Chap 012

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  • Words: 1,479
  • Pages: 30
Chapter 12

Cost of Capital

1 McGraw-Hill/Irwin

Copyright © 2008 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.


Chapter Outline • • • • •

The Cost of Capital: Some Preliminaries The Cost of Equity The Costs of Debt and Preferred Stock The Weighted Average Cost of Capital Divisional and Project Costs of Capital



Why Cost of Capital Is Important? • Capital budgeting • r = interest rate, discount rate, required return, cost of capital, opportunity cost • The required return on asset depends on the risk of the asset • How much return required by investor = cost to the company • How to calculate the cost of capital (r)? – Where the capital being raised – Return required by capital suppliers 3


Capital Components

3 sources of capital: 1) Common stock (Equity) - RE 2) Debts - RD 3) Preferred stock - RP



1) Cost of Equity (RE) • The cost of equity is the return required by equity investors • There are two major methods for determining the cost of equity – Dividend growth model – SML or CAPM


The Dividend Growth Model Approach


• Start with the dividend growth model formula and rearrange to solve for RE D1 P0 = RE − g RE

D1 = + g P0

Cost of equity = Dividend Yield + Capital gains Yield 6

Dividend Growth Model Example


• Suppose that your company is expected to pay a dividend of $1.50 per share next year. There has been a steady growth in dividends of 5.1% per year and the market expects that to continue. The current price is $25. What is the cost of equity?


Example: Estimating the Dividend Growth Rate


• One method for estimating the growth rate is to use the historical average Year Dividend Percent Change – 2000 1.23 – 2001 1.30 – 2002 1.36 – 2003 1.43 – 2004 1.50



Advantages and Disadvantages of Dividend Growth Model • Advantage – easy to understand and use • Disadvantages – Only applicable to companies currently paying dividends – Not applicable if dividends aren’t growing at a reasonably constant rate – Extremely sensitive to the estimated growth rate – an increase in g of 1% increases the cost of equity by 1% – Does not explicitly consider risk 9

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The CAPM Approach (SML) • Derived from Capital Asset Pricing Model

R E = R f + β E [E(R M ) − R f ] – Rf = Risk-free rate – E(RM)= Market return – E(RM) – Rf = Market risk premium, β = beta = Systematic risk of asset, 10

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Example - SML • Suppose your company has an equity beta of .58 and the current risk-free rate is 6.1%. If the expected market risk premium is 8.6%, what is your cost of equity capital?


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Advantages and Disadvantages of SML • Advantages – Explicitly adjusts for systematic risk – Applicable to all companies, as long as we can compute beta

• Disadvantages – Have to estimate the expected market risk premium, which does vary over time – Have to estimate beta, which also varies over time – We are relying on the past to predict the future, which is not always reliable 12

Example – Cost of Equity

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• Suppose our company has a beta of 1.5. The market risk premium is expected to be 9% and the current risk-free rate is 6%. We have used analysts’ estimates to determine that the market believes our dividends will grow at 6% per year and our last dividend was $2. Our stock is currently selling for $15.65. What is our cost of equity?


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2) Cost of Debt (RD) • The cost of debt is the investors’ required return on company’s debt • The cost of long-term debt or bonds • The cost of debt is NOT the coupon rate • Best estimated by using the Yield to maturity (YTM) on the existing debt • YTM is the rate implied by the current bond price • The rate that equals the PV of bond’s cash flows with bond price. 14

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Cost of Debt Example • Suppose we have a bond issue currently outstanding that has 25 years left to maturity. The coupon rate is 9% and coupons are paid semiannually. The bond is currently selling for $908.72 per $1000 bond. What is the cost of debt?


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3) Cost of Preferred Stock (Rp) • Preferred generally pays a constant dividend every period • Dividends are expected to be paid every period forever • Preferred stock is an perpetuity, so we take the perpetuity formula, rearrange and solve for RP • PV = C/r ==> P = D/Rp • RP = D / P0


Cost of Preferred Stock Example

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• Your company has preferred stock that has an annual dividend of $3. If the current price is $25, what is the cost of preferred stock?


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Capital Structure Weights • We can use the individual costs of capital that we have computed to get our “average” cost of capital for the firm. • Weights according to: – Target capital structure – Current market value of capital structure – Book values of capital structure


Capital Structure Weights

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• Suppose you have a market value of equity equal to $500mil, market value of debt = $475mil and preferred market value = 25mil:

• Suppose a company has a target debt equity ratio of 0.6:


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Taxes and WACC • After-tax cash flows After-tax cost of capital • Interest expense for debt is tax deductible: – Reduces cost of debt – After-tax cost of debt = RD(1-TC) – TC = corporate tax rate • Dividends for common equity and preferred equity are not tax deductible.


Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)

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E D P WACC = R E + R D (1 − Tc) + R P V V V where:

E/V = Weight for Equity RE = Cost of Equity D/V = Weight for Debt RD = Cost of Debt Tc = Corporate tax rate P/V = Weight for Preferred Rp = Cost of Preferred


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Example – WACC • Equity Capital: – – – – –

• Debt Capital:

50,000 shares $80 per share Beta = 1.15 Market risk premium = 9% Risk-free rate = 5%

• Preferred Capital:

– $1 million in outstanding debt (at face value) – Current quote = 118.39% – Coupon rate = 9%, semiannual coupons – 15 years to maturity – Tax rate = 40%

– 10,000 shares – $110 per share – Dividend rate of 5.5% 22

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Example – WACC


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Example – WACC


Divisional and Project Costs of Capital

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• Using the WACC as our discount rate is only appropriate for projects that are the same risk as the firm’s current operations • If we are looking at a project that is NOT the same risk as the firm, then we need to determine the appropriate discount rate for that project • Divisions also often require separate discount rates


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Pure Play Approach • Find one or more companies that specialize in the product or service that we are considering • Compute the beta for each company • Take an average • Use that beta along with the CAPM to find the appropriate return for a project of that risk • Often difficult to find pure play companies


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Subjective Approach • Consider the project’s risk relative to the firm overall • Assume WACC=15% for average risk class • If the project is more risky than the firm, use a discount rate greater than the WACC (r>15%) • If the project is less risky than the firm, use a discount rate less than the WACC (r<15%)


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Subjective Approach - Example Risk Level

Discount Rate

Very Low Risk

WACC – 8% =12%

Low Risk

WACC – 3% = 17%

Same Risk as Firm

WACC = 20%

High Risk

WACC + 5% = 25%

Very High Risk

WACC + 10% = 30% 28

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Quick Quiz • What are the two approaches for computing the cost of equity? • How do you compute the cost of debt and the aftertax cost of debt? • How do you compute the capital structure weights required for the WACC? • What is the WACC? • What happens if we use the WACC for the discount rate for all projects?


1-30 12-30

Tutorial • Problem 4, 10 & 18 from page 397 • Problem 18: - under Debt: “…a quoted price of 108.” change to “…a quoted price of 105.34.”


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