Chatting With Paula

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  • Words: 4,071
  • Pages: 13
Copyright © P Hopkins 2008


Chatting with PAULA --- Transcript begins --Hi, Let me know if you get this email. Paula First voice: "Hey guys, look at this."

Hi Paula, I got it. I'm LoriAnne. I'm a single lesbian and live in Virginia Beach with my six year old daughter, Rachel or Rach. I had her two days after my 15th birthday so you can see we've basically always been together. I truly live for her and she does me too. She is my life. We are just inseparable. I hope we can interesting.







LoriAnne First voice: "She's got one - she's actually got an email contact." Second voice: "Brill. Where did she latch onto her?" First voice: "From It's a chat room site social networking, that kind of thing." Third voice: "At least it's not FaceBook."

LoriAnne, Glad we’ve got the email sorted out! We will chat a lot, I feel sure of it, but I’m busy just now. I’ll write more when I get home from work. Here’s a few pictures of me. More very soon, I promise.

What do you think?


First voice: "Where did all these pictures come from?" Third voice: "Um, they're old photos of my wife." First voice: "Oh. Lovely lady." Second voice: "I didn't know you were married." Third voice: "I'm not, not any more. another woman."

She left me for

First voice: "Is that really true?"


Copyright © P Hopkins 2008

Third voice: "No, it's a line from an old Woody Allen movie. But very close, though."

Hi Paula, I liked the pictures and I really would love to get to know you. Are you lesbian? Are you single? Do you have children? There are so many things I would like to know about you and have you learn about me and Rach. I think you would find her so fascinating. Much more so than me. LoriAnne First voice: "I think that counts as a pickup." Second voice: "So it does. Do we have scripted material for this situation?” First voice: "Should do. Let’s see what she picks."

Hi LoriAnne About me? Well, where to start? I describe myself as bisexual - I do enjoy the company of men, in and out of bed. I've even gone as far as marrying - and divorcing two of them. No children though. But I've always felt sexually attracted to women - I had a fling with my best friend at school one summer, and she taught me a lot about myself. Right now, I have no-one really special - oh, there are a couple of dear lady friends I see from time to time - my friend whose picture is on my Slated page is one I see just occasionally. She lives 100 miles away, and we get together when her husband is away on business. I don't watch much TV, or even listen to the radio very much. I'm a rather wordy kind of person, I suppose, and TV, etc. prevents me from hearing the sounds inside my head. I'm a career academic - trying to make a success of my life at the University. Takes a lot of work, and then there's all the politics, too. Ugh! I'd like to learn more about you and Rach. Likes and dislikes, how you spend your days together, what you want to achieve in your life, and what you'd like Rach to achieve, too. Oh, and in case it's not obvious, I do think you've got a very sexy little body - great pictures! - and one that I'd like to learn more about. But please don't let my horniness get in the way of our friendship. Here's a few more snaps of me that perhaps you'll like? Affectionately, Paula.

Copyright © P Hopkins 2008


Second voice: "More pictures of your ex-wife?" Third voice: "Yeah. I took them on our honeymoon." First voice: "Oh. You must have had an interesting marriage." Third voice: "It was OK for a while - she found me too boring eventually." First voice: "Can’t imagine why."

Hi Paula, Thanks for writing me back about you. I am definitely interested in you. Such sexy pictures - you have a wonderful body. Kisses for you. Rach is here with me right now. I should tell you, we live a totally nude lifestyle in our home. We are totally inseparable. I love her very much and she loves me as well. I'm so glad you are open-minded. lot of people aren't.

I'm pretty open, but a

Thanks for understanding. LoriAnne First voice: "So the pictures are effective." Second voice: "Yeah. But what about her having her daughter there, and nude?" Third voice: "Hmm. situation?"

Do we have script for this

First voice: "Don’t think so? Let’s see what she makes of it."

Hi LoriAnne, I love the idea of your nude lifestyle. Wish I could do it all the time. I've been naked at home quite often this summer - although the weather is getting colder now. I do find I’m keeping the blinds closed a lot of the time. I also seem to be living a single-lesbian lifestyle - my (very few) sexual encounters - old friends, usually - are all with women, and I'm finding when I'm horny - which is a lot of the time just now - it is the touch of a lady friend that I desire the most. Of course, the combination of living alone, feeling horny and being naked leads inevitably to touching myself fairly often - usually in front of a mirror! Anyway, back to work now - will write again later.


Copyright © P Hopkins 2008

Many, many kisses for you, and Rach of course. Paula Second voice: "is this all still scripted? I didn’t think we had anything that matched" First voice: "Most of it is script. She’s picking bits from several places to assemble this stuff." Third voice: "Hmm. Fairly convincing, though, don’t you think?"

