Chaper 32 Study Guide

  • November 2019
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Nonaggression Pact: Germans, Soviets agree not to fight each other. Agreement includes secret deal to split Poland. Invision of Poland: September 1, 1939- Hitler launches Invasion of Poland Blitzkrieg: Lightning war – Germany’s new military strategy. Planes, tanks, infantry used to surprise enemy and quickly conquer. Finland surrenders in March 1940 France surrenders to Germany in June 1940 Charles de Gaulle: French general, organizes opposition to Germany. Kristallnacht: “Night of Broken Glass”- November 9,1938, Nazi storm troopers attacked Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues throughout Germany. Isoroku Yamamoto: Japan’s greatest naval strategist. Calling for an attack on the US fleet in Hawaii. Attack on Pearl Harbor: Japan attacks Pearl Harbor- U.S naval base in Hawaii on December 7, 1941. Bataan Death March: A forced march of more than 50 miles up the peninsul. 70,000 prisoners started, 54, 000 survived. Battle of Coral Sea: Americans stop Japanese advance, May 1942. New kind of naval warfare- ships launch planes to fight each other. Battle of Midway: Japanese send powerful fleet to capture Midway Island. US destroys Japan’s naval fleet, Japan retreats. Really destroys their ships. Battle of Guadalcanal: Helish battle that ends in allied victory. Douglas MacArthur: American army commander in Pacific Plans to “Island-Hop” past strong holds, attack weaker Japanese bases. Winston Churchhill: British prime minister vows no surrender. Nazis kill about six million European Jews during the war. Fewer than four million survive. Bernard Montogomery: British General Montgomery attacks at El Alamein, forces Rommel back. Erwin Rommel: Rammel takes Tobruk, June 1942; pushes toward Egypt. In May 1943, Rommel’s forces defeated by Allies American forces land in Morocco, November 1942 Dwight D. Eisenhower: American commander in Morocco Battle of Stalingrad: German army moves to capture Soviet oil fields. Soviets, Germans battle for control of city. German troops capture city, then surrender after long battle. D-Day: Allies plan invasion of France, vise deception to confuse Germans. D-Day: June 6, 1944,; day of 140. “Operation Overlord” invasion of France. Battle of the Bulge: US, British forces advance on Germany from west, Soviets from east. German counter attack in December 1944. Germans gain early success but forced to retreat.

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