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 : ("'  "#*     %*#$0+;1 %&'-' %*#$0+;1+1,$'5.4:+2 Gdg  )* 1,e )9)   <APPLET>  0)'96 %*#$0+;1/+7)9)Applet+/+79) ) Graphics+*<& )7/,k3) )'$-6.,/+7,. 7. $(<-'%*#$0+;10)#,& ,4:+2!0+4:+27'. +16'-.-'%*#$ 0+;1*) 75$1(&15,K=696

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    <TITLE>HelloWorld Example<7TITLE> 



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 A0paint()  *<& paint() #*<&)*/7,).) )'$-6.,$&=::ƒ15.3 %&'*<&paint()*=&,.   


public void paint(Graphics g) { [statements] } 

%&')  x g/#;/-./+7Graphics)7*X96$&=::ƒ15.3 x statements//7,).$&=::ƒ15.3 /7,).*<& paint() #X='96.+,.#/7,).*<& start()67*X# ) -'=.-6/$*) ::ƒ4&6 #*<& paint() #X='C8/,.)$;$C2*+)'+.95 ,-&* /+))

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 ("'   6!%/+7MyApplet)96+761.   import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*;   public class MyApplet extends Applet { public void paint(Graphics g) {  g.drawLine(10,10,100,100); }  }  

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drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)

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drawRect(int x, int y, int width, int height)

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fillRect(int x, int y, int width, int height)

*<&) 96$&7) +') *KK695&'$,*<& drawRect()15 #*7 1(*1;*7)+)'*KK6     


drawRoundRect(int x, int y, int width, int height,  int arcWidth, int arcHieght)


fillRoundRect(int x, int y, int width, int height,  int arcWidth, int arcHieght)

*<&,.7.*<& *<&)96$&7) +)'*KK6*8** F Ho HHOM NJ%&'#*,p*/$*%/6. arcWidth+ arcHieght +1,.1*+&,  %&'*<& fillRoundRect() # $&7) +)'*KK6*8***) 7 1(*1;* x x

drawOval(int x, int y, int width, int height) fillOval(int x, int y, int width, int height)

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drawArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int  startAngle, int arcAngle)


fillArc(int x, int y, int width, int height, int  startAngle, int arcAngle)

*<&,.7.*<& *<&)96$&76%/6.FOJ)** 8*C6''=5) 15.0(,& (x,y) */$*$6. width*/$*7=. height(*) $&#*8* startAngle .p 4#$ arcAngle .p 75$*<& fillArc()#*7 1(*1;*76%/6. x x x

drawPolygon(int []x, int []y, int numPoints) fillPolygon(int []x, int []y, int numPoints) drawPolyline(int []x, int []y, int numPoints)

*<&,.7**<&*<&)96$&=+'+') * FUNW J %&' #*15.-.*8* numPoints15.CD).#*15.*8*'=50(,&)  1,$'2)9) x + y *<& fillPolygon()#*7 1(*1;*= +'+)'*75$*<&drawPolyline()#76+'+') *ƒ& x drawString(String s, int x, int y)  *<& 967&.-6/$*-.1,$9) ) s)15.0(,&(x,y)



 %*) AjBt7&.1,$'5.-.%*}Q?)$&=.15.3%&'%* #6K++,0<2&,.7&.=)AjBt ("'   6!,1,$'5.96*<&/+7Graphics$&=.15.3  import java.awt.*;  import java.applet.*;  public class GUIApplet extends Applet {  public void paint(Graphics g) { g.drawRect(5,5,15,15);  g.fillOval(50,50,20,20); g.drawArc(75,25,40,40,0,135);  g.fillArc(80,80,30,30,90,270);  g.drawString("Hello",5,90); }  } 


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 A0repaint()  %* }Q?  #*%*<&)'$5 AWTThread )%*) *$+K+06*, CD).#6)/'1$#7$5 #16.*'96*<& paint() 0)$&=.::ƒ1*/7,).)867&.#;/! Container F95 AppletJ*54*5 CD).%* AWTThread#'96*<& paint()*5@ 15.3(95 x *)*%+&#;/-./+7!Container0)7&.K+/,. x *)%*+)'#4/+,*%*)7&.K+1*6#1(



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("'   6!- 1,$'5.%*_ZQ)*- 6/$*-'&6$'7+:1215.3 import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class ColFontApplet extends Applet { public void paint(Graphics g) { g.setColor(; g.fillOval(10,10,40,10); g.setColor(; g.fillArc(95,50,30,30,0,210); g.setColor(; Font fn1 = new Font("Courier New",Font.BOLD,24); g.setFont(fn1); g.drawString("Font",5,95); } }

     6!- K++,0<2)4&6#,%*)AjBs  %* AWTThread #'96*<& repaint() *) 16.$&=. ::ƒ*5 CD).*<& repaint() #'96*<& update() 15D). &,.7&.=)AjB…


