Claims Departmenttaff

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Claims Department Issue 12

My (brief) TAFF Race in Black and White

It all started with an email. If I ever write a long, detailed history of my life, it may well feature an entire chapter on TAFF and that will have to start with a saturday morning when I opened the following email from English LetterHack Supreme Peter Sullivan. PETER SULLIVAN 1 ENGLEMANN WAY BURDON VALE SUNDERLAND ENGLAND SR3 2NY [email protected] Thursday, March 02, 2006 Dear Chris, “I think it would be fun to run a newspaper for TAFF.” And if you don’t recognize the original version of that quote, then you’re definitely not the film buff I take you for… I know that the current westbound race is still underway, but it’s not too early to start thinking about the 2007 eastbound race. Which I’m guessing will have to start a bit earlier in the year than recent races, given that the target will be Eastercon1 in April rather than Worldcon in August. So - have you considered running for TAFF yourself? In terms of the formal duties of TAFF, I think you’d be a really good choice. You’d be great attending the Eastercon, actively participating in both panel sessions and the more informal events. Really this should be meat and drink to anyone with as much convention/toast-mastering experience as you. I’m sure it’d be interesting both for you and UK fandom if you were to generally tour the UK before and afterwards (and/or the rest of Europe) if you have the time. Trip report should be no problem

at all – just think of it as a multiple-issue version of The Claims Department. When it comes to running the next two races, you’ve been involved in enough fannish administration to do this well. General TAFF publicity wouldn’t be a problem either. I’m not sure whether you’ve ever actually been Treasurer of anything before, but if so that covers the money side – not that I’d expect you to “do a Vijay” anyway. Recent TAFF delegates (especially the westbound ones) have tended to be more renowned for convention-based fanac rather than fanzine-based fanac. As a “big tent fandom” supporter (as evidenced in various tedious letters to SF/SF for a start), I don’t have a problem with this, unlike some people who might try the “TAFF is for fanzine fans only” line. And in any case, James Bacon, probably the most obvious example of a convention-based fanac TAFF delegate, hasn’t exactly been backward in coming forward with fanzine articles recently. But regardless, I think it would be good to have someone more from the core traditions of fanzine-based fanac for the next race. I don’t know how you feel that TAFF would fit into your other planned fanac, given that we’re talking about a commitment up to mid-2009. I would guess the pinch really comes after the trip, during your two years as administrator. Would you still be president of N3F by the time of the TAFF trip? I’m guessing that, as a minimum, the duties of the N3F president consist of an occasional e-mail to the bureau heads to say “Are you actually doing anything, or what?” Equally, I’m guessing that you’re intending to do more than the minimum. There’s also every possibility that you’ll be BASFA President by then, but as far as I can see the duties of this post basically consist of turning up at meetings and asking Chris Garcia to give a report. I’m assuming that you get the usual miserly annual holiday allowance that afflicts most Americans (2 weeks?), most of which is probably already commited for other conventions anyway. But equally I can imagine the Computer Museum possibly agreeing to some extra leave of absence for something like this – it’s not strictly a fannish institution, but explaining TAFF and why you wanted to do it might be easier than with most other employers. Oh, and of course I’m assuming here that you don’t end up as Mayor of San Jose in the meantime. And if anyone starts to gripe

about “upstart fans,” you can always riposte “I don’t remember seeing you at the first NASFiC.” Which, even if they were actually there, is still technically true. In terms of nominators, I’m guessing that finding three good North American nominators wouldn’t be a problem, and you’ll probably be in a better position to decide on suitable names than I. Getting the two UK nominations shouldn’t be a problem, either. The obvious “super-nominator” over here seems to be Dave Langford, who seems to be a nominator in just about every TAFF race in both directions, and who has a pretty high “strike rate” too. But (a) I’m not sure how well you know him and (b) I guess he’s already been booked up as a nominator by someone else for the 2007 race anyway (and the 2008, 2009, 2010…) Whilst TAFF isn’t exactly in the doldrums, I feel it could really benefit from a high-profile, active campaign, which I think you are an ideal person to provide. It’s been a while(?) since there’s been a campaign zine, for instance. And with your contacts via N3F and BASFA, you could bring in new constituencies of voters that other candidates can’t reach. Helping TAFF to re-connect with people who are part of its core constituency, but who have become disconnected over the years. From that point of view, even if you end up not winning, you could do an awful lot of good. If you do decide to run, I would be pleased to help out in whatever way I can. Chasing up nominators over here, distributing UK Garcia campaign zines, whatever. Ironically, just about the only thing I can’t do is actually vote for you, as Easter 2007 is still just a bit too early for me to qualify as an actifan of two year’s standing. I have no problem with you passing this letter on to others, or discussing it with them (‘twould be difficult to really move this forward otherwise), but I think we’d better treat it as NOT FOR PUBLICATION for a general fanzine the moment. Give this some thought for me (Hey, I obviously have, given the length of this letter!) and let me know what you think. Best wishes, Peter Sullivan. Whoops...I don’t think I was supposed to share these thoughts. But how could I not? Pete’s a good guy and I had always thought that it would be cool to run for TAFF, but how to do it. I thought about it and sent a response a couple of days later

