Charter Of Peace

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Let Justice Come! Be Peace!

Let There

Tumkur Charter of Peace Peace Event in Tumkur 10 – 12 October 2007

REDS, Tumkur

Preamble In a world where hegemony and dominance are increasingly overpowering human realities of life Peace is becoming a rare and precious more by its absence and less by its presence. This has to be reversed to make peace become a human reality by its active presence in the living reality of the people who have every right to occupy the space that nature has generously provided. The reality of peace is constantly being disrupted by the emergence of engineered conflict in different parts of the world by forces that have a design to hold the reins of governance of nations in their hands. Such engineered disruptions of peace take place within communities of people, within nations and among nations. The whole world is put in an alarming situation of destroying its own peace and soon many communities of the world may be wiped out existence as a peaceful existence and co-existence may become impossible. Recognizing the increasing difficulties of peaceful existence 102 delegates from 19 States of India and from 4 countries outside of India assembled at the Rural Education for Development Society in Tumkur of Karnataka to celebrate peace and share the inspirational experience of establishing peace in situations where conflict are wrought by dominant forces of all hue and cry. The Celebrations and deliberations were part the National Peace Event that was held in Tumkur from 10 to 12 of October 2007. This Charter of Peace is the result of multiple endeavor not only of those who desire peace but also of all those who have worked consistently for peace either in their personal situations or in their community/national and international contexts. The delegates of the Peace Event note with happiness that the experience of peace in Tumkur is memorable. The cultural resurgence that is taking place in Tumkur 1

under the innovative concept of Booshakthi touches raw nerves of all those who come in touch with it and is almost like the heart of India. The participants enjoyed Dalit hospitality of the village people, the Booshakthi Sevaki/Sevakas (volunteers), the Dalit Parliament Members, the Dalit Panchayat leaders and the staff of REDS to the full. Celebrations of peace and life, visits to Peace Zones in Tumkur District, interactions with village people, dialogues with delegates from all sections of society, discussions with the students of the Diploma Course in Dalit Studies, the serenity, peace and calm of Booshakthi Kendra which is the Dalit Ashram, the vibrancy of the cooks and drivers etc. are all memories of the Peace Event “reserved in the Ivory Towers of Human Sensitivity”. “The topography, landscape, coastline appearance, weather and above all the warmth and hospitality of REDS, who planned and executed the Peace Event in Tumkur have been rare achievements. The presence of eminent intellectuals, National and International Human Rights Organizations, reputed NGOs, top level bureaucrats of governments, Peacemakers from Sri Lanka, North East India, delegates from Bangladesh etc. encouraged us much. Peace is an experience and not a concept. There is a need to escalate this experience all over the world.” The Peace Event in Tumkur also made it clear that the evolution of Peace with which we are engaged is a peace with freedom. In this context we recognize the existence of a subjugated or gifted peace all over the world. This Peace Event rejects any subjugated or gifted peace. It recognizes a peace that is natural and a core value of the people of the world. In a caste ridden society like India a subjugated peace prevails. People in general accept caste subjugation as their fate and under this form of slavery peace is made possible almost in all cities and villages of India. When Dalit and Adivasi people begin to assert their rights there is a backlash on them leading to the disruption of subjugated peace. However, after the recognition of the dignity, equality and rights of the Dalits, another type of peace come. This is an achieved peace. It is a peace which comes with freedom. The Peace Event in Tumkur is focused on this type of Peace with freedom. Therefore, the Peace Event in Tumkur has chosen the symbol of the butterfly for peace. The delegates are deeply aware that this Peace Event is held in a small town. However, the Event has global significance as its concerns are relevant for the entire world. The delegates were drawn from many countries with international outreach. Moreover, during the entire Peace Event the endeavor of the delegates was to look into ways and means of making Peace for the world and not to create islands of peace. The Peace Event acknowledges that there will not be any island of peace.

Peace is Possible This Peace Event firmly believes that despite the reality of peace becoming a rare human commodity, peace still has a chance if all lovers of peace and peacemakers come together and share their energy and commitment to spare the world of unnecessary conflict, war, systemic and structural destruction of peace. The world still has a large number of unrecognized ordinary and simple people who love peace 2

and who believe in the possibility of peaceful co-existence despite differences or because of differences. Therefore, this Peace event makes the first and fundamental assertion that “Peace is Possible”.