Oh Paula, You sound so interesting. I know what you mean about having the curtains pulled all the time. Fortunately, our home is kind of isolated on some acres in a wooded area so we can even go outdoors sometimes. It’s just such a free feeling. My daughter loves it. I guess I should also tell you that Rach and I have the same father. My mom died when I was 10 and I guess I just sort of took her place in his life soon after that. Anyway at 14 I was pregnant and my mom's parents took me in and I had Rach and she is the joy of my life. My grandparents died 3 years ago and Rach and I inherited everything in their estate, including their home and property. We both miss them terribly but they left us where we don’t have to worry about anything. My life is pretty much about Rachel. I am even homeschooling her. It gives me a chance to learn a lot of things I missed and teach her too. Oh well, I'm probably telling you a lot more than you want to know. LoriAnne Third voice: "So, she’s young, rich and a right slut." Second voice: "That’s unfair. She’s been raped at a young age, got pregnant by her father and she’s just making the best of it." First voice: "Lonely, too."

Part 2 LoriAnne, Thanks for trusting me with your life story - or at least some of it. I really liked the pictures that you sent through, too all so very sensual, your naked body a delight for the senses. I particularly liked the one with you pregnant.

Copyright © P Hopkins 2008


You made a beautiful mother - both before and after Rach was born! I guess by the time you're my age, Rach will be a grown woman, and I hope you'll be as good friends then as you are now. Here in England the weather is rarely good enough to go nude outdoors. Some friends of mine solved this by installing a hot tub in the garden - and growing lots of trees to make it all nice and private. I go and enjoy their naked company whenever I can - the warm water's great on skin, but the run from the tub back indoors is a challenge in the winter! More later.

Kisses, Paula First voice: "I think we can conclude the image analysis is working OK." Third voice: "It’s a bit obvious that she’s up the duff. Besides, the PAULA software was designed to identify important body features and facial emotional cues."

Hi Paula Did you really like the picture of me pregnant? girl on the Slated site said it made me look ugly.


About me and Rach is a complicated story. We are most definitely not a typical mother-daughter relationship. Like I said earlier, I feel like we have kind of grown up together. We are close and we are inseparable. I know she's young, but she has a great interest in girls, especially me, and I strongly suspect she is lesbian. I do believe it is genetic and not a choice someone just makes overnight. I hope you aren't offended. Rach is the sweetest and most affection person on the face of this earth. She is so protective of me, as I am her. Believe it or not she just exudes sexuality. She is my lifeblood. You sound so interesting, probably way too smart for me. Anyway, I hope interested.








LoriAnne Second voice: "So why PAULA?" First voice: "Stands for Personalized AUtomatic Linguistic Analyser."


Copyright © P Hopkins 2008

Second voice: "Huh. A splendid example of retrospective acronym generation." Third voice: "It's in the finest traditions of modern science, I’ll have you know."

Hi LoriAnne First, I should say that I'm pretty hard to offend - I'm not in the least upset by something that is obviously so loving, so caring, so joyous, between the two of you. I can understand your feeling of growing up together you're still young yourself - and I sincerely hope you will be as close in ten years time as you are now. And do enjoy her company now - let me know what Rach likes, and what you like, when you are together. I do like to think of myself as an intelligent woman but I don't want you to be put off by that. Some wise person - I must look up who it was - once said that smart people were more likely to ignore the narrow strictures of the conventions their society attempts to impose on them. I sincerely believe this is true, and I for one refuse to be judgmental about anything. And, yes, you looked gorgeous in that picture - I would have loved to rub oil into your breasts and bump. That girl was just a bitch. More chat later, Paula xx First voice: "Nice touch about the nude and pregnant picture." Second voice: "Nah. Simple heuristic. Whenever anyone says something bad about themselves, disagree with them and turn it into a compliment." Third voice: "So that’s where I’ve been going wrong all these years."

Hi Paula, Rach and I went to the beach. We live very close. We walked about 5 miles, looking at shells. We found an isolated stretch and we took off our bikinis and played in the water for a while. We were so tired when we got back we took a shower and then laid down together. She was asleep in about two minutes. I got up later and fixed our dinner and we watched some TV until we went to bed. We woke up early this morning. She is so lovely, Paula. I wish you could know her. She truly is my soul mate. Kisses from us both. LoriAnne Copyright © P Hopkins 2008


First voice: "How is Paula dealing with the time difference?" Second voice: "I’m not sure that’s taken into account in the heuristics." Third voice: "Nah, no problem. Could be working though the night, or insomniac, whatever."

