Cherokee Language - Native America - Bharat Language Concordance

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Cherokee Language - Native America - Bharat Language Concordance Kedarnath Jonnalagadda (c) 2009 (This is part of forthcoming book and research papers) Introduction ============ This author had earlier found concordance of native American language Maya of South and Meso America. (c) gives a small dictionary of Cherokee - Native North American Tribal Language. Concordance was found with Bharath India Language - Sanskrit. [pANiNI] [dhAtupATha] Monier Williams Sanskrit English Dictionary, Lexicon Bharathi were used. ===================== Work on Concordance of Native American South and North with Bharath India languages started in real earnest 5 years back after a strange discouraging response from a member of an e-group. The author of this book had posted a note that Maya could be understood better if the [barakhadi] system of [svara] [vya~jjana] taught traditionally in India were applied. The response was a bit caustic and referred an article written by somebody that "nothing should be made of languages in distant places having some common words". Statistics and probabilities were quoted for this. ttp:// And he was right too! So how is this work different? This work does no aim to find same sounding words with a common meaning in the two rather very, very unequal sets. And could not too! Barring Maya Preliminary Etymological dictionary that has about 40,000 entries from the spectrum of "Maya" languages, most other dictionaries range from 500 to no more than 7000 -8000 listed words! The Monier Williams Dictionary has more than 3,00,000 entries. Indian Lexicon compiled by Dr.S.Kalyanraman has 2,19,000 entries. The [dhAtupATha] lists 2000 odd [dhAtu]. Whitney, lists only 813. "Nothing would have been made of languages in distant places having some common words" were it not for the fact there were very, very few matches. When a small population of words is compared with another that is huge, the probability of finding same sounding with same meaning ought to have been high. This was not the case. What does this mean? This could imply that the two sets are different. And what the author was doing was comparing mangoes with llamas,tepees and runing bears? That is one limited viewpoint to close shop. What if the elements of mangoes were to be compared with the elements of llamas, tepees, or running bears? Technically, and scientifically there should be very great commonality. Hence, [dhAtu] from [dhatupATha] was used. True enough a very high degree of commonality and concordance was found. This is not the end of the story but its beginning. [dhAtu] elements need to be structured to form [shabda] words and [shabda] words with other [shabda] words.

