Che 141 Syllabus

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Department of Chemical Engineering College of Engineering University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City

COURSE SYLLABUS Chemical Engineering 141: Chemical Process Development and Plant Economics Course Description Credits Prerequisite Lecture Schedule Lecture Instructors References

Application of engineering economics to process flow synthesis and industrial plant design. General chemical process design considerations. Optimization of plant processes. Economic feasibility study. 3 units (2 hours lecture + 3 hours computational laboratory) ChE 140 ChE 141 SBC ChE 141 SDE Saturdays, 0800H – 1000H Saturdays, 1000H – 1200H (Process) Engr. Bemboy Niño Subosa, Engr. Michael Sean Deang, Engr. Marlon Mopon Jr. (Economics) Engr. Antonio Rivera and Engr. Carmelita Villanueva 1. Towler, G. and Sinnott, R. Chemical Engineering Design: Principles, Practice and Economics of Plant and Process Design (Elsevier). 2. Smith, R. Chemical Process Design and Integration (John Wiley & Sons, Ltd). 3. Douglas, J.M. Conceptual Design of Chemical Processes (McGraw-Hill). th 4. Peters, M.S. and Timmerhaus, K.D. Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers, 4 ed. (McGraw-Hill). 5. Park, C.S. Fundamentals of Engineering Economics (Prentice Hall).

COURSE OUTCOMES At the end of the course, the student should be able to: 1. Prepare a market study for a chemical product or commodity and its raw materials. 2. Translate the assessed opportunity (based on the market study) into a design basis. 3. Prepare a database of physico-chemical and other relevant material properties. 4. Conduct a survey of related literature on pertinent chemical processes. 5. Apply chemical engineering principles and heuristics in generating a process flow diagram that abides to typical industry standards. 6. Develop a simulation model of the process using a commercial simulator. 7. Integrate health, safety and environmental considerations in the process design. 8. Estimate total capital investment, total product cost, gross and net profit, and cash flow. 9. Quantify the effect of interest, taxes, and other economic parameters that affect profit. 10. Apply economic evaluation principles and methods in making investment decisions.

PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (BS ChE) The UPD Chemical Engineering program is geared toward equipping our graduates such that 3 to 5 years from graduation, they: 1. take leadership roles in their respective fields and/or effectively work in or manage a team 2. are equipped with the extensive knowledge and relevant skills necessary to succeed in their chosen careers and to become responsive citizens 3. are able to demonstrate strong research & innovative capability as they recognize and address opportunities & challenges in their respective spheres influence 4. have strong commitment to the ethical practice of their profession; to health, safety and environment and; to service to society.


Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve engineering problems Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems Ability to communicate effectively Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning


Date 01 Aug 4 BFS

02 Aug 11 MSD

03 Aug 18 MSD



Introduction to the Design Process The Design Basis

The Process Flow Diagram

05 Sept 1 CJV

06 Sept 8 CJV

07 Sept 22 CJV

Presentation of potential plant design topics. (Each group should have an approved topic by the end of this week.)

General and specific requirements on the content and formatting of process flow diagrams (PFD).

General Design Considerations Heuristics for Process Synthesis (Part 1) General design considerations, particularly on health, safety, and environmental aspects of the design. Decision on whether the process should be batch or continuous (level 1 decision).

Heuristics for Process Synthesis (Part 2) 04 Aug 25 MSD

Discussion of course outline, course requirements and class policies. Overview of content of market study.

Overview of execution of design projects in industry. Translation of customer needs into a more precise process statement in the form of a design basis.

Decisions on the input-output structure of the process flow diagram (level 2 decisions): 1. Purification of feeds 2. Removal or recycling of reversible byproduct 3. Usage of a gas recycle and purge stream 4. Recovery and recycling of some reactants 5. Number of product streams

Fundamentals of Engineering Economics (Part 1) Fundamentals of Engineering Economics (Part 2)


Presentation of market study (part 1). Should include: • Global product supply and demand • Local product supply and demand • Product growth rate and price Updating of design basis sheet with product information. Presentation of hazards of product in terms of health, safety (includes fire and explosion hazards) and environment.

Presentation of market study (part 2). Should include: • Global and local raw material supply • Raw material price • Plant location Updating of design basis sheet with raw material information. Establishment of plant capacity and mode of operation (level 1 decision). Presentation of hazards of raw material in terms of health, safety (includes fire and explosion hazards) and environment.

Oral presentation of market study and block flow diagram with due consideration on level 2 decisions. Submission of design basis sheet.

Engineering economic decisions. Time value of money. Economic equivalence between single payment (like capital costs) and annual payment (like operating costs). Submission of draft of Parts I to III of the feasibility report.

Estimation of Capital and Operating Costs (Part 1) Estimation of purchasing and installation costs of process equipment based on preliminary sizing data.

