Chapter Ii

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CHAPTER II CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies underlying the framework of the study. It includes the conceptual model of the study and operational definition of terms. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Introduction Complicated servers are doing the process to parse what ever people would like to know by means of browser. The information will be set to be centralized so that end users, wherever they are get the same information available for them. Fast access and with less cost to pay is the main reason why we use the internet as source of information. These servers must be error free and must be protected from intrusion. Web-host in particular indeed plays a big role in giving what is true to anyone who would like to get accurate information. Security is essential to one’s company’s integrity in disseminating basic knowledge to its end users. Pricing is the main concern of this study. Maintenance may not be that expensive for open-source was opened for the public to use. Today, different companies bought high price security tools and appliances for their networks and application protection. Web servers are built for production to cater the internet savvy the information they need. They run different services like APACHE, DNS, MySQL database, FTP, Mail services and CGI. Hackers are there to interrupt this

6 service and postpone jobs costing downtime and system in dependability. This now leads to the basic administration and maintenance to prevent damage.

The challenge now to administrators is to create a basis of a good system criteria, which is practical, economic and of high integrity to address the risks of company in dealing with such data loss and attacks. With this, great attention on system security and good performance that may protect not just client's necessity but also company's own interest as a whole.

OPEN SOURCE – An Overview Open Source is defined in Wikipedia (2006) as the principles and methodologies to promote open access to the production and design process for various goods, products and resources. The term is most commonly applied to the source code of software that is made available to the general public with either relaxed or non-existent intellectual properties restrictions. This allows users to create user-generated software content through either incremental individual effort, or collaboration. Some consider open source as one of various possible design approaches, while others consider it a critical strategic element of their operations. Before open source became widely adopted, developers and producers used a variety of phrases to describe the concept; the term open source gained popularity with the rise of the Internet and its enabling of diverse production







Subsequently, open source software became the most prominent face of open

7 source practices. The open source model can allow for the concurrent use of different agendas and approaches in production, in contrast with more centralized models of development such as those typically used in commercial software companies "Open source" as applied to culture defines a culture in which fixations are made generally available. Participants in such a culture are able to modify those products and redistribute them back into the community. According to Antonio (2004) Linux is an operating system that was created at the University of Helsinki in Finland by a young student named Linus Torvalds who was when working on a UNIX system that was running on expensive platform. Because of his low budget, and his need to work at home, he decided to create a copy of the UNIX system in order to run it on a less expensive platform, Such as an IBM PC. He began his work in 1991 when he release version 0.02 and worked steadily until 1994 when version 1.0 of the Linux Kernel was released. It has been said that technically speaking, Linux is a kernel, the core part of an Operating System that handles networking, hardware management, and makes the whole thing run. Most people, however, refer to Linux as the entire operating system and applications together, an alternative to Microsoft Windows or Apple’s Mac OS. Linux can replace Windows as a desktop operating system, or Windows NT on a server environments. It has all features a modern fullyfledged UNIX, including true, stable multitasking, virtual memory, shared libraries, demand loading, share copy-on-write executables, proper memory management,

8 and TCP/IP networking. It runs all application that a UNIX server system can, including web servers like Apache, mail serving software like Sendmail, and database servers like Oracle, Informix, or more open applications like MySQL and PostgreSQL. Linux supports a wide range of file system types, and through programs like Samba can be seamlessly replace NT as a Windows file server and Primary Domain Controller (PDC). With clustering technology, Linux can scale up to handle the super computing loads required by many scientific and engineering applications, and required in high availability environments. The GNU/GPL "GPL" stands for "General Public License". The most widespread such license is the GNU General Public License, or GNU GPL for short. This can be further shortened to "GPL", when it is understood that the GNU GPL is the one intended. The GPL grants the recipients of a computer program the rights of the free software definition and uses copyleft ensure the freedoms are preserved, even when the work is changed or added to. Linux Distributions There are lots of distribution of Linux, Most common are from Mandriva, RedHat, and Debian. Its flavors are RHEL, Centos, Fedora, Mandiva, Suse, Ubuntu, FreBSD.

9 There is quite a variety of Linux distributions from which to choose from. Each distribution offers the same base Linux kernel and system tools, but differ on installation method and bundled applications. Each distribution has its own advantages as well as disadvantages, so it is wise to spend a bit of time researching which features are available in a given distribution before deciding on one. The Red Hat distribution, by commercial vendor Red Hat Software, Inc. is one of the most popular distributions. With a choice of GUI- and text-based installation procedures, Red Hat 6.1 is possibly the easiest Linux distribution to install. It offers easy upgrade and package management via the “RPM” utility, and includes both the GNU Network Object Model Environment (GNOME) and the “K Desktop Environment” (KDE), both popular GUI window managers for the X Window System. This distribution is available for the Intel, Alpha, and Sparc platforms. The Debian distribution, by non-profit organization known as “The Debian Project” is the darling of the Open Source community. It also offers easy upgrade and package management via the “dpkg” utility. This distribution is available for the Intel, Alpha, Sparc, and Motorola (Macintosh, Amiga, Atari) platforms. The S.U.S.E. distribution, by commercial vendor S.U.S.E., is another popular distribution, and is the leading distribution in Europe. It includes the “K Desktop Environment” (KDE), and also offers easy upgrade and package management via the “YaST” utility. This distribution is available for both Intel and Alpha platforms.