There must be some method in language or grammar. Being self critical is part of modern scientific method. Being critical of other workers ought not to devote more than a line. I find it most strange that linguists of repute in past did not see what is crystal clear or did they? And in the present? ===================== This Cherokee word list compilation is from (c) alligator tsu-la-s-gi ============================== <><><>99714 * ['tsu']3[ts'u] mfn. loathing, detesting, feeling disgust or repugnance #rv. #av. #kauś<><><>099715 ~> reserved, coy ( said of a woman ) #rv. i, 164, 8<><><>099716 ~> m. n. of arjuna #mbh. <><><><><><> <><><>189339 * [la]1[la]2 m. n. of indra #L.<><><>189340 ~> cutting ( ?#[lava] ) #W.<><><>189341 ~> ( [lA] ), f. s. v <><><><><><> <><><>267390 * ['sa']1['sa']4 ( only #L. ) , m. a snake <><><>267391 ~> air , wind<><><>267392 ~> a bird<><><>267393 ~> N. of Viṣṇu or Śiva<><><>267394 ~> ( [A] ) , f. N. of Lakshmi or Gaurī<><><>267395 ~> n. knowledge<><><>267396 ~> meditation<><><>267397 ~> a carriage road<><><>267398 ~> a fence) <><><><><><> <><><>267399 * ['sa']1['sa']5 mfn. ( fr.) <><><>267401 * ['sa']1[s'a]6 the actual base for the nom. case of the 3rd pers. pron. [t'ad] , q.v. ( occurring only in the nom. sg. mf. [[s'a] or [s'as] , ['sa']] , and in the ved. loc. [[s'asmin] #rv. i , 152 , 6 ; i , 174 , 4 ; x , 95 , 11]<><><>267402 ~> the final [s] of the nom. m. is dropped before all consonants [except before [p] in #rv. v , 2 , 4 , and before [t] in #rv. viii , 33 , 16] and appears only at the end of a sentence in the ham] ['sa' tvam] ,'i ( or thou ) that very person'<><><>267405 ~> #cf. under [t'ad] , p. 434] , the verb then following in the 1st and 2nd pers. even if [aham] or [tvam] be omitted [e. g. [sa] [tvA pRucchAmi]'I that very person ask you' #BṛĀrUp.<><><>267406 ~> [sa] [vai no brUhi]'do thou tell us' #ŚBr.]<><><>267407 ~> similarly , to denote emphasis , with [bhavAn] [e. g. [sa bhavAn vijayAya pratiShThatAm] ,'let your Highness set out for victory' #Śak.]<><><>267408 ~> it sometimes [and frequently in the Brāhmaṇas] stands as the first word of a sentence preceding a rel. pronoun or adv. such as [ya] , [yad] , [yadi] , [yathA] , [c^ed]<><><>267409 ~> in this position [sa] may be used pleonastically or as a kind of ind. , even where another gender or number is required [e. g. [sa yadi] [sthAvarA Apo bhananti] ,'if those waters are stagnant' #ŚBr.]<><><>267410 ~> in the Sāṃkhya [sa] , like [eSha] , [ka] , and [ya] , is used to denote Purusha ,'the Universal Soul' ) #RV. &c. &c. [Chf. Zd. [hā] , [h#A.<><><>267411 ~> Gk. ? , ?.] [1111 ,2]) <><><><><><> <><><>267414 * ['sa']1['sa']7 ind. ( connected with [saha] , [sam] , [sama] , and occasionally in #BhP. standing for [saha] with instr. ) an inseparable prefix expressing'junction' ,'conjunction' ,'possession' ( as opp. to [a] priv. ) ,'similarity' ,'equality'<><><>267415 ~> and when compounded with nouns to form adjectives and adverbs it may be translated by'with' ,'together or along with' ,'accompanied by' ,'added to' ,'having' ,'possessing' ,'containing' ,'having the same' [#cf. [sa-kopa] , [s^agni] , [sa-bhAya] , [sa-droNa] , [sa-dharman] , [sa-varNa]]<><><>267416 ~> or it may <>'ly' , as in [sa-kopam]

