Chapter Twelve - 'not The Well-being'

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  • Words: 5,763
  • Pages: 18
Heroes ApocaLypse Volume One: Chapter Twelve: “Not The Well-Being” *All Characters of this series are original designs and creations by Jay Choi. Characters, themes, symbols and elements that seem similar to the NBC’s Heroes, belong to their respective writers and creators (Tim Kring and co.)* (Scene opens with Vito waking up in the same room he woke up in last episode. He sees the same girl that blinded him last time, and shields his eyes, but then realizes that she isn't nude as before. The girl chuckles) Vito: I guess we got off at a bad start. Girl: I guess we did. Vito: I'm Vito. Girl: Skye Dumont. So you had one heck of an accident. Vito: I guess. All I remember was that I was losing control of my powers and then blank! Skye: Well, some people got hit by your little sparks, and you managed to send Ian into a coma. Vito: What? Is he okay? Skye: He'll be fine, I reckon. I guess he has a limit to how much juice he can hold. Vito: I feel terrible. Skye: Don't. Dwelling on the past don't lead to anything good. Vito: So what should I do? Skye: Well for starters, you can have some toast and eggs. (Skye hands Vito a dish of fresh cooked eggs and toast, which was sitting on the counter before) Skye: Eat up! You got a big day ahead of you. Vito: What's in store? Skye: Well, the itinerary for today says you're scheduled to meet Raphael. Vito: The man with the black and white lightning? Skye: Most people would remember him as the leader of the colony, but do what you have to. Vito: Sorry, uhm, well you may think I'm crazy, but when my friend and I were trying to find this

place, we found this tunnel. In the tunnel was this ordinary rock, but when I touched it, these visionsthese memories flashed in my head. People, empaths, were escaping from some soldiers trying to capture them. But this bold man, a hero, stepped down and summoned this black and white lightning and wiped out the soldiers. Skye: I don't disbelieve your story. Someone must have used their ability to project visions of the events in that rock. Vito: So, this Raphael guy really has black and white lightning? Skye: So the folks say, but I ain't seen it. So who was chasing all the people? Vito: One man stood out; he wore a trench coat. Skye: Trench coat? Vito: Yeah. Is something wrong? Skye: Uhm . . .(A knock on the door is heard) Skye: It's open! (The door opens; Mike enters) Mike: So you're here. Vito: Where else would I be? Mike: I could have sworn I saw you walking in town with some other guy. Vito: What other guy? Mike: No idea. But you're here. Either I'm seeing things, or a certain phantasm is on the loose. (Vito looks around the room) Vito: Where's Nec? (Scene cuts and shows camera view on Nec's face. Nec looks to his left, then right. He is being confronted by Evan) Nec: You talking to me? Evan: Who else? Nec: I don't recall taking over the body . . . (whisper) Vito, you there? Evan: No, according to my account, Vito is resting now. I called you out here, Nec Vincentino! Nec: So you're saying . . . you can see me? Evan: Yup. Nec: How are you doing this? Evan: I . . . actually have no idea! Nec: So is this my own body?

Evan: Yup. But you're Vito's mirror. Hope you don't mind, that's how I imagine you. Nec: I see . . . Well, time to go have some fun! Evan: W-wait! (Nec frolics off, laughing) (Scene opens with camera pointing down at the ground and slowly moving up and right. Empty food bowls and other food packages are left on the floor. Jaelyn Mays lies on the bed. It is revealed that the location is the small building that Vito left Jaelyn in) Creator's Note: Remember, Jaelyn can't utilize powers in this room. Some crazy unexplained power negating technology. Yeah, I'll probably never go in depth with it. Use your imagination and assume things. (A crow is heard. Jaelyn sits up on the bed and puts on her glasses. She looks at the door which has a small window frame on it. The crow flies away and a small feather comes out of it. Jaelyn walks up to the window and stares at the feather, which simply blows away. Jaelyn, disappointed, walks back to her bed. Jaelyn stops mid-track and turns around. She walks up to the door and touches it. She then takes a couple of steps back and charges through the door. The door surprisingly breaks easily. She dusts off the damage and looks up to see Cronus) Cronus: Miss me? (Opening Credits) (Scene opens with Todd sprinting down some streets, dodging cars and people. Todd takes a sudden turn into a park and meets Julie by the swings) Todd: (Panting) W-wh-what's happening? Julie: You picked one bad time to leave town. Todd: Why? I was gone for one weekend, what happened? Damien: You screwed your chance! (Todd and Julie look to see Damien listening in on their conversation on the other side of a fence. He jumps the small fence and walks over) Todd: What do you mean? Julie: Lynne and Glace are a thing now! Todd: (Pauses) Hahaha, funny joke guys, Lynne wouldn'tDamien: You lost the woman, man! Todd: T-this can't be happening . . . Julie: How did it happen in the first place?

