Chlorine Essay

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 188
  • Pages: 1
Rodger S.


Chlorine Chlorine was discovered in 1774 by a Swedish chemist named Carl Wilhelm Scheele, but it was actually classified as an element, and given its name in 1810. One of its first actual recorded uses of Chlorine in gas form was in 1915, during World War I, as a weapon. Chlorine is very toxic and can be deadly if not handled properly. Here are some facts to help understand this element• • • • •

Greenish-yellow in color Name comes from a Greek word meaning “pale green” Atomic number is 17 Its 2.5 times heavier than air Chlorine’s chemical symbol is Cl Carl Wilhelm Scheele

Did you know…? Chlorine is used as a cleaning agent in pools and drinking water. Chlorine, when mixed with sodium, kills bacteria that often live in swimming areas. And that chemical smell from a pool is actually not the chlorine itself, it is really ammonia-like acids killing bacteria and algae. Chlorine is also used to make plastics, paper products, paint, food and medicines, when mixed with other elements and chemicals. Chlorine used as a bleaching agent for clothing and fabrics.

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