that basically said, “Yeah, I’ve thought about it, and now I’m gonna do it.” And so started the trip. Let me go back a bit to explain my thoughts on TAFF. When I was a kid, my Dad had a bunch of fanzines. These fanzines stretched from the 1940s through the mid-1980s. A few of them were impressive. It wasn’t until well after it had happened that I started reading about the TAFF Wars. Now, you’d think this sort of introduction would be the worst way to hear about TAFF, but I was fascinated. It really spoke to the passion which people took TAFF that so much venom, so much passion could be spit and swollowed in zines. I was hooked and I always thought about what it would be like to run for TAFF. Needless to say, it was nothing like I thought in real life. The First Shots Fired I had to find nominators. This was the hardest part. There were a bunch of people that came to mind as being perfect nominators, but I didn’t know how to approach it. In fact, I wasn’t sure if it was kosher to go and ask someone if they would be willing to nominate. I half-believed that TAFF nominees were chosen without going out and trying to gather, thatsomehow people just sent in nominations and when enough folks nominated the same person, they ended up in the race. So, I went

looking for folks who might be easily duped. The first guy I came up with was Frank Wu. Now, I’ve known Frank for about 5 years and he’s one of my favourite people in fandom. There was no question if I was going to run for TAFF, I wanted Frank for one of my nominators. Thankfully, he said yes and that was the easy part. There’s a lot of theory about who one should choose for a nominator, I’ve come to discover. There’s a belief that a nominator will determine whether or not you stand a chance. For example, Ted White and Dave Langford are both seen as go-to guys if you want to win. I probably could have asked Ted and I’m betting he’d have said yes. I might even have been able to get Langford, but I had a plan that kinda went against the grain of conventional wisdom. I wanted to ask folks with zines. I immediately sent off an email to Arnie Katz. Arnie’s a great guy, and he and Joyce have been nothign but delightful to me over the last couple of years. Arnie and Joyce had also nominated folks in the past as well, so there was a good reason. I didn’t check their winning record (I believe at least one person with the Katz nomination won, though), but there was no zine I’d want Chris for TAFF to appear in than Vegas Fandom Weekly. I’m a Vegas fan at heart. I love the BArea, I love the people here and the FANAC we get up to, but there’s nowhere in the world that’s close to Vegas in the battle for my fannish heart. It’s more party-oriented than anywhere else I’ve been. They even call their parties meetings, which really challenges the notions in my head. I sent an email and Arnie said that he and Joyce would be happy to put their nom down for me. This was an ideal pick, in my opinion. I know that I’m a radical eFan. Arnie is an eFan too, though his roots are in traditional fandom. Joyce is one of the greatest FemmeFans ever, and having her on the bill is equally a plus. They’ve been great and Chris for TAFF cartoons have run in almost every issue since I announced. The next piece of business was the last US nominator. Arnie said to ask Ted or maybe Robert Lichtman. I thought about both of them, but I realised that there was a zine that I regularly LoC and that comes out quite frequently that might do me well. I drop a line to John Purcell. Texas is an interesting state, and I know in