Damien: That would be my fault. Todd: What? You're on my side, aren't you? Damien: One, I'm on my own side, and two, I told Jack Frost that Lynne loves snow. I guess he made it happen. Todd: His ability must have been really handy . . . Dammit! (Todd punches the ground. At that very instant, someone instantly appears before the three people. They look up and it is Crimson Reaper) Julie: H-hello? Damien: What's with the get-up? Crimson Reaper: Rise up, Todd. Todd: H-how do you know my name? Crimson Reaper: Lynne Varrow will be in grave trouble. Julie: What? Damien: What are you talking about? Crimson Reaper: Glace Walker. You must watch out for him. Julie: That's just like what that man said. (Julie has a flashback of when she encountered Cronus, who barely escaped battle with Glace. Cronus warns her about Glace) Crimson Reaper: Heed my warning: be cautious and wary of Glace Walker. Make sure Lynne does nothing foolish. I can not reveal much, but the future depends on it. Great powers will be bestowed onto all of you when that time comes. Damien: That time? Crimson Reaper: I said too much. We depart now, I apologize for being so cryptic, but it is necessary for the world's sake. Damien: . . . Charlie Rude, right? Crimson Reaper: . . . Damien: Thanks for the swords back then. (Crimson Reaper continues to walk off, then stops) Crimson Reaper: I don't deserve your thanks. (Crimson Reaper disappears) Julie: You know him? Damien: Sorta. What was that just know? Julie: Can we trust him?

Todd: Yeah . . . we can. Damien: How are you so sure? Todd: I . . . don't know. It's just a feeling. (Scene switches back to Evan running around. He looks around and then catches sight of Nec) Evan: Hey! Nec! (Nec runs away and Evan chases after him. All of the sudden, Nec suddenly jerks back and falls to the ground on his back. Evan catches up with him and grabs him) Evan: What do you think you're doing? Nec: Hey, you don't know what it's like to be locked in someone's head. Sure, I get a couple of freestyle time, but you gave me my own body! How could you not expect this to happen? Evan: We have to find Vito. Nec: Do we really? Evan: Yes! Now we should get goingSonia: Vito! (Evan and Nec look to see Andy and Sonia walking up to them) Sonia: How are you feeling? Nec: Uhm . . fine. You? Andy: You went through quite a meltdown there. Nec: I did? . . . er-yeah! Oo-ow! Yeah, my head is still settling from the . . boom. Sonia: Who's this? Evan: Sonia Bell and Andy Reid?! (Andy and Sonia look at each other and then at Evan) Andy: Do we know you? Evan: No, but I know you! Come with me! (Scene shows Vito, Skye, and Mike walking around quieter areas of town) Skye: Raphael's place shouldn't be too far from here, all we got to do isVito: (Whispering to Mike) Nec vanished! I don't see him anywhere! Mike: (Whispering back) Well isn't that a good thing? Vito: It's not like he wanted to control me, we were like brothers. I don't know what to make of it. (Camera focuses on Vito's every step. Scene flashes back and forth; Nec stops mid track) Andy: What's wrong, Vito? Nec: Uhm, I feel . . something is pulling me. (With each and every step Vito takes, Nec starts jerking backwards; eventually to the point where it