10 The OpenLinux distribution, by commercial vendor Caldera, is aimed towards corporate users. With the new OpenLinux 2.2 release, Caldera has raised the bar with what appears to be the easiest to install distribution of Linux available today. In addition, it comes standard with the “K Desktop Environment” (KDE). This distribution is available for the Intel platform only. The Mandrake distribution now Mandriva, by commercial vendor MandrakeSoft S.A., integrates the Red Hat or Debian distributions (your choice) with additional value-add software packages than those included with the original distributions. The Slackware distribution, by Patrick Volkerding of Walnut Creek Software, is the grandfather of modern distributions of Linux. Offers a fairly simple installation procedure, but poor upgrade and package management. Still based on the libc libraries but the next version will probably migrate to the newer glibc. Recommended for users who are more technical and familiar with Linux. This distribution is available for the Intel platform only. Linux Intension Frampton (2001) stressed that he had been using Linux for several years, and he would like to think that he know a bit about the operating system and what it can and cannot do. As he is an avid USENET reader, he followed the latest developments and of course, the various flame-wars that invariably crop

11 that more than a few people believe. So, he run down a few of the more common answers and attempt to shatter them. “Linux is free, hence, it is a toy.” He explained that some people seem to have the notion that, because a piece of software was written by volunteers with no profit motive in mind, that the results must clearly be inferior to commercialgrade offerings. This may have been true in the past that there was a lot of freeware which was absolute garbage in the DOS and early Windows world, but it is most certainly not true in recent days. The power of the Internet has made it possible to bring together some of the brightest minds in the globe, allowing collaboration on projects they find interesting. The people who have put a hand into developing Linux or the thousands of GNU utilities and applications packages are from a diverse background, and all of them have different personal reasons for wanting to contribute. Some are hard-core hackers who develop for the love of coding, others have a need for something like example, a network traffic monitor for a LAN at work and decide to write it themselves, others are academics and computer scientists who are using Linux for its research qualities. Unlike a commercial offering where a package is developed and sold, source code excluded, to the end-user, code used in Linux is scrutinized, debugged, and improved upon by anyone who has the interest and ability. This act of peerreview is one of the reasons that Linux offers the high reliability and high performance that it does. Do not forget: The Internet itself was built and runs almost exclusively on Open Source projects. The e-mail you exchange on a daily basis with people around the world has an 80% chance of being handled on one

12 or both ends by Sendmail, the web pages you browse while “Surfin’ the Web” are served to you by Apache on over 50% of the world’s web sites. “There is no support for Linux.” He heard the myth somewhat sickens him. That supposedly the “other” vendors do offer support. He had personal experience with one very popular commercial operating system, where the vendor’s so-called “support” was completely useless. First of all, there is support for Linux. Yes, commercial support. There are some companies that can provide as much support as you are willing to pay for; offering telephone and e-mail support, many offering to come right to your door to deal with the problem! However, in 99% of the situations you will run into with Linux, you will be able to accomplish what you wish if you can simply get the answer to a question or two. This is easily accomplished on USENET or on any of the many mailing lists available. There lots of forum to look from when it comes to bugs and fixes. All are available by just posting once issue and it was look upon by people in the community who already encountered and had fix that specific problem. SERVER APPLICATION SERVICES Apache The name “Apache”

appeared during the early development of the

software because it was “a patchy” server, made out of patches for the freely available source code of the NCSA HTTPd Web Server. For a while after the NCSA HTTPd project was discontinued, a number of people wrote a variety of

13 patches for the code, either to fix bugs or add features that they wanted. There was a lot this code floating around and people are freely sharing it, but it was completely unmanaged. After a while, Bob Behlendorf and Cliff Skolnick set up a centralized repository of these patches, and the Apache project was born. The project is still composed of a rather small core group of programmers, but anyone is welcome to submit patches to the group for possible inclusion in the code. In the last couple of years, there has been a surge of interest in the apache project, partially buoyed by new interest in Open Source. It is also due, in part, to IBM’s commitment to support and use Apache as the basis for company’s Web offerings. They have dedicated substantial resources to the project because it has made more sense to use an established, proven Web server than to try to write their own. The consequences of this interest have been stable version for Windows NT operating system and accelerated release schedule. In mid-1999 The Apache Software Foundation was incorporated as a not-for—profit company. A board of directors, who are elected on the amount basis by ASF members, overseas the company, This company provides a foundation for several different Open Source Software development projects – including the Apache Web Server project (Ball et al, 2002). The next table shows the current statistic growth of Apache users as Web Server:

Table 1. Percentage of Web Server Users


DEVELOPER USERS PERCENTAGE Apache 64747516 58.62 % Microsoft 34265321 31.02 % Sun 1851269 1.68 % Zeus 525405 0.48 % Source:

FTP ( File Transfer Protocol ) Using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a popular way to transfer files from machine to machine across a network. Clients and servers have been written for all the popular platforms, thereby often making FTP the most convenient way of performing file transfers. You can configure FTP servers in one of two ways. The first is as a private user-only site, which is the default configuration for the FTP server; I will cover this configuration here. A private FTP server allows users on the system only to be able to connect via FTP and access their files. You can place access controls on these users so that certain users can be explicitly denied or granted access. The other kind of FTP server is anonymous. An anonymous FTP server allows anyone on the network to connect to it and transfer files without having an account. Due to the potential security risks involved with this setup, you should take precautions to allow access only to certain directories on the system (Pitts et al, 1998).

15 Email Server At least two components are involved in electronic mail. These are MTAs and MTUs. MTA stands for Mail Transfer Agent, and MUA stands for Mail User Agent. The MTA is the server application that handles sending and receiving e-mail. Whenever you send an e-mail program, It is handled by your internet provider’s MTA after you press the Send button. Likewise, any incoming mail for you is handled by the MTA. The MTA responsibilities include things such as the following:

Accepting and delivering mail send from clients.

Querying outgoing mail so that client will not have to wait for the mail to actually be sent.

