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Student Name: Jacqueline Sardinas Date: 11/13/08 Per: 3 Novel: “The Secret Life of Bees” Author: Sue Monk Kidd Document: Unit Plan Directions: Please answer the following questions in complete sentences. (Typed responses for chapters 2-4 will earn an additional 3 points per chapter) Chapter 2 Questions (Value: 20 points) 1. Lily, in a very innocent manner, questions how Rosaleen could be hurt while the policemen are present. What happens immediately after? Why do you think this happens? - 1.After Lily says that, the dealer goes and hits rosaleen in the forehead with a flash light. This happens because in this certain time period racism was a big deal and how white policemen didn't care and used to beat up African Americans for no reason. 2. What does the conversation between Lily and T. Ray (pgs 37-39) reveal? -T-ray and lily argued about Rosaleen in jail. Then lily back talked to t-ray saying her mother was the only person that loved her.t-ray only laughed and said she was foolish for believing that. 3. Lily makes an allusion to Thomas Edison. What is the allusion? What is Lily Talking about? - She refers to T. Ray as the “Thomas Edison” of inventing punishments. Lily is talking about the possibility of T. Ray making up the reason why her mother left to punish her like had done before. 4. Explain the metaphor: “Lily Melissa Owens, your jar is open”. - It was saying that a door was open in front of lily and now she had the opportunity to what she wanted to do. 5. There are lots of events that foreshadow Lily escape to Tiburon. Name at Least two. -One event is when she escapes Rosaleen from the hospital and when the reverend gives her a ride to the police station and she lies to him. 6. Lily says: “Pious people have always gotten on my nerves” (44). What does? this quote illuminate? 7. The author takes great length to explain the hospital in Sylvan. What does it reveal about the town of Sylvan itself? - The hospital's description is the same towards the city because the city hates African Americans so they treat them as trash and with self disrespect. Unlike white people, they had more of a free ride and more rights than African Americans. 8. Why is Lily angry at Rosaleen? - Lily's angry at rosaleen because rosaleen thought that lily's plans were stupid and also how she thought she was treating her like a dumb nigger. Lily called rosaleen a dumb nigger because she was stupid enough to pour snuff juice on a white man’s shoe and disrespect them and break pretty much a law.

9. Why does Lily believe that she belongs in “reform school or juvenile retention”? Why does she say this? At what point in time in the novel is this revealed? - Lily said when she is copying the police officers voice and how lying that girl is. This happened when she’s trying to get the other officers out of the building by bringing the top officer towards the nurse at the phone line. To get Rosaleen out of the hospital. 10. Why does Rosaleen get angry with Lily? Why does Lily in turn call Rosaleen dumb? Who do you agree with? Why? - Rosaleen is angry at Lily because Lily called rosaleen a dumb nigger because she was stupid enough to pour juice on a white mans shoe. I sort of agree with Rosaleen because maybe lily was taking all of this a little to over exaggerated 11. Lily, at 14, learns that being white has its advantages as it relates to Rosaleen. Explain Lily’s ability to lie and how this helps her. - Lily knows that been white is an advantage because she can at least get treated with respect unlike most African Americans. 12.Identify two similes from this chapter. Give the page number and indicate what you think the similes mean. - A. Laying each word like it was sweet potatoes on her tongue. Meaning that what every she is saying is giving her a sweet touch to it to her tongue. B.Water beaded across her shoulders, shining like drops of milk,and her breasts swayed in the currents. Meaning that the moon light is reflecting towards the rain and making the rain look white turning it to milk as it seems towards lily. Chapter 3 Questions (Value: 10 points) 1. Lily’s love for reading is highlighted early on in the novel. She makes a reference to Henry David Thoreau, in which Thoreau chose to live alone, as simply as he could. What about this appeals to Lily? Why?

- This appeals to Lily because Thoreau lives alone and thats what lily wants to do for her whole life with rosaleen. 2. Religion plays a significant role in the novel—especially the variation of Catholicism. Lily describes her church’s attitude toward Catholics. Why do you think the author chose to include this information?

- The author applies reglion because he is explaining how crupted it was those years ago. And it also applies to rasicm because these two issues are similar to each other. 3. What does Lily’s question and Rosaleen’s answer about the Civil Rights Act reveal about each of their character?

- This reveals that Lily believes that the civil rights is a big thing towards the African American but, for Rosaleen she believes that the civil rights act helps the African Americans but it doesn't affect that will so you need to fight for it.

4. Lily steals something. Why does she resort to doing this in your estimate? - Lily's steal some snuff because even if she gets caught she won't get into trouble because shes white and the police or the bartendar ain't going to do anything. 5. The bee quote at the beginning of chapter 3 talks about how to find the queen. Explain the significance of the quote after you read this chapter. - The chapter reflects towards the quote in the beginning of the chapter by the only way to find the queen is by finding first the people surrounding the queen bee. So for example the queen could be the so called August Boatwright and the way lily found out by her was by going to places were they knew August Boatwright.

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