Change Leadership- Leading Significant Change

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,760
  • Pages: 44
Strategic Change Leadership Tony Warner

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Recruits, doesn’t just hire Breathes vision into people Models positive behavior Challenges, provokes Is intellectually stimulating Doesn’t interfere, has courage to let it happen Discovers talents Builds the habitat for creativity Instills ownership

Creates the capacity for ongoing change


Definition - Ability to anticipate, envision, maintain flexibility and empower others to create strategic change


SUBSTANCE Visioning Focusing on the right things.

Strategic Leader

Doing the right Knowing the right things the right way things to do Time



Doing the wrong things poorly

Getting things done well

PROCESS Implementing Getting things done the right way.


Determining the organization’s purpose or vision Exploiting and maintaining the organization's core competencies. Developing the organization's human capital. Sustaining an effective organizational culture. Emphasizing and displaying ethical practices.


Establishing balanced organizational controls.

1. 2.

3. 4.

What’s Organizational Change? ….is the management of realigning an organization to meet the changing demands of its business environment, including improving service delivery and capitalizing on business opportunities, underpinned by business process improvement and technologies. It includes the management of changes to the organizational culture, business processes, physical environment, job design / responsibilities, staff skills / knowledge and policies / procedures.

 Change leader 

A change agent who takes leadership responsibility for changing the existing pattern of behavior of another person or social system.

Change leadership.   

Forward-looking. Proactive. Embraces new ideas.

Change Leaders •Confident of ability •Willing to take promotes risks and •Seizes opportunity actively •Expects surprise supports •Makes things happen

Creativity and Innovation

Status quo Managers •Threatened by change avoids •Bothered by and even uncertainty discourages •Prefers predictability •Supports the status quo •Waits for things to happen

 Top-down change. 

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Strategic and comprehensive change that is initiated with the goals of comprehensive impact on the organization and its performance capabilities. Driven by the organization’s top leadership. Success depends on support of middle-level and lower-level workers.

 Bottom-up change.   

The initiatives for change come from any and all parts of the organization, not just top management. Crucial for organizational innovation. Made possible by:  Employee empowerment.  Employee involvement.  Employee participation.

External forces for change:       

Globalization Market competition. Local economic conditions. Government laws & regulations. Technological developments. Market trends. Social forces and values.

Internal forces for change: 

Arise when change in one part of the system creates the need for change in another part of the system. May be in response to one or more external forces.

 Organizational targets for change: 






Kurt Lewin’s Change Model


Unfreezing phase. People come to realize that the old ways of doing things are no longer appropriate, and that change is needed. This recognition may occur as a result of an obvious crisis, or from the leaders’ efforts to describe threats or opportunities not yet apparent to most people in the organization. An organizational “catharsis” of some kind is often necessary before the shell of complacency and self-righteousness is broken open, and prejudices against major change removed.

Change Changing phase. People look for new ways of doing things and select an appropriate and promising approach.


Refreezing phase. The new approach is implemented and it becomes established.

 Phases of planned change 

Unfreezing  The phase in which a situation is prepared for change

and felt needs for change are developed.

Changing  The phase in which something new takes place in the

system, and change is actually implemented.

Refreezing  The phase of stabilizing the change and creating the

conditions for its long-term continuity.

How Organization Development Works

Establish a change relationship




Gathering & analyzing data, setting change objectives

Taking collaborative action to implement desired change

Following up to reinforce and support change




Planned Change Process

Achieve terminal relationship

Strategic Change Process A type of organization change that realigns an organization's 7-S’s Strategy Structure Systems Skills, Staff, Style fit within a new competitive





Change Strategy

Power Bases



Using position power to create change by decree and formal authority

Rewards Punishments


Political maneuvering and indirect action

Using credible knowledge, demonstrated facts, and logical argument

Participative efforts

Shared Power Developing support for change through personal values and commitments

Direct forcing and unilateral action

Informational efforts

Rational Persuasion Creating change through rational persuasion and empirical argument