Accepting mail for clients and placing that mail in a holding area until the user connects to pick up the mail.

Selectively relaying and denying relaying of messages received that are intended for a different host.

Main transfer is done with the protocol called SMTP, which stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. As the name suggests , the protocol is really quite simple. It can send and received only plain text, and it uses relative simple commands to communicate with other nail servers (Ball, et al. 1998).

16 The other necessary part of the e-mail system is a MUA, or Mail User Agent. The MUA is the client that user actually interacts with. Common MUAs with which you might be familiar are Microsoft Outlook, Eudora, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Mac Mail, kmail, and Evolution. SMTP The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is the established standard way of transferring mail over the Internet. The sendmail program provides the services needed to support SMTP connections for Linux. Armed with a better understanding of the protocols, you can take on understanding sendmail itself beginning with the various tasks that sendmail performs (such as mail routing, header rewriting, and so on) as well as its corresponding configuration files. As with any large software package, sendmail has its share of bugs. Although the bugs that cause sendmail to fail or crash the system have been almost completely eliminated, security holes that provide root access are still found from time to time .

Internet Mail Protocols To understand the different jobs that sendmail performs, you need to know a little about Internet protocols. Protocols are simply agreed-upon standards that

17 software and hardware use to communicate. Protocols are usually layered, with higher levels using the lower ones as building blocks. For example, the Internet Protocol (IP) sends packets of data back and forth without building an end-to-end connection such as used by SMTP and other higher-level protocols. The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), which is built on top of IP, provides for connection-oriented services such as those used by programs such as Telnet and the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). Together, TCP/IP provides the basic network services for the Internet. Higher-level protocols such as the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and SMTP are built on top of TCP/IP. The advantage of such layering is that programs which implement the SMTP or FTP protocols do not have to know anything about transporting packets on the network and making connections to other hosts. They can use the services provided by TCP/IP for that job. SMTP defines how programs exchange e-mail on the Internet. It does not matter whether the program exchanging the e-mail is sendmail running on an HP workstation or an SMTP client written for an Apple Macintosh. As long as both programs implement the SMTP protocol correctly, they can exchange mail.

Structured Query Language As the Structured Query Language (SQL) is an international standard (and American National Standards Institute - ANSI) for definition and manipulation of databases. Almost all database vendors support SQL while adding their own SQL

18 extensions. Originally developed by IBM as a result of the work on the relational model, it was first made commercial by Relational Systems, now called Oracle Corporation in late 1970s. D. Chamberlin of IBM first defined a language that was called Structured English Query Language (SEQUEL) where the programmer or the business user could define, query or manipulate database with simple English-like statements. These English-like statements could be embedded within other procedural languages (e.g., CoboL, C, Pascal etc.) saving significant amount of coding that programmers typically wrote.

SQL has been created such that it is intuitive, simple (relatively speaking), non-procedural (that is, one need not specify step-by-step instructions to execute certain actions) and maps human's cognitive model. Ideally, programmers and business users need not know how or where data is stored. They should be able to specify what they want and how they want given their requirements (e.g., conditions or additional computations such as sum, average, and maximum). Furthermore, they should be able to specify according to how our human mind conceptualizes the query in mind. Although, translating certain complex queries into SOL statements may be difficult and the constructs may not be powerful enough to define certain requirements. However, despite the limitations, SOL provides a convenient method to create and manipulate databases. And, SOL makes developing applications relatively easier. Anyone who has done programming in COBOL or other languages and then used SOL (and SOL within other languages) will appreciate the power of SQL.

19 MYSQL MySQL is a database management system. A database is a structured collection of data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amounts of information in a corporate network. To add, access, and process data stored in a computer database, you need a database management system such as MySQL. Since computers are very good at handling large amounts of data, database management plays a central role in computing, as stand-alone utilities, or as parts of other applications. MySQL is a relational database management system. The SQL part of MySQL stands for "Structured Query Language" - the most common standardised language used to access databases. MySQL is Open Source Software. Open Source means that it is possible for anyone to use and modify. Anybody can download MySQL from the Internet and use it without paying anything. Anybody so inclined can study the source code and change it to to their needs. MySQL uses the GPL (GNU General Public License) to define what you may and may not do with the software in different situations.

MYSQL Usability MySQL is very fast, reliable, and easy to use. It has a practical set of features developed in close cooperation with our users. Many can find a

20 performance comparison of MySQL to some other database managers on our benchmark. MySQL was originally developed to handle large databases much faster than existing solutions and has been successfully used in highly demanding production environments for several years. Though under constant development, MySQL today offers a rich and useful set of functions. The connectivity, speed, and security make MySQL highly suited for accessing databases on the Internet. The technical features of MySQL is a client/server system that consists of a multi-threaded SQL server that supports different backends, several different client programs and libraries, administrative tools, and several programming interfaces. It also provide MySQL as a multi-threaded library which you can link into your application to get a smaller, faster, easier to manage product. MySQL has a lot of contributed software available. It is very likely that people will find that your favorite application or language already supports MySQL.The social way to pronounce MySQL is “My Ess Que Ell" (not \my sequel"), but we do not mind if a person pronounce it as \my sequel" or in some other localized way (Urban, 2002).

History of MYSQL We once started out with the intention of using mSQL to connect to our tables using our own fast low-level (ISAM) routines. However, after some testing

21 we came to the conclusion that mSQL was not fast enough nor exible enough for our needs. This resulted in a new SQL interface to our database but with almost the same API interface as mSQL. This API was chosen to ease porting of thirdparty code. The derivation of the name MySQL is not perfectly clear. Our base directory and a large number of our libraries and tools have had the prefix \my" for well over 10 years. However, Monty's daughter (some years younger) is also named My. Which of the two gave its name to MySQL is still a mystery, even for users and developers. MySQL Main Features:

Internals and Portability

Written in C and C++. Tested with a broad range of different compilers.

