Chap 03

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 3,039
  • Pages: 26

 "  (   /   "78/4'9"+ "%8 :;"1'(<""='='&,B6 %B 1%$B @C2/61,+!(6&(2'6@+309">'?'.'@' RSB6 :;"1'(@+30#='5,+1'( ='6'"C/6='&,B6DH'6F9"!:(<1(0>'?'.'@' !5$.1#H'@*S6='&,6B !(6&(2'6@+30&/6:(> 7/='&,B6!(6&(2'6<++#7/1 ='RSB6G52<1H='&,B6if,if..else <# switch  <#='&,6B !(6&(2'6<++ ='R8='RSB6G52<1H='&,6B  while,do..while <# for <#9"D/" 2'$C/6+ "%. 8 1#H'@*S6='&,6B !(6&(2'6@+30<++R2/"

" A (   /  ='&,B6!(6&(2'6@+30 X   X  :;"='&,B6 %B9I29"1'(1='4"5#='5,+1'( ='6'"C/6='&,6B DH'6F>'?'.'@'0%!(6&(2'6@+30&'0(M:<++7/ PQ !(6&(2'6<++D'0#='5,+—  X  Q !(6&(2'6<++#7/1 ='X X  cQ !(6&(2'6<++ ='R8='  X  !5$ @,B G:='&,B69">'?'.'@'.0%!(6&(2'6@+30<++D'0#='5,+ !5$. ='6'" D'0#='5,+C/6='&,B6 0%B %/$M9H "!:(<1(0RSB6.(A0B ='6'".'10L/5 main()!5$. ='6'".'1 ='&,B6<(1C/60L/5 main() <# ='6'"(%$6D'0#='5,+='&,B6DH/G:(7B/$F 1(% %B0%1'( (%$19I20L/5C/6//:.K !:(<1(0.C2'G: ='='&,B6>'$9"0L/5",8" <#07B/&A8"&35='&,6B &35 2'$C/60L/51K.1#,+0' '= ='&,B6 %B(%$19I20L/55,6<&569"(M: %BcQP



public class Sample { public static void main(String args[]) { Student s = new Student(); String name; name = s.getName(); System.out.println(name); } public class Student {  } String name;  public String getName(); return name; } }

   %! C,8"D/"1'( ='6'"D'0#='5,+C/6='&,B6 %B0%/$MH9"!:(<1(0 

" ( "#'A !(6&(2'6<++#7/1 =' :;"1'(942#7/1 ='I35='&,6B 9"1(% %B"-A ."ED((1)'&D(E0%H' :;".(A6D'067B/"GCRSB6I35='&,6B !(6&(2'6<++#7/1 ='.:(1/+G:52@$='&,B65,6DH/G:"%8 x ='&,B6if x ='&,B6if..else x ='&,B6if <++R2/"V x ='&,B6switch 

" A if ='&,B6if .0%(M:<++5,6"%8 if (logical expression) { statements }

!5$ %B x

logical expression 7/"A-."ED((1)'&D(E

%B942W##,-LE:;"C2/0M#H'6 %B


 !"!#$%&'(&" )&*'+," !"!#$%-(./01#2'.2'3 4'(#'51(+,6

 x statements 7/I35='&,6B 95F I35='&,6B %B/$M9H "+#K/1   . ='6'"9"1(% %B"A-."ED((1)'&D(E942H':;".(A6 RSB6 ='&,B6if &'0'(*<&56#='5,+1'( ='6'":;"!J@EI'(ED?3=@56,01G525,6<&569"(M: %BcQ 

A)/0 A 


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H* )/0 A 

  %!$!J@EI'(EDC/6='&,6B if

D,@/$H'6C/61'(9I2='&,B6if 0%5,6"%8   if(radius >= 0) { area = radius*radius*Math.PI; System.out.println(area); }

