Cloud Computing Presentation

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  • Words: 1,465
  • Pages: 32
Cloud Computing Group No. 6 Diwakar Singh43 Abhiroop-1 Yasmin-51 Zafar-48 Sanghmitra-26 Yash-22 1

Conten ts -Introduction -Key Properties -Cloud Architecture -Applications -Components -SaaS -Pros & Cons -Conclusion 


Introduction  With traditional desktop computing, we run copies of software programs on our own computer. The documents we create are stored on our own pc.  Although documents can be accessed from other computers on the network, they can’t be accessed by computers outside the network. This is a PC-centric environment.  Unlike traditional computing, the cloud computing model isn’t PC-centric, it’s document-centric.

 


What Is Cloud Computing


What Is Cloud Computing?  Key to the definition of cloud computing is the “cloud” itself. Here , the cloud is a large group of interconnected computers. These computers can be personal computers or network servers; they can be public or private. This cloud of computers extends beyond a single company or enterprise. The applications and data served by the cloud are available to broad group of users, cross-enterprise and crossplatform. Access is via the Internet. Any authorized user can access these docs and apps from any computer over any Internet connection.

 5


Key Properties Cloud Computing Is User Centric :

Once as a user is connected to the cloud, whatever is





applications, whatever—becomes authorized to the user access them. In effect, any device that accesses your data in the

cloud also becomes yours.  


Cloud Computing Is Task-Centric: Instead of focusing on the application and what it can do, the

focus is on what one needs and how application can do it for us. Traditional applications—word processing, spreadsheets,

email, and so on—are becoming less important than the 

documents they create. Cloud Computing Is Powerful: Connecting hundreds or thousands of

computers together in a cloud creates

a wealth of computing power impossible

with a single desktop PC. 8

Cloud Computing Is Programmable: Many of the tasks necessary with cloud computing must be

automated. For example, to protect the integrity of the data, information stored on a single computer in the cloud must be replicated on other computers in the cloud. If that one computer goes offline, the cloud’s programming

automatically redistributes that computer’s data to a new computer in the cloud. 


B e h in d C lo u d C o m p u tin g


Cloud computing Layers

         

Six layers components of cloud computing

 11

How Cloud Computing Works? Sun Microsystems’s slogan is “The network is the

computer,” and that’s as good as any to describe how cloud computing works. In essence, a network of computers functions as a single computer to serve data and applications to users over the Internet. The network exists in the “cloud” of IP addresses that we know as the Internet, offers massive computing power and storage capability, and enables wide scale group collaboration.


Understanding Cloud Architecture Individual users connect to the cloud from their own

personal computers or portable devices, over the Internet. To these individual users, the cloud is seen as a single application, device, or document. The hardware in the cloud (and the operating system that manages the hardware connections) is invisible. 


It all starts with the front-end interface seen by individual users. This

is how users select a task or service. The user’s request then gets passed to the system management, which

finds the correct resources and then calls the system’s appropriate provisioning services. These services carve out the necessary resources in the cloud, launch

the appropriate web application. After the web application is launched, the system’s monitoring and

metering functions track the usage of the cloud so that resources are apportioned and attributed to the proper user(s).



Applications 

Cloud applications

A cloud application

leverages the Cloud in software architecture, often eliminating the need to install and run the application on the customer's own computer, thus alleviating the burden of software maintenance, ongoing operation, and support. For example: Peer-to-peer / volunteer computing (Bit torrent, BOINC Projects, Skype) Web application (Twitter) Software as a service (Google Apps, SAP and Salesforce) Software plus services (Microsoft Online Services) 


Cloud clients  A cloud client consists of computer hardware and/or computer software which relies on cloud computing for application delivery. For example: Mobile (Android, iPhone, Windows Mobile) Thin client (CherryPal, Zonbu, gOS-based systems) Thick client / Web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox) 


Cloud services A cloud service includes "products, services and solutions that are delivered and consumed in real-time over the Internet". For example, Web Services which may be accessed by other cloud computing components, software, e.g., Software plus services, or end users directly. Specific examples include: ü Identity (OAuth, OpenID) ü Integration (Amazon Simple Queue Service) ü Payments (Amazon Flexible Payments Service, Google Checkout, PayPal) ü Mapping (Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps, MapQuest) ü Search (Alexa, Google Custom Search, Yahoo! BOSS) ü Others (Amazon Mechanical Turk)  



Understanding Cloud Storage:

 One of the primary uses of cloud computing is for data storage.  With cloud storage, data is stored on multiple third-party

servers, rather than on the dedicated servers used in traditional networked data storage.  When storing data, the user sees a virtual server—that is, it

appears as if the data is stored in a particular place with a specific name.  But that place doesn’t exist in reality. It’s just a pseudonym used

to reference virtual space carved out of the cloud.


Understanding Cloud Services:  Any web-based application or service offered via cloud computing is called a cloud service. Cloud services can include anything from calendar and contact applications to word processing and presentations.   The browser accesses the cloud service and an instance of the application is opened within the browser window. Once launched, the web-based application operates and behaves like a standard desktop application.


Cloud Computing Components The concept generally incorporates combinations of the following: infrastructure as a service (IaaS) platform as a service (PaaS) software as a service (SaaS) 



What is Software-as-aService? Software as a Service (SaaS) is a model of software deployment where an application is hosted as a service provided to customers across the Internet. It is a Deployment/Delivery model » Hosted and Managed by vendor » Delivered across the Internet Usage-based pricing (vs. perpetual license model of on premise software) » Per user per month » Per transaction » Per GB of storage per month 


SaaS Benefits Customer Benefits Faster time to deployment Low variable cost based on usage instead of upfront fixed cost No ongoing maintenance Lower risk Quicker access to latest Features  Vendor Benefits Predictable revenue stream Realize and capture operations cost saving due to scale Track usage of software by customer Maintain single code base Target new market segment 


SaaS Evolution


SaaS Trends Expected growth 

» According to a recent Gartner survey 9 out of 10 companies plan to grow their use of software-as-a service in the year 2009 and more than 30% plan to replace on-premises software with SaaS to drive down TCO.



Benefits From Cloud Computing: §Collaborators: The ability to share and edit documents in real time between multiple users is one of the primary benefits of web-based applications; it makes collaboration easy and even fun.

§Road Warriors: You can access a single version of your document from any location when travelling.

§Cost- Conscious users: Another group of users who should incline to cloud computing are those who are cost conscious. With cloud computing you can save money on both your hardware and software. 29

Criticism and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing

Ø Dependent on internet connection. Internet connectivity isn’t completely stable and reliable even in the US. Ø Cloud computing still has to exist on physical servers-As nebulous as cloud computing seems, the data still resides on servers around the world, and the physical location of those servers is important under many nation’s laws. Ø Depending on third-party to ensure the security -Many businesses still look at its offerings with caution, since they are terrified to lose control, and/or don’t trust third-parties to manage their information. 30

Conclusion q Thus cloud computing provide a super-computing power. This cloud of computers extends beyond a single company or enterprise. q

The applications and data served by the cloud are available to broad group of users, cross-enterprise and cross-platform.


And in this era of cost cutting and cost management, cloud computing is not only the present ,it is future as well.


Thank You


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