No memory leaks. MySQL has been tested with Purify, a commercial memory leakage detector.

Works on many different platforms.

Uses GNU Automake, Autoconf, and Libtool for portability.

APIs for C, C++, Eiffel, Java, Perl, PHP, Python and Tcl

Fully multi-threaded using kernel threads. This means it can easily use multiple CPUs if available.

Very fast B-tree disk tables with index compression.

A very fast thread-based memory allocation system.

Very fast joins using an optimized one-sweep multi-join.

In-memory hash tables which are used as temporary tables.


SQL functions are implemented through a highly optimized class library and should be as fast as possible! Usually there is not any memory allocation at all after query initialization.

DNS and BIND It is often convenient to refer to networked computers to name than IP address, and various translation mechanisms have been devise to make this possible. The DNS (Domain Name Service) is one such method, now use almost universally on the internet. Hostnames are merely a convenience for users. Communication with other computers still requires knowledge of their IP addresses, and to allow host to be referred to by name, it must be possible to translate a name to an equivalent IP address. This process is called name resolution, and is usually performed by software known as resolver. Because it is a very common operation, what ever translation method we use must be very fast and reliable. Hostname to address mappings were maintained were once maintained by SRI (Stranford Research Institute) in the host.txt file, each line of which contains the name and address of a host. Anyone could obtain a copy of this file via FTP and let their resolver use it locally. This scheme worked well when there were only few machines, it quickly grew impractical as more people began connecting to the Internet.

23 A lot of bandwidth was wasted in keeping the ever-growing host.txt file synchronized between the increasing number of hosts. Name resolution was progressively slowed down because the resolver look longer to search the list of host each time. Changes to the database took forever to make and propagate because SRI was inundated by request for additions and changes. DNS is design to address these problems and provide a consistent, portable namespace for network resources. Its database is maintained in a distributed fashion to accommodate its size and the need for frequent updates. Performance and bandwidth utilization is improved by the extensive use of local caches. Authority over portions of the database is delegated to people who are able and willing to maintain them in a timely manner so that updates are no longer constrained by the schedules of a central authority. DNS is a simple but delicate system that is vital to today’s internet. Errors might manifest themselves in far from obvious ways, long after the changes that caused theme were made, often leading to unacceptable and embarrassing service disruptions. An understanding of the concept and process involved will help to make that admin experiences as a DNS admin are pleasant ones (Blum, 2002).


24 According to Duff (2002), In the late 1960s, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) recognized an electronic communication problem developing within the department. communicating the ever-increasing volume of electronic information among DOD staff, research labs, universities, and contractors had hit a major obstacle. The various entities had computer systems from different computer manufacturers, running different operating systems, and using different networking topologies and protocols. How could information be shared? The Advanced Research projects Agency (ARPA) was assigned to resolve the problem of dealing with different networking equipment and topologies. ARPA formed an alliance with universities and computer manufacturers to develop communication standards. his alliance specified and built a four-node network that is the foundation of today’s Internet. During the 1970s, this network migrated to a new, core protocol design that became the basis for TCP/IP. The mention of TCP/IP requires a brief introduction to the Internet, a huge network of networks that allows computers all over the world to communicate. It is growing at such a phenomenal rate that any estimate of the number of computers and users on the Internet would be out of date by the time this book went to print! Nodes include universities, major corporations, research labs in the United States and abroad, schools, businesses both large and small, and individually owned computers. The explosion in past years of the World Wide Web has driven the Internet’s expansion. In addition, the Internet is also a repository for millions of shareware programs, news on any topic, public forums and information exchanges, and email. Another feature is remote login to any computer system on the network by

25 using the Telnet

protocol. Because of the number of systems that are

interconnected, massive computer resources can be shared, enabling large programs to be executed on remote systems. Massively distributed processing projects such as the 1997 decryption of the Data Encryption Standard are possible only with the “everything is connected to everything else” behavior of the Internet. Open Systems Interconnection Model Moreover ISO (2000) defined many different types of computers are used today, varying in operating systems, CPUs, network interfaces, and many other qualities. These differences make the problem of communication between diverse computer systems important. In 1977, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) created a subcommittee to develop data communication standards to promote multi-vendor interoperability. The result is the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. The OSI model does not specify any communication standards or protocols; instead, it provides guidelines that communication tasks follow. To simplify matters, the ISO subcommittees took the divide-and-conquer approach. By dividing the complex communication process into smaller subtasks, the problem becomes more manageable, and each subtask can be optimized individually. The OSI model is divided into seven layers: 








Data Link


The next table (Table 2) will identify Services Provided at Each OSI Layer: Table 2. OSS Layer Layer Physical (Layer 1) Data Link (Layer 2)

Network (Layer 3)

Transport (Layer 4) Session (Layer 5) Presentation (Layer 6) Application (Layer 7)

Description This layer provides the physical connection between a computer system and the network. It specifies connector and pin assignments, voltage levels, and so on. This layer “packages” and “unpackages” data for transmission. It forms the information into frames. A frame represents the exact structure of the data physically transmitted across the wire or other medium. This layer provides routing of data through the network. This layer provides sequencing and acknowledgment of transmission. This layer establishes and terminates communication links. This layer establishes and terminates communication links. This layer provides sequencing and acknowledgment of transmission. This layer does data conversion and ensures that data is exchanged in a universal format. This layer provides an interface to the application that a user executes: a “gateway” between user applications and the network communication process.