.'1D,@/$H'6"%I8 35='&,6B %B/$M9H "+#K/1 ='&,B61='4"5H'D,@<:( area <#='&,6B <&56W#. ='6'"9"1(% %B"-A ."E radius >=0 :;".(A6 1#H'@7/D,@<:( radius0% H'0'11@H'4(7/ H'1,+m 1(% %BI35='&,6B 9"+#K/1   0%-%$6='&,6B 5%$@('&'0'(* .%B D,5(7B/640'$   //1G:G52/' AIH"='&,B6    if((x > 0) && (x < 10)) { System.out.println(x); }

&'0'(*C%$"940HG52:;"  if((x > 0)


&& (x < 10)) System.out.println(x);


  %!%W##,-LE G%B 52.'11'((,"!:(<1(0 %BcQP 

" A if..else ='&,B6 if .G0H0%1'( ='='&,B695*2'"A-."ED((1)'&D(E0%H':;" .K 5,6",8"*2'D2/61'( ='='&,6B +'6='&,B607B/"A-."ED((1)'&D(E0%H':;" .K  .D2/69I2='&,B6 if..else < " RS6B 0% (M:<++C/6='&,B65,6"%8 

 !"!#$%&'(&" )&*'+," !"!#$%-(./01#2'.2'3 4'(#'51(+,6

 if (logical expression) { true statements } else { false statements }


!5$ %B x

true statements7/I35='&,B6&='4(,+H'.(A6

x false statements7/I35='&,B6&='4(,+H' .K  !5$0%!J@EI'(EDC/61'( ='6'"C/6='&,B6"%856, <&569"(M: %BcQu



A)/0 A 

A)/0 A 

A& 1

A& 1*




H* )/0 A A& 1

)/0 A A& 1*

  %!,!J@EI'(EDC/6='&,6B if..else  

D,@/$H'6C/61'(9I2='&,B6if..else0%5,6"%8  if (radius >= 0) { area = radius*radius*Math.PI; System.out.println(area); } else { System.out.println(“Negative radius”); }



 .'1D,@/$H'6"%8*2'D,@<:( radius 0%H'0'11@H'4(7/ H'1,+ m "A-."E0%H':;".(A6 !:(<1(0. ='1'(='"@H'1='4"5H'<#-A0-EH'C/6D,@<:( area //10'
   %!-W##,-LE G%B 52.'11'((,"!:(<1(0 %BcQ 

 !"!#$%&'(&" )&*'+," !"!#$%-(./01#2'.2'3 4'(#'51(+,6

"" A if"M ='&,B6if4(7/ if..else&'0'(* .%B R2/"/$MCH 2'69"='&,6B if4(7/if..else /7B"G52/' AIH" !J@EI'(ED %B<&569"(M: %B cQ… RS6B 0%C,8"D/"1'( ='6'"7/ !:(<1(0. =' I35='&,6B %B c*2'"A-."ED((1)'&D(E %B P:;" .K 


'f $ )/0 A   


)/0 A  %

)/0 A  $

  %!.!J@EI'(EDC/6='&,6B if <++R2/"  .'1!J@EI'(ED9"(M: %BcQ…&'0'(* %B.C%$":;"='&,B6if <++R2/"G525,6"%8 if (logical expression1) { if (logical expression2) { statements 1 } else { statements 2 } } else { statements 3 }




D,@/$H'6IH"  if(radius


>= 0) { area = radius*radius*Math.PI; if(area >= 500.0) { System.out.println(“Big Circle”); } else { System.out.println(“Small Circle”); } } else { System.out.println(“Negative radius”);


'f   )/0 A   


'f $ )/0 A  $

)/0 A  %

   %!3!J@EI'(EDC/6='&,6B if <++R2/"   !(6&(2'6#7/1 ='<++R2/"$,60%1(% %B:;"5,6!J@EI'(ED9"(M: %B cQv RSB6.0%C,8"D/" 1'( ='6'"7/ !:(<1(0. ='I35='&,B6 %B P *2'"A-."ED((1)'&D(E %B P :;".(A6
 if (logical expression2) { statements 2 } else { statements 3 } }


9"1(%"%8&'0'(* %BC%$"='&,B6 if..else!5$0%(M:<++C/6='&,B65,6"%8


<++R2/"G52940H 9"(M:C/6


if (logical expression1) { statements 1 } else if (logical expression2) { statements 2 } else { statements 3 }