looks as if Nec is being dragged on the ground) Nec: Somebody help me! (Sonia puts on her headphones and her eyes glow; she lifts up her hands and the ground rises up. Nec's head stops as it bumps on the risen ground. They all sigh in relief. Then Nec is gradual rising up, still being “dragged.” Vito continues to walk with no problem. Nec is now somehow lifted high above the rock, about to be dragged over it. Vito takes a stop, and Nec's body stops moving. Vito then sneezes and as a result, Nec's body is catapulted and soars through the air. Nec lands in the fountain and spits out some water) Nec: I think we have to go this way. (Back to Vito, Mike and Skye, they arrive at Raphael's mansion. Vito and Mike look at it with astonishing gasps) Skye: Mighty fine place, right? Mike: It's real nice. Vito: Very. Skye: Well, let's go in! (Skye knocks on the door. The door opens moments later and we see an older looking man. The man isn't too old, but he is not young at all. Appearing of about mid 30s-40s, the man takes a look at the people and gives a smile) Skye: Good afternoon, Mr. Rosario. Raphael: Good afternoon, Skye, what brings you here? Skye: This is Vito and his friend Mike. Vito: Hello. Mike: Nice to meet you sir. Raphael: Ah, so you must be the new Empath who's been causing a ruckus in my community! Vito: I'm very sorry, sir, IRaphael: (Chuckles) Don't worry, boy! I may have the solution to your problems, but before that, come and get settled in. (The three enter the mansion and walk into a living room. There, Steve Rosario sits in a couch. He looks over and greets the three) Steve: How are you feeling, Vito? Vito: Better. How is Ian? Steve: Ian is being cared for by our top doctors. Don't worry, he'll be fine. Raphael: So how are you adjusting to your new home?

Vito: I couldn't call it home, since I haven't been in an actual one since a long time ago . . . but this is an amazing place! Raphael: I'm glad you think so, boy! Steve: After being chased by the outside world, Uncle took leadership and gathered all of us together. He established a plan and it became where we are now! Mike: Impressive, but where exactly are we? Skye: We stole a large aircraft carrier and cloaked it. Of course, we put on more stuff to it with metal bendings and earth moldings. Mike: So through all the acquired abilities that all the Empaths had gained, you were able to create a livable society. Vito: But wouldn't that be difficult? With all the manipulation put inSteve: For the will of our colony, many people devote their lives in aiding the survival. Their occupations can consist of cloaking the colony, radar detecting, and various other tasks. Combining many abilities together can lead to some helpful solutions. Raphael: Now, boy, explain your situation. Vito: I saw a vision after touching this rock and I just found my way to here. Raphael: Did the vision show the way to here? Vito: N-no, we had some help andSteve: Help? Raphael: What do you mean? Vito: The, uhm . . . clairovoyants, yeah! They helped us find you andSteve: Do they know our exact location? Mike: They just told us where they last saw you. Raphael: We have people dedicated to blocking clairvoyant paths. Are you working for them? Vito: No. Skye: Well, he's telling the truth. Steve: An ability of yours? Skye: No, just empathy. Raphael: . . . Good guess, my girl. Skye is right. But, it seems they have an idea as to where we may be. We must prepare for the worst. (The atmosphere of the room grows serious) Raphael: But, let's have some tea first. Skye, you know your way here, can you fetch us some tea? Skye: Yes, siree.

(Skye walks out of the room. Raphael waits until Skye is out of sight) Raphael: Now, discuss the nature of your abilities. Vito: Uhm, well, when I first obtained my ability, I was well adept in them. Each one I obtained, I used them without problem, but after I used them for a periodical extent, I guess I just lose control. I . . . overload and the ability is gone right after. Raphael: Interesting . . . Steve: What abilities have you obtained? Vito: Teleportation was the first; I got it from Mike. But I lost that. I also lost mind reading, which really wasn't a pleasant experience. The only two abilities I have now are lightning and freezing time. Raphael: Freezing time you say? That's a peculiar one! Who did you get that from? Vito: A girl I met after I lost my mind reading abilities. Steve: How long have you had each ability? Vito: I've had lightning the longest and the time one is the most recent. Raphael: I don't see any pattern, what are your insights, Stephen? Steve: Not sure . . I'm sure the scientists can analyze it. (Skye walks in with the tea and places cups for everyone) Skye: What did I miss? Raphael: Young Vito here is very special in his abilities. Maybe you can make something of it. Skye: Well, give it here! (A door knock is heard) Steve: I got it. (Steve walks up and answers the door) Steve: Well, what brings you here, Evan? Evan: Is Vito around? Steve: You . . know Vito? Evan: Is he in here? I have someone for him(Evan turns around and notices Nec is gone. He looks at Andy and Sonia, who simply shrug. A large clatter is heard and a window breaks. Evan, Andy, Sonia, and Steve rush back into the living room with the others) Steve: What happened? Mike: We just heard a sound; is someone trying to break in? (A man walks into the room and brushes off the glass shards. Everyone shows a shocked reaction: It is Nec. Everyone looks at Nec then at Vito)

