Chapter Six - 'dark Intentions'

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  • Pages: 17
Heroes Apocalypse volume one: Chapter Six: “Dark Intentions” *all characters of this story are original by jay choi, only characters of the original heroes series belong to tim kring. Heroes story elements belong to tim kring and writers * Note: Will not be listing all minor minor characters; i.e. A police officer, a student, etc. * = New Character main Characters: Vito Vincentino / “Nec” Lynne Varrow Ryan Visbeen Jon Snack Andy Reid Secondary Characters: Todd Rowland Julie Bentley “Glace” Walker Jaelyn Amadeus Sonia Bell Blake VOndran Minor Characters: “Gray Successor” Will Averoy Takashi “Oneshot” Nakashima Damien* Steen

(Chapter begins with a bunch of hoodlums running down to an alley way) Hoodlum #1: Yo! Over here! (Bunch of hoodlums run to where Hoodlum #1 is) Hoodlum #2: You find 'im- Oh- Man! (Camera shows the Sylar Hoodlum from Chapter Five lying against the alley wall. There is blood everywhere and a gaping hole on what was his face. A crow is sitting atop the man's head, cawing. The body's face and head seems to be ripped open, leaving one hole in place of his missing face. Hoodlums who see this are all disgusted, some even puke, some just walk away) (There is blood writing above the body on the wall saying: 'Behind you'. Head Hoodlum sees this, and everyone looks around, and finds nothing) Head Hoodlum: What in the hell? Hoodlum #1: Boss, what do we do? Head Hoodlum: I tell you what we'll do. We're gonna find this psycho asshole and we're gonna kill him. We're gonna kill him real good. (A muffled banging is heard. Hoodlums turn to find the source and hear it coming from the brick wall behind them. Some lean closer to hear the banging. Each bang has dust fall off the brick wall. Then, parts of the brick wall start falling apart, and Gray Successor emerges) Gray Successor: (Brushes off some dust from himself) I know what you're thinking: Delayed entrance. Yeah, I know. Out of all the powers I have, this is the hardest to control, other than the hunger of course. Head Hoodlum: What are you- A comedian of some sorts? Gray Successor: Not at all. Head Hoodlum: Then what you want? Why you coming after ma' boys like that? (Points to the dead Sylar Hoodlum's body) Gray Successor: Why? I simply think you people are a disgrace. Head Hoodlum: So you hate yourself as well? Gray Successor: What do you mean by that? Head Hoodlum: (To Hoodlum #2) Check the head. See if anythings in it. (Hoodlum #2 runs to the body and checks inside the head. He shakes his head) Gray Successor: So what you're saying is, is that you think I'm one of you? Head Hoodlum: Yeah. Eliminating the competition so you can take all the powers to yourself? People's done that before. Gray Successor: How can I make myself any clearer? As of right now, I'm not going after specials.

I'm going after you fakers. (Two Hoodlums step in front of Head Hoodlum and hold out their hands towards Gray Successor. One of them generates a green fiery aura) Head Hoodlum: I'd like to see you try. (Camera shifts out of alleyway and intense lighting and flashes can be seen) (Opening Credits) Andy Reid & Sonia Bell (Sonia is sitting on a bench, looking around. She is outside of a perimeter set by the police. Andy walks to Sonia) Sonia: So what's up? Andy: Gonna investigate now. Follow. Quickly, before we get caught. (Andy and Sonia walk, scene cuts and transits to andy lifting up a 'Do Not Cross' police tape. Andy and Sonia walk under) (Camera shows white chalk outline of the Sylar Hoodlums body, and then shows the partially broken down brick wall) Sonia: All this from a Sylar attack? Who was the victim? Andy: Leon Owens. Part of an infamous local Sylar gang around this district. But he was the first victim. Sonia: First? Who were the others? Andy: The rest of the gang. Sonia: Wait, why would a Sylar attack other Sylars? Andy: Due to competition, I guess. Survival of the fittest. But that isn't the case, because this one is different. Sonia: Different? How? (Andy and Sonia walk up to a bunch of covered bodies. Andy removes the covers, and the camera shows the faceless bodies. Sonia makes a disgusted reaction, as if she were about to puke. Andy covers the bodies) Sonia: What is that?! That's not the work of a Sylar, that's a monster! Andy: Someone's figured out a new method. Sonia: What do you mean? Andy: Sylars use telekinesis to cut open people's heads to reach their brains. Sonia: So, unless he used some sort of radial wave to blow open the guy's faces, this isn't the ordinary Sylar . .