You Can Inspire

This Peace Event of Tumkur deeply appreciates all the simple and ordinary people of the world, especially those who have been researched and whose personal stories of Peace have been published in the book “You Can Inspire”. This appreciation comes out of a recognition that these ordinary and simple people of Asia have worked in an extraordinary way for ushering in peace in their micro situation on their own. This Peace Event of Tumkur recommends that world peace is possible through such generally unrecognized rural and indigenous people of the world. The peace Event also appreciates the committed effort of CIDSE of European Union and Cordaid of the Netherlands who made the research on Peacemakers and publication of the book “You Can Inspire” possible.

Causes Conflict


The Peace Event of Tumkur acknowledges that the situation of extreme poverty is a major cause of conflict. The world claims to be very powerful with its modernization and weaponization. Yet it is a matter of great concern that even today there are many villages in many countries of the world that go without power and are plunged into darkness without electricity at all. The same can be said of education, health and many areas of basic needs of human communities. When people are deprived of their basic needs that have been enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the Constitutions of countries and at the same time a few people are allowed the privilege the enjoying unlimited luxuries peace is disrupted due to conflict of interests. This Peace Event of Tumkur asserts that such inevitable conflicts are caused by those who appropriate the right to unlimited wealth and power and not by the poor themselves as is generally attributed to them. This Peace Event of Tumkur asserts that such gross neglect of the rights and dignity of poor, the Dalits, the Tribal people, the indigenous people and women of the world is the cause of injustice and its consequent untold misery for these sections of people. In the face of such enormous injustice conflict is not only inevitable but is often more than necessary in order to rectify the mistakes of misplaced priorities of ruling oligarchies as well as to establish justice on earth only which can bring about lasting peace for all people of the world. This Peace Event in Tumkur realizes that even in resolving conflict it needs to be done in a just manner. If there is injustice in conflict resolution it will only lead to 3

further escalation of animosity and hatred. In order to resolve conflicts and bring peace the actors for peace should be peace lovers and not military as is done in many countries and very predominantly in the North East India, in Sri Lanka and in Bangladesh. Armed forces are not capacitated for peacemaking but for fighting. Peace cannot be brought about with violent methods and through bombings. Peace established by military can only be a subjugated peace and not a peace with freedom. The owners of peace in such cases can only be the armed forces and not the people themselves. Therefore, the presence of the army in the lives of people can and does lead only to disruption of peace and not its enhancement. This Peace Event in Tumkur highlights the injustice done to the Adivasi people all over Asia in the name of development and a very high level of unacceptable industrialization. This has led the depletion of resources from the Tribal region and to the destruction of tribal culture. Such a dominant development intervention destroys the peace of the Adivasi people which they have enjoyed with nature from time immemorial and as a consequence leads to conflict between the indigenous people and others as well as between them and the government. This Peace Event in Tumkur recognizes that modernization of the dominant order has led to fast urbanization because of its total neglect of rural economy. Rural poverty and deprivation of survival chances of the poor in general, and Dalits and Adivasis in particular have led to displacement of an unimaginable magnitude. To this has been added the woes of the consequences of the withdrawal of the welfare state from its responsibility to its poor citizens. Displacement adds new dimensions to the lives of people, both the poor and the rich who live completely oblivious of, indifferent and callous to the sufferings of the poor. In any society such a situation is bound to cause disruption of peace and the rich and ruling powers must own up the responsibility for such conflicts in societies. This Peace Event in Tumkur takes stock of the following as inevitable causes of the destruction of peace in the world. There is a constant threat of war boosted by multinational corporations and weapons industry. Natural resources of indigenous people and their language, culture and economy are exploited on large scale. Deployment of Nuclear Warheads continues with complete space dominance along with simultaneous colonization of Moon and Mars. Islamophobia and intense Dalit hatred are the main elements of the so called growth and sustainable development in ‘Shining India’.

Unipolar World The Peace Event in Tumkur is aware that global governance in contemporary times is completely conditioned by the emergence of a Unipolar world constricting the possibility of a world of differences existing together with mutual respect. The world is moving more and more towards the adherence of the norms put forward by one unchallenged super power which is the United States of America. The Peace Event in Tumkur notes with concern that the role of ‘global police’ assumed by the US is a major cause of world peace. This Peace Event understands clearly that the 4

emergence of a Unipolar world with its dominant strategies is not the atmosphere conducive to world peace. By its dominant discourses and strategies as well as by its crude attack on nations of the world the United States of America is constantly challenging the peace loving people of the world. Such unprovoked challenges will lead to destruction of peace in the absence of which humanity may be unable to exist. This Peace Event in Tumkur strongly condemns the dominant strategies of the United States and recommends that it gave up its role of being a promoter of military conflicts with weapons of mass destruction.

