Aletheia Grotto Defying the Fates, the Thirteenth Grotto, Organized April 13, 1904, Proves Anything but a Hoodoo to the 'O rd e r
ALE'fHEIA Grotto, No. 13, M. O. V. P. E. R., had its len, Albert L. Pratt, Hon. A. S. Pinkerton, Hon. A. P. origin in a meeting holden in the ladies' parlor of the Ru gg, Winslow H. Robinson, Harry C. R obinson, Alan H orticultur al Society March 28, 1904, there being fifty son P . Robbin s, 'Waldo E. Sessions, Frank E . Sessions, members of var ious Worcester Masonic bodies present. Walter .J. Stone, .John A. Sh erman , P arkman H. On motion of Henry A. Knight, Frederick A. Blake, Stearns, Rev. Dr. Vincent E. Tomlinson, R. James Tat who was responsible for the gathering , was chosen as man , H enry L. Trafford, Charles A . Trafford, W. Henry P otent Monarch for the purpose of organizat ion. Frank 'I'owne, Edwin C. 'I'ripp, H enry D. Templ e, Romondo C. S. Ell ard was elected secretary and Matthew Gault Ware, John 'I'. "Wheeler, Warren H . Willard , Fred E. treasurer . Various committees were appointed and th e Wilcox, Franklin B. Wllite, Oliver B. W ood, Edward gent lemen present adjourned to April 7. At that meet M. Woodward, Langdon B. Wheaton and George K Wil ing the fees and dues land. were fixed, the name Officers were elected Al etheia was adopted in as follow s: Monarch, honor of the Greek god Frederi ck A. Blake; dress of truth, and the Chief Justic e, Frank L. preliminary steps taken Mellen; Master of Cere to secure a constitut ion moni es, Charl es A. Har and by-laws. rin gton ; Treasurer, Mat All things being in thew Gault ; Secretary, readiness, th e prospec Frank S. Ellard; Trus tive prophets assembled t ees, for one year, R. in Odd F ellows' Hall, .I ames T atman ; for two Ap r il 13, 1904, Charles yea rs, H on. Fran cis A. W . Mann of Buffalo, the
H arr-ington ; for three Gra nd Monarch, being
years, Gen . Robert H. in th e chair, and Ale
Cha mberlai n. theia Grotto was formal
In at tendance upon ly instituted with th e
th e Gr and Monarch as a foll owing charter mem
degree staff were the bers : Frederick A.
followi ng distinguished Blake, Dr. Charles A.
Veiled Prophets from Bl ake, Dr. J. Marcus
abroad : Monarch Dr. B arton , B enjamin A.
Alb ert T. Lytle, past Barber, J ohn N. Barber ,
monarch Zul eika Grotto, Georg e D. Barb er , Her
Buffalo, N . Y.; Chief ber t A. B ooth , William
Justi ce P hilip V. Fen W. Brown, Arthur H.
nelly, monarch Zuleika Burton, Arthur Bur
Grotto, Buffalo, N. Y . ; t elle, Charles A. Bart
Maste r of Ceremonies lett, R ev. Dr. Frank
George E . Hatch, past Crane, Th omas A. Cal
mon ar ch L alla Rookh lahan , Elbridge S. Carl
Grotto, N o. 3, Rochester, ton, Gen. Robert H.
N. Y. ; Assistant Master Chamber lain, Arthur B.
of Ceremonies Worthy Chapi n, H erman S. Che
Prophet Charles E. Kos ney, Edwin S. Clark,
ter, chief justice Azim Robert W . Cliffor d, Wil
Grot to, New York; liam H. Cook, Charl es
Judge Advocate General Cooper, Frank A. Clark,
Charl es D. Stickney, J ames Draper, William
Zuleika Grotto, Buffalo, S. Dadmun, Walter R.
N. Y.; Grand Monarch CH ARLES E . LAN S ING.
Dadmun, Wilton W.
of the Re alm J . Harris Gra nd Monarch Sup reme Counc il, 1905--G.
Dadmun, Gilbert G.
Balston of New York, Davis, Parkman T. Denny, Cha rles W. Delano, past grand monarch ; Gr and Cap tain of the Frank S. Ellard, Charles L. Gate s, Matthew Gault, Guard Geor ge E. W. Stivers, - secre tary Azim Henry L. Green, Hon. Francis A . Harrington, Frank C. Gr otto, New York; Rhadamanthus Charles E. H arrin gton, Charles A. Harrington, L eander A. Has Lansin g of New York; grand master of cere tings, H enry F. Harris, Hon. Frank M. Heath, Melville mon ies and past monarch of Azim Gr otto ; Charon F. H eath, Austin A . H eath, Earle E. Howard, John H. Charles W. Mann, Buffalo, grand monarch. The How ell, Frederi ck A . Huntress, George H. Jewett, degr ee t eam was further assiste d by the newly H enry B . K eith, H enry A. Knight, W alter S. Knowles, elected officers of Aletheia Grotto. Th ere were eighty Justin W . L ester , William F. Little, Henry A. Mac three char ter members, in cludin g tw o honoraries, and gowan , Frank L. Mellen, Freder ick A . McClure, M. two novitiates were admitted that ni ght, B. Austin Francis McHenry, Clarence W . Miri ck, George H . Mul- Coates and Gr anby A . Bridges. The work was
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