Clearcase Client

  • May 2020
  • PDF

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%define _topdir %define _tmpdir %define %define %define %define %define %define %define %define %define

name summary version release license group source vendor packager

Name: Version: Release: Packager: Vendor: License: Summary: Group: Source: Autoreq: 0

/usr/src/redhat /root ClearCase_Client IBM Rational ClearCase Client (7.0.1) for Linux Kernel 7.0.1 3 Internal Purpose only Development cc_linux_x86.7.0.1.tar.gz Your Company Name Company Name

%{name} %{version} %{release} %{packager} %{vendor} %{license} %{summary} %{group} %{source}

#### Product Description Section #### %description IBM Rational ClearCase Client(7.0.1) for Linux Kernel. #### Prepare Section #### %prep rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/linux_x86 #### Setup Section #### %setup -n linux_x86 #### Build Section #### %build #### Installation Section #### %install cd clearcase/install #/bin/sh install_release -no_query -rebuild_mvfs 0 -log /tmp/Rational_install.log -rr unix -rbh -lh -comp ratl_JRE,ratl_LAP,ratl_perl,atria_perl,CC_MS_doc_ENG,atria_install,atria_ basement,atria_cplus_shlib,atria_base,CC_base,atria_server,CC_vob_svr,atr ia_X11_base,CC_doc_ENG,CC_client,atria_gui,CC_doc,CC_bld_client,CC_view_s vr,atria_cplus_base,CC_MIN_STD,CC_int_client,CC_gui_client,CC_cnv_client, CC_ONLY_SERVER,CC_MIN_STD_X,CC_FULL -local -rh -from /ccase/cc_siteprep/7.0.1/linux_x86 -level 5 -large_vob_db -nlog -to /opt/rational -model full #### Pre Installation Section #### %pre ln -fs /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/perl ln -fs /usr/bin/perl /bin/perl cp -f "/etc/services" "/etc/.services.orig.rational.rpmsave" 2>&1>/dev/null cp -f "/lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.dep" "/lib/modules/`uname -r` /.modules.dep.orig.rational.rpmsave" 2>&1>/dev/null cp -f "/etc/updatedb.conf" "/etc/updatedb.conf.orig.rational.rpmsave" 2>&1>/dev/null cp -f "/etc/selinux/config" "/etc/selinux/config.orig.rational.rpmsave" #### Post Installation Section #### %post mkdir -p /view mkdir -p "/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/fs/mvfs" if [ ! -f "/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/fs/mvfs/mvfs.ko" ]; then cp -f "/opt/rational/common/pre-install/mvfs/mvfs.ko" "/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/fs/mvfs/mvfs.ko" fi "/usr/sbin/setenforce" 0 2>&1>/dev/null sed s/"SELINUX=enforcing"/"SELINUX=permissive"/g -i "/etc/selinux/config" if [ -f "/sbin/mount.mvfs" ]; then mv -f "/sbin/mount.mvfs" "/sbin/mount.mvfs.orig.rational.rpmsave" fi ln -fs "/opt/rational/clearcase/etc/mount_mvfs" "/sbin/mount.mvfs" kernelVersion="`uname -r`" chkModDep="`grep mvfs /lib/modules/$kernelVersion/modules.dep`" if [ -z "$chkModDep" ]; then echo "/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/fs/mvfs/mvfs.ko: /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/net/sunrpc/sunrpc.ko" >> "/lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.dep" fi chkServices="`grep albd /etc/services`" if [ -z "$chkServices" ]; then echo "#### Clearcase Service ######" >> "/etc/services" echo "albd 371/udp" >> "/etc/services" echo "albd 371/tcp" >> "/etc/services" fi

if [ ! -f "/usr/lib/" ] || [ ! -f "/usr/lib/" ]; then cp -f "/opt/rational/common/pre-install/lib/" "/usr/lib/" ln -fs "/usr/lib/" "/usr/lib/" fi ### Adding the updatedb.conf ### chkUpdatedb="`grep mvfs /etc/updatedb.conf`" if [ -z "$chkUpdatedb" ]; then sed /"PRUNEFS"/s/\"$/' mvfs\"'/1g -i "/etc/updatedb.conf" sed /"PRUNEPATHS"/s/\"$/' \/view \/vobs \/ccase \/ccstage \/ccasebackup \/vobs01\"'/1g -i "/etc/updatedb.conf" fi ### Adding the clearcase to the startup #### chmod 755 /etc/init.d/clearcase chkConfigLevel="`/sbin/chkconfig --list | grep clearcase`" if [ -z "$chkConfigLevel" ]; then /sbin/chkconfig --add clearcase /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 clearcase on fi ### Starting the ClearCase #### "/opt/rational/clearcase/etc/clearcase" start 2>&1>/dev/null #### Pre Uninstallation Section #### %preun "/opt/rational/clearcase/etc/clearcase" stop 2>&1>/dev/null ##Removing from the startup ### /sbin/chkconfig --del clearcase #### Post Uninstallation Section #### %postun sed /"albd"/d -i "/etc/services" sed /"Clearcase"/d -i "/etc/services" sed /"mvfs.ko"/d -i "/lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.dep" rm -rf "/opt/rational" rm -rf "/etc/rc.d/init.d/clearcase" rm -rf "/var/adm/rational" rm -rf "/var/adm/atria"

rm -rf "/lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/fs/mvfs" rm -rf "/sbin/mount.mvfs" ### Removing the mvfs from updatedb #### sed sed sed sed sed sed sed

/"PRUNEFS"/s/' mvfs'//1g -i "/etc/updatedb.conf" /"PRUNEPATHS"/s/' \/view'//1g -i "/etc/updatedb.conf" /"PRUNEPATHS"/s/' \/vobs'//1g -i "/etc/updatedb.conf" /"PRUNEPATHS"/s/' \/vobs01'//1g -i "/etc/updatedb.conf" /"PRUNEPATHS"/s/' \/ccase'//1g -i "/etc/updatedb.conf" /"PRUNEPATHS"/s/' \/ccstage'//1g -i "/etc/updatedb.conf" /"PRUNEPATHS"/s/' \/ccasebackup'//1g -i "/etc/updatedb.conf"

#### Cleaning the Build Root #### %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT #### Including the files #### %files /opt/rational /etc/exports.mvfs /etc/rc.d/init.d/clearcase /var/adm/rational /var/adm/atria #### RPM Version History #### %changelog * Mon May 18 2009 1 Initial Release 1.4 Spec file updated 3.0 New Release

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