India India is emerging as a giant power in Asia. This places India directly in competition and often in conflict with China. In the lives of the village people in India this is a common sight that the dominant caste people divide the Dalits and reap maximum benefit for themselves out of such conflict among the poor. We urge India to understand its own social dynamics and not become a victim of global dominant designs by fighting against China. This Peace Event urges India to strike a peace agreement with China so that all Asian people will be enriched by the combined strength of these two important countries in this region. Internally India has followed the same colonial principle of divide and rule between the Dalits and the caste society. India has officially divided every village in almost all states as the main village and the colony of the village which is the area where the Dalit people live. This Peace Event urges the government of India to immediately get rid of such internal colonization of the Dalit people. That untouchability has not yet been removed from India in spite of having strong and just constitution speaks volume about the lack of will of the dominant caste ruling powers in India. This Peace Event identifies such internal colonization of Dalit people as a major cause of conflict in society and unending atrocity on the Dalit people. Since this is a constitutional neglect of the government of India it requires the immediate strong arm tactics of the government in favor of justice. This will restore peace in Indian society. India has also indulged unhesitatingly in a false propaganda war against the Mulsim community. This Peace Event recognizes Indian Muslims as a peace loving community of people. The Event also recognizes that such a propaganda war has been engineered only in order to gain political and economic mileage by the dominant caste and Hindutva communal forces. This has led to un-resolvable conflict between citizens of the same country in the name of religion and caste. This Peace Event in Tumkur condemns all the communal, fundamental and fascist forces of India for their very shortsighted selfishness which has slowly crept into the otherwise peaceful ethos of this country. This Peace Event urges the government of India to deal a death blow according to constitutional provisions to all communal and caste forces of India. This Peace Event in Tumkur recognizes that the above said communal and caste mindset has found an easy way into the very same government forces that are supposed to protect the victims of Caste and communal violence. The armed forces, on the other hand, often become perpetrators of violence on innocent masses of 5

people owing loyalty to their caste and religious origin. Therefore, This Peace Event urges the government of India to give only minimum representation to dominant caste people and maximum representation to Dalits, Adivasis, Minorities and women in all representative bodies. All government nominations should provide maximum space to such communities in India. This Peace Event in Tumkur views with seriousness the shrinking spaces of different sections of people in social life as well as in the Instruments and Mechanisms of national governance. This is being achieved successfully by dominant groups in society because of their intolerance towards marginalized groups of people and especially to women. This Peace event is of the strong opinion that any society has to welcome differences among its citizens as a very significant path of progress and not aim at uniformity in society. Recognition and acceptance of differences in different communities of people can become the strength of any nation. However, in many countries of the world, especially in India because of its dogmatic social allegiance to the caste system, differences have become the foundation of discrimination and consequently also of denial of Human Rights. Therefore, this Peace Event in Tumkur appeals to all governments of all nations to enact legal measures in order to increase the space of the discriminated people in their respective countries in the Instruments and Mechanisms of national governance.

North East The Peace Event in Tumkur views with great concern the conflicting situation in almost all of the North Eastern States of India. The pace of the disruption of peace in these States is increasing at an alarming speed. The Peace Event recognizes that most of the conflicts in the North Eastern States are designed and executed by external forces that have vested interests. We also recognize that because of these external interventions for conflict the people of North East are often forced to be in conflict with the government whose agents are the bureaucracy and the armed forces. Unfortunately though, such conflicts which are forced upon the people of the North East are presented to the rest of the world as conflicts of the people of North East. This Peace Event of Tumkur recognizes that the root cause of conflict all over the world, as well as in the North East is injustice. This Peace Event asserts that gross injustice by external forces in the North Eastern region of India be removed according to the Constitution of India.