Vito: Nec? Nec: So it is true! This is my own body! (Vito and Nec laugh and share a hug. Everyone just stares in astonishment) (Scene shows Lynne and Glace walking side by side outside of school. As they pass, we can see Julie, Todd, and Damien peering through the bushes) Julie: They're they are. Damien: Yup. Todd: So what do we do? Julie: We gotta keep it low andDamien: (Shouts) Hey red-head and prick! (Lynne and Glace turn around, but miss Julie and Todd pulling Damien under the bushes) Todd: What are you doing? Damien: Why waste time spying? Just tell them straight up. Julie: They'll think we're crazy! Plus, Lynne is obsessed with Glace! You should know that more than anyone! Damien: Yeah, she is. I wonder how she likes it. Todd: I hope she hates it. Julie: Not likely. Todd: Where did they go? Julie: No idea. Damien: We lost them? Todd: Thanks to you! Damien: You wanna go, punk? Julie: Hey, stop it you two! Damien: Maybe you can heal the pansy's injuries after I cause them! Julie: Yeah and I can strip the life out of you! Damien: . . . you're such a bad liar. Todd: Nice try, Julie. Damien: I don't believe in myths, especially ones considering abilities. Julie: Well, anyway, where are those two? (Julie peers through the bush only to see Lynne and Glace) Julie: Oh! Hi, Lynne! We were just uhmLynne: Spying on us?

Julie: No! Damien: Hell yeah we were! Lynne: Back off, Damien! Damien: Calm down, girly! I was just concerned for you. Lynne: Enough with the sarcasm. Let's go, Glace. Todd: W-wait! (Lynne and Glace stop) Lynne: What? Todd: . . . never mind. (Lynne and Glace continue walking) (Damien shakes his head and makes a fist. Glace notices this, but does nothing. Damien charges at Glace, who suavely dodges it. Damien goes back for a second try and Glace twists around and taps Damien. Damien falls on the ground on his back and tries to get up. Glace holds up his hand and Damien's back freezes to the ground) Damien: What the? What is this!? Glace: Come on, Lynne. Damien: I thought you had to freeze stuff with your hands! Glace: I did use my hands. Damien: Don't play smart with me! (Lynne and Glace start walking away) Lynne: I'll see you guys later. Damien: Hey! Get back here! Both of you! (Lynne and Glace walk away. Julie and Todd help chip off the ice off Damien, but he simply melts the ice off with heat) Todd: Now what? (The other two just shrug. Scene switches back to Jaelyn and Cronus. The crow perches atop Cronus's shoulder) Jaelyn: How did you find me? Cronus: I had a little help. (Cronus points behind him; Jaelyn peers over and sees a tied up man) Jaelyn: Clairvoyant? Cronus: There was a group of them finding me. I took one and killed the rest. Jaelyn: You could have saved one for me.