(Andy covers up the bodies. Andy and Sonia walk out from the crime scene and see Blake and Will) Will: Mr. Reid, Ms. Bell, good afternoon! Andy: Hey, kid. Sonia: How's it going, Will? Will: Doing quite fine myself, and you? Sonia: A bit disgusted at the moment, there's some real nasty stuff going on overBlake: Yes, yes, blah blah blah. We already saw it. Can the two of you shut up now? Will: My apologies, Mr. Vondran. I was merelyBlake: Ap-ap-ap-ap! Stop. Please. Andy: So what are you doing here? Blake: Took a Sylar assignment, but turns out it was taken care of. Andy: What do you think of this? Blake: Not sure. If it's something to worry about, we'll figure it out in a week or so if HQ gets more info. (Cops gather up and head towards the four) Cop: Excuse me, do you all have permission to be here? Sonia: Oh, uhmAndy: We're leaving now. (The four start to leave) Blake: Freaking Army of Seven, we have no authority! Why? Because we technically don't exist! Andy: Speaking of the 'Army,' how's Phearson doing? Sonia: Ew, mister nightmare creep-o? Will: Is Phearson his first or surname? Or is it an alias? I don't know if I should call him Mr. Phearson or not . . Blake: Well, the big guys up are still looking for a suitable partner for him, and they think they found one. Andy: Lucky him. When are we gonna meet him? Blake: Well, you are going to see him first. Andy: And why's that? Blake: Your next assignment is to find the partner and make him join us. Andy: Why doesn't Phearson go himself? Blake: Think about it. He's going to rip the guy to shreds the second they meet. Andy: Right. So how did your previous task go? Blake: Eh, it was interesting. You?

Andy: Had to duke it out with the flashy sparks man, but other than that(Andy and Blake continue small talk. Sonia and Will follow) Will: Oh, Ms. Bell! Before Mr. Vondran forgets(Will takes out a large envelope and hands it to Sonia) Will: All you need to know about Phearson's apprentice to be. Sonia: Thanks, I'm curious to see who it is. He's going to be the same grouping as us, so I want to know a little more about the guy. Will: I too am a bit curious. Why not open it up? (Sonia opens the envelope and pulls out papers. Will leans over to see the papers. A name is printed on the paper saying: Nakashima, Takashi. Alias: “Oneshot.” An image of Oneshot is clipped with the paper) (Note: “Oneshot” first appeared in Chapter Two: Starting Point, where he battled Vito in a street battle for pride and money) (Scene cuts) 6 Days Later . . . Lynne Varrow & Co. West Orange High School Santa Ana, California (Transition of students walking by, then reveals Glace, Julie and Todd sitting down. Lynne then comes by and sits) Julie: You look happy today. Lynne: Day six without Liza! Todd: Aren't you taking this a bit too far? Lynne: Don't tell me you miss her. Todd: No, I'm just as happy about this as you are, but I think you are way too cheery about it. Glace: Sooner or later she'll show up. So will all the other survivors . . Julie: That's so weird. We were there too. You don't think the government or whoever captured those people took them and Liza somewhere, do you? Glace: Not sure. They were after Vito, why would they go after everyone then? Why not just him? Lynne: I wonder how he's doing. Julie: Look at you all worried about him! Do you like him? (Todd shows an uneasy look)