Managerial Behavior


To share power and involve others in planning and implementing change

Change has a considerable psychological impact on the human mind. To the fearful it is threatening because it means that things may get worse. To the hopeful it is encouraging because things may get better. To the confident it is inspiring because the challenge exists to make things better – King Whitney, Jr We must become the change we want to see – Mahatma Gandhi Men make history, and not the other way round. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better – Harry S Truman



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Education and communication Participation and involvement Facilitation and support Facilitation and agreement Manipulation and co-optation Explicit and implicit coercion

Change comes from tinkering

Tinkering is an iterative loop

Iteration provides opportunity for new information to be put into action plan New information can be an innovation driver

Plan Define the system Questions and predictions Plan to answer the who, what, when, where questions- objectives

Act Adopt, abandon or continue decision What changes need to be made Plan continuous improvement

Do Try the change plan on small scale Collect data Begin analysis of data

Study Complete analysis of data Compare data to predictions Summarize what was learned

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.

Increase Urgency Build the Guiding Team Get the Right Vision Communicate for Buy-In Empower Action Create Short Term Wins Don’t Let Up Make Change Stick

Tactical Implementation Steps Analyze the organization and its need for change: look at the company's history of changes (successes and failures), patterns of resistance; analyze the forces for and against change (Force field analysis) Create a shared vision and common direction: this should reflect the values of the company; the vision should include the rationale, the benefits, personal ramifications Develop a non-threatening and preferably participative implementation process: skillfully present plans, make information readily available; explain the benefits for end users; start small and simple; go for quick wins; publicize successes Separate from the past: create a sense of urgency

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)

 The PMBOK® is an inclusive

term that describes the sum of knowledge within the profession of project management  PMBOK® Guide Identifies and describes that subset of the project management body of knowledge that is generally accepted

Project Management differs from other management efforts…  

Projects are generally very complex Projects progress in ―phases‖ Each phase has unique & different goals, challenges, timelines and products Project Managers must bring together the specific expertise needed to address unique phase challenges, release those experts when complete, and bring together a new set of experts for the next phase

Project Management concepts and skills 

―Industry independent‖—concepts and skills transcend industry boundaries Universally applicable to different fields of work—project management concepts can be applied to various fields and disciplines such as Recruiting, Performance Management, Retention Programs Effective project managers must have strong technical skills in their respective field To be an effective project manager in the Human Resources profession—you must first be a competent HR Manager! 35






Stakeholders 

Project Team  

Anyone actively involved, or have an interest at stake in the project May have influence, responsibility, and authority over the project

Individuals that are performing the project work Typically involves the use of cross-functional teams

Project Management Team 

Project team members that have management responsibilities for the project

Project Manager 

Project Sponsor 

The individual with overall responsibility for the project

The individual with the authority and resources needed to champion the project effort Typically functions as the linking pin between the project and the parent organization

Customer 

The individual/organization that represents the end-user of the project’s resulting product or service

Project Integration Management  Ensure that the various elements of the project are

properly coordinated

 Project charter  Project plan  Change control 

Project Scope Management  Ensure that the project includes all of the work, and

only the work required, to complete the project successfully

 Work breakdown structure A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)

Common Pitfalls of Implementation Change took more time than allocated Unforeseen problems surfaced Coordination of implementation activities was ineffective Competing crises distracted attention

Insufficient capabilities and skills of those involved in the implementation

Support a strong leader role: the change advocate role is critical to create a vision, motivate employees to embrace that vision and craft a structure to reward those who strive toward realization of the vision

Line up political sponsorship: broad based support is important (both formal and informal support); identify target individuals and groups whose support is needed; define the critical mass of support needed; identify where each key player is on the continuum (from "no commitment", "may let it happen", "help it happen" to "make it happen"

Craft an implementation plan: this plan maps out the effort

―People change what they do less because they are given analysis that shifts their thinking than because they are shown a truth that influences their feelings.‖ John P. Kotter, The Heart of Change

Conclusion Implementing change is both an art and science. How a Manager implements change can be almost important as what the change is. Effective change involves listening to the various “voices” within the organization and to the requirements of a particular situation.

The End

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