Cronus: I didn't take any of their abilities. Jaelyn: Why not? Cronus: You know I don't work that way. Jaelyn: Oh yeah . . I forgot you're not like the rest of us . . Creator's Note: Yes, you're supposed to be confused and not understand this. Jaelyn: So why did you decide to rescue me? Still have feelings? Cronus: Perhaps, but my main purpose is not intimacy, but that I think it's time we all got back together. Jaelyn: You're kidding right? That is irrational! Cronus: Don't pull that crap with me. Tobi's phobia of our reunion, now that's irrational! Jaelyn: What are you planing? Cronus: Tobi had a theory of sorts. Jaelyn: What kind of theory? Cronus: I never got to hear the rest of it. It just involved great power. Jaelyn: Great, more power! That's all you men ever want! Both you and VitoCronus: Oh yes, I had an encounter with your little friend. Jaelyn: . . . Did you kill him? Cronus: More like he killed me, then healed me. But it wasn't him. Jaelyn: What do you mean? Cronus: I'll explain later. We have other things to attend to. (Cronus turns around and looks at the tied up clairvoyant. He walks up to him and grabs his face) Cronus: Did you find him yet? Clairvoyant: Why would I help you? Cronus: Why are you trying to be so valiant? In the situation you're in now, I would give up. You have nothing to go back to. Why be so illogical? Clairvoyant: Because it is the right thing to do. Cronus: Your morals mean nothing. Now talk! (Cronus uses his power on the clairvoyant's face, which starts to bleed) Clairvoyant: Okay, okay stop! I'll talk, I'll talk! Just stop it! (Cronus ceases) Cronus: How pitiful. Now, tell me . . . where is Wesley Terrell? Creator's Note: Wesley Terrell, first time revealing his last name, is one of the former friends of Jaelyn, Cronus, and Amadeus/Tobi. He has the ability of Ability Supercharging. Don't ring a bell? He's the

guy who accidently blasted Tobi, thus making him into Amadeus! Though that was really caused by Brenton, but he's dead so . . . (Scene switches to Vito and Nec, with everyone staring at the two of them) Andy: Two Vitos? Sonia: This is weird. Skye: I wasn't told you got a twin, Vito! Raphael: A twin? Steve: Something's not right. Mike: Uhm, yes! Everyone, this is Vito's twin, Nec! Vito: Huh? Oh- yes! My twin . . brother . . Nec! Nec: Yo. Evan: He's not your twin! Raphael: Do you have an idea who this is, Evan? Vito: (To Nec) I don't get how you're here. Nec: All thanks to that kid. (Nec points to Evan. Everyone else looks at Evan. Raphael shows an uneasy look) Raphael: Skye, can you bring Evan back to his quarters? Skye: Uhm, sure thing, sir. (Skye takes Evan and walks out the door) Steve: You're going to tell them? Andy: Tell us what? Raphael: Evan is not an empath. He is something that holds much greater power. Mike: What do you mean? Raphael: I can't explain . . . yet. We Empaths have been banished by the main land a long time ago. We wish to return, but due to order and rule, we won't fit in such an establishment. Once the world finds out the Empaths are still among them, they will stop at nothing to eliminate us. That's way before the chance is given to them, we should take the opportunity to strike first. Vito: You're saying an invasion? Raphael: If that is what you call it. I'm doing what is good for our people, Vito! Surely, you must understand! You too . . . Andy. Andy: . . . Sonia: You're . . an empath? Andy: . . .

Sonia: Andy, answer me! Raphael: Andy was abandoned by his family; I don't even remember who they were. Andy was born with an uncontrollable empathy. He would appear adept in some abilities, but lose complete control in others. Vito: That's just like me. Raphael: Yes, and I have the solution! Andy came to me for help; which I gave him. I put an ability limiter on his mind, being confined to certain abilities. Vito: I don't get it. Andy: It means I can only use a couple of powers under certain circumstances. I put my headphones on, I listen to a song, and then I get a power. Any sound in general, it just depends on its tone. I don't pick up new abilities like regular empaths, I have to match them to a song, and by some chance, if the limiter allows me, I'll get it. Sonia: Does that mean I'm an Empath too? Raphael: Are you, little girl? Explain your powers. Sonia: I listen to sound just like Andy to use my ability, but I can only move the earth . . . Steve: That could just be a birth abnormality. Vito: Abnormality? Steve: Yes, some people get their powers with some strange side effects. For example, a healthy flier can fly to great altitudes without freezing and fly at super sonic speeds without burning up from the friction. An abnormality in that would be a flier born without such resistances. Sonia: Ouch. That's gotta suck. Steve: It certainly does. But in your case, your abilities are normal; just have a little touch to them. Raphael: So back onto the matter at hand. Vito, Andy, will the two of you join our society? Andy: What's to keep us from running away? Raphael: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Andy: Nothing? Raphael: Nothing. Vito: That doesn't seem like much of a bargain then. Raphael: Andy, I understand your motives. You wish to return to the mainland and inform your organization about our oncoming assault. Andy: Bulls eye. You're sharp, old man. You've always have been. But that doesn't meanRaphael: You may do so. I don't mind. Andy: Excuse me?