Lynne: No, not like that. (Todd shows signs of relief) Glace: I'm worried about him as well. (Everyone shows a confused look at Glace) Glace: If he really is an empath, that automatically makes him a virtually indestructible beingLynne: Glace, he's not like thatGlace: I'm not saying its him. The girl. That Sylar girl. If she kills him then(Lynne puts her hand atop Glace's hand) Lynne: Let's hope that doesn't happen. Todd: Speaking of Sylars, did you guys hear? Julie: Hear what? Todd: There have been these weird Sylar killings going on: One in New York and one around here. Glace: What's so weird about them? Todd: The victims are Sylars. Lynne: What? Glace: A Sylar . . that hunts Sylars? Julie: Gangs fight over each other to show off who's a stronger Sylar, you sure its not that? Todd: Trust me, these guys are different. The one in New York leaves his victims faceless: a hole just ripped open on their face. While the one around here burns the dead body of the victims. Glace: Well, we got no leads on the New York killer, who around here is a Sylar and has pyrokinesis? Julie: What if he doesn't have pyrokinesis? Todd: Nah, he definitely does. Crime scene investigations showed that signs of pyrokinetic abilities have been used. Ability tracers, guys who can sense if an ability had been used in an area. They are pretty handy in CSI cases. (Laughs can be heard. Camera focuses on the background as it shows a female student being picked on by a group of kids. One stands tall over the female student and shows off pyrokinetic powers) Lynne: I have a pretty good idea who it might be. Glace: Need back up? Lynne: No, I got it handled. (Lynne walks over to the group. The guy hold up his fire towards the girl) Pyro Guy: Hey, you're pretty cute. You know who I am right? How 'bout I take you out Friday? (Guys around chuckle. Girl looks away from the Pyro Guy. As he keeps trying to look at her face, she turns to the other side) Pyro Guy: Hey, look at me!

(He grabs the girl's face with his free hand and puts the flaming hand near her face) Pyro Guy: Should I burn that cute little face of yours? 'Cuz if I can't have it, no one canLynne: Stop, Damien. (Damien, aka Pyro Guy, turns off his fire, turns around and sees Lynne) Damien: What do you want, girl? Can't you see I'm busy? Lynne: I need to talk to you. Gangster Groupie: You want me to get rid of her? Damien: No, no, I got it guys. (The guys walk away and the girl thanks Lynne and quickly leaves the scene) Damien: Well? What do you want? Lynne: Tell me you're not the Sylar. Damien: What are you talking about? Lynne: The Sylar that's burning up everyone! Don't joke with me. Damien: You know I'm not a Sylar. Lynne: But you hang out with them all the time. Damien: And? That doesn't mean anything. Lynne: Sorry, I was just worried. Damien: We haven't talked in years, and after all this time the first thing you say is that you accuse me of being this psycho Sylar? (Lynne turns and walks away. Background, Damien just shakes his head and gestures his arm and leaves. Lynne walks back to her friends) Julie: How did it go? Lynne: He says that he isn't the guy. Glace: Don't believe him. Just gotta keep him close then. Julie: Oh, where is he? (Everyone looks at Julie who is checking her iPod Touch) Julie: Sorry, I can't find Sid on Facebook! He didn't make one! Todd: Wait, where are those other two guys? The kids with the weird powers. Julie: They're . . . where did they go? (Scene transits to a diner scene where there are two people masked by the diner menus. The menus are put down) Ryan Visbeen & Jon Snack Still In California . . .

Ryan: Dude, I can't stop talking about what happened six days ago! Snack: Our epic battle with that Kuder monster thing! And when we all parted, we “mysteriously” disappeared before anyone noticed! Ryan: I don't think anyone noticed that we left anyway . . Snack: It's because they were so astonished about our sudden disappearance that they couldn't make the right reaction! Ryan: Ah! That sounds right! (A waitress comes to Ryan and Snack's table) Waitress: Shouldn't you boys be in school? Ryan: Oh, we don't go to school around here. Snack: We don't even live in this state. Waitress: Then why are you here? Ryan: True superheroes never leave without thoroughly investigating the scene of a mysterious phenomenon. Snack: Only then can we return to our humble abodes and continue to fight evil. Waitress: I'll just get you kids some pancakes. (Walks away and murmurs) What kind of drugs are kids taking these days? (Leaves) Snack: What's the real reason we're here again? Ryan: Well, one, we don't have enough money for a plane, and two, we go back and the cops are going to arrest us again. Remember how the cops busted in and bagged us all when we battled Amadeus? Snack: True. But that plan we just made up now doesn't sound too bad. Let's investigate Helix Corps. It's closed down now right? Ryan: Yeah, they closed it down due to “terrorist attacks.” I guess no one found out about what happened six days ago. Snack: Meaning they haven't discovered Vito. Ryan: I think so. Anyways, this seems like a good vacation, right? Snack: I don't know, we've been here for only six days. We've been attacked and chased around. We hid out in the woods and worked with the minorities in order to afford breakfast. I'm not liking here too much right now. (Camera focuses on the background and zooms in on the Helix Corps building) Vito Vincentino & nec (Scene shows Vito and Nec walking down a street, they are talking)