Hi LoriAnne, I just loved your description of you and Rach on your trip to the sea. I was just picturing you in my mind's eye naked and smiling in the sea. It’s a beautiful image with the sand and salty water on your skin, and the sun on your hair. Now, boringly, I'm at work, in the office space at the University I share with three other Research Associates. I have a meeting with my Professor later on, and he will be reviewing the draft paper I've been working on for the last few days. No doubt he'll find something wrong with it, and I'll need to do more work. How did the rest of your weekend go? Kisses, Paula First voice: "Picked up well on that one." Second voice: "Hmm. Not sure about the segue in the second paragraph." Third voice: "Just trying to get back on script, I expect."

Hi Paula, Not much since we spoke last. Just our usual life together at home. Watched TV, ate dinner, then bedtime. I slept close with Rach, cuddling together as we always do. She is so lovely, so bright and aware. She is my life. Hope the interview with your Professor went OK. Hugs and kisses, LoriAnne First voice: "She’s got her daughter on her mind a lot, hasn’t she?" Second voice: "Her half-sister, you mean." Third voice: "Hmm. repetitious?"

Don’t you think it’s getting a bit

Hi LoriAnne Sorry to have been out of touch for a while. Now, it's Sunday morning; let's see - what have I been up to since we last chatted.


Copyright © P Hopkins 2008

Yesterday afternoon I did more work on my latest academic paper, which is in an interdisciplinary are of Cognitive Science at the overlap between Psychology and Machine Intelligence specifically focusing on the mechanisms for emotions. Of course, there are clear evolutionary advantages of emotions like fear, or love. But what I’m interested in are the mental mechanisms - the clockwork inside your head, if you like - and the interactions with other cognitive functions. Strong emotions often override logical decision-making: fear, lust, and one you’ll understand, a mother's love. First voice: "Where's she getting this material?" Second voice: "I think she's quoting my dissertation." Third voice: "Huh. And where did you steal it from?" Second voice: "The difference between plagiarism and research is that, in research, you steal your ideas from many people."

Anyway enough of all that. Afterwards, I had a long relaxing bath - shaved myself everywhere, if you know what I mean! Then out to dinner with some old friends, a couple who have so far resisted the temptation to try and set me up with a new man. Drank red wine and chatted late into the evening, then home to bed, alone. Slept late this morning. Felt horny when I did wake, and had a long play with my favorite toy. Then, I took a long shower followed by a breakfast of strawberries and yoghurt. What have you been doing? More later.

Kisses, Paula Second voice: "She’s still in the script, then." First voice: "Yes, it is. Not sure about the female masturbation sequence. Could do with tightening up a bit." Third voice: "We’ll leave that one to you, then, shall we?"

Part 3 Oh Paula, Mmmm. At this point, my kisses and licks would be with you and Rach. I hope you imagine only the best and that you and I can have a mutual orgasm soon.

Copyright © P Hopkins 2008


Kisses and licks for refreshing to talk to.







LoriAnne First voice: "She’s a horny little slut, isn’t she?" Third voice: "No, just lonely I think." Second voice: "But a fairly direct come-on, wouldn’t you say?"

Hi, my dear friend LoriAnne, I've just had the most frustrating trying to complete my paper.




Anyway I've stopped messing with the computer and thought I'd write to you instead. I don't want you to feel I'm ignoring you at any time, but it will sometimes be necessary to delay my responses - my professional responsibilities and so on. On that note, I'll be going away - no computer - for a few days at the end of the week. It's a research retreat and we're all supposed to put everyday things aside and think deep thoughts. Oh, and there'll be plenty of wine and food too, so I'll probably put on a few pounds. On the other hand, the place is supposed to have a good gym, so maybe I can get in a workout or two. So how are you doing?

Let me know your news.

Affectionately, Paula First voice: "This is straight from the script, isn’t it?" Third voice: "Yep. It’s a holding pattern, intended to explain any long delay in responding." Second voice: "So why is PAULA using it now?"

Hi Paula, I have thought about you so much today. Rach and I have just been fooling around the house. We went for a long walk in the woods behind our house. It's so much fun to watch her little mind absorb nature. She truly understand the importance of all the species working together to keep us all viable. Even seeing a bird eat a lizard is explainable to her. I'm just so impressed. We came back and laid down for what I thought might nap and it turned into a very intimate kissing cuddling session. I am constantly astonished at affectionate she can be. Such a loving spirit and she has.


be a and how soul

Copyright © P Hopkins 2008

She is so clearly attracted to girls. To me it just proves that being lesbian is genetic and not a choice. Don't you agree? In her home schooling, we are doing a section on biology and it gives me an opportunity to explain so many things to her. Kisses and licks for you from us both. LoriAnne First voice: "So her daughter is a les, too?" Third voice: "Yeah. really are?"

