Christmas Eve And Day

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 322
  • Pages: 2
CHRISTMAS EVE AND CHRISTMAS DAY -CHRISTMAS EVE: It is celebrated in the 24th of December. This day it is very special for everyone and it is usually celebrated with the family, and in the Basque Country we have'nt Santa Claus, our “Santa” is Olentzero. Olentzero is a coal dealer who usually carries presents to the good boys and girls, but he sends coal to bad boys and girls. He has'nt got reindeer, instead he's got a donkey In this day kids are going to sing christmas carols house to house and people give them money for it. And boys usually go dressed as olentzero and girls go as “Mari Domingi” (Olentzero's wife). At night family is built and they have a special dinner because we are celebrating that Olentzero is coming from the mountains and he carries presents with him for all the Basque Country and mostly for kids.

-CHRISTMAS DAY: This day is after the christmas eve specifically in the 25th of December. This day in the morning, when you get up, the first thing you do is go to the christmas tree. Usually there are good presents but if that person have a bad behavior Olentzero will bring him coal. When you have opened all the presents, family meets again and they have a special meal.


Olentzero's welcome

You have here a song about Olentzero in Basque and English: Olentzero joan zaigu mendira lanera, intentzioarekin ikatz egitera. Aditu duenean Jesus jaio dela lasterka etorri da berri ematera. Horra horra gure Olentzero pipa hortzetan dula eserita dago. Kapoiak ere baditu arraultzatxoekin bihar meriendatzeko botila ardoakin.

Olentzero has gone to the mountains to work with the intention of making charcoal. When he heard that Jesus has been born he came running to bring news Horra horra our Olentzero with the pipe between his teeth he sits. He also has capons with little eggs, to celebrate tomorrow

with a bottle of wine.

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