Change And Leadership

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CHANGE AND LEADERSHIP Course title: Organizational Behavior ( OB ).

University of Development Alternative (UODA) Date: July 2009

Submitted to:

MR. BAHADUR BAPARI Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior School of Business Studies University of Development Alternative (UODA)

Submitted by:

MAHFUJUR RAHMAN ID: 090926 MBA 21 Batch (1st Semester) University of Development Alternative (UODA) st

Date: July 2009

To Bahadur Bapari Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior School of Business Studies University of Development Alternative Dhanmondi, Dhaka. Subject: Submission the assignment on “Change and Leadership”. Dear Sir, It is pleasure for me to submit you the Assignment on “Change and Leadership” which you asked me to prepare last May 2009. In this assignment I describe the best lesson of my life and which make me a change. I gathered what I believe to be the most complete information available. Much of the information also comes from you. I am sincerely hoped that, my analysis will aid you in making the correct decision. I am truly appreciating this assignment. I should be honored to be in your service, if you have any clarification from the Assignment.

Sincerely yours

Mahfujur Rahman


I am highly obliged to acknowledge lecturer, Department of MBA 21st Batch (1st Semester) Mr. Bahadur Bapari the course teacher of Organizational Behavior of University of Development Alternative (UODA) for his generous guidance in completing this Assignment. Under his continuous encouragement and suggestion provided me necessary insight in this assignment. Special thanks and gratitude is due to all of our class friends who help me to make this assignment. Thanks must also go to our course teacher Mr. Bahadur Bapari whose contribution makes easy to make this assignment about the Change and Leadership.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Pages 1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------


2. What is Change --------------------------------------------


3. What is Leadership ---------------------------------------


4. Change and Leadership ----------------------------------


5. An Experience of My Life Story -----------------------


6. What I learn From My Life Story --------------------


7. Explanation of Elements -------------------------------- 05- 10 8. Conclusion --------------------------------------------------


Introduction Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. It does this by taking a s y s t e m a p p r o a c h . That is, it interprets people-organization relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organization, and whole social system. Its purpose is to build better relationships by achieving human objectives, organizational objectives, and social objectives. As we can see from the definition above, organizational behavior encompasses a wide range of topics, such as human behavior, change, leadership, teams, etc. Since many of these topics are covered elsewhere in the leadership guide, this paper will focus on a few parts of OB: elements, models, social systems, work life, action learning, and change. There are two fundamental concepts of organizational behavior also. The concepts are (A). The Nature of People. (B). The Nature of Organization. (A). The Nature of People: There are six basic concepts about the Nature of People: 1. Individual differences 2. Perception 3. A whole person 4. Motivated behavior 5. Desire for involvement 6. Value of the person (B). The Nature of Organization: There are three key concepts about the Nature of Organization: 1. Social Systems 2. Mutual interest 3. Ethics

CHANGE AND LEADERSHIP What is change? Change is something that presses us out of our comfort zone. Change is inequitable; not a respecter of persons. Change is for the better or for the worst, depending on where you view it. Change has an adjustment period which varies on the individual. It is uncomfortable, for changing from one state to the next upsets our control over outcomes. Flex is the key of change. Change is needed when all the past no longer work. Change is comforted by the statement ‘you can make it’. Change is won by victors not victims; and that choice is ours.

Element of Change

New Materials Understanding

New Beliefs / New Behaviors / Practices

Seven things happen when people find themselves in a situation of Change:1. Doing something that they are not used to doing. 2. Thinking first what you have to give up, not what you have to gain. 3. Feeling alone, even if others are going through the change. 4. People can handle only so much change. 5. People are at different levels of readiness for change. 6. People will be concerned that they don’t have enough resources. 7. If the pressure is off, people will revert back to old behaviors.

What is Leadership? The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of goals is leadership. One who values experimentation, seeking new ideas, and generating and implementing change can be a good leader. Trust is the foundation of leadership. Leader must lead the people to do the right things by his or her trustful direction.