27 Each layer communicates with its peer in other computers. For example, layer 3 in one system communicates with layer 3 in another computer system. When information is passed from one layer down to the next, a header is added to the data to indicate where the information is coming from and going to. The header-plus-data block of information from one layer becomes the data for the next. For example, when layer 4 passes data to layer 3, it adds its own header. When layer 3 passes the information to layer 2, it considers the header-plus-data from layer 4 as data and adds its own header before passing that combination down. Before the advent of the OSI model, the U.S. Department of Defense defined its own networking model, known as the DOD model. The DOD model is closely related to the TCP/IP suite of protocols. TCP/IP does not make as fine distinctions between the top layers of the protocol stack as does OSI. The top three OSI layers are roughly equivalent to the Internet process protocols. Some examples of process protocols are Telnet, FTP, SMTP, NFS, SNMP, and DNS.

The Transport layer of the OSI model is responsible for reliable data delivery. In the Internet protocol stack, this corresponds to the host-to-host protocols. Examples of these are TCP and UDP. TCP is used to translate variable-length messages from upper-layer protocols and provides the necessary acknowledgment and connection-oriented flow control between remote systems. UDP is similar to TCP, except that it is not connection-oriented and does not acknowledge data receipt. UDP only receives messages and passes them along

28 to the upper-level protocols. Because UDP does not have any of the overhead related to TCP, it provides a much more efficient interface for such actions as remote disk services. The Internet Protocol (IP) is responsible for connectionless communications between systems. It maps onto the OSI model as part of the Network layer, which is responsible for moving information around the network. This communication is accomplished by examining the Network layer address, which determines the systems and the path to send the message. IP provides the same functionality as the Network layer and helps get the messages between systems, but it does not guarantee the delivery of these messages. IP may also fragment the messages into chunks and then reassemble them at the destination. Each fragment may take a different network path between systems. If the fragments arrive out of order, IP reassembles the packets into the correct sequence at the destination (Ball, 2002). IP Addresses The Internet Protocol requires that an address be assigned to ever y device on the network. This address, known as the IP address, is organized as a series of four octets. These octets each define a unique address, with part of the address representing a network (and optionally a subnetwork) and another part representing a particular node on the network. Several addresses have special meanings on the Internet:


An address starting with a zero references the local node within its current network. For example, references workstation 23 on the current network. Address references the current workstation.

The loopback address, 127, is important in troubleshooting and network diagnoses. The network address is the local loopback inside a workstation.

The ALL address is represented by turning on all bits, giving a value of 255. Therefore, sends a message to all nodes on network 192.18; similarly, sends a message to every node on the Internet. These addresses are important to use for multicast messages and service announcements.

IP Addressing Classes The IP addresses are assigned in ranges referred to as classes, depending on the application and the size of an organization. The three most common classes are A, B, and C. These three classes represent the number of locally assignable bits available for the local network. Table 3 shows the relationships among the different address classes, the available number of nodes, and the initial address settings.

30 Table 3. Network Classes Table Class A B C D E

Available Nodes 167,772 65,536 256

Initial Bits 0xxx 10xx 110x 1100 1111

Starting Address 0-127 128-191 192-223 224-239 240-255

Class A addresses are used for very large networks or collections of related networks. Class B addresses are used for large networks having more than 256 nodes (but fewer than 65,536 nodes). Class C addresses are used by most organizations. It is a better idea for an organization to get several class C addresses because the number of class B addresses is limited. Class D is reserved for multicast messages on the network, and class E is reserved for experimentation and development. The administration of Internet addresses is currently handled by the Network Information Center (NIC). Naming Network According to Burnett (2003), the naming of network nodes requires some planning. When you select names, keep network management and user acceptance in mind. Many organizations have network-naming standards. If your organization has such standards in place, It is best to follow them to prevent confusion. If not, There are plenty of room for imagination. Computer and network names can be as simple as naming the workstations after the users, such as Diane, Beth, or John. If you have many similar computers, numbering them (for example, PC1, PC2, and PC128) may be appropriate. Naming must be

31 done in a way that gives unique names to computer systems. Do not name a computer the computer in the north office and expect users not to complain. After all, even the system administrator must type the names of computers from time to time. Also avoid names like oiiomfw932kk. Although such a name may prevent network intruders from connecting to your computer, it may also prevent you from connecting to your workstation. Names that are distinctive and follow a theme work well, helping the coordination of future expansion and giving the users a sense of connection with their machines. After all, It is a lot easier to have a good relationship with a machine called sparky than a machine called OF1284. Remember the following points when selecting a naming scheme: 

Keep names simple and short—six to eight characters at most. Although the Internet Protocol allows names up to 255 characters long, you should avoid this, as some systems can not handle long names. (Each label can be up to 63 characters long. Each part of a period-separated full domain name for a node is a label.)

Consider using a theme such as stars, flowers, or colors, unless other naming standards are required at your site.

Do not begin the name with numbers.

Do not use special characters in the name.

Do not duplicate names.

Be consistent in your naming policy.

If you follow these guidelines, you can establish a successful naming methodology. Internet names represent the organizations and the functionality of

32 the systems within the network. Following are examples of names that you can use: The following are examples of names that are difficult to use or remember:

The latter of these could be encoded information about a workstation in room 345 on network 56 with network executive functions, but this type of naming scheme is usually considered poor practice because it can lead to confusion









[email protected] enables you to reference a user on a particular node. Network Security in Linux Environment According to Weeks (2002) Security consists of multi-tiered hardening and monitoring methodologies that exist as outer shells of protection, and more central, inner layers. The outer shells consist of systems such as router configurations, firewalls, and Network Intrusion Detection Systems (or NIDS), which form common methods for securing and watching entire LANs or WANs. This article will examine and illustrate the implementation of the inner shells, or host-centric layers of server security.