Presentation of physico-chemical property database (density, heat capacity, viscosity, thermal conductivity, vapor pressure, liquid surface tension) of all chemicals involved in the process. Presentation of reaction properties (heat of reaction, equilibrium constant, kinetic data)

First Departmental Examination (September 29)




Heuristics for Process Synthesis (Part 3) 08 Oct 6 BFS

Decisions on the recycle structure of the process flow diagram (level 3 decisions): 1. Number of reactor systems 2. Number of recycle streams 3. Introduction of excess reactants 4. Heat effects and equilibrium limitations

Presentation of draft process flow diagram based on the block flow diagram.

Heuristics for Process Synthesis (Part 4) 09 Oct 13 BFS

10 Oct 20 MLM

11 Oct 27 MLM

12 Nov 3 AYR

13 Nov 10 AYR

Decisions on the separation system structure of the process flow diagram (level 4 decisions): 1. General structure of the separation system 2. Vapor recovery system 3. Liquid separation system

Heuristics for Process Synthesis (Part 5) Application of pinch technology in the design of heat exchanger network (level 5 decisions).

Process Control Design of control schemes of common unit operations and whole processes.

Estimation of Capital and Operating Costs (Part 2) Estimation of Capital and Operating Costs (Part 3) Estimation of total capital investment and total product costs based on the total equipment and utility costs. Development of cash flow with due consideration on taxation and depreciation.

14 Nov 24 AYR

Determination of most economic recycle structure (methodology and presentation of results of reactor optimization studies). Updating of process flow diagram with due consideration on level 3 decisions.

Determination of most economic separation system structure (methodology and presentation of results). Updating of process flow diagram with due consideration on level 4 decisions.

Determination of most economic heat exchanger network structure (methodology and presentation of results). Updating of process flow diagram with due consideration on level 5 decisions.

Updating of process flow diagram with process control schemes. Presentation of breakdown of total equipment cost and utility cost.

Presentation of estimated total capital investment and total product cost. Submission of draft of Parts IV and V of the feasibility report.

Presentation of project cash flow.

Profitability Analysis (Part 1) Profitability Analysis (Part 2) 15 Dec 1 AYR

Estimation of profitability of the project via various techniques. Presentation of results of profitability analysis. Submission of draft of Parts VI to VII of the feasibility report.

Second Departmental Examination (TBA) Feasibility Study Presentation and Submission of Feasibility Study Report


LABORATORY (60% of final grade)

Feasibility Study Report Feasibility Study Presentation Market Study Presentation Group Evaluation Individual Evaluation

50% 10% 10% 10% 20%

LECTURE (40% of final grade)

First Examination Second Examination

50% 50%

IMPORTANT: A failing grade (less than 60%) in the laboratory part of this course will result in A FINAL GRADE OF 5.00.

CLASS POLICIES AND OTHER COURSE REQUIREMENTS Grading System. The general average will be rounded up to the first decimal place and converted as follows. This is a passor-fail course. In addition, no curving of any form will be done on the final grades. General Average 92.0 – 100.0 88.0 – 91.9 84.0 – 87.9 80.0 – 83.9 76.0 – 79.9

Corresponding Grade 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00

General Average 72.0 – 75.9 68.0 – 71.9 64.0 – 67.9 60.0 – 63.9 0.0 – 59.9

Corresponding Grade 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 5.00

Tardiness and Absences. Attendance will be checked every meeting. Tardiness is logged 15 minutes after the start of each class session. Coming in late thrice is equivalent to one absence. Absence in more than 20% of total lecture class meetings is equivalent to a 10-point deduction from the final grade. On the other hand, absence in more than 20% of total consultation sessions will mean a failing grade irrespective of grade in other requirements. Long Examinations. Two long examinations will be administered for this course. The first and second examinations are to be answered by individual and by group respectively. Each student should submit around ten short bond papers as answer sheets (with only the student number and page number written on the upper right corner of each paper) a week before the examination. Use of notes, books, and references for the entire duration of the examination will not be allowed. Cheating is strictly prohibited and those caught will be subjected to existing rules and regulations, one of which is expulsion from the university. Grievances will only be entertained a week after the release of results. Homeworks and Seatworks. Homeworks and seatworks are to be done individually unless otherwise specified by the lecturer. No make-up is allowed for missed homeworks and seatworks. The plant design lecturers reserve the right to incorporate the average scores of the homeworks and seatworks on the long examination scores, if deemed to be necessary. Groupings. Each group shall consist of three to four members only. There is no exemption on this rule to maintain fairness. Each group will submit the list of members, the name of the chosen group leader, and the contact numbers and email addresses of every member on a short bond paper on the second laboratory session. Plant Design Topics. A good plant design topic will satisfy the following descriptions, but consult with your plant design adviser regarding his/her preferences and restrictions during the first laboratory session:  Proposed process with distinct advantage over the conventional process. Possible explanations include: locally abundant raw material, cheaper catalyst, absence of hazardous raw materials or by- products, better atom economy, less greenhouse emissions.  Proposed process requires relatively simple reactors. The laboratory-scale reactor used to generate the kinetic data is CSTR or PFR, instead of complicated ones like fluidized bed and reactive distillation.  Proposed process involves relatively simple chemicals. The physico-chemical properties of all compounds present in the process can be readily found in Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook or calculated using group contribution method. Each group will submit at most five plant design topics at the start of the second laboratory session. Each topic should be presented with the following information:  Description of the proposed process and its advantage over the conventional process.  Journal, theses, dissertation, or patent discussing the kinetics of the reaction. Each group shall have at least one reactor. Since the process becomes more complex as the number of reactors increases, it is recommended to set the maximum number of reactors at two/three for groups with three/four members respectively. The references should have the rate equations of main and side reactions and the temperature dependence of the rate constants.  List of chemicals involved in the proposed process. Consultations. The group must fill up the attached consultation report before every consultation. Every team member will report his/her progress on specified sections of the feasibility report. Teamwork. Aside from the tangible deliverables, groups will also be graded on their teamwork. Team leaders will be graded on how well he leads his group (e.g., agenda during consultation time, readiness and completeness of updates and reports, ability to motivate and drive his/her group to progress). Group members are graded according to their contributions, willingness to cooperate and to be involved, punctuality and attendance in consultation meetings. Division of Labor. The work of plant design is to be equally divided among the group members. In particular, design calculations must be divided equally. No student may have as his/her contribution merely the writing of some section/chapter (e.g. literature review, introduction). The work distribution must be such that each member must show proficiency in mass and energy balance, application of chemical engineering principles and heuristics, and process equipment design. Feasibility report grades may reflect individual contributions, as deemed necessary by the plant design adviser.