Vested Interests The Peace Event in Tumkur recognizes the fact that there are intra and inter tribal conflicts of a much less magnitude among the different tribal communities of the North Eastern region. However, such conflicts are often engineered by vested interests that do not belong to any of the tribal communities of the region. While recommending to the Government of India to put in place appropriate conflict resolution capacity building for the people of the North East the Peace Event also 6

strongly demands that the Government of India effectively prevent the predominant role of such engineering groups from outside as well as to remove the overimposing presence of the military from the region. That India listens to the sound of guns is the loud message that one often hears from the military presence in the North East.

Minority rights The Peace Event in Tumkur asserts that the growing majoritarian tendencies in South Asia are matters of grave concern. Minority rights have been put to question and have been violated by majority groups in different countries as a consequence of emerging rightwing fundamentalism. The term minority need not be understood as religious minority. It also includes ethnic and linguistic minorities including Dalits and Adivasis in these countries. Peace has become a captive to rightwing nationalism in the Asian Continent. This Peace Event in Tumkur strongly urges the governments of Asian Continent to ensure that such rightwing nationalism is completely uprooted from all Instruments and Mechanisms of governance and that governance be based on constitutional mechanisms recognized in the United Nations. State sponsored riots and killings of minorities must be treated as genocide and the concerned political leadership at the highest level be made fully responsible and accountable to the UN for the violation of constitutional provisions.

Sri Lanka This Peace Event in Tumkur recognizes the fact that if the conflict in the North East of Sri Lanka stops there will be peace in the whole of Sri Lanka. In war torn Sri Lankan ordinary people are the ones who pay a heavy price for peace. There is also something called the war of silence. Many lives are being lost without any noise. The war of silence is not peace. Where human life is not respected it is a war of silence. We cannot win the war of silence with weapons. We can achieve peace only through negotiations. There needs to be a spirit of give and take in the negotiations for peace. Therefore, this Peace Event of Tumkur asserts that international mechanisms of peace making should be implemented with an unprecedented vehemence. The Event stresses the need for effective prevention of wars of all kinds and simultaneous conflict resolution mechanisms.

Andaman Nicobar Islands


This is a direct statement of the delegates from Nicobar islands. “We value life, non-violence, justice and peace. We note with concern the injustice meted out to the indigenous people. We condemn vested interest groups who are 7

attempting to break down age old traditions of the people by State and State actors under the pretext of national integration, development, religious and cultural assimilation. We express our solidarity with the oppressed people of Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and the rest of India.”

Local Peacemakers The Peace Event in Tumkur recognizes that external interference in conflict situations can lead to further disruption of peace among people of the region. We also recognize the tremendous wisdom and capacities of local and indigenous people to establish and negotiate peace as a way of life. For them peace is a core value drawn from their culture and it is not a discourse of the intellectual order. Peace is not something that the local people have learned from universities but is something that very natural to them. They live in peace in as much as peace lives in them. Therefore, this Peace Event in Tumkur asserts the need for integrating the capacities of local peacemakers in conflict regions for the realization peace all over the world.

Peace Dialogue Peace is a public issue. Concerns of peace need to be discussed in open space and not in closed doors. The State in different countries of Asia need to recognize the cultural diversity of their respective nations. In many countries the spaces of common people are blocked or grabbed by a small number of powerful people belonging to dominant sections of society. Where the common people seem to have some space is not their own space but the space that is gifted to them with vested interest. If there has to be peace in society spaces of people have to be created and owned by them. This Peace Event in Tumkur therefore, strongly recommends a dialogical evolution of space and peace.

Peace with Dignity This Peace Event of Tumkur is of the opinion that it is ordinary and simple people of the world who are the torch bearers of peace as they have a natural inclination to live in peace. The type of peace they sustain is based on mutual respect and theirs is peace with dignity. This Event asserts that in order to achieve peace with dignity there is a need to overcome the subjugated peace that is now prevailing in many parts of the world. Therefore, this Peace Event asserts the need for adequately 8

integrating the peace culture of ordinary and simple people in many parts of the world and also equipping them with capacities for negotiating peace at the level of communities and governments.

Women Centered Peace In this assuming of the responsibility for the restoration of world peace the Peace Event in Tumkur appeals to all women of the world to take up leadership positions. This Peace Event recognizes that women are naturally peace loving and are best equipped with capacities to spread peace and make peace possible. This Event acknowledges that often it is women and children who are the direct victims of violence that destroys peace and therefore the type of peace that they desire and establish will be the most appropriate one for the world. This Peace Event recognizes that there is a strong gender imbalance in all social, economic and political institutions of the world. This, added to the female feticide can become seeds of future violence unless they are eliminated with all the necessary commitment and firmness. Therefore, The Peace Event in Tumkur to all male biased people of the world as well as to governments to ensure gender equality and complete elimination of female feticide as a sure path to the realization of world peace.