33 Although the outer security layers play a major role in overall security, the inner layers are often overlooked. It is important to remember that network security risks do not always stem from the outside, but from what your own users, employees, and contractors are trying to do with your internal systems and networks. Almost half of all system attacks come from within you LAN/WAN and because these attackers know more about your internal systems, they are typically more dangerous challenges (as compared to outside viruses, trojans, or scans). These host-centric layers of protection are especially important on unshielded or exposed Internet/Web servers, not to mention any internal systems. To help protect your systems, you do not need to go out and buy some big, expensive, comprehensive Host Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) suite with a pretty GUI. In fact, using off-the-shelf security can be a security risk in itself because the product can also be bought or downloaded and dissected by crackers. To successfully implement a fairly good host-centric security system, start by employing two basic strategies:

Harden your systems

Monitor or watch your servers Server Hardening Of course, the first step in hardening any server is to always be sure the

server is fully patched and the required foundational security steps are properly applied. Properly executing these in an automated fashion is key. In an open

34 source environment, there is a plethora of tools to help harden the network stack and services on our servers. Linux is particularly nice because it comes with its own kernel-level IP/networking tools — ipchains and iptables — for doing stateful packet inspection and control. Ipchains allow us to monitor incoming traffic and make decisions based on what we see coming into the server from the network. In order to tie ipchains with a good scan detection/control and automation package (Weeks, 2002). Network Security in Win Environment According to Lambert (1997), Computer networks are indispensable to most businesses. Networked computer systems are used to share and access key information and resources among millions users throughout all types and sizes of organizations. Frequently, the information stored on this system is confidential and/or intended for use only by the specific authorized individuals. The ability of the network system to prevent authorized access and control authorized access to such information is critical to both the security and competitiveness of an organization. Network security comprises all aspects of protection for all components of a computer network system (hardware, software, and stored data) this includes protection from damage, theft, and unauthorized access of system resources simple, and unauthorized access nearly impossible. Protecting confidential, sensitive data from being lost or exposed is a top priority to any organization. Whether It is a large corporation, SOHO (small office/home office), a bank, or government of a country, those in charge want to be assured that critical data is protected from malicious tampering, unauthorized

35 access, and user errors. With the use of Windows NT Workstation and Windows NT Server, such assurance is real. Windows NT provides a full range of security options. The security implementation is easy for both administrators and endusers: A simple password-based logon procedure gives users access to authorized resources. Users do not see the internal complexities of system-level encryption; they log on.

Control Access and Auditing Microsoft included security as part of the initial design specifications for Windows NT, and it is prevalent throughout the operating system. Windows NT is loaded with features and tools that make it easy to customize security for your needs. The security model includes components to 

Govern access to objects (such as files and printers)

Controls actions an individual user can take on objects (such as Read or Write access)

Specify which events are audited

Access to objects is the key objective of the Windows NT security model. The security model maintains security information for all user and group accounts as well as all objects. Access is controlled by the assignment of permissions. Owners or other authorized users may, at their discretion, change permissions and the use of user accounts. You can create an almost unlimited number of accounts or groups of accounts. You can permit or restrict an account’s access to

36 any computer resource. An administrator assigns permissions to users and groups to grant or deny access to particular objects.

For every account, a range of security attributes can be set on a per-file or per-directory basis. These attributes can be on a per-user or per-group basis. In addition to controlling access, these mechanisms allow you to identify access attempts that re made directly by a user, or indirectly by a program or another process that is running. In support of all this control over the actions of a large number of users, It is important to maintain consistent, reliable desktop environments that provide the flexibility for network users to accomplish their daily tasks via a friendly interface. Policies and profiles are used for this in the NT Security subsystem. You can define security policies that apply to the domain as whole. The trust relationship policy defines relationship with other domains. The user rights policy controls access rights given to groups and user accounts. The account policy controls how user accounts use passwords. The audit policy controls the type of the events recorded in the security log. Auditing is build into WINDOWS NT. This allows you to track which user account was use to attempt a particular kind of access to files or other objects. Auditing also can be used to track logon attempts, system shutdowns and restarts, and similar events. These features support the monitoring of the events related to system security. Helping you identify any security breaches and determine the extent and location of any damage. The level of audited events is

37 customizable to your needs. The security log in the event viewer can list and audited events by category and by event ID. (Patel, 1997)

SECURITY LEVELS Operating system provides full range of security options, from no security at all to the C2 level of security required by the U.S. government agencies. This section describes three security categories- low (or more), medium and maximum – and the security measures used obtain each level. These categories are arbitrary, and you will probably combine characteristics of these categories in creating you own categories in creating your own security policy.

SECURITY OF A NETWORK NEEDED Moreover, Lambert (1997), claimed that there is much hullabaloo in the computer industry about security and levels of security. Why not just set maximum security at all times? Setting various limits on access to computer resources complicates users work with those resources. It is also extra work for security administrators to set up and maintain the various levels. Here’s what can happen: Suppose only members of the account Payable user group are allowed. To access AP records. A new person hired into that group. For starters, someone needs to create an account for new user and add that Accounts Payable group account. If the new Accounts Payable Group. The new user cannot access the AP records and will be prevented from contributing any meaningful work. Or, if the account is created and made a member of the

38 account payable group, you’ll need to consider what other access privileges are thereby granted to this new person. Another possible problem may occur when the security too tight: User will try to “beat the system” in order to work done. Take passwords, for instance. You might decide to make them long and required that they be changed often. Users may find it hard to remember their password and will write it down to avoid forgetting it and being locked out of the network. Another dangerous password workaround is a very common occurrence in corporate environments: User who are denied access from files they truly need to use are ”loaned” other employees accounts and password so that work can be done (Patel, 1997).