Presidential elections, you have to carry Texas (or California) so I figured that’d make sense for TAFF. OK...maybe that wasn’t my reason, but really, I really like John and while I debated whether or not to go with John or Lloyd Penney, I figured that John would be a slightly better choice because he does a regular zine. Again, masterstroke! John pumped the movement hard the whole way through. I’m glad I asked him and he was so enthusiastic that I don’t think I’d have had as much fun if it weren’t for John. And that left the hard part. I needed to ask two Brits to make my nom official. I worried about that a lot and I figured that I should take a break and get myself some entertainment. It jus so happened that there was a film festival that weekend up in Sonoma and I had agreed to work it as a volunteer announcer. I literally got the email back from John ten minutes before I left to pick up Gen. Now, the Sonoma Valley Film Festival is one of the best places to go and unwind while watching movies. I ate a ton of great food and sleeping in a haunted hotel. The film I watched that most made me smile was Wordplay. I like Crossword puzzles. They’re a lot of fun, and though I very rarely finish them (and even a trip across the country isn’t enough time for me to finish the crossword in the In-Flight), but they are so much fun. Wordplay was all about Crossword

puzzles and the world that has grown up around them. There were the required interviews with the majour names in the field (New York Times Crossword puzzle creators and the editor of them, various famous people who do the crossword) and there was coverage of all sorts of regular people who just happen to do them every day. And there was the part about the Crossword Super Fans. There’s an annual American Crossword Puzzle Tournament. It’s the largest Crossword gathering in the World and it draws the best players from everywhere. It’s amazing to see them interact and having a lot of fun, but it wasn’t very long before I realised that the Tourney was actually their WorldCon. The similarities are all over the place once you take away the contest aspect. There’s the fact that these are folks deeply engaged in activities that others might not understand. There’s the dressing up and the people with all sorts of interests mixing in little Mini-Cons within the con. There’s the presense of fanzines, that’s right, there are Crossword Fanzines. And most disturbing of all, played a couple of times throughout the film is the song If You Don’t Come Across, I’ll Be Down...Crossword Filk. The movie is probably at it’s best just chatting with the rabid crossword fans. The contest, and especially the finals, are well-done, but it’s just another contest doc. Talks with Jon Stewart, The Indigo Girls, some New York Yankees pitcher, Bill Clinton and Ken Burns are all wonderful, and the use of letters and examples in the film has to be right up there with The Kid Stays in the Picture for inventiveness. It’s all together a good film, and I’d even take people who think they hate docs to see it because if they couldn’t relate to it, then they suck.

The Matter of England I had my US Nominators. That wasn’t a problem now and I could relax, which after returning from Sonoma is pretty easy to do. I still had to get the two required UK nominators. That would take some doing. I’m not nearly as well-known in the UK as I am in the US. In fact, I’d say I was an unknown when it came to Brits and a Semi-Known quantity when it came to the US. Still, I had one guy who I would certainly want on my side: Pete Sullivan. The problem wasn’t getting Pete to agree, it was the question as to whether or not Pete was eligible. I got my first LoC from Peter in May of 2005. while in the rules, it states that only fans who are known may nominate, and Peter is certainly known, he actually didn’t meet the requirement to vote, whcih stated that it must be folks in fandom prior to April of 2005. That’s quibbling, but it still matters. I started my search for the second possible nominator. I’ve had a few folks who LoC the Drink Tank or who I happen to know through BASFA or who I met at CorFlu or whose zines I just happened to grab. I started with the friend from BASFA. Wasn’t going to happen. The fear was having that particular nominator would seriously impede my bid for the delegacy. I didn’t agree with that statement, but I figured it was best to back away. Next: Drink Tank LoCer. No dice. Didn’t think they were enough of a name to help the bid. Understandable. Next: folks I LoC and respect the hell out of. PWNED! They backed down having promised to nominate others, which is perfectly respectable. I then turned to a guy who I also respected

the hell out of and who fit the profile I was looking for: British, long-time ties to fandom, and a former Rat Fan! John Neilsen Hall had come back to the public eye, more or less, with Motorway Dreamer, a zine that showed up one morning on Thankfully, the email I sent was responded to with a yes and I was off to the races...of course, nominations hadn’t opened yet, but I’d had agreements with folks formed and that was enough for the moment. Time for Some Music I knew that I’d be writing a lot over teh coming weeks and months, so I needed new music. There was a lot of good stuff out there for me to gather, and I thought I had a good idea. I went to MySpace is probably best known for being the set-up point for a great many Dateline NBC Stings, but it’s more than that. Pretty much every comedian and musical act has a MySpace page...just like every fifteen year old girl in America. These bands tend to be your average bands, but sometimes you run across something special. I managed to find a group that I think is both artsy and entertaining in the extreme. They call themselves My Barbarian.