D,@/$H'6C/61'(9I2='&,B6 if..else if..else0%5,6"%8 if(score >= 80) {  


System.out.println(‘A’); } else if(score >= 70) { System.out.println(‘B’); } else if(score >= 60) { System.out.println(‘C’); } else if(score >= 50) {  System.out.println(‘D’); } else { System.out.println(‘F’); }

 D,@/$H'6"%.8 -A0-ED,@/,1?( A*2'D,@<:( score0%H'0'11@H'4(7/ H'1,+zm-A0-E D,@/,1?( B *2'D,@<:( score 0%H'D,86


("'  %!%1'(9I2='&,6B if..else         


public class SampleIfElseIf { public static void main(String args[]) { int x = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); if (x == 1) { System.out.println("Value is one"); } else if (x == 2) { System.out.println("Value is two"); } else { System.out.println("Other than 1 or 2"); } } } 

!:(<1(0 %BcQc<&56D,@/$H'61'(9I2='&,B6if..else if..else!:(<1(0"%8. /H'"H' %B:„/"C2'0' '6 XV  !5$!:(<1(0.-A0-EC2/@'0@H' “Value is one”*2'H' %B:„/"C2'0':;"P-A0-EC2/@'0@H' “Value is two”*2'H' %B:„/"C2'0' :;"<#-A0-EC2/@'0@H'“Other than 1 or 2”*2'H' %B:„/"C2'0':;"H'/7B"F 

"& A switch ='&,B6switch:;"='&,6B !(6&(2'6<++#7/1 ='!5$0%(M:<++5,6"%8 switch (expression) { case value 1 : statements 1 break; case value 2 : statements 2 break; : : case value N : statements N break; default : statements N+1 break; }

 !"!#$%&'(&" )&*'+," !"!#$%-(./01#2'.2'3 4'(#'51(+,6

 !5$ %B x

expression7/"A-."E int



byte, short4(7/


value 1 .. value N

7/C2/0M#H'6 %BRSB60%I"A5C2/0M# &%B /5#2/61,+I"A5

C2/0M#C/6expression ='&,B6 switch .D(@.&/+H'C/6"A-."E %B/'.:;"I"A5C2/0M# char, byte, short4(7/ int1(% %BH'C/6"A-."E0%H'D(61,+H' %B P!:(<1(0. ='I35='&,6B %B P*2'0% H'D(61,+H' %B 1K. ='I35='&,6B %B *2'0%H'D(61,+H' %B i1K. ='I35='&,B6 %B i&H@"1(% 0%B % H'G0HD(61,+H'95F#$9"='&,B6case1K. ='I35='&,B69"V 7/I35='&,6B %B ijPRSB6<&56 C,8"D/"1'( ='6'"G525,6!J@EI'(ED9"(M: %BcQz

 h 1   h 1 $


)/0 A    )/0 A  $

j h 1 i h 1YZc9P`d



)/0 A  i )/0 A  i\ 

  %!4!J@EI'(EDC/6='&,6B switch  

 D,@/$H'6C/61'(9I2='&,B6switch0%5,6"%8   switch (x) { case 1 : System.out.println(“One”); break;



case 2 : System.out.println(“Two”); break; case 3 : System.out.println(“Three”); break; default : System.out.println(“Other”); }

D,@/$H'6"%.8 -A0-EC2/@'0D'0H'C/6 x D,86

x ='&,B6 break .4$351'( ='6'">'$9"+#K/1   *2'G0H0%='&,B6 !:(<1(0. ='='&,B6*,5G:D,@/$H'6IH"   switch (x) {


case 1 : System.out.println(“One”); case 2 : System.out.println(“Two”); break; default : System.out.println(“Other”); }