Low Security Security may not be of much concern to you or your organization when the computer is not used to store or access sensitive data, or if the machine is in a very secure location. For example, if a computer is in the SOHO of a sole proprietor business, or if it is used as a testing machine within a locked lab .Then security precaution might be unnecessary: System allows you to fully access the system with no security protection to all, if you desire.

Physical Consideration for Low Level Lambert (1997) also claims that for the simplest level of security, take the same precautions you would with any piece of valuable equipment to protect against theft. This can include locking the room when one can is using the

39 computer, or using a locked cable to attack the unit to wall. You might also want to establish procedure for moving or repairing the computer so that the hardware cannot be stolen or altered under false pretenses. Use a surge protection or power conditioner to protect the computer and all peripherals from power spikes. Also perform regular disk scans and defragmentation. Always maintain backup of important data.

Configuration for Low-Level Security For low security, none of the server security features are used. You might even allow automatic logon to the Administration account (or any other user account). This allows anyone with physical access to the computer to turn it on and immediately have full access to its resources. Even if anyone chooses low level security, do not let a bug get you! Take adequate precautions against viruses-they can damage your data and prevent programs from operating. And that virus may spread from your low-security computer to a more secure machine.

Bear in mind that low security is not the norm. Most computers are used to store sensitive and/or valuable data. This could be financial data, personal files, confidential correspondence…just about anything. In addition, most computers need to be protected against configuration changes, whether accidental or deliberate.

40 Finally, if you do choose low security, keep in mind that the computer’s users need to be able to do their work, with minimal barriers to the resources they need (Patel, 1997).

Medium Security Most environments require more than low security. Although every implementation of security will be different, we have outlines a broad spectrum of security requirements that we call medium security. For most implementations of security, however, you will want to ensure you include all of the following guidelines and suggestions.

Warning Banners Moreover, Lambert (1997) claims that to protect against intrusion is, of course, the goal of all security systems; unfortunately, however, simply making the system secure may not be enough. You may also decide to need post warnings that it is against company policy or even against the law to intrude upon your system. In recent court cases, the argument has put forth that a logon screen “invites” you to log on, and therefore a clever hacker is “justified” in working hard to accomplish what you invited. Before a user logs on to the system, server can display a message box with the caption and text of your choice. This mechanism is often used to issue warning message that users will be held liable if they attempt to use the

41 computer without authorization. We consider such a warning necessary for both medium-and high-security implementations.

Physical Considerations for Medium Security As with low-level security, the medium-security computer should be physically secured and protected like any other valuable equipment. Keep the computer in a locked environment-particularly if it is a server. A building that is locked to unauthorized users, as most homes and offices are, is generally acceptable. If you use a physical lock (a cable from the computer to a wall for instance), keep the key in a safe place for additional security. Remember, if the key is lost or unavailable, authorized users might be unable to work.

Configuration for Medium-Level Security First, security system administrators must set appropriate account policies. User must form good logon habits, such as loggings off at the end of each day and memorizing (rather than writing down) their passwords. In the security system, a series of specific steps are taken to set up and ensure medium-level security. Following are brief descriptions of these concepts.

Set Up User Account and Groups

42 In the medium-security environment, a user account and password are required to use computer. Secured Server provides a GUI tool, the user manager, for creating, deleting, and disabling user accounts. User manager also allows you to set password policies and other security system policies, and to organize user accounts into groups.

Maintain Separate Administrative and User Accounts The least-privilege use axiom is use medium-security level. This axiom advocates that, to avoid accident changes to secure resources, the account with the least privilege that can accomplish the task should be used. You use separate accounts for administrative activities and user activity. All administrators should have two user accounts: one for administrative task and one for general activity. For example, viruses can do much more damage if activated from an account with administrator privileges. The build-in administrator account must be renamed to something else. This account is the only one that can be locked out and is thus attractive to hackers. By remaining account, you force hackers to guess the account name as well the password.

The Guest Account

43 In medium security, it is not necessarily required that the Guest account be disabled. However, the Guest account should be prohibited from writing or deleting any files, directories, or Registry keys. If the computer is for public use, the Guest account can be used for public logons.

Precaution for Logging On and Logging Off Under medium security, all users should always press Ctrl+Alt+Del before logging on. “Trojan horse” programs are design to collect account passwords while appearing as a logon screen. Pressing Cnt+Alt+Del foils such programs and provided a secure logon screen. Users should also either log off or lock the workstation if they will be away from the computer for any length of time.

Passwords In medium security, protected username and password are your greatest ally. Anyone who knows a username and the correct password can log on. Here are a fe tips for using passwords: . Change password frequently, and do not reuse passwords. . Avoid passwords that are easily guessed or common words that appear in a dictionary. A phase or a combination of letters and numbers works as well. Do not write a password down; choose one that easy to remember.

Backups for medium-level Security

44 Regular backups are a must to protect your data from hardware failures, accidents, viruses, and other malicious tampering. Since files must be read to be backed up, and they must be written to be restored, backup rights should be limited to administrators. Also, you’ll want to assign accountability for the proper operation of the backup and restore procedures.

Auditing for Medium Security When you establish an audit policy, you’ll need to consider the overhead in disk space and CPU usage of the auditing options against the advantages of these options. For medium security, you’ll want to at least audit failed logon attempts to access sensitive data, and changes to security changes settings.