I wonder just how intimate they

Second voice: "Surely not.” First voice: "So how’s PAULA going to react to this one?"

Hi LoriAnne, I'm constantly fascinated by what you and Rach enjoy. I truly appreciate the way you two are together - whether discussing the biological interactions of the natural world on your woodland walk, or kissing and cuddling each other. There's a lot of empirical evidence to suggest that sexual orientation - like being bi or lesbian - is indeed something we are born with - something determined in the womb or before - and they say that this is something you can observe very early in life. So, yes, it is very likely that little Rach is indeed a lesbian. Time for me to go to bed now. I'll think of you - am I allowed to imagine where your kisses and licks are placed? More tomorrow.

Your affectionate friend, Paula xx

First voice: "More from your dissertation?" Second voice: "I’m afraid so." Third voice: "And a direct reaction to the come-on too."

Hi LoriAnne, I feel very refreshed this morning, which is thanks to you, of course. Just the thought of your warm lips pressed against me, in several very intimate places, made me very horny indeed. After that, a few minutes with a few drops of massage oil brought me off. I would so like to hear more about what you and Rach are up to, what you like and dislike, your hopes and dreams, your life. What did you do with the rest of your day yesterday? Write to me if you can - no pressure, of

Copyright © P Hopkins 2008


course, but rest assured of an interested and sympathetic recipient! Got a busy day today - lots of stuff to do at the University. (I'm already in the office!) Then, I've got to pack and prepare myself for this retreat the Professor has organized - I'm leaving very early on Wednesday morning and not back until late on Friday. Got to get on with work now. wet and luxurious, Paula xx

Licks and kisses, long and

First voice: "Did she just write a second time, rather than waiting for a response?" Second voice: "Yeah. wonder why?"

She’s not done that before.

Third voice: "And using masturbation sequence."






Hi Paula, What a treat to wake up this morning. My precious Rach snuggled in close to me, turn on my computer and find a lovely note from you. I find everything you are doing so exciting refreshing. You truly are a special person.


Our day didn't vary at lot from the norm after we talked. We went to dinner, then to the grocery store so I might actually be able to cook a meal here for us someday! After dinner we had a long, luxurious bath. It’s sort of a ritual and always a very special part of my day. I realize writing about our day, our lives are not very exciting for the reader, but to me, and I believe, to Rach, it is the most special life in the world. Our minds just seem to go together. I guess it boils down to the fact that I'm immature and she's very mature tends to put us on the same wavelength. I don't know. She woke up a few minutes after I bent over and gave me the most possible imagine. And then she hugged me so close. Oh I love the

started typing this and wonderful kiss you can just laid over me and warmth of that.

I hope your preparations for your retreat go well. I went to sleep with you on my mind, and I had a most wonderful orgasm with you last night. Of course someone else special was there too. I hope I hear from you later.

Licks and kisses, LoriAnne

Third voice: "Time to draw this to a tidy end, yes?" First voice: "OK. So how is she going to break it off?"


Copyright © P Hopkins 2008

Second voice: "PAULA will use the retreat as an excuse, I expect."

LoriAnne, Please, please don't worry about what you write to me. I'm delighted to hear about the details of your life with Rach - and I was so very pleased that I made such an impact with her. Give her a great big hug from me. She really is a very lucky girl, and charming, and gifted, and loving. I have been trying to form a mental picture of you emerging from your bath, wet and dripping, your skin glowing from the cleansing suds. I wish I was there to towel you dry. I am also so very glad to hear that you are not ignoring your own needs as a grown woman, a sexual person. I would really, really like to help you, to understand your needs and desires, your wants and requirements. I'll certainly tell you more about mine, too, if you like. I must find some more photos for you - I'm sure I've got some pictures on my computer. I will have a look this evening. Perhaps I can even find my camera. I must be around somewhere but I’m not sure whether it still works. It got a bit battered on that trip to the Lake District. But I'd like to be able to take some extra special snaps just for you. Anyway, I must get back to work and then prepare for my retreat. It's such a pleasure to be able to break off for a few minutes and think about you. Your dear friend, Paula. --- Transcript ends --Second voice: "Is that it? scripted endings."

That’s not from any of the

First voice: "There’s no more. That last email came back undelivered. Lori Anne’s mail account’s been removed." Second voice: "So what’s going on?" Third voice: "I think we've been gamed by a sockpuppet." First voice: "Oh, fuck! Look at her initials: LA. It’s the Linguistic Analysis from Carnegie-Mellon University.” Second voice: "You’re right. So no real people involved at all?"

Copyright © P Hopkins 2008


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