.-A0-EC2/@'0OneD'052@$Two9"1(% %Bx0%H':;"P x 67B/"GC default.0%4(7/G0H0%1KG52    !:(<1(0 %B cQu <&56D,@/$H'6C/61'(9I2='&,B6 switch RSB6.G52W##,-LE:;" C2/@'0@H' Value is one *2'D,@#C %B:„/"C2'0'0%H':;" P :;"C2/@'0@H' Value is two *2'D,@#C : %B „/"C2'0'0%H':;"<#:;"C2/@'0@H' Other than 1 or 2 *2'D,@#C %B:„/"C2'0'0%H'/7B"F    

 !"!#$%&'(&" )&*'+," !"!#$%-(./01#2'.2'3 4'(#'51(+,6

  ("'  %!,D,@/$H'61'(9I2='&,B6switch          

public class SampleSwitch { public static void main(String args[]) { int x = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); switch(x) { case 1:System.out.println("Value is one"); break; case 2:System.out.println("Value is two"); break; default:System.out.println("Other than 1 or 2"); } } }

"" ( "AMA !(6&(2'6<++ ='R8=' :;"='&,B6 9%B I29"1'(&,B6942I35='&,B695F ='R8='4#'$(,86D'0 67B/"GC %B(+3RS6B I35='&,B6!(6&(2'6<++ ='R8=':(1/+52@$='&,6B x ='&,B6while x ='&,B6do..while x ='&,B6for 

"" A while ='&,B6while.0%(M:<++5,6"%8 





initial statements while (logical expression){ statements   update statements }



!5$ %B x

initial statements7/='&,B6

9%B I29"1'(1='4"5H'(AB0D2"


logical expression7/"A-."ED((1)'&D(E


update statements7/='&,B6

9%B I29"1'(:#%B$"<:#6H'

='&,B6 while  . ='I35='&,6B <#='&,B6:#%$B "<:#6H' %B/$M9H "+#K/1   D('+95 %B "A-."ED((1)'&D(E$,60%H':;".(A6 ='&,B6 %B/$M9H "+#K/1 .D2/60%='&,B69"1'(:#%B$"<:#6H' -7B/:#%B$"H'"A-."ED((1)'&D(E9420%H':;" .K  0A|",8"<#2@!:(<1(0. ='='&,B6 %B/$MH9" +#K/1<++G0H0% %B&A8"&35='&,B6while&'0'(*C%$":;"!J@EI'(EDG525,6<&569"(M: %BcQs   A 'A&0 1   'f

A)/0 A MA L'f +H


 )/0 A   A # +"# 1

  %!5!J@EI'(EDC/6='&,6B while


 D,@/$H'6C/61'(9I2='&,B6while-7B/-A0-EC2/@'0@H' U^ V&A+(,68 0%56, "%8   int count = P;  

while(count <= 10) { System.out.println(“Hello World”);   count++;

 !"!#$%&'(&" )&*'+," !"!#$%-(./01#2'.2'3 4'(#'51(+,6



D,@/$H'6"%08 %='&,B6 int count = 1; :;"='&,B61='4"5H'(AB0D2" !5$0%"A-."E D((1)'&D(E7/ count <= 10 RSB6!:(<1(0. ='='&,B69"+#K/1   D('+ H' %B"A-."E D((1)'&D(E0%H':;".(A6 1#H'@7/H'C/6D,@<:( count "2/$1@H'4(7/ H'1,+ 10) &H@" ='&,B6 count++; :;"='&,B6:#%B$"<:#6H'C/6D,@<:( count !5$.-AB0H' %#4"SB69"
  %! 6W##,-LE %BG52.'11'((,"!:(<1(0 %BcQt



"" A do..while ='&,B6 do..while :;"='&,B6 %B :;"!(6&(2'6<++ ='R8=' 0%B %1'( ='6'"#2'$1,+ ='&,B6while!5$0%(M:<++='&,B65,6"%8 




initial statements do { statements   update statements } while(logical expression;

!5$0%!J@EI'(EDC/61'( ='6'"C/6='&,B6"%856, <&569"(M: %B cQPPC2/
A)/0 A MA L'f +H

 A # +"# 1


*    %! !J@EI'(EDC/6='&,B6do..while

 D,@/$H'6C/61'(9I2='&,B6 do..while-7B/-A0-EC2/@'0@H'U^ V&A+(,860% 5,6"%8  


int count = 1;