MARKET STUDY AND FEASIBILITY STUDY PRESENTATIONS Time Limits. Each group will be given at least 15-20 minutes to present the results of their study and at least 10-15 minutes to address the questions raised by the panel and the audience. The plant design advisers reserve the rights to increase these time limits if deemed necessary.

Presenters and Panel Members. The plant design advisers reserve the rights to set the rules that each group must follow as presenters (number of presenters, selection of presenter(s), etc) and panel members (group pairings, number of questions per group, etc) during the presentation. Market Study Presentation. It is recommended to report the following items during the presentation:  Introduction. Describe your product and the significance of its large-scale production in today’s world. Discuss the conventional processes of producing your product and the problems associated with it, Describe the proposed process and how it addresses the drawbacks of the conventional process. What are the objectives of your feasibility study?  The Main Product. The product will be sold at what grade/purity? Who will be the target consumers of your main product and where are they located? Who are the current producers of your main product and how much do they supply? Based on the demand growth rate, what is the projected demand by your target consumers by the time your plant is built?  The Raw Materials. The raw materials will be available at what grade/purity? Who will be the source/s of your raw materials and where are they located? Who are the current users of your raw materials (i.e., competing users) and how much do they demand? Is the amount of available raw materials sufficient to meet the projected demand of your target consumers?  Conclusions. Present a supply and demand analysis. What capacity will you set for your plant and where will you build your plant? How did you come up with such decisions? Present the block flow diagram and economic potential. Will the plant be profitable based on the raw material and product prices? Feasibility Study Presentation. It is recommended to report the following items during the presentation:  Introduction. Describe your product and the significance of its large-scale production in today’s world. Discuss the conventional processes of producing your product and the problems associated with it, Describe the proposed process and how it addresses the drawbacks of the conventional process. What are the objectives of your feasibility study?  The Plant. Discuss the sources and estimated prices of your raw materials, the destination and estimated price of your main product, and the plant capacity and location.  The Process. Show your process flow diagram in describing the process. Mention important operating conditions (temperature, pressure, composition) along the course of the presentation. Mention the results of optimization studies obtained and important decisions made during process synthesis, if time permits.  Economic Analysis and Profitability Study. Discuss the breakdown of the total capital and operating costs, with focus on the equipment cost, raw material and utility cost, and product revenue. Show the after tax cash flow diagram and discuss the profitability of the plant (NPV, IRR, and payback).  Conclusions and Recommendations. Answer the objectives of the study. What modifications on the process does your group recommend to improve the economic feasibility of the plant? Grading. Each oral presentation contributes to 10% of the final laboratory grade. The group will be graded on their performance as presenters (7%) and as panel members (3%). The presenters are judged according to the effectiveness of their presentation, the depth of understanding they demonstrate in addressing the panel and audience’s questions, comments, and suggestions. On the other hand, the panel members are judged according to the level of discussion that ensues.

FEASIBILITY STUDY REPORT At the end of the semester, each group is required to submit (1) a ring-bound copy of the feasibility study report and (2) a CD containing the soft copies of the feasibility study report and associated calculation sheets. Instead of a CD, plant design advisers might opt for uploads to their Google drives. A soft copy of the feasibility study report template will be issued for use.

1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. 5.4. 5.5. 6. 6.1. 6.2. 7. 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 8.

Project Title












Deliverables as scheduled in the Syllabus Pending Deliverables

Name and Signature of Leader/Member LEADER

Adviser’s Overall Comments

Adviser’s Signature

1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3

4. 5. 6. 4. 5. 6.


Adviser’s Comments & Rating

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