,'angrily' , [s^opadhi] ,'fraudulently' ) #RV. &c. &c. [Chf. Gk. ['a] in ? ; Lat. [sim] in [simplex] ; [1111 ,2] [sem] in [semel] , [semper] Eng. [same].]) 076352 * [ghiNN]1[ghiNN] ( fr. Prākṛt √ [geNh], [giNh] = [grah] ), cl. 1. Ā. [°NNate], to take, grasp #Pāṇ. Dhātup. xii, 1 ( #√ [ghuNN], [ghRuNN]. ) ============== Reconstructions of these are not given. It is left for the reader as exercise. A clue to the understanding the native American and his language is understanding that he can pronounce "booze". But he does not. It is innate to associate "sound" of word with a meaning. so what "booze" does is translated "fire burns - this burns (in a different way) (water is liquid this is liquid)" when retranslated into English it is fire water. animal ga-na-tla-i animals e-hna-i antelope a-wi-yu-s-ti antler tsu-lu-nu-hi antler u-s antlers a-wi-tsu-yo-ni baby deer a-wa-ni-ta badger u-gu-na bat tlo-me-ha (or) tla-ma-ha bear yo-nv (or) yo-na bear meat yo-na ha-wi-ya beaver do-ya (or) da-yi (or) do-yi beaver dam da-yi-hv-s-gi beeswax wa-du-le-si ga-lu black bear gv-ni-ge-yo-na black fox i-na-li black skunk di-la gv-na-gei bobcat gv-he buck ga-la-gi-na buffalo yv-su 00203550 * [yavasa]2[y'avasa] m. n. grass, fodder, pasturage #RV. &c. &c. buffalo ya-ni-sa 00201410 * [ya]1[ya]4 m. ( in some senses fr. √ 1. [yA], only #L. ) a goer or mover<><><>00201411 ~> wind<><><>00201412 ~> joining<><><>00201413 ~> restraining<><><>00201414 ~> fame<><><>00201415 ~> a carriage ( ? )<><><>00201416 ~> barley<><><>00201417 ~> light<><><>00201418 ~> abandoning<><><>00201419 ~> ( [A] ), f. going, a car<><><>00201420 ~> restraining, religious meditation<><><>00201421 ~> attaining<><><>00201422 ~> pudendum muliebre<><><>00201423 ~> N. of Lakshmī 00118878 * [ni]1[n'i]1 ind. down, back, in, into, within ( except #AV. x, 8, 7 always prefixed either to verbs or to nouns<><><>00118879 ~> in the latter case it has also the meaning of negation or privation [#` down-hearted ' |=| heartless]<><><>00118880 ~> sometimes w. r. for [nis] )<><><>00118881 ~> it may also express [kSepa], [dAna], [upa-rama], [A-shraya], [mokSha] &c. #L. [Chf. Zd. [ni]<><><>00118882 ~> Gk. ? ; Slav. [ni-shu] ; [538 ,3] Germ., [ni-dar], [ni-der], [nieder] ; Angl. Sax. [ni-ther], Eng. [ne-ther], [be-neath].] 00120239 * [nis]2[n'is] ind. out, forth, away &c. ( rarely used as an independent word [e. g. #AV. vi, 18, 3 ; vii, 115, 3 ; xvi, 2, 1], but mostly as a prefix to verbs and their derivatives [#[niH-] √ [kShi] &c. below], or to nouns not immediately connected with verbs, in which case it has the sense, out of ', away from ' [#[nirvana], [niS-kaushAmbi] &c.] or that of a privative or negative adverb|=| 3. [a], without ', destitute of ', ` free from ', un- '

[#[nir-artha], [nir-mala] &c.], or that of a strengthening particle ` thoroughly ', entirely ', ` very ' [#[nih-shUnya], [niS-kevala], [nir-muNDa]]<><><>00120240 ~> it is liable to be changed to [niH], [nish], [niSh], and [niSh] and [nI]<><><>00120241 ~> #above and below). [543,3]<><><>00120242 * [nistattva]3[n'is-tattva] mfn. not comprehended in the 24 Tattvas or principles #MBh.<><><>

