abbr.

Application Name


Asset Accounting


Accounting General


Devel. ClassMIT ZKG0


Advanced Planner and Optimizer

Devel. ClassLincoln .

. ZAP0



Accounts Receivable




Authorization Checks

ZSB0/ ZR30



Basis Components


Broad Institute



Buy-Pay Process (incl. Purchasing)






Bridges / Infrastructure




Budget (SAPBud)




Business Information Warehouse


Cashier's Office


CrossApplication Components




Change Documents




Ckeck Modules (see the section on "Check Modules for External Commands")







CS ** CU

Customer Service




Enterprise Controlling (or Electronic Commerce)




Environment, Health & Safety




Internet Portal



Extended Relationship Management



Enterprise Structure









(MIT) Credit Card




Funds Center




Financial Accounting




General Ledger




Human Resources




Investment Management




IndustrySpecific Components




SAP Knowledge Management




Labor Distribution System


Logistics Execution




Logistics General




Materials Management



MP Marketplace




Mobile Sales




Personnel Management




Training and Event Management




Plant Maintenance






Production Planning and Control (or Physical Plant)




Project System




Personnel Time Management


Payroll Accounting


Quality Management


MIT Basis


Real Estate Management




Sales and Distribution


Strategic Enterprise Management







TR ** TY







Time Sheet (CATS Related)


Utilities and Tools








(MIT) Data Warehouse








. ZR30 ZRE0


. . .


ZTR0 .




. .


Workplace XX





IMG Documentation



should NOT be used for new programs created after October 1, 2001.

Appendix C: Development Classes SAP Repository objects are classified according to development classes. It is recommended that functionally related objects (such as programs, dictionary components, message classes, etc...) be grouped together by development class. For example, code development for Accounts Payable would be in development class ZAP0. This structuring of the SAP object repository facilitates the control and recording of development efforts. Please consult with Technical Services Team < [email protected] > regarding the creation of new development classes or the uses of existing classes. DEVEL. CLASS



Customer Development Class


Accounts Payable


Accounts Receivable

ZBC404 ABAP Object Class ZBD0

Broad Institute


Business Framework Architecture: Customer Development


Business Framework Architecture




Bridges and Feeds


ABAP Bridges and Feeds

ZBUD0 Budget project (SAPBud) ZCC0

Credit Card Processing


Cashier Office


Computer Aided Test Tools




Environment, Health & Safety


Internet Portal


Multiple Enterprise Structure




Fund Center: custom development


Field Exits: Customer Development


General Ledger




H/R Application: Customer Development


ITS Financial


Availability checking in CO




Labor Distribution System


Training and Events Management


Plant Maintenance


Physical Plant


Payroll Accounting (Employee and Pension)


R/3 Administration


R/3 Administration: SAP Tools/Development


Real Estate Management: Customer Development


Remote Function


Technology Review Development


Sponsored Billing


SAPScript/Word Processing


Sloan School Support


SPO Legacy Link Program Product




SPO Bridge Development Program Product


Tools & Utilities


Tools & Utilities for EDI


SAP Workbench Training: Instructor


SAP Workbench Training: Workshop


SAP Business Workflow


Data Warehouse


Obsolete Programs Notes:

The development class Z001 is an SAP example and it should not be used to classify MIT objects. • The Development classes ZBR1, ZGN0, and ZSPO are obsolete and should not be used to classify any new development object.

The Development classes ZWB0 and ZWB1 are meant to be specific to objects related to MIT's ABAP workshops. Such objects should not be transported into our test, production, or training environments. Appendix D: Approval process for Direct Update to SAP table & SAP source code modification

Very rarely, a business scenario arises for which the most viable solution is to write code that directly updates SAP table data ("Direct Update") or to make a modification to SAP source code ("Mod"). Our rule is to avoid doing either. Below is process for a developer to follow if he/she facing a situtation where a Direct Update or Mod is needed:

1. Prepare the business justification as to why a Direct Update to an SAP table or Mod to SAP code is needed. 2. Identify the risks of doing the Direct Update or Mod. 3. Identify alternatives. 4. Analyze the impact & cost of not doing the Direct Update or Mod. 5. Make the presentation to the Technical Services Team Leader. 6. Depending upon the scope of the Direct Update or Mod, further approval might be required by AD-Leadership Team, Director or VP of IS&T.

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