Chapter Iv

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 7

This chapter presents the significant relationship between the profile and the level of awareness of patients in Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center (ITRMC) on their rights with corresponding interpretations and analyses. Problems raised in the study were answered.

Profile of the Respondents The tables below show the profile of the respondents as to age, sex, highest educational attainment and occupation. Table 1.

Profile of the Respondents.




14 23 17 9 5

20.59 33.82 25.00 13.24 7.35

23 45

33.82 66.18

7 27 34

10.29 39.71 50.00

12 14 42

17.65 20.59 61.76



20-25 26-31 32-37 38-43 44-above Male Female Highest Educational Attainment Elementary High School College Occupation Professional Technical Others

39 Age. It can be seen in the table 1 that majority of the respondents have an age ranging from 26-31 with the total of 23 (33.82 %) and ages 44 and above have the least number of respondents with a frequency of 5 (7.35%). This implies that most of the respondents have the capacity to understand and recognize their rights as patients and able to assert these in a manner in which they can understand. Sex. In terms of sex, females predominate over males during the time of study. There are 68 respondents; forty –five of which are females (66.18 %) and 23 are males (33.82 %). Highest Educational Attainment.

Table 1 reflected the level of

education that the respondents have attained. Most of the respondents have finished their college degree and this has frequency of 34 patients (50%). But 10.29 % (7 patients) of the total respondents only finished the elementary. This implies that education plays a significant role in making patients aware of their rights because most of the respondents have finished a college degree in which part of their curriculum are subjects that discuss legal matters such as the Philippine constitution. Occupation.

It is also shown in the table that most of the

respondents have classified their works as others. It has a frequency distribution of 42 (61.76 %). Least number of respondents comprised of professional work 17.65 % (12 patients) of the total respondents. This reflects that most of the respondents have neither professional nor technical work that led them to consider their occupation as others.

40 Level of Awareness of Patients in ITRMC on their Rights The table below shows the level of awareness of patients in ITRMC on their rights. Table 2.

Level of awareness of patients in ITRMC on their rights.

Patients’ Rights 1. RIGHT to considerate and respectful care. 2. RIGHT to obtain from physicians and other direct caregivers relevant, current, and understandable information about your diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. 3. RIGHT to know the identity of physicians, nurses, and as well as students and other trainees involved in your care. 4. RIGHT to know the immediate and long-term financial significance of treatment choices insofar as they are known. 5. RIGHT to make decisions about the plan of care before and during the course of your treatment. 6. RIGHT to refuse a recommended treatment or plan of care. 7. RIGHT to be informed of the medical consequences of your refusal of the treatment or plan of care. 8. RIGHT to make a statement such as a living will, which should be followed by the hospital as permitted by law. 9. RIGHT to be advised of your rights under the hospital policy 10. RIGHT to privacy. 11. RIGHT to confidentiality of all records and communications regarding your care. 12. RIGHT to review all your medical records and have them explained or interpreted. 13. RIGHT to receive requested care and services provided these are reasonable. 14. RIGHT to ask and be told of the existence of any business arrangements among the hospital, educational institutions and/or people involved and that may influence your treatment and care. 15. RIGHT to informed consent to any medical and surgical procedures affecting your plan of care. 16. RIGHT to refuse to participate in any research studies or human experimentation. 17. RIGHT to expect a reasonable continuity of care. 18. RIGHT to be informed of available and realistic care options when hospital care is no longer appropriate. 19. RIGHT to be informed of the hospitals policies and practices that relate to your care, treatment and responsibilities. 20. RIGHT to be informed of the resources that can be used to resolve disputes, grievances or conflicts. 21. RIGHT to be informed of hospital charges and available payment methods. Total Weighted Mean











2.0 1.9




1.9 2.2 2.0












1.9 1.9








2.0 2.0


41 Generally the level of awareness of the patients confined in Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center (ITRMC) in all of the enumerated patients’ rights has a weighted mean of 2.0, which is in between the statistical rating scale of 1.7 to 2.3. This indicates that patients who are confined in Ilocos Training Regional and Medical Center during the month of June to July 2006 are generally aware of their rights. Being aware of these rights strengthen the patients’ confidence in assuming a fair and better health care system that is responsive to their needs. Furthermore, awareness to these rights provides the patients credible and effective methods in addressing their concerns and encourages them to take an active role in the improvement and promotion of their health. The increasing awareness to these rights enable patients to reassert their critical role in safeguarding their own health by establishing further both their awareness to their rights and responsibilities. Thus, awareness of patients regarding their rights will direct the health care system to be consistent with the delivery of health care delivery that is focused on achieving the highest health care quality for the patients and their families as well. However, among those twenty-one (21) rights that are mentioned in the study, it is the right to considerate and respectful care that has the highest weighted mean of 2.3. Patients are most aware of this right because of the principle that revolves within this right, which is the principle of justice. This principle implies the provision of what is due to

42 someone. It also asserts the belief that patients must be treated with fairness and with respect by means of recognizing his capacities and his perspectives for his health care. The Hippocratic principle, “above all never to do harm”, supports the increased awareness of patients on the right to respectful and considerate care. Conversely, it is the right to be informed of the medical consequences of one’s refusal of the treatment or plan of care that has the lowest weighted mean of 1.8. This right is the least aware among all the rights, this is because most health care providers fail to make accurate and reliable information about the said right known to patients that may affected their decision or may have motivated them to ask questions that will enhance their understanding when it comes to their medical condition. This undisseminated information hinders patients to assess and to evaluate the differences in the quality and cost of health benefits and care. This undisseminated information; however, protect health care professionals from negligence or malpractice lawsuits because of the limited information provided to the patient. This is also the least aware right by the patients, because it employs the principle of paternalism, which necessarily places limit on autonomous choice. Patients tend to accept what the medical practitioners have imparted to them due to the belief that medical doctors know best for their health.

43 Relationship between the Profile and the Level of Awareness of Patients on their Rights The table below shows the significant relationship between the profile and the level of awareness of patients on their rights. Table 3.

Relationship between the profile and awareness of patients on their rights.

the level of

Independent Variables (Patient’s Profile)

Correlation coefficient (r)

Level of Relationship

Age Sex Highest Educational Attainment Occupation

- .14271 .13815 .13216

Negligible Correlation Negligible Correlation Negligible Correlation

Critical Value = +/- .23848

- .20232

Negligible Correlation

Level of Significance: .05

Table 3 shows the significant relationship between the profile of patients and the level of awareness of patients in Ilocos training and Regional Medical Center (ITRMC) on their rights. All of the indicators in the profile of the patients and the level of awareness on patient’s rights have the computed correlation coefficient value lower than the critical value of +/- .23848 at .05 level of significance. This finding signifies the acceptance of the null hypothesis which states that “there is no significant relationship between the profile and the level of awareness of patients in Ilocos training and Regional Medical Center regarding their rights”. Patient’s age, sex, educational attainment and occupation are not the primary factors affecting the level of awareness of patients in Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center.

44 The said factors have no direct effect and relationship to the patient’s level of awareness.

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