   6!.'96*<&15.3-.%*AWTThread %&',)$4*<&update() #*/7,).+!0::ƒ&(*+'96 *<&)9) paint() %&'*=&,. public void update(Graphics g){ g.clearRect(0, 0, width, height); paint(g); }

 7*X)# H*<& update()*5 0)4*56* +!0::ƒ &(*4&6%&'&=/7,).&,. public void update(Graphics g){ paint(g); } 

:*  S 0KPMhGoIJG9  %*#$0+;17*X)#7&.=!0)'=5:2*115.395}?b }4&6+7*X#) +54:+27'.4&6%&'*/+7)7/,k7./+7/ x /+7ImageCD)./+7)9676.#;/0)#,&,4:+2=!0 x /+7 7'.





:* #Image  %*#$0+;17*X76.#;/-./+7 Image 4&6%&''96 *<& getImage())'=5/+7)9)AppletCD).*= &,. x x

Image getImage(URL u) Image getImage(URL u, string name)

%&') x 

URL/+7) 9676.#;/0)815.Qc -.=!0(95 URL u = new URL(“”)

x name/9)-.4:+2=!0*) :2*1_Q\}  @)15.-.4:+2=!0* Qc  &'$,15.-.%*$;0# 7*X'96*<&)9)getDocumentBase()0)8Qc &,.+5$(95 

Image cat = getImage(getDocumentBase(),“cat.gif”)

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("'   6!. 1,$'5.-.%*#$0+;1*) 7&.=!0  import java.awt.*;  import java.applet.*;  public class ImageDemo extends Applet{  Image im; public void init() {  im = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "duke.gif");  } public void paint(Graphics g){  g.drawImage(im, 20, 20, this); }  }  

:* #AudioClip  %*#$0+;17*X76.#;/-./+7 *<&getAudioClip()CD).*=&,. x x



AudioClip getAudioClip(URL u) AudioClip getAudioClip(URL u, String name)

%&') name/9)-.4:+27'.* ) : 2*1au

/+7AudioClip#**<&))'$-6.,+57'.&,. - play() /*<&) 96+57'. - loop() /*<&) 96+57'.$ - stop() /*<&) 96'8&+57'.  #/+7 Applet ',.**<& play() )7,78+54:+27'.%&' 4*5#16.76.#;/-./+7AudioClip %&'*=&,.



play(URL u)


play(URL u, string name)


  %*) AjBu 7&.1,$'5.%*#$0+;1#) +54:+27'.'5. $+#'8&+5*)#$;0#6)*% *#$0+;1'=5 ("'   6!3 1,$'5.%*#$0+;1)*+54:+27'.  import java.awt.*;  import java.applet.*;  public class MusicDemo extends Applet{  AudioClip sound; public void init() {  sound = getAudioClip(getDocumentBase(), "");  } public void paint(Graphics g){  sound.loop(); }  public void stop() {  sound.stop(); }  }   

:) ("'  "#* ('j B)  /+7)9) Applet /+7! Container +7*X)#,:Y. 18@2.::ƒ15.34&6(95 ActionListener, MouseListener, 16 MouseMotionListener, KeyListener, + FocusListener &,.,#D.7*X)#-'%*#$0+;10)%161,K=6964&6  %*) AjBy 7&.1,$'5.-.%*#$0+;1*) #;/-./+7) 75$::ƒ)3 %&'**8Š 7.8*Š 0)6)+5+'8&4:+20+.)%+& -6*%*


("'   6!4 1,$'5.-.%*#$0+;1*) 7 5$1(&15,K=6 96 import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*; public class MusicGUI extends Applet implements ActionListener{



AudioClip sound; Button bn1, bn2; public void init() { sound = getAudioClip(getDocumentBase(), ""); bn1 = new Button("PLAY"); bn2 = new Button("STOP"); add(bn1); add(bn2); bn1.addActionListener(this); bn2.addActionListener(this); bn1.setEnabled(true); bn2.setEnabled(false); }

public void stop() { sound.stop(); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ev) { String cmd = ev.getActionCommand(); if (cmd.equals("PLAY")) { sound.loop(); bn2.setEnabled(true); bn1.setEnabled(false); } else if (cmd.equals("STOP")) { sound.stop(); bn2.setEnabled(false); bn1.setEnabled(true); } } }


/& x

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/+7 Applet **<&7) /,k/*<& init(), destroy() + paint()



start(), stop(),

*<&-./+79) ) Graphics 7*X496$&=::ƒ15.34&6 95 drawLine(), drawPolyline(), drawRect() + fillRect() 16


*<&), ,0e2;871 -6*#;/-./+7 paint() +update()


/+7)9)Image /+7) ;#;/-.4:+2!0


/+7)9)AudioClip /+7) ;#;/-.4:+27'.





7*X#) ,:Y.18@2.::ƒ15.34&6 (95 ActionListener, MouseListener +KeyListener 16






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