Evvery teen min nutes, a anoth her chilld or a adult iss exp pected d to diee from m leukeemia, llymph homa o or myelo oma. Y YOU can ma ake a d differeence.
ort the Leuukemia & LLymphomaa Society w Supp while playin ng Texas H Hold ‘Em! $ $10 & $25 ttables – all levels welco ome. Gamee winners receive 50 0% pot earn nings.
Rafflee drawing included: $ $4/ticket o or $10/3 ticckets.
Prizes include: FLIP HD Cam mcorder, 2 Cold dplay concert ttickets (7/13 at Shoreline Amphitheaterr), 1.5 hour deeep tissue massage, ½ case wine ($90 reetail value), $50 0 & $25 Macy’s gift certificates, and more! NEED NOT BE PRESEENT TO WIN.
Event entrance fe ee: $10 (inclu udes 1 raffle e ticket, $10 0 credit for poker game, food d). RSVP requested.
“W When I was 23 3, doctors foun nd a very larg ge tumor gro owing around d my heart: it was 10x13x2 2.5cm. I was luccky enough to o be included in an experim mental progra am at SStanford Hosspital. The onccologists told d me the eno ormous amou unt of chemotherapy and rradiation neeeded to ffight such a la arge tumor w would potentially cause (seerious organ) damage, but t that if I did n not follow thee reccommended p program, I wo ould be dead within a matter of weeks. I eeventually neeeded 3 open h heart surgeriees to repair th he dam mage, (but evventually) I co ompleted my first maratho on witth Team in Trraining less th han a year aftter my last heeart surrgery, in Marcch of 2001. Peo ople like you are the ones that have ma ade this all evven posssible. The cliinical trial at SStanford wass 100% funded d by Leu ukemia & Lym mphoma Socieety of Northeern California. If it weeren’t for peop ple like you, tthere wouldn’t be people liike mee lucky enoug gh to be here tto share my sstory with you u. ‐Vanessa Salazar de Ing gardia, Hodgkin’ss Lymphoma surrvivor
Charity y Poker & & Raffle Event benefiiting Saturday, Jun ne 13, 2009 2pm‐9 9pm Beacon Clu B ubhouse 26 60 King Stt, 4th Floor San Francisco o, CA 9410 07
To RSSVP/buy rraffle tickeets: contactt Grace at 415.728.8 8585; g glee99@gm mail.com