Vito: Look, I'm sorry about the whole thing, but I couldn't have you screwing things upNec: Oh, I'm the screw up? I think the world thinks you're the screw up, Vito! No one knows I exist! Vito: I'll make it up to you later, right now I have a mission to do. Nec: What? That girl? Speaking of which, I haven't even met her, where is she? Vito: I found a helpful Sylar rehabilitation clinic and dropped her off there. Nec: Gee, that's not really you helping her is it? Isn't that what you promised? Vito: Well, what can I do? I said I would find her help and I did. It's not like I can do anything else. Nec: So what are you doing now? Vito: Looking for Mike. Nec: Cross? Why? Vito: He knew something about my powers. I need to know how they work, I don't want to hurt anyone. I didn't want to bring Jaelyn along either, because I don't want to hurt her. Nec: What are you? Scared of your own powers and in love? That's pathetic. Vito: Hey, I never said I was in love. I don't know why, but I just care for her. Nec: So, I'm assuming this is the empath kindness? I don't get it. We both are empaths, yet I don't give a freaking crap about anyone! Vito: I don't know, this is all too confusing to me. (Scene transits to show that Vito and Nec are walking down another street. This implies time has passed) Nec: So . . Vito: So? Nec: Tell me more about this Jaelyn girl. Vito: Oh please don't go there. Nec: What she look like? Is she hot? Vito: I'm not gonna answer that. Nec: At least tell me what she looks like. Vito: No. Nec: Hmm . . decent figure, long hair, glasses? Vito: Not sure how to describe her with more detail, but I guess that sounds right. Why? Nec: Don't freak out, but she's been following us. Vito: What? (Vito turns around, a figure quickly covers behind a car) Nec: For hours. For days, actually. (Vito sighs and walks back towards the car. Jaelyn, who is hiding behind the car, peeks up to see if its

clear, but sees Vito right by her) Vito: What are you doing here? (Jaelyn remains silent) Vito: Why aren't you back at the rehabilitation center? Jaelyn: I couldn't stay. Vito: Why? Jaelyn: It didn't help. Vito: Did you give them a try? Jaelyn: I know the answer to my hunger. Vito: What is it? Jaelyn: You. (Vito shows a confused look and is then pushed back telekinetically by Jaelyn. He is then pulled up telekinetically and held in the air) Nec: Vito, tag out with me. Vito: No, I can handle this. Jaelyn: You're an empath. I did my research. If I had your powers, I can get all the powers I want! That means I don't have to kill anymore! The hunger will disappear! Vito: Jaelyn, it's not that simple. I don't fully understand this power either. You might not be able to control it if you take it from me. Jaelyn: It's okay, I can understand it. That is my power, isn't it? Nec: I'm starting to like this chick. Vito: Wait, Jaelyn, let's compromise. Jaelyn: I'm listening. Vito: Let me understand my powers first and at the same time I will help find a way to stop the hunger! Once I fully get my powers and I still can't help you, then you can kill me. Jaelyn: . . . how are you so confident? Vito: I promised I'd help you, right? (Jaelyn slowly lifts Vito down) Nec: That was a close one. Nice save, man. Jaelyn: I'm looking forward to when you're powers are fully developed, because when it does, I am going to enjoy every second in killing you. (Jaelyn smiles evilly and Vito stares) Andy Reid & Sonia Bell