Now, a lot of bands are formed at Art Schools, so it’s not surprising when you hear about one that plays at galleries once in a while, but it’s rare that you hear of a band that considers themselves to be an artist, and it’s even rarer to find one that’s not roughly Phillip Glass-level pretentious, and in this case, they’re actually very much a Pop Band that has really hooky riffs and fun lyrics. And they play mostly at museums and galleries. The first song on their MySpace page was one that hit right at my heart: Morgan le Fey. I’m a mark for King Arthur-type stuff, and this simple telling of Morgana’s involvement was really solid. It was a wonderful little pop tune, almost the kind you’d hear on the radio singing about simple love motions splashing against a synth lay-out. Luckily, The music was clean and fun and dancable, and they had the same views about Arthur that I did. That’s what started me thinking about my first fiction piece in ages... The next song was called Dance You Witches, Dance, and is actually based on another song called Dance, You Bitches, Dance! that was popular around the LA club scene many years ago. This is a fast and punk-inspired pop tune encouraging the Coven to cut a rug. It’s a fun little song, I think it tops out around two minutes. The next one is very strange. It’s called Tropical Vacation. It’s a fun little song, talking about wanting to go on a Tropical Vacation, but it’s also increbily light and bubbly and hard core, DIY rock itself. It’s strange in that it’s ultimately a song about nothing and it’s so bleedin’ fluffy that it’s almost impossible to see it as anything but a reaction to pop songs themselves. The last song is the most disturbing. It’s called Ryan Police Psychic. It has a haunting opening: Stone walls/brick walkway/ a couple of trees planted when each of the kids were born. The way they sing it is so simple and stuccato that it doesn’t register until you think. The song is about a police psychic who is sensing the murder site for Rayn, hence the refrain “this is the house where Ryan was killed.” It’s a trippy song and it’s so sparse that you have no choice but to catch in on the lyrics. I read that My Barbarian was playing at a gallery in San Francisco, though I was going to be gone that weekend, so I had to skip it.

July rolled around and one morning there was a note on TAFF Nomination Period Opens At that moment, I sent out a message I had crafted a few days before asking each of my nominators to write to Suzle and make my nomination official. Within two days, they were all in and it was offical... Except for Peter Sullivan. If he wasn’t eligible to vote, was he eligible to nominate? No one seemed to know. Suzle took the question out to folks and when she returned, she proclaimed that it was a unique situation, and since the rules merely said known fans, and Peter was known, he could nominate, even if he couldn’t vote. I was on the ballot, which was still three months away from being announced. That evening, I went to BASFA and announced to all who would listen that I had decided to run for TAFF. I got a long ovation for it. That was shocking and I began to think that maybe, just maybe I had a shot. I started working on my first issue of PrintZine. I’d been wanting to do an eZine called PrintZine for a while, and it seemed like a fun name for a TAFF Race Zine. The first issue was a longish look at teh weird things I tend to say. I was accused of being foul-mouthed, which I certainly can’t deny. I even used the phrace “I dropped my fuckin’ sno-cone”, which was rough language, but of the kind I regularly use. It was at this point that I started thinking about how I would get my name to as much of Fandom as I could. I had the zine, but there was

no way I’d be able to afford to pay for copying and mailing to a large number of people and eZines, as wonderfully accessible as they are, seldom get as much attention as print versions. I needed some way to get folks talking. I had run an election in college that had featured me carrying around a sign, and that was more as a comedy bit than an actual campaign strategy. I was going to WorldCon and had already ordered Chris for TAFF ribbons, so a series of signs would make sense. I took Evelyn with me to go and buy the posterboard and she helped me draw the first lines and I filled them in. They were terrible signs on pickets, but they had the important thing on them: Chris for TAFF! So I killed some time waiting for WorldCon to roll around. I started printing out zines and making copies, getting the little things ready for the big week in Anaheim. Evelyn was very helpful. She like stapling so I had her help me with the assembly of the zines. For a seven year old, she’s pretty good on collating. She put together several dozen issues of PrintZine and didn’t even get a single page upside down. In other words, she did better than I usually do. WorldCon 2006: LACon IV in Anaheim I made a terrible mistake. I got into Anaheim around 3am, and though Jim Terman and Frank Wu both said that I could wake them up and get into the room, I’d have felt like a real bastard had I done so. Since I didn’t wanna walk them up, and since I was worked up on coffee and a huge Denny’s breakfast that I dined on at Buttonwillow. I