 !"!#$%&'(&" )&*'+," !"!#$%-(./01#2'.2'3 4'(#'51(+,6


  do {


System.out.println(“Hello World”); count++; } while(count <= 10);

("'  %!.D,@/$H'61'(9I2='&,B6do..while public class SampleDoWhile { public static void main(String args[]) { int i = 1; do { System.out.print(i+" "); i++; } while (i <= 10); } }

    !:(<1(0 %B cQ…<&56D,@/$H'61'(9I2='&,B6 do..while-7B/-A0-EH'D,@#CP*S6 PmRS6B .G52W##,-LEIH"5%$@1,+!:(<1(0 %BcQt

""" A for ='&,B6for:;"='&,6B %B :;"!(6&(2'6<++ ='R8=' 0%B %(M:<++C/6='&,B65,6"%8 

for(initial statements; expression; update statements) { statements }

  !5$0%!J@EI'(EDC/61'( ='6'"C/6='&,B6"%856, <&569"(M: %B cQP ='&,B6 for .9I29" 1(% %B ('+.='"@"(,869"1'( '= R8=' %B<"H"/"&H@"='&,B6 while4(7/ do..while"A$09I2 9"1(% %BG0H ('+.='"@"(,869"1'( ='R8='#H@64"2'



A 'A&0 1


A)/0 A MA

L'f +H


)/0 A   A # +"# 1

   %! $!J@EI'(EDC/6='&,B6for D,@/$H'6IH"='&,B6-A0-EC2/@'0U^ V&A+(,86@(9I2'= &,B6 for0'11@H'9I2 ='&,B6while4(7/do..while !5$&'0'(*C%$"='&,B6G525,6"%8   for(int count = 1; count <= 10; count++) { System.out.println(“Hello World”);


9"1(%"%8.4K"G52@H'I35='&,B6 9%B I2='&,B6 for .0%(M:<++ %B1(I,+1@H'07B/ %$+1,+ 1(%C/6='&,6B while4(7/do..while ='&,B61='4"5H'(AB0D2"4(7/='&,6B :#%B$"<:#6H' %B/$MH9"='&,6B  for &'0'(* %B.0% 0'11@H'/$H'6#4"SB6='&,6B !5$.9I2(7B/640'$`9"1'(<$1='&,B6/' AIH"  for(int i = 0, j = 0; i < 4; i++, j += 2) { System.out.println(i + “

” + j);


:;"='&,B6 .%B -A0-EH'C/6D,@<:( i <# j %B1='4"5CS8">'$9"='&,B6 for u (,86 !5$D,@<:( i .-AB0H'CS8" %#4"SB6<#D,@<:(j.-AB0H'CS"8 %#&/6 

 !"!#$%&'(&" )&*'+," !"!#$%-(./01#2'.2'3 4'(#'51(+,6

 ("'  %!3D,@/$H'61'(9I2='&,B6for      

public class SampleFor { public static void main(String args[]) { for (int i=1; i<=10; i++) { System.out.print(i+" "); } } }


!:(<1(0 %B cQv<&56D,@/$H'61'(9I2='&,B6 for-7B/-A0-ED,@#CP*S6PmRSB6.G52 W##,-LEIH"5%$@1,+!:(<1(0 %BcQt D,@<:( %B:(1')9"='&,B61='4"5H'C/6='&,B6 for.0%C/+CD1'(9I26'"G52|-' >'$9"+#K/1   C/6='&,6B  for  H'",8" 1'(9I26'"D,@<:("/1+#K/1   .1A5 X   5,6<&569"D,@/$H'6C/6!:(<1(0 %BcQz  ("'  %!4C/+CD1'(9I26'"C/6D,@<:(       

public class VariableScope { public static void main(String args[]) { for (int i=1; i<10; i++) { System.out.print(i+" "); } //illegal System.out.println("i = "+i); } }