Japan (Scene transits and shows Andy and Sonia walking around crowded streets) Sonia: Oh, look! There's our guy! (Andy looks to where Sonia is pointing. Oneshot is sitting on a crate, holding a mug, begging. Some people ridicule him. Andy and Sonia walk up to him) Oneshot: Food or money? Andy: Something better. Oneshot: What? Andy: The higher ups of our group want us to hire you. Oneshot: What group is this? Andy: It's a secret. Sonia: No one really knows about us. Oneshot: Not interested. Andy: (Mutters to Sonia) Don't make it sound bad. Sonia: Sorry. Andy: You were once an infamous street gambler, who gambled and fought for money, am I correct? Oneshot: You know of me? Andy: Oneshot was it? Oneshot: That name was my pride, but it is now meaningless the second I was defeated. Andy: Join us, and we promise to restore your title. Hell, maybe even something greater. Oneshot: . . . Sonia: What do you have to lose? Oneshot: I will take this offer. Andy: Good. One moment. (Andy walks away and turns on his phone. He then dials a number) Andy: We got him. Official: Good. Return to headquarters immediately, we will bring Phearson. (Andy hangs up. Scene transition) Helix Corps (Scene shows many cars and trucks being deployed into the area. Many people are walking around the scene and a limo drives in. A man comes out of the limo, camera moves up to show that it is Steen) (Some men come up to Steen) Man #1: Good day, sir!

Man #2: What brings you here, sir? Steen: I was simply going to check how the test went, but it seems we have quite the situation on our hands. Report! Man #3: Well, after we deployed Project Kuder, the initial results were fantastic! But it malfunctioned and overloaded. The empath and some others had escaped. Steen: I see, fill me in about Project Kuder's test run later. We can restart the project with all of the captured citizens. Man #3: About that sir, it seems that they have all disappeared. We checked the bunkers where we held them and they seem to have escaped. No one has found them though, the news broadcasts informed that the civilians were all missing. I'm sorry, sir, this won't happen again. Steen: No, it won't. (Steen pulls a gun from his trench coat, shoots Man #3, and conceals the gun back into his coat) (Steen walks up and sees some men who were brining out Kuder's body from the building. He signals them to stop and he takes a look at the body, staring at the exploded arms) Steen: Get rid of it. Clean this place down! Make sure nothing happened here! (Camera shifts to the Helix Corps building. Camera view of inside a room, facing a door. The door opens, Ryan and Snack enter the room) Ryan: Woah, look at all the computers! Snack: I think this is some database room. (Ryan runs up and sits by a computer and starts it up) Snack: What are you doing? Ryan: Looking up Empaths and Sylars. To help out Vito and Jaelyn, you know? Snack: Sounds good. Ryan: Huh. According to this, empaths can recall powers from anyone they have encountered through feeling. Even if he doesn't know the person, he can recall the power from them at any random point in time. Snack: He's basically unstoppable then! Ryan: Yeah, but didn't Vito say he lost some powers? Snack: I don't know. Look up Sylars. Ryan: Yeah. (Types Sylar into the search bar) Sylars are individuals who steal people's abilities via the brain. Sylars generally have intuitive aptitude to gain abilities, but Sylars today are all posers that carry the name. Some don't even steal the ability, but go through the ability theft process anyway. Snack: Click Ability Theft. Now click the video file, I want to see how it looks like. I heard about how it happens, but I'm sure it can't be that bad.