wanted to see a little of Anaheim, and especially the Disneyland area while it was still possible. I knew that once the con started it would be impossible for me to get a good look around the city. True, I’d been there a hundred times before, but still, I wanted to walk around. This wasn’t the bad part. The bad part was that I was wearing new shoes. Now, I walked all around the Disneyland complex, enjoyed seeing all the fun that happened while the park was closed. Now, while I couldn’t get into the park, I did get into the Disneyland Hotel and walked around there, watching the little things they had like the fake rain forest and even sat around the pool and finished reading my book while sitting at the side of the pool. The Book Last year, I went to NASFiC with Gen and Evelyn and I met a lot of great folks through my good pals Jay Lake and Frank Wu. One of those folks was the highly amusing Carrie Vaughn. She was there hyping a book that hadn’t come out yet called Kitty & The Midnight Hour. That was a delightful book about a woman who was both a werewolve and a talk radio host. It wasn’t a book about werewolves, it was a book about radio. I had read and enjoyed it and there was a sequel that came out in early August. I managed to pick it up the Monday before WorldCon when I took my sister book shopping. It was called Kity Goes to Washington. Now, some would say that the Kitty series is Young Adult fare, and I wouldn’t argue, especially since I strenuously assailed my sister with my recommendation that she go out and read the book, and considering how often I get to see her, that recommendation took up roughly 1% of that particular visit. It’s a good read for high schoolers, no question, but I really enjoyed it too. There’s a little love, a little sex, a little action and some testimony in front of congress. What’s better than that? Vaughn has a fun style and I can’t wait to see where she goes from here. I had nothing to do and I finally got into the

room, whcih led me to take a shower and then head straight over to the Convention Centre. The first people I saw I knew were all East Coasters. No fan in their regular time zone would be up at that point in the morning. I started my talking. I met a few folks from Maryland and later a bunch of Philly fans. I gave them all Chris For TAFF ribbons and ended up going to breakfast with a few of them. I’d always managed to get along with people right off, which allows me to make no breakfast plans and know I’ll end up eating with someone, even if I didn’t know them previously at all. That first day, with no sleep, I made the rounds. I ran into tons of people I knew, including FAPAns like Laurraine, Jack Speer, Robert Silverberg, Art Widner and Milt Stevens. It was a great time. I quickly discovered that I’d be spending a majority of my time over in the Fanzine Lounge, and there was good reason too. Everybody I wanted to talk to seemed to be there throughout the day. There was Marty Cantor, Richard Lynch, Bug Bradshaw, Hope Leibowitz, Suzle, Jerry Kaufman, Randy Byers, and a bunch of others. It’s always nice to be surrounded by Fanzine Fans. In a way, it was almost as larger gathering of Fanzine Fans than TorFlu this year! I had a panel and it was there that I did a bunch of TAFF tramping and finally met Lloyd Penney, James Bacon, and various others. After the panel, I wandered the halls talking people up and passing out the ribbons. It was so much fun and the entire weekend I saw folks and drummed up a lot of support. There was a lot of explaining to do, making folks understand what this whole TAFF thing was anyhow. Now, at this point, I had no idea who I would be running against. The official filing date hadn’t came, but there were rumours floating around, and one of them was worrying. Art Widner. Art is one of the greatest fans who ever lived. He’s been putting out fanzines for years, and after

had a few of those moments, but after the great encouragement of Art and Lloyd, I never had another thought like that again. It was straight on towards victory, I was sure of it!

more than 30 years of GAFIA, he returned and has been putting out great zines like YHOS for a couple of decades now. He’s a bright shining star in the Heavens of Fandom and the story going around was that he was going to run to be the first person to ever be both DUFF and GUFF delegate. That’s a bold move. I was a little worried, because even I’d vote for him in a race between the two of us. I’m serious on that one too. I ran into him in the hall of the partyfloor. At that point, we started talking and he commented on my sign and then said something that really made me certain I was doing the right thing running for TAFF. “I’ve decided not to run because I want you to win and I’m going to vote for you.” Art said. I can’t think of anyone else who would make me want to run so badly. There was little else anyone could have done that’d make me so gung-ho about running. And then Lloyd and Yvonne did something wonderful. At the Fan Fund auction, there was a TAFF shirt up for auction. Lloyd and I were going back and forth bidding on it and Lloyd ended up winning. Lloyd then came over to me and handed me the shirt. “Go for it, Chris.” Lloyd said. Wow. At some point in every race, there are questioning voices in your head that make you wonder if you’re doing the right thing. I