Raphael: When the time comes, I know who's side you will choose. Andy: How are you so sure? Precogs can be wrongRaphael: No tricks. Just pure confidence and faith that you will come with us. Now, why don't you have some fun around town and when you're ready to leave, just come see me. (The camera angle spins and it shows that Vito, Nec, Mike, Andy and Sonia are suddenly in the town square. Raphael and Steve are no where to be seen) Mike: So what now? Andy: I have to report this(Vito puts his hand on Andy) Vito: Hold on a sec. Nec: Yes. We need more answers; the old bastard didn't tell us much. Vito: He seemed a lot more interested in you. Andy: That's because he helped me control my powers. He trained me. Who knows what he really wants? Nec: I think I have an idea where we can get more answers. Vito: Who? (Scene switches to Cronus and Jaelyn. They are walk up to a mailbox in front of a house, which is labeled “Terrell”) (Inside the house, Wesley, looking more like a bum, sits alone in the dark, watching the television. Cronus is seen creeping slowly through the front door and walking into the same room Wesley is in. Wesley looks up at the window and sees a crow sitting outside. Wesley simply stares and then gasps. He turns around and nothing is there. He sighs in relief and turns back to the television. The television shows the news where more Sylar victims are shown) News Anchorman: More and more Sylar victims are showing up, but not the one's the world is familiar with. These victims seem to have holes on their faces, where the brain is ripped out from. Could somebody be improvising new methods? More on this at(Wesley is shocked and turns off the television. He looks around the dark room) Wesley: S-s-s-Solom-mon? Are you there? (Wesley is frightened and looks around frantically. He then turns on the lights and sighs to see that no one is around. He then turns around and sees his shadow against the wall. The shadow is not in proportional shape to Wesley) Wesley: Huh. I don't remember my shape like this. I guess I lost some weight. (The shadow's arm extends out and grabs Wesley's face. The shadow moves out and Cronus emerges

from it) Cronus: Long time no see, Wesley. (Wesley's voice is muffled) Cronus: What is that? I can't quite hear you. Oh yes, this is a new ability I picked up. I found this nice gentleman on the way who was stalking a girl through her shadows. I did the girl a favor and picked up her stalker, but she didn't approve of what I was doing I guess . . (Wesley grabs Cronus's arm and pulses it with red lightning. Cronus lets go of Wesley as the red lightning surges around Cronus's whole body. The flooring beneath Cronus begins to crack. Cronus looks down and falls through the floor board into the basement) Wesley: What are you doing here, Solomon? Cronus: (Coughing) You aren't this smart, you must have had a lot of time thinking this idea out. Supercharging me so I would fall through the floor . . I have to admit, that is smart, but you're weak. Creator's Note: So if you recall, Cronus's ability to gain abilities is Density Manipulation; where he is able to control the density level of a person's face and rip right through. Wesley's supercharge made Cronus lower the density of the floor and falling through due to his weight. Cronus: Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you . . . I brought a guest. (Wesley is thrown against the wall telekinetically by Jaelyn. Jaelyn then lifts Cronus to her floor telekinetically) Wesley: Just kill me. My life isn't worth living anyway. Just finish it quick. Jaelyn: We're not here to kill you, Wesley. Wesley: Then what do you want? Cronus: The four of us are reuniting. We just want to have an old friendship reunion again. Wesley: Four? Oh god, Tobi? No, you remember what he said! We can't meet again, bad things happen when we are together! Cronus: Tobi is just paranoid. That was just an accident caused by Brenton, and he's dead now. Wesley: I rather die than join you. Cronus: You're brave, Wesley. But not that brave. You were scared the very second you thought I was in the house. Wesley: T-that's natural human reaction! Isn't that logical? Cronus: Don't try to pretend to be like us. Now, Wesley, what are you more afraid of? Us friends getting back together . . . or death? Wesley: I'm not afraid . . Cronus: Really? You saw those news reports . . I killed those people. Specials and Sylars, they all end