 ('G0H&'0'(*9I2'= &,6B  for 9"1(% %BG0H ('+.='"@"(,68 9"1'( ='R8=' %B<"H"/" D,@/$H'6IH"!:(<1(0 %B cQs:;"1'(&3H0D,@#C&/6D,@ 0%B %H'(4@H'6 P*S6Pm !5$942 ='1'( &3H0D,@#C ,86&/6."1@H'W#1'(&30H C/6#C ,86&/60%H' H'1,"0L/5 Math.random():;" 0L/5 9%B I29"1'(&30H #C.='"@" )"A$0(4@H'6m*S6P<#='&,B6 i = (int)(Math.random()*10)+ 1;



:;"='&,B6 9%B I29"1'(&3H0D,@#C(4@H'6 P *S6 Pm <#2@1='4"5H'9421,+D,@<:( i !:(<1(0"%8&'0'(*C%$"940H!5$9I2='&,6B  while G52

"& ( "MEiZ^dZYkdbPWdPbZF ='&,B6!(6&(2'6@+30&'0'(*C%$"R2/"1,"G52/' A IH" 9I2='&,B6 if <++R2/" ='&,B6 for <++R2/" !(6&(2'6<++R2/"&'0'(* %B.0%='&,B6!(6&(2'6@+30 %B/$MH>'$9" <#>'$"/1'$9"='&,B6 for-7B/ %B.-A0-ED,@#C(4@H'6P*S6um %B4'( t#6D,@//10' >'?'.'@'/"3n'D942C%$"='&,6B !(6&(2'6@+30R2/"1,"4#'$FI,8"G52 ='&,6B  !(6&(2'6<++R2/" 9%B I21," ,B@G:<++4"SB67/='&,B6for<++R2/"D,@/$H'6IH"='&,B6  for(int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { for(int j = 1; j <= 4; j++) { System.out.println(“i =”+i+“ j =” +j); }



 !"!#$%&'(&" )&*'+," !"!#$%-(./01#2'.2'3 4'(#'51(+,6

 0%='&,6B  for %B/$MH>'$"/1 .%B  ='R8='&'0(,68  !5$1='4"5942D,@<:( i  0%H' (AB0D2":;"P <#-AB0 %#4"SB6&H@"='&,B6 for %B/$MH>'$9". ='R8='&%B(,86 9"'$9".-A0-E(7B/640'$ ‘*’   H'1,+.='"@"/#,0"E t (,86 <#='&,6B  for  %B/$MH >'$"/1. ='='&,6B for %B/$M>H '$9"R8=' H'1,+.='"@"<*@c(,86!:(<1(0.G52W##,-LE5,6 (M: %BcQPc ("'  %! 6D,@/$H'61'(9I2='&,6B for <++R2/"        

public class NestedFor { public static void main(String args[]) { for (int i=1; i<=3; i++) { for (int j=1; j<=5; j++) { System.out.print('*'); } System.out.println(); } } }

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("'  %! D,@/$H'61'(9I2='&,6B !(6&(2'6<++R2/"4#'$(M: 

 public class SampleNested { public static void main(String args[]) {  int n1 = (int) (Math.random()*10)+2;  int n2 = (int) (Math.random()*50); boolean flag = false;  int j = 0;  System.out.println("The prime number between n1+" to "+n2+" are ");  for (int i=n1; i<=n2; i++) {  flag = false;  j = 2; do {  if ((i % j++) == 0)  flag = true; } while ((j < i) & (flag==false));  if (flag==false)  System.out.print(i+" "); }  } 



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if (i == 3) continue; System.out.println(i);


!:(<1(0.-A0-EH' i D,86'$9".4$35 ='6'"'$"/1 .$,6 ='6'"DH/!5$.G52W##,-LE5,6<&569"(M: %BcQPt ("'  %! $D,@/$H'61'(9I2='&,6B break  class SampleBreak1 { public public static void main(String  int i, j, product; for (i=1; i<=3; i++) {  for (j=1; j<=3; j++) {


args[]) {

product = i*j; if (j==3) break; System.out.println(i+" * "+j+" = "+product); } } } }



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