Except... EasterCon is traditionally where TAFF delegates go during their trip. Many also go to mainland Europe as well, but EasterCon is almost always the focus point of the trip. My idea of going to EuroCon would have been a big break from tradition, but then they announced that the TAFF winner would be the Fan Guest of Honour at EasterCon, so that idea went out the window, but then something strange happened. EasterCon 2005 had failed to elect a 2007 EasterCon, but a bid happened in 2006 to bring the con to the Adelphi hotel in Liverpool. The hotel is beautiful from all the photos I’ve seen of it (the lobby supposedly being built by the same folks who did the Titanic!) but it also had a reputation for being unsafe and for room thefts. This is a bad thing and there was a lot of huff and fuss about that when it was announced. Now, whether it was the hotel or the committee or whatever, there were very low numbers for the convention. This led the committee to put up a notice saying that the con could be cancelled if there wasn’t an upturn in the numbers. This warning made Suzle and Bug nervous because if the con was cancelled, then there was the problem of the Fan Guest of Honourship thingee. The idea was that maybe things could open up with the TAFF delegate going to a different con, such as NovaCon or perhaps EuroCon, whcih is where I was thinking of going in the first place. It turned out that there was a couple who couldn’t run if the trip would be to EasterCon but who could run for a later race. I liekd the idea and I stayed in. There was also another candidate who couldn’t do the later race but could do the traditional trip to EasterCon. It turned out that Mary Kay Kare was the opponent as the administrators had been assured that if EasterCon was cancelled, there’d be a ReplacerCon and that’s where the TAFF racer would go. I was OK with that, though I would have liked to do my original plan, this was good too. I started putting out issues of PrintZine, starting with a comedic list of terms that I’m apt to use in my future zines. I started doing PrintZine more or less bi-weekly while still keeping up with The Drink

Tank and my other zining. It was hard, but I did it. Peter Sullivan started as the official website for my race. It was a great little site with art and an FAQ. It was a nice little site and it answered a whole lot of questions. But there were minor problems. There was so much going on in October and early November that I was burning out a little bit. It’s never easy to run for one of these things, and I knew that going in, but I was a little overwhelmed. I managed to put out five issues of PrintZine and everythign looked like it was going to be OK. Then I got an eMail from Suzle. Now, the timing here is interesting, and even now I realise that there was a lot that fandom, even UK fandom, didn’t know about what was going on with regards to the EasterCon. The email said that with the problem of EasterCon, it was probably better to cancel the race and do it again next year. NovaCon, where everyone said the decisions would be made, was still a few days away and there was a solid proposal for a EasterCon replacement. Bug and Suzle must have heard about what the rest of fandom has heard since: that the group didn’t have a hotel confirmed and that it wasn’t as sure a thing as it sounded, despite the full blessing of the Convoy

committee who would have run the EasterCon. Talk about conflicted. There were two sides to this one for me: one said ‘you’ve got all this great support, have put so much energy into running and should be given the chance to win or lose.’ The other said ‘you know, no matter what the outcome if the race continues, it won’t be what’s best for the largest number of fans, and if you made a stink and the race continued, what good would that do?’ These were both good points, but it didn’t take long for me to realise that the cancellation was probably the best idea. It actually took me a couple of times to send the eMail saying that cancellation was the best idea. I didn’t want to have everything mean nothing, but at the same time I knew what I had to do. So, here I am, at the end of a race designed for BNFs and still not a BNF. I hadn’t lost, and looking at things objectively as I can now, I don’t think I would have fared as poorly as I had feared (I didn’t think I’d get 20% in the UK), but it’s done and gone and now I just have to wait for the next iteration. I do plan on running again, as I’m no quitter and going only half-way through a race when there’s still a lot of Over-The-Top stuff to be done isn’t my style. So, you’ll have another chance to get annoyed by all the Chris For TAFF stuff I’ll be doing. I’m just a guy who never knows when to say when.

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