The Traits of Leadership: • • • • • • •

Ambition and energy The desire to lead Honest and integrity Self-confidence Intelligence High self-monitoring Job-relevant knowledge

The Objectives of Leadership: 1. To develop self-understanding and introspection now and as a

2. 3. 4. 5.


life-long practice. To develop skills and attitudes, as well as the confidence and motivation, to become engaged in the world. To incorporate these skills and attitudes into life-long practice. To gain an understanding of a body of knowledge about leadership and to be able to reflect, think critically, and apply this knowledge in personal and real life/community situations. To understand leadership in the context of liberal learning and a liberal arts education. To be exposed to (and subsequently appreciate and embrace) a set of values regarding leadership, including a sense of selfworth; social responsibility; ethical practice; openness to change; tolerance, acceptance and celebration of difference amongst peoples; and an understanding of the uses of power. To examine the varieties of communities and contexts within which leadership is practiced.

Change and Leadership: Change and leadership are co-related. Change inspire the life become a leadership. A normal character of people can’t lead other. People must do something extra ordinary which attract other. One, who values experimentation, seeking new ideas, and generating and implementing change; can be a good leadership. When people think something what they are not used to do that is change of behave. This behave may be lead him or her to a good leadership.

An Experience of My Life Story: In my own life there are so many changes. One of the most changes in my life story which builds up me a leadership. Under below there is my valuable changes and leadership of life story. On May 12, 2005, there is a memorable day of my life. One that day, while sitting in a bus, I noticed a blind man struggling to get on the bus. The passengers standing at the door of the bus would not let him in; no one was helping the man, or speaking up for him. When I realized this, I leaned from the bus window and shouted. I told the passengers to let the man in. Then the passengers saw the blind man and they also realized to give him a place in the bus. After all, a blind man has as much right as anyone to ride the bus. A small incident, but it shows how much difference one voice can make. If one voice can change people’s attitudes on a bus, may be it can influence a community. And if it can change a community, perhaps it can also change a city, and even the whole country.

What I learn From My Life Story? This lesson of my life story which made me change and also gave me a direction of good leadership. I also explain the change and leadership of my life story under those elements. The elements are:1. Change has to be owned 2. Feeling of awake 3. Beliefs or Understanding 4. Motivate behavior 5. Ethical leadership 6. Lead power 7. Trust and Leadership 8. Communicator 9. Monitor and evaluator 10. Learning

01. Change has to be owned : Change has to be owned of each people. Change happens automatically. Every people are the owner of their life. Change is measured by its impact on all who are connected to it. Change is charged when you are dissatisfied with where you are. Change doesn’t look for a resting-place; just the next launching point. Change is only a waste to those who don’t learn from it. If you can change before you have to change, there will be less pain. I am the owner of my life. If I need a success in my life I must change. In my life after the story of the blind man it made me change in my behavior. The story changes my character to be a good lead power.

02. Feeling of awake : Feelings awake people to do something. Feeling happens from heart. And change create awaken by feeling. Without feeling for own or others no one can change. This change of feeling also awakes a leadership of people. In my story, if I have no feeling for the blind man I can’t change. My self-conscious and feeling made me awake. When I noticed the blind man struggling to get on the bus but he can’t. My feeling for him grew up and it changes my behavior. That’s why I told the passengers let him in like a direction of a leader.

03. Beliefs or Understanding : One should beliefs himself what he does is right and also rights for other people. To provide an understanding of what goes on at the society or workplace, we begin with the definition, goals, forces, and major characteristics of change in leadership. Most sciences share four goals to describe, understand, predict and control. People who lack of understanding can’t develop anything in his or her life. To gain an understanding of a body of knowledge about leadership and to be able to reflect, think critically, and apply this knowledge in personal and real life/community situations. We should beliefs or understanding of other feelings. In my story I understand the right thing about the blind man. My beliefs made me to give a command to the passengers to let him in. I also beliefs myself to do the right things when people go wrong. My understanding also changes me as a leadership.