bull tsu-ka-nv-s-di-na <><><>99714 * ['tsu']3[ts'u] mfn. loathing, detesting, feeling disgust or repugnance #rv. #av. #kauś<><><>099715 ~> reserved, coy ( said of a woman ) #rv. i, 164, 8<><><>099716 ~> m. n. of arjuna #mbh. 00046796 * [ka]1[k'a]3m. ( according to native authorities ) #N. Prajāpati or a Prajāpati #VS. xx, 4 ; xxii, 20 #TS. i #ŚBr. &c.<><><>00046797 ~> Brahman #MBh. i, 32 #BhP. iii, 12, 51 ; xii, 13, 19 ; 20<><><>00046798 ~> Daksha #BhP. ix, 10, 10<><><>00046799 ~> #Viṣṇu #L.<><><>00046800 ~> Yama #L.<><><>00046801 ~> Garuḍa<><><>00046802 ~> the soul #Tattvas.<><><>00046803 ~> a particular comet #VarBṛS.<><><>00046804 ~> the sun #L.<><><>00046805 ~> fire #L.<><><>00046806 ~> splendour, light #L.<><><>00046807 ~> air #L.<><><>00046808 ~> a peacock #L.<><><>00046809 ~> the body #L.<><><>00046810 ~> time #L.<><><>00046811 ~> wealth #L.<><><>00046812 ~> sound #L.<><><>00046813 ~> a king #L.<><><>00046814 ~> = [kAma-granthi] ( ? )<><><>00046815 ~> ( [am] ),n. happiness, joy, pleasure #ChUp. iv, 10, 5 #Nir. &c.<><><>00046816 ~> water #MaitrS. i, 10, 10 #ŚBr. x #Yājñ. &c.<><><>00046817 ~> the head<><><>00046818 ~> hair, a head hair #L.<><><>00046819 ~> ( also regarded as ind.<><><>00046820 ~> #1. [kam]. ) 00126675 * [nvai]1[nva'i] ind. ( for [n'u-va'i] ) indeed, certainly #Br. ( ##Pāṇ. 6-1, 94 #Vārtt. 1 #Pat. ) 00103167 * [dina]1[din'a]1 mfn. ( √ [do] ) cut, divided, mowed # RV. viii, 67, 10 ( # [svayaM-] )<><><>00103168 * [dina]1[dina]2 ( √ 3. [dA] ) . [a-saM-]<><><>00103169 * [dina]1[d'ina]3 ( accented only # Naigh. i, 9 ), m. n. ( g. [ardharc^adi], only occurring as n. ) a day # Mn. # Ragh. # Pañcat. and o. ( ifc. also in Vedic texts ), ifc. f. [A] # Rājat. i, 347. [Chf. Lat. [peren-dinus], [nUndinus] &c. ; Got. [sin-teins] ; Lit. [de10na] ; O. Pr. acc. sg. [deinan] ; Slav. [dṛnī].] 00099741 * [da]1[da]2 mf ( [A] ) n. ( √ 1. [dA] ) ifc. ( # Pāṇ. 3-2, 3 ) giving, granting, offering, effecting, producing ( e. g. [abh^iShTa-], 'giving any desired object ' # Pañcat. ii, 50<><><>00099742 ~> [gaja-vAji-vRuddhi-], 'promoting the welfare of elephants and horses ' # VarBṛS. xviii, 5 ) # Mn. # MBh. &c. ( # [agni-]<><><>00099743 ~> [a-doma-d'a]<><><>00099744 ~> [anna-], [artha-], [garbha-], [janma-] &c. )<><><>00099745 ~> m. n. a gift # L.<><><>00099746 ~> ( [A] ), f. id. # L.<><><>00099747 * [da]1[da]3 mfn. ( √ [do] ) ifc., [anala-], 2. [jIva-]<><><>00099748 ~> m. n. the act of cutting off # L.<><><>00099749 ~> ( [A] ), f. id. # L.<><><>00099750 * [da]1[da]4 mfn. ( √ 4. [da-] ) ifc. [Rushya-d'a]<><><>00099751 * [da]1[da]5 = [d'at], # [a-panna-], [panna-]<><><>00099752 ~> [So-Da]<><><>00099753 * [da]1[da]6 m. a mountain # L.<><><>00099754 ~> n. a wife ( derived fr. [d'am-patI] ) # L.<><><>00099755 ~> ( [A] ), f. heat, pain # L. 00114759 * [na]1[n'a]2 ind. not, no, nor, neither #RV. ( [nA], x, 34, 8 ) &c. &c. ( as well in simple negation as in wishing, requesting and commanding, except in prohibition before an Impv. or an augmentless aor. [#a. [mA]]<><><>00114760 ~> in successive sentences or clauses either simply repeated, e. g. #Mn. iv, 34<><><>00114761 ~> or strengthened by another particle, esp. at the second place or further on in the sentence, e. g. by [u]