Ryan: Yeah, well, I almost saw it happened with Vito and Jaelyn, but anyway . . It's loading . . . loading . . . load- there we go! Okay, so somethings happening. Snack: Okay the guy is pinned to the wall . . he's doing something. He's pointing . . okay, okay, stop talking and just show what happensRyan & Snack: OOOHH!!! Ryan: Why!? Snack: Who would do that!? (Ryan and Snack scream in disgust) Ryan: Turn it off! Turn it off! Snack: I'm trying! The window isn't shutting! Ryan: Crap, it froze! Snack: But the video is still running! Ryan: What do we do, what do we do? Snack: Don't look at the screen! Ryan: I'm not going to look at the- Holy crap! What is he doing with his brain!? Snack: Huh? What's happenin- Ah! Make it stop! (Ryan and Snack head towards the door and start banging on the door. Ryan and Snack quickly attempt to grab and turn the door knob, but accidentally break the knob in the process) Ryan & Snack: Let us out! (After more banging, Ryan and Snack start walking towards the computer. Ryan's arms mimic metal and Snack breaks off a chair leg and hardens it with his powers. They charge the computer and smash it to pieces) Ryan: Done! Snack: Finally! It's over. It's all ov- Ah! Ryan: What? What's wrong? Snack: The image of the video is stuck in my mind! Ryan: Crap! Now I remember too! Snack: It's like etchin' sketched into my head! Ryan: Quick! Shake it off! (Camera shows two soldiers walking up to the door of the room and hear muffled screams by Ryan and Snack. They open the door and see Ryan and Snack jumping around shaking their heads furiously. The soldiers look at each other, aim their tasers at Ryan and Snack, and tase them) Gray Successor

(Scene transits and shows Gray Successor standing in front of an electronics store where a television is displayed by the window. The news is on the television and the anchor speaks of two Sylar-hunting Sylars on the loose in New York and California) (Gray Successor smirks and a crow lands atop his shoulder. The crow then flies away and starts attacking a kid) (The kid teleports around to avoid the crow, but the crow manages to catch up with the kid. Gray Successor walks up to the kid and holds out his arm. The crow sits on Gray Successor's arm) Teleporting Kid: How did you do that? Gray Successor: I'm just good with birds. Well, crows specifically. Teleporting Kid: Well, thanks. How can I repay you? Gray Successor: How far can you teleport? (Scene cuts) California (Gray Successor, the crow, and the teleporting kid arrive in the scene) Gray Successor: You're quite the brave one, kid. Teleporting Kid: How come? Gray Successor: There's a lot of Sylars out there. If I were one, I could kill you right now. Teleporting Kid: Yeah, I know. But if you were, look where we are now. (Gray Successor looks around and sees that they are in front of a police station) Teleporting Kid: Bye, mister! (Teleporting kid teleports away) Gray Successor: Smart kid. (Scene transits and shows doors opening; Andy, Sonia and Oneshot enter. They are greeted by an official who then leaves and closes the doors. Camera shows that another official, Blake, Will, and Phearson are in the room) Official: Ah, Mr. Reid, Miss Sonia! And this must be Nakashima. Oneshot: I would much rather be refered as my name of pride: Oneshot. Official: Yes, yes, my bad. Oh, before I forget, the mysterious new Sylar cases are now taken under some of the other members of the Army. (Sonia shows signs of relief, Phearson steps up) Phearson: So, you're my partner? Oneshot: Is it safe to assume you will be my instructor? Phearson: (Cackles) Yes, yes it is. Now, let's see if you're really up to it.

(Phearson walks up to Oneshot, holds his arm back, opens his hands as if he were ready to claw off Oneshot's face. Oneshot shows no reaction. They stay like that for some time. Phearson swings his arm down and stops right at Oneshot's face. Oneshot still shows no reaction) Phearson: (Cackles hardly) You're good! I like this one! (Laughs even more) Sonia: (Whispers to Oneshot) He's a bit of a crazy one, you sure you're okay with this? Oneshot: It's fine. Something tells me that this will definitely be interesting. (Camera focuses on Phearson still laughing) (Scene switches to a large commotion: Crowds of people all focus on something. Lynne and friends go to check out the commotion) Lynne: Excuse me- Ex-cuse- Excuse me! Jeez. What's going on? (Julie points, camera pans to show Glace and Todd inspecting a burnt body. The burnt body has the top of its head off) Lynne: What- is this? Julie: Remember that Sylar killer we talked about today? Todd: This is definitely the works of that guy, the body here matches photos of how the other bodies were when they were found. (Glace looks away for and looks down an alley) Glace: (Points) Hey! (Everyone looks to see Damien hiding around the corner of an alley) Glace: (To Todd) Call the police. (Glace runs after Damien who starts running) Lynne: Glace, wait! (Lynne runs after) (Camera switches back and forth showing Damien running then Glace and Lynne running. Damien climbs over a fence and continues running. Glace runs and holds out his hand. A wave of cold air freezes the fence and Glace charges right through it. The fence shatters and Lynne follows through) (Scene transits and shows Steen inspecting with a bunch of people running around. They are inside the Helix Corps. Building) Man: Sir, we have a situation: We have found and captured two boys who were involved in the Empath's escape. Steen: Good. Take their DNA samples and throw the boys out. Man: That's the problem, sir. We tried, but we can't seem to get through. Steen: Get through? What do you mean? Man: Their skin.