04. Motivate behavior : Motivation is essential resources of human behavior. People can’t work properly without motivated and guided. Motivate behavior is also essential in a society. From psychology we learn that normal behavior has certain causes. In the case of needs, people are motivated not by what we think they ought to have but by what they want. In my story I change my behavior which motivates me how to control a situation. The change also create a leadership in my motivate behavior. I solve the situation by my own change of motivate behavior.

05. Ethical leadership : People in power in their life or organizations must maintain high ethical and moral integrity and not misuse their power. Without ethical leadership, the new knowledge that is learned about people becomes a dangerous instrument for possible misuse. Ethical leadership will recognize such principles as the social responsibility, open communication and cost-benefit analysis. My story also made me an ethical leadership. There are so many ethical history of our past leader. Some time those ethical histories inspire me so much. What I did for the blind man and the passengers of bus was one of my ethical leadership.

06. Leading power : A leader must be able of lead power. Leading is a function that includes Motivating, directing others, selecting the most effective communication channels and resolving conflicts. People can handle only so much change, a few may be okay; too many are not overcome. The idea of a social system provides a framework for analyzing a good leading power. Without well leading power problems can’t understandable and manageable. In my story, when I was shout in the bus for the blind man and told the passengers to let the blind man in. Then the passengers saw the blind man and they also realized to give him a place in the bus. That is my lead power. So one voice can be change on people’s attitudes.

07. Trust and Leadership : Trust is primary attribute associated with leadership. Part of the leader’s task has been, and continues to be, working with people to find and solve problem. This also depend how much people trust a leader. Trust must be a confident of people to the leader’s actions. A positive expectation that another will not - through words, actions, or decisions – act opportunistically. Trust based on fear of reprisal if the trust is violated. Trust based on behavioral predictability that comes from a history of interaction. Trust based on a mutual understanding of each other’s intentions and appreciation of the other’s wants and desires. Trust is the main element of leadership. In my story I achieve the trust of the bus passengers which leading me to help the blind man. Now the story grows up my leadership and also creates how to achieve a trust of people.

08. Communication : Communication is a learned skill. Most people are born with the physical ability to talk, but we must learn to speak well and communicate effectively. Speaking, listening and our ability to understand verbal and nonverbal meanings are skills we develop in various ways. We learn basic communication skills by observing other people and modeling our behaviors based on what we see. We also are taught some communication skills directly through education, and by practicing those skills and having them evaluated. I learn a communication skill by my story. Speaking for the blind man and communicate with the bus passenger is one of my good skills of communication. It helps me the make a concept of leadership.

09. Monitor and Evaluator : Monitoring is about collecting information that will help you answer questions about your project. It is important that this information is collected in a planned, organized and routine way. You can use this information to report on your project and to help you evaluate. Evaluation is about using monitoring and other information you collect to make judgments about your project. It is also about using the information to make changes and improvements. In my story I monitor the situation and evaluated what to do in that time. Monitoring and evaluation grown up in my mind which asked me to do something for the blind man.

10. Learning : Learning is a process of acquiring knowledge. It takes place a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience. Learning involves with change. Change may be good or bad. Temporary changes may not represent learning. In my story there is an experience of learning how to give a direction to other people. I observe the situation then I change my behavior for the rights of the blind man. After that the change is permanent in my life and which lead me a good leadership.

Conclusion : Those are the element of Change and leadership which include with my life story. By the help of those change and leadership elements and features now I can direction myself what to do in any situation. My story teaches me how to go forward to the goal of life achievement. We can’t see or measure attitudes, but what we can see and measure is the response towards that change: Change + Personal history (nurture) + Social situation (environment) = Attitude + Response (Leadership).

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