[#[n^o]], [ut'a], [api], [c^api], [vA], [v^api] or [atha vA] #RV. i, 170, 1 ; 151, 9 #Nal. iii, 24, &c.<><><>00114762 ~> it may even be replaced by [ca], [vA], [api ca], [api vA], &c. alone, as #Mn. ii, 98 #Nal. i, 14, &c.<><><>00114763 ~> often joined with other particles, beside those mentioned above esp. with a following [tu], [tv eva], [tv eva tu], [c^ed], q.v., [khalu], q.v., [ha] [#g. [c^adi] and #Pāṇ. 8-1, 31] &c.<><><>00114764 ~> before round or collective numbers and after any numeral in the instr. or abl. it expresses deficiency, e. g. [ekayA na viMshati], not 20 by 1, i. e. 19 #ŚBr.<><><>00114765 ~> [pa~jcabhir na catvAri shatAni], 395 #ib.<><><>00114766 ~> with another [na] or an [a] priv. it generally forms a strong affirmation [##Vām. v, 1, 9], e. g. [n^eyaM na vakShyati], she will most certainly declare #Śak. iii, 9<><><>00114767 ~> [n^adaNDyo 'sti], he must certainly be punished #Mn. viii, 335<><><>00114768 ~> it may also, like [a], form compounds #Vām. v, 2, 13 [#below] )<><><>00114769 ~> that not, lest, for fear lest ( with Pot. ) #MBh. #R. #Daś. &c.<><><>00114770 ~> like, as, as it were ( only in Veda and later artificial language, e. g. [gauro na tRuShitaH piba], drink like [lit. ` not ', i. e. ` although not being '] a thirsty deer<><><>00114771 ~> in this sense it does not coalesce metrically with a following vowel). [Chf. Gk. ? ; Lat. [523 ,1] [n˘e-] ; Angl. Sax. [ne], ` not ' ; Eng. [no], &c.] -2

bull tsu-ka-na-s-ta-ti 00091432 * [tati]2[t'ati]1 nom. acc. pl. ( #Pāṇ. 1-1, 23 ff. ) so many, Lat. [tot] #AV. xii, 3 cat we-sa 00230244 * [ve]1[ve]1 ( cf. √ [Uy] ), cl. 1. P. Ā. ( #Pāṇ. Dhātup. xxiii, 37 ) [v'ayati], [°te] ( pf. p. [vavau] or [uvAya]<><><>00230245 ~> 2. sg. [uvayitha] #Gr.<><><>00230246 ~> 3. pl. [vavuH] #ib.<><><>00230247 ~> [UvuH] #RV.<><><>00230248 ~> [UyuH] #Bhaṭṭ.<><><>00230249 ~> Ā. [vave], [Uve], [Uye] #Gr.<><><>00230250 ~> aor. [avAsIt], [avAsta] #Gr.<><><>00230251 ~> Prec. [UyAt], [vAsIShTa] #ib.<><><>00230252 ~> fut. [vAtA] #ib.<><><>00230253 ~> [vAsyati], [°te] #ib.<><><>00230254 ~> [vayiShy'ati] #RV.<><><>00230255 ~> inf. ['otum], ['otave], ['otava'i] #ib.<><><>00230256 ~> [v'Atave] #AV. ), to weave, interweave, braid, plait ( fig. to string or join together artificially, make, compose, e. g. speeches, hymns ) #RV. &c. &c.<><><>00230257 ~> to make into a cover, into a web or web-like covering, overspread as with a web ( said of a cloud-like mass of arrows filling the air ) #Bhaṭṭ. : Pass. [Uyate] ( aor. [avAyi] ), #Gr. : Caus. [vAyayati] #ib. : Desid. [vivAsati], [°te] #ib. : Intens. [vAvAyate], [vAveti], [vAvAti] #ib.<><><> 00231620 * [ves]1[ves] cl. 1. P. [vesati], to go, move #Pāṇ. Dhātup. xvii, 70<><><>00231621 ~> to desire, love #Naigh. ii, 6. ( Cf. also 1. [vi], 2. [ve], √ 1. [vI]. ) chipmunk gi-yu-ga (or) gi-u-ga colt a-gi-na so-qui-li coon gv-li cougar tlv-da-tsi cow wa-ga (or) wa-ka coyote wa-ya deer a-wi deer skin a-wi-ga-na-gi

dog gi-li (or) gi-tli dog gi-li-ni-ta (or) gil-u-s-di donkey di-ga-li-nv'-hi-dv donkey di-ga-li-ya-nv-hi-dv

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