up the same. You want to look like that? Wesley: N-no! I-I'll . . . join you. Cronus: (Chuckles) Selfish motives drive people to do crazy things. Now, let's get going. (Jaelyn lets Wesley go. Cronus and Jaelyn begin walking out of the house. Wesley looks depressed, grabs a coat, and follows after them) (Scene switches to Lynne and Glace. Glace walks Lynne to her house door. The two hug and share one kiss. Lynne walks in the house and Glace walks off. Julie is spying from the distance) Creator's Note: Yeah, I'm just making sure people remember that Lynne's family and house BURNED down. Lynne lives with her Aunt. (Julie texts to Todd: Spying on Glace. She then closes her phone and follows Glace. Julie follows Glace to their school. He opens up the school with a key and locks it. Julie walks up to the school door and tries to open it. She is unsuccessful and attempts to find another way around. She eventually finds a window and peers into it. She sees Glace standing over a tied up, bagged-masked man) Glace: (Removes the tied up man's head cover) Wake up, trash. Victim: W-what's going on? Who are you? Glace: The better question is who are you? Victim: W-what do you want? I don't have any money! Glace: I don't want your money, filth! I want you dead! Victim: I-I never did anything wrong! Glace: Liar! (Glace freezes half of the man's leg. The man screams from the cold pain) Glace: You Sylars are the worst! Killing the innocent, just for your own disgusting greed! Victim: That was a long time ago! I'm done with that life! Glace: . . . Even so . . (Glace grabs the man's head) Glace: How else will you atone for your sins? (Glace freezes the man completely. The frozen victim breaks down to pieces. Julie gasps and ducks down. She begins to text to Damien and Todd, but suddenly Glace's arm breaks through the window. The arm reaches down and grabs Julie's phone and begins to freeze it. Just before completely frozen, the phone says the messages were sent, but we do not know what it says. Julie runs away. Glace pulls out a water bottle from his coat and takes the cap off. He swings it down letting the water rush out, but freezes it at the same time. The water pouring out freezes into a sharp edge. Glace breaks it off and chucks it at Julie. The ice spike stabs Julie in the leg. Julie falls and attempts to crawl away, but

Glace catches up to her) Glace: Now, now, where are you off to? Julie: Everything you've done . . everything you've worked for . . . was it all for nothing? Glace: There's always a reason things happen. Julie: You're a liar . . a murderer . . . what would Lynne think? Glace: The two of us will be mourning your death. (Glace smiles and grabs Julie's throat. He freezes her neck partially and then lets go. He then smiles as Julie slowly chokes and collapses) (The scene switches and we see Evan sitting down playing his game. He then looks up and turns around; Vito, Nec, Mike, Andy, and Sonia are in the room) Evan: Vito! Nec: No, he's Vito. Vito: Hi. We haven't really met. Evan: Oh okay, I know what to do(Evan snaps his fingers; Nec's hair band falls off, letting Nec's hair down. Both Vito and Nec's eyes change colors) Creator's Note: Yeah, so Vito and Nec are exact identical men, both with hetero-chromatic eyes and tied hair. Vito's eyes were initially different colored for each eye. One with a red outline and gray pupil and the other with a red pupil and gray outline. Now, Vito's eyes are gray, while Nec's eyes are red. Evan: Now I can tell the difference between you two. Vito: Uhm thanks. Evan: So what do I owe this great visit? Vito: We're looking for some answers. Raphael didn't really help us. Evan: Oh, that old fart never is much help. Trust me, I know. Not sure if I know much though, what do you need to know? Nec: How did you bring me here? My own body, my own life . . . Evan: Like I said before, I really have no idea! Andy: You're kidding right? Evan: Not at all, Andy. Raphael told me that I'm some sort of special Empath. I have so many abilities that I just mix them together. I'm not even sure how it all works. I just think about stuff, and sometimes they happen. Andy: Doesn't sound like Empathy to me.

Skye: It's not. (The group turns as Skye comes out of Evan's kitchen area) Skye: Sorry, I was eavesdropping on you fella's conversation and all, but I had to say something. Vito: What do you mean that he's not an Empath? Skye: I know Raphael told ya'll that Evan isn't an empath. I was there. I can mess with people's senses. I was standing there the whole time. Anyway, only Raphael, Steve, and I know what Evan really is. Evan: You mean, I'm not an empath? Skye: Evan . . . you're a reality bender.

TO Be Continued . . .

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