Maximum Security Although medium security is sufficient for most installations, additional security precautions are required for computers that contain highly sensitive data, or that are at risk for theft or malice.

Physical Considerations for High-Level Security In addition to the physical security considerations for low-and mediumsecurity configurations, the requirements for high-level security include examining your physical network links, where the lines come into your office or building. You may also want to control who has physical access to the computer.

45 As soon as you put a computer on the network, you add a funnel or route to your system. This access port must be secured. Maintenance of user account validation and object permissions is sufficient for Medium-level security, but for maximum security you’ll need to make sure the network itself it secure. The two risks to network connections are unauthorized network users and unauthorized network taps. By containing the network entirely within a secure building, you prevent at least minimize the chance of authorized taps. If the cabling must pass through unsecured areas, use optical fiber links rather than twisted pair, to foil attempts to tap the wire and collect transmitted data. Use data encryption techniques on all transmission outside your site.

Controlling Access to the Computer No computer will ever completely secure if people other than authorized user can physical access it. For maximum security on a computer that is not physical secure (locked safely away), consider the following security measures: 

Disable or remove the floppy disk drive.

The CPU should have a case that cannot be opened without a key. Store the key in a safe location away from the computer.

Controlling Access to the Power Switch Users without shutdown rights should be barred from the computer’s power or reset switches. The most secure computer (other than those in locked and guarded rooms) expose only the computer’s keyboard, monitor, mouse, and

46 (when appropriate) printer to users. The CPU and the removable media drives can be locked away where only authorized can be access them. On many of today’s new machines, the system can be protected using a power-on-password.

This prevents unauthorized users from starting an

operating system other than Windows NT. Power-on password are a function of the computer hardware, not operating system, so check with your hardware vendors for choices.

Other Maximum Security Options Some maximum-security options can be implemented only by using the Registry Editor. The following lists of topics also need to be addressed for the maximum-security. Bear them in mind as you this book. 

Assigning user rights

Protecting files and directories

Protecting the Registry

Using the Schedule Service (AT Command)

Hiding the last user name

Restricting the boot process

Allowing only logged-on users to shut down the computer

Controlling access to removable media

47 The C2 Evaluation Process The most recognized (at least, in the U.S.) baseline measurement for a secure operating system in the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) criteria for a C2 level secure system. C2 security sis a requirement for many U.S. government installations, and its standards are of immense value to all organizations concerned about the security of business-sensitive data.

Scripting Languages Scripting languages which is commonly called scripting programming languages or script languages, are common computer programming languages created to shorten the traditional edit-compile-link-run process. The name comes from a written script such as a screenplay, where dialog is repeated verbatim for every performance. PHP PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open source, reflective programming language. It was originally designed as a high level scripting language for producing dynamic web pages. PHP is used mainly in server – side application software. PHP was created by Danish – Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, initially as a simple set of Perl scripts for tracking accesses on his resume. Lerdorf initially created PHP to display his résumé and to collect certain data, such as how much traffic his page was receiving. "Personal Home Page Tools"

48 was publicly released on June 8, 1995 after Lerdorf combined with Form Interpreter to create PHF/FI. PHP generally runs on a web server, taking PHP code as its input and creating web pages as output. This study will utilize the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) scripting language. It is an open source scripting language which is also compatible with MySQL database server. It can be dowloaded freely over the internet and adapatable to different operating system.

49 CONCEPTUAL MODEL OF THE STUDY On the basis of the foregoing concepts, theories, and findings of related literature and insights taken from them, a conceptual model is developed as shown below: INPUT



Knowledge Requirements


Strategic Planning Linux Operating System Application Service System Networking and Firewalling Concerns and Aspects of Servers Server Security Running and Processing Server Application

Server Application Services Resource Management Network Security and Protection

Software Requirements


LINUX Apache / Bind / MySQL / FTP / Mail / CGI Shell Scripting PHP HTML GCC,Vi, bourne Shell and Perl

Project Identification and Selection Project Initiation and Planning Analysis Logical Design Implementation Maintenance

Hardware Requirements Computer (clone/branded) Installers Network Peripherals

Open Source Centralized Server

Testing and Revision


Figure 1. Conceptual Model of the Study

Maintenance System

50 The centralized server maintenance system will be developed on an Open Source platform to improve and lessen burden of system and network administrators. This is to replace the and simplify the task of manually injecting scripts by creating a preconfigured script that will run on the server to optimized, protect, and secure servers from attacks and instability. The system administrator will input the things that would be automated and it will run on specific time. Also regular report will be e-mailed to him or the people that would allow receiving such report. Since all are logged on the server, it has an auto filtering that will extract the report daily, weekly or monthly on which the user wish to configure the script. All the script that would be running requires basic skill on server maintenance. Once all is set in to place, only updates need to be run and it can be scheduled using a cron job. All wrong access will be on the system and will use all desired function to correct the problem automatically. Error and intrusion based from the logs will then be processed to come up with the design and correct development of the system. With that an open source centralized server maintenance system into reality.

Figure 1 illustrates the conceptual model of the proposed project. The inputs include the knowledge, software and hardware requirements. The knowledge requirements are system processes,

good strategic planning, application

services, basic networking and fire-walling, internet and Linux operating system core.

51 In creating the system, Hypertext Pre – Processor (PHP) will be used as well as perl and GCC to develop and execute codes. It is a scripting language which can be freely downloaded over the internet and can be run with any operating system on the client side. It is supported by program utilities and scheduler to maximized and optimized system process. It will utilize different Linux distribution (server side) as the operating system to be supported by Pentium 4.0 to dual zeon (cloned or branded) as a hardware requirement. The system will also use the Apache as a web server, Internet Explorer and firefox as web browser.

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