(The man hands Steen a folder. Steen opens the folder and files of Ryan and Snack are there. Steen stares at the files) Man: Is something wrong sir? Steen: No, its nothing. Why can't you pierce them again? Man: Well, one of the boys seems to have mimicked some hard surface compounds as a reflex from being dragged to our medics. The other, we just can't break his skin. Steen: Did you pull his sleeve up? It's not like he has indestructible skin. Man: As a matter of fact, sir, he does. Steen: What? Man: The syringes broke for both of them. Steen: (mutters to himself) They're evolving . . . Man: Do you know something, sir? Steen: Use a drill, get that DNA sample and put them to sleep! Quickly(Something swishes past Steen and the man) Steen: What was that? (Camera switches to show Ryan and Snack with a medic holding broken syringes. A blur enters the room and quickly takes out the medic. The blur runs up and starts smacking Ryan and Snack to wake up) Speedster: Hey, wake up! Ryan: Ugh, what? Snack: That's not my eagle egg . . Speedster: You two Ryan and Jon? (They both nodd) Speedster: Alright, gotta get you two out of here. (The Speedster grabs both Ryan and Snack and speeds out of the building. Camera shows the back of the building and the Speedster and the boys appear. Ryan and Snack run into a bush and puke) Speedster: You guys have to get out of here now. Ryan: Wait, who are you? Speedster: A member of the Sovereigns, just sent to rescue you guys. Snack: From who? Speedster: A group formed by the man with the mask. He said you two would know who he is. Ryan: Amadeus? Speedster: Yeah! Well, gotta get back. Quick, run before they find you! (Ryan and Snack run and jump a fence, the Speedster follows but can not jump over the fence, as it

seems something is blocking the top of the fence) Speedster: Force field? Well, I'll find my way. Later! (The Speedster zooms back into the building, as each door begins to close around him. He is eventually led back to where Steen is) Speedster: You can't keep me here, I'm way too fast for you. Steen: We'll see. (Steen pulls up a glove and begins to put it on. The Speedster runs at full speed at Steen. Steen pulls his arm back and punches the Speedster right in the face. The Speedster flies into a wall headfirst. Steen takes off his glove and puts it away. The camera shows the Speedster's body, with its head in the wall, with the rest of the body visible outside of the wall. Blood slowly pours down from where the head is) Steen: How long till clean up? Man: We'll be done in about half and hour, sir. Steen: Good. Closing Monologue: Is there really evil? For what one may perceive as evil is someone else's perception of good. Can one truly believe that the world is balanced by good and evil? In reality, there may be only good, pure. Evil itself is seeded by man, but to see what is 'evil,' is really but a mere illusion created by ourselves. Then what is that which we believe is evil? We refuse to accept it as good. We can not call it evil. What is it then? If there is no calling to it, what is it that empowers behind it? Perhaps that is man's dark intentions. Spoken by Amadeus (During this monologue, several scenes happen: Vito and Jaelyn stop in front of a house, with a mailbox labeled 'Cross' on it. Glace and Lynne return to Todd, Julie, and the cops. Glace and Lynne shake their heads, indicating Damien escaped. Amadeus is walking around Helix Corps., the building is empty, and he finds the Speedster's blood on the wall. Amadeus kneels and prays. Steen is in a car, looking at files of Ryan and Snack) (Ryan and Snack are walking and a crow randomly starts pecking at them. They start shouting and trying to shoo the crow away. Camera moves and shows that the Gray Successor is standing atop a building, staring down at them. The crow flies away and back to Gray Successor, who simply smiles)

To be Continued . . .

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