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out = {fA, muxPC, 2'bxx, destMAR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; out = {fAplus1, muxPC, 2'bxx, destPC, noLoad, memRD, noLoad}; out = {fA, muxMDR, 2'bxx, destReg, loadCC, noLoad, noLoad};

Sequential logic: output at any time depends not only on its current input but also on the past sequence of inputs that have been applied to it.

out = {fAplusB,muxReg,muxReg,destReg,loadCC,noLoad,noLoad}; out = {fAminB,muxReg,muxReg,destReg,loadCC,noLoad,noLoad};

Combinational logic: the same input values always produce the same out value independent of the history of input values.

out = {fB, 2'bxx,muxReg,destMAR,noLoad,noLoad,noLoad}; out = {4'bxxxx, 2'bxx,2'bxx,destNone,noLoad,memRD,noLoad}; out = {fA, muxMDR,2'bxx,destReg,loadCC,noLoad,noLoad};

ISA: an interface/contract between programmer and hardware designers. An attribute of a system as seen by the programmer.

out = {fA, muxPC,2'bxx,destMAR,noLoad,noLoad,noLoad}; out = {4'bxxxx, 2'bxx,2'bxx,destNone,noLoad,memRD,noLoad}; out = {fA, muxMDR,2'bxx,destPC,noLoad,noLoad,noLoad};

Prime Implicant: an implicant that cannot be covered by a more general implicant.

out = {fA, muxPC, 2'bxx, destMAR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; out = {fAplus1, muxPC, 2'bxx, destPC, noLoad, memRD, noLoad}; out = {fAminB, muxReg, muxMDR, destNone, loadCC, noLoad, noLoad}; out = {fAminB,muxReg,muxReg,destNone,loadCC,noLoad,noLoad}; out = {fAshl,muxReg,2'bxx,destReg,loadCC,noLoad,noLoad}; out = {fAlshr,muxReg,2'bxx,destReg,loadCC,noLoad,noLoad}; out out out out out

= = = = =

{fA, muxPC, 2'bxx, destMAR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; {fAplus1, muxPC, 2'bxx, destPC, noLoad, memRD, noLoad}; {fA, muxMDR, 2'bxx, destMAR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; {4'bxxxx, 2'bxx, 2'bxx, destNone, noLoad, memRD, noLoad}; {fA, muxMDR, 2'bxx, destReg, loadCC, noLoad, noLoad};

out out out out out

= = = = =

{fA, muxPC, 2'bxx, destMAR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; {fAplus1, muxPC, 2'bxx, destPC, noLoad, memRD, noLoad}; {fA, muxMDR, 2'bxx, destMAR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; {fB, 2'bxx, muxReg, destMDR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; {4'bxxxx, 2'bxx, 2'bxx, destNone, noLoad, noLoad, memWR};

out = {fA, muxReg,2'bxx,destMAR,noLoad,noLoad,noLoad}; out = {fB, 2'bxx,muxReg,destMDR,noLoad,noLoad,noLoad}; out = {4'bxxxx, 2'bxx,2'bxx,destNone,noLoad,noLoad,memWR}; out out out out out out

= = = = = =

{fAmin1, muxSP,2'bxx,destSP,noLoad,noLoad,noLoad}; {fA, muxSP,2'bxx,destMAR,noLoad,noLoad,noLoad}; {fAplus1, muxPC,2'bxx,destMDR,noLoad,noLoad,noLoad}; {fA, muxPC, 2'bxx, destMAR,noLoad,noLoad,memWR}; {4'bxxxx, 2'bxx,2'bxx,destNone,noLoad,memRD,noLoad}; {fA, muxMDR,2'bxx,destPC,noLoad,noLoad,noLoad};

out out out out out

= = = = =

{fA, muxPC, 2'bxx, destMAR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; {fAplus1, muxPC, 2'bxx, destPC, noLoad, memRD, noLoad}; {fAplusB, muxMDR, muxSP, destMAR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; {4'bxxxx, 2'bxx,2'bxx,destNone, noLoad, memRD, noLoad}; {fA, muxMDR, 2'bxx, destReg, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad};

out = {fA, muxSP, 2'bxx, destMAR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; out = {fAplus1, muxSP, 2'bxx, destSP, noLoad, memRD, noLoad}; out = {fA, muxMDR, 2'bxx, destReg, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; out = {fAmin1, muxSP, 2'bxx, destMAR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; out = {fA, muxReg, 2'bxx, destMDR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; out = {fAmin1, muxSP, 2'bxx, destSP, noLoad, noLoad, memWR}; out = {fA, muxSP, 2'bxx, destMAR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; out = {fAplus1, muxSP, 2'bxx, destSP, noLoad, memRD, noLoad}; out = {fA, muxMDR, 2'bxx, destPC, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; out out out out out

= = = = =

{fA, muxPC, 2'bxx, destMAR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; {fAplus1, muxPC, 2'bxx, destPC, noLoad, memRD, noLoad}; {fAplusB, muxMDR, muxSP, destMAR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; {fA, muxReg, 2'bxx, destMDR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; {4'bxxxx, 2'bxx, 2'bxx, destNone, noLoad, noLoad, memWR};

out = {fA, muxPC, 2'bxx, destMAR, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; out = {fAplus1, muxPC, 2'bxx, destPC, noLoad, memRD, noLoad}; out = {fAplusB, muxMDR, muxSP, destSP, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; out = {fA, muxSP, 2'bxx, destReg, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; out = {fAnot, muxReg, 2'bxx, destReg, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad}; out = {fAplus1, muxReg, 2'bxx, destReg, noLoad, noLoad, noLoad};

Essential Implicant: are prime implicants that cover an output of the function that no combination of other prime implicants is able to cover.

module fsm1(x, clk, rst, y, state); input x, clk, rst; output reg y; // (increase bitwidth if you need more than eight states) output reg [2:0] state; // This is to become the synchronously // registered current state. reg [2:0] nextState; // This is to become the combinationally // determined next state value // Define your states and state encodings here // (increase bitwidth if you need more than eight states) parameter [2:0] stateA = 3'b000, stateB = 3'b001, stateC = 3'b010, stateD = 3'b011, stateE = 3'b100; // Next state logic is defined here. You are basically // transcribing the .next-state. column of the state transition // table into a Verilog case statement. always @* begin case (state) stateA: begin nextState = (x == 1) ? stateB : stateA; end stateE: begin nextState = (x == 1) ? stateB : stateC; end default: begin nextState = stateA; end endcase // case(state) end // always @ * // Output logic defined here. You are basically transcribing // the output column of the state transition table into a Verilog // case statement. // Remember, if this is a Moore machine, this logic should only. // depend on the current state. Otherwise, the assignment // would also involve the input value. always @* begin case (state) stateA: begin y = 0; end stateE: begin y = 1; end default: begin y = 0; end endcase // case(state) end // always @ * // Synchronous state update described here. // This doesn.t do anything interesting except to capture the new // state value on each clock edge. always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin state <= stateA; // or whatever our reset state is end else begin state <= nextState; end end endmodule // fsm1

Mealy Machine: Output on transition Moore Machine: Output on state 1947 by Nace

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