Distributive Justice This Peace Event in Tumkur realizes the need for reconstructing the development process to ensure distributive justice as peace is being disrupted in many countries of the world in the name of development. Dominant countries have evolved development discourses that suit their greed and camouflage subjugated peace as real peace. Through their brute power they develop impunity for all their acts of peace destruction. Many countries of the world speak about freedom but practice slavery. Therefore, this Peace Event asserts the need for developing new language for social discourse, positive and assertive discourse and for reconstructing development priorities and processes in order to ensure distributive justice.

Land Distribution 9

Land is a bone of contention, a locale of conflict. There is enough land but the Dalits do not have land. This is injustice. There cannot be peace under these circumstances of injustice. Five acres of land for each Dalit family will go a long way in bringing about economic equality in the rural areas. Therefore, this Peace Event of Tumkur urges the Government of India to make a policy decision to give five acres of land to each Dalit family in India. This Peace Event also urges the government of India to effectively redistribute land by implementing not only Land Ceiling Act but also hand over the village community land to the Dalits, Adivasis and other landless people.

Public Resources The Peace Event in Tumkur sadly notes the growing nexus between the governments of nations and private investors for reaping rich harvest from the common resources of the poor people. Privatization of public resources , particularly forest, land and water in the name of development is an agenda that is being vigorously pushed by Western powers and vested interest groups in Third World countries. Such mindless execution of the selfish interests of dominant groups of poor nations has led to displacement of millions of people a majority of whom are Dalits and Adivasis. They have been literally uprooted from their traditional occupations and have been forced to render their labor to the needs of modern industries at a cost fixed by the industrialists. The Peace Event reminds the dominant forces that this will lead to unnecessary conflicts in society in the long run and demands that such privatization be stopped forthwith for the sake of world peace.

Dalits and Adivasis The discrimination of Dalits, Adivasis and indigenous people by the governments in different countries is a major cause of the disruption of peace in their respective regions. Therefore, the Peace Event of Tumkur urges governments of different nations of the world to constitutionally and practically safeguard the rights and dignity of these marginalized sections of people and thus ensure lasting peace in the world. We further remind governments of nations that efforts for peace do not preclude the right to defend oneself. When discriminated people are pushed against the wall they will be left with no option but to defend themselves with limited resources.

People to People


In this context of marginalization of sections of people and the prevalence of widespread practice of untouchability and atrocity on Dalits in the South Asian region this Peace Event of Tumkur urges the people and civil society actors of India to apply unlimited pressure on the government of India to genuinely play a major role to establish lasting peace in the region based on mutual respect and dignity. Getting dominant caste dominance out is a precondition for peace. In order to apply a collective pressure in the region this Peace Event recommends a people to people exchange for peace.

People’s Participation This Peace Event of Tumkur reminds the Government of India and all people of the world that untouchability is still being practiced predominantly in India but also in other countries of South Asia. This is bound to cause disruption of peace as it is already doing in India. While this Peace Event urges the Government of India to implement the Constitution of India in favor of the Dalit people we also urge the people of India to participate in all the peace efforts of the civil society in India. People’s participation is much necessary for peace.

Peace and Children In order to bring about lasting peace in any region of the world it is of paramount importance that peace is inculcated into the mindset of all citizens right from childhood. If peace has to become natural to society children must grow in an environment of peace at formative stages of their character. Therefore, this Peace Event in Tumkur urges the government of Asian countries to integrate peace lessons in school syllabus and conduct events of peace for students so that peace becomes a student culture.

