Coaching And Skills Building

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 486
  • Pages: 32

Review previous coaching discussion

Li sten to recorded

cal l pri or t o coachi ng

Begin the session by greeti ng the agent Hi Banong. Great to see you!

Establish rapport: Needs, Likes, Ambition…

Provide an overview of the discussion:

We shall be focusing today on quality. We will review our last action plan and determine if we have achieved good results. Then we will listen to your call. Then I’ll ask you to identify what you did well. Then you’ll tell me what you can improve on. After which, I’ll provide you with my feedback. Then we will look at options on how to reinforce your strengths and address your AFIs. After we look at the options, we will then choose the best one and practice or action plan on. Are there things you want to include in our agenda?

Ask agent for inputs in the agenda Do you have things that you want us to include in our agenda?

Agent may present points that he wants to be included in the agenda

Write down agents agenda inputs

Segue into the discussion Ok. Shall we review our last action plan?

Hav e agent l isten to the cal l Let’s now listen to your call..

Have agent identify strengths Now that we have listened to your call, can you tell me your strengths?

TL, these are my strengths…

Have agent identi fy A reas for Impr ov em ent What about areas for improvement?

TL, these are my areas for improvement…

Find out if AFI is due to Knowledge/Skill or Attitude

Can you tell me more about ?

Agent: TL I’m finding it difficult to <Skill Issue>

Agent: TL I’m finding it difficult to… SKILL ISSUE

1)Let me explain to you the skill. 2) Then, I’ll demonstrate you how it is done. 3)Then, we’ll do it together. 4) After which I’ll ask you to do it alone. 5)And I’ll provide you with feedback

The reason why this should be done this way is… And the way you say it is… Can we try it together?

Coach and agent do the skill together

Provide feedback: That was great! When you said that <example> and did , you were able to… Let’s now see how you do it alone?


If the agent makes a mistake, continue to encourage him That’s ok. Do you want me to show it to you again?

Demonstrate again if needed

Then, have the agent demonstrate the skill again

Commend the agent when the skill is done right

Now the you can do the skill, when can I see you do this in Ops? Shall we write that down in our coaching log (document WHO DOES WHAT BY WHEN)

Type Action Plans in the Coaching Log

Have agent sign on action plan

Track accomplishment of action plan

Make agent responsible for tracking action plan

Thank the agent

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