Proportionate Electoral System The Peace Event of Tumkur recognizes that another locale of conflict is the lack of adequate representation of communities of people in the Instruments and Mechanisms of national governance in many countries. Majoritarian Electoral system that is in practice in many countries of Asia is highly problematic for peace as it effectively gives representation to minority dominant sections of society. Therefore, this Peace Event urges the government of India to reform its present electoral system and bring about a Proportionate Electoral System as is being implemented in 24 out of 28 Western European nations. 11

Dalit Dalit Panchayat is a noble concept and method which has no parallel in many other States of India. The replicability of the Dalit Panchayat model is very good. Civil, political and economic rights as visualized by the Dalit Panchayat Movement will bring lasting peace in many micro situations as it is being witnessed in the District of Tumkur in Karnataka. One of the most important aspects of Dalit Panchayat is that it is totally participatory. Dalit Parliament can connect people of the world because it is a world forum. Therefore, this Peace Event of Tumkur recommends to all civil society actors and organizations to actively promote the model of Dalit Panchayat and Dalit Parliament in their respective engagement with the liberation and development of the poor, Dalits, Adivasis and women. This Peace Event recognizes the Dalit Panchayat Movement and Dalit Parliament as the harbingers of hope for future world peace.

Role of religion This Peace event in Tumkur realizes that all major religions of the world and their institutions have played the twin role of mediating a peaceful co-existence as well as its opposite of instigating people to violence and even to war. Many religious institutions in modern times have instigated hatred of other religions by establishing themselves as the chosen arm of God. Thus many religions are more in need of redemption than their followers. Such fundamentalist and rightist stand of religious institutions has disrupted peace among peace loving people of the world. This Peace Event of Tumkur endorses the widespread view that religion can indeed be a cementing factor if it is cleaned of its fundamentalist exclusivist positioning. Therefore, This Peace Event appeals to all religious institutions, their heads, leaders and followers to internalize the proactive and creative ideas of religion for establishing all religions as true promoters of peace and peaceful co-existence in the world.

Nuclear Weapons The Peace Event in Tumkur takes serious stock of the situation in India vis-à-vis world peace. The ruling classes and castes of India announce to the world that India is non-violent land of peace. While this Peace Event deeply appreciates the possible desire for peace beneath such global propaganda it recognizes a wide gap between what is professed and what is being practiced, especially by the dominant forces of India. Joining hands with the United States of America for nuclear power under the garb of development has many natural underpinnings that will not augur well for the realization of peace in the world and within India. Possession of nuclear weapons by India stands in stark contradiction to its profession of being an ambassador of peace. This Peace Event proposes to the ruling powers of India and appeals to all citizens of India to transform this country into a model of genuine nonviolence and peaceful coexistence in Asia. In this context the Peace Event in Tumkur 12

has the strongest possible reservation to the Nuclear Agreement that is being negotiated between the ruling class of India and hegemonic forces of the United States of America. This Peace Event in Tumkur understands with certain alarm that contemporary rulers of dominant nations in the world are leading the world to self-destruction by mindless production of nuclear weapons. A world that possesses nuclear weapons of mass destruction cannot be called peaceful by any stretch of imagination. Therefore, it is evident that the ruling powers of the world are primarily responsible for the disruption and destruction of peace in the world today. This should change. This Peace Event in Tumkur makes the strongest recommendation to all nations of the world to destroy all nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. Dalits, Adivasi and other indigenous people are natural lovers of non-violence and peace. Therefore, this Peace Event in Tumkur recommends with all the courage that it can muster, a completely nuclear weapon free world. This Peace Event in Tumkur understands that a dialogue for peace is possible among living beings, however dominant they may be. However, a dialogue for peace is not possible with weapons which can only destroy the world.

Conclusio n Peace is a process of sensitivity and it is taking responsibility. Peace is tolerance, inclusive, open and provides unlimited space. How do we response to the Dalit reality? The response to this will also be a response to Peace. Environment has to be free of discrimination and exploitation. Communal forces are dividing people. Religious fundamentalism and fascism of all kinds are the enemies of peace. Implementation of Constitution, Conflict resolution mechanism etc. need to be in place to ensure peace. Peace is holistic. Peace should also start within each one, within communities of people and within nations of the world. The world is in need of peaceful persons. The Peace Event in Tumkur appeals to all citizens of India, of Asia as well as of the world to immediately wake up to the impending danger of the losing individual, community and international peace in the near future. All citizens of the nations of the world and members of all communities must take on themselves the responsibility for restoring and establishing peace on the face of the earth as each one’s primary task in life. Peace is not a hobby of jobless people nor is it a part time responsibility of any one. It is the epicenter of the life of common people in the world.

Contact Details Rural Education For Development Society 2277026 REDS Road Shanthinagar [email protected] Tumkur 572